HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-24, Page 3s
• Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear 3'jnature of
See Pic-Stmilo Wrapper Below.
Yews small and as easy
le take as sagas
cao.v ...ar'ttr'a rwrwc.
When you pack for your vacation
don't pack any worries—you can
get theist wherever you go.
A ruffle on the bottom Of a work
apron, well starched will prevent
spots on the skirt below.
No excuse for fragments to lodge
in corners and crevices of the refri-
gerator when skewers will dislodge
them so quickly.
A piece of new matting placed be-
tween the mattress and thin pad will
Au. give a cooler bed for the summer
Spar varnish ie the liquid to use i
on all furniture for out of door use,
as it is both weather prouf and lust-
Unpainted wire netting not only
makes a good rest for flat irons when
several thicknesses are used, but is
most effective to clean them on.
Paraffin cnn be used the second
time to cover jelly and jars if it is
washed clean and boiled before being
turfed over the fruit again.
till is said that flies will not con-
gregate on the outside of a screen
tlocuai the woodwork is rubbed oc-
casitilfslly with kerosene, the odor
of which is offensive to these.
Prof. John Adams of the Univer-
sity of London protests against the
!an Maclaren Tells How to Lift
somberly garbed school teacher.
Black, hu contends, has no place in
tho apparel of the educator. It
speaks of sin 'and death, and should
not be paraded before the children.
Other professional (nen, lawyers, doc-
tors, clergymen, should wear the
sombre color, for the duties of neon
in these professions aro not compati-
ble with "a thoughtless, careless air
that gay clothes and a happy, easy
manner betray." But the school
teacher, to whom is intrusted the
education of tho young, should ar-
ray himself in "gay clothes," in or-
der that there be no mistaking the
fact that "the teacher, above all
other professional men, has the right
to be gay."
Probably the professor never board-
ed around in the country school dis-
tricts or ho would scarcely maintain
that the lot of all teachers is one of
gayety; but that is inconsequential.
Thu important idea in his announce-
ment is that the professions should
he dititin6oishei1 their apparel.
'l'he idea might be carried further.
The various branches of the profes-
sions might be distinguished. The
homeopathic physician might wear
clothes differing from those worn by
the allopath; the corporation attor-
ney bo distinguished by his clothes
from the criminal lawyer. A man's
politics, religion, likes and dislikes
might be expressed in his nianncr of
dressing. The advantages of such a
system in social life are obvious. The
world would stove smoother.
In the schoolroom the effect of gay-
ety in the apparel of the teachers Is
a debatable (natter. Prof. Adams
s silent as to what he considers the
proper costume for a teacher, but
even if he go to extremes, man's
chances for dressing himself in gay
fashion are painfully limited. A
fawn colored coat with large, white
buttons, green trousers, a red vest.
tie of the samo hue, blazing with
precious stones, tan shoes, and a
hat with a multi -colored band—these
aro the few, poor things man may
wear in ars effort after gayety in
dress. Large, pink whiskers added
would give a proper finishing touch
to this, but pink whiskers are some-
thing that nature bestows only on a
chosen few. And, after all, the
school children might not receive
their teacher's efforts in the desired
flare Restored Thousands of
Canadian Women to
Health and Strength.
gihere is no need for so many women to
su er pain and weakness, nervousness,
sleepleteness, anemia, faint and dizzy
spells and the numerous troubles which
rerefer the life of woman a round of sick•
rel and suffering.
Younj girls budding into womarultood,
who eufTer with pains and headaches, find
vrl,00 face is talo and the blood watery,
will find Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills help them greatly during this period.
Women at the change of life. who are
nervous, subject to hot flushes, feeling of
pins and needles, palpitation of the heart,
etc., aro tided over the trying tiine of
their life by the use of this wonderful
It has a wonderful effeel on a woman's
system, makes pains and aches vanish,
brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle
to the eve.
Theybuildnp the system, renew lost
vitality, improve the appetite, make rich,
red blood and dispel thab weak, tired,
lisllea, no•ambition feeling.
406. Pits sox. OA s res 11 IS
The T. R llburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Oat.
le stare's specifle for
or A tuts.
Its effects are 0.-rirelloas,
f:^asant seal Harm:ase to tab.
It �'t, ReI,aLl. and Effectual Is Its
act .•n.
iT HAS 131 -.EN A HOLeteHOLD
PeIcc 30 CENT,.
air .r t' 114:1.-;7-s. i`.;+r RI r tv-e.•t-t.
• . Jrsvrr�%tyrsatt
But why cast doubt on anything
that makes for the gayety of the
world? Tiring on the "glad rags"
for the teachers and appropriate ap-
parel for the other professions.
Clothes do not retake the man, 'tis
true, but they do help to make or
break his business.
Are Replacing More Valuable
Jewels in London.
London jewellers now have as
rivals the mineralogists, for it is
considered distinctly smart to make
one's own selection of stones and
take than to the jeweller to be set
in accordance with the original ideas
of the owners. Several important
establishments have recently been
opened to catch the trade, and now
the semi-precious stone is far more
popular than the diamond or pearl.
Buying at first hand one is enabled
to make selection from a much larger
stock than is carried at any of the
jewellery shops, and some unique
pieces have recently been completed
from suggestions gained from the
Opals, garnets, turquoises, ame-
thyst/4, topazes, sapphires, kunzite,
periduts, olivines, tourmaline, jade,
onyx, zircon and Labrador stone all
contribute to t he adornment of per-
sons of fashion. end the practice has
found especial favor among those
who decry the use of paste stones,
now so generally worn. 'rho semi-
precious stones are cheaper that the
paste, and at the same time cnn ho
made as expensive as the most liber-
al taste might wish.
One of the oddest stones is the ea- t
ter stone from Uruguay, which con-
tains within itself a few drops of f
water. 'These are largely used for
rings and pendants.
Misery From
Many Lives.
"Ian Maclaren" (Rev. John Wat-
son), in a recent sermon, said: Why
18 a Wean kind:, l%hy, because he can
forget himself—at least, occasionally.
Because he will even go the length
of sacrifice. When you wish to test
religion, and when you wish to get
a sample test easy of application;
when you wish to put your finger on
the pulse, then en the whale the
pulse by which you can try teligion
is this ',else of kindness.
I decline to believe that any per-
son, whatever treed he holds or
whatever profession he stakes, or
whatever parade he makes—I decline
to believe that any person is a
Christian who is unkind. And if
you cnn point out to me a person
wh t Is thoroughly and genuinely
kind, then I do not ask what his
creed is, nor do 1 ask whether ho
may not have certain faults hero
and t hsrc
in his character, as we all
have. i say the beginning of Chris-
tiunity is in that man, and an ex-
c.edingly good beginning.
1)o not, f beseech you, confound
this familiar, homely, but magnifi-
cent fundamental and pervading . rr-
tuo cf kindness with—what?—oh,
good humor, casygoingness, willing-
ness to t.hrocv half-crowns here and
there. Kindness is a greater thing
than the t. It is a state of tnind; it
is a revelation of the Divine love;
i it is a w'illingne'ss to serve.
You know that a good deal of the
trouble of your life does not comp
from major troubles at all; but that
a gond deal of the downright misery
of your lite comes from petty trials.
You get a letter in the morning be-
fore you begin the day's work — a
carping and insolent letter—and the
poison goes into your blood, and
makes it sour all the clay. You
wrangle at the breakfast -table in a
family about some arrangement of
the day, and go fretted to the day's
work. A friend
and you believe she saw you per-
fectly fret'. Such little things, but
they mount up into evil temper,
darkened outlook, sore heart, and
bad blood. My point is this—that
not ono of them was Inevitable; not
one of these little trials could ever
have happened if you and 1 had had
some common sense, and without
common sense some kindliness to-
ward our brother.
Pardon rete if 1 suggest to you that
you enter into a covenant of kind-
ness with your soul. Let us resolve
that if we get put out this week by
something said to us or something
done Wit will not take it out of our
wife, which many respectable Chris-
tians (10. Nor take it out of our
children. That we will not be mean
enough to take it out of the ser-
vants in our house, who can't reply
to us; nor uu1. of the clerks in the
office, who aro afraid to say any-
thing lest they lose the it situation.
Let us resolve this week that no
friend shall pass us without a signal
of goodwill, even though it be across
the street
If anyone succeeds this week, then
let us trample under foot our envy
and our jealousy, and let us go and
tell that man or that woman that
this is one of the greatest things we
ever heard of; that they cannot im-
how we have been lifted up by
their joy.
Might we not carry the covenant a
little farther, and resolve to go
into ,feeds? Suppose we determine
that this week every day we shall do
something to make this poor world
happier, Suppose you
when you go home to someone
whom you love, but to whom you
have not written lately? 1)o it be-
fore you go to bed. Let it be a let-
ter full of kindly gossip, telling what
you are about, what you have been
reading, what you have planned, and
saying all sorts of kindly things to
the person, whether it be your mo-
ther in the country or your friend
you have not seen for a long time.
I tdcelare, to you that if the people
who read this should resolve to -day,
before Almighty God, that they will
bo kind this week, and not unkind,
and put themselves about to keep
their covenant, they would lift mis-
ery from many lives, and they and
their friends would come to the close
of the week in the joy and peace and
love of God. What you purpose to
do, do swiftly; for as the shadows
now are falling, and this summer day
is coming to its close, soon the sha-
dows will be athwart your life and
mine, and your clay will be clone. Wo
shell copse home in the evening ren-
dering our account to the Master.
AUG. 27.
Lesson IX. Jeremiah in the
Dungeon. Golden Text,
Matt. v. 10.
Note—These Word Studies aro
based on the text of tho Revised
Intervening Events.—The depth of
Jehoinkim is veiled in mystery. Ac-
cording to the prophecy of .for.
xxxvi., 80 his dead body lay un-
buried outside the walls of .►erusul-
em. With regard to the manner of
his dent we may conjecture that he
was eith:•r killed in an attempt to
flea from the city, or, what some
consider more probable, Mint he was
assassinated by the indignant sub-
jects. I[e Was succeeded on the
throne by his sot1, .Iehoiachin, or
Coniuh, the Iattce* being his real
name. After the short reign of
three months he was forced to sur-
render to Nebuchadnelzar, then per-
sonally in charge of the besieging
army. in his place Nehucaadnezznr
placed on the throne 'tedekiah, rho
youngest son of Josiah, and full bro-
ther to Jehoahaz. Compare 2 Kings
xxiii., 31: xxiv., 18.
Y,edekith.-7.'d'kie,h's real name
was ',Inttaninh. The period of Iris
occupancy of the throne has been
called the "last sigh of the expiring
Davidic dynasty." it was a there
incident in the struggle of Egypt
and Babylon for mastery in Syria.
The most conspicuous characteristic
of the king was his weakness. in
'antlers of religion he s'enns to have
been inclined to follow the advice of
the prophet with whore he consulted
secretly at dilTerent times. The only
instance of his having exerted nny
personal authority was when he
mitigated the severity of Jere-
eiah's imprisonment (Jur. ':xxvii.,
1 ), sed later sanctioned his resetie
ram the dungeon (xxxviii.. 10). in
natters of national polity he was
ant n tool in the hands et the ruling
fact ion among the princes. 'These
princes relying on promised help
from Egypt finally persuaded the
king to rebel against Babylonia, but
this step, as the prophet hal fore-
orteold, proved futile and sutc1dn1 to
Judah. The Egyptian king. indeed,
advanced with an nanny to rescue his
besieged ally in Jerusalem, but this
only delayed for the m,tment the
cnptere mad destruction of the city.
On the ninth day of the fourth
onth ir, the eleventh year of Zeds-
kinh's reign 1 to besieging army took
the city. '/edekinh nttcmpted to
escap', hut was overtaken and, after
having been forced to witness the
slaughter of hi. tr.11dren, his eves
were put out and he was led a blind
captive to Babylon. where in all
robability he did not long survive
is misfortunes.
THE itiUTE I1ENC I': i`i MA1tKED.
I Freddie --What's the difference be-
o-tween being sick and an invalid?
Cobwiegr•r—An invalid, my boy, is
one who makes those around Lint
1'RGi: Love..
Mag—Are souse sura yer husband
1, 'Yes yousc?
Lil—Why, cert. Ife's shot at mo m
• twice, set fire to de house onct, an'
!be puts poison in Inc coffee every
tune 1 looks at anudder man.
Nell—"I've decided to marry your
cousin Jack." Belle—"Tho ideal
Why, Jack never said a word to me
about—" l"ell—"Oh! .Tock doesn't P
knew it yet." h
"1 ace your hair is falling cut,
(sit•," rcmnrked the hairdresser, who
was getting ready to work the hair-
tenic idea on the customer. "You
don't ser anything of the sort," ro-
• ' joined his victim. "What y'eu see iv
rrho !toque! to a falling out between
Codgers and myself."
Verse 1. Jereminh hail been
thrown into a dark, unhealthful
'irison, but upon appealing to the
king had been permitted to leave the
inner prison and remain "in the
court of the guard." Here it was
possibly for princes and others In
authority to see •end converse with
him, and herr, apparently he reiter-
ated his unwelcome message of lin-
pending na• t. nal disaster.
Shephatiah, . . . Gcdaliah
Ducal, . Pashhur—['our princes
having great influence w th the king.
2. me that be,1h forth to the
Chaldeana shall live—These words
of the pr )p►„ t et nsideretl front a
narrow political standpoint. could
not seem otherwise than treasonable.
Viewed from the religious stand-
point they reveal a profound insight
into the actual state of (Ofaira and
the causes which had produced that
state. The prophet saw in the im-
pending doom a just punishment for
the apostasy of the nation.
ills life stied be unto him for a
prey—A booty taken by stealth.
These proclamations of the prophet
doubtless greatly increased the num-
her of the desertions to the enemy,
and for thus "weakening the hands
of the 'nen of war" the princes
rightly held Jeremiah responsible.
8. Ile shall take it—The prophet
holds outno ray of hope to the peo-
ple. it is too late even for repent-
ance. As a matter of fact, the peo-
ple did for rho moment repent, but
when the siege of the city was tem-
porarily raised — Nebuchadnezzar
having gone to meet the king of
Egypt—their repentance proved shal-
low and unavailing.
4. The princes—Those mentioned In
verse 1.
The men of war that remain— Ap-
pnrently n large number had desert-
ed to the Clinldeuns, a fact implied
by the words of /cdekiah, verse 19:
"1 ata afraid of the Jcwn that are
fallen away to the Chald'ans, lest
they deliver me into their hands and
they mock me." The first part of
the charge made against Jeremiah
by the princes was well founded, but
the second part, "fur this mean seek-
eth not the welfare ofsthis people
but the hl.rt," which was en infer-
ence baser( on the first, was false.
5. The king is not he that can do
anything against you—A pitiable st
acknowledgment of his own moral
weakness. t.
(1. The dungeon of Malchijnh— r
Menning, probably, that. Afalchijah
was the person in charge of rho
dungeon. The word "dungeon"
might he rendered "cistern." The
wretchedness of this place of confine-
ment apponrs from the method em-
ployed in res wing the prophet. The
fact thnt he was confined to such a
place indicates that the purpose of
the princes was clearly to bring
about his death
ing Jeremiah in the place of his con-
finement very small.
10. 'thirty men—A single-handed
attempt to free the prophet would
doubtless have (net with interference
from the princes. Tho assistance
rendered the prophet by the king is
the only independent action of his
on record.
11-18. These verses give the de-
tails of the rescue and are self-ex-
planatory. We note different typos
of mets to which the lesson intro-
duces us: Jeremiah. the fearless ex-
ponent of truth, hated, misjudge'),
persecuted but still faithful and ul-
timately vindicated; the haughty
domineering plutocrats. Shephatiah,
Gedaliah, .fucal, Pashhur; the weak-
ling ruler, %edekiah, and the true -
hearted servant, Ebed-utelech.
Verse 14 records a secret meeting
between the Ling and the prophet at
which the former asks .leretniah's
advice. Il • 111 be of interest for
each student to read the rest of the
story, chapters xxxviii., 14 to xl.,
Whore English Girls Are Trained
to Means of Livelihood.
There is a growing surplus of girls
who must fend for themselves and
who too often come face to face
with want schen their parents die. It
was to protide a profitable and
healthful means of livelihood for
such girls that nearlyf ten years ago
Lady Warwick started her hostel at
Reading, England.
The hostel consisted of a house,
with twenty acres of land, on the
outskirts of heading, a town forty
miles from London. Here a dozen
students took up their residence,
paying a sinall sum for board; for it
was not Lady Warwick's idea to
make her scheme a charitable ono.
The girls attended the classes at tho
heading Agricultural College, and
what they learned in theory they ap-
plied in practical work in the dairy
and the conservatories, in the mar-
ket garden, the poultry run and tho
beehives of their own little farm.
Early to rise, early to bed, was
their motto—and no nonsense. They
rolled their own lawn and killed and
trussed their fowls; they baked their
own bread, made their own jam,
and marketed what produce they did
not use. At the head of the hoste
was a most capable woman, who se
an example of hard work and cheer
fulness. Lady Warwick was dndee
very fortunate in obtaining the ser
vices of Miss Edith Bradley, now th
warden of the college at Studley
Park. But this is anticipatin
events. For six years the hostel a
Reading continued its work, each
year more cottages and more land
being added.
In 1901 the students had out-
grown their quarters and it was then
that Lady Warwick, with princely
generosity, bought the benutifu
castle of Studley, with its 850 acres
to give her college the room to ex-
pand that it needed. By this time
her scheme had been justified by its
results. It is unnecessary to give a
list of the certificates and diplomas
that the students won at Heading.
Suffice it to say that not a single
student left the hostel without gain-
ing a post which gave her a fair
means of livelihood. The majority
took appointments in big country
houses as superintendents of the
dairy, the garden and the conserva-
tories; for the care of flowers was
one of the chief branches of the work
and every year one of the sights of
Reading was the show of roses and
chrysanthemums at Lady Warwick's
Some of the girls who had a little
capital, set up for themselves in
poultry farms and dairy faring, and
have clone very (veli, although they
have had their ups and (townie
it is in these ways that a number
of girls have been able to gain a
livelihood from the land. If, by tho
way, you should go to Warwick
Castle when you are next in England
ask to see the conservatories 811(1 the
gardens, for they are all under the
management of a lady gardener. 1f
you could see the table at dinner
you would he delighted with the ar-
tistic arrangement of the flowers.
And you would then be coivinecd
that it is not only horticulture thnt
the students learn, but that they
are also trained to make life beauti-
Th Home 1
1.l I—l_ :,:.,hi tt.. a r :.: ■
Walnut fickle—Green walnuts, when
the shell is still soft, retake an ex-
cellent pickle; a delicate sweetmeat
is prepared by boiling them in sy-•
Vegetable Marrow fickle.—Cut up
and salt a (narrow over night. Boil
together six small onions, six chil-
lies, half Ounce of turmeric, halt
ounce mustard, 2 ounces sugar, one
quart vinegar. Put the morrow Into
the mixture when boiling, and buil
for twenty minutes.
Cauliflower Pickle.—Choose firm
and full-sized cauliflowers for pickl-
ing. Remove all the leaves and bare
the stalk. 'fake the flowers off in
bunches, and atter being steeped for
two days in brine, drain, then wipe
then( dry and put them in but
French Beane Pickled.—Gather
them before they become stringy, and
without taking off tho ends, put
them into a strong brine until yel-
low; drain the liquid, and wipe thein
with a dry cloth. Put them into a
stone jar by the fire and pour boil
ing vinegar on them every twenty-
four -hours, preventing the escape of
steam, and in four or five days they
will become green.
Indian fickle.—One gallon vinegar,
pound garlic, f pound salt, i?
pound ginger, 2 ounces white must-
ard seed, 2 teaspoonfuls of cayenne
pepper; ,nix all well together. Lay
any vegetables you wish to pickle,
such as onions, cauliflowers, French
beans, radish -pods, gherkins, rapsi-
cunta, etc., in salt for three days,
then put them into the pickle bot-
tle and cork, and in three weeks they
will be fit for use.
Pickled Cucumber.—Cucumber pic-
kle should be made before cucumbers
get too old. feel them cardully
and cat into small blocks. Cover for
twenty-four hours with vinegar, then
drain and dry. Place in an enameled
pars; to each 2 pounds of cucumber
allow 1 pound of good sugar, 14
pints of vinegar, 1 ounce spice. Bell
all together until the mixture is
t smooth and cooked; store in small
_ pots well corked.
d Pickled Plums.—Prick plums or
damsons, put in preserving -pan, al-
• ternate layers of fruit and sugar,
add vinegar enough to barely cover,
bring slowly to the boil, and boil
B for live minutes. Put into vinegar a
A Into chief staff officer of the
Tibet Mission Force, relating some
of the experiences of the expedition
before the Royal United Service In-
stitution, said that 0110 day, after
hours of laborious climbing up a
steep and never-ending path, he heard
a groan of despair from a private
"book 'ere, Bill, I 'nve 'ad enough
f this," the soldier said to his com-
adc, "I ens told as 'ow it was a
bloomintable-In nd."
"So it is. Can't ye see, ye'ro
cli'nbin' ION one of the legs of it?" re-
turned 11i11, with jocular superiority.
The first slice of goose had been
cut and the minister of the Zion
church looked at it with as keen tin-
1icipatiot, as was displayed in the
fact'snd 111111.
"flatsrou8s a goose as 1 ever
saw, !truckler Williams," he said to
his host. "Where did you get such
a fine 000?"
" Weil, now, Mistah Rowley." said
the carver of the goose, with a mid -
den access of dignity, "when you
preach a special good sermon, 1
neber axes you where you got. it.
Seems to me fiat's a triv'nl matter,
any way."
7. Etwd-melt ch the let h1ophin — A
negro ennch attached to the court
after the custom of the (Orient.
These teen s nn tut ts occupied posi-
tions of r. k end were trusted advis-
ers of kings.
9. Like to die—The prophet was
probably physicnliy exhausted al-
ready, and, confinement in so
dismal a dungeon in a time of fam-
ine world hasten his death.
No more bread in the city—NA
literally true. but meaning that the
supply was very limited. If the
statement had been nctunity true it
would have been of no avail to
have rescued the prophet from the
dungeon. The scanty supply en
hand math the chance of any reach -
"Tient coat looks shabby," ro-
tnarke•I iflcks to his intimate friend
the poet; "why don't you have It
turned?" "Do you think this cont
has three side?" asked the impecun-
Inita one sadly: and nothing more
was said on the subject.
few cloves and a morsel of stick cin-
namon. Take the plums out with a
perforated ladle, spread them on
dishes to cool. Boil syrup a little
longer; pack tho fruit into strong
glass jars, and pour 'syrup on while
boiling hot.
Pickled Damsons.—Ono quart. of
damsons, wipe theist dry and prick
with a (Inc needle; put them in a jar.
Then boil 1 gill of vinegar and one
pound loaf sugar and pour over
them. Let then stand twenty-four
hours, then boil them, but do not
let the skins burst; season with
cloves, cinnamon and other spices.
Tie down close. They will be fit for
use in six weeks and may be used
with anything red currant jelly is
used wit b, or cold meats.
To Pickle Beetroot.—Take as many
heads of beetroot as you intend to
pickle, wast, them well, but do not
cut or break the points. Put them
in a pan of boiling water, add a
handful of salt, and let theist boil
three-quarters of an hour. Thon
take off, skin and trim neatly, cut
in slices about half an inch thick,
and put in a jar. IIave ready some
spices boiled in vinegar, pour over
the beetroot, and when cold cover
tightly with n piece of bladder.
Recipe for Chutney—half a pint of
sour apples chopped One, or 1 pint
green gooseberries, i pint brown
vinegar, 2 ounces mustard seed dried
in oven and crushed, } pound raisins
stoned and chopped, i ounce salt, i
pound moist sugar, i ounce garlic
(bruised). Moil the apples or goose-
berries in 1 pint of the vinegar until
they are a pulp; let the sugar soak
in the other 1 pint of !vinegar; add
the other ingredients, mix well to-
gether; tie down in jars.
An Excellent fickle.—Equal quan-
tities of medium-sized onions, cu-
cumbers, sauce, apples, 14 teaspoon-
fuls of salt. I teaspoonful of cayenne,
ono wineglassful sherry and vinegar.
Slice sufficient cucumbers, onions and
apples to fill a pint glass jar, cut-
ting slices very thZu; arrange them
in alternate layers, shaking in as
you proceed salt and cayenne in the
above proportions. Pour in the
sherry and 1i11 up with vinegar. It
will be fitfor use the day it is made.
Pickled Onions.—Tu each quart of
onions allow an ounce of whole pep -
Per, a teaspoonful of mustard seed,
a quarter of a teaspoonful of cor-
iander seeds, and sulflcient vinegar.
feel the onions until they look clear,
taking caro not to cut the bulb,
put them as they are done into wide-
nt0011ed bottles; place layers of life.
— There is only one cure for
it. " Psvcaisa " is the greatest
remedy in the world for all forms of
pulmonary trouble. Scores of peo-
ple in Canada attest this fact.
" PSYCHIHE' stands without a rival
as a permanent and absolute cure
for Consumption and lung diseases.
It reaches the sere spots, heals the
decayed tissue, destroys the tuber-
cle germs, treats rich blood, tones
up the whole system, and cleanses
from all impurities.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, LirwNed
179 King St. W. Toronto, Oassadie
spice among them in the above pro-
portion, cover with cold vinegar and
cork tightly. As the onions absorb
the vinegar more should be added to
keep them well covered.
Pickled Tomatoes.—One peck of to-
undoes, vinegar, one ounce clo
and white pepper, two ounces4m
tard seed. Prick each tomato wit
a fork to allow some of the juice to
escape; put them into a deep pan,
sprinkle some salt between each
layer, cover and let them remain for
three days. Then was ort the salt
and cover them with akle of cold
vinegar which has been boiled with
the tomato juice, the mustard seed,
cloves and pepper. It will be ready
for use in twelve days, and is an
excellent sauce for roast meat of
any kind.
Hicks—"How de you happen to be
going fishing on Friday? I thought
you believed Friday was an unlucky
day." Wicks—"Well, I always have.
But it occurred to me this morning
that perhaps it would be unlucky
for the fishl"
Right in the small of the back.
Do you ever get a pain there?
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A sure sign of Kidney Trouble.
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The New Method Treatment of Drs.
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cure you, give our treatment a fair trial
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antee all cafe 1 we accept for treatment.
Nota dollar need be pall unless cured
for you can pay after yoti are cured.
Drs. K. & K. cstal.i<hed 2.5 years.
We treat Varicocele, Nervous Debit-
sty, Stricture. Blood Diseases, Kidney
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