HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-31, Page 6rri0cr9.7r,
JUST A BOY'S DOG.Nu. sire•(•, that dog won't bite;
Not a hit o' dauber!
What's his breed! Shure I don't
Jesta 'boy's clog,' stronger.
More children die during the het
weather months than at any other
season of the year. 'their Vitality is
then at its lowest ebb, and an attack
of diarrhoea, cholera infant out or
etomach trouble may prove fatal in
8 few hours. For this reason no
home in which there are young chil-
dren should be without a box of
Baby's Own 'Tablets, which J,rorni,•ly
Bis Majesty Will Inspect 40,000
Troops on September
The announcement that his Bin-
testycure all stomach and bowel troubles. volunteers steers ingl• Edinbis to urgh
u enviers of
if the '!',thlets are given to u molldh ort Septeml-
child they will prevent these till_ I t er 18, has created iutensc sutisfac-
ments and keep the little one w overScotland. t lits long
andand strong. Mrs. Joseph T. Pigeon, `c'' sorer( that Lord Provost
l, Que.,tint's: "My i tans oil las been exerting• himself
e u,. :u orderto get his
Results from coinrnon soaps;
eczema, coarse hands, ranged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
Suffered for Years Before She OAT) REDUCES
Found quick Relief in the Great
ell thin all 1 1
No St. I1crrlarcl—yet loaf year,
b • r k Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Time the snow %vas deepest,I (,gess' C' t 1 b 4,1; t,,; the octl+t•s R..
ist':dr' c<l u little ~haver home little ono St. Ruse du Deg ele. Tentiscouta _ __
to th • utmost !
was attacked with colic anti J'tib rh- 'ift ► Co., Que., Aug. 21—,Special).--S,li_ A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY,
%%here the hill was steepest. oea, and I found Baby's Own Tablets j .5th to hole) a review un some- !faring twutnenalJurge('tlntl(!ttttilJ
thin• like the senle which (lutea Vic-
o satisfactory
at I ,would not now O t
rend ori tt' •
with ' 1
f n
tanto held in August, 18H1, fetes al-Ilief 1 r b`' of interest and ,•t,, How the Independent Order of
he without theta in the hoose. "These the ex erience of \)arae Aul.•dee_ Foresters Has Grown,'Tablets not only cure summer :rou-I trust 40,000 volunteers \tere oft },u- 13rerdcaiet of this place.
bit's, but all tho minor ailments that t rude from every part of Scotland. I 'filo Supreme Court of the Iudepen-
afilict infants fled young; the areal nnients are in the hands "It gives mu: pleasure to bd: able dent Order of .'oForesters held its
children. b ' to tett, says Dame Brack( •t te, "that
'1'he;v contain tic opiate or harmful of tb•? military head -quarters in I triennial session nt Atlantic City,
drug, ), Scotland•,who now occupy s,aci�us ' 1 um clued of all the; ills 1 suffered New Hersey, recently. The reports
g, and may ,t gjlVen ,with gest(.) ! 1 for a number c; years. 1 fuutul in p
safety to the reeli been baby or ,cell 1 t Ill es int the helatial buildings of Dodd .8 Kidney fills quick relief ; submitted at this meeting; show the
grown chilli. . ;p ere imitations society to be a wonderfully prosper -
of this medicine ftotn all toy pains. I only Iraq to arts one. An Independent Finance
.,SA mothers should Alilt AN 1:.111:\'1'ti OV I.% )01'. take one box to begin back toy
see that the: w seas "Dabs 's 1Iwn E: ('omltuittee investigated all the sc•cur-
'I'at,lets" and tho Iter—leaf clover It is believed t hat the mrilitar hettlth, and in five mouths 1 have
y Ries, etc., and reported that they
ttuthoritics in Scotla,icl have already,I1ettl no return of tnv trouble."
with chi/Ws head on each len( is found the business affairs of the or -
found on the wrapper around each! Plot th •mrselves in connection with \'hose troubles known only to WO- j der managed in n t hurwrg;lrly bllsi-
box. As you value year child's life' the War Office with a view of .&seer_ ,nen always slrrir:g fruit disordered ! nes& manner, the irttestments safely
do not be persuaded to take a rub- tabling what allowance is to be Kidneys. The female organs art► en- , and wisely evade, and that no losses
stitute for Baby's Own Tablets --the made toward the xpeuses of the vol- tirely dependent on the Kidneys. ; hurl been Melt • •ed
Anal tt ahl
, all
the same,
'Vwouldn't (10 to scoff hint.
Fastened (111 a tramp one timte--.
Couldn't pry him off itinn.
Not a pointed --jest the same,
When it all is over,
Ain't. a better critter rotund
Sturtirt' up the plover.
Sell hint? Say. there ain't. his price.
Not in all the nation!
Jest a 'boy's dog'; that's his breed --
Finest in creation,
There comes a time when every
growing toy must face the question:
What shall I do for a life tt'ork?
IC is an important question. one
that is as Important to the parents
as to the child. It is one that must
be faced squarely and answered wise-
And yet there are many who shirk
and turn away, trying to avoid a
direct answer, leaving the solution to
what they hope will be a happy
Then there are sons who leave the
solution entirety to their parents;
and there are parents who leave it
curing all Lho Men toesismer.
one medicine that makes children' well , unteers who may conte to the review Doddl s Kidney Pills never tail to 1 years of the order's history. Tho'
and keeps them well. Sold by all from a distance. as soon as dot- the Kidneys. That is why they ;order's accumulated funds have itn-
drugg;ists, or you can
g,'t then, by I finite information has been obtained always bring health, strength and Icreased in the last three feta'& :3 - �... EXCURSIONS. to weak, rim -down, sof- 272,:345.51. The order's position $ is
mat a cent
tering woitl.•li
are not more different than the old fa shiun.•►l Link car package teas, and
Carefully Crown, Thoroughly Cured and Properly Packed
"2"3E1416. T It T$ M7 31Et.2:3 m Lam• Z+
For sale by all live grocers.
A telegrapher earns from
$510.00 to $1800.00 it
year. Do you? If not, lit
us duality you to do so.
Our free telegraph book
explains everything. Write
fuer It to -clay.
SA::claide St. Ea 1, Toronto, Ont.
I t 25 s a box by writing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
upon this point no time will be lost
In c011lllltlnit'ating with commanders
of corps throughout the country.
Edinburgh is sure to make a good
contribution to the gathering, for it
TIS: EVILS OF GAMBLING. will be the desire of the brigades of
which lord Provost Cranston is so
An Appeal to King to Use His popular a commander to turn out in
Influence Against It. such ncmbers as wiil demonstrate to
A striking sermon on "The Sin of his Majesty how admirably he bus
Ilazurd," was delivered a few SIM -interpreter! the feeling of the t•olun-
Temple, Lon- tec•r5 of the capital. All over Scot -
days ago at. the City
land the same feeling is b:•lieved to
prevail, and there is general expecta-
tion that throughout the country
the day will be observed as a gener-
al holiday. This will moan an influx
of people to the capital on a 'scale
tel • 11t.
h twill help to Make up for the
lack of visitors recently corrlplainecl
of. The various railways will tin -
all to the sons. don, England, by the Itev. It. J.
Each snoutel consider the matter Campb(ll.
with diligence and frankness and The preacher spoke of the unhealthy
come to a determination agreeable to desire to gamble which too often ac -
both. contpanied our national sports and
In considering the problem it will even our indoor pastimes. The sin
be well to remember several hings• of hazard was, in his opinion, one of
In the first place all real success the most outstanding of our nation -
must be founded in the economic al vices, and one which every serious -
principal of becoming a producing minded patriot must feel was it dorlhtefity offer tempt ins feel! it its
member of the great industrial menace to the well-being of the conn-( which will insure an immense at tend -
scheme. There is no room in the, rnunity and to our Imperial destiny.' ante of spectators. It will
! � proyioie,
world for a drone. The gambling evil had penetrated to too. anot her of the too rare oppor-
Everybody must produce something the highest grades of our social life. "nit" tthich P4o;'te from every
The man who produces what is most to our commercial lite, and to our ' Part of Scat land have of testifying
needed and most wonted receives the sports, but the most regrettable fea- how 1 opulnr his Majesty Is among
Inrg;cst rewards, tore of all was the way in which hitt Scotus() S►rl;jests.
AS a general rule it is wise to try 1 the desire for gambling had spread HELP VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT.
to produce something of which Mel I to the lower classes, amens whom i
supply is scant. In any ease, it is, the - "copper book -maker" and the The (review t.ill also tend to infuse
prudent to avoid those occupations; small moneylender had firmly estub- new life into the t•calunteer move -
in which there is already a surplus fished themselves. ment, whit•}, in Scotland, as in some
of the product. For instance, the i With regard to gambling in society.
world is not crying for lawyers, doc-' Mr. Campbell could only say that if
tors, preachers, or accountants. The' half the stories which were told
so-called professions are overcrowd- about the sums of money lost and Iron
tel. There is a large surplus stock at "bridge" among the upper classes
of legal advice: on the market; nisei were true, they formed a very et it
medical advice and of bookkeeping;. i portent for the furure of the race, It
Consequently the rewards are dimin-
The kind of man that is most plen- highest grades of sueii'ty than exist- c'on,so)'t, this trill only lend addition-
tiful in the market is the one t' ho ed in the eighteenth century, for in- al eclat to what has every prospect
knows no business in particular and, stance, when statesmen of the high- of being n memorable occasion in
wants something in tt•hic}t he can est. rank gambled away their entire Scottish history. Unfortunately the
wear good clothes ,while at work. fortune. Still, ft was to the upper Inst review took place on what was
The man unost in demand un(1 least classes of society that the country one of the t•.c•tte�t d
plentiful is the one who has had ac-
tual experience with sonio occupation
which soils the hands and the clothes
and ,who, at the same time, has the
grott'il,g better every year, for
instance, the increaso in accumulated
assets during the last ttto
years, 1003-4, was :1.1.34 per cent-.
i e to increase in insurance at
During June, July, August
September the Chicago and N
Western 1{y. will sell from Chic
round trip excursion tickets to
tl hrr►ncisco, Los Angeles, I'or ll
How the Old Lady Got Rid of a t risk during the same period was only Ore. (Lewis & CI:►t;ke Excursion), Se-
Dreadful Headache. 6.97 per cent. The order hits increas- att!r, Victoria. ithe Excursion),
Vancouver at very
'1'otnr►ry I'omero 's ed its ting accumulated funds since the low rates. Correspondingly cheap
y pneumonia led last steering; of the Supreme Court fares front all points in Canada.
to ti discussion at the sewing -club more rapidly than it increased in any Choice of routes, best of train ser -
between an advocate of mustard 1 equal time previously. During the ,'ice. favorable f:topovers incl liberal
plasters and a believer in cold -water :318 workin • clays of the year the return limits. gates, folders and
!order Jays out $8,1i:12.Hi) per flay, full ie,forrnation can be obtained
"What a variety 01 cure's there iart<1 each ^ edgy puts away a surplus from Il. Ir. Bennett, General Agent.
are," remarked Miss hverett. pleas- of $:3,9(►,. The order's accumutlateil,2 East King St.. 'Toronto, Ont, 31
nntiy, with a meaning look at the !funds now amount to over $9,000,-
0 000
1,1 Olt SA1.i:.._J Vt.:itl luovv •.
keeps 1,(1
1 hens ,
3irc at once and get tithe best ((tract cal
mUurtuation anal latest news about
poultry and pet stock keei,ieg, every
month for the next Ili months. Money
back if not satisfied. Agents want.
Address, Poultry News. Owen $ouud,
Superfluous Hair Permanently Remo
w'bile traveling in Mexico 1 ds,cover.•
eJ u drug wti;cis removes hair fro
face, arras, neck. or any hart of
body instantly and pernsanenlly,
will send{{ to any one afflicted without
any judge L11 1 i but a postage stamp.
ful attempts . ( others I haveent by risutrer•ed
for tears with this atlliction and now
illy life's work is to help others from
this humiliating trouble. My tre:dt-
►•trtt is easy and accomplished at hon ,
ane( I will forfeit Vim) if it. fails
rernotu hair. Don't sutler longer. Ite-
lief nc q•isgehnow yours for the asking. Write
i)Ultd lest S' t j 1 u (, forget my address,
teenth Street, Philadelphia,�PPa. Sir
Deft ! , Altl.l .1'1` All:li[ili:, Al ►••-•-1 ;—
essos acre. --22 miles north of
ago. depot;ry •cc uvenientmiles from Airdrie railway
San stases, etc.; splendidly church, schools,
itn(1, , licent view; y situated; tuaHnl-
lirst-clans suit: sour( water
buliltl;souse ofdteightate l rooms, fated with
all modern conveniences and drainage
systern; stable, tattle sheds. bueey
i tett, workshop. corrals, ct:.; gond
fences, all new and substanti:►t: will ho
solei as a going concern, with Mork,
crops, machinery, tools and house fur-
nishings; this farm is all plowabts•, and
is especially adapted for growing hard
fall wheat and for (nixed farniinn. 1,, ))
particulars on application to Cray
giros., Airdrie. Alta.
outer:;. "Yesterday 1 heard of the t 000, and these, the committee rd*-
cure'!" }ports, are all well and saf;'Iy invest-
"Inleed!" The ministe►•'s wife ed. The society has added 1 1,01)0 Tt is a disgrace --
hastened to help in steering' conver_ ! ntemhcrs net fc►r each year of the 'l' half du thlolell
Saiion atCrly fruru the belligerents. (,fist triennial period. 1\o chnn c'g, to be lax, indolent, indifferent.
g' Not to d svelop your possibilities.
••you've kept yourself so young, were made in the rates, tho �uprerne ..
Mrs. (.len, you must hate sca►nething,► Chief Ifamger contending that the to do poor, slipshod, blotched
interesting to contribute on cur. s.,1 rates of the order at the present time Work,
J o site bad exatnplo to young
The old lady thus addressed was f were Gini lc•.
a resent Comer, but it was grtiflual- Alt the Supreme Executive were re- ptoi,le,
ly dawning on the community that ;elected, with Ifon. Dr. (h•onhvateklta 'l'o have crude, brutish, repulsive
they had a saint apron • at their head. It should be added rnann•rs•
!; th:•ul—Dere that the death rate of the order is '1'0 live a half-life when a whole
of the unobtrusive, happy, healthy
kind. Children were c1rradv culling low, indeed much lower than it was life is possible.
her "Aunty (:len." sante years ago, and tete average age Not to be scrupulously clean in
"Do you believe in mustard?" de- of the membership is only thirty- Jerson and surroundings.
mended the determined nttot•nle.
parts of England, has rather suffer_ 1 '•tor those that it Ix•tlefiIs, yes,'• (thccehu'e•. to be well and carefully
ed in popularity within recent years 'said Mr•s. (Ilan. gently. 'done. As a fraternal society 1 he
as the result of what, rightly or "lhrt tell its how you hrve kept S ludepet:dent Order of Foresters cm --
wrongly, is regarded as the want well," hastily interposed Miss Ever- : t.•tinly has be( n a wonderful success.
of genuine practical interest en the'ett. ;arid something of its financial
part of the war office. It is not
yet known ,whether the Queen is to
was only fair to say that there was accompany the King, but. if his Ma-
to -day a healthier feeling among the jetty is accompanied by hie royal
se'ven. The medical work seems 'l'o acknowledge a fault and make
n, effort to overcome it.
To be ungrateful to friends and to
(horde who have helped us.
'1'o go through life a pygmy when
Nature intended you for a giant.
1 don't mind telling, hot 1 re.g ; strength may be understood from 1'o kick over tits ladder upon
you'll thin'.: it's a finny Linc) of the fact that the reports shote that which we have climbed to cur posi-
cure, " Mrs. (;len replied, with a it Inas already enough in its treasury Burt.
senile. "Onod's years ttg.�o, 1 I:ad a to pay all probable death claims for '1'o be grossly Ignorant of the eus-
drearlful header/ie. I had•,', sleet abnill five' '*,ars without collecting totes and usages of good society.
n wink the night before-- i was arty premiums from any one of its
grieving shout a friend hail i.ailr,'t ; flu.mtbers.—'Toronto Clop,•, August She—"You say you are devoted to
tri at ed the right. , 15.
• ays on record.
naturally looked for an exumr,le, and But be the weather that it may this some silky.
it was to be regretted that the sin time, there. is no doubt but there will I at i cannot be expected to hate niu:,
of hazard was manifested in so he plenty of enthtainsmt on the oc- g, rets t ig,ht a inside of ate. er:cot upon the intestines, and to over -
elision of the King's visit. and it 'Now.' said I to myself. 's•l►st• Me-'' It appears tercel rnu:it influence the action of these
will not be surprising if the muster bit abel Record did t-eally do it, iv ; cItt n i cars front the monthly re- canals. l'ar,nelee's Vegetal,le I'illt aro
p f the medical officer of health '"' rnnde, u:ule• the r;upervision 01 ex -
of volunteers at the review exceeds tint a r•eas'on why von should g,•roty ! peers, that the substance in ,hent in -
i Was just brooding away. going
over and over in my mind tvhnt 1'd BAD FOOD WHOLESALE.
say to Mehitabel !record so 1 ;
when saw that it big grudge wife Tons of It Destroyed Monthly in
rat. %%'hat is the particular art th
you lova best?" Ile—"'Thou art.
'they are. Carerulty Prepared.—Pills
%chic,) dissipate themselves in the stotn-
a t
capacity for planning and directing. (the game of "bridge."
A railway manager who has tramp- AN APPEAL TO THE
eel the ties and built a trestle, a
book publisher who has set type; a In our commercial life there were
lumber deafer who has served as a i many phases c,f activity which were
lumber jack: a contractor who hest not ordinarily described as g•unnbling,•,
"measured in., and "checked out"— but which partook of that character,
In a word, the man most in demand and which were certainly examples of
and hardest to find is the one ',who the sin of hazard. Sjeculation in
has learned some line of business many of its forms roti& merely a de-
from the basement to the 'front of- sire on the part of some person er
Gce." The eller( who want to learn persons to get rich quickly. '1 his
a business from the top down are desire was in itself essentially vie -
plentiful ions, because, it adder( nulling to
This is a greet industrial era. to e 1 ,wealth of the community, but
There are opportunities fur all. levers i htVbncyurrcd for one stns ,that
ten or twenty years the great Indus_
mlE; c lucked upon as belong;iti
trial army must be recruited uncut'. to other people.
The time has passed schen it was not 1 With all respect , emit ii►►med the pas-
"respectable" to beani thing; but it
lie desired to add a word reit-
man." Science and : earnings the influence ,which !Mel)* 1-p
learning have become the handmaid exercise(' iw lhc' Kitaf. Ili:: Majesty
ens of the industrial arts. i was much loves) by his people: he
To—day un}thing; is honorable that ' Isn(1 proved himself worthy of the
18 dune well. Produce something-- Post torr, and had rightly c•nr earned for
give sunlelhingg., to the world. and the himself the title of "the peacemaker
even the greet gathering ,which
marched pest Quem Vieto •ia in
General Sir C. Tucker is not the
man to leave anything undone that
is calculated 10 ensure the success of
the rev tt') •, and once he ret urns to
headquarters in 1'tlinbur•gli from his
lots of the Scottish volunteers no
time will be lost in prislsit►g forward
the needful arrangements.
a grud a?'for the city of London, England,
".moo i set richt about r,►rg,iting; 1 that in the four weeks dealt with no
less than :110 tuns of meat were con -
her as hard as i could, and g►,•.•t ty '
soon I Inst loved Mehitabel litssir 1• { rl:inn.•ef as unfit for human food, of
r• what mat ter she'd dune.•, which 11:, tons were imported frozen
'fh•• needles ,were motionless. •g 1proctuc••. t)f the ,chole, :30:1 tons are
sl:cn:;er•. ttlthucrg;h flushing ► user.•\ The
des( rilrad nti "putrid." The total
the i number of seizures made was :3,lo6,
gave of ninny cves, continued: and in more than 1.00Q cases sates-
-And when 1'cI f horoughly for -
given Aiehitnhel—,why, ells ht•adttcitc• earn were the first to call attention
tone gone, and 1 felt nice all over. It • 10
the glintity of the food(. Other
Hct me to thinking. After that, produce intended for human con-
sumptiun. but seized and condemned
whenever i had nn ache or pain, i
practised going * during, the four weeks, included:—
away by myself and One and a hall tons of strawber-
BEA1{FRS OF 1'AAIOI:ti NAMES. forgiving some one. It worked won-
elerfully." ries.
The ''1.0•1don Dirge 4or;y" shows "Did you always have &cilli' car►(•,'• One and a half tons of damsons.
that .1(•hn 13nrlvnrr its it green-g,•rac.'r; asked 11•.' minister's trite, softly, ••10 Ont and a half tont, of fruit and
•101in Milton keeps n chandler's Bract is.' oft?" pew,.
shop; n barrister, n coach -builder, "i)eat;v rete, nil"' said Amity One tun or snore of blackberries
and a watchmaker each boast of the (;len. ''Ev, rvbodv's alwrivs trent- aro, Illne d
name of 11alginn' Sherese,'art'; while ed me so ni e, i raft out of folks 1,2 n ay the illp ,inti of pines. ,niosed ors reined
Charles Dickens is a Polder baker. to forgive (call; age." ,xed fruits, stll-
world will pour its blessing{ into of the world." 1f the King would mon, lobster. and sardines, and on
your Ian exert his great influence in t.Pparating; +._....... "H �►tv did you manage your 'cure' another ],•fU0 tins of condensed
gambling- from sport, and in nits- WRONG SORT, then?" milk.
Icourt tenticing,• whit, ,was essentially "Olt• along ahc:ut the crime time I
200 1'1�.,1fi8 IN ONE TIOI'�3I'. ! ran cul of nrhe, sine( !,:tins. tete,. I ..........._+.„................ Ptil. and encouraging what way es- Use the sago, pleasant and effectual
A cot tage tenanted without a break i sent hilly good, a ter} Winch more Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes haven't lost a day in heti in forty- worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex -
for 11early 204) years by it local faro- f healthy impulse might be g;itell toand tread May be Against five yens." tern,►nator: nothinge,is,als it. Procure
ily named Rushton, a repr•e;entutit'e : the sports of the tuition. ,► bottle and take it game.
You for a Time. 'rite', was pails-. Hiss Everett,
of which (Nr. Thomas Rushton) is a + with shining d;ves, 1►t okP the Silence: .•
colliery m►anug;er for the Karl of ♦-- A change to the right kind of food "l.itdi. c, 1 more It is a pesitiyo delight to meet
Ellesmere twilit demolished the other n ruts of thanks �n sols you feel you ran trust,•• rc-
day at Walkden, near Manchester, rho
PAVEMENT Ol' SKULLS, can Lift one from a sick hod. A lady to—to dent Aunty (:len, f..r It bit mltukcd the individual ,with •Ile high
in 11'elclet►, 111., says: of trry deep and very dent 010080-
h114)80 b
Kite being required for n new 1'rirni- (:wittalti, a town in Africa, eon- ''1.nst spring 1 hessme bed -fast Phy• And 1 move; also, that tv Pref.'d•nel. ' (►h. I don't know! J
lite Methodist Chapel. In the earl . tains: between o
prefer , ••
y. ((n 10,0(x0 and lsi,cluU in- with severe tstcanuuh trouble nrcugn_ adopt her cure and Practise it ,_ I t rerun uhu kept
ca::h. re-
adopt of last century the cottag;t,. hahitr►nts, is sun minded b • with mustard plaster or tctise t plied the man who kept the grocer's
curiously enough, sero, it ns n preach- palisade of poles, the top of every worse alai wore iiii!.�illd1 ta'eamt, got
1 ' as ,hop.
int; place for lural Wesleyan Atcthu- ►ole each one likes.►•
(lists and hnnneal sn weaving ho- i being crowned by a human low 1 could scarcely retain any food
,skull. There are six gates, soul the at all, although 1 tried every kind. ��� Itleeker—tiay, old chap, I'm in
tilso carried on in it; it nisi) served approach to each is laid with a 1 had beyome completely discour- LAW ANI) THE QUEEN. beastly bad luck; need money badly
as at► alehcat+:e itt the Pibhteert(h pavement of human 15 oris, the tops aged. nal haven't the least idea %tltt' ' I
century. J g; had g;i:. n up all hope and '1'h • legal position of Qtiec'tt Alex- cart get it. Baxter—Well. I'm glad
i I►eing th.' only 4045 that show thocrg;ht 1 was eloona,(1 to starve to nudist is very curious. So far its to hear that -1 thought
'1'111: 1•:`(:I.ltiii Vt)(•,S131'I.:\1{1' ul►ove-g;runnd• More than 2,000 death. till one day my husband try- berg private business i. re a !, t perhaps you
4 nd .fine, she had an idea you could touch me for
skulls are used it) the pavement i ins; to find something could, retrain, is not regardedby the laws and est:;- it.
The Eneli•:h language—according l leading up to each grite. The pave- brought Koine ,dome (:t•a )e -Nutt.
to a G.s•utan statistician who has iru.•nt is of 5n.,tc}' whiteness, pi I 1 (funis of England ns a rnurried tt•c,- �
1 I "To my surprise the food agreed 1 than at all. She its the only woman "11 must he awful," remarked)
mad., n study of the compel rat ire 'to the Smt.,ut!mess of ivory 1>' the :with me. digested perfecto, and in Great Britain ,who cines not a
wealth of langt►ages--lee:rclv'(he list daily pass.(•.• of hun(Ireds cf 11111(4(1 - Without (listrut•:1. i began to scope come gushing young girl, ''serer to have
with they enormous vocabulary Of feet, R gni!) within the. .tope cal the Married Wo- a chnncP to marry." "Yes: but not
260,000 words. G(•rns,u► c•on+ 1Py next;strength nt once, my flesh (which roan's 1 rOi►('; ty Act. '1'h • idea of ! n. nrly so bad as to hate had a
lith 80,000 words; then Italian, 1 had been flabby) grew limner, my ! the law is that 11f•ittirs of 51ah' con- chance and let it slip!" said
heal(h intpr•oteel in every way and !Annie all the : it:t•• c.f the Kir, g 1 the
Leith 7.,,oles French. with :3(►,0o0• WANTS A 111 NI�111:1) itILLIOr,gr and Indy of uncertain age.
every day. and in a very tett weeks ! thee, torr, no r.: �:g,0nt,il,ility for thct
with 20,000.
frith 22, n00; anti Spanish. Lord Kitchener hum asked $111:1,- 1 gained 20 pounds itt weight. i Oueen'y private business rests upon
with 2(►,0ttO, 000,000 for the e're'ction of barracks - 1iked Crape -Nuts so cell that for •1 hien. If the queen contracted debts
And military centres thong; the in months 1 ate no other focal, and 111- in her inusband's name, h4 would not, '�< �C-'�8•\
titan front ler. 'flat, Indian nr►ir;. t"s1. telt nc well satisfied after e' • 'S 0nsit►ic fur then: n5 any other {' `t
schoolmaster from n r► y 'S father, in_ nt- lr rc f' , ,
s hoolg; hits of the cause .,f his son's s(•xists. he ant's, 01111 to r•'1►e'l 8 lht - i iug ns if i had snr down to n fate husband would. The King unman - DDS /
sPnn4 Alan invasion, and is not a 1►oIhi-s banquet. be slued for debt. but the Queen can 'r . •
al ft•oul seta, I tee previous force to )r45o • "1 had no return r+t the mfr=( ruble ,e (ting; (lie, ►+um,e ate- f
clay. It •t.uturally dn•1.40 �ornt` ri.' 1 r•to (trig ish upre'lrrl;c . • be. Should tl ; ,
rin►ent nod judging r- among thy native's in India. 'nti t',._ sic,; stomach nor of the headaches, ; thorities held that the Quern could 1 E Y /'
i K 11 the •.oar torr. ho propuscv to chnn mita-- that 1 its -.41 to have ,�
g: r when 1 air :nut marry again. ►
h4 signs the epistle, it !n no way i in (:nae he,vi!-.1 e1 I . /'
g;ether flit, sy:.Itis on which the nt1. r food. 1 nm Ito V n well trot- ' to do So. Without the special li- . ese ' - -
nnticr:4 hits. The nese•• ear. ns fol- prepared math (loin �'�
lows: "Please' c1;t use laricsy tri • been for mobil 11- g; all my steel work ngtain, and c0runtissIon of the King's silks d �." . ,•#• p. •�1 la S S
1 • ninny not alien. nal (doing.
•) t! nt lits• is v, ol'lh living. C4ssor. l4; �T
being at school yPSt. r., tv .�. he was
( "Grape-NutsSt
. feu, 1)0(11 a ,.r • [
kept at hunt.• to wash --his fntht'r.' Isrnd to my ft::t,ily: it surely sated• �� ' r EY G .
"What ni, you think of our new my life (1nr1 •ntv tiro l;t'lt, toys hat,, 'iter • nr,' only thrs(' entice al 1;s1 - 1 -+ _ is
('is st `:hol,tralker — "Poor ole( oil ninl ink ?•'dints in .inl►nn. .1c •,►:sero 1 s' i d n.' c R (l CD N GY /
t' asked Mrs. Newri: h. thrive•• 011 it wonrterhellv." `lame ' of them. end eh' birthday or tits. �f
Ttjones hers completely lost )tis hear- "Well," nns'tercd Mr. Ne�ericlt. "it 'given by 1'uelutat Co., Tattle ('reek. lr.•i: eic.g 1•:t,sed, EVM/t'f15 �SE't; ,
ieg 1 'in afro el he twill lose bin t�r•ems vim() enough from the front, ' 1ii(h. t )J re.r, Nov,lot. int . 1d, i•s _'.'cl., a-}HT`g, DtSE�Pf /
job " `secure) Shopwalker• --•"Note 1►t►t if you turn it round and look nt '1'hcre's reason. , Aunty, r 1311 three ry i l:h is th., %-�4 e,-. }/1p B
n r(t ,t,�I1,`•" 8 ETES ( .
pr,ntest of the three dentes. f,.r 1t is t u cast e��raS
,tense' e's's to be want f••rrcil to 1lie other nide i must say the tart- G►•t the little b�u►k, "The Voad t�)
Ow ccru,�laint department!" loris( :rciust kind o' cheap." 1h( anniversary of tt:•' corona of *A'tTFt Pu w+M1
D 11'cllt•itic in (rich pkg. sf1•nt, is1J tltrb
the 110. .1 Kniperur J itnntu.
The following note row 11.4 ,
tended to °perste em the intestines
retarded in section until they pa
thtougli th stoma.::► to the bowels.
In my opinion," *aid the Duke
Devonshire, "the report of tho cu
mission has not received from t
public all the attention it deserves
Ile suggested a systematic anthrop
metric survey.
Speaking for the Government, Lot
OU 1141
• • • SUITS
:its be Qsu perfect!, by tsar "reeds Proem.
Pearl—"I hear that Jeanette and
Ilarry were about, the softest couple
that. were ever married in this
I{uby--"I should say so. Why, they
were su soft that their friends boiled
the rice before they throw it at.
Very many persons (fie annun lly from
cholera and kindred summer complaints,
who might have been save,( if proper
. remedies had beet, used. if attacked do
of not delay in getting a bottle of Dr.
Itt- J. U. ellogg'a Dysentery Cordial, the
medicine that never fails to etiect a
ho cure. 'i'hoso who have us•vl it saw it
acts promptly, and thoroughly dues
i►- the pain and disease. S,
d James—"When I'm calling I never
know what to do with my hands and
Lansdowne gni%tt the assurance th
the report should not be J►igco
holed and forgotten. But further en-
quiry and investigation were neces-
sary before a great many of the re-
tO►►lr►lendlations could l:e taken a has
Have you trityl Holloway's Corn earn(
Il• It i,s rto ergo.( for removing Ili. <.►
troublesome excrescnc•es as many I„at.r
A Small Pill. hut l'oa erfuL--'i'hev tcstiactl who have tried it.
that Ju,tgu of the powers of a pill by
its size, would consider Parmelee'., 15 glint a hirlhm►nrk en your
Vegetable Pills t.► 1►e lucking. It is a fr'iend's forehead?" "No: that's
little wonder
l he remedies whicl, it carries are t ! l low (1(1(1?" "Not s(► very.
1 these a Nr1►n 1 1 (1(►- 4
feet?" .(lids—"Offer your stand to
ti the girl, 41181 use your feet to get
away from her father."
(mon • (,ills. Whet it n y a
lacks in situ It u►akes up to laundry tnttrk.' A laundry 'nark.
up In •� � ►►,
e. , ,ccause t ►e ' }tit him with a flat -iron."
are re(gutredl. The full strength of the
extracts is secured( in this form and do
their work thoroughly.
aro so powerful, that only 1111 ill dose.
1i l•:M Al:KA 1tL1•: Iil0K,
The Pro(.,. de Lig(ne is 1Ie fertu-
nlltl` possessor of perhaps the most Mavis—"And so you nre goine to
curious book in the world. It is marry Ferdinand after till. ti'ur,'to
neither pr hied nor twit tens 'i`he chosen hint out of all the legisn'- of
let tors of athe book ore alt cut out suit ors you user! to (:aye"" Anis -
01 vellus► nd pa ted on blur paper. 'Yes, he was the owls• on • wit pr)-,
The bunk is ani PaSy to read aft sed, ancd 1
decided( (lint 11
f', 1<lin-
printed froth thd' holdt'st tyl►'. A!111 tttspod a•ns ttrjrth two in (1'-' hush."
the chara(•teltr are cul c::rt with "'—
Innrt•ellous precision end uniforrnit,. it is an OAster of the f.ww of ilenith.
--,\•hen rrtiled in to attend a di: turh-
nt►d this dexterous piece of hewn- once it, scrtrchev out (1,o hiding}, l•la.e of
craft must have required a great 'win, and liko n guar(linn of the g•.•o(•e�
a}•, hand.. upon it anO .say,,. '•I arrest
amount of t Inc• labor and pat ienee you." ltesrlstwnce its uscic..s, rts rise Ino
by rho author. The volume. hd•ars of l,ewith in,puFe:d n .sentence of per ,etu-
the till;, "The Ilook of all I'assions al banishment on pain. and 1)r. Thom.
of Our 1.ni-4 Jesus ('heist, with
characters net composed of LION?ma-
terial." it is said that in 1690 the
Gentian Emperor, Rudolph II., offer-
ed the enormous sum of 11.000 du-
cats 'tor' this wonderful, but yet eur'i-
ens, work of art. What makes the
history of the hook ,Here peculiar is
His wife
Lever's Y-% (Wise Ilead) Disinfect.ant Soni, Powderdusted in the
bath. t,oftens the water and disin-
as Electric 1)i1 was originated to en•
force that sentence.
11rs. 4'asey—An' trot be ye goin' to
snake of ser hew, Mike?" 11rs,
ft-Cooke—Well, nre int inde•l hien for a
hod•'nl'tier, like his pa, brit the l.te's
airs tons No gond at I►ittin' scabs
wit! (woks ,while the last strike was
the fact that the ::ng;