Exeter Times, 1905-09-07, Page 2UMW CNINA MUST Of REMUNERATED Terms of Arrangements Regarding the Eastern Railway, A despatch from I ortsmtouth, N. havo to reimburse Japan for the ex - says: -The ASsociuted Press is I Pease incurred by her in restoring able to give one additional and in- , the road, rebuilding the bridges and fchanging t he gauge. teresting; us well as important do- fRUSSIA 111:{lS(UI.5. tail in regard to the conditions of peace. Most important of all is the Wh Jether it.lrennins in the hands orf apan or utimately 1►4•conle•s a I art fact that the formal recognition of of the system of ('hiltese Imperial Japan's possession of the Chinese railroads, a traffic arrangement must 1•:atslern 1{ailtt'ay below Ktac•nchetigtsu be made with the part still in the, the junction of the brunch to Kirin, possession of the old Chinesel:astern Co., the stock of which is held by involves a payment 1►y Russia to ('bion of a sura ' eslittated at $75,- 000,000. This is the Chinese inter - the Russo -Chinese Trunk. '!'his ad- justment will be arranged later. !loth Russia and Japan. if the lat- ter routing the road, are to bo al - THE WORLD'S MARKETS TO TAP THE WHEAT BELT 'CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS REPOR4h; 'ROM THE T.f.ADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other 1:airy Produce at Home and Abroad. A Neat Plan Ia Credited to Mr. HAPPENINGS FROM AI -L OVER THE (;LOBE;. Telegraphic Briefs From Cies Cur and Other Countries of Re- James J. 1/ill. A N nlnipeg despatch NAYS: The Portage la Prairie correspondent of The 1'ree Press wires that fur some clays there have bele indications 'smiting to the incoming of another Toronto. Sept. 5. -Wheat -No• 2liar of railway trona the south : shite and red quoted at 71 to 7.1ie coenect with Portage Ia Prairie 01141 outside. lla14itohe tt hetet is a atsy 0t other poiets of tteat(',•n Canada. It $1.')2 for No. 1 Northern, Georgian is said to be th,, first step in a clev- ISay hurts, at 99c for No. 2 No, th- lurks' orgunized plan to tap the wheat ern, and at 815c for No. :1. 'belt. of the l'aenadiatt west on the Oats -No. 2 elite quoted at 28 spurt of United ti:atts railway mai;- to 285c. north and west. end at :38c Austell. and the signs are that .1st•. on track Tonna°. 1.1. 11111. of the Northern i'acilie n1141 Barley -New quoted at .:tt to 43e (.real Northern is the "man behind outside, the latter for 1o.2. , the glut." The idea is ettdetetll- to Peas -No. 2 quoted at 64 to 65c sues(' in (nriet Iv under almost local outsido. (.,'urn -American corn ('1l� at Duo ,tnsl,ic.:v. At the ('lose of the Ses- tot• No. and at 61;t>r Nu. :3,.siun of the llatnitmba Legislature in lake and roil. j i 1901 u charter tvas granted for the 1{}c`1'hc+ market is dull, wan & Midland I{1t,lwa y Com1- I'anv. This gives the right 10 con - prices nuutina'l' u :strut t it network of lilies throu 1,•h- Hor-Ninety per cent. patents ('AN.t1)A, An excursion to find the titer tit Pole is to start hoes Dawson. Mrs. Jierniont, storekeeper. 4,i 11.ant- altos*, was final $10 fur septae cig- arettes to A Minor. Hobert 11i!Ison and 1:. Perrier were killed at the !Whet tsori lime storks r►e•ur Milton, on 1•'rie:ay. A. %V. Curtis. a guard at the Nil - mice) Insane AS'••:lirll. was tem 'e14.1•ed by a patient all tits' urdiy. 31r. '1'. G. Alathers of Winnipeg has been appointed .1 udg-e of the Su - pi -eine Court of Ala:iddiohtt. Tho sixteen Douhhoburs sentenced to six mantas rttclt Su I{egiiu will eat nothing but peanuts. The first sod of the Natimial SOME CLEVER MACHINES THEY ARE MARVELS OF IN- TELLIGENT MECHANISM. One of Theist Can Solve the Most Formidable of Arithmetical Problems. an otlic•t• in Fetter Lane. Lon - are to be *ren. at the time of writing. two really marvellous 1►iec- e.% of mechanism, shish h are not l i - just ly described as "iti,i 'Ji r)OS with bruit,,," sues London Tit-Itits. The more reniarl•able of these ma- chine:, both of which are the inven- tion of a clever American, within the space of an hour folds up thou-al:.l; o' magazines, places each in a g;'m,t- tned wrapper, addresses it to, the person for whom it is inteueled, esti deposit.; it in the proper sack -ane of many -for its postal destination. Ail th.se series processes it exeeut4•'i with rapidity, sutoolhness, and ah - In dun. u1,t. the Profane('. Recently steps 7ritiotonttnont*1 Railway was turned 6°1111° accuruey which would be ite4- made of nett• wheat fur export. are I�s quoted at $:1.10 to f3.15 in buyers' were taken for the construction 01 a near Sidney, 'laiiituba, on friday. possible with merely human agency - sacks tet outsido pait1ts; do, hhls,, line from thte south to Brandon. Tie. The hanging of King at 1•'cbnonton (14)iilg, it is said, the work of 1t $3.65 to 53.75. Mlttnituha flours i'tut'e I ortagewards is the second 11a8 been postponed till September hundred Wren more satisfactorily est in the toad and for it China Iint•hangocl; No. 1 patents, $5.:3U to stet,. :3U. so as not to mar the inaugural tt4at4 any Itundrt•d nen could po54- ' lowed to havo railroad guards ha. ,► festivities, sibiy (10 it. 'rhe Second machin•, roust bo remunerated. Tho question the protection of the railroad pro- $:►.10; Nu. patent::, Ss to $5.10, of the ultintato possession of the. pert V. and in cruse of disorder calcu_ and strung bakers', b1.U0 to $:, tett Ili A RUSSI . k '1' • AN PRISON holdings in the Northwest Territor--with l,n,•nnny cleverness lick~, (1(19 - The Saskatchewan Valley Land • which is much smaller -11104. hisser. track, Toronto. , Company havo disposed of their in fact, than an ordi,turs' Ivpeterit'•1• road is a matter to be settled be_ `letteti to threaten its interests are tween Japan and China. Japan can quoted at $11..,(1 to fill and short c • Cochrane, Toronto, and R. Tel, to an English syndicate. es, and affixes stamps to envelopes trool►s, but the number is in no case at 317 to $lti. 3fuuituba b;un, 10 Findlay, Victoria B.C. The Dominion fruit inspectors have at the rate of about 8,00x) an hour, keep the rand or surrender it 1.0 i to exceed those required. and thew c ' taken action against fruit shippers, ►ers , kee ►in • at the same time an (•'cart Chinn, demanding in return the are to be forthwith recalled as soon sucks, S17, ttttd shorts at $1.1. b 1 1 1 fS money paid by Russia to China, I1 'as their mission is aeeonrplish,rl' COUNTRY 1'I{UUUI'Is:. she elects t'- latter conrso .Japan This, likewise, is a very important trill therefore obtain as an indirect i Provision, and with the hast and Apples -Choice sloes $1.75 "spoil of war" from Russia the ; West Chinese Eastern lino and the cooking apples, 81 to $1.75. &Hove-tnentioned sunt. in addition to 'southern lino as far 88 Kuenchengtse Bealas-Hat,!-picked_ $1.75, reimbursement for the cost of plain- still in Russia's possession, would in prime, $1.00 to $1.0;,. tailing the Russian prisoners of war, I case of u future issue give her con - for which Japan will present an ;trot of the largest. part of Munchur- itenmired bill. Japan is known to ; iu-the whole vast territory from Millfeed-At outside points bran is -mutually to 1)0 permitted to� 54111(1 F A Victoria, B. ('., despatch says: who etre sending apples to England rt•cord :►f the Robert I• indltty, sun of the weights which are said to be immature: - and rneusute•s inspector here, tvho is The barns of A1r. Luther Lander in told at sealer (•n the .1 apanese schooner West Darlington tvero burned on out of Yokohama. and front whore► Saturday, with a lot of grain and 0;:d his parents have nut heard for live stock, by a child playing with mat cites. it. would be difficult, one would Tho (toternrment appointed Hon. A. think, for human ingenuity to evolve E. Forget I.ieut••nnnt-Governor of Saskatchewan and Tion. (.. It, any cleverer piece of mechanism have given her word to China nut the fertile valley of the Sungari. 1lay-('ter lots of No. 1 timothy August 4, after being imprisoned a 13ulyea Lieutenant-(;overnor of :11• than the "Arithnlomh-ter." a tiny to retain the railroad, which eras ' called the "granary" of the province•, are quoted tel $8 to $8•50 tett track :year. itis schooner was sunk on the berta. really built for strategic purposes.northwnorthward.machine of (:(•rrnan invention, which here, and No. 2 at $0.50. :high seas three months ago by the Tho Canadian Northersli;:ilway solves the most formidable of urith- ; But if China prefers the money to .knuther important provision is Straw -Car lots (unted at eu on I{1154' I:111 cruisers (:rnntl►ui and Hos- will baro considerable new , ile:tg a mental problems by a tete turns of I the railroad Japan could not be ac- ( that Japan's succession to the fort track. 'cornettsISia, taking the crew to Vlndit'c►_ available for the wheat traffic this a bundle and pushes of a slide. cused of bad faith. inasmuch as Ja-; Art hur and l.iaotuPot leases, which otatoes-1 hey etre quoted sot 65 Stc,(.k. 'They were th:•rc, about n fall. The Edmonton life will els', Ask it to divide 677.%)sby 1148, pan was desirous even before the Russia surrenders, is conditional to �70c per bag; can trsek. ; month, after which thev were taken bo available as far as Vermillion. 81A(1 with a little manipulation, war of axlendink the then projectod upon China's assent. Poultry -Chickens. s, 12c Lae- db.; hens to \lwlti d Novgorod. ThereOre Ilon. W. S. fielding, Sir 1{ichard which any child eotil(1 perform, it. t'orean Railroad, which i9 already Mr. Dennison. who is to c•ollubor- Ac; ducks, 10c; tut keys, 12 to 1:3c :shout. 1.500 .lrtpasse,. and now Eng_ Cartwright, !fun. 11 m. Paterson and will g;if(' you the correct answer in in operation, So as to eventually ate with Mr. De ;ilnartes*s in the per lb. lash -Speaking people there. Thty lion. L. P. Brudeer aro the Ministers a few seconds, and it will tackle: connect with the ICusWrn Chino.;(' and framing; of the treaty, Saye no see- ----- !were well treated and allows -d a who will conduct the tariff inquiry. - with equal Swiftness and ('ase any Clutnkuikwung; roads, andin the no- owl treaty will ho made here. Later THE 1)AIi1V MARKETS. `great deal of freedom. Findla ex - They are expected to 1seg;iu the work calculation. from additions running; gotiat Tuns which preceded hostilities a commercial treaty will be nego Butter-l'oun'l rolls tore jobbing at peels to be released ;hurl Iv. e1r u►rt very suer. into millions to cubing and squat. - asked ( 11,* - asked !tussle to bind herself not to E tinted. Meantime a prok sion will 19 to lite; tubs, g;cnd to choice, 17 those in the prison tt i1h Findlay u� ill; 'Thus, suppose you 307; you to impose this aim, it is considered ; be inserted in the I►reseet treaty, as GREAT illtI T.11N, mt.ltiply 414:3.;'►(, by Sfi; , you lunch to 18c; c•rcatnery prints sell at 2'2 a Medfied Novgorod is Fred Cochrant� likely that she would herself prefer j stated by the Associated Press gat- to 23e, and solids at 21 to 21 4c. of Toronto,. London papers generally favor the six knobs representing tho former h(' railroad to the money. In uddi-;ing each country (1*,' henel.t� of the Eggs --(:nod stock selling at 18 to suggested legislative union of Can- figures, turn a handle seven 1im,'s, net to turning over the money ob- • most -favored -nation clause in its ,. s 19c per dozen in cage lots; sp:us, ado with the West Indies. hush a slide 0tlong, turn the handle Teed from Russia, China. if sho commercial intercourse with the 1 Se. John iturris, the British labor again six And eight times repo.•sct.ive- t)k the railroad, would therefor° other. Cheese -Prices steady at 111c II leader, is corning to Canada to in- Iy. pushing the slide between euch . months, has written to theta from !laps -Choice lots et 2'4 to '25e. ! the Russian prison at '('(haat No*- l lotey-7 to 7 ;c 14)r straino 1, and goro:l. The hotter was sent by 'an at $1.50 to $1.75 poi. dozen combs. 1 Etng;Iishnian, who was released on NUMBER OP STAMPS 17SI•:l). Ilut wonderful as these machines are, they can be matched. if not indeed eclipted, by malty of their predecessors in the race of invention. PLENTY OF CARS. (bUSTRALIA'S DEFENCES. orces to be Increased and Am- munition Stored. I'ECULIAII LIFE INSURANCE. A curious forum of life insurance is springing up in French manufactur- ing Loftus under the nacre of "1.a A 1Iolbourn' dispatch states that, Fourrti" alio ant). The peculiarity staking on tho (;oterrttrtent propos- is that the longer a man lives, the Is to increase the personnel of the less he becomes entitled to. The pay- 411111n. 144 to 15c; do., heavy, 1:3c: are expending all possible energy art 111lly paid forces by 1,800 inon stent of 81 a month assures the pay- rolls, 114 to 12c: shoulders, 104e: and Spnring no e1Tort lo meet the de - mi Ica :a4,1,(1 a t,(, 30008' supply of !tient 01 $1,1100 to the heirs of it backs, 154 to 16c; breakfast t►acon, matted for rolling stock. Tho /Inglis mntunitlon, Mr. J. W. McCay, ex- wan (tying before the ago of thirty- 14 to laic. shops at Ilorheinga nru now turning. inister of Defence, made a power- eight, the payment diminishing pro- Lard -'Pierces, 10c; tubs, 105 to out new freight. ears at the rate of 1 speech ill Parliament on 1Vednes- portionately to $510 at fatty -one. 105c; pails, 1111 to Dile. one every twenty five minutes. 1•:n - v, eleclariI►g that the time had ar- gines of the lot;;054t and most im- ed for Australia to frankly aban- BUSINESS a'i' MONTi{1•:.‘1,. pro've 1 type are being made or puts the altes*tpt to provic:o (10- Montreal. Sept. :►.-(;rain-A few chased and put into commission as ccs entirely out of revenue. Tho fn54t as they can he procured. )Inmuntwealth, he urged, Must bor- When properly handled, money can `1110111 lots of old cants exchanging w at. least three-quarters of a nlwasS bo made from keeping hens. hands daily, but oho bulk of - the 'ir. D. lict�l104)11. the se•ond vie.- Thousands are gaining all or part Of their living from this 1►usincsS. On the other hand, 11arty do not sue - Canadian Pacific flushing Work on Stock. A Montreal despatch says: t ransportat ion of grain front the West to the seaboard is a Matter that. is receiving, the attention of the Canadian Pacific Hallway. They 11;c per Ib., the latter for twins. vestig;ale Immigrationptesihrlilles. seri s of turns, and the thing is Rolling Continuing expansions in the Brit- (}one. It is as easy as grinding cot- '1'IIE 1100 11.11tKL'1'. ish iroii industries: is reported by they fee. 'Bacon. long clear sells ut 11 to financial review of The London 'Then there is that other wonderful 11 ;c per lb. in Cris() lot,i; mess pork, mes. machine of Swedish invention, which $18: short. cut, $21.50 to $22. Lord Kitchener charges Lord Cur- by a few simple mechanical-processes ('cared t-tc•atte-hams, light to mem jo` m(.. with misrepresenting him in 'the will solve the most laborious matins. a ter s despatches to the ho e ut mance! problems you can set it, gi erlintetit. ing the result to fifteen plasem of decimals. 1s* scores of banks as - UNITED STATES. tuttishit►g work is dune by n ritarhine Yellow fever 04 spreading to the resembling, a typewriter. which will villages surrounding New Orleans. add I('ng columns of pounds, shil- A vegetable juice has been conA- limbs, and pence by pounded in Now York whirls it is; A 81 NO 1.E PLIL1. Of A LEVER. claimed, will Aura consumption. ► All that is necessary --any office -boy There have been over thirteen hum- can do it -i5 10 nutkr tt e01"010mf drn(1 cases of yellow fever and tw41 ; theInherent amounts, which may The idea seems to be that if a man dies young his children are likely to be in want, but that when he is fifty they will be able; to earn their living. Thies sterling, immediately, to re- fill the forts. Australia could no neer Burke her responsibilities. 'The fore so and genteel hundred and fifty deaths in New Or- ee hundredls in number and may trade is being done In this year's 1 g • ('cal m anager of leans. crop. Prices aro firm and unchanged ; 1he company. on Wednesday Stated The Paris Jiatt i)A has appealed to (8(1* run into 1hrntsands of pounds, at :3 r7 to :3tic for No. white and' al %%'re now prepared to cur- John 1). ltoekeh'IIer to utak(' a run -'by manipulating; keys representing ,Tech (rented a des• ► impression, and teed, usually because they du not 864c for No. 3; No. 2 of last year's ' ry gtuin '4) ocean ports in smelt t trihution that trill s,•ttle the incl, it►- the (1ifTereet. numbers, pull the lever, i1 1 ,. crop ► is ofiereel at 42 to 4'2ac per . larger quantities, and with reater and the grand total states you in as approved by all parties. Mr. understand -the business. le s':c• i >r' 1 u Wily controversy betwe:n utis•ht and the ince. It is needless to say that akin. Premier: Serial or Hayford, (.4.181. one must thoremg;hly under- bush. Flour -Manitoba $luring wheat despatch than ever before. The cure- .Japans blister of Defence, and Mr. Ewing;, stnnd all the ins and outs of poultry patents, $5.30 to S5.10; sur( ng link- pang, h+• said. hail hundreds of new no 'figure pr(,dil,►t� 1111 has t� ,.r ce-President of the l.xe'cutite keeping; moat be ambitious, uncles- ees', $., to $5.1(1; Winter wheat pa- cars in readiness to be. 11)1(414! up into (1ENI-:HAi,. t lived could perform a teat of a ch lion at all approaetling this. Riots have taken i►ltt•. in i{ussitt,' But these vaticulating machines 811(1 ono tt►tulc villa:;e t: as wiped we 00 no nm•elty even t WO cent.uri,.9 out• I ago. Pascal invented one in 1(31'2; The 1 r e nth t moss are preparingand in 1666 Sir S. Moreland design - 4 send a flying column against the 4 cI a machine, 3 inches by 4 j inches; Sultan of Morocco. The shanghai authorities have its rise. which could juggle with agreed to suppress the boycott figures inure cleverly than any clerk. against American gnarls. improvements: en these. pioneer crel- Ouncil. etre now working out the stand and not afraid of work, %%hen tails in co-operation with t ho it is possible so to do, those who .inueil of i►efonco to complete the contemplate beginning on a large fetes. policy, which will havo a scale should go 10 Burne well es3tab- r -reaching (Sleet. Mr. Deakin pro- 1ish(•(i plant and put in a week or ises a public stetent('nt in a ten days of erten! experience in the ant It •s t into. handling of such a plant. A SPLENDID GIFT. apaneso Envoys Donate 51,000 to a Hospital. :1 despatch from Portsmouth, N. 'Till: Alt'I' 01' FO1{(;1•;'1'1'IN('.. tents, $1.80 to S 1 .91), atm(l straight grain trains at short lot ic.', • an(1 the rollers, $1 15 to :51.60 in wood; in movement once comilu•nce41 it would bags, $'_.15 to S2.25. Ictal -(Ontario be only a matter of tint.', and a bran. in hulk. 814.50 to $15; shorts, 'comparatively short time, whet) the $19 to $24); Mamit.,1, built in hags. task would bo 1104.41mplished. $17 to $18; short., $20 to $21. Beaters-('hoic:l primes. `.;1.115 1 o S 1.- ♦- 7(► per bush.; $1.60 inenc lots. P4►- NO PEACE iN COAL REGIONS taloes-New potatve••, in bags of 81) 11)9, 50 to 55e. 1loney-White clover John Mitchell Out for War Until in comb, 1'2 to l:l-. per section in Eight-hour day is Granted. 1-11). sections; extract, in 10 -Ib. this, in these days of brain training and 8 to 9r; in (P1 -1b. this, 7 to Sc. Pro- A Tamaqua. i's*., despatch to 1'114• memory 54tstetls if su ntsnle would viSiulls-ileavy C1018')in1 short cut New Yorl. Am •1 ;can quotes 1'r,;si(Ienl only invent the art of forgetting it pork, $20 to 8'21; light short cut, John Mitchell of the United Mine would prove it great leste'4 to the $iti to 419; American cast. clear fat Workers of Am4•ri.a as saving: "tin L:Ihitra, w'ho clas•tltwe:'krtt and ctttrndc(1NI. community. Every day there ate' 1►ac•k9. $19.211 to $20.75; tom' 01fn(1 far as 1 am personally concerned, things that every one of us try to lard 5`j to 01e; Canadian pure laird, there can be no lasting peace in the t414tt�arntlparty tn'tor , Moth;lha.tl'ag forget., but those are �the very things 11) lard, to tic; kettle i'ie!ered. 11 to ant hrucitc region tint 11 th,' inine•rs t� session organised partly fur th, than we remember. !"hey fasten mut 1 2e. �te i •ding to gll;tlit1'; halts, 12, get an eight-hour day rind the union our 111ir1(Is the first thing; in the: 13. to 14e, according to sire; bacon, is recognized by the operators." Pre - 'salt of the York 1(oapit.n1. gate morns morning 1141d (luring, the (lay, at the 1'1 t 11c fresh kiln el Abattoir . 1 t Mitchell 't 1 this to the fund. The nettle Fiance will make n military (14.111- ell 11 4119 followed, and rtetrly •n c':n- mistration against Morocco if the fury nl;•' 11n1)1") go Set 1" w.►rk on sultan dm, hist amazing 14,1441110' Tor valeta s:Mg; gerinn cit i1en now held. log14'10)no4', 1 rig. ononiet rat nl, mei other tables an enterprise which failed only through lack of money y to carry it to n succ•!Ksf'tl (n;14.1u- TROOPS PATROL STREETS. �si,►. -- Both at. the (lank of England and Strike Follows Order :or the Mob- at the Hint nlny be Seen ntnchitteS of ilization of Troops. quite human intelligence for the A despatch from 1.11 11'a, 11us81n, weighing of sovereigns. Tit that. at �.,._ ; o : t • a lel rn e reiterated ie sas$:-A general 4. st Ail.(' has hoes* th • Bank of i iight:1.1-n small brass it of the hoti tit lc! hate requested must unlirluat4 tiiney, dl;rings n spirit• dr('s5(at hogs. 810 to 8)0.25: aline, 1••ng;4. to the coal companies las', i I ed conversation or while reeding a 2 bruug;ht about here Illy the order for box 110 larger time run eight-day press to make public the fact of 6 S7 to $i...>, mixed lots. Eggs- night at an enthusiastic meeting; (>f mobilization of trooTiS. ,,\u f(tctori,K I►c'rtalulaitn-the Sot•ereig,�n5 that. 111.1. I.- ''nttlnificcnt and unexPeefelite they crop up (111(1 demand our 81 !slight stock, 18 to 19c; No. 1 slain'rs of the "littler !'reek Valle}'.arene,testeda. t,'• and to announce that It has attention. Ninny of sefthei Ore stole- (andlcd, lit to 20e, !littler -Choicest Ho also react out of the ranks all li54cot tinu(•(I port loading rail balance. All(I drop as the roinli't tons in the closet, the pricking5 f c•r4.amery, .?4', to 2'2'c; umler grads n t R 11 decided to perpetuate It by en- the conscience; but then there me '21' to 22c llatry 18 l0 20c. Cheese men who do not belong to the ter'- rands; h8fe stopped operations. full freight or light it is struck by tvirtg two herds in t he hospital, ninny thinus w. should forget. One ' 3 1(nl, and declared that, so fur as he Ste;un railroad cunimenicat.ion has one of two tiny hammers into its was concerned, he would not ratiSe a finger to aid non-union men to gaits their rights. hieing over theta tablets hlecrib('<I 1 ' ' -Ontario, 114 to 111c, Quel:n , 111 way- in which we may learn the art to 11 r. with the names of the donors. of forgetting is to try ate! not hear the gossif►--not to make it a point to, as Some (10-, if forced t o, not C' N 1"1'1:1) STATES X1.1 ilk I :"I'S to fix it more firmly ir1 our minds Milwaukee, Sept. 5. -Wheat-- No. 1. by repenting it. Northern, 90 to 93c; No. 2 North- ern, 80 to tt(M; Sept.. 781 to 7 S 1 e. asked. itye--No. 1, 61 to 02e. Ilan•- Russians Killed Many and Took ley -No. 2, 5'c; sample, :17 to 52c. i 130 Prisoners. A 81111'11.1181N( : I N 1" VN'FION. ('ors* -Sept . , 53;c hid. A St. 1'et ec sburg; despatch says: Buffalo. Sept . 5.-1:lour-thief and { A despatch from l.idzinpudze tun- . ♦ a COL. WHiTE CO;v11MISSIONER Jurisdictie•n Over Mackenzie, Ath- abasca 811(1 'Ungava. An Ot tnwa despatch .ii‘.,.: Col. Fred White. comptroller of the Boy - ill Nott II -West (luunted Police, has been a1►p.,infect commissioner of the North-West '1'••rritories. 11,' *till !have jurisdiction over Mackenzie, 1 tltahn'cu and Ungava. VESUVIUS GETS BUSY. 'In Pull Eruption. Throwing Out Masses of Lava. k A despatch from Naples Sa19.- Montt Vesuvius is in fall eruption, tined throwing out an enormous 111899 Of lava. Deep rumblings are head in 1h.' interior of the crater, soil lain Os flawing down the right side .4f the one. • -♦ JA PS DEFEATED. An Italian etirmee r•, Signor •lelpo, hns, interned 11 :4111111W' int elevator for raising w•rerhe41 freshets. '1 he i►4- t•ention wits recently Tint to a pray - been interrupted and there ate no proper receiver, the coins being newspapers issn('d. The arrival of neighed rind their fat:' thus ntltulnat- reser•%isats from the neiehboring dis- tically decider! nt th • rate of tracts has added to the confusion as TI 1111'1'1'= I'1 111 1•;E A MINUTE; well as to the possibilities of disor- der. The situation is grouting tense, while the machines at the dint and many soldiers are patrolling the enrry the process (twitter, and with 9;trc'(•ts;. sttift rind infallible movements weigh the coins and consign each to one of three receptacles, one for t he USED A PITCILFORI{. too Peas}, another ter the tut) light, for the "jud I'ight" -- steady. 1%h, alt --11 inter, easy, .o. A !third red, sic; No. 2 whit.•, t01c•. ('ors*- � t the ' Light element \ '► II tt• 11; mo superhuman, un 19 t No. 2 corn. 5'1 lc. OntS--Stronger tear. �► Ihug encounter oc('11111 on ,( despatch iron) 111,11110g says: --1 machiueI;V for printing mid number- No. 1,sI • with cnlnTilet0 success, in for higher r grad, : No. 2 white, 2:'c; Atit . anti resulted in an ndvnn$- ease 01 probable murder was reported ingt 0.1)9(cut ittt r r8ilway t icket54. the !lay of Naples. where a stone- No. 2 tutted, 27 ;c. Itnr•ley-Osier- atL••• In the RIISsinns:, who tools 1.30 on 1V(111)19(lav night from '1114(1nll, The blank tieket5 are plac•e4 in col- lative barge, stunk n couple of veru•s digs light. 1:.‘e- No. 1, In st::r�'. prisoners. A number of .Jnpnnos'' Mun. Scotty 11le1'herso'I, a hire•! 11111118 in a horizontal tube or spout. nun, and ling; at about n depth of (i:►r n9<ked ('anal f' i�;ht54- (48(11 were killed. '1 h' !tussle!' losses man, became obstreperous while in and with ntnrvtllolly rapidity the fifty feet, was brought to the Sur_ 4( 'utran441i Sent. :i.-1vhr.at-- tt•''r'•' eight killed. The remnant of tlie tillage under the influence o1 li- bottom ticket of the pile is 11111h••d n1118 N en 1\1111( will tnen- •• Badly Beaten �- Cn1I1S. ably h4 the last engagement of the Tyndall, Man. Al st t th . face With POW. The weight lifted Sept , 1.1I le: Pee . 71)7x, Ntuy. N:I;c; the •lnpnnesse retired, te:tring their was about sixty tons. The tippers- No. 1 hard, 1+:'e: No 1 Northern, w4Il! lied. tits cuns4ist9 of compressed air Cham- Nle: No. 2 Northern, 8:15e. Flour-- . I►ers of canvas and wire each espial First patents. 8:4.20 10 $5.30; seesm1 -..-_.-♦ quer. A stableman milted foster out, printed., and receives ifs 1iro11,1 sari annoyed by llacl'hersult's antics, nIlIobor, until in an incredibly short nn.l, seining; 8 pitchfork, hnulnlere l time the pile of hundreds or thon- MacPherson about the head. inl'ict- sands t)f tickets is exhausted, The tun {fitting; c•npnCily of sixty tons!, Ito.• t" $5.11t: firstdears' *ft•S'1) i MORE. WARSHIPS FLOATED i g; serious injuries. Nln••1'herson is really uncanny fentere of the !fla- nnelit is pn'isil►le• to alta:eh ass ill•tmv to 81; s,•4end dr,., S..► ..►:► to $2.65. tery low and may die. No arrest chitin. is this, Chit if any single of these stn may he necessary. after 111-an--111bulk, $12to $12.25. ha'; leen to tele to t . blank ticket is faulty in any w'ray, citiculrtt ir4g the weight to 1e lifted. - ---- -�-- All the port authorities witnessed RISING OF I'FtiSAT'TS. the experiment, and warmly emigre- tul:tted the engineer. I•'N(;I.ISIT-ST'1:.%MINI; PEOPLE. "-`-♦-"'". English Is now spoken by about A ItlYl'Oti1(:A1. Ci.'121115n'Y. :),(4)0.0)0 people. A century ago wase spoken by 20,000,000 people One of the most r.'ni.trk•thle hot- ltv. Turing( that period no other nnicel curiosities in tho world is the lilies; European language has mad,. WI•od('n flower which Is found in the e slichlost a.-lvntice. (ierm;ln hais crater of the Vulcan del Taegu, (8 i.1 its 4)811, and i9 now spoken 1>.y lire vt !cane, of Guatemala. it re- 0.4810,000,,hut this is no higher per- Roubles a half -blown rose, with four 'deg(' of the total nittnls.r •'f pen- distinct petals curling gracefully of European driorent than it had from 00 point of junction with the hundred years ago. stern Poitr va Reaches Japntlesc Port ' Under Ilcr Own Stearal. _...._ A Tokio des.poo'h sees: it is semi- TUNNEL U;iDI:K NIAGARA. oflicinliv nneoun4eel Chet tIs. (omen. Tens of Thousands Armed in Rug-' Russian tut•i•.1 '.hal) 1'oltatn, now Vanderbilt's Froje,t for Quicker scan Provinces. known as the 'I eingo, in the Japan- Transit Through Canada. if rho tiniest piece of it hum 'woo torn off, few In'tnnce, the item. • ,t the turn of that fit tet 1.010,) tit be prig:ted the uuchine stops: distil. end nothing will indue-t' it to r• all'no work until ofhe imperfect blank has .1 desnuteh fret) tit. 1'rtersg, tri; .9' navy, ns brought 10 the naval ti despatch from New York says-- been removed. says:- -Throe hundred repre's,entnl it es "tat Tun nl . fniiurn on Aug;. 29, from 'fate 1'anderhllts hove prise•' ienlly de - of the intellectual cla'i-es from St. 1'nrt t11h11r un.t'-r her ew•n V00m, terit;ined to tunnel Nincalo River Peteirsleirg met at. Ieri oi.i, Fit118nl, 1h, ft rnler I:,i''ian auxilirr' steam. for t he purpose of Securing; 'wicker recently. One of the speakers ('e- 4•rs /.' i'n end the Boor%:ah have trrinslt of traffic to ard from the t1 i ► r tl t l t Port Art' THE 811. I. Y M l•: A SO V. scribed tut poasant ,Igrtas nn in :h'• r, oa • n or .. tut•. West Ihreug�lt ('rtnadn. ('Teal eft- "MiSR Varaleigh thinks( everv1a ulv I'rutinc•e of 8Qr•atm• 811(1 "011)018, Pse r-•1d,nirn1 d{ojesltens►kv has :.e gtmtefrs representing tl:e Michigan admires her small fart " liur'stu, Su)Artg that ten9 of 11".-•1(Itr 14.4"4' ,rPd from the 0e.)0e19 of his ('entreI JInllwnv. Aro naw• looking( "Ile! small feet! nAver seen sands of peasants, wi' h Arms. were t wounds received at the flat Ile of 1 he over the go'unrl bet weion 11.afTalo and theta." organising for a ntut•.•ntent In be Sea of Japan thus he will be Ntot4;itrat I•'nlls, with n t i'•t: .,f as- "Never seen made in the Aut4ttne. Cossacks and f brought to i(io} to early in Septets*- cert aMing the (best locality: to con- "No; they infantry base been sent to Torljoki. Ilnsr. strife! the tunnel. shoes," hent'' - over u ulwa'; s in her WHERE THE BRITISH FAIL THINGS THEY CAN'T MAKE IN THAT COUNTRY. The Weather Has a Lot to Dq With It -But ;li'itain Builds ' the Best Still's. %Vey can still assert without undue 1)1usting that Britain holds premier place in a greater number of indus- tries than tory other nation in ilia world l'1'cvun11'11'1 build ttsati& bSest shif•sts,ns tmake('('thk13.e finest steel. Nu 01 her country can heat us in the textile inlustries. %1'e urn far ahead of all the rest of the world la the manufacture of s1►urtimb weapons, and quite 0 scorn of other trades mtig■ht be quoted in which top plueo i, canivc•r'Sally conceded to uta• is- lunds. All the same ore must freely con- fess that there is a large number of industries in tthich Britain lass hope- lessly ben Tho rehiasond.s for our lack of pro- gress in these directions etre various. 114 some of thecal we really cannot Help ourselves. 'Puke, for instance, dried vegetables for which the demand is constantly increasing, e54pe' ially for the Navy. Out of eighteen large firms which contruct for the supply of our Navy only one is English, the others being Canadian, French, Dutch, or Ger- m `an.l'he Board of Trade Journal, com- menting on this fact, says that tho principal cause of our failure in this respect is the I►AMPNESS OI' '1'111! C1.1M V1'E, there being an excess of moisture in nearly all vegetables grown in (recut Britain. Added to the great demand for fresh vegetables and the high rate of wages prevailing here, these nr•e tho reasons why the dried vegetable bus- iness fails in Etgglnnd. The dye trade, once British, has been captured front us by Germans, and we cannot (latter ourselves that this loss is not largely our own fault. Th,y fact is that the German manufactt.rers have not spaced money or trouble to !inti substitutes for raw material. It is their scientific methods which have resulted in such huge firing as the English Soaring Cotton Company buying ninety per cent. of their coloring matter abroad and in 'English dyers as a whole) 1)4'- ing able to purchaso only ten per cent. of I'atglish dying materials. There is one color, however, a brilliant carmine, of which it is said that our failure to make it is not our own fault. • The story is often told that an English tnanunact tir'er weld to i.yons, whence this color comes to tea, 1,043 paid its maker $5,000 for his secret. But when tho Briton returned horde and began to manufacture the dye he found that the color was not nearly so i►rilliant as 'CIIT: FRFNCII PRODUCT. Ile went hack to Lyons and 00111- g►lained that he had lost both I:is time and money, whereupon rho 1•'renchtuan explained -what he had forgotten to say before -that it was only brilliantly sunny weather t hat Lho perfect carmine could be pro- duccd, ('urhorumdtint, that wonderful and beautiful artificial gem tthich is only less hard than the (1i11ntond, is corn- ing more and more into use every clay. ,.Yet practically our whole sup- ply conies front Niagara. Hero. again, our failure to manufacture for our own tnnrket is not our own fault. It Is the huge water power of Niagara which produces electric heat too cheaplt for us to compete. We may hope, however, that with- in a very few years we shall be able to beat the 1'atnkees by lmitking car- borundum, artificial graphite, and similar products on British territory, for the Victoria Falls of the !1s111- 1)0541 will provide power tit) a seal° quite: unmatched by Niagara or any other cataract. our the face of the earth. Mention of water power brings 40 mind the fact Out, while tl,lrt,y years ago w4' made hempen roses and tables for halt the wor1.1, to- day the industry is practically dead in this country It has gradually 1••ft us for Italy. The reasons aro two --:first, that. Italy has A1IUNDAN'1' WA'TE'R POWER to work her mills; secondly, that her supply of labor is far cheaper than our own. Ali the same se ('41111,1 make hunch ntor-e use of water power if we wished. 1•'rance gets ne.'s ly 600.')n't 1,„03s. power from '19,000 waterfalls upon non -Oat ignble streams. 11 it have tunny hundreds of similar falls In Scotland, %%ales. Cumberland, Ilevon, and elsewhere which could well 140 utilisc'cl, The success of the new Scottish aluminium works at the Falls of 1OChither:; provers this. It seems an 1141 fact that nearly all our best typewrit ern come from the States, and that. one ►tall to pity at least 5100 for a machine whicch cer- tainly does not. cost more Ohm 825. Nearly every important patent con- nected with typewriters is Owise11 in Ainerir(t, nndl this though the first writing machines were tnede on 11119 side of the Atlantic. it is posssltee that our loss in this respect, may ing nttt•ilm'e'1 to our cuntherssome, cost- ly, and ineffective patent_ laws. America, agnin, pros ides us; with clotlies--pegs. ''he few that are made in this country are. mostly "-h1$t'e'I 1►v l)nnd, end cannot. of course. com- pete with the smaller encs r►e'ft'•r oro - ducts of .1m'•rienn ntnc•hiner,t elese blocksof wood fed into n tbnn-hiri» '1, one end conte nut nt the other tied ,il• c(1 clot hes-pegs. (:1•:i•:SE AND P'E.1'TII1•ail 111•'1►. 'The plains of I(11t,gnry are w t!I ed01trd for the raring of geese, n•e.1 trf%ellers in thnt country are (ft•'n • ntertnined by seeing, fr•'"t I►nrs mi; trains, great flocks of go s'' feeiiing in the fields and wntche'1 by moose- iae're's. So many feathers are s i Irl •41 by these geese that four "1►es,l-f4 at;1t•r merk('ts" Oro h• Id nnnually art Ibid. Aprwt. Anel at cnch I1,arkrt butt, 11)11,. 0x)0(1,, to 700,(►(x►1h. of 1e;1.'itt't• era aro placed on sale.