Exeter Times, 1905-08-31, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 31st 1905 They are the latest WE ARE READY with a. complete new stock of Fall Rain Coats, for quality, style and actual value, we (tont think it will be possible to beat our showing. Here is a brief (1('s'.:riptiou of a few of our many styles. $S.00 for a ladies' mid grey Cravene•te Coat, new sleeve, small rip- ple capes, belted: at back, a good one. $5.75 for lovely dark grey, pin stripe, Cravenette coat, made with coat collar and full belt, this is a great leader. $6,5o for a very nice stripe Cravenette Coat, stowell collar, full belt, comes grey or fawn, very stylish. $7.00 for our new dark grey Cravenette Coat, pleated skirt, very full, suitable'for full stout figure. This coat will fit any full figure. $7.00 for a dark grey Rain Coat made from heavy venetian cloth good for rain, good for cold. Its a seller. $10.00 for the wettest range of Ladies' Coats that you'll see in Exeter. Yes we have a big range of Men's Rain Coats, in pendable dualities and up-to-date styles. Oh yes. we are the people %elto are after your butter and eggs, and the other fellows are utter us, Who will win? J. A. ST.iEWAET de - The copy for changes must he lefl to tl to th T d C 1 TO ADVERTISERS. We have just received a line of the prettiest China ever manufactured. All hand painted and prettily decorat- ed with gold. 1f it is China YOU WANT Our Stock is sure to please you.. Come in and sec for yourself, S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. News of New SUITINGS Many have already arrived More may be here any hour, maybe by the time you read this. All the colors and materials and shades and weights that are going to be fashionable this season will be shown you any time you wish to see them. W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. FOR 0VFRSIXTl' 1 KA KS A N 01.1) ♦vn \ ' 5e Lt�Tar► n Itstrso - r. firs Wins! w' o s Soothing Syrup ray ban been need for over stxtp ears by millions of mothers for their children while teething. with perfect eucoosa it roothee the child. softens the gum.. allays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for 1►larrhcea. it ie pleasant to the taste. Sold by drura;tets In every part. of tbo w fid. ffi cent.. a bottle. 1G value is incalculable. Ho sure and take Airs WVlnelow'e Soothing Dyrupand ask for no other kind. no a r aft ues ay noon. asua advestisementy accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY. Ai'GUST 31st, 10115 :••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS t tt •••••.N ►•eta•••♦ School opens next Tuesday. Sec Maras, London u.l. on pa.go 4. four. Dr. Malloy spent lam Sunday at the Bend . Mrs. E. Follick is home from Grand Bend. Get your school supplies at Brown- ings Dru; Store. Miss Annie McAnclt left Tuesday to visit friends in Toronto. Mr. W. \V. Taman spent last week residue friends at the Bend. Lawn mowers sharpened on short- est notice at D. Bartleib's. Exeter. Rev. W. Ir. Graham. of Godc%rich, weir the guest of Mrs. John White last week . Quarterly services will ioc held in the Main street Methodist 'church next Stobaath. The Presbyterian church choir held their annual picnic at Grand Bend. Tuesday. Alias A►nv Johns returned from her trip to Winnipeg and Regina Mon - (day evening. Miss Myrtle ltawkshaw•. of London, is visiting hergrandfather. Mr. John liawkshaw. Mr. and lira. J. A. Stewart end Miss Kathleen arc secretin; the week in Toronto. For Bale. -Residence of Mrs. G. Kemp, on Andrew st. for particulars apply to owner. Mr. and Mrs. lliiborn, of Paris, were the eucsts of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford this %reek. Miss Ethel spender; her t uree(1 home Mrs. Fred visite); eclat t urn<•.t i1 )11,0 Dow who has occn vacation in Detroit ro• Saturday. Collins, who has occn ivies in Manitoba, re - Monday . Mara, the London dry roods merchant oalls attention to the peo- ple et Exeter and rurroundin; country to his nlvort iscmcnt on pa.;e 4. Mr. and Mre. G. E. Anderson ]eft Tut -ed.') for St. Catharines, to attend the meotin; of the High Court of the 1. 0. 0. 1•'. acin; held in tb:tt city . Mrs. French and daughter North of Toronto, who hove .wen visiting Mrs. E. A. Folkick in town and at Grand Bend returned home on Sat- urday last. DR. OVENS. London, Burgeon, EYE. EAR, NOSE and THttOAT.Fits Glasses properly. Office, Commer• tial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat- urday, September 23rd. itev. \V. M. Martin and Mrs. Mar- tin, who have ben Visi1111 at Hc- ;i,ta, N. W. T., will return home this week. Mr. el min. will occupy his pulpit in the Preebytorean rinlreh next Sabha th. ++++-:•+++++++++++++++++++++ r+++++++++++++++++++++++++ witch This Space llvcry Week. _ - - _ -:• ..1 'i' I will make Gray Hair its natural color 3 1 and cause lair growth. 75c per Large Bottle is the price. ii ++++,--:+4--;-:-:-++4•++++++++++++ +++++•:'++++++++++•-:•-t•-:•+++}+++ Enjoyme Vegetable Hair Restorer Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont. Mr. and Mee. Harry Iluckinshent spent 1:INI week welt friends iq Clin- ton. John Wood shipped •two oat -loads of mule to the Eurtisla markets last rrr�:' k. tlie Miss Edith &faders left '1'ne,.lay to at 14 ii I 1 he lullLiiery (-petit:.s in 'fur. 01110. Miss Laura Gre etry. of Toledo, i:; visiting with 1. r father. Mr. 'Whom. t; re tory. Mrs. J. 1). Atkinson spent a few (lays last week renew ill.t old acquain- tances in Clinton. Mess Ew•1 Godwin Iris secured :. class in music in Sarnia and will re- main 'there far some t 11110. LOOK AT YOUR LABE[, AND SEE I1' YOU ARE IN A11I1EAItS, AND BEND US THE AMOUNT. Mr. .and Mrs. Idat•ris and family. of London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Jackson Sunday. On account of the opening of the schools a litres, nuns r of people are returning from the (lend. Wanted - At ooce a house keep- er on farm. middle aged person pre- ferred. Apply at Times Office. The purest spices for picklin:;, also corks of 111 sizes. sold ny C. Lutz, Central D.ru; Store, Exeter. For Sale. -!louse and two lots for sato on Victoria tercet, west, for fur- ther particulars apply to John Hind. Hes. Godwin. setae an iitcrestin; talk on his recent trip, to the mem- 'acre of the Epworth Lot;uo Monday cveni n e. Do not miss the .great Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto this year. Specially low rates via Grana Trunk. Mr's. lticilot•,I Welsh and ,tu•r, ' d auelatcrs of Kalarnozoo. are spend- ine a few days the guest eta of Mrs. W. G. Bissett.. Rev. Goin; of .the James street Methodist church assisted Itea. God- win with the .services at Sexstnith Sunday last. Mr. J. W. Broderick, of Goderich, was in Exeter last week •renewing acquaintances. Ile also spent a day at the Bend. Mr. 011(1 Mrs. E. Christie and E. Christie Jr., attended (rte wedding of Hiss Mary McEwan, liensall, on Wednesday. Canadian National Exhibition will be held in Toronto August 28th to Sept. 9th.'. See Grand Trunk advt. fon special rales. Mies Jean Carlin;, of Clinton, who has been spending .the past two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. E. Chris - die hes returned hone. Lost. -Between Grand Bend and Exeter on Friday. August 25, light overcoat. Finder please leave at W. C. 11uston's Furniture House. T. I1. MlcCullun► and family, rho hare been spending the summer at their cottage "fine Croft Villa" re- turned home 'Monday. London and Sea forth 1%111 send quoit chaos to Exeter Monday (La- 'aor Day) to (try conclusions with our throwers of the .disCUss . Mr. Al Hastiness left Monday morning for Crosahill where he will visit a few days. Itis date -tiller Lulu, %rite spent .the summer there will return with him. 1). Urquhart, the Hensel! Miller and ;rain auyor has opened up the ouildiu; at the market for the pur• chase of ;rain. David Mack is his mana;or born . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on eaoh box. 25o. Dr. Rollins ieturncd Friday last from Battle Creek, where for the past six weeks lie has deet1 i 1(endiu e the Sanitarium, ilk 11o1.cs of curing the rheumatism he has ,leen truuolc.1 with for .some time. Notice.-Ilaviii , purchased (lie Exeter Evaporator, I intend running the 'rime this season and will 'oq in a position to pay fanners and oth- ers the hizhest price for apples, -\W. 11. Levet t. Mrs. Jno. Sanders and -dauzhter Emma, and niece, Miss May Lindsay Tett for their Lorne in \Vineipee on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Sandcrt lets 1)01.11 in Ontario for two years. the others on a two weeks. trip. Mrs. Geo. SouthcotI, who has been summering nt Grand (lend, spent a few days of last week willi her sis- ter. \Irs. T. R. Carlin z, lc:avin4 on Saturday for Chatham where she will visit a short time with Mrs. W. E. Gundy. Itev. W. Genesi;t end family tr- turucd from their vacation Friday evetene Mgt. While away Goy vis- ited Kin_svill.e, where Ihrco of the children rctmincd, also Dot roit, S rlti:t and several places in Wises -m- ein. !loth Mr. end Mrs. Godwin t heron zbly enjoyed their long 1 rip. While Miss 1 'earl r.99 iCin jv1 IIe she sustained a fracture of 1110 left 'ria. Sie was playinz with other children and when .winging on n door hist the ►nistortunc to fall, the fracture 'acing the result. She is lo- in; nicely however. • Market ltepor1.-The following is the report of Exeter market!, cor- rected .ee a.. Au gust 3Is;. Wass 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Feed Flour, $1.25 per owl. Wheat, 70c ld 75c per bushel. Ii trlcy, 85 to 3R cents a1 aus101. shorts, 1f19 ped' ton t'tinily flour, • 2.50 per ewt. !fay, *6 per ton. Bran, $14 per ton. Oats, 27 to 2R cents per ouslw•I. Hors. lire weight, $6.50 ler cwt. Hoze drestted, $8.50 10.1 ew-I. 11014"r. 20 cents f.• r pound. Ergs. ler. per dozen. • CA.ISTOIT. TAle . Bun t1. Pi Yes Hoe glean Bou H Bianatrar. of See our Big Display of NEW DRESS GOODS WOMENS RAIN COATS LADIES CLOTH SKIRTS FANCY COTTON HOSE MEN'S TWEED CAPS BOYS' ALL=WOOL SWEATERS A few Special Prices to clear out balance of goods mentioned below Made of good Cravenette in dark grey, good style, only 4 left to sell. regular price $5.00 to clear, price, $3.95 of all wool Cheviot, nicely trimmed made in newest style. regular price $5 00 to clear, price $3.75 About 5 doz. ladies Fancy Cotton Hose with lace stripe, warranted best dye. regular price 25 cents. to clear, price 19c pr. 4 doz. Men's Tweed Caps, all new shapes colors dark green and brown mixtures � r regular price 50 cents to clear, price 28 cts In Fancy Assorted Colors, blues and reds, honey comb knit patterns. regular price 85 cents to clear, price, 69 cts SNE I & IOW Mrs. Win. Snell. is visit in.? friends in Ihtneeton. Rev. Dr. Medd, of Ilensali, was in town Tuesday. W. 0. Bissott was in London Tues- day on 'Jusiness. Mr. Offa McPherson spent the past week vat Farquhar. Mr. T. Prior in spending this week with friends in London. Mr. A. Case, of Denfield, spent( Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Case . Miss Emma L. ,Martine has re- turned hone! after visiting friends at Grand Rapids, Mich. Airs. Fisher and dauzhter Viney left Tuesday for Toronto and fIam- ilton where they will visii friends. Mr. Sam. ,Martin and Frank Gill aro ai•ten<tine the skeet in; of t he Grand Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. at St. Cath - trines ales weak. There will '0e a baseball ,game' next Monday morns; at the .recrea t ion ;rounds aetwecn teams from the east and west hicks of Main street. Mrs. W. J. Beeman and son Clyde who have 'peen visjttin; Mrs. Hea-• tnan's mother in Faro, N. D., re- turned haeme Monday (venin.. Mr. Clifford Spackman has re- turned home after visiting relatives in Watertown, N. Y., He alto visite.' in Iluffalo and other Cities in the atatc Those w-1►o arose early Wednesday morning were ena•.11ed to sec the ecli- use of the sun through a smoked or colored z!(ass. The eclipse could ,to easily discerned. Sick headache result % from a dis- ordered condition o file stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver T:.blets. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Horsey. Gcor;e Manson is this week mor- ia; his stock of ;Dods to )tis new store in 1•'unsen .,lock, %% bore ha ex- pects to open on Sept. L Mr. Man- son will have :u1 up-to-date lino of goods. Mr. and Mrs. John (toss, of Ed. iwtrton. Alberto,. who have teen re• nemittr :IC.ftkli►it:II1CeV ill /311(1 11- rouud Exeter, returnee! to their elite Tuesday. M iss l.ot 1 ie left "Friday to visit frit -fads in Luoan joining bar parents on Tuesday. A party of London Automooilists Marvel from London Sunday (0 lake a spin to Clinton, out before reach - in; Exeter i )s y lied three '.ireak- (10wne. For three Lours the chauf- feur et I:ueeled 11.11 h the mnchinery, and finally had to coil ire tho 1crvices of Connor Itroe of this place. The tarty returned to London without co►nplctin; 1)1e trip. The F'xecer I'uo)ic school and IlizIi school department will open for the full term. Tuesday. Scptetnoer 5111, with a Iarse enro!Jment of students for The fish school and commercial department. The Exeter school has attained n hiz). standard in the fto%iut•0 ,the recent results of the examin1lioter stot%inz :1 !gree per - cent a ;e of successful candidates , The flower show under the aus- pices of Ili( W0111(11'. i0stitute will oe given in the Over, House Thurs- day 81141 Friday of this week and promises t.e 'oe one of unusual' inter - ere. Besides flowers there will 00 a collection of rare and antique relics, source of which ore several hutvlrcd years old. No pains 4.ai11.1 MVP '00011 'pill -e(1 to make this a plea sin z en- tcrto.inmcnt, and the indite should ne 0000010zc4 in 41/18, their first flower festival. Mrs. Wood (nee Mies lhIbe Hilil wen lies been viaitin; friends in town durinz the fast week. returned to Detroit Wednesday ntornin;. On Friday cvenin; • her young lady f► icnds met with her at tho home of Mts. W, U. Yoe and in the courses of tine evening prvsente(1 her with a -Handkerchief slower", under e wreath of white aster.. She was also presented with other presents suitable ,to the orenaion. Refresh- ments were served and a very en - j' yablc cvenin; spent. EXETER COUNCIL Counoil met as per adjournment in the Town Anil! on Wednesday, Au;. 23rd. 1905. The menepore ell present. Minutes of nicotine field August 11th read and approved . Communications read. Re -Annual nkectin; of the Ontario Municipal Association Aug.. 30 and 31, at the City Hall, Toronto. Fire Under- writers Association, report .of • test taken April 19th. 1905. Report. filed. A petition front .ratepayers 011 1110 oast silo of Main street askin; for a ;ranolithic walk groin n point near Victoria :tercet thence north to the Aux S.tble river bride. Per J. Muir seconded by 1. Armstrong the prnyor of the petition be ;ranted aitd 0 By- law be prepared, end that the Clerk be instructed to ,ask for tenders for the construction of ,the frame. Ten- ders to be landed to the Clerk ny 12 o'clock noon on 'Friday Sept. 8th, 1905. --Carried. J. Wood -J. Muir -That the 23rd day of September, 1905, ae and is hereby named as she date for taking the vote of 4110 ratepayers upon- the jslectric Light By-luw.-Carried W. H. Levett-J. Weed -Adjourn do oall of I1novc. A meeting of the Cowtcil ()ailed by the Reeve on August 26th, 1905. held in the Town Hall. Mcnerers all pre- sent. The minutes of the ttteetin; held on the 23rd wore duly, read and approved. W. 11. Levott-J. Wood -The fol- lowing Deputy Iteturning Officers aro hereby appointed. the Clerk to bo '(ho returning Officer: Polling subdivision No. 1, A. E. Fuko ; Pol- lee( subdivision No. 2. W. 1). Weekes: I'ol}in; subdivision No. .3. Alex 0. Dyer ; Pollan; subd,ivi:.ion No. 4, Jos. I).tvis.-CarClete The following eccounte were passel and orders drawn on the Treasurer for the same . The Canadian Contract Review, ad- vert4semcnt re ;runolithie pavement $3.40; 11. Spackman, ;as pipe and hardware fur the cemetery, $29.95; Il. Spackman, hardwarro and oil ac., $10.98; J. Sutton, tercet rretorin; se.. e25.(10: .Walter \Vestcott, Isaor, $2.12; ltd. Davis, lanor, $2.50; John Feld. fart salary to Aug. lsf, $27.00: \\-m. Kuntz, booth provincial elec- tion. $1.00. Amount in; Ic $101!05 on motion of J. Muir, seconded by J. Wood. -Passed, J. Muir -J. Wood-adjaur;t until *y1)1,41110' r et h. J. S,EN1011, Clerk. ANNIVEItSAIti' SERRViCES • The Anniversary and Harvest Thankseivin; cervices of the Trivitt \1cmori 11 church %rill he held next Sunday. The preacher at .xltlt morn• in; .nd evening rcrvices will r►o 1 h Rev. Jan1VA T1lompson, I. A., of 1n- zersull. The music will oe under the direction of Mr. Lloyd Jones, of Mitchell. A special collection %rill oe taken on lx'luali' of church expen- se... A tory hearty incitation is ex- tended to all .to at t(•nd. 4 RAND TRUNK Railway System Canadian National Exhibition Toronto. August 28th to Sept. 9t11 83.95 11IOM EXETER Going Aug. 'Lith to Sept. 9111. Going Aug, : th, 31s1, Sept. 2nd, 11th and 8th. All Tickets valid ret turning until Sept. 12th, 1105. Farm Laborers Excursion $12 to pointe in Manitoba end Assini- hoia,good going from Exeter Sept.2nd For tickets, illustrated literature and toll information, call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot ticket agent, Exeter. .1. D. McDO s AL1) District passenger agent, Toronto. Thc Latcst In Dias. Plain cloth Dress Goods are one of th this Fall. We have all the New Cloths. Venetians in Black and Colored Chiffon Broadcloth in Black and Colored.. Plain Broadcloth in Black and Colored .... Henrietta in Black and Colored Tweeds will also be popu A nice heavy mixed Tweed in all shades .... One of the best in Greys, Blues and Blacks. , Astora She We are the sole sellers in and around E Great and Only "American" Astora Shoes. best shoes ever shown in Exeter and are g every way to be the best fitters.most stylish al ing shoes on the market. The Gun Metal and Pat Colt Blutcher are the two leaders 1 try a pair. 'Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm T CABLING BR • .••••••••ee•NNN•.Neeee••ee•.P.• N••.Nret SPECIAL SALE OF ! ROCKING CHAIR DIC REDUCTIO W. C. HUS? Furniture, Unci ••••••••••••••••••••••••••►+++N••••••+N4 You'II Have St1 To show for your years of a$. - part of your earnings now -as mut spare. You may need it at some might as well save it anyway. le i ter you once make a start in the rii, $1 is sufficient to start an account wi to which you can add to when sized amounts, and withdraw all without any delay, and which es the highest current rates, which Andrpa! FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to g. ormality of presenting your pass book. You never realize the value of having a savings bank acro have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and 1 right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with We have the hest facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking The Sovereign Bank of Canalis Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive OBI l 47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Hut Exeter, Credlton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensel) an JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zuri RECENT Soecial Purchai 23c. Bik. Fercaline Lining 39 ins, for 20e. 20c. Pink. Blue, Green and (trey Percaline Linings, for 15e. Fancy Art Mateens, beautiful pat- terns, new coloring at... l'io. White Bobinett Curtaining wide and narrow border and full at 25 and 3.5c. 1210. Print, heavy quality, 39 ins. wide, 20 pieces left at 10c. 15e. Turkey Chintz Print, Sts ins wide, only 2 pieces at... ..,..121c. 23c. Reversible Cretonne, 338 ins. wide, only 1 piece at. 20c Sc. Grey Cotton, 33 inches wide, very clean and fine at.. ..... lic. 121c, Gallatea Shirting. in blue and white and blue and red stripes at 10c. Ac. Flannelettes, striped of pink grey and blue, at only 7c. lOc. flannelettes. stripes of pink, grey and blue. at .sic, 28 inch Heavy imported Flannel. ettee. Monty 121c. English Untearable Flannelette, 31 to 32 inches wide, at only . 15e. Se, Glass Cloth, 11 inches wide, for 7 c. 35: inch Self Color Sa pink, blue, cream all English makes a 12ic. Glass Cloth. in red speck, 22 inches wi.l. :etc. Huck Towels, plr fringed and hemmed Job Lot Men's Braces n Elastic Ends, at only 155 pairs Lrtce ('nrtains at sere, 41.00, $1.25. lee $7.00 a pair. 25c. Hemp Carpet, 30 int a green and caniinel t See our Ladies' 1'n.let•wef and winter. Our pri. from . $12.00 Dinner Sets for.. 33 pieces of white and ere goods. These are t goods in plain and fn , prices run from 4'►c t. Evening wear dress goo d and silk. Prices from , Ladies' Silk Collars, all ,1 from Ladies' s:,ces last the In' $1.00, $1..3, $2.00, $3.00 and *113.23. Don't forget us in Winter Dress Go Poplestone & Gardi One door north of Postoftice. Produce taken in exchan;