Exeter Times, 1905-08-24, Page 6CQoaoOoao>"(,000O000°101SON IN ICE DREAM G00D ANIMAL STORIES iIE TELLS THEM
The Hospitals Crowded With A Dog Dug Up Carrots and Gave
Oones-.srsoO YCOOoo•O0o)04 ° Sufferers From Baleful Them to a Horse -Monkey DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS.
Divides Banana•
Teddy was out in the back bard
playing with Johnnie Gibbs. They
were playing; stvutut,uut and had just
had a dreadful disaster when mam-
ma came to the door.
"I want you to go down the street
fur talc, '!'eddy," she said. "1 Must
have some baking powder atltd va-
nilla before 1 can finish my baking.
"But lin all smashed up, mam-
ma," answered Teddy, from under a
pile of rubbish. "They'll pull inc
out 'fore long and find out if 1'ni
killed or not. If 1 ain't, p'r'ul►s 1
can go binieby.,►
Mainnia laughed. "I don't see
how I can trait, sty son. Judging
from appearances` 1 do not think you
are killed. and I can join the rescu-
ing party and help out. I want my
babakingput::.:•.r as soon as possible.'
Ted crawled slowly out. wish
things could be made without
things,:' he said, rather vaguely.
"Or else I wish papa wotlicl keep a
store himself right here at home,
then I wouldn't always have to stop
right in the most interesting place.
Couldn't you anyhow get !.long
without 'tau?"
"No, my dear; but it you go right
along quickly you will soon be back.
As a general rule, I want my little
boy to do errands for me because he
loves me; but since you were in such
a critical condition I will give you
two pennies to spend. Now, don't
forget, Teddy, baking powder and
vanilla. fay it over five times, to
be sure."
"Bakin' powder and verniller.
Won't forget; see if I do-bakin'
powder and verniller. Po you care
what kind of candy I get?"
"No, just what you like, it it
come:; within your means. What is
it you are to get for me?"
"tiakiu' powder and cverniller.
Won't forget, never."
"Perhaps not, but say it over to
yourself on the way and go as
quickly as you can."
Down the road ran Ted. 'Bakin'
powder-1'll get a candy cigar-ver-
niller - and p'r'eps a chocolate
mouse. Bakin' powder --I don't
know but I'd rather have just taffy;
it takes longer to eat, 'cause it
sticks to your teeth. What. was that
other thing mamma wanted? I
should like a whole pound of candy
once. Oh, clear! I can't remember
what that other thing was, an' I
kept saying it like everything! Well,
it I get one, maybe she con get
along without the other. I'll risk
Mr. Clark what he supposes it was;
maybe he will remember for sue. I
'most think I won:t get a cigar,
after all. _I'll have more fun, I guess
if it was all one kind. When you
can't have much of a thing, you just
git goin', and it's all gone. I'm
going to get all taffy.' having set-
tled the momentous question n his t they come on unexpectedly.
Penny Ice.
I� or four hours on a recent Sun-
day afternoon and evening the Bir-
mingham I'....i.u►d hospitals were
The dispute between those who
believe in the reasoning powers of
animals and their opponents, who
fairly besieged. A constant stream ascribe, every
action of the dumb
of vehicles kept arriving and flit- creation to mere instinct, is an old
charging sick children. The little sore; but fresh facts are contittt►nity
elle came in cabs aid trurucars, in cropping up to add to the interest
perambulators and ambulance's• of the controversy. here are a few
Many of theta were sufTering leant stories of dugs and other animals,
violent abdominal plains, earl all domestic and othet•w•ise, which will
were afflicted with alarming sickness. atiord food for thought to either
section of the disputants.
'Phut dogs are capable of disinter-
ested friendship for other animals is
beyond dispute. Professor Wesley
Mills, in his luminous and deeply in-
teresting work on animal intelligence
mentions tt dog that struck up a
friendship with one of his Master's
At first it was feared some new
and deadly epidemic had broken out,
but inquiries made proved that they
were ItII patrons of tan Italian ice-
cream vendor on the Parade.
In all 45 cases Here attended by
tho demors. In many instances the
work of the iie+lical risen had been
mado light by the intelligence of the cut t iug;c-horse<. her some time
police, who bad promptly iidininis-
tercd erncti_5. without waiting for carrots y'cre missed fro'n the kitch-
thc doctor. en witches and, tt watch being kept,
Parents and friends of the s,iffererss it was fou:id that
thedog had► been
became greatly excited, antic•ipatinb in the. habit of diggingis tat equine friend.
He Had Chronic Inflammation' of
the Kidneys -Says His Brother
Foresters Can Tell all About it.
Darnley, P.1•:.1., Aug. 1.1 (Special).
--.1u1u1 J. Ilurns, a prominent mem-
ber of the 1.().F., here. whose cure
of Chromic inflammation of the
Loins rood 1' jdie''s caused a sensa-
tion :atone time ago, reports that ne
it, still in splendid health. "Yes,"
says; ir. horns, "rely cure 's e•litire-
ly satisfactory. I have had 710 trou-
ble since 1 used tlottd's Kidney 1'ilts.
They drove away the disease from
which 1 suffered for eight year's.
•' No, I'll never forget 1)odd's Kid-
ney !'ills. The doctor could not help
ate. I got so 1)0(1 I could scarcely
walk. sit or sleep. 1 was about
tel give up entirely when an adver-
tisement led me to try Dodd's Kid-
ney fills. Now 1 nie in good health.
the worst consequences. 'there fusee pteve't,ttng thein to
p I)odd's Kidney Pills saved my life."
tonne noisy scenes outside the hospi- Nov, dogs do not theinsteves con- if any one doubts Mr. Burns' story
tel, anti then an indignant crowd aider carrots a delicacy. flow was he simply refers thein to his brother
went off in search et the ulna who that particular thinker to know that. I•'oreeters. They all know how he
had sold the ice cream. Ile beat a a present of that Rater() would be suffered and that Ilucld's Kidney Pills
hasty retreat, which was covered by acceptable to hit.; friend the horse? cured him.
the police. It was well that n good If reason was not in operation there
force of constables was on the scene. something; very like it must have
or the man would certainly have been. fite•e', holding his muzzle in its little
been handled roughly. , I{i'l"1'1':N�l. paws, and carefully licking it all
DU(. UI 1'f!!.
'I'he remainder of the ice cream has over. in this particular instance of
been :;eked by the police. It is be- A somewhat. similar story was animal friendship it may he that
ing kept in a frozen condition and told by a correspondent of the the clog's patience and politeness in
was handed over to the analyst.
For a time the condition of some
of the children was exceedingly ct it-
ical and but for the prompt measures
taken might have had fatal conse-
All the sufferers were discharged
from the hospital on Saturday night,
though many remain under medical
treatment at their homes.
A striking lfeat> entuoftttho "clittle in vain• Finally, a bright idea
is the fact that not seen a kitten pretend that a immediately, which will Prevent him
sufferers were mites only two years came into his doggy mind. Ile rush- cork or a reel of cotton is a mouse, from rising. This will give hitn
old.At that age it might bo ed into the garden whore the drown- and stalk it ferociously? Or a couple thoroughly to understand that you
thought, even the very best ice cream ed courses of the unfortunate kit- of docs indulging in mock combat, are master. Once a horse realties
is liable to have an undesirable cf- tens had been buried, with busy growling, snapping, and yelping as if your power over hire, he will do al-
most anything a horse can do.
":Spectator" sonie time ago. A submitting to the process, rather minute, while others. of course,
certain fox -terrier was the particular than hurt Its little friend's feeling~ might fight longer. As soon as the
friend of the household cat. It so by refusing, is quite as noteworthy animal has been thrown, take the
rope that is underneath hits, bring it
under the surcingle tied glass it
through the ring of the halter, and
back under the surcingle again, and
dren to heart dreadfully. and moped argument against those who insist thus you have the rope in position
about the house in disconsolate lash- that animals are guided by nothing to bring his head over his shoulder.
ion. This caused the terrier great but instinct. Another is found in Make hjin put his head on the
anxiety, and he tried to cheer ftp the the capacity of dumb things for ground, and it he makes any fit-
sorrotving mother in curry way; but inakc-believe and play Who has tempt to get up, pall his head up
Sunlight Soap will not injure
your blankets or harden them. It
will mak:.' them soft, white and
fleecy. 7B
To Thoroughly Take the Conceit
Out of Him.
'1'o thoroughly take tate Conceit (put
of a horse. there is no better way
than to throw t►in►. It certainly re-
quires pluck and determination to
throw a horse single handed, but if
clone, your horse is virtually con-
quers�cl for good and all. '1'o do this
put. a good strong halter on your
horse, take a strap with a ring in
it and buckle it round the horse's elf
foreleg below the fetlock joint; take
a rope eight feet long and tie it to
this strap; place a surcingle round
the horse's body; take up your posi-
tion on the right side of the horse,
bring the rope over the horse's back
from the off side; take hold of the
rope, and pull his foot to his body;
take a first hold of this foot, holding
it in that position, then take bold
of the horse's halter with the left
hand, pull his head to you, and
press against his body with yo'rr
elbow, using the words "Lie down."
The majority of horses can he
thrown in this way in less than a
happened that pussy had a litter of as the nposeum's anxiety to do what
kittens, all of whom found a damp it regarded as a kindly act -
grave in the stable bucket. '1'he This capacity for sympathy and
mother -cat took the lobs of her chit -
love i love of others is something of an
Apparently the Italian does not
rely upon children for custom. One
patient admitted to the hospital was
a man 4�i years of age. w•ho 11118 had
paws res-tlrrc•cted there. and curried in they deadliest earnest?
the earthly little furry bodies in "KING -OF -THE -CASTLE."
glad triumph to his distracted
friend. (.'aft this action of the (log That noted observer of animal life,
be ascribed solely to instinct? Mr. .1. W. Ilcmbridge, has recorded
"Julia!" yelled the poet, "why
to endure a fire of merciless chaff as Cats and other animals have been an exciting; gauge of
"king -of -the- don't you keep that kid quiet? Whets
a result of his amiable weakness for seen to divide food with particular castle," indulged in by some lambs tho matter with it?"
penny ices. friends. Thus. a monkey in the +n a l c1d. The pasture had been "Pts sure 1 demi know," replied
+- London London %oo was watched dividing a covered with heaps; of seaweed, rind his patient trite; "I'm singing; one of
banana into three equal portions, on 0110 of these tt lurnb took up
his your lullabies to the little darling."
KET':I' CHILDREN WI:I.I'' one of which he kept for himself, pre- position. and defied all comers. In ----
senting the others to tiro simian a glade at Haddon Chase, fawns The Most Popular Pill. -The pi11 is
It ,you want to keep your children chum54. A ho which had wandered •'tOue:}h as the most penal$- of all Porins: of medi-
gy have at
seen playing, cilp►s, ancd at g►ill•h tate most popular are
We Cou!d Talk to You All Day
hearty, roll/and full of life during chance into a %'egetable garden tieorottsly and as understandingly 1'arinetee's Vegetable !'ills, because they
iJ V
the hot weather months, give them slid not stay to luxuriate in selfish as child: 0n. '1110 capacity for "rnak-
an occasional close of Baby's Own solitude, but rushed awry. and in a ( ing;-believe" was strikingly 'xenipli-
aI'ablets. This medicine wilt prevent short time returned with soil" per- 1 fled by a squirrel which Professor
all forms of stomach find mabny clue• pals. A raven which Charles 111'esfey Mills captured and shut up in
troubles which carry oft so may Dickens not iced at Ilimger,orcl used) a cage.
The little animal appeared
tlo ones during the hot summer re ulttt•ly to carry bones to n clog t drowsy, listless, and as if buffering;
months, or it will care these troubles t.h broken leg. 1 from paralysis. dragging its limbs•
do what it is asserted they can do,
1(11(1 are not put forward on any ficti-
tious claims to excellence. '!'hey are
compact told portable. they are easily
taken, they do rte', nauseate nor gi ►
and they gile relit.' in the Most stub-
born cases.
i his f h It rq w' o 'Father-"Vou oughtto be ashamed
mindTed flew over the ground. just the medicine for hot weather A striking instrtr.ce of animal !after it in a helpless kind of way. of yourself, Dick; you are now in
m►. bemuse it always does thought for others *yes seen on the 'Idle observer could only conclude your twenty -;fifth year, and you
t want -two Cents' worth of troubles. bt a i �' p that he hall unwittingly haven't earned a penny pct. At your
taffy," he said, breathlessly, as he good, and con never do harm, as a road from Lucknow t,) 'eetn cl:e. Angl, inflicted
bounded into the store. is guaranteed free from opiates and ielephant-train was on its way to the !some injisry upon the squirrel during age 1 had already married a woman
"All right," answered Mr. ('lark, harmful drugs. It is good for chil-;latter town. when one of the pig )capture. All these symptoms con- with ten thousand dollars."
pleasantly; "anything else?" been at every stage from birth on- ! bensts went lntr.d•. and had the creat- I titlued till the third day of impris-
'red's face grew blank. "Y -es, sir ward. and will promptly clue till est difficulty in keeping; ti;' t: its the onment, when Professor Mill. incrtu-
--my mother she wants --why, she their minor ailments. Mrs. .1. .1. rest. Seeing this, the elephant be- tiously left the cage door open. Gone
%cants -something. I kept saying it McFarlane, Aubrey. (nue., says: -"ply hind hint beg::n with his trunk to in an icstant was the pretended
over and over, and I don't anyway baby was troubled with colic until 1 remove some of his suffering com- paralysis; the artful beast darted for
see how I forgot. It Was something P !
to bake with." \� `g t
"'Sugar, spices. extracts, soda?" %
questioned Mr. Clark; but Ted school; n . caput
his head.
"I think you had better r'in right
hack and find out. Sh1111 I keep
yott* candy fes you until y'''1 come
"No, sir, thank you. I think it
will kind of -encourage rile' to have
it with me."
"All right," said Mr. ('lark, laugh-
So Ted trudged hoe -k huin'•; and
somehow it seemed rlluch lunz;er to
hills this tirne, in spite of his en-
"hurry'" called mai11111a from
the door; ''i ata waiting for the bak-
ing powder.,.
"'!'here,"- exclninle(1 Ted, "i knew
what 'twosl only, you see, i couldn't
Wash greasy dishes. pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Moap a powder. It Native servants in India have the
will remove tho grease with the generally desirable though sometimes
greatest ease. inconvenient virtue of the Chinese --
he open wind(►w, and a flash of doing exactly 119 they are told. The
Iseldom use•
brown fur ucrossc the g;ard �n fence
Ethel (to her dearest friend) -"I
trouble 8 thief t ley
was the best, that the naturalist saw
ON' TSI7 1 JI IT>�i OF
TEA, but We could not convince you as easily as a TRIAL would
that BLUE RIBBON is the nearest to PERFECTION that
any to t has reached.
Wise Housekeepers Always Have a Supply of
Libby's (Natural Food Products
Veal Loaf, Melrose Pate, Deviled Ham,
Dried Beef, Ham Loaf, Vienna Sausage,
Baked Beans and Corned Beef Hash.
The Booklet. "How to Make Good Things to Eat,'' sent fret.
Address Libby. McNeill & Libby, Chicago
A telegrapher earns from
$540.00 to $1800.00 a
year. Do you? If not, let
us qualify you to do so.
Our free telegraph book
texplains everything. Write
for it to -day.
• Principal.
eAdetalde St. Ea t. Toronto, Oat,
Mention this paper.
During June, July, August and t t t I
September tho Chicago and North Flood, workshop, corrals, etc.; Rood
Western Ity. will self from Chicago, fences, all new and substantial: will he
round trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Los Angeles. Portland,
Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points in Canada.
Choice of routes, best of train ser-
vice. favorable s:topovern and liberal
return limits. Rates, folders and
full information can be obtained
from 1l. N. 1'sennett, General Agent,
2 East Bing St., Toronto, Out. 31
Superfluous Nair Permanently Removed
While tiaveling in Mexico I discover
cd a drug which removes hair from
face, arias, neck, or any part of the
body instantly and t,errnanently, s
wilt send to any one afflicted wit Ito
any expense but a postage stamp.
Don't judge ray treatment by unsuccess-
ful attempts of others. 1 have suite: ed
for years with this affliction and tow
my life's work is to help other -s from
this humiliating trouble. My treats
went is easy anti accompltehed at hone.
and f will forfeit $500 If it fails to
remove hair. Don't suffer longer. Re-
lief 15 now yours for the asking. Write
now lest you forget my address.
11t)1tO'1'11Y I11, t Cr 151,, North Six-
teenth Street, Philadelphia, I'a.
FARM AT Atitl'ltll.:. Al ''' -;'1--
251)8 acres -22 milts north of
t,ateary; 3 miles from Aindri -airway
depot; convenient to church, schools, 1 •
stoles, etc.; splendidly situates , magni-
ficent view; first-cla,-s soil: g oil water
supply; up-to-date i►npl•oven*s; well-
built house of eight rooms. rel with
all modern conveniences and drainage
system; stet ► e, cattle sheds, .titres
put. my foot in it so dreadfully when judgment.
Edwin propose•cl. i meant to say, Lord ltohcrts, during a campaign of -
his cunning captive. t,
!'his is so sudden you know, bort in India, had spidered his math to
-Everybody knows that ferm I was tic) flustered that instead I ex- prepare his hath at a certain hour. I
gave hits Baby 's ()wn 'Tablets, and
they promptly cured him. Now when
he is a little nut of sorts, i give him
a close of 'Tablets, and they promptly covered that he could open the gate
bring; situ back to his usual healt h.
of 1110 field in which he was grazing.
Yon can get. the Tablets from your Not Selfishly content with keeping;
druggist, or they will be scent 1'y fact Lep hitnsrlf ho
mail at 25 cents n pox by writing
The 1)r. Williams Medicine Co., p I yearling -and and cs
Brockville, Ont.
anion's load.
Nearer home, a donkey once dis-
either; i said it over lots of times;
and what Was the other?"
"Oh, 'Ted Arnold, you dill not go
and forget both, did you?"
"Why. no, I don't think I really
forgot, 'cm. i remembered the candy
but somehow I couldn't think what
the names of the other two things
"Oh, said mamma, in fanny tone.
"I ve'-11 distinction withoutany
difltrctwe. wns't it? Well. now you
go right 1►ncl. and I will keep your
candy for you. If you do not re-
member this time. you cannot have
it at all. Baking powder nod yn-
vow-wae:n't it funny? -Ted
rrtne►nherrd this time without the
least trouble.
"Hoverter," teofter," snit' matnnla. "I will
net pay y
mal intelligence which is manifested clraini0el, 'At Inst!' "
(1118 interesting in seeking the aid of human beings
• inunedicttely called three friends --a -trot necessarily' master or mi.stThe i Signals of Dar.t.•er.--jlave you lost
mare, a foal, 8111 a y' ' r- - -iii shatters %:titch the` animal is tin-
corted theist frr►'n the field and for able to accomplish by itself.
�-'-�♦ some distance along the rued, until. Simplest. form of this is shown by
F.I'I•'LC'I'LV1: I}tO�iti'. in fact. the entire party was met the cat who sit s mewing t11 the
earl turned back by n faun -land. door to be let in; but there are in -
Like ridicule, irony is often more Again, all Australian opossum, !dances of more reasoned appeals
effective than argument, and may brought to England as a pet, bee- than this familiar one.
covtw Sug;g;0st}onsa unci ideas in ct came grently attached to a dog in A monkey in the London Zoo was
terse an(1 I►ithy n141nner, cls schen nue hme house. An upas81l)i1 re- 'ern to hand a asst 10 n spectator
says:, "You can't r1lt,ay8 judge by s;t•nn1e,}Sac8 a cat in being( vert/ fussy 11lsnug11 the bars, hating been foiled
appearances; the faun who wears netre its toilet, ami thisparticular its this efforts to crack it. The visi-
diAumuncl p0nti0nnurnaut, iIret releaaslly onweceallhsaid.Y• ' spec imen, after performing its own for realized the situation, cracked
g;. ablutions, used to washthe dog':; 1 h nut. and handed it back, which
1 was evident ly what had been ex-
-_-_ es ported of hint,
never inflicts pain. On which a wit.
remarks, "'!'this is !laid on the den-
Not a had story ie told of an aged
clergyman olio islet a ratan loudly
declairning against foreign Missions.
"Why," asked the objector, • •doesn't
the Church look after the hiathen nt
home?" "We do." Said the clergy-
man, quietly, and gave the man a
When He Quit Coffee. 1n the ": ;;,ectator•" of recent date
n correspondent describes his ad -
Life insurance Cumi*anies will not Ventures with a black retriever. The
insure a man suffering from heart 0110/181 met him ill the street as he
trouble. The reason is obvious. was going home one night, and in -
This is a serious matter to they silted w1 being accompanied up a
husband or father who is solicitous narrow a1bey. The naan, rather curi-
"So far ns you saw," said conn• for the future of his deur ones. Of- olli to sits t10 reason of the dog's
set to a witn'sS, "she 111)54 doing her ten the heart trouble is carts (1 by bchatlour, (lid o.a be was evident ly
ordinary household duty?" an unexpected thing and can be cor bessircd to do, and was led, with
"1 should say so-rshe was talk- rested it taken in time and properly much tail -wagging, to a yard (lour
ing," t1r15 the ironical reply. treated. A man in ('olorndo writes: nt th,e top of the alley. '!'his door
"•Ile never hail 1lut one. g0mhine caste "1 'was a great coffee drinker for stat lntc}iccl but not lochia, and, in
in his life," said a lawyer of a rival. tunny years, and wire het aw•nr.• of response to tho dumb entreaties of
"and that wise when be prosecuted the injurieus effects; of the hiu►it tilt his online acquaintance., the corre-
his r•tudics." '1 bee.^.nre tt practical in1t11id. ;11fier s•pondent opened it , whereupon the
Some lawyers have had curious ex- fng� from heart trouble, indigestion dog,'', with n joyous hark. darted in,
1 'll '1'h 1
periences of ironical wills. Ore is and nervousness to an extent that
(,Viet, lltly at 1n 1110. It thus; appear -
me not unfamiliar case of the French made• tnc wretchedly tniserable my- ed that the clog had 1„•en shut out,
merchant who left n handsome legacy . sc.if 1111(1 a nuisance t(1 those who Hurl hail had the sagacity to seek out
you until you get hd'n►e, i to n lady who had refused to h'arr'y 1 wit nlr•s:cd rl►,y' Sufferings. • land
perfect stranger in the nearest fre-
this,!. " hint twenty fetus before, in g;ruti- 1 continued to drink CuffOc, how- quc•nt0d start and induce him to
___�._ - tu(Ie for her kindness in not taking ever, not suspecting that it was the (meldaccoprtny it home and unlash the
'1'lli' 01'1•;1;.\'1'' 1!{-S ith:liUi'r, him nt. his) word, cause c t toy ill -health, till. on ap►- door.
There is a good deal of pointetl 1 KThose very human 1rnit9 of sanity
a satire in such ironical fucrtine as the plying for lite insurance I war( r0-
"Ilave you n telegrntn for ate." jected on account of the trouble and dislike of ridicule are prumincnt
asked a pompous railway official, following: "«'e are reminded you
with my boort. 'Then 1 b'caiiiQ in tlom•stle animals. A (nog; "drelsis-
sIcostin• from his private, car and can't buy n gums of sand i." l,e
accosting the agent at n small tact- suer. flat it is nut. halt sug;nt." alarmed. 1 found that leaving; off ed up" by children fur nmusetn' nt
tion. A resident in a suburban distHet "'nee helped In• tlllickly, w(1 I quit rnny submit ttithout a meter+lar, t'ut
"I'm blessed if I know," said the was asked how his hoose had tared it altogether and hating been at-
t- he looks: the picture of tui- ,r• the
operator. eyeing• hint critically. (luring a snowstorm. "Oh, partly," traded by the nch'vrlis;0mentss of whole Lima.
1 " f. fast 111)1 1' clod ('offs e 1 began its us0. Ilitt•in the Coronation festivities
'Would your photograph be on it?'' was 1ho reply; "inY cistern is the ;al- .'•1'1116 cb)un •e in my condition was B
ly dry place in it." 1^ in tile,., some dogs absolutely re-
"t1'ut'll I do with this burglar , rentareable. and it Was not long till (used to re'cobni•r.�' ascii overt houses
alarm, (till -take it along;?" asks 1 %ens completely cured. All my nil- fused ti %cith flags and other dc'cora-
hur,,lar number une. Fecund burglar: �incrltss vanished. My digest um was tions. andl went away in a huff. One
dog. belling ing to n lady resident in
Mayfair. was ()lee reed to be sitting
on hie haunches opposites his decor-
ated de•ntie ile, nn(1 barking his dis-
gust and disapproval. -1.044410a An-
1)1•:.tll '1'() 1115 HEART.
"Will you hove another helping?"
asked the neighh('t'. "You seem ver*
fond of our chicken."
"And why Shouldn't I he?" ro-
1lponded Suhurhtnnn, who had been
invited to dinner. "!':herb I can de-
tect the flator of our (lowers in
every morsel?"
"'betting isteta1+'.s the largest being
Shout three-quartt,'r of n mile in
dren. (01.1n 1)n flteresting feature of
8 lake In Mindanao.
"l'e8; slip it in the hag. ,, ',%e can 1 c•otnp14t01y restored, my nr•r*O l' ntss
get seineting for it."
4 -
'less -Jack stole a kiss from the
lost eight.
.less-Ono'iolts! What slid you 410
4e14(011 it?
Toss ---•Nothing. 1 didn't have time;
he made restitution immediately.
'disappeared. and. most important of
all. my heart steadied down /11111 be-
came norurnl, nn(1 on a second ex-
amination 1 Was accepted by the life
insurance company. ()slitting Coffee
and using Postural worked) the cure."
Name given by Postunt Co.. Battle
Creek. Vit., h.
'There's a reason. and It is explain-
ed in the little hook. "The Itotid to
N'ellville in each package.
'!'eel (smilingly) -''You remind) n'e'
of an old friend of mine." Et! e1
(haughtily) -"Indeed! How old,
your appetite? Ilave you a coated
tongue? Ilave you any unpleasant
t11.1c in the mouth? Does your bead
nche and hath you dizziness? 11 so.
your 7tnnlach is out of order end you
need medicine. Hut you do not like
medicine ile thn prefers sickness to
medicine rr,uat suffer, but under t he cir-
cum -trances the wise lean would procure
n hox •'f i'nrmeiee's Vegetable fills
and speedily get himself in health. and
strife to keep so.
"I10 you believe in the theory that
the earth is fulling into the sun'?"
"Sometimes," answered the un-
scientific man. "I believe it in the
summer. In the winter 1 forget
about it."
1f your children moan and are rest-
less during sleep. coupled. when awake,
with n loses of nppetite, )'ale (ouuten-
ante, picking of the nose. etc., you me
depend upon It that the primary cause
of t he t rouble is roans. Mother
Droves' Worst Exterminator effectu,.'+
removes these pests, At once relieving
the little sufferers.
Al"THE FRONT I)(-Iolt.
Weary Willie -Say, Lady, I'm eat
hungry I don't know what to do. I
Mrs. Goodort-Very well, poor
1)111n, walk around to the kitchen awl
we'll give you ,m,nething.
Wester• Wiiiie-Dot's a party long
walk, lady; couldn't ycr hand it out
hero fist air itt11'T"
itrantligoI1-"(wale home and take
supper ,tl id Inc. Flannigan." ['Iann1-
gan-"Shure, it's past ser supp'er-
lit now; ser w•ife'll he as mad esa
halt'." lirannlcnn--"'!'hat's jist
it; but she can't lick the two of less."
One clay a tierce engagement was go-
ing on, but the servant made his
way through a storm of bullets, and
appeared at the commander's side.
"Sahib," said he, "your bath is
Even a better story cctnes from an
unknown soldier, who was awakened,
one morning, by feeling the servant
of n brother officer pulling at his
"Sahib," whispered the man,
"sahib, what am i to do? My mas-
ter told she to woke him at halt
pas( slx, but he did nut go to bed
till seven.''
Nothing looks more ugly than to see
a person whose panels are covered over
with warts. Why have these d,sfigure-
nicnts on your person when it sure re•
mover of all warts. corns, etc., can be
found in Holloway's Corn Cure.
The Daughter -"I wonder if he will
love the n., Much after we nre mar-
ried?" The Mother -"Never mind. ) It is ltnown 1•:cer where.-'i'nt,ts fa
'Von will not care then whether h0 not a city, town or hamlet in Can,t.!:t
where 1)r. t h"sin.' Ecicctnc Oil is t•►•b 10
dress or not so long n`; y'ou etre slur krroait--where%er introduced it mad," a
ri0d.•' foothold for its •If and n►ninInine,t it.
:Fonio ,in Icnanta may suggest some
llr. J. 1,. Kellogg's P ~enter Cordial other remedy as equally d►enatt oil. C
Rg' Y Y otch recommendations should be ro-
Is a speedy cure for dysentery, dine• ct,ttedt with doubt. 'Three is on,' one
Thema, choleras, eeumrner complaint. igen sten ;.;cleetrsr, (hl, and that is Ur. 'on,.ia*s ,
tee complaints incidental to •I'etko not)piug clsc.
el'plelretl Methir•g. It gI%4!se iutrneelints
relief to those s;uffering frnm the effects -
.at indiscretion in cat ing unripe fruit.
ucurnber•. etc. It nets with wonderful "Pretty? No, 1 won't ray 1,aby
venie e. anddity never
ora' i*eo�tstcar conquerto the
till is pretty," dec•la1•4(1 a youeg tu:,lher,
tlithey have a bottle of this medicine con. "for I can speak of him impartially.
vouiant• even though lie is my own, and that's
more than most mothers can do. Ito
'l'K'O FATHERS. more
lovely blue eyes, perfect in shape,
Bishop Wilson of Calcutta, whose hair like the tnornirig sunshine;
speeches nest often quoted, had the' filouth-well, no rosebud could be
happy faculty of saying the right sweeter; coniple.ion divinely fair;
tiling at nll tinges. Inose just too charming for atlything;
( it one ()MIAMI t tt a young people.: in fact, he's fnultless; but 1 won't
whose father were famous for their .Bay hc'sc pretty."
disersse and peculiar views on ltil,li-
cal sisuhjects came to sec the bishop.
"Ah," said he as he greeted one,
"your father wrote n great work on
the Apocalypse. I congratulate you
on being the (laughter of such a
1)14111. "
'!'hen, turning to his other guest,
he snid: "And your father forbore to
write about the Apocalypse -a wise
forbearance. You are to be congrat-
ulated on having so wise a father.'-=
Ise -"I am sure Cupid had nothing
to do with the alphabet.tt
She -"What gives you that imptes-
11e -"It he had been doing it he
would have placed U and I much near.
or each other,rts
solei AS a going concern. with (clock.
crops, machinery. tools and house fur-
nishings; this farm is all plowable, and
is especially adapted for growing bard
fall wheat and for rnixed farming. Full
tparticulars on application to Gray
iros., Ametric. Altn.
and faded Bolts woull 1n0* better tiro t. 1) ft, $sets
et ours In your teen, write direct htnutr• al. Bel 16/
WELL, INSTI(l'("I'Eli.
!ler head rested on his shoulder
and her little heed lay confidingly in
his. "'1.011 )1u, Alfred," Slid rho
happy maiden, "how you ever came
to pick ase out as the girl y11u want -
cd to marry."
"Well, Dora," replied the ecstatic
young urian, in a gush of c;tufi'lene•'',
"it was mother that put 111e up to
Summer Colds
You shonl'l euro that earl at once. It
in not only making )o)1 f!el sni.orable,
but it is doing you horin. Ta.o
Cure To ung
11 1.mlanteto euro yell. Yon?
monefrefunded it3 tde'esn t.
At all druggists, ?.:,c., 60c. and $1.00 a bottle.
ISSUE NO, 8s--05. A,