HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-31, Page 711. EVENTS fcuty years" (Jer. 35. 11). A penes- >11r]irSie yc ye ye�y ""i i8e of future resturution was ul;u ,Lt• xiC71C�i1C�lC �C SIC �R7� t interest and, DIVINE linit(•ly givn. "Aftr s,•yenty yrai 1 ortuncu in 11 are you and bed r I y goo 1 old (:)1%'I visit yuu and perform any good word oke place be- ort e toward you in causing you to return 13. hen represents- • • . to this place" (Jer. 29. 10). ('he . ,lens„iruatinns en Feel !t Within Them, Assisting, seventy years must bo counted net ire nt the b nal destruction of .1 crust_ membership of len, in 586 13. C.. but from the time ill assemble in of the leading into captivity of Jo_ SELL•:CTI•:1) RECIPES. reuse se confer- hoiaChin and the principal men of Ging., Cakes. -Mix and sift to- - .1 and tragi- - .ludah with hint to 5J,. front the time of which even onward the con_ gether six copy (lour, ltwo tub 0. f. d,•ratiun of all f I Id, in the ppintual and in the in- clition of Judah was one Of absolute spoons ginger, one tablespoon soda, encu and auk • Y 1 lcllactuul wauld Heat enc -half cut lard or butter, cher in America. me -1 bIIlnly a 11 i setVitudu to Babylonia. 1 n • all Prot est int I l to ,t is who brought order out of one cup New Orleans molasses and ' 14Uh surge advantages, large poser chaos in those tlime. immediately one cup brown sugar moil boiling. Sit this manner was bllntaes, large knowledge of right and following the creation of world mat- TOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Take from the fire, 10111 one cup of Ip} the example of wrong, the soul that lives on the! ter. Ile dwells still within the phy- sour cream and pour gradually into higher planes tt'h011 it does fall into:sicul world, conserving its order and illus. 44'uasluw's soothing Nyco', has the flour mixt u•.•, beating until , who se •11 now in sin sutlers at once the keenest re - its hut. s progress, restraining Lien used by millets of mothers for smooth. Pat and roll out, cut into together as a fed- gret and tongs to wake the fullest 1 "the stirs in their courses." draw- their chit+iron while teethin;- 1i dig- small cakes and bake in a moderato restitution 11111 about in appointed sequence the imbed at night and broken of your oven. Suggesting and Elevating Cast me not away from Thypros- woe t not Thy spirit from ' . c • itri the various Such way I)IIrid, the King of 18- seasons -fructifying, storing, con_ rest by a sick child suffering 8118 cry. rncl, at a time when Israel was wclltsuuuentuig the earth's frail.. And ing with pain of Putting Teeth, send setae- on the way to becoming the greatest : if i( were possible, and His power at once and get a buttlo of • klrs. efts of Protestantism and kingdom of that day. In spite of were to be taken away (rent the Winslotv's Soothing Syrup'' for Chil- humogen0ous church his nearness to God (and 11e was Physical world, then chaos sow,' dren Teething. It will relieve the spoken of by the Almighty ay "u cote again. 'poor Crtt.l) sufferer i,luncdintcly. Do- man after God's own heart"), with Ilo dwells. too, in the society of wend upon it, mothers, there is no ~ich tun (uteri pouring in upon men. molding surely -if, perhat,s, mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, slowly -the general trete! of act. arid . regulates the stomach and bowels, word and thought, Using nest fur ill''''cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, instruments of rcduars Inflnmmuti00, curd gives toga HIS GRACIOUS ACTS.Iau:l energy to the whole systera. "Mist.IVinslow"s Soothing Syrup for And it is not too much to say that, 'children teething is pleasant to the weak and imperfct•t and bad as social taste and is the prescripts." u1 one and commercial life Scene to bo in of the oldest and best female. phyla- edof and advocated er since the reformat- e. steslalts have always hitt-David fell into a f.arful sen- t would he a good seal sin, which drew other Bins in • d.•nuntinatiort has its trail, and as his position was osition to nuke such ter, high and he was very near to (:nal, so his fall was in effect the in regard to organize- greater, and his self-abasement the tad leaching as it would more earnest. for all to matte beforeT Headthe nulc of that fifty-first 'saint ih n which he utters the deep some of its phases. v(t if the Holy clans and nurses in the United They have profess+'d for pardon and Iplead8 the •livinc His energizing-, sanctifying, conserve- bottle. Sold by ali druggists through• e to unite, but each hos promise, and declares his own pro- ung power the whole social fabric out the world. Be sure and nsk for o".wily nmdo union con- 111180. would totter* 10 its fall. , "Mrs. tVinslow's Soothing Syrup." FO[t DAVID WAS AFR%ID. 1n the ('hristiun church also 1lis 4 power 18 present, rendering the divine The proud king of a proud nation 'evil! and the divine judgments, ARGUING WITH TOE TURK, sea and complete as all trenabling before the king of tbrunch the mouths and persons of! - all heavers and earth. Ile fears the His ministers and servants -teaching, ,A Traveller's Experiences in Mace - loss of the divine favor and telp, uplifting, upholding. t denies. and cries out: "Cast me not ntway And what said St. Paul to the from 'Thy presence, and take not Thy Christians at Corinth, by was of . After the lint Macedonian upris- Iloly Spirit from sue." It is the cry rebuke and reminder when some ltnsl rnfi ander SaratTov had been put of fear; but a f(.rnti inspiredJ�Y wis- i fallen into la n ' s 0 s: "What! ,Intn relief • I I1 wns were sent by ossible for such a union sorrows of his (,rust heart, and cries SPIER utero to withdraw from it States. Price twenty-five cents a n such terms as no other Considerable of the till • • old be as impracticable was in the past. ''n is pr0et ice Wit because possthle 41111011 without dont and high character,Knots ye not that your hotly is the l .rigland into the Balkans. carrying A11 111011 ought to be veru fearful of temple of the Holy Ghost! who is in provisions for the inhabitants of the `retest ants agree concern- losing the divine favor of being de- ;you, which y,• hove of God?" For burned villages and medical supplies Dints. There are no def- prived of the grace of the 11oly'the Holy Spirit dwells in the bulivi- 01131 clothing for those in direst ween them regarding the SPirit. arid if some fail to find in 'Mud and l:erfurnig 11 is great work- '"ed. In "The Burden of the Ilat- of morality. They themselves that peculiar fear it 'save when the individual utterly re- karts," 91isa Durham. one of the re - seems that the reason is in a general .leets flim. lief agents, describes her experiences disseminate the truths lack of information and understand- We can see in some people's faces. with the warring factions. try as widely as possible ing in regard to the work and power and in their actions, the proof o(; "'1'Itis unhappy land," explained no considerable sari- of that holy Spirit. - that divine presence. They feel (lint one Moslem official. "is given over the►" concerning aha. i'or it is hardly to be expeclerl tcithin them, nssisiing, sugLestiug, to the devil. You see his work that n thinking being would (10 such elevating. Tho best of things of everywhere. 'rhe Moslems aro break - doing this work. Feder- things as could insure only the loss life are His work, the greatest bene ing the commandments of the Pro- cnnhl. thea:, to inculcate of something he knew to bo priceless. 'fits done by man are His work. We Chet and the wrath of God is upon which they all accept., Men aro careless about their reli- ; must learn more of 111111 and we shall them. '1 hey are drunken; they kill h the objects theyall gious. Men aro cnreloss about their 'trust flim the more and value Hint one another as well as Christians. religious life and about their rola-!•the more. During these dugs of our When a Christian is killed 1 speak to 1 more effectively with tion to the Holy Spirit. mostly be- 'probation we shall Le wise to plea(1,them like this: of money and a growl refuse they do not fully understand I for His continued presence. "Cast " 'Why 410 you strike this mum? Ile effort than they are - who the lfuly Spirit is and what Ilei me not away front Thy presence, and did clothing to you.' has (Ione and is doing in the physical i take not Thy holy spirit from me." " 'I struck him because ho is an tel that without. sac- tf their denominat local -- f unbeliever.' of creed or organize- St his neck -Was :dubbin . 'Why do you strike an unbeliev- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL err detest ion would carry on . and proud. 'Because I wish to kill thein regard to "hick all were hardened his heart-Literally.all.' • Church would he au- INTERNATIONAL came strengthenehis fxedt in That ispurpose1 o 'Do you wish the land to bo all LESSON, altogether1 kloslcrn?" respect to "tatters as SEPT. 3. and determination not to humble 1 " 'Of course 1 do.' err was not complete ; (unset( before (lot nor to follow tits. " 'But (10 you not understand that It tenni seem there ,Lesson X. The Captivity of Ju- advice of his prophet .leremiah, to what yuu do is contrary to thewill dah. Golden Text, Num. surrender to Nehuchadrersstr. be any doubt ntnongof God? Do you think you (use more mi the friends of Pro - 32. 23. 14. Polluted the house of Jehovah powerful than He? it every Chris- -To what awful extent. and ill twhltt'tian were killed the land would be as to the desirability (if LESSON woup sTuD1E9 mann is int r I t 1t f , n Sponge Cake with Fruit Sauce.- Cut a loaf of fresh sponge yak.. into rather thick slices and lay these on a plate. Cook in a rich syrup flav- ored with maraschino. diced pine- apple. or any chosen fruit, and when this is colli pour over the cake.Surround with a border of Whipped cream and setae as to in us possible. The cake should not be allowed to get soft or too soggy before it is served. In using strawberries for this dessert, they must not be cook- ed for 01(40,' than a minute; indeed, they need not. be cooked at all. Cut theta in small pieces and stir into the syrup when it is cool. (toasted 'i)ucklings.-Clean tho birds thoroughly, put into each one an onion and atolls cut in halves, dredge with flour, stilt and pepper, and rc•ast about twenty minutes, ac- cording to size. Baste from time to time with melted butter. 'Take out the birds when done. Into he pan in which they were roasted pour a little stock, thicken this with browned flour. add a dos, n olives chopped and serve as u sauce for tho du -•kliegs. Ily (ho way, remove from the ducks the onions and ap- ples. which aro to be u' -ed for the purpose only of imparting a little flavor to the birds, and of absorb- ing, if need be. any strong flavor of the ducks. Frozen Peaches with Ice -Cream firm .- Large rm peaches should be chosen for this. feel carefully and cut each in half. ,,rack in an ice cave or freezer for vo or three. hours. until well frappe. Have ready round of sponge or angel cake. Lay ono of the poach halves on each of these, surround the cake with ice cream or whipped cream, and put a large spoonful of ice -create in the place left vacant by the peachstone. Ripe 'Tomatoes. Pickled. - Wipe carefully one peck of stnooth. ripe tomatoes and pack thein into a jar, sprinkling them as they are packed with one cup of SIad;•'s Pickling Spice. Scald ono gallon (or enough to cover the tomatoes) of strong cider vinegar and pour over the to- matoes; cover closely and let. stand three days. four off the vinegar, Scald and return to the tomatoes After three days repeat the process, then set. aside for six or eight weeks. c ice e( in t he ullottiu� abuost will t people. 44'(0 are HINTS TO 1IOUSI:ICEFWEiIS. lung these lines. Note -These Word Studies are bas- passage: "For both prophet ctrl you, who think you can arrange the For n beautiful (lower centrepiece ed on th:, text of tho Revised l or- Priest; yea. in my house have 1 world?' (ill a glass bowl with carbonated cion. found their wickedness. with .Ielu,r-; ••')'been IAve hint a handful of water and immediately arrange in it 'ntc•rrsling quest ion eche- The En(t.-1n the year 597 Nebucn- ab in the prophets of Jerusal.•tn clay, and s y 'Yoke that and make nasturtiums with plenty 01 leaves. adrezzn►' had sent .Jehodnchin, to- also I have seen at horrible three: it into a Moslem, Make it into a (10.80(1 federation. if ef- get her wit h many of the noblest of they commit adultery, and walk 111 kloslem. i say, at once!' d not prove the first step th,+ .lets, into exile in B111»10nia. lies; and they strengthen the hands "He is astonished and says he can - 10 so doing and in exacting from of evildoer, so that none doth ro- unplete union. '!'hut it Zedekiah, whom he placed on the lure, front his wickedness: they are all not do it. about a h.'tter ander- throne of Jerusalem, a solemn oath of !.hent become unto neo us Hodotn, 1weell the various church- of allegiance he evidently considered and the inhabitants thereof as Go- •.• them to look with more the humiliation u( the kingdom of nu rruli ' (.ler. 23. 11. 1.1; comp. also " "rhe Lord created all the peo- ples of the world thus with clay by a miracle,' I say to hint, 'and you, Judah sufficient to render it harm- .1(1. '• t)-11; l:zek. 8. 5 -iii). You cannot even make of it one yeti upon each other's pe_ less in the future. Thr .Jews, huts- 15. His rnosseng0rs--.leremiah. p;te. Moslem; yet you would destroy rho of dogma and worship ewer, had a stubbornness and Erdal' a kiel. r(jal' Habakkuk, and uth•,r Lord's work.' less exclusive favor upon Dower of resistance which he had tic- pr(•phets. seems probable.'1'hnt it (lerestimated, and scurccly had •:c Rising up early and sending -Imply - returned filth his army o u t a alt Iiablon'n in • the urgency (,encu and Importance in the,rtnnco of 1 near future to ac- 'before the remnant of the notion rt. the message and the earnest tiollcl- •e.ence seem, improbable .101118010m were again planning the Lode of Jehovah who did not tail to I religious revcluitiotns are overthrow of foreign euprentacv• ; warn and instruct his people try ily or speedily brought to Y,edekiah himself, as we have seen in ; Dwane of the messengers he sent to In former lesson, wits above esti t eak ' them both earls and Intr "Then he is ashamed. it is thus one . t speak to such .nen. The clay a and I the they Y un der - stand." Itell viduaI nrgurnent of that sort may seer" to be a slow way of bring- ing pence into the Balkans -but it the words and the clay hold out it and vacillating, and finally yielded to I 10. Mocked the messengers -(tow may be done the+ persuasions of his chief advisers .i.lereminh was imprisoned, beaten, -♦ ,Ai:I'Ii i11NTS. Iand of the king of Egypt and, break - ;and threatened with death we have Mr. Wollace (impressively) -"Ah, nre his oath. again declared the :o- sten in a previous lesson. Unljah is here is another story of a man who Shoulders -1f you ars ' deperide,•ce of Judah from llabylon,a. ' re)aorted (n Jer. 28. 20-23 to have killed himself because his home was Sere(' try sleeping with- In esu 11. t'., after at siege 01 ono been put to death, 011(1 of this fate of unhappy." Mrs. Wa114100 1SW0011y)- for u while. or at least and a half years, Nebuchadnezzar ; Habakkuk, who also lived (luring the "And did that stake his 3102140 hop- e. er ' 1 sec i+t t r.. Jrrusnlcm, capture(' rho Chaldean period, nothing is know, : py, or floes 1he paper not say?" Headache -The juice of fleeing king, blinded him, and sent ! (c,.mp. flab. 1. iS), j in a teacup of .tree; lain in chains to Babylon. the tem..; 17. ('hnldeuns-The land of Koichi,' In her will an old lady has desire') - without sugar. Is en Ple. the royal palace, 014(1 all of the front which the name ('haldcntn is de- her cat, her "oldest 811(1 truest • finest buildings in the city were burn- , rived, lay southeast of Babylonia ,111 friend." to be shot and buried with kart uoldbet ro11arttrt retires; largo Part watts aturnf the city yuwlre n c, the seacoast. It became n part ' f her. Such touching devotion to old Mg 1 6 1 K tli Babylonian empire, and the friends is, fortunately for Fats, rare. iti • the day, exercise for seventy or more of the higher officers , Chaldenns not only furnished the write vigorously. Take and nobility were executed. Others' early dynasty of liabylon, but also connoisseur -'•I tell you nhnt it is, h in the morning. as it ('1 the remaining inhabitants suffered:migrated migrated in large numbers Into I3nb:- 11'lraub, those ostriches are simply ator for the entire dao exile, and only a small remnant of • Ionia. The founder f tI II t ihc• pourer classes "ere left in the " " to tt n ,,v- superb. You shouldn't paint nny- cooked food. This may be an into - Fs -Nothing is bettor for city.l 0('r old of n kin • n overn.r Ionian kingdom, Nahnpolassnrs tensa thing but birds." Artist (disgust- vation in the country. The family r the white of 1411 egg it tats n t nit ad, tle(1 king n trusted c1 Chaldean. and from his tanto the eft)-••')'Mogi. arc not ostriches; they inn, accustomed to sit down at table 11 air, tbus easing the i t 3erm ('hnlden was used to designate nre camels." fiend of Jeremiah, oho made nes the whole of itabylenia. and cal heartily of fried .neat, fried prevents inllarnmatinn, hen dc uarter•s not at Jerusalem, but Slew -had no compassion -'rhe res- - jegrs of laudanum. heated I fah the saute quantity 01 inl- et Mirpuh. Finally (iedaliah Was son for this dire punishment is st.tt- f e t "= _-.. ' .• mntrdere(' by as revengeful prince .•f - r) �_ �i v Also an almost sure K P e(1 by F:zeklcl as follows: "Tho int- R[ '' -.._ the hull" tit 1+avid, but the usvruers. • quit)' of the house of Israel tact of - ararbe. It should be1'' ' _ � •a� the o t carefully, and Ifenring the revenge of the Babylon- Judah is exceeding great, and rho t�� � still 1 fans fled into Egypt. The aged Jere- lend •is full of blood, and the city full I It i .a 4 'with cottrne• mirth was against his will taken with of wresting of Judgment: for they y very useful to freshen the•, party. f i il:: sad•. .1chovah hath forsaken the land, Birk room. I'ut n ,seet I :'rp_.-_. Verse 11. Zedekiah--Compare Ies- end Jehovah south not" (i:zek. ;t, .1 -it " lacer, and on it lay t he soli Word Studies um preceding les- 1►t The punishment itself is de- r' •y'� 1 cd•hut poker, wh:m it, son. set it r -d Inc re in lentil in verses 1-1 , ;prickly fill the room. Flew en years -From iI. C. :,f)7 to1' 1` 1e1. 11 of F:•rrk. 9. i are advocating the oyes (tag 1`11 All the vessels -The spoliation e oil for weak lungs. it 1`.. ilumbl.d not himself before of the temple and city is thus made take the plaee of cod- Jeremiah -The prophet had steadily complete by the carrying awn)' of nd is thought by many and consistently advised 'Z,'dekiah to all the things of value which remain - 10 take. Oliver,. as a subunit and surrender to the Milne- ed An earlier spoliation had el- insideral very strengthen- Ionians (comp. .ter. 21. 1-7: .35. S- ready rubbed the temple of the with lung troubles. 22; 87. 1-10; 17; 38. 17-2:3. But greater part of its more valuable tees. 1: of the complexion only the vacillating king thou h frequent- sols (comp. verse 10). and freckles; they can ly asking the adtico of the prophet, 20. To hint and his sons until the a The sun is one of the Pat tly through tear of bis princes , reign of the kingdom of 1 orsl of all surgical methods of morbid growt hs, as 44(1(1 all narasitteal Don't be afraid of ratite powers ore in It -rays of the sun. and ate. The flowers will soon be covered with sparkling dew, presenting the coolest. appearance. Heliotrope, which 18 so hard to keep fresh, should have the leaves stripped from the stalks as soon as it is cut. Greenery can be •nix0(I with the flowers afterwards. Poppies, very fragile blossoms. should have the ends of the steins seared with a lighted match or candle before being P a placed in water. To dip broth orso1 from the ket- tle move forward to the hot part. of the raage, staking the soup boil furiously. This raises a large bub- ble in the middle of tl:e pot front which a cupful of soup at 0 time may be dipped out -the fat all goes to the sides of the pot. The practice of letting little chil- dren ruts barefoot is a very danger- ous one. if we coedit be suee that there wets. 110 rusty nails or hits of glass around it might be all right. t. Even an ordinary scratch cunning in contact with Idlontts germs might !earl to very serious results. Clothe your boy's feet in light -weight cot- ton stockings and roomy, stout - anted shoes (or sandals). Serve fresh. ripe fruit for tho first course for breakfast ns at other tneals. At sanitariums the patients are expected to eat fruit before the t• ane portly thro'igh elusive hep01 ,:f Three kings succeeded Nebucharlrerzar ultimate relief from Egypt, could on the throne of Babylonia before the never bring himself to surrender. eeta:hlishment of the Persian ruse 'tv 13. King Nehuchndnezear- The Cyrus. Of these three kings the more correct spelling substitutes an first, Eti1-rnerodnch. was the sun 11 r for an n in this nano. This was N,•bttchadresser. The second, `erig- Nehuchadrezzar I1, son and successor lissar, seems to have been his son -in - of Nabopolassar. lie w;,9 Ling of �-.•-- Babylon from (304 to 502 11. C. Had made him swear-Eseklel alto Mere wore two apples mentions this oath of fidelity: "And oard, Tommy, and t.ow he took of the seed royal, and made nay one. Bow's that?'J a covenant with him; he also brought seee no way of escape) hint under an oath, and took away it was so dark la there the talg1417 of :1tN M,pdu ( i 17. the other.'s I3.14 law. though a usurper. Whether the third. Nahonldcle, was n lineal d-s- ceedant of the royal house 1s not det'nitcly known. 21. Word of •lehevnh by he mouth of •leremiah-"And this whole land shall be a desolation meet en est oni,hment. and these natfu;•s shall serve the king of Babylon aev. T • 4. In() ' 4.4 t is Vit', 1 a • 4, 14,11E7 TitT: T PTIlt1'.'M, 1 i 1 1 CASTOR -I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beenIn use for over a() years, has borne the signatnro of and has been made under hitt per. /tonal supervisionsinee lit. Infancy. atirirm. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeit::, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trilfo witIh and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhwa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, reguhttos the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea. -Tho Mother's Friend. CEUUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1.440 The Kind You HMways Bougbt In Use For Over 30 Years. T„C CIHT4V.4 COM.*NT. 77 .VNN.T .TN[a T, MtW 701111 c,TT. or boiled potatoes, and strong coffee The symptoms produced by these and then have little desire for fresh substances may he extremely severe, berries, apples, peaches and other and comprise intense gastric pain, fruit in its sca801. 'Ilio strength vomiting, intestinal disturbances, recuperated by the rest of the night burning thirst, constriction of the must largely be expended in digest- throat, and oftentimes distlrhance ing hearty, unsuitable food, whereas of sight, such as hazy and double as much as possible should be in ro- 'vision. In marked Cases there is serve for the day's labor. 'great prostration and weakness of Rico may be used at the noon meal the heart, which may last for weeks, in place of potatoes, it has a meth - The practical lesson to be drawn cinnl value in the. season when bowel from a consideration of these possl- disturbances are more or less preva- bilities is the necessity for scrupu- lent. louts care in the handling- of all Pineapple juice is delicious flavor- things intended for table use. All ing to 1130 in whipped creast. This perishable foods must bo consumed will be found worth trying with the as quickly as possible, and must cake crumbs. Mix cream and crumbs ;never be left out of the ice -chest exactly as directed for the maple llonger than Is absolutely necessary. cream, but flavor with pineapple in- Canned foods should be entirely re - stead. and have slic's or hits of moved from the tin as soon as pineapple at the bottom of the dish opened, and nothing that is intended and also on top. to be eaten should ever be allowed to stand unprotected from the dust. A FE%V PICKLE ILI:CIPES. The air is constantly swarming with bacteria and mold spores. which find admirable conditions for growth in the dishes prepared for the human stomach, and often give rise to the production of the poisons In ques- tion. Lastly, every article of food, tinned or otherwise, that is at all abnormal in appearance, taste or o(lor should bo discarded. ----♦- Mrs. Barker-"�Shnll I sing 'Ire - 481180 I Love Your " "No, Mat -in; 1( you love ane, don't sing." Pickled Cauliflower. -'fake gond white heads, break in pieces, and boil for ten minutes in rather strong salt water. Take' nut the pieces and lay on a towel to drain; schen cold, put in a jar and cover with hot vinegar in which has been boiler) a few whole cloves, sticks of cinnamon and a dash of cayenne pepper. Sweet Pickles. -Over steamed fruit of any kind pour a hot syrup made of three pounds sugar and one pint vinegar for every seven pounds fruit. Spice 10 taste rimy be added to the syrup, preferably lied up in a thin hag. Curried Cauliflower. -Shred and steep in brim, two duv.a drain dr • and put in a pan of vinegar in which three ounces curry powder per quart has been steeped for three days. Let come to a boil. AnE Mustard Excellent \iu. Lard Pickle. -One quart ripe cucumbets, cut fine. also ono quart small green cucumbers, one quart green totnatucs, one large cauliflower, six green peppers all cut fine; add one quart 81111211 onions. Put all in a weak brine for twenty-four hours; (Wahl, and boil a few minutes in equal parts of vinegar anti water; drain again, and potir over the pickles a dressing trade ns follows: Take six tablespoons mustard. one tablespoon turmeric, one and n half cups white sugnr, on.• cup (lour, and one-quarter pound mustard seed; mix. And add two quarts Ie•stvino- gar; eco!., and pour over the pickles. FOOD-I'OISONIN(1. There are many ways in which foodstuffs may give rise to more or less serious disturbances of health. and it. is pnrticulnrly during the summer weather that such accidents are likely to happen. Official exam- inations nre constantly revealing how widespread is the practice of adding pres.u.vntives or ndolte:nuts to viands of all sorts, au1(1 though it must be admitted that in runny instances these eubstanc•es ore by their nature or the smallness of the quantities used comparatively hand- less, still in the mnjurity of cases the conditions are such as to render their presence extremely undesirable. But entirely npnr•t (ruin these, se.- vero illness not infrequently follows the use of certain con foods. 1n anitnel fonds, extremely poisonous principles celled ptonenins easily ap- pear ns the result of ',arterial ac- tivity. and may cause wholesale ill- ness. Dairy products aro e.fecially prone to such changes, end if nut properly cared for niny develop tyrctnxicon, nr cheese peisen. n substance that is not rare in ieceerei,rn, white botul- ism is n various form of ptctnaln- poisrnina following the eating of tainted meat or sausage. Fish and shell -fish viel(1 .si(nliar products. a specially vicious poison named mytilotoxln having been iso- lated front flume's, mei canned things aro also often offenders In this way. ABSOLUTE SECURITYI Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Sltnlle Wr:;eer Wow. Ur, .matt and as ot.ir Ilo take as sugar. •CART• FOR RI �OAC;ii. ERS FGR illiiiitF3R. IT FOR ZILIOUSRE3S2 r oR TORP;D LIVED. Jit.... FAR 00ii;:7IPAT!cf. FOR SALLOW Skid. ,'"� Fcn Ti;sccr(lplcx,or. 1'r .o •,T-, u;1,r,..w,N...y�a4..*.,a•. t� roes (1 ! Pnre17 Togeteale. ir_s.,:3jrSesC GUSE "ACK HEADACHE. J Ysi+f1J' -:: - t:i:ip"1l;:,'1C1.1 t' DE S'Gr:1 COPa:f.NTo &c. Anrep ,,.a r„ -r, .m mar oIeR -/-e:/•*/ a'1 ullentl " I ', i {rent e • •. ting• Pte sett: ve{rl 110•,,!•. 11•*...ft a•n+!rr- I.•. r4 ! r /•Ynr�' I i•94aa,(e. e l le•q:n a (0. rhes:,• (:•a•. hl 42118 Sc Scientific :lmerkc)ii. A mei 4 n,goly I11N.+•%1.4 w4Mtty. re ttrt Ch ee,a+;:.: of •nr two • •,r • (,sepal Tela.. 11 e eat: n{esresets". Is $ 4!•ra11 rew9'tatr?a {liu)'i`: &CO'4Ete'attts►. Naw YOI;� . . "/ !-t_ tsrs8:.s14111. N. c.