HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-31, Page 1%der t_ W] ,THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -No 1608 HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE 0 4 EXE t'ER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31st 1905, e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T. HAWKINS & SON A tl, f I U11 • ll ' Hardware and Seed Store says St roux Oya1 Ing t} dell t•a o►uy, imp at plu pct ext t . • a F. ra ag• A say. mat. • Hoes end Buri COI tet hi 41- Lcc ` adii, tr•:' • • tail Poi is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. Li Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star L#IVLTROUOtII NO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give youfirstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON • ••••••••••1••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• t Exeter and Centralia Fall Term Opens Sept. Storehouses 8u1' ell " Now ready for use, the best gr" Cement and Lime loci ly .r That money can buy pe also 1 foal for Everybody 11, at lowest prices J. GOBBLLDIGK " WE'RE . SUM' SELLERS ..+ You are Suit buyers. We make the fluite-you wear them out. We make them as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, y 11l neat Suit. somewhereo And noyour one could blame you. So much money ought to buy r; `to much Suit worth. And Suit worth st ;e fashionableness of fabric -style in 1,, cut -fit -finish -looks - dreeeyness - K, and length of service. ti As good a place as there is within !smiles to etall this and not pay too ' • nuch is W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor '1 reoo Annually, to fill the new positions crested by • Railroad and Telegraph Companies. Wo want, f Young Men and Iatdiei of good habits. to LEARN TELEGRAPHY • and R. R. Accounting We furnish 75 per cent. of in, Operators and f (enteral Agents its America. Our .ix s,•hools are the largest exclusive Telegraphy Schools in the world. F:stablished 20 years and en• doreod by all tooling Railway On -fats. 1 We execu;o i.i'r.i') Bond to every student to i, furnish hint or her a position praying from 00 to Mountain., or froh in s;States to =100 aeast of imonth Iny u , cl y upon tato west of the iLockie+• immediately rraduadon. Students can enter at any time. No v,aca- !nna. For full p•articnlars regarding any of 1, .our Schools write direct to our execnllve rr ,tutee atClncinuatti.0. Catalog•ae free. -THE-- w'i Morse School ot Teleprapl>J err •Ineienatti. Ohio. llaafrsto, N.Y. u 1 stlanta,0a. la('rosse, Wis. exarkana. Tex. *i.u1 Frsnciseo, Cal. nc•• pili O1ElEGNRPNER3 NEEDED 1).' • Western Real Estate (..:414::.1,Exchange, Limited. `hi i a • 1 Dundas St., London •form in any 00 1(1 ( you want to buy is the I. 'the follow in.; Counties .(end for be el,.r list. Huron, Grey, Bruce, El.;in scare sex, Kent, llaldimand, i,incoln. ddlescx, Muskoka. Norfolk, Ox - growl. d. Perth, feel. Simcoe. Ontario .ensni toric. \Well;and. Waterloo, \Went - int; le Nth or York. We !Lave some of flhr'. best farms in the Province for We also have a large ndmber Noon. \ i9a3e, ;lull IlUsinene pro- f (u, lit}. 'lies for sale. Send for or!' list low 1. ore i,uyin;. OLT gt you havo a Form or other pro- f « t .t v for sale write for our term+• it nloth0 i of pelting Real Eiante. . char ;e unless the property is dor cxchnnted• Full pnrticu- the First .1.75 miles west of Pottage In ! ' s on application. The \Weetcrn Prairie, will have 30) teams at work 'i' tl Estate E:xrhanzet Ltd., London, today, and LOW teams within a 5th IN THE FAMOUS ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. All our geminates are sure ot • genting positions. Among our • large attendance of students dur- 1 ing the year were ex-studene of ten other Colleges, Write for Circulars. �I', \v. J. EI.LIOTT, Principal. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• i . Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th. /�jCCEN�TQRAALL , iZ!/���� l�l/C/ STRATFORD. ONT. It pays to get a business educa- tion and it pays to get it in the t school which can do tnost for its s students after they graduate. £his school is recognized to bo 2 one of the best Business Colleges • in Canada. All our graduates secure positions. Business Col- • leges frequently apply to us to Isecure our graduates its teachers. Write for our free Catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, principals D. A. McLACHLAN. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMO ilR�t�t A BLiND MAN would give Reverything on earth for s pos- session. sight. It is man's t precious seeai0n. Yet many abuse and neglect it. Stop and think if you are TREATING YOUR EYES RIGiHT Then come and have us examine theta to learn bow they should be treated in the future. Our examination costs you nothing. The glaases we supply, if necessary, will cost you as little as honest lenses and frames can be sold for, W. S. HOWEY, Phln. B. Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont. IMINENIMMON G FOR STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION 1 MONEY FOR ST JOSEPH Contin Induces Minister Hyman to Spend Some More. Hen. C. S. Hyman has given in- structions to his department to sec that the wharf at St. Joseph. on lake Huron. ie completed. Daring blr. llyn►an's recent stay iu 'Toronto Mr. A. M. Contin, the proprietor of St. Joseph, called on the Minister. A photo zraph shot•inz the uncompleted cria work, with a fishing vessel moored .:at the outer 01141 wi 1.)10 to land, was Fhown Mr. Hyman. lt WasWaS also pointed out that the trading facilities of Sl. Joseph were 'Jadly hampered by the fact 'that no vessel could land there and visa in order to ;et any com- munication 'aotween lake shipping and St. Joseph it was necessary to send •out stall ,boats. This was cited ns a convincing ar- gument tthy the work neglected by his predecessor should `bo pushed by Mr. Ilyman without delay. Accord- ingly tlae Minister of Ptealic Works, tvtio laid never lac fore met Mr. Con- lin, wired his Department from the Kin; Edward. Instructions were ;giv- en that the contractor, who had been paid money in advance anti hail left the work incomplete, :Should proceed at dace to finish the work, or pro- ceedings would be against I►itn. ZURICH -Miss lila Supple. after visiting friends here for a few months has returned to her home in Detroit. - Mr. E. Seim, who spent his va- cation at his Lome at New Hamburg has returned home. - Miss Jennie Hardy, of Exeter, is visiting Miss Phoebe Rickbeil. -Mr. Itoot. Williams returned) to Clinton on Monday to resume his duties in the Sovereign Bank staff in that place. -Quite It number of the young then of this district intend agoing west en the harvester's . excursion next week. - Misses Maggie Torrance and Itos- t=ie Levis, of Clinton, were the guests of Miss Itoxio Eilber list week. -Mr. J. J. Me.rner left Last' week for Cobalt, where 110 intends (loin; 30010 Speculating. -Master Lorne Reediting, of Til- Irouburg, visited Isis taunt, Mrs. E. Appel, and other rel.ative_s here I;1st. week. - Mr. :and Airs. F. \V. (less and son (:corgi', returned from the "Pinery" where they scent ten days in fishing and resting. KIRKTON Burgess' Photo Studio, Kirk ton, will "ac open every Tuesday dorm; September. If you went good photos he will please you. WOODHAbI -Harvest is over . - Mins Edith Swallow is improving nicely . - Mr .Jonathan Slier incl trill► •a serious accident of Saturday Iasi. While ascending the ladder up into the snow ho ti?lssod his footing and fell to the floor fracturing his scull utld leaving hint in a semi-conscious condition . -Mr. and Mrs. John Johns, of EIinlviLle, stent Sunday with ' air. and Mrs. Sinclair. -Miss Mary Ilrook has returned after spending the past two weeks visiting her sisters in tllitcnell. -Mr. A. W. Eaton, manager of the City barber Shop is progressing fav- orably with his contract on the Base line . - Miss Mary Johnstone left on Saturdny for :1 months 'visit with friends in Brampton and Toronto. -Mies Olive Stephens is visiting I.er friend Miss Annie Brook, or Mit- chell. • - Quite a number intend taking its the o •Honey tad Hun Social at Zion oat Monday evening next - Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Coultice, of 11imville, spent Sunday wills friends tt \Weodh:anl -Mr. and b1rs. Carr and daurhter Venda have returned home atter spending the past tteck with friends 11t StrcelviIIa . -Frankie and Viola Colgan bate returned home from St. Marys and 11irrin;ton. -Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Stewart left 0n Friday last for a ttvo month44' visit in the for west , JUDGE. ELLIOT DEAD.; PEACE DECLARED. Veteran London Judge Passed Away RUSSIA AND JAPAN COME TO TERMS. Last Week. Judge William Elliott, of London, passed away Thursday night, after on extended illness. 11e had been Judo nearly fifty years. The Judge carne to this country from York- shire, England, first enragiri; in a ter wards ' 3 [:arming, It I d t akin; up school teaching. Ile was later ap- pointed school inspector in London township, noting in that capacity un- til he studied Law. After tieing cal- led ie practiced rsever- al se •c •- 0 o ha bar 1 t for a t 1 1 dt l al years titd called to the hermit. Ile was a man of sterling integrity and did Much Tor the profession (luring his long regime. (HAYFIELD -The bodies of •\Vm. Bailey and Win. Woods, who were drowned on Saturday, August 191 li, whijo fishing on lake Huron have not yet iboen found, but the heaelt«s Lein; search- ed every day to 'Ind t}te i floating in. -M'-ssrs. Alex .tilt Wm. Fan;uson, tvho came home to ;attest(' their brother's funeral left on Saturday and Monday a;;.)tin Ito .1 heir boats. -Mr. John \\'hicrdon intends start - in; the evaporator in full force o, Monday lel. The apple crop its considerable lighter than last year around this neighhort►iocxl. -Mr. \Vol. Tlwmpson has srarted up in the ,shoemaking business. Mr. Thompson is 'a good workman, and will do a good trade. -Messrs. Jolla and Dan Spencer and \Vm. Weston lett on Friday. last on the harvest excursion lo Manito- ba to se.ek their fortunes - Mr. Guthrie, of Seaforth, with LCs g-ang of sten ,arrived last week and have started to build lite anute- ments of the new iron tfridgei ncross the river. - Tete funeral of the late James Ferguson was held on Wednesday of last week at 2.30 p. m. to the Hay- field cemetery and wns conducted by memoers of the I. 0. 0. F., who act - ed as pall bearers and the L O. 0. F. book the service, he being :a ntemtx•Ir of bot h ledges . -Miss Nellie Marlin, who spent t 1 8 .,sl year with heir sister, Mrs. Peter Campbell. left .on Monday to visit friends at Bruceficld for a few days !before lrotnrning .to star home in Toronto. -Mrs. John .lowett and son are visit in; friends in 'Toronto I his week. -Miss Tensa (toss, who has been visiting under the pa.reninl roof for two months. left on Tuesday for hor Lome in Buffalo where she i9 en;a;. od ns school (teacher. She was ac- companied by Miss Ituobie \Vhiddon, who ,goes to visit friends there. - Miss Laing. of St. Marys. is the ,guest of Mrs. Barry Drehmann this week . - Mr. David Sprolt and wife and family anent Sunday lost with Mr. and Mrs. 3o1111 Davidson. - Miss Susie Parke. of Detroit. Is visit in; at her .hone here for n holi- day. -Mr. '1'1rom. Robinson, student, preached in 8t. Andrews church on Sunday last morning and (Venin;. - The rem►ins of litre. Thomas San- derson. .1.r., trio died in the hospital in Toronto, wore buried ]fere on Fri- day last and attended sly a large nuns:)er of friend. - The .tumwcr t•I•'it ors ,844! o::•.:• more beginning- JO move to their 10- staectivc Mmes oiler apcndinz a pleasant time 8t t)10 lake. -Miss Margie Sproa i, of Tucker - smith is the guest of Mimi Lena Er- win 1 his week . FAIIQI.'HAN -Mr. Thomas Cameron Fold !1st Friday to Autos 0. Froncis, the Mc- Cauley • o t the fit h concession. tots ',• 1 1•' farm 1 (.ill. f y The farm c^n..ist8 of fill ;,creteend the consideration ie.1,610 1' 11 011 1;hoa3 that 13s,o•n3 farming properly commands n .004 price. -Mr. and Mire. Statham. of Exe•i ter spent Sunday at 'ds. .101tn West - lakes. -Mrs. E. Kaufniau nn,( child. ^:1, who hove leen visiting at W'. A. 'rurnbull's re! us ,,ed to her hone in Brantford la:: Saturday. -Miss Trt•i•t ^411 Thompson is vir- itin; bliss CI ars Duncan. - John Itis t. tai 1) cat rier :Ictween 1' ar•quieo• awl Ila .lin, aufforen a -Mies Beatrice Knizhl is visiting rel 'list -5 in Cleveland, (Iltio, fr.aciure of 1I. lei Saturday morn - rel o n a hill ed• ti doe Alw. ti 1 1i _ � ill Z loaf 1111:1) when .1 part of the harness arokc, TRIEHNE11.-111 SI^phen on Auzuht tho vchieb' "Irikinz the home. The 2:,t h, 1!105, ui SI in:1 'rricmler, re- animal colunaeneen to kick it rikinz �Ir. itiley'a !s, cin"in; the fracture. Hol c, t e late F r tori • . . received a Lad io ni,e en Ilse klieg', Hot f 1 L 1 1' e 1 ck Trac rler mire, Ki1uflna'1. who 1.118 lt•i4 h him, :1 real ?0 tsars. M CANADIAN PACi PIC \\'ill se11 NEYES1 EXCURSION 1ICKEiS To the North We st t\'annil.ea \(cobra "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver `)eloraine Tablets have (lone Inc n zre,t deal seerl4 of good," says C. Towns, of itat 1'or- Iq•leton n faze, Ontario. Canada. "nein; a. Lcnnre mild physio the after effects are not Mlniota It unpleasant, and 1 can recommend trinscart h oo,(,tn them to all who suffer from sionach Areo,la disorder." For 8810 in Exeter by W. Estan 1330,) 8. Howey.Kainsack ! 32.0n 311.23 (2.26 2.5 ) Shctlo -- Regina - I.ipt.on Moo.eiaw ilnnabeit Saskatoon l'r. Albert Meltort liattlefnnl Macleod Calgary (ted i)eer Strathc0na ' 3,S3 35.73 I.on s•i.00 35.23 Sete ►1.00 17.0• 3A.eo 35.50 39.50 NEM V The first and on the 9. T. P. trans- Going scot. t'th and 31th. continental Railway was turned last itcturning until Nov. 13ih and Nth. Saturday by the Macdonald. McMillen Canadianati{ t�einnfic A►fullt orrticelars fron, 511y Company at •► point six miles north(„It. boater. 1►. P, A Toronto of Sidney. The Macdonald McMillen - Com any, also have the contract for C A MI nt. O A = A . liars t1H 1ihe Ili'ad'fee NM Alps Bcas}t Montero of •.a,:t 5. tarso. t. i .JZ month. out thea chil.11•n . riled f,rce. I,t)OK AT Vol It 1,.\I1E1, .% SEE I1' YOU AI1E iN ARREARS. ANI) SEND I'S THE AMOUNT. 1.\RGES'1. ORGAN 1N TUE nom is tis liver. Srnli1 wonder that liter Lroub' , makes ynn feel so mil• ('r•.ble, The •emplonls are constipa- tion. dizziness-, indigestion, headache, feeling of deprc--ion end Lock of ap- pe1 iso . There is but 0110 sure cure - fir. ILunilton's Pill.. In every caps I hip if are successful. ily relvin; on Dr. 1fatnilt•on'a P(Lls you are sure of stronz tii.11ity, nouri-hint Wool, hrizht che0ry 4i•irit'. No Jon zer will von '.offer from disordered liver or The marvel 0f phis meth - von I•11.. n • •I19t'tward.t it keeps ofsirknes1sol welt-pre. a; .'',r, ler i,nS ct•er1%1M'rc'. NOTICE. Bieeett & Johns desire that those who have accounts with them to pleaee call and settle et once, as it is their intention to dissolve partner• sh ip. Portmwouth. N. 11., Aug. 39. -The I'ettcu Conference arrived at a com- plete accord to -day on ate questions, and decided to proceed to the elabor- ation of a treaty. The Japanese practically yielded everything. They accepted the Rus- sian Ultimatum, no indemnity and a division of Sakhalin without pay- ment of redemption money. The Japanese yielded warships and limitation of naval power. .% scene of the ,greatest excitement followed tl ' recent of the news in the lobby of the hteel Wentworth. A Bulletan was telephoned from the conforence-room at tno navy yard Mr. 8nto, and like un electric thrill, flooded through the room. There were screams of joy. Men threw their hats aloft, women actu- ally wept. then there was a rush for 'tete telegraph offices, and in- stantly' the news was spreading to the remotest corners of tee earth. LOCALS. Mr. J•atoos Down of Win;ham is visiting friends in town. Mrs. \Vm. Davidson and daughter of Lontlon aro the ,guests of Mrs. E vans. Earnest Carlisle of Brandon, Man. was visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. Geo. II. Bissett and Mrs. J. N. Iloaard spent Thursday and Fri• day in London. Miss Willis of Marlette, Mich, for- merly of Exeter, is renewing ac- quai ata n»es. Mr. Chesley Evans has returned hone after spending the past two months in London . Miss Mary Balkwill who has aeon visiting friends in Port Huron and Detroit returned home Saturdny. Mrs. It. Barnes and children, of London., are visiting with Mrs. n:ernes' mother. Mrs. J. l: vans. Mrs. Eyre. of Detroit, also :sirs. 1)enelr, of Owen Sound, were 1 he attests last week of Mr. rind Mrs. Downie. Master Lloyd Godwin. who has been spending the vacation near Goderich, returned home last Satur- day. Dr. Ilut ler, London. will bo at 1 be Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday Septemoer 21st, 1905, all rely for Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat con- sultation. Eyes tested an glasses supplied. Three rinks of the Exete •,owlin; Ono will ;•o to Mitchell to -day 'to try conclusions with the minks of that town. All of our Jovle s are Proficient .at. I ho ,;ante :sad ;ant sure to 1n11te a rood ghowiiz. Mr. Robt. Hicks announces that lie will dispose of his jewelry stock in part or whole at greatly reduced prices. It is his intention to close out and gives the public an opportunity of securing bargains. Come and see how cheap you can buy things. 14. Ma 'toy and L. 11. Dickson were in Godcrich tbir week attending the trial of Mason, 1 ho Stephen farmer, W110 alas '.gain 1 tried on a chavr.o of incest. Dr. 31a110y u•:as a111cd as a witness in the case, he haviuf lacer called by t1.' t.roeecutiou. Mr. Dick - 8011 :,oeii' nn counsel for t)Kl defend- ant. CEN'I'It.\LiA -Mr. W 10. .101111 5111011 left Tues- day for Toronto accompanied ay Miss Hepburn, where they will spend a week at the exhibition. -Rev. Mr. Schram of ltuff:alo.prca- clted .two very unteresting sermons en Sunday. -Miss Lou Neil of London. was the guest of her Brister Mts. 'Thos. Elston East week. - Mrs. Austin Essery •and little son Jack of Palmerston, visited Mrs. T. Es .erys last week. -Mass ea da 11uxt:aS)le returned i at - 't after Motel 1. evening 0 ► .lot► 1 � loll o ► u y ten,iin; t he millinery openings in don. Lo- - Mrs. A. llast•in,;3 of Exeter was the guest. of her sister. Nils, Floe Es- sery r•11 Moniliy. -Mr. W. Smith left en TucetLay to svt•teud i!r• exhihition :at Toronto. The Mirs.s 1:3)i and Myrtle Wal- ker spent 5atur(lay .and Sunday at Gnl,d Rcnd. Mr. Will Warren and sister 3 s 13:::at rico. visited friends in Schon 1)1 :At Sunibay. -Mt. 1,414 Mrs, \1'.411 A'clirot t of dulph, visited at 311. 1'rank Abbot' en Sunday. -Miss IltinaL \\'cod of London, is the ;u'st of the 3) i',s05 Itachel and Jennie Wilson. Tenders Wanted. JOHN WHITS & SONS The Great Noah Wcst ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also a number of other improved and unimprovedNorth\Vest farm lads. We have made a number of splendid investments for our clients, who placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Pacific and other North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased so rapidly that our patrons could readily realize double the amount of the money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects for a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented nunt'aer of settlers coming into the west, prices of lands of good quality and situated convenient to a railway are bound to u.ako a still further lar;o advance. One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the Crop Estimate for the Present Season. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to -Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands. $42700 down secures 3'20 acres, (half section) of choice wheat;laud. • This would be a great investment for YOU, The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Sec321) a(ha) chowLaual • settlerures. No othcreser paylf mentsectionrequiredice forheat two yearsnd.to an act R. E. Pickard left again Last week on a three months' trip through the West. During his stay there he will locate a numbe of.desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various ne railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in Wes ern tands should communicate with him when full information t be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be R. E. PICKARD, General Selling Agent far C.l'.R Lanais Frobisher, ASsa bout Bed Tim ROWE & J( :1 'lie lasso is 110 Ai at ► Vented sleep. Blessings, you will say, on the m who first, invented the greatest aid sleep and rest known as the Mdflid11 Sdllltdr Mattniss The only ventilated Sanitary flatten in the world. Purer, cle.•tr,er, cont healthier and more comfortable the any other mattress. A continual cu rent of air refreshing the mattres always keeps itsshape,wlll never par or harden. Gnaranteed for five years. Niel last a life time. Don't fail to see it. Sold only by ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral dire -tors A very pretty wedding was rolemn- ized Wednesday noon on the London Road, near 'Hetemill, at the residence of Wm. McEw'an, when his (laughter Mary was married 'to \Vrn. Poustie, ofAylmer, by ,the Rev. Mr,Snell. A r yIn d in The bride 'erase prettily dressed t white silk, wearing the bridal veil with 31 coronet of orange blossoms. She was :01(11404 by her sister, beau. tifully gowned. After congratula- tions the bridal party repaired to the linin; reorn where refreshments were served, after which Mr. and Mrs. )'oushie Left of elle evening train for Toronto and othern cast - ern point.. There future hone will be at Port ferry. THE HAPPINESS 01' 110311' Very 1 irfely depends on 1130 too: cc's disposition; if she Ls nnitti:,t and iori.;1►t. everyone is happy ; e if site is nervous, irritnale and cro --everything goes tt•.l'on;. 13 ri 1- cheery women u3u111y use Ferrozo Iso :crt•alcet health-makor know Hy actin; through the hlooil herr none is 31110 .to reach ell the orra thatneed assist,soce ; it csta:)lishe regular and hclitlly .action of al functions, builds up the „ctier't health. fortifies the system wits` n reserve of energy that defies disease. I)nn't put off-I'errozon0 costs 3.nlr 54) 11 any cll•u; store; gee it to -lar. HEAMANS HARDWARE And Stove Store Barn Door Bangers Reliable Round Trac, Nonusers Double Tread, MIyers. Wil- cox a u(1 14oivtens It is impossible for the -c 1►'lnners to get on' Track Th' unite rsi:lied will ives'iv'' tend Big ers up to 7 o'o+loek 1'. M. or Friths- the rid as•the Sib day r.f Septemoer, 1905, for f Stock 1 1.' const rust ion of 80010 i,00e , P quare feet of (iranolithic Pavement. besides crossings, in the Vil'-: ze of E Bezinninz ;it a point near Victoria Street On lit rest rMt' of Mai,►atr.. thence north to tb•x Aux ZZ„ river '.trill;e. According to aficcific i 410115 :Lich 1111y '.)0 .nen at the of• lice of the undersigned. -The lout -4 or any tender not neceerarily accepted. J. SENIOit Cbnrk of chi: VIN, i of Exeter. i BUILDER'S HARDWARE of Every Description. 1.01 est Prices Galvanized iron and LI Work All \vf,rk in this line promptly attended to. �.r'llot Air Heating a Specialt:.