Exeter Times, 1905-09-07, Page 1r
A mooting of gre. r!
perhaps of great ire•
religious world will
ginning Nov. 15, v •_
tiles (If twenty-(.,
having at. ag 'gate 1!'Y -SECOND YEAR—No 166
18,(lXo•h(1.a persons - -
New Yuri. for the p'• 1••••••ring on the advise
ch"""" togetl►er Hardware and Seed Store
palliates staggestee'
the Presbyterian.
a fair way to go is the place for Builders and those intending to build
ectal bait% •
The union of 21 line of
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
into one great, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
- - 1VAL Violin, 181 yelra old, alto. 11. Hoop- PRESBYTERY OF IItiRON
N••••N•••••••••••••••• TtIE FLORAL FEST er ; Candle lantern and invitation of
M tannic Loie. 1801, John Spark- Tie Presbytery of Huron met in
The Flower and Curio Exhibit was map ; first lantern used by G. T. R., Coven church. Exeter, on tho 5t:r
Splendid Success ('lots. Kit ht ; -ilk hat and c Ina from inst. 1)r. McLean was elected Mi,
a S
P Scotland, 100 years old, Mrs. Geo. dilator and !t( e. W. M. Martin clerk
bilily of forming a
(AliProtestant chill '
The plan of draw',. Alanson; warming bed pans. 200
Thu otu.tn's Instituto of Exeter
•bre to ne highly cunsratulate.l ua
their successful underttkua; of hold-
ing a floral festival and curio ex-
Iist Thursday and Friday-. The
display of flo vera was exceodin;ly
beautiful. the various shades Andt.i:tts win;o tastily arranncd thatthe effect was very pleasing. The
centre :talc tables were completely
covered with beautiful collect -loos of
Gladioli, Asters, Dahlias, •Nastur-
tiums, etc.. artistically arranged in
briquets, some of which stowed sol-
id colors and others a variety. An
old spinning wheal was beautifully
decorated avith asters of various
,hides. A large floral tell made a
beautiful showbiz. as also did the
anchor mid cross. Special mention
should be riven to the collection of
gladioli Fbown ;.M
by r. J. G. Stan -
bury, which was voted the best one
seen in Exeter. Several of tho var-
ieties were very •rare, while alit the
collection showed a richness of color
and variety of hues, the whole be -
in; artiaticalLy arranged.
The curio exhibit leas a large and
intcrestin; one, and Mho ladies in
charge evidently ueied every effort
to make this department a success
as it certainly was. Many old and
odd souvenirs were exhini4ed, some
of which had been handed down from
generation to generation for several
hundreds of years. The list of ar-
ticles displayed was so large thati it
was impossible to secure descriptions
of everything. Following will be
found sonic of '1 Ile moat interesting:
Table, conalstlrts of 10,068 pieces.
made by the late Edward Sanders.
ithow•n ny C. ll, Sanders; book, con -
times warring
has been drena
more or less se
lion. Many 1'r
conceded that T
thing. but t...
shown a die
(ion. creed,
bo necessut
ft would be
to take pea,
n willing -tar
lately or a.
.41jtionul up,
would ecce;
old spirit.
fusion tv
now as i
Federa e
It urate:
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
kick. t
bag most ,
fundam het . I Opens Sept.
all wish to' tt Exeter and Centralia Fall Termp
wish .. ,.
of Christian.,
and there ar .-
armee weld(' of
Now ready for use, the best
alien ntt
aehest.el ld ofCement and Lime
the deet rine
That money can buy
tit); 01(01111,11 , also
airti at. nen.n•en tilt:. t,oaf. for Everybody
expenditure c
at lowest prices
rilicin • anable r" •, . GOBBLEDIGK
I'ecullitre ies '
Dee. Tho . - — ---
the work ir•
All our graduates are sure of
• getting positions. Among our •
large attendance of students dur- •
ing the year were ex-studens of I
ten other Colleges, Write for
lainin; sermons ny Benj. Calauny in
1810, >lrs. StanCoIIII)e ; hihh of 18Q:.
Mrs. Hill : one oi' the tirett copies b:
Myron. Miss Ityndnaan; book of
medical receipts of 1700. Dr. Brown-
ing; bible, 189 years old, Mrs. Tait ;
Life of Rev. James Hervey, 1758, Mrs.
Life of Rev. James Hervey, 1758.
Mrs. Stancombe ; Duty of Man, MA,
Mrs. Stancomne ; Life of Christ, 1811,
Mrs. .Tames Pickett] ; bible of 1750,
Wm. Grigg : .Chronology and history
of the World, 1753 Miss llyndman ;
bible 290 years old, Mrs. W. G. Ma-
ntel; Matrkhant Chronicle, bound.
1861, Dr. Browning; bible 200 years
old, Mrs. Jas. Tom.
Collection Chinese calling cards,
slippers, coins caps, scrolls,.ctc., Mrs.
Principal.. Keys, Ernest Taylor and 'Airs. J.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• lllltclif(aril ; let.fed wood. Ven. chell for a match returned .greatly
agreed. 1a
1 1 saucer 200 ycuv ell, 1c ei wit Iltl(' howin+; made
tononlous in !'
to which 1 r
could hardly SELLERS
years old. Miss Halls; 18th century
joss Mists Halls; chair, heirloom of
the Spicer family, Alio; J. A. Spicer.
Following is the list of prizes .giv-
en: -Collection of Flowers, 1st, Mr.
Cattle; Collection Dahlia Isl. alio;
Strang; 2nd, Mrs. ltastiu;s ; 3rd,
Mrs. Stewart. Collection Asters. Dr.
Amos. Coll. Gladioli, Ist. Mrs. Stan -
bury ; 2nd. Dr. Autos; :3rd, Mrs.
Stewart. Sweet Peas. Mrs. I). Hoss.
Geraniums. 1st, .hiss 'Wynn; �11d,
Mrs. Rendle ; :3rd. Mrs. Sweet. V,S. ;
Nasturtiums, 1st, Miss furan; ; '2nd,
Mrs. Roar. Institute Asters. 1st, MN.
Gurney ; 2nd, Mer,.. Sweet t :Sed, M
Knirht. Institute Gladioli. Isl .
Mrs. Ilastin;s ; dud, Mrs. Markiis,3rd,
Miss Strang. Spanning %%heel of
flowers, 1st. Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. 1).
Ross and Mrs. 1'. J. Knight. Bell.
Mrs. 1'. Harvey. Anchor, Miss Cud -
more .
The London and S(•afort11 Quart
clubs visited Exeter Labor Day and
three very interesting matches were
played. A Manse' -number turned out
to wi11nees thei- rtes. Tito band was
in ahtendance d ring the forenoon
and rendered -i+ eral sefectiions. The
J. Talbot, al E. 'Treble' 30
J. footer 27 T. Boyle, :3l
R. Robertson (31 It. N. Creech .30
1{. Robertson 17 .1. Grieve 21
J. Talbot, 21 G. Anderson, 10
J. I'ocler 21 G. Facrott, 10
Total 148 Total 132
D. Ilart1(uu, 23 1'. Freeman 31
G. Anderson,
P. Hartlelt)
R. N. Creech
T. 13o) le.
C. Spackman,
E. Treble
J. Talbot.
R. Robertson
J. J'ooLer
31 I. Beattie 22
6 G. Hatcher 2
:11 3. McMurray :30
2 J. Stewart, a
27 J. Pinckney 31
21 J. Reid 15
1. 111 Total 136
0 J. Reid 21
21 J. Stewart. d0
12 J. McMurray 21
11. Robertson 21 .1. 1'tlwkney 9
J. Talbot. 21 J. Beattie ,16
J. Peeler 21 1'. Freeman 9
Total 105 Total • 96
Tine three rinks int the Exeter
I3ow•ling club which went to Mit-
p .a s. l i 1
Protestnn(s 'You are Suit buyers. We make the
testantihin Butte -you wear them out. \Ve make
organizer . theta as well as we can, so that they
will not wear out sooner than they
ought. Because. if they dot you'll
It is nn rely go somewhere else for . -your
Reza Suit. And no one coulds5ilame
ther the T. !feu. So much money ought to bu =
fected, we* lllo much Suit worth. And Suit wort} is no better school in the Domin-
toward n c• I fashionableness of fabric -style in ion. Alt Graduates secure poli-
t•-flt-finish-looks - dressyness. - tions. Enter now. Catalogue
tyould hrin, And length of service. free.
The largest Business and Short-
hand School in Western Ontario, •
Our courses are thorough and
practical. Teaching is done by
experienced instructors. There
standing b
cs and cat: 'A.s good a place as there is within
miles to get all this and not pay too
tolernrt. ,much is W. Johns.
not su
' 4legant Black and Blue
Suitings for 515.00
and $18.00.
Merchant Tailor
III For 11011114. 0
round shout
01) 1IWRS
Ont a pWow NEEDED
1'nt' n
sods Annually to till the new position+crested by
•►d ant Tele47...n14'1111(1(4 'omVanic�. \Ve want
use n t'at u
Yung MIin and of Rood habit, to
holt a lemon
'deed (t rte`'' ' LEARN TELEGRAPHY
excellent car,
'i'o Prev,•n ' and R. R. Accounting
should he ti We furni-h 75 per rent. of tits Operator" and
If taken de Station Agents (n Amann. Our six .120012
are the tar g.at exchi+ie a Telegraphy Schools
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principals
••••N•••• ••N•••• •••••
N •
)row• ; cup ant a a;agent 41'1, crank ,Nuel players.
Mrs. Johns: Pin cushion, 100 years ' l y'
old, Mrs. Bisset t ; Coral from the
Pacific, Mrs. Jas. Tom ; yarn receiv-
er, 100 years old, Mrs. Tom; grease
lamp Made by John Sherrick, ;rand -
father of Mr. J. A. Stewart; por-
ridge dish, 100 years old, Mrs. T.
Hawkins: thermometer 200 years
old. Mrs. Hawkins; copy of Exeter
Times, of 1873, John White & Sons;
dolls 50 years old, Mrs. Dr. Sweet ;
China sett. made in 1600, Mrs. Gen.
Saiuwcll ; Devonshire beer tug, 100
years old, Fannie I3awden; snuff box
150 years old, Mrs. W. G. llissett ;
China of 17(1' century. Mrs. G. Man-
son; Wine decanter, 151) year, old,
Mrs. Manson; Loving cup present's('
tin Maud Jeckell by Queen Victoria ;
pitcher 200 ye -are old, Robert Sand-
ers; Individual teapot and server, 75
years old. Mrs. Frayne; tea service,
200 years old, Mrs. A. Holland; dish
and pitcher 100 years old, Mrs. Kays; Muir
Scotch Gophcring iron, Fannie Bow- Ski a 10
den; semi, 75 years old, Mrs. \V. D.
Yeo; Punch howl. 200 years old. Dr. Rollins
Mrs. Kay : Piece of stone on which ltynduuin
General \\'clic sat after ficin;
%rounded, 1759, Geo. &Unwell ; hoc•
simile of Coronation chair. Rev.
Perkins; India Idol. Fannie ltawden:
The first game was wo • by (five
pointe, the score being 51 w 40. The
500011( tgaine w-aM lost by 25 ambits
the e�oore 61 .to 36. The rink akjp-
pod by iice. Perkins was successful
1n winning Both of their gauzes, but
in 4ha last ,saute, lite other rinks
were so far down that t lie Mixed could
not lee overcome .
The Exeter players are very (en -
t husiastic over 111 t real 10(1111 accord-
ed them by the Mitchell club. Their
reed is centrally located and in
"food Condit gun.
Foilowin; are 11.' =.cores:
Lovobt Hodge
Snell Polly
Taman Davis
Itev. Perkins Davidson
Skip 26 Skip 11
Carlin; Cameron.
Davis Gormally
O'Neil Campbell
Skip 15
Total 51
India teapot. Mrs. 11..1. (;idley : braes Levett
ket t le from Scot hand. 1725, Mrs. T i nlul
Downie; shoe from horse winning
Rev. Perkins
race 11't Goderich 60 years ago, Fan Skip 17 Skip 11
\l air A- tkinson
Skip )2 Skip 2.1
Dr. ItolLinn
\V Nile T- homson
Illatchford Dcw:ar
Madman I)r. Burr iot
Skip 7 Skint 27
Tota( 3(1 'fatal 61
Tee Mitchell club bas lico1 invited to
a return mat els in the near future.
Skip 19
Skip 1.1
Total 111
St ottoman
Smit 1►
nic Bowden; English loving cute, 1800
Fannie Bowden: collect ion Canadian
coins, Dr. Sweet ; Miniature cannon
:and wine cask, 11. 13. Samuel 1. collec-
tins pipes, flint heaels, runs, relics
from St•bestatol; :.2zor I.<• ti d
. to Lord Nelson, 12;11:a : lava from
Vesuvius piece of A11010ic cattle.
would give everything on earth for lieu. 81 me ell; collection but 1erflica,
sight. It is man s most precious pos- Miss Martin ;; can% from wrecked
Yet abuse and neglect Victoria at London, collection ;tin!,
pipes, Indian hammers, arraµ• heads,
etc., Dr. Sweet ; collection badges.
- h•w uup session. many
•In the word. Established 3,) years :and en it. Stop and think if you are
e the cold bo• dented by all leading railway Officiated 1
We execute a e -i) fiend o ever ata( em to
invigu ni•hh►m orheraposltlonpa n trpm110 coat button etc., Goo. Anderson;
For Buri $s) • month in States cast, o t e. Then come and have us examine em Collect ion seine, Geo. Anderson ;
a month121 ( U 1.
1 a
m 15 to1
front E E
�o In ortreated horny than Mounter
be bre t
should c
States ion of the Itxkie+ uumtvlintrly upon to learn how they flint arrow' heads, pipes, ax P, tc
pxt•luthw F. gradnatlon, in the future. Our examination costs Rev. lit i1►_ : Christerin! r tp^ mall( (1y
1, 1
tin, and Student" an
at any ((Inc. No encs- on nothing. The glasses we Supp y, Mrs. ltonert Elston, 73 years azo;
-Mr. ,f,.hn N'<;v1'lake and Mr. John
A fete c( our For full rite n)nr? regarding any of y y photo of Da;uerro, the first photo- I"1", "' were I. O. P. delnralex to
ali *htl�•, w •
-our 13ct i'tn write direct, to our executive if nest l necessary, will cost yeti as little a tie, Catl►arinea 1. %reek.
f, • office at ('in6111'AM. O. t'atatoR,te free. honest lenses and frames can i e sold .rraplu.r ; Muslin cap worn by M re. • 111 1300 last we olio hats been
sweet n11, . --THF-- for, Geo. 5trnwelt when christened ; boll fast for tante time 11 somewhat
dropped int Morse Sehool 01 TelepraphU
plugged in "Cincinn•tt•i Ohio.
nutrtto, N• V.
Atlanta. LaCros?e. IP.
('anaphor Texarkana. Tex. -.ata 1•'ranciseo, Cal.
the air I f a
WI nu Old s
Point , r n
ftine•s Will
I'hc• i'
of par . 1
bids 1 �;r I
liver epSr� .
fond, are
SBL for t1
Don't 111;1
and fear tit
hr retnot ea
most eITleiet
111 ti•(atmee
warts, molt• properties. l)O \'OI' '\\'ANT TO
skin (lia(ns BUY A PAIL\I, A (IT(11{E, 0r 10.S1.
"Hsh(n(. ( NESS I'RO1'I•:1{T\•f `Send for our
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
11)I' A FARM eon HALF!
1f ;era l�:wo n Earn, Town u•• V11•
1:► ze I .ropeant0 for ,oil write .to us
ler 0n t \rnl•t of s:•ftiar Real 1a-
ta•tr, \\'.
hive Iota 1110.1 complete
'system 1 f iilv(•rhisin r and ssIlinz
Ilse demo to dist Oaf 1,r01,orties for s,I1•, \\"12 have
they rejuve .f sora, sl11') id farms dor sate in ilea
, County et Huron .
O ,d • ST O R Z /` • tieing Belo.. 12th awl 21lth.
Mot her-* me Kid You H>th INea Bc,;14 ]teeming until Nov. 11th and 2:th.
Pamphlets and full particulars from aoy
'I Canadian Pacific Agent or
('..8. roster. D. P. A Toront
--T— painting of schooner Sl. Joseph. improved in 11e11:11
hooded ny '2110(1(01li r of Mr. to o' Mrs. Gallant so µ lop i+ visit in{
W S. 110WEY l'hm. B. 8anritell Burin; ap:uaislt war. 114'I Ins►t her, Mr. Simon ('amplbell,
Chemist and Optician, Exeter,t Int. 1'aint,i114s frons v3.114111‘ masters•
both old .1011 new ; Branch of tear was taken suddenly 111,1 gut Sunday.
plant, \\'m. Miners; English tet cad- -The follow in; are minting 'ro-
ily. 10'1 yolrx old,1(,3 ye•trx old. \era. rent° fair this week: Mr. :awl alis.
11. lir cls r ; B Myon r from nal t'e of •111.1 \"nacos \(rs. \Ven. s.l1.Ward, �i r.
Fp ACI FIC \Vinduttll, mgrs. Rorton; . ro►dtath- .."t'I Mrs. Andrew Carupt►nll, Misx M.
rl''s ( clerIkia, 100
100yv trseaorsld, o1f).d, ItraJo%v hn u - : 11. Nelaton 11
\\'111 "en ear ,>fossrs, \': m. Towers and 1.. 1'ul-
11 ikshow3; gat teat, 50 %•'744 no. Mist ton left ort le.. ur,4ay 1'o 4 Manitoba.
Wynrn: Bellows. 100 ye Ito old, Mrs
To the Yee; 1•:n;lista clock over 100 years
North West
old. Mrs. .1011n Bowden: ()(Iloes :and
tongs. 1'11110 li.iwlen; collection of
old silvcrwtrc, .1o". Senior, 'rhornis
\\'nlnipec t*30.00 Sheho - - .11.50 I{owe, Thos. ilawkins; Mrs. J. Pick-
MowbrayRegina-- - 17.15
Ueloraine 1 Lipton nos aril. Mrs. McKay„ Miss LC%vis, Miss
Souris 1 31.50 yloeaeii%VI' 11.011 113 Mini in ; entire(ion of rare old silk
Brandon 31.S., 1f•tmbrit 1500 slate Is, Mrs.. Ann Snell ; linen %loiter.
very old, M i s. Middkinks (Auto
Ilet (y) : 1:11( st 1) needlework, 50
years olds \1'-..1 .t(ckeU; ocan from
India. Itev. i•:• ori_,; (.1114114 ar•l fin
from Honduras. .1 Is. ,leck••ll ; s ,rsi 11.
wood cord case. 511s. 11. J. Gide y ;
\Vino bottle. 100 ye its old, \its.. \V.
G. Bissett ; ,hroarh %sort 0) moth's.
of Airs. :e) insole a heti au Ietied ; in-
land totals! of Si di(fetent kinds of
wood, Mall.' by Mrs. Mt Geo, Do'ea :
ehtir 78 years old, Chia. A►nderx:
Ly Teton ) ata-katoon -
Lenore } 32.11' l'r. Albert
MInlbta ) Mrliort
Pinscarth 32.25 lltttlefost
Mootlnmin :12.2o, )dement
Arcola :12,5) t'al .ry
h'ste'an 1 nett freer 39.10
Yorkton 13.1x1 Strath eona t (‘..w
K am,nc k
In the (up. Bona*
there...A(.1 ( llleutue
7'ot.OM (w)• of
'1Ye1I, ma,
1 didn't see •
-Tlta Tabora• & ilibbert Mutual
Kira Insurance Cu. have. 11111 1ig111
Leaves this year. A five (re:• cent
aie('ssm('nt will be levied to meet
Lessee and expenaes.
Indigestion netrly :alatnys disturns
the sleep more or Tess and is often
the (lune of IlhOflltlla. 'Malty rase;
hat•'• been (a'imanem ly cured by
Ch,rnherlain'x Stomach anil Livc.r
Tartlets. Far sate in fixett r by W.
S. !low e'Y.
Bissett h Johns desire that these
who have accounts with them to
please call and settle at once, ax it is
their intention to dissolve partner-
pro tem. Commissioners to Ilia Gen-
eral As'enoly, !Messrs. Small, Cor-
riere. 3farti.1 and 11. Strang, reported
their n11eadance at the same, and
their reports aero accepted. Stand-
ing committees for (1142 year were
struck and their conveners appoint.
ed. Mr. Walter McLean, 13. A., was
certified as 0 student entering the
third year in Theology. '1'hc heeds.
Messrs. Urquhart, of Kipper and
Leckie of Loudesboro. were appointed
to address the W. 1', M. 1•t. at their
Meeting in November at (oaforth.
A circular from ilio General Assem-
bly on the ,matter of systematic Ben-
eficence w:as read and given to the
Presbyteries Cocut: itte• to consider.
ltev. L. Davt.l,uu CI1:2 41 1 Ire attention
of the Presoytory and Sabbath school
officers to the provisions of the
General Assembly for the ;rantin4
of Diplomas to Sabbath School schol-
ars for the. recitation of Scripture
•atul the Catechism.
The .seal( .;rants t0 augmented
congregations tretae asked for for
the condo; year .
A minute was :adopted expressrn;
Ilse high respect, in which rho late
Dr. tire, cf Goderich, w.'19 Meld by the
Church at large. .and conveying the
sympathy of the Presbytery to the
Bereaved relatives.
The Presnytery then adjourned to
Induct the Rev. 1). W. S. Urquhart
at Kippen at 7 o'clock in the even-
The Induction of •\Ir. Urquhart
look place as tray• :appointed in St.
Andreav's church, TJppen. A large
congregation was present. stele Mr,
Leckie preached, 1)r. McLean addres-
sed the newly inducted Minister and
Rev, Mr. Corriere the congregation;
The (ervices were highly enjoyed by
the people :and. afterwards all were
invited to Join in a social reception
Tho Great North We
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North \ e
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands alt
a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm land
\Ve have made a number of splendid investment.; for our clients,
placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Pacific and .0+.11
North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased
rapidly that our patrons could readily realize double the amount of t
money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects f
a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented num
of settlers coming into the west. prices of lands of good quality 1
situated convenient to a railway aro bound to mako :t still furl?
largo advance.
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is t
Crop Estimate for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advan
We giye Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands.
give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands.
$427•00 Thsw
Pecures )access (half section) of choice wheat.]
ould be a great investment for \'UU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties \vhatcv
$383.40 Secures 320acres (half section) choice wheat land to an t?
• settler, No other payment required for two years.
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months'
through the West. During his stay there he will locate a nurn
to Mr. trrqulrart, an excellent lc., of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various
bOiand b• Ilexvctld byn' the ladie9 of Kitpp4'n�t, . tlroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in N,
e�reeern tands should communicate with him when full information
The Presbytery of 11010)1 will
heft an adjourned meoti's alt Bruce-
ruce- be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be
field on the 20th inst, at 2 p. m., to
consider a call front Proof Line to
Mho Rev, Y?. H. Savers, ot�Tirucofield.
Mason. the Stephen termer,. 'who
was tried and convicted at Goderich
last week by Judge Doyle, on a
char;e of incest preferred oy his
(I:tu;titer, was on Tuesdoy sentenzed
by the Judo,. The venally imposed
was 12 years in 111w Rin;:sten prison
and 40 lashes.
Burgess' Photo Studio. Kirkton,
will ao open every Tuesday during
Septemaer. If you want good photo=
ho will please you.
•-,Liss Jean f'rquhatrl, who spent
last week in Toronto visiting friends
returned hone on •Monday.
-The delegates to the high Court
T. O. F. hold int St. Catharines, ALC.
\\'rn. Brown itnd Conlpattion Mrs. T.
Roadhouse and Mrs. 1lVm. Brown all
report having :1 good tt1111e, 11151 rucl-
ively and socially ,
-Mrs. Relit. Robinson is speudin.;
the Exhibition term in Toronto vis-
itirltz at the tamale o0 her mother.
- Miss Irene Marshall left for
Stratford on Tuesday morning to
attend the Model school Likewise
Mise Maggie Leigh left for Godoiich
to :dotted the Model of that town.
-Mrs. \V. 1t. Corr is visiting; her
sister nt Weston doting this week.
-Master Wilfred Maize left en
Monday last to attend the Ilusincss
Collo;o •1t London.
— Mr. Wm. ifoskin, of Exel°n spent
the east week visiting his 'son Mr.
It. lloskin, in t he village.
-Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, of Ccnta•ali:a,
called on old friends 111Abe villa.;( on
Sunday last. --
-Mr. .ieho Cornish, who was so
seriously hurt last %%(rk ny at run -
nine a%%ay (f ca team, is improving
nicely :(11d, will .s1 un ne able to be
.tocol a I8•itt.
-The remixing of 'the Intl Mrs. R.
Wight, 1.f the 3r41 Ii:, , It!ansleard,
Weare interred in the• Kia•kton ceme-
tery on \'odnesday. Bah inst.
Means your i reu.de iK ;limp seated.
1'n dcloy is d.tn,.cerous. All the in -
fin cogen will be drawn out in one
clay by using \ervitins. It penes
trate•s throes!' 1he loess of (h.1 skin,
relieves infksnnrat.ion and thus pre-
vents serious cotlsequences, For
sore throat, weak chests, and ten-
ter to colds. Lo prescr,iptia a is last- ]
y A
ler than I'olson'x Nervitire. For f
nearly fifty years it )gas bees ('an:a-
d''s :great Iectrst'1,old reined). 25e.
onyx it larze bot'tlo.
General Selling Agent for C.P R. Lands Frobisher,
About Bed Tim
Blessing. on the man who f1:
vented sleep.
Blessing*, you will say, on th
who first invented the greatest
sleep and rest known as the
Wrshd1I saint
The only ventilated eanit 'ty Mast
in the word. Pater, cle seer.
healthier end more comfortable
any other in ttrra-s A e0ntstil %l
rent of air refreshing the meat
always keeps its shape, will never
or harden. Gu=aranteed for five
Will last. a I fe time. Don't fa
see it. S01d only by
Furniture dealers aed Funeral directors
_Visa Myrtle Francis. Mr. 8.
Routley. Stleses Mauls!. Jennie and
Mary AicCurcly let Ur /14111 110111e from
(110 Rend .
-Mr, and Mrs. I1. Francis, of Mich
'acre around 'Hokin.: calla last! week.
they will soon be relureing Ionto
again ,
\\'ill upon dept. 9114 and 20(e of
din4Ie fare %%i'.l he in effete via
Gr: t,,ITrunk, Sept. tltia to 1511,. with
special reduced fortes on Sept. 12th
and 1 I h. All t ick('t+.m4r1 ret arauII
nr+til Srpt. I1tIt .
!fru, your fronds or relatives su
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, er
Sickness, write for a t1i.a1 bottle awl va
treatise on such diseases to Tee 1.11Bt41
179 Kin„ Soo t, W., Toronto, Canada.
druggists seller can ohtsin bur yuu
Tenders Wanted.
The uelcrsi sued will to lee 1, tot
.arm up to 7 &'clock T. M. • f I I id t s
11,0 8th day cif Scpternarcr, 1901. for
t L, most (yet ion of :..,out 7,111111 Reliable Rol111(1 Traek, 1/(11111'',113 I)oitble Tread, Myers, W
silu.aro feet of G1.:11101ithic I'avcnn'nl' ('O\ 11.11(1 LOI1lle115
hesi,k's (rnasin4a, in the Vill..ize of
Exeter .
(lczinninr ;it a (mill noir Victoria t bangers to get off Track.
v :,! of \1:ainxtrcc► It is impossible for petit, iangerti
And Stove Store
Barn Door Hangers
Street on th•t 1. t
thence north to ilea Aux Seine
river Jridze. Accor.Iin t to +pecific]-
Dona %%Iaich may ;et eon at the e( -
fire of t lrc: undersigned.
-The lowest or any tender me
peccs'arily accepted.
Clerk of t he Villose of Exeter.
!or Infant• and Children.'
Ths Kind You Hare Always Baht
Bears the
Signature of
Stock of Every Description. Pricy
Galvanized Iron and Tin Work
All work in this line promptly attended to.
�.•' " 11ot Mr beating a Specialty