HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-24, Page 1utter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT Li , • THIRTY-SECOND YEAR --No 1668 it •••••••NN••••••N•••N• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••• T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed . Store is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24th 1905, In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star UIVLTROLJGfIIN� • We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON N•N•••NNN••NN•NN• ••••••••••••••••••••NN•• PIONEERS PASS AWAY' SENATOR WARK DEAD Huron Suffers the Loss of two its Earliest Settlers. RUSSELDALE Wm. mew -Mr. uud Mrs. Henry Francis. of chi;an, nre visitinz Sirs. \Vm. of Passed Away at Frederickton, N. B. lei o.r Sunday, Aged Loa, Coward. Mrs. John Fletcher, Mr. henry i'rancils. jr., nnd other friends ROBERT C_\\\ Tho Luistins of 1111.,+ :u half utast SL will also visit AI r. Henry Irran- The death occurred Sunday, Aug. ou n1 city halt. Parliament'guild- cgs. of London. It is a pleasure to inv. Ind Giber i,u.)lic nuildings, -aces again. 20th, 1905, of Mr. Robert Cann, of Usborne, aged 79 :years. :and 10 months. tlic result of an accident, Ben Iter, rind the oldest le.giylator in 1rtrt ictllarti of which 4t ere pit:dished in •the Times of Inst 4veek, in; which the world. bad passed :tway. The ii was stated he sustained serious tl«It1. 'tai a most peaceful one, and the end was not unexpected. Ile suffered from no disease, weakness and extreme age :wins the only sotu- p La i urs. Some tvoeks ago he was stricken by .The heat, but outlies :flabl a shows 1im^ aro. when he again be- came unwell. Each day he .gree %weaker, and Carly Sunday morning it was seen that the end.•It•is ap- proachin.. At 8.10 Sunday nlort)in.; Senator 1V.trk ended a life of 101 scars six months and one day. His ndtltl remained cleat• oto the last, :11111 lis looked forward do death with (:hristiatr fortitude. Tho late Senator Wail{ was born in. Londonderry, Ireland, on Feb. 1911, 1801. Hu ret Gal in New nrunswick in 1825 and early entered politics there. Ile oat ?n all for eight years in the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, and afterwards for 10 yearn in the .Upper Chamber. known rot the Legislative Council. In 1858 lett %vas choses as Receiver -General of the Province, :in office he held un- lik 1862. When in 1867, at the Con- federation of the Dominion of Can- ada, he was called to the Senate by flan Govcrament of Sir. John A. Atac- (u.Illel as one of Rhe representative nt0.1 in his province. In that body he sal until the lime ofhis death, hailer cemetery, followed :1y n Lir3d. and on the occasion of his 'hundredth shortly uefore nine o'clock Sunday -,firs, Goulding is tlde guest of announced lhai Hon. David\Vark. Air. nod Mrs. 1). Goulding for :e few days. -Miss Blanche Rook has rltturned to our villrege again. -Mies Edna Godbolt left on Tues- h^_n aunt at Wroxeter. -Mr. D. McDougall. tvbo throng') vacation leis been helping Mr. 1). Goulding with hie hay anal ha.t•esl- .n;, has commenced his duties as principal of the pu:)lic school again. Miss Howard has also token up her duties ;gain in the junior Qehool room. -Jfr. Albert Calm 1:•• 1 ; 1 '•,e.. ,ung on Friday morning last of 1.n - ]n; two of his fingers badly injured while leading a :toast. his ;fingers ;citing entangled in the rope. -Threshing Time h;R commence] around here, the harvest ]king al- most n l an enol. injuries from a fall lie received while assisting in the hay mow. it wets feared at first abut his back was broken, but an examination showed he bad sustained injuries to his spine resulting in compbste paral- ysis of almost lite entire body, re- taining consciousness until the last. Mr. Cann +vas born in Devonshire, England, in 1825, and at the age of 18 came to ibis country, settling at letrlitg 0.1, it Isere be resided for six years. He it hen carne to Cs - borne ,and lived there continuously on :the same damn, for over fifty ,oars. HIe was a Methodist in relig- ion, a man of Stirling qu iLi ty and :1 man whose word was us good as his band. rent} altboug1t knowing some - thin; of the +hardships and toils of oarly pioneer life, he always enjoy- ed :good haaLth and was ever active. Ile was a Liberal in politics, but whilst awl inking active part in po- litical affairs, was well vet -sett in pu111i0 stat tors. Be ie survived l.'s- n v. ]sow, who mourns 1 he Toys of a devoted hus- band, also three eons tool three daughters. Mrs. Miller, u1 Ilervic; Mrs. ll. Williams and Mrs. Gcor;c Kerslake, of Usbor.ie. and Thomas Charles and John, of Usborne. Tho remains Wears interred in the At Exeter and Centralia Fall Term Opens Septet corlcge of relalivos and ftic:ruls. Storehouses 5th birthday lie. was 4lie recipient of con.;ratulaiions from both houses of Parliament. having served longer in Legislatures of the British Empire Now ready for use, the best IN THE FAMOUS 111311 tiny other nom recorded by ment and Lime ELLIOTT ,�iliihv�ll 61�V hat money can buy hat money also Coat for Everybody J. GOBBLEDIGK at lowest prices at lowest prices -- W '+I'RE SUIT SRLLtRS TORONTO, air. • All our gc.tlurates are sure of • • getting positions. Among our • large attendance of students dur- • ing the year were ex-studens of • ten other Colleges. Write for Circulars. w, J, ELLIOTT, Principal. • N ••••••••••• N N• • •••••• Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th. You are Suit buyers. We make the ���� N Suite -you wear them out. We make f�! them as well as we can, so that they , / / Will not wear out sooner than they �/ sed; , s 7../....:pought. Because, if they do, you'll r �_� likely go somewhere else for your ETRATFORD., CNT. MU Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy 410 much Suit worth. And Suit worth Is fashionableness of fabric -style in est -fits -finish -looks - dressyness - and length of service. A4 good a place as there is within Miles to get all this and not pity too *much is W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 4, and $18.00. .4` W. JOHNS t Merchant Tailor iElE6RIPNERS 5000 �00 NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions crested by ilalir•ond and Telegraph Companies. We want Young Men and Ladles of good habits. to LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. R. Accounting Wet urni.h 73 per cent. of the Operators and Station Agents in Americo.. Our •ix0,0100141 are tho largest exclusive Telegraphy `schools 1n the world. }:+tabtished 5) years and en dorsed by all leading Railwsy OMetals. We execute t $250 Bond to every student to l 4arnish him or her a padtion paying from lin Mountains. atns. or In S $7 east of the RockyIn Local Agents Wanted Mountains. or from :75 to SUa a month In Mattel west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation. on. Students ran enter at any time. No vaca- •+tons. For full particulars regarding any of our to our Schools at eincin tattl. 0. Cetaloguc free. entire -THE- It pays to get a business educa- • • tion and it pays to get it in the Ischool which can do most for its students after they graduate. Phis school is recognized to be ione of the best Business Colleges in Canada. All our graduates secure positions. Business Col- leges frequently apply to us to secure our graduates as teachers. Write for our free Catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT,)principals D. A. McLACIILAN, ••••N••••NN••N•••••••• emessmis Ifyee, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Ep4epsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to THE Lulea Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain fur you LEIBIQ'SFITCURE Morse Boucot of Teleorapj and matt l, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Na. LaCrosse. Wis. Texarkana. Tex. sea Francisco, Cal. At once for ('.10tda's GREATEST 'I{Si:)IEA" for the town of F.x- siad surrounding country, which w• We reserved for the right man Start now at the best selling sea- son, and handle our NEW 4I1ECIALTiES on Liberal Terms Western Real Estate , its for particulars and send 25c. for our handsome aluminum Pocket Limited• Microscope, (a little gen)) useful .o farmers in examining Seeds and :rains. Orchardists in t s•ln.inins Trees for insects. Glr r e v in ex- amining amining Plants for insects. Teach- ers and scholars In studying Botany and everybody in a hundred different v ay . STONE & \\•ELLiNGTON Foothill Nurseries Over 100 .,cies Toronto. Ont. 1sx 78 Dundas St., London 1f you want to buy a forte in any of the following Counties rend for our list. Huron, Grey, Bruce, F. gin Essex, Kent, 1laldinland, Li»colli, Middlesex, Muskoka, Norfolk, Ox- ford, i'erth, feel. Simcoe, Onterlo ,Victoria, \\''hand, Waterloo, Went- worth or York. We have scene of the best farms in the Province for Gale. We also have a large number of Town. Ville ze, and liuniness pro- perties for elle. Send for our list before buy int. 11 you have .1 Farm or other pro- ps. ty for sale write for our terms lomethod of Belling Ileal Eltate. 0 char to unless the property i' slots or exchanged. full particu- lars on application. The \Veetern Real Estate Exchange Ltd.. London, • t)r►tafi0. GOOD FOiL STOMACH 14ItOUIILE AND CONSTIPATION "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me n :riot deal of good," stye; C. Town., of Rat Por- tage, Ontario, Canada. "Being n mild physio the after effects are not uapleaeant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from reotnach disorder." For nate in Exeter i,y W. S. Howey. rorerrrrrrr REV. LIVING STONE HAD A NAR OW ESCAPE. Itev. .1.1(1me. l.iving41t.rnc, of Londol 1114 n narrow escape from ilro''.n]tlg :1t 1'ert Stanley Saturday la,t. His family have been summering there for 11,0 past rnon(h and Mr. Living stone went down on Saturday to spend the day with them. itis little daugl1ter Varna pleaded with kin to ,go down Io the like for a oath not.w•ithstandiig thd• fact 1)1.I on the lake ons very ninth. Ile c - ceded <a her ic1111v,,•1 . 11 IA 1450 M111, itct. e1t►.I Douglas, 44,•4e 11ir..oly in nalhinz, and Mr. Lit•iug Ion.' left his lilt le daughter •on t he .tach and .zott yhti deeper gator. The oases were high and into undercurrent tory +strong. '.1r. Livingstone intended to gd out and come in on the. mot of n nix wave. When out some dis- tance from the shore a large wave 11 ruck hint, Ihtowing him off his feet, 111e undercurrent ooized him, and out for the prompt action of his 1(11 Douglas, oho was sl-anditl z doss by. he would have 'wen carried out+ beyond. Dousing 1,44:1111 on, and grn'ped his father- until help ar- rived from shore. :'M r. Livia:stony' 11:1 4 carried to the betel' i t a 0emi- ccnseious condition. ale quickly 1e %ived, htntetcr, ,nd was :,ale fo 4t:ilk around. Ile altl,c;ued to +,r none the wnrsn for his exl.c11e1c4, out slated that 11e would not trust himself to the inercy of t he 4? evcv :tram. A F•\MOi 8 $l'1t)Oi. Tim Elliott Mosinee,.. ('olleie, Tor- • at0. i+ one of 1Lr :wet schools of it, kind in t his country. A 'arse slum- ber of new Ftu.lents 44]11 enteJ,.thie School on Sept. 1, h, the date of(.! ollenint of the Fall Term. Write to the College for a c:etntosue ]f into,. vete., in a buliness 1 due (rime O�erOA i. �.�„ 4.0 A _ U4 Kis reg to laI(a wrest Sieuttri .f history. 1 -t CREDITON Arab -Mr. Joseph Heist and family have returned from the Lurmey Soul ht State of Mississippi, where Mr. Raise had a share in a Large timber limit. but owing to the intense hest ho idealized it wiso to return north They have come very intereeting stor i>es Co tell of the habits and modes of live); of the Southern people and else of elle Lar, re plantations. -Miss Lizzie Eilner of Detroit is spendini3 n 'few weeks under the par- ental roof. -Mrs. \Y,azester, of Zorra, is at the German parsonage waiting on her daughter, Mrs. Damm, who is down with( +typhoid fever. --The nnnual Children's I)ay was celcora(ed, in the Evangelical church on Sabbath Inst. In the morning Rev Damm preached nn appropriate ser- mon. The afternoon meeting consis- ted of soars and speeches my Rev. Ya ger of Zurich ; Jtev. Clemens of Dashwood, and 1). 8. Faust of Zurich, In the eveninz a contata was rendor- ed entitled "The Gem of Days," at thy close Rev. W..1. 3-a ger and J. II. Bolt zmerin gave missionary addres- ses. TLB total collection for the day amounted in the neighborhood of $15. -A very interesting 'ranee of base hail was played on the home diamond on Monday evening last when the Stars of this place played a combin- ation of the best players from Luean Alsii. Craig and Parkhill. The game resullerl in a victory for the visiting loam. Our boys feel .zrcatly encour- n zed knowt tag that they .save them a hard .;arae with two of their play- ers laid off, and had do be substitut- ed by seconds, and they ,.1eserve cred- it! for playing the same without an outsider. - ,1 yelp)-; peoples picnic teas 'held at. Grand Iletin Tuesday ktst. -Mr. \\•cQ. Finkaeinor tits epenea Iup •1 sroc0ry and confectionery in .1. Ii. Iloltzmann's new block. We wish Wes. every success. -Mr. Albert Morlock is ;ivinz his residence a now of t:alylt. ' -Miss Worm, of Zurich, is the guest of :Miss Lydia Schwartz. - '1')►e many friends of Rev. .1. G. Lit t.•of \Voterloo, ware all pleased to seri hien :gni 0. - Mr. Jas. Mannon, of Shipk:l, took in t he :tall ,same on •Monday Inst. 1 Alr. Ii. i.s 'fakinz a areal interest in "' Store -' this is phl Cee �-- 811 AIRON -11r. \\•ut. Broke:oh:ire &slid our aur; 1 flying visit Sunday kisi. -Miss Alice \Vny, of Woodstock, returned home after anexlended vis• it' in this vicinity. - Mr. Edwar.1 Nestle ea lied on Wends here Mond iy last. -Mr. Samuel llrokenshire Contin ucs very ill. Ilis many friends hope In hear of his recovery. - A number from here and Goshen Line attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Mawhinney he honor of her Ince t:cr. Garnet Ann^y who returned to Brintford,the following morning to attetel to his duties - Messrs Jos. and izrl \ m Yere IIti .guests of Mr. unit '.ors. Henry ileynolds of Sessmith on Sunday last. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tret•etluck of Crediton spent Sunday Inst with \Ir. and Mr.. Aloes Amy. - Mr. and Mr.. Arthur Cosworth '.cern (he swots of Mr. and Mrs.lto:,t Cltnpbell on Sunday last. LUCAN '1'110 results of 1110 deparintental ex.inlin•ttions held at the Lorin high School show that hie record 1111.10 .,y 1 le school flits year is 11:" rest in its history, twelve out of thir- teen who w rote on senior leaving having :Icer' successful. All the ma- triculation etudentn Were sneccssful, .1 great many of them res ivin; hon- ors. The majority of those who wrote will receive n ecrtifieete. GET MORE VIM JP you are mired, nervous, sleepless, have headaches and tan;our, you need Dr. II ineltnn's Pills: they tone Elie stomach, assist digestion, brace poi up at once. Taken at night, you ars well by morning. Sickness rind tired feeling disappear instantly. Vint, spirits. happy health, all the joys of health comes to everyone that. uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so satisfactory. Get Dr. ilamilton's Pills to -day, 25e. per box ad all dealers. HAYFIELD � 1,41-(1:4101;11414. 1e. Stnnhury is visiting i.1 The llisl►op has appointed Rev. 31r. Budgeter, tale of 'Toledo. Ohio, to fake .the work of the Ilayfield iraa- islt for a month, after which a roe- dent cler;yrnpn will probably he ap- '10irlted. ,U.iSti] Olive ;fltornpson is home from Pori Arthur tot` A Waif. -31r•. Arthur Peck ttld wife, of ('lavclnnd, Ohio, are the gtresis of .Mr Q. Peck's mother here . - Rev, Mr. McKibbon, of Ailsa Craig, accompanied by his wife and family, havo rented n cottage here fon tiro remninder of the season. - Mrs. Jamieson and child, of Brooklyn, N. Y., visited Mrs. Geo. Erwin east week. - Miss Stuart, of London, 15 tlx: ;ucstl of her rester. Mrs. (Dr.) Stan - bury. - Mrs. Rhymes and child of Brant - are visiting her parents, •31fr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. - air. and Mrs. Graham Moore - troupe. of Saginaw, :are the guests of the formor's parents, Mr. and. .lits. Moorebonee, - Miss Lizzie 1'ctlooner is visiting friends in Ilruceficld .al present. - Mr. C. Brown. of Londan, was the ]guest of Mr. tend Airs. Wbiddon few days last week. - Mrs. %)w]!' and on, Mr. \\'al- ter Wal win, of Detroit, arrived in the villa;0 on Monday to spell(' a short, time in lite village, - Miss Penton, bliss Davis, of De- troit. Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Camp:tell. Mas- ter J. Macdonald, of Clinton, 31,. and Mr -t. Moan, Miss Beal, Clifford Bean oC \Voodetock, Marion \Valvon, Soa- fort h ; Mrs. Marshall .and Mrs. Ms - London. are quests at Mrs John For gluon's. ItEDI'CF:D A HARD SWELLING Mr. taus. E. Goroux, writing from l'embr:,ke, tells )tow he was injured in a lumber ramp. "A heavy Log rolled :against my leg and 1 was laid up with stiffness and a hard swelling. When I applied Poison's Nervilino 1 got relief. A few r11'a- bin gs with this .good liniment cured iiic." 111 Ilan bush Nervilino is in- dispetlsible ; it cures neuralgia, Copts, r lleur111 tkinl and internal disorders too. No person oat) afford to i►e a ]thoul. Nerviline. Useful for :III internal rind external train. Large o0ttl^s 25e. at all dealers. IIICK8' FORECASTS 1'Lo 2:11 d, 21111 rind 25th are days t.11 end about 4thich reactionary ,.lownl conditions will be marked and scorer.il. If low and falling barometer 1:•,d into this period -a result likely 10 occur -stomas of on equinoctial n Ilurc are very probable, especially no the south Atlantis and gulf coas!s 'Phis period is .also likely to :wring a crisis of summer warmth, foltomed decided and general chart re to tench cooler 'villi ntnlosl or quite ftur; 10111 p('ri to res over much of me i101t N 1':1.STON.-On Sunday, All 211.: 20111 1905, .In Mr. .1.1d Mr,. 1•:I-.ron, and Co.,. Iliddulph, :e son. TiIOMi'SON.-On Sunday, AI.u�t 20, 1905, 4n Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- •on, 3r0 con. of tlsborne, a dill ill - 1,,f1 . WiiITE.-Or, Wednesday. August 10 1905, the wife of Wtn. White, Stephen, • /uin., on and rlangllter. DIED CANN.-in tt•borne. on Sunday. Auz. 20th, 1905, Robert C uul, n zcrl '79 years, 10 months. 1I011GEIt'I'-Ito 81. Joseph's hospital, Landon, on Saturday, Au rust 191 b, 1905, Archijald liodzert, of Exe• ter. razed 77 ye:t.ra, 6 month. and 1 .114. CASTOR I A For Infants sad Children. 11. Kill You bus Ahlsjs milt Berrys the 8ignsttu. of JOIIN WHITE & SONS The Great North Wast ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North Nest Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Vailey and Manitoba Cos. Aso a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farrp lands. We have mads a number of splendid inveatrncntd for our clients. who placed orders with us for eulcctious of Canadian l'ucifie and crater North West lands. In a number of Instances value, have increase(' bo rapidly that our lratro,ts could readily realize doubles the amount of fhe money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects tee a bumper yield and an enormous crop. and the unprecedented num3gr of aottlera coming into the west. prices of lands of good quality and situated convenient to a railway are bound to mato a still further largo ad'vance, One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the Crop Estimate for the Present Season. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers ro year, in which tapferf r -tants.' • $42� 00 down secures 32 1) acres, (half section) of ch !r • This would be a great investment for YOU. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. wheat _land. $383.40 secures 320 acres (half section) choico wheat land to an actual settler. No other payment required for two years. R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip through the West. During his stay there he will Locate a number of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various new railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in West- ern tands should communicate with him when full information will be given. His address up to the 15th October next will be R. E. PiCKARD, General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands Frobisher, Assa. e About Bed Time ROWE Blessings on the lean who first in- vented sleep. Blessings, you will say, on the man who first invented the greatest aid to sleep and rest known as the MdrsftaIl Sdultdru Md11wss The only ventilated Sanitary Mattress in the world. P.uer, cleaner, cooler . lradetlier and more comtortablo than any other nratte:tee. A continual cur- rent of air refreshing the mattress, always keeps itashape,will never pack or harden. Guaranteed for five years. Will last a life time, Don't fail to see it. Sohl only by & ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral directors '11' NIA Is Eli Nil': $'.l ILL'' '•l'vo bt'ee11 v.n•ri,.g glarelc•.. I couldn't: road half the print of the 'News,' and nolo f can read it all. Thies pair makers (1.e ft'l like a tltree- ycar-old." \VE SOLD '1110S': GLASSED and now 1:n's harpy. Our glasses will do as much for You. No occa- sion for noir.; cross %Iran you suer them. Try them, buy them, and rice. 1)o11't eevt .,ut .1 '1 ]f!•. W. S. HO%VIW, Phm. B. Chemist and Optisiul, Exeter, Ont. HEAMANS HARDWARE .&nd Stove Store. Barn Door Hangers Reliable Round Track, Londons Double Tread, Myers, Wil• cox and Lontlens It is impossible for these hangers to get off Track. Big Stock BUILDER'S HARDWARE Lowest of Every Description. ; PriceS Galvanized iron and Tin 17 All work in this line promptly attended to. iii"IIot'!Air beating a Speci$llp'I .4