HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-24, Page 8prill.111.11111.1111.1811106. I +`XETER TI S, AUGUST •!-1t11 1005. • They are the latest WE ARE HE E. DV with a complete new stock of Fall it •11 (':).t's, for quaky, style and .actual value, we dont think it. will be pt),::1ble to beat our showing. Here is a brief des:'ripti:,u of a sew of our many styles. 1500 for a ladies' mid grey Cravcne•te Coat, new sleeve, pie capes, belted: at back, a good one. $5.7 j for lovc'y dark grey, pinstripe, Cravenette coat, coat collar and full belt, this is a great leader. $6.50 for a very nice stripe Cravenette Coat, stowell �selt, conies grey or fawn, very stylish. $7 . oo for our new dark grey Cravenette Coat, pleated skirt, very full, suitable for full stout figure. This coat will fit any full figure. $7.00 for a dark grey Rain Coat made from heavy venetian cloth good for rain, good for cold. Its a seller. small rip- inade with collar, full $10.00 for the swellest range of Ladies' Coats that you'll see in Exeter. Yes we have a big range of Men's Rain Coats, in de- pendab'e qualities and up-to-date styles. b yrs, a e are the people who are after your butter and eggs, d the other fellows are tetter us, \Vho wilt win? J. A. ST WAILT This is SOUVENIR TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY. AUGUST 'lith, 1905 ••4.•. 4N •••••••••••••••• Season t LOCALS We are prepared for it by having a full line of Sou- venir Goods in Brooches, Hat Pins Spoons Sardine Forks &C., &C. Prices right and Goods A 1 quality. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. •N+♦4N •♦••4N4 .lis. Ethel Bee, of Parkhill is the guesb of Mies M. Gidley. Tines and family Herald for the ealanco of the year for 50c. Miss Laura F.a.;le, of Sarnia, is vis - Rine' Mrs. Willis Powell. The rural scloole opened for the fall term Monday morning. Mr. R. Gurney returned Saturday front a visit with friends at Acton. Mr. \V. II. Hill and wife, .ofTor- onto. are visiting Mr. George Hill. Rev. and Mrs. W. 0. Hanna. of Mt. Forest, are vieitine Miss Strang. Hicks says we will havegood weather for the eclipse of the sun on the 3oth. Miss Amy Johns announces that she will resume her class in music September, 1st. Mr. Will J. Clarke. of \Vinnipez. ii spending his ttacation visiting rel- atives and friends in •town. LOOK AT YOUIt LABEL AND SEi: 111 YOU ARE IN ARREARS, AND News of New SEND US THE AMOUNT. SUITI N GS Many have already arrived More may be hero any hour, Maybe by the time you read thi3. All the colors and materials and shades and weighty that are going to be fashionable this season will be shown you any time you wish to see Union services will be held next Sunday in the Main street Methodist and Presoylerian church ns usual. lfr. W. J. Neaman returned Sat- urday from a ten days course of in- struction nt 1Le London Military Col ie;e. Mr. and Moe. T. A. McConnell and Misi Lulu. of London. spent the fore put of Ibis week. the ;vests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilollend. Rev. Godwin and family etre ex- pected to rel urn from I heir vacation Atli tveck. Mr. Godwin will take his work next Suaday. The Blindly school picnic :given .ty tire Main 'erect Methodist church Friday last was well attended. Fails wa;our ware used .10 convey 1 he passen seers from here. Dr. Boller, London. will bo at the Central Hotel. Exeter, on Thursday August 241h. 1905, all day for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. The (next meet 1111 of t he County Bowl will lee held in the Public • Scheel, Seaforlh, en Saturday, Au;. — ♦ 31it h. •a t 10 e. in. Appl.ica t ions for the ,Model Schools ohould ne iu the h:uulst of the Inspectors on c•r eefore • the 26th ;net. We are this week rsendinz out a MerrcHtant Taller. number of bills to those who are in nrrears Lu the Times. The lists W. W. Taman Volt (Wlo:ftSleTY 1 Estee AN 01.11 ♦ND WILL -TIMID RziINDT.-Iters Win.lotes Soothing S,rap hse been tined foe ever sixty years by muttons of tnottAhefor their Ohldren while teething with perfect nuooeee It eootittee the child, ..often,s the gums, w1L►yts all Agin cameo wind colic. and 14 the best remedy for 1)larrh,,,i. It Is pleaennt to the Urate. Sold hydra/testa leaver, part of the world. 4S cientewbotee. its ague Is Icoetilable. Be •ore and • teke etre •lW inslow's soothing Syrup and sok for no other kind. have been corrected up to date and t so Ipleasedu eat kind- ly.shall be I. c if to 11 k n ly. look at b•our label, tee 1 Le amount duo us and forward at once. Malice to Bicycle Ilidcrs.-llavinz been instructed by the Exeter Conn - tilt to enforce the lily --law• reepectin4 riding bicycles on the t+idew:ilk, take notice !het any person or persons found tidbit on the sidewalks will be prosecuted. W. J. 11ISSETT. +4++++++-1- ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ watch This Rpace Every Week Enjoyme Vegetable Hair Restorer will make Gray Hair its natural color and cause hair growth. 75c per Large Bottle is the price. Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont. .+.:.}•+++_tI+++•!'+i••1•+4•++•b+++++ +++++++-1.4-H-4++++++.1-1-1...14.44.4. Mts. I'o1:L. -ions ). is ,;blue 00 .t visit tc K1nc•tr line. A 'bus loot ut youu. 1• eree. spent •l't.c*day et !;rand Bend. Lire Thacker y. cf Coneace. is tet.. ;ucsc of Mrs. J.t,ucs S. Digitate Mr. Hilton Evans returned Louse >S(11d.Iy after letein; stent , .tu e seks t•.iC:►t'iete For Sale. -Residence of ): s. t;. Kemp, on Andrew st. fie p..rticulara apply to owaer. Mt. ,:.et Mrs. Jas. \Vil)iauts, of Ranee u, there visit1, 2 friends and r •1 11 ivee in town. Miss play S.itikrs teturned home elenday after spenditte a wrck with friend., itt 1••t•rt,t. LOOK AT \"Ot-It i.A1IEL AND SEF: Ili 1'O1' ARE 1N ARREARS. AND SEMI 1'8 THE AMOUNT. The Oddicl!ott s Lod _rc has invited Grand elaster Resect t, of Listowel. to visit ibis toe se in Novenixr. For Sale.-IIouse and t wo lots for sate nu Victoria moist. nese, for fur- tile,t particulars nppty to John hind. Wanted - At once a house keep- er on fano, middle aged person pre- ferred. Apply at Times Office. Patriarch Nelson Taylor, D. D. G. 1'. installed tl.e officers of Exeter En- campment I. U. 0. 1'.. on elonil ey ovenine. Do not miss the creat Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto this year. Specialty low o:akes via Grand Trunk. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. A. 1t.11nnd, toeethes with tltoh guests spent Tuesday at tete Bend. Mrs. A. Murdock and eli.,s (Bessie Urquh•s.rt, if II(vi5:sll, were 'the locate of Mrs. N. 1). Burdon, Mon- day last. N. D. Hurdo,i, A. G. Dyer, John Muir, F. J. Kni;bk and son Frank, aro taking their annual outing at forst Frank. Cauadian National Exhibition will bo held in Toronto August 28t1) to Sept. 9th. Bee Grand Trunk advt. fon special rates. Mr. Ernst Tucker. of Hamilton. who has been visiting Mr. W. Howey for the past tv(-ek left on Saturday for his home. Mise Huston, pupil of Mr. Chas. E. Wheeler, of London, is prepared to accept pupils In vocal and piano mu- sic after Octoaer 1st, 1905. The Junior 'naso ball team played the return thatch in Centralia on Monday. Tho score was 11 to 26 in favor of tor• Exeter team. DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon. EYE. EAR, NOSE and TH'ROAT.Ftts Glasses properly. Office. Commer- cial Hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat- urday, Septcmoor 23rd. Fur Diarrhoea, Dysentery etc., we have a full line of remedies: Extract of Strawberry, Extract of Black- berry. Chamberlain's remevly, Kel- lo;s. Dwi.3h.ts, Corey's end other remedies, fou' stale at C. Lutz, Cen• tral Drug Store, Exeter. Tho sole of B. 6. O'Neil's household effects &tturday last was a success- ful one. notwithstanding the show- ers. Bidding seas brisk and the er- thola1 put up for nate brought good prices. Mr. O'Neil docs pot intend leaving' Exeter for route weeks. The 0.'1'. R. trassen.xer train. which parse, through London at 7.55 every evening for Windsor, crashed into n yard engine haulitt ,:t train of coal cars Friday evening. The freight engine was smashed and the baggage can of the ttasseneer was a complete wreck. Th, passengers were shaken up but noire were injured. The Huron 01d )toys of Toronto extend n most cordial invitation again this yc<u• to all lfuronitee who attend the Exhiaition here, to make their headquarters nt the Ii. 0. R. Lent, "Society flow," Bele. 2nd to Sop!. RI Is, inclusive. No pains will to spared to stake 'loth the old :x,ye and the old girls; from the old county welcome . importnut changes to the mariia_,e license reeulotions for the purpose of 1.1111111114 1)ie t-'-1te keeping of the records atrc announced Isy the Ire;- 141ratr-Gettetat's 1)ep:trtmen1 of the Ontario Govesen tcu.. The pereert•a- liou of licenses is to be taken out of the haunts of ofticia1inz ministers, and is to 1.e handled in a more husi- ness-liktf tray by the department i1 • self. After ( he perfornience of the ceremony, under the new regula- tions, the clerrym:In is directed to forward the documents in Isis+ posses- sion 10 Doe Government (ffici:.ls in the Queen's Perk. Irish Gutrdss Balla. -Tee co,ninr of iho Irish Guards nand to Canada has rsecn billed with r,urpriscd sa1itfae- 1io11 011 over the country. Extor- sion:+ are tieing Sri an;cd, under the au-piCee of the various, Irish socict ics i(t Toronle. durit14 the Canadian Na- tional Exlti,iiion there, August 29111 la Sepslcntoer 91h, both days inclu- sive. Irish airs ale to oe ;Met a prnryiacnca in the prt•o3ramuuand, ntl, l,t•.uidiur orders ale rout in nefos>(A Anzust 26th, i1. 'is piaseinle to got 6 tickets for one dollar that wnult) ordinarily cost $1.50. The Band, it should oe sloitd, is eoine to play ltrice daily on dbe ?rounds, and to take part ct•ory evening; el 11 O'clork in a concert ny inansed hinds. Market Ileport.-The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to An zu't 211 h. \'ens 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Feed Floor, $1.25 per cwt. Wheat, 70c Id 75c per bushel. ilerlcv, .15 to :18 rent' 1 ,ushcl. Shorts, $19 pelf ton 1•'nntily flour, $2.60 poi cwt. Rey, e6 per tun. Boast, *14 len ton. Oats, 27 in 110 rent. p,..r i,uu. Hors, lite weight, $6.50 tor tree lio;s. dressed, $$.50 per os t. Rutter. 19 cents per peened. 1': zts. IFC. per dozen. Cdll'rONI2a• Ilipatue Sean tin Tro KIM Yo1 Mtge Ahpit btugM of New Goo ig of ds for the 'iEarly Fall Buyer'. FaH Goods 1 All Newest Shades, all Newest Designs, all Better Values then we have ever shown before. Come in if but to see and admire. Remember we pay the Highest Prices in town for Farm Produce. s1 EOEl►z & I QWE Mires Liki Johns has retuencd from Grand (fend . Mr. Benham, of St.Slarys. Tuesday in town. Mr. A. Moore, of SnR's, is holid•ayin4 at Ni Saraell Fall&s.ote Mr. Thos. Trick and wife, of Clin- tuu. Eire visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saoutwcll. Misty V. Ilagshaw deft .ost Tuesday for Toronto, where she will attend rho millinery openings . LOOK AT YOUR LABEL AND SEE IF YOU ARE IN ARREARS, AND SEND VS THE AMOUNT. .ludtgo Elliott, wife and daughter, let Oconee, Missouri, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Samwcll. Mrs. Wood (,tee Mies Della 1Ii11) of Detroit, is .spending 'this week with/ her aunt. bL•rs. 1). Kernick. Slip. (Dr.) Anderson and family, who hate spent the summer season at: Grand Bend, have returned l►eme. If our correspondents are of stamped envelopes and kiodtp advise us and we will ati once. Miss: lila Mgt./hew :otter spending a few days here and at Grand Bend, returned to leer home in Toronto .on Sal Imlay . Miss ,Millie \VestL snd, of Wyom- ing. who is always a welcome visitor in Lown, is the .guest of her uncle, Mr. \V, 0. Bissell. Messrs. Char. and Geo. Bayley with their families of London, enjoyed a few days this week renewing old acquaintances in town . Mie.) Maty Wood, after spending a four weeks isolidely with friends in I.nn(htn and St. Thomas, returned hunto Monday evening. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab. lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to core. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Mr. fuel Mrs. Ed. Dignan, W. If. Dignan. of Lucite Miss Th acktvrey, Miss Howard and Mrs. Jns. iliennn wcr(1 ,gloves of Mr. and Mrs. Levitt lase week at Grand fiend. Lawn mowers sharpened on short- est notice at D. Bortleib'a. Exeter. For Sale. --A brick residence on Main street, opposite !toss & Tay- 1nr's m.ilf. Apply to Mrs. Caroline Mohler. Past, (;r:n1d \Vellitt4Lon Johns lave hie report of 111e proccedines of. the (band Lodes of OddfetJotv4 11t Brock• vi11,1 (0 his )101110 IOd,;c 011 Ttt.rtday eve,nin;, 15th. It was t he best re- port eves. riven in she lo(Igcl and Bro. Johns is to hs complimented. Women's Institute are boldine. a Hower festival end Art & Curio ex- Itdnit on Aimee 31 and September isl. Those trivial; flowers or curio would confer a favor by reporting to the President or elecrelary.--Mian Halls, I'tieelenl : tlrs. llastinis, Sec- r e lr'. \i,.. \V. Goodison, of S.'A itia, s It., want twee aurin,; tlse pa"l week vissit- int her mellow, ,1rs..1obns, and who expected In rennin for I•omc 1in,d• longer, left for her home nn leen if ty .7.v4nin 4 owing to the Waives of her tittle son :fork. t Her mother accompanied h'r. The Flower elbow. which will w I in t M o >rm 11( Au . �I t Irnl t 1 g Op em t1.gst. 1, premises io be n !ucce•ss eu1 ate. If you hove anyt hif; you wo*1(L like others ilo Fee, Fend it in The 11ka11 1 sentient will roe that it. is properly placed. You .lo not have to oe a member of .I:e society nr ord(tr 10 exlsaait. Miss Et hie \ors tweet, youn test dauzhterl of Mr. John \ori beet., has returned to Buten for her second term in the millinery depirtment. S1►i has full rharzn and line i's0 *r- etired a permanent position as s;tles- lady, in the wane estaaliehment where Ow has ijecn enzaec1 for t1.e year at a resod rotary. !Mss Note e- nnt•t. must be complimented for I - ability which ri•eaks for Brett Tire Roses & Taylor Ce• are welkin; extensive imp.revemenes in their pant. Tlse dry in; louse is nein; onto r red. 011.1 a cement sfnnn/lalion putt undlernaati. it. A 1ranster t rark still qac •I new Ade km, which will entree them to h'tndM their sei'one,l lumber with considerable Ices work. The hunter f114.,1 nt the north of tilt factory is brine partitioned off, so (int the 111.1ifrrent •gra(1es of sea- eoneet tuner r r to be kept in fepirate pact,. etreul Miss4 Lot tie llyadtnon lett on Sat - tinkly for Toronto. Mrs. II. Si. O'Neil and daughter irene left Wednesday .fou' Toronto. Misses Merle Gould «snd ilyathnan are attending tate cry openines in Toronto. Miss Cora C''iin hos returned from her holidays and has resumed her itneition. with Mrs. \V. D. Yeo. Mrs. Yee was in London Monday. spendine the day with friends from Honolulu, who :ire visiting in %that city. Mrs. Sutton Jost a small sum of moray .lied in n handkerchief a fewi days ago. and will bo pleased if the find,ce will return it . Mr. Phillip Jolinson .antl his l wo 1111 Lo !slaughters Lilian and Ethel, of I.ontlon, oro the guests of /the for- tuer's eistier, Mrs. P. Frayne. Mr. Thos. Yellow expects to Pail for home from En:;lured on the 31st. Ho has been site/Win; the past three in hoed months visiiing the scenes of his pater childhood. send it The Soafors h football team are to ao invited to represent Detroit in thn football game to be played in that city ttith English team. who touring America Millie tnillin- I Gra Mr. S. J. A. Boyd, formerly princi- pal of the Exeter Public School, and now. publielser of the Honeah Moon, Ilannah, N. D., virtited friends in town Monday. Sick headache results from •t dis- ordered condition o fthe stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale in Exelen by W. S. Howey. Mr. Datil Elston, son of Mr. Rich- ert! ELrton, of this place, who has beet) successful as a timelier in a business collo:(' at Seattle, has thin week etericd sr college of lie own. Notice. -Marin.; , purchased the Exeter Evaporator, I intend runnin; rho same 11sise season and will }M in a position to pay farmers and oth- ers this hezttet price for apples, -W. iL Levet t. LORD MINTO BECOMES VICEROY OF INDIA. The resignation of Lord Curzon of Kedieston, as Viceroy of India, and and the appointntent of the Earl of Minto as his successor, was announced at the Indian office Saturday. Accor- ding to the correspondence, which is issued in the form of a white book it a pears that Lord Curzon's resigna- tion was cabled to that office on Aug. 12. The corres ndence:shows a de- cidedly bitter feeling between Lord Curzon, the Indian office, and Lord Kitchener, commander-in-chief of the forces in India, over the new scheme of army administration in India. Lord Curzon's dissatisfaction canoe to a head with a refusal of the cabinet to appoint Major -(general Sir Edmund Harrow, on Lord Curzon's recommed- ation, military supply ►nemher or the eoiint11 — OgdTOA2.A.. Ban tb• 11te Riad Yoe ifl+e Mien Bought Higuttere of RAND TRUNK Railway System Canfulian National Exhibition Toronto. August :lath to Sept. f)th 83.4)5 FROM EXETER Going Aug. nth to Sept. nth. 112.})ll (going Attg,'J•tti, ,Ilst, Sept. 2nd, tlth and lith. :Vi Tickets valid returning until Sept. 121h, 11111ti. Farm Laborers Excursion *12 to points in Manitoba and Assini• boia,good going front Exeter Sept.2nd WE HAVE RECEIVED our first lot of New - Goods and will be pleased to show them to and give you a chance to have your New Fall Dress up for September. We have all the "new ogles" at reasonable prices. No trouble to show thele. Fancy Mohairs Colored Chiffon Cloth Colored Venetians Colored Broadcloths Colored Cordo do Soie Creape de Cheue Serges Plain Mohirs Black Chinon Cloth Black Venetians Black Broadcloths Black Corde (le Soie Eolionne Tweeds Every Piece New and Natty NEW WAISTINGS A full range of all the new colors and Fabrics. Stri Fancys and Plain. gar Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce CARLING 5K201 - •+N+++++++e+N++Pt'•N+•+++•••ttt►•• SPECIAL SALE OF !ROCKING CHAIRS. HIPC REDUCTION W. C. HUSTON Furniture, Undertakint• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nee•••Nf++NNf++N+t►ttf Vou'll HdV6 Soulcthh To show for your years of work if you say part of your earnings now -as much as you es. spare. You may need it at some future tinie might as well save it anyway. It is not hard ter you once make a start in the right directi $1 is sufficient to start an account tvith this B to which you can add to when you like in size•i amounts, and withdraw all or any put of without anydelay, and which earns interest the highest current rates, which is added to t Frimer FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through th orma of presenting your pass book. You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until jj /have pressing need for money. !fake the resolution NOW and start on to right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an acrount with this Bank We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Bead Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal 47 Branches in Canada, includln* lite following in Baron: Exeter. Credlton. Da$lswOOtl Zurich. Hensel) and Clint JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branch DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT E HAVE MADE this department the subject. careful study and in our endeavor to bring it to high state of perfection have spent much time in looking fl those goods most suited to the needs of the collununit' Already we have sold number* of dresses from our earl buying, but we hare a big pile of beautiful goods left a none of the stack broken. CI(' Pin irrnnn ! ((plop( Silk ,nixed Mutate . Silk and wool crepe Carrick T11•0e114 at Wool l'anamas :it . Wool homespun. a' WoolVenetians n1 Satin wool finish a: d silk ,'r,r'..ofk •Its(- ;Mc. .....10. 50. 60, lye. fi:11 i' '1t 1's, 50c :,n, Tae 60, 75, $1.00 •, - s ...a I, 5, to •. e 1.19 5n, '5, $1. $1.25 \'cnclaln9 Amazons ar 75, $1, $I liox cloths et 90, 1.0e, 1.25, $1 Cambrid:e Cloths at Aruture Cheviot at ...... 'i5, 10, 50, Vicuna Cloths at ......... 51 Poplins sit . '10, 75, $1 Mohair Cord de Adie al 50, 75, be only Albatross Cloiba at Table Intens Special at 25c, -I0c and 50o White Bed Spreads at only 75c Shirting at Job Price American Colored Satee Blue and white atripe:l, 121c Very fancy patterns and for 10c. colorings at 15c Men's Braces Made from ends of 1'lasti' only 15c a pair Rot's' lZflleher At 'ob prig es, made frons ' of job at 75c 8C $1.04 For tickets, illustratedtion. literature on and Ioplestonefull information, cll nnJ. J. KNIGHT, i)epot ricket agent, Exeter. I. 1). McDONAi.D Utte &tour north of rostotticr, ihetric t passenger agent, Toronto. Gardine ,•<,. • in exchange for k