HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-24, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 24th 190i. Make To Good 1The- - Surrounding News' STOP,AND CONSIDER TIN ALL- 'ICICLES LL•r ICICLES Items of Interest Here and There Furnished IMPORTANT PACT By Our Correspondents. UV THE VERY BEST Allspice, Pepper Ginger Cloves \• 5 and Cinnamon on ✓t1OI.E OR GROUND Mustard or Mustard Seed iC /- U1fl1Cf Curry Powder Garlic Chillies and Mace Prownings Drug Store The Exeter Times ALF.NDAR FOR AUGUST 1905 DAY 8 13 20 27 NDAY 7 14 21 28 DAY 1 8 15 22 29 EDNESDAY... . 2 0 16 23 30 R8DAY ....... 3 10 17 21 31 DAY 4 11 18 25 UnDAY 5 12 19 26 IC ItSDAY. AUGUST 24th. 1905 GENERAL NEWS. 11. I)ennett leis !Weil chosen r of tite Aloelrta Conservatives. Le Stili saw mill at lirinsley totally destroyed by fire last k. 'the fire originated by a k from the Loiter. Loss about 0, no insurance. e Liberal convention of the new vince of Saskatchewan met last dnesday after passing a resolution ring party government, elected falter Scott, M. 1'., to lead them in forthcoming election. It is under - the platfr.rm will strongly cont. with that of the Liberals of to. charge of : it unnatural crime st a ratan named Mason living in southern part of the county, was Judge Doyle last week and re• ded for further evidence. The is evidently a deplorable one, ing an awful state of depravity. Children's Aid Society will co - rate with the Crown Attorney in matter. The mt,uuted Police have been in- med cf what loess like '1 tntlyder witted in the wilds of Keewatin, miles to the northeast of Winni- g, et a place called Cat Lake. The tint, an Indian, was found dead in lode. A police party set out to in- tigate. ' the crime occurred last ri! or May, but word of its c,m. ton has only reached the outside DASIIWOOD IDESSALL STOVES. -If yu are in need of a stuva or furietce, don't fail to have a, look at our stock, we wore never iu tt oetter position to supply your wants. E. P. Paulin. ,1 tr+%wart•, Stoves and Tinsmitbinz. -harry Etlirlof[cr, of visitin; his brother. Mr. hof[cr, t his week. -Ilia Sarah Poll visit. -Mr. Ned \\'eltiue our popular implement ttrtnt bas _treated Itis artl ootot fresh. coat U[ lal9 t which Intterialy adds to the appe:u'- ancc. -As we sold in our correspondence this Tuesday evcuin; the frieu,ls and members of the Lutheran church ,aro cnjoyiu; a pleasant surprise up- on t1ie r pastor. Rev. Mr. Eiffert, Mr. Eiffert has been epcndin1 a few days %with friends in Lozan .town- ship, Count of Perth, U,, una just re- t urncd (tam lastevendnr. A hand- earn° ucw sttel ranee with latest itu- prorements has .leen duly installed iu the parsonage /is a token of the tet Mr. Eiffert is held which t[ • e sl tt d❑ h by his con;re.;alion, he Lavin; eerv- ed t his con'zrc.attion for the past twenty-five Sears. We join with the congregation in wishing Rev. Mr. Eiffert continued success iu .Itis work. is The pualic school ope-►ed Monday wit It It he two former teachers in charge, Mr. McLennan en's Hiss Koehler. -Mr. Orval Eines goes to Zurich again for two weeks and Mr. Vowel will court here for that time. -Tice Dashwood base ball tcau► won a closely contested tzame from Zurich: boys on the latter's t;rotttnds Friday evening last, score being one h, four iu favor of ,Dashwood. One of (those enetaky 'tricks that is oc- c;._ciorted :,y unprincipled persons, which invariably cause hard feeliu;s between ehe rival clubs, w-lierc the %ltd +nest of i ood will otherwise es• arta %v;As 3,erportrated. It oc- curred this w•ay, 1 he ball that Zurich boys furnished was not in first-class shape 1Yo the Dashwood 'ooys offered to furnislt both balls. one of %ben► 'prior ti new American Leazue Hall. At the close of the tzala° the thew ball was picked up by one of •'the Zurich boys. +Vito dcuied all know- ledge of ever having seen it. Zurich being the loser. rh•ulti have fur- nished Dashwood ooys Ivil11 a ball instead of steatite; ++'hat vas °Herod fon use in 13ood faith. -One of the prettiest weddings wit nesse (% in Dashwood this year were celebrated in the Evan;elical Luth- eran 'Aon church last Wednesday, when Hiss Emma Oettinz, of Fort Wayne, Ind., became tow wife of iter. Lewis O. Wa!per. With the chiming of the church belle the bridal party drove to church. The bride w'cts beautifully attired in a %'bite eilko!eno dress. ,while the ;own:f of the mold of honor and the bridesmaid's consisted of white or;;ttxtie. The Misses Theresa Wal - per. Clara %Yelper, eistcrs of he ;reont turd Bliss Ida Bentz. of Fort Wayne acted as bridesmaids .while the position of maid of honor was ably filled by Miss Ottilie Waiver. The groom %a.s supported by Mr. Art hue Wolper. his orothet•. ant Messrs. Louis Oottin; and Mr. Ar- nold Rentz. of Fort Wayne, Ind. Under 4 he strains of the Ttutnhauser March. played by Mr. Rudolph Ei- fert. a college mate of the ;room. the party marched into the church edi- fice where the ceremony was per- formed by Rev. 11. Eifert. A fine reception followed tit /lie home of the grooms ,.treble. Rev. L. Wai- ver intends merino to his parish iu St. Josephsburz, Assin., and his tetany frys will all join to twist' 1 lie your a couple each an t every success• flick-oti, is Geo. 1•:di is Noma 0.1 a The Omtotiu Government has upttd a pi o;ressivc policy in cotl- clion. eith the Temiskamina Nor - Il.itt lt.il v, ay that will ena.tle the Crnotksiurt to build up a substantial •5t•rtc rued. The Government have tided os er to 1 he commission the u esitc•s :dont I. he railway. anti couunissioners Lave MOW placwl u lite• ltoiktt valuau'c proper1iey 1.t1lchford end 1't•n►a.;ami. The it of °silents, hos not yet liven. lett up but 1%111 noon IX'. In Co- %, 1i1•1 1' Meats i.s a flurry or ex - !Wilt ow 1,1 t o I h.• discot't•ry of niilurrnl det,t.site. there are a nht•r of mat tee 4 shat hast• yet to n. t'un.;t•d bet ween it he Gave/11- m and the commission. 'flit• flail• 'V.' 's ' 1 wet• 1 1 1 ' Il v('t1 lit mer l t iiiii 1 IUfI 1• , I O I nu I er'• 1he mitietuls. 31r. N It, Coto %Otiti i-:tl rine•(''. of 1 he It •i!wily. lett•, that tee roadbeds abound with uiutrals, t•Npcci:tlJy around Cob itt. H lies not pet been decided %%hat %till so done it 1, (i he Mineral c1.,im•, out 1,1r. Stolt (( "tales that in disposin t of 111(. = • claims 1 he commission %111 ►x, , a Plow i •less interest ie them. po I•'I lb•' III (I% :IC 1+ ill ••.r(c(•ivv 9{011. r.'n! (ir frons rhe Itbun'l:ntct o[ 'nil I.1 yr Ilill. %I ers --Mr. told Dl51.1-s. G. 1•'. Stolt, 01 Chatham,. Caen( the {rasa week %vitt' Mrs. J:umes Sul herlaad. Dirs. Scott's raster. -Mr. A. Dent, of Dlitcht•ll, leas in the viletae last week visiting rela- tives. -31r. and Mrs. J. S. Wren. of Lu- cau.: to apeodiii; part o[ their sum- mer holidays 1% it a heir many. rel- atives and frien(t, in llensall• and +'lei tri t y. -Mimi Attclitsou was its tint villa;c lay( week t._ntln3 l,cf.,te ICl shin 5 10 resume, her duties as teacher. -bliss Barris, of Wroxeter, visiting Mrs. C. Cook. -Tile :irony friends of Mr. Geo. Eyre, of near Cbisclhurst, will re - •rot to learn that' he is sufforin; from its.phoid fever. -Dirs. Dloorelwuse is visit int; rel- atives stat) friends in Gudoricl. Y -D1rs. Ainsley, of Leamington. hos btsbeenbeen:It the parsonage visiting her !sister, Mrs. Medd. Quito a windier left last week 10 camp et Gland Bend. • -Mrs. Gordua D1:u►s recently re- turned ltn•ned ,from, the parental Lome al Exeter. %where she had been taken ill, but we are tileaeed to soy is slow• nicely recovered, -DIr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, %''sett,( Forest 1 ;uul children aro in L •t 3 31t•,t. DteDonnell's parents. -51iss Marjory (topper Isis re- turned Conn a %neaten visit with her aunt in Toronto. -Mrs. Thomas Eyre, of Detroit, accompanied by her emu stud alatt,4h- ter. nee vi<sitin3 %datives and friends in Iicn'(11l and vicinity. -Mr. Thos. Peart,' who was recent- ly so seriously injured by a binder, stow able to I;o around n little. -Mr. It. Drysdale returned last week from Mobitoba, where he had been visiting his son`;. Ile reportit a splendid harvest in %the west. -Mrs. G. C. Petty and daughter. bliss Alice, were in Detroit during thus bast week visiting relatives. Dlits Kathleen Blackall has been spending n couple of weeks wit h relctlivee in London. -Rev. Oliver Coleman. frolu the west. was here for a few d rye vis ilia; his mother. Mrs. Francis Cole- man. .Delbridgc of Otte Sovereign !lank. has returned from n pleasant vticaldoii. -blit, Robson. of New York. is visitin; her sister, Mrs. 11. Arnold. 1e our correspondents ore in need of Ht angled envelopes and paper kindly! advise us and we will send it all once. This falling of your hair! Stop it, or you will soon he bald. Give your hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall -1. ing will stop, the hair wiii haus Vi or grow, and the scalp will he clean and healthy. \X'11 he satisfied with poor hair '%lien you can make it r::h? 1ty hair ,.arty alt eam. • ' 1 ' • e • erre. Hair Vigor MAA en!. n' . I• tos falling. New bait e•r. .n ere li,a w Mils mete•• -)i K'. t.. '' • aruoRa, N. r. ill a bottle. ,,:e • %.,. • t a les watnlaare. ".0"*Y+ Thick Haire .. gyp= 1'.\I1Q1:iiAlt --'i'hresliitit is i lr. teal of the slily. -Public r:cIoot st•Irted I1st Mon- day. -Tho Dlnyer Los not yt ( 14o -taint- ed civic isalitise. -Grind Weil is n favorite Sun- day resort. -llis5 \lit:.lsell. of \\'inch stn. is visilin.r friends here. -The folios% z boys talk of go - w1•.`11 011 110* harvest excursions: W 111-r Ma ! • •, G. S. ITeavnre, S. Dun- fricuda 11' s u .: k . cyan. \\ llc('larh' n, L. Full oil. -31r. i'l.4uk Crtsseeller, »emitter, -31ias 31s role Sewn is v1-i44nx ill of 1)ttlul1,. st former .eacher of our the:%very (tens. public ech•acrl, called on old friends -311se, li:4 31. Gardiner 14 t•% its 1t'•.• tilt•%%+• .+n 'rues:fay . Oa con n -(hila% -•.I for her succc•s n1 ; -Item. and lir.. Eli Moyer. of 11. • recent t!••p•t tuscntal et inn:n,-' 11espe:er. eat, visit in al the Itutne of I:• n. Miss Garth' -'r was •tnace••sful , 1 h:, formers sist:'r. 31 r'. 3. Preeter. with bush parts of ht'.r Hcilior (•tltuivalion. i Loot: AT \"O1 It LABEL AND SEE If our correst'oudtntet are in nec•sl, IF 1.01` AIn,: IN Anit Ait(. AND of I+tnmped envelopes and paper c;i?\1i t'- 'I III: A../,), kindly advise es and we will send it I ' - 01' once. ZURICH WOMAN! That in address- ing Mrs. Pink - ham you are con - fiidingyourprivet e ills t o a woman -a woman whose experi- ence with women's diseases covers a great many years. You can talk freely toa woman when it is revolting to relate Torr private trou- bles to a man - besides a roan data not under- stsgd-simply be- e Hash is ca Many waomanmen suffer in silence and drift along fro* . bad to worse, knowing full well Va.}, they ought to have immediate assist- ance, but a natural modesty impel" them to shrink from exposing them selves to the questions and probab y examinations of even their family physician. 1 t is unnecessary. W ithptq money or price you can consult a w man whose knowledge from actual ex- perience Ls great. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lyim, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of hey private illness to a woman; thus 44 been established the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been bl'oken. Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw frons`, it is more than possible that she hat gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She asks nothing iii return except your good -will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. If you are ill, don't hesitate to get • bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink - ham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice. When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health so many women, you cannot well say, without trying it, "I do not believe it will help me." ELIMVILLE K111i TON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -Mr. 1). %Voc l tut :Ind children. of Exeter. visited with Mr. Thomas! Roadhouse. his blot l t•r-in•lan" on Friday last . -Mr. Roger Crocker. 0n.l family, of Toronto. t•iei,,e1 Hills Mr. it. 110a - kin last week. -Mr. W. 31. Leigh is t,liah►Iy in- disposed these this not heist ante• la attend to Lia store duties. -Several of our buys will away to the north -tees( in the course of it few days to assist in t he _treat har- vest. Amon; those front tics vil'a;e are ((cases. 1. I)oupc, W. I. C. (Crown. E. 1)uupe and Mr. Hanna. \1'c wish them rtll a pleasa.lt trip sad return. -Several from the Our; intend taltia; a trip to the take on Satur• Clay, i1 ot•ia; the Eden picnic. -Tho harvest. of 1!105 is about com- pleted land the crop on ilhe whole 111s been well 'taken care of and i5 of izoo(t quality. -Several from this vicinity :at- tended the funeral of the late lir. Cann on 'Tuesday. -Miss Olive Hawkins s15'nt a couple of (tart under the parcnetl reef. -Several from 1 iii vicinity art tlsinkinof Inkint in the excursion to she Wc,•tt on Sept. 2nd. -The Misses Fair lett on Satur- day last io resume :their positioas as school teachers at Leadon and I'ef roles. -Mr. Guhr, who has the comsat% far 1 he Elimville drain has the ma- chiucry on the 'around and expects to commence work in a couple of weeks. Ilo has leased the reside tee of Mr., \1'ilcocks and is utovim_ in 1 hit week. -\list' Ethel Keilertuan. of Dasl►• wood, was the Izsest of lliss Pearl 1\'uriz last week. -Mr, and Mts. Win. liuechtci. u[ Merlin. wetvisitors ,at the home of Mr. .1. Preeter last week. -11rs. J. L. Witt: and children, of herbal. are visitin; nt the home of 311. and Dirs. Philip llauch. -31r. Norman Brock has returned home from a three weeks visit with relatives in Stratford and Ilami►ut•;. -51t•s. Jas. Laidlaw and son Left for 4 heir home in S:uu1a:; Centre. Dlich., Saturday. after a ele.saml visit wit It relatiuvf s :nut friends here. -Mr. William 'tender leas moved into. hitt new residence. 31r. Bender Iris t,rc•cted for himself a fine dwcl- lin; and it adds greatly to the ap- pearance of That liar{ of the villa se. Death entered the house of Mr. Noah. S:u•ctras. Thursday uturniut and claimed their little boy azcd to bout b mous lie. The lit 1 l fellow w:t5 sick only a day and a half anti all that medical skill could do failed to sav0 /11.0 young life. -'I'La nen' Show' ]hall al the fair ;rounds is nearin1 completion and by the lime she date of the fair rollsround every lh hint I ie it the best of order. -31rs. 11uth^_s, of St. Louis, bet ler kno%le lore as -Hiss Ida i':vans wi+it - cdpost ra"t week wills ort n end s •w , t l uu( R /Mild'. Mrs. 11 V %%'.It \ li all aro I formerly (tend milliner for the late firm of Appel R. Zeller, and made Chatty warts (tient.: by her kindly disposition. who were 1111 doll rhl ed ( to have line 1lrivileze of renewing the friendship; 1heti tirade. -Mies boo Eil;te•r visited Exeter AUCTION The Kidneys Auction role 67 house aro lit in when t} are weak ter. l' Autust 26, on Ann street, ""', roperty t+[ (lets. Ann Ilarn( s. .loin e or stagnant, the whole 1: Auction cr. 1' lrs•lay, Sept. 21. All:t;',:1 s +!" I system suffers. Don't neg- . f ,rn► shock rind implements. 11 1 sect, them at, this tithe, but told privately on or betide tht•1 inova date the farm will also be o:- beed f+•red for sale by public auction. lyes aching bate the bloused rti' ;:'-. t nppl,v .o lar a Cause''• "!face,thesallowOo i00, :,,. , ,•,, W. II. Itarvey, lyre • tND of I i, m dock t•:5 lo! - begin treatment at once with It. Hood. l's'nrne. !' ati8s'a the warning of the •. v to ;. • . 15th. 1905: 1' . ! the urinary , and ' 1 t sly l,i ort t hat dal • . ♦ 11,. lot F. half f}food s Sarsaparilla •r ss. 1. 1.1 '. .rel, eon(:,lnlnz 5ii _=r,, or 1' Thos. Camereth. .\' whichcontrainst•bebest.and tilts r. E. E. Hackney, Prot. ,safest curative substances. • If • or rorreepototente are in at • 1 For testttloniols of renmeitoikb cures :•t 3111 ^d tav(loIos 011(1h st ' t" seri for Book on t Mnsys. No. 6. • I. ;telly srlt•is" ttv and we will wt•r ' C. 1. Hood Co., LOwil, Ma& EDEN -Diaster (toy Switzer. who +t:• t'0 seriously ill last tt•cek, is mak - itl; '400c1 14.0 press tcwit rd tecuv(•ry. -Mr. Ernest Ito:►inson, of Stott - ford. is spctidin; 0 few days as a Itotiduy visit iu ant the home of his parent:,. Ile has :t - companion. -Mr. end 31 rs. 11. .1. Roadhouse, et Ft. Marys, spent Sunday last vis - i1 icor 'tit 51r. Jas. ll•Izclwood's, Otis. Ito.] dhouse's brother. --51r. Smith O'liriere of Sl. 51arys, %i or :1 visitor in the vil!ogc 011 Sori- a ly fast. -1L. Tl:os. \\'a;ho:t►. V. 5., :r n•1 family, of Walton. spent Sunday and Dlontlay at the (tome. of W. 11. !Marshall. his :aro( her -in-law. -Courts Woodham and Ivanhoe of the 1. 0. F. held 1 he largest. and 0:1 cs ul c lurch parade 'nos( e,ucc ,C 1 Sunday evcniu; las:, enjoyed il). lLc Court since Its organization. 11.'nt- iiers of the fol:0w•in_t visiting Courts to the number of 100 ls.in; pt•c•sent. to 'lake part in the service; St• Marys Carlingford, Fulia11cont. Farquhar, Well.)urn and Woodhaui. The 'Meth- odist church tuns unable to accom- mod,ato the immense gathering. The p istor of the church, Rev. Veal, r:n•tt Ott:: of 111(1 most practical ser- mons listened to by a gathering for it long time. After the servi':e :Its tJte church the brethren and com- panions returned to their court room where in friendly chat and a fee.. words of commendation of the Order pleasant half hour was spent, at It's close of which till returned to 1l eir houses [Coin; Chat it is good fur brethren to dwell together in unity. -Word has been rewire(' of the d. tth of 11r. .lames Iluzel vootl. of 4111 lim-• II!nnshard. Particulars next week. 1f our corlcst:ontlents lire in need of Htamped eilvelotses and paper kindly advise us and we will send it at nttcc. LOOK AT 1"Ol'It LABEL AND SEE IF YOU ARE IN ARREARS, AND SENT) US TILE AMOUNT. • -Dli+s Ith:a;l•, Kerslake, of Exeter. and moss 1'. Snell. of London, and friend. spent Sunday ibe i;uest of (lits It. Esscry, of Edell. -.-.11i•s•t Es a Ili^k5 vests :1 [tical •11 311'. F. l,nxtou'v on Suntlny. We ore always aha:1 to are our old itt'i;hintr•t hack a;sin. -11r. (;eters( 'took. who has %►cell ':u (cri(IIMIY tl•I, is 'entice -hat hetier lull rt-111,'tl.s l0 Dct roil ort Wetlnc•.s • day for furs her medical treatment. -31is1 .l rssie bloa11,11 it visitit. at ' Ileo' keine here. c. 1-'4'1.'t'(' Smithy School will hold it' :timepicnic on Satul•day next. Every:rely come and have a soul ri int School has re -opened ++itIt quite :1 Lar:1 alt(n(kibee. 31r. Davidson is %cicauu+ i►tek CENTRALiA -Iter. (i. W. Andrews and family aro holidaying a1 Muskoka. itev. Schram. of Ituffnlo, w•ilo is visitin; fri •Hatt Nue, will take charge of 1services nett Sunday. -31r. (lest' Fuld• of Exeter. %% 1•4 till ;zoos! of Mss ('oro \Win(t'te . t.;) Sttuttty. -,hiss '1ari111'0 11•Indfurd, 14•ft on Friday for 'Toronto, where Rhe 5.111 n11 end She millinery openness. A very interesltnz baseball to •'_'• %vie player( here oil Monday Cvt pin Lot 5+(011 Exeter and ('' n1 esti'% .1 nt, 11 1- sins. That r-c•ire was :lir a 0 I i f .% or of Exeter. Try. t ry s you'll succeed at last. WILY WB 111100111111111D "ti MLA" FURNAMS Co..use mthey are f j of Preston. T'fat'S Cas i klearantce of quality wekW. eflk because they have fss•a of being bolted ore ssaIeei Posed joists stake Ueda tlgkt and gas-tight. Became they seatless less feel for the last (bey give out. because the have special grates for vett coat and wood. 17r * e -well, these are ale== ransoms why we Walt Hee are best. Come in sad let ns go over thew together. local Agent : H. SPACIiSMAN Bran Shorts FIur Oats Barley N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.t Troublch Moving Dau& Moving always breaks er something and Crockery is sure to come in for its share, but if you use our Stock Lines it is easy and not expensive to replace i • t. '•-- what you break. o -- l1 -i' • Stock Patterns : for Dinner Ware it • GOPTR1Gnr r 12 different Stock Lines to choose from, every one pos- sessing A 1 duality, you can snake up your own set or buy a few pieces at a time. price is just the same which ever way you hu . We have these lines in F Decorated Line yy u i ul , bee t f beautiful underglaze colors and prints, Crown Derby Colors, Austrian Louise China, Naviland China, Limoges China. Price from $5.00 per set up to $75.041. • DINNER SETS under (laze colors,w lines n pieces pink,terns • earl : • g ♦ 1 sets. colors at $0.00 and $6.50 complete ♦. • and peacock , 2 • , Full gold lines, traced covers, ••• • •MAIJI I! SE IAT EItA N Dinner. Tea nd Salad Sets, :V • splendid quality, ' 59.(xl. ♦. OPIUM i I AT7 I.1rA. 3 RDS. AND I AI 1•. I 98 pieces full sets in Gold Lines,Eitra Gold'I'racing, new shapes $l0 I • I Fancy English Decorated Ware • i: In an enormous variety of shapes and patterns. The well known • makes"lloyal Devon "Bristol Art Ware." Something good •• : • and a asing and lasting. In fact its all worth buying, its worth : using, its money well spent and wisely so. •I Buy your Crockery, Glassware, (.amps, China, Etc., at • 1e on Crockery Co. •-- ••----16 x : ' 169 Dundas Street, London. •I WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases •of •♦- • S $10.00 or over. • 2 •••••♦♦•♦•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••••••••••♦♦•••••••••• We have a full stock of iiarvey's Star and Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour,that Make the women suiikwhen they uSt3 it. Vs'e also have a whole- some stock (,f Groceries on hared• Re sure and get our prices bef.•re 1 tlrchasirrg- S. HARDY & SON Rit'S Plrono 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Fortner Screaton Premises. • ?.10TDON, O1TARIO •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••♦••1•••••••••••••••••••• FTffl3I1OLSONS BANK • (IltentpotSIetl 1 y Actt pt Patlinnvnt Mat CAPITAL PAID UP • .$ RESERVE FUND - $3 C00.000 CO • • 1 1. Manche., In Wrtarlo, (.'':elx•tt .210.i.41•41101., ttisk Cohort.' t n• 4 \I mitt% a EACETF_R KRANCH Open every La1%f ll Doty from 10 A. '1. to 9 r. +1. rseeps 11Atutda) 11) A. 14. to 1 t. 11. Fnrniortla' Mn iv Notcw r •l»•.1 tr lott.et -d. Forms supplied 1hts;;1 .Itlon. U1tarisri,r,ll tr. -in thelNmttn're.(ir£ntflri•n•:.rood I'n 1'("A5.1. 4,. )hoot(•%nndROW III tune• rat.•=M(54httt 0, MAVINIliM D1'3PARTMEr T • • 1)cpow'te, o 01.00 nn9 ;poor -as receivrcl. interest com• I pounded 11011 t. stir) an., added 10 rt , drill o.' . •• )Oh And ften-%nit's :11st. 110• to ltA it(r(•!p'. ,I -n w• tea nt 4 h'trhest , rivet i •. • . 1 Inicie.1 slimed. Aeavonceet otto!' r,' farmers •'lick r• '.r+ Rud Itistrie•A men at • loe est 1st,.not en n• 1 NI amble tort Age, i 1'r•'s.1,• T rTo. (.;(%etl'teent. a• Dickson & Carling, St,t't•itt'rl. N 0 HURDON, Manager. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• EVERYTHIN NEW N6llCS In drft1 Fall Dress 600.ls• ALL -WOOL SERGE FOR CIIILDREN'S WEAR Fine French All I'ure''t ool Serge, in red, blue, garnet, light blue, 38 ins. w ide; special, yard 2SC SCOTC1f TARTANS Scotch Tartans, in different clan, wide width; special, yard •.. 224. HARD TO BEAT Fine French i ge, all pure wool, 46 ins. wide, in black, red, garnet, blues (all shades), brown, gray and green; regular 45c, for, yard 37%c. All -WOOL VENETIANS & BOX CLOTHS -3 Specials-4' Green, brown, tans, blues and cardinal, 48 ins. wide; special, yd 50G, Green; brown, tans, blues and cardinal, 42 ins. wide; special, yd 69c 1'riestley's Chiffon Venetian, all leading shades, 50 ins. wide unspottable and shrunk; special, yd ...... .... .. • .95c - Fancy 95c Fancy Tweed Effects and Plaids, two-tone effects, all new colorings and combination, finest of wool, 54 ins. wide; at, yard .. • • .. • • ...... 50c, 75c and 95c. PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTES Cravenettcs, 6o ins. n ide, in light and dark shades, light and heavy weights; at, yard g5c, $t oo and $t .50' KIDxLO ' E ( S Kid,Gloves, dome fasteners, in black, gray, tans, white, special, pair SILK GLOVES Silk Gloves, elbow length. in white and black. special, pair .... 5oc 59c - Those Natty Up-to-date Soft Front Shirts, pleated style, sizes 14 to 17; regular 65c, for, each ........ 39C -..alr a• - t r.sr. , fi) Western Fair tot? .tM,.Ir,GM tw.r 1.... ►Ail •O.Kuttu..l. .4,.• •ewt.w When Governor Sirncoe 1414 the foundation of London, Ontario, one hundred years ago he knew it would grow to be a great city. but 5.4 no thought of the Western tear. The Western Pair gives the people of this country an 'scaliest opportunity for a pleasant eating at a minlmun of cost, and at the same time develops. their store of practical and useful knowledge. Its educational features have always been carefully fostered by the Directors. This year several Important improvetnesis of an Itutructire nature have been added. The celebrated Stet Highland Regiment band wi11 glee three concerts daily during the ez)ibitloe. The entertain• ment department will 5e letter than ewer, and w111 tnctu.le leaping the gap In mid air on • steam cntomobile roil sw•••r.t1•111 will*. W. J. nrlo. ••.•..•w*. •w J •. M . LONDON Sept.8 16, 1905