HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-17, Page 8E h, 't' j M b; S. AUGUST 17th tlfui) ♦-i�i••i•�••(•-h•:.�,�..r,. ;►. r.; .; :: �•: •::••: -: •: •:••:: •:• .:-.....,+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -;-:-++++++++++++++++++++++++ s EDTAR r `8 PICKLES We are ready for the Pickling Season, with everything that goes to make gcod keeping Pickles-- Our White Wine Vinegar is the best that can be Nought. We Guarantee every gallon that we sell to be abs )iuteiy ;lura and free fro n acid.— It is made from pure spirits and will keep pickle hard and firtn.—Our English Malt Vin - gar comes right from England. The quality is the very hest.— Our Spices are all pure, not an ounce of cheap or doubtful spice en ters our grocery department We want your spice and vinegar or ders. We will serve you well DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN. HERE'S ONE ! -- A very dainty semi-porcelean china cup, saucer and plate, marbled ground with pink satin glazing. If bought in the regular way, 50c. would be the price for the set, but we got a snap price for the lot, and we are offering them at the set of 3 pieces, cup, saucer and plate for 25C. PRESCUT GLASS A new line of glassware, hard to tell from the real cut glass, The biggest difference is in the price. Berry Sets, Jugs, Nappies Fruit Dishes, Cake Plates, Fruit Saucers, --Lovely goods, look just as well as real cut glass. Ask to see our prescut glassware J. A. STaWBRT -1-1-4-1-4-444-14++++++++++++444-4-++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -:-4 II• :•-: •i•i.•(4.1-•i-4•.t••1-44.144.4-•}••t•-(••1••1-•t-+ +•1••1.•1.•1•.1«g•.1 -f-( ++-1••i-•i-+++fi-•i-•i-•1 + This is SOUVENIR Season TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestiaemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Ttit'ItSDAV. AUGUST l7tb. 1905 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • LOCALS ••••••N ►••••••• We are prepared for it by Miss Hazel Dignan is visiting having a full line of Sou- f rienda in Bayfield. venir Goods :n Lawn mowers sharpened on short- est notice at D. Ilartleib's. Exeter. Brooches, Hat Pins Spoons Sardine Forks Etc., Etc. Prices right and Goods A 1 quality. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. News of New Many have already arrived More may be here any hour, maybe by the time you read this. All the colors and materials and shades and weights that are going to be fashionable this season will be shown you any time you wish to see them. W. W. Tama Edict 1)ow is visit in; friends and ielatives in Detroit. T1Er. Thorne left for 3 h h :1' u;t the lakes :o Duluth last week. Nits. I.uouti:-, of Clet_ria Taff. (Mia i' visiting her cousin. Mrs. George Fisher. Mr. 11. S. O'Neil will auction off his household effects Saturday afler- noon. Mr. '1'. II. C:arlinx and family have returned from a tsvo weeks' oufin." at the Bend. Mr. Tom Carlin; who has :been rusticating at the Bend has return- ed home . For Sale.—Residence of Mrs. G. Kemp, on Andrew at. for particulars apply to owner. For Salo. --A brick residercc o l Main street. opposite Boss & Tay- lor's milt. Apply to Mrs. Caroline noisier. Airs. Charles Tons left on Satur- day, tnornin z for n trip cast. visiting friends at Toronto, fort liope and Napanee. Mrs, Gon, \Vcckes, wl,o silent the pale 010nitr with the Misse.I Weekes left; Friday for. her home in Water- town, N, Y, Mr. Clifford Spacktnalt left on Monday everting for a visit with frientls in Watertown, also Buffalo and (Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Berl plait has returned from :s months visit with lois brother, Dr. Rost. Muir nt Gowanda, N.Y. While away he visited several other places in Now York stale. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAA' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Alt drpggists refund the mon- ey If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o. At Ihe recent meeting' of the (:ran(! badge of Oddfellowa a reso- lution ►►'as passed 11111 any person engased in the liquor nosiness would uol lie admitted tea membership. Street Comtnissioner Itissett com- plains that the By-law res ctin 3 the ridirik of .)icycles on t side- walk is vein; grossly violated, and that are intends in the future to make complaint n vainst all viola- ators. The animal howling tournament hent tut,te.r the auspices of t he Gocterich 11ot►lin3 clan was held in the Laub tows, Tuesday and Wednesday. Exe- ter. diel not compete in the tourna- ment this sear, it nein.; impossiale t(, ('.scar(' rinks to take part. The nl?I willow ht rcc in rear o2 Times building which has for so nmany years waved it s ora itches 1 the c:rcezc, 111(1 at last teen cut Merchant '�'ettlltotr. down. it having become mo much (le- cayed at the stutnp as to render it quite unsafe. it is now bin; cut in - FOR OVRESIXTY tSAKS dK AND R Tatle MINIM —Mei °otw°a °° o°� mothersaver misty mare by seim frtn ohlidirge white teething, wi perfect swam gtilli 41, wlsdoSeee_e It le pleasant to .....n every pert Ot the 'meta. hi oats iHa_ value is incalculable Be • WA Mean Wfnarlow's Soothing limp sad ask ter no other tied. 10 ►wood. I)r. hf. M. Cowen, of London, for- merly of Exeter, perforated a quite serious opera I ion upon Mrs. '1'r:tven• der, of C)teslcy, on Friday afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital. She hal rcco►erc(i very satisfactorily from the shack. and t he indications are t liar the trouble for which the oper- ti0n ►was required will (1' entirely removed. +++++++++1-++++++++++.H.++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # ._. Wteh This Space Seery Week. TryOne Enjoyme One ,Tooth Cream Sells for 25c. Large Tubes. None Better Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont. 4+++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ +++++++++++++++++++H+++++ Mr. and Mt N. Will Veaity, :,nd (.illy, AI Manifold. are +i Mrs. It. Pick lid. Mrs. .1. ,locket! ;and re s Ilttl,l,•n- visited friends ilk Dot reit i.oni S:.t urd.t� until ,(end's. Mrs. Spice:. Mi>•s Melissa :Spicer ,n.`. Miss .1. A. Spicer visited friend. it. �.•r:ea t1,1'. Ilse^k. \Van d — At once a house keep- er on 1rtn, ruatIIe aged person pre- ferred. Apply at Tithes Office. For Sale.—}louse and 1MO Ir,; . fu:' ,tin on \'ictori:t ',Ivey'. .(s!, for fur' they I►:arliclll:lras apply to John Bind. Mrs. Itonert Iini3Lt :tots son. Thew. who have been ependin3 the part Month at Owen Sound and Collin; wood. returned Thorne Friday. Mr. Ito ►er Crocker. a s raduale of tho 'film's, and now foreman of the jos, depart meet of the flail l'ri:at in; Co., 'Toronto, 1- visi • ills vela( iw. s and friend:+ in town. ltev. C. W. Saunders. 11. A., fur- n►erly of Iola 1'•otwalt, jots nrrn in- ducted ny Archdeacon bicKcnzie., of Brant ford to the incumbency of the parish: of I.uckrlo►c•. DR. OVENS. London. Surgeon, EYE, EAR. NOSE and TIIROAT.Ftts Glasses properly. Office, Commer- cial Hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat- urday. Au.ust Sth. Mr. :lames Jeckell attended the latter:►! of his sister, Mrs. C. 'Wade, at Sarnia, Friday last. Mrs. Wade has many friends in Exeter who mill regret to )hear of her demise. Dr. Butler. London, will be at (be Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday August 24th. 1905, all day for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. con- sultation. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Nit. and :Nit's. lien Makins left Tuesday for Toronto .Io attend the ►t•edding of Mr. Makins' cousin which took place last night. Mrs. Makins will remain for a couple weeks vis- iting friends. Mrs. B. Gidley, of Duluth, who his been in Sarnia during the past six weeks owing to the illness and death of Mrs. C. Wade, is now spending a few days in town she guest of M -s. John llawksllaw. Tho postoffice department has no lified postmasters and others itlter- estcd to prevent the circulation of immoral post cards through the mails. Such: cards are in circulation in the United Stales, not wit hs( ai1- jII th:at. the Government. has been doing its hest to stop them, and it is said they are findi4T 3 I )heir way into C:ana(11. The state' have been fixed fur the Canadian Pacific Railway's harvest excursions, which wilt leave 'Toronto on '1 lie ninetcent h an(1 t wcnty- nintlt of An gust anal on t he second fourth, 8ix111 and eighth of Septem- oer. As the prospect remains goo,) to dale for an enormous crop in Mani! ohs, Slska1chc►wan. andAl- 1►erta, She exodus of harvester►. ;4 likely to tie unprecedentedly large. The statistical year hook for 1901 compiled ny I)r. Geo. Johnson, 1)0• minion Statistician, has just :,ten ii• sued from i he .Department of Agri - tulture. 1 his tieing the t wcntiet it year of iii. publication. The book gives the population of Canada at 5,628,847, .):►sed upon the ::gumption that the rate of increase inthe inter - 1 hat 1 h rate of increase in the in- ler'CC11F:41 period has :well maintain- ed. The population of Canada in 11104 census 'was 5,371,315. A forrner resident of Exeter, %silo has liven away for a number of salts and now renewing acquaintances, while taking in the sights of her childhood days, was a zreeaaly sur- prised al 1 Ile ,.)taut iful :,nd cleanly condition of 14er native town, • til waren she saw the ruins of the old darn it made her shudder. "The 411114 was the csrlenCe of life when i lived hero and Ihe only thin; 1 0 make my heart gore on my return ►was to see it rotted away, the mill half torn down and rank weeds zrowin.r 'n a.)undancc. Following the lead of the Amer • lean Itaiikor's association the Cana- dian Bankers' association, will try to recover' Ilse money order toothless of Canada, which is slow almost eat ire. ly clone by different : xpresy com- panies :and 1 h Government post0f- ficc department. This Taction will end) Ila(: practise .of minks of char; • in3 15 cents on :a cheque whether it was $3 ,at' $50, and any anloun, under) $5, twill, :lccar(lin; 1 n the neo. 1 (1ei4 :4 r('rd (111, he put through for :1 char.;(' of r lire.. cents; from S5 to $10 for a char.;a of six cT•n. y ; from $10 to 1$20 for 10 cents. ;11111 from :211 l0 150 for 1:, cent.. The eat her Monday t4izht ►+as not very propitious for wilnesying the eclipse of the moon. The sky was very cloudy and rain fell at jittinrealse However !vier in Ilse moat if we will Cee one of I he, tre:lt- erll astronomical phenomena cver vis- ible in Canada, 'that of (he eclipse of 11141 sun on Aug. all. in this locality tho eclipse will .he;in about half (last five. sunrise. on I he morning of Wed- nesday, 30th, 1 he IT10Xili111n1 occurr- ing :Omul half past six anti cn(linz about half ('ast Leven. At the eer- ie(' of greatest n,)srtlr'allnlr, 6.34 a. m., a little over three -fours 1,:a of the !ain't, faire It ill (04 .^eIit►yc(1. Market Report.—The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rectc4 up to August 17tH. Peas 60 to 6s cents per bushel. Shorts $20 per ton. Family Flour, $2.75 per cwt. Feed Flour, 51.25 per cwt. Bay, .6 to $7 per ton. \V haat, 70c td 75c per bushel. Bran $15 per ton. Eggs, 17 cents per dozen. }Ions. live tweight. $7.10 icer cwt. Harley, 35 to 38 r:•nts :1 .,,uslicl. nate t1R to lo cents per .)umhcl. flutter. 111 c. per Lound . Pork, dressed, $9.00 'sr cwt. lean if �11N Kisd YN NM ANN of Bid Showing of New fall Dress Goods All Newest Shades, all Newest Designs, all Better Values then we have ever shown before. Come in if but to see and admire. Remember we pay the Highest Prices in town for Farm Produce. New Fall Goods New Goods for the Early Fall Buyer WE HAVE RECEIVED our first lot of New Dress Goods and will be pleased to show them to you and give you a chance to have your New Fall Dress niadif up for September. W have all the "new ones" at very reasonable prices. No trouble to show them. Fancy Mobairs Colored Chiffon Cloth Colored Venetians Colored Broadcloths Colored Cords de Soie Creape de Chene Berges Plain Mohirs Black Chiffon Cloth Black Venetians Black Broadcloths Black Corde de Soie Eolienne Tweeds Every Piece New and Natty NEW WAISTiNGS A full range of all th9 new colors and Fabrics. Stripes Fancys and Plain. p"Highest price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. ONELL az R.00 -77E ING B:208. Mr. John Mallott spent Hatord:1y and Sur'day in Det roit. 1111:. .lames Hod ;son spent a c{►upltt of days in London last week. Mr. It. Kinestuan spent part of this week and last with his brother, 1)r. 1I. at Sarnia. Miss M. Jameson, of St. Marys. was the guest of her cousin. Mra. T. M. Kay. during idle past week. Mr. Samuel Sanders. Emu Sanders anti Miss May Lindsay, of Winnipeg aro visiting relatives and friends in town. Mr. \Vm. Blake anti wife of Thed- for(d spent a few days this week the :;ttosU of Mr. and Mrs. George Sam - well. Mr. Ed. Christie took in the ex- cursion to Detroit on Saturday spend in; the holiday with relatives in that city. Do not miss Ors Treat Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto this year. Specially low rates via Grana Trunk. 1Iit;s Alice.11oward is spendins few days at Grand Bend. Miss Gillw:r:, of London. is the ^Hest of MIs Stella Spackman.. Mr. Ncl,sen Sheer(, of Fort Wil- liam is visit.iets under ills parental tool. Mist Millie Martin has oven engas- ed ito teach in Walton for the en. suing term. Mrs. R. Gidley attended the fun- eral of the Late Mrs. Pinch, of Strat- ford on Wednesday. Mr. A. E. Warren. of Sterling, Col- orado. is the ;zuest of his father-in- law. Mr. It. Blatchford. Mr. Fred Jeckell. of Albuqurque, Ne' Mexico, is spending :t holiday under the parental roof. Mrs. French and daughter, Ali -a Nora, of Toronto, are 3u.ests of Mrs. E. A. Follick at Grand Bend. Mr. Ed. I)iznan, who attended the I. O. O. F. Convention at Brockville, also visited his orothcr-in-law, Mr. Canadian National Exhibition will - Luther Howard at Montreal. bo held in `Toronto August 28th in ( Rev. Mr. Richardson, of Wyoming, Sept.(Ivt, took the union services on Sunday ept. 9th. Nee Grand Trunk fon special rade,+. last. Rev. David Wren will occupy Itepairx on the ;ri5t Inial are near- . 11t`3 'pulpits for ,tha next t►wo Sun- ly complete. We expect to coultnenc(' h (lays. running nn Friday of this week. Not'ic�1 to Bicycle ltiders.-11:(vii HARVEY BROS. (ifreed instructed by tho Exeter Coun- 11r. Grover hissett, who had to re• tit too enforce the fly -law respecting turn to his Mime some time a ►n. 01 riding bicycles on the sidewalk, take account of ill health, returned to notice that any person or persons Brantford last week. be riding on the sidewalks will he prosecuted. W. J. BISSETT. The .Tumors played a :ams of Miss A. Chidley, of Clinton, has ••••••NNNNN•••••e•••••••••`•• ••t4 •••••a+N•+••1- SPECIAL SALE OF !OCKING C BIC REDUCTION W. C. HUSTON Furniture, Undertaking •••••••••••••••••••••••••• v••••••••••••••••••ak•il i. F4 You'ii Have SOm6tll1110 To ebow for your years of work if you saye a part of your earnings now --as much as you can spare. You may need it at some future time -- might as well save it anyway. It is not hard af- ter you once make a start in the right direction. $1 is sufficient to start an account with this Bank to which you can add to when you like in any sited amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it without sny delay, and which earns interest st the highest current rates, which is added to the principal FOUR times a year, without It being necessary to go through the formality of presenting your pass book. base hall here with Centralia ton i ,.).Celt s,:n za Cedt as teacher of room No. You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you Orr Friday East. The score was 21-23 a 1. High School department, to take have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the in favor of the home team. chat; • of the Cozninercial work. Midl Huston, pupil of Mr. Chas. E. SUSS Chidley holds a first-class pro - 'Wheeler. of London, is prepared 14:• 1 fessionali Certificate and also won accept. pupils in vocal and piano 11111- . tiro Blake scholarship in mathetnat- sic sifter Octoner Ist, 1905. 1 ire For Bale—As 1 intend movingDeath Lf a Former Resident—\Wor(1 south this boll. I will sell my ea- Death of a Fortner Resident. --Word tire stock of Jewele.ry asci good ►way received here on Sunday last of will. For (particulars apply 40 11. the death of Mrs. finch, of Strat- ford, a former well-known and hi;h- \(isi4 F.I1;a and Netta Frayne, Miss ly ;'espected resident of this town. Cores Cann, MISS Stella I'enhale and Mrs. Pinch has .a^en in failing Miss Gertie Harvey have just re• health for some time past out dur- turned from a weeks outing at in; the past few weeks her condition Grand Mend. seemed much improved. and the new; Miss Lill1 Johns who has .xen vis- of for demise came as a sudden shock to bele max Mende. Mrs. fling the. past month in Harrsia re- 1'ir►ch, ►with her one daughter, Mrs. t urne(i home on Tuesday necompan • Ilot Kwell, moved to Stratford. some led ay her sinter, Airs W 1:oodisfm Mil little raon Jack. years aro, Where Fhc has since rr- xiate(1. Ths sympathy of many \lr. E. II. Fish has added a hand- friend:{ there is extended to the sor- sstnt+ revolving chair to his (motor- rowin.r daughter in her .aercavement. ;at department. It im of 1he newest matzo and makes a decided improve- ment. in his place of .ausines•s. DOItN Mrs. William Gardener of Chay►►lt_ \IOSI:It,—hal 1)lylh. on Friday, Aug. cr-, Man.. is visiting friends in town tilt. 10 Mr. o11(1 Mrs. \V. F. ,Moser, t th:• izuest of Mrs. 11. Downie. Mrs. 'a tom. William Dew, of Gruruly Centre, \WADE. --At Sarnia, on Wednesday, Iowa, is also the guest of Mr. and AIL:. t11 h, 1�.lizaf,rt li Jeckel I, 'be- loved wife of Air. Charley Wade, Dr. J. \V. Harrison. of 429 East si-;er of Mr. .1:1)nes Jeckell, Exe- Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Writes usI'^r, that he has just got nicely settled 1(1•:CTOIsettled "am" ltot+d, 1 s- in their handsome home at tis' :iaovc `!urn.e, on Ture.sday. Auz. Ifith, 1905 address and that the event was made F. E. and `its. I(ec• more interesting bythe arrival of t(pr, :► ,roan; son. IfAIthtISON.-1n Det roil at 429 East (;rated Boulevard, a herr WASomen's Institute are 11o1di11 z .1 1:or11 .to i)r. .1. W. and Mrs. liar - flower festival and Art & Curio ex- visor), (n<•c Elia Fanson) (L son. 1111th nn Auzu't 31 and September SHOLl)ICE.--in McGillivray on Auz. 1s1. Those Navin; flower% or curio two111(1 confer a favor ht►y report ins to ills i'resident or Secret ary.—`tics 1(:111s, President ; Mrs. Iia'tinzs, Scr- ('et 1t'►•. \V bile Mr. Samuel Cudmorc•, of I'r•- I►UI'lle. was (loin; FOme Bhlitl►111. in (0%V11 on Tuesday, his (horse occa 10 W./lactic(' in front of Sp:ackman'y store •sad trade o lively run down Main street :as far as the Mansion House and then turned and went cast At: :a mad pace until captured :sy Mr. A. 1'en►w:rden opposite Mr. \\'na.1hi;- Canadian National Exhibition ;in's farm. 1 Toronto. ' Circulars from EnllisiI buyers in August lull to Sept. 9th 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. \Viloer Shot - dice, a (1:111rhtcr. \Wi;STi.AKE.—In 1'st,orne. o11 Fri - thy, August, 11th, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Westlake. :1 son. Inv— - — - - — -- -- - RAND TRUNK dicate :► favorable market for early Canadian apple,. These reports ►will undoll.itedly stimulate shipments, anti 1 here may •te a temptation on tho part of lthre shippers to esen(1 for, mature and uncolored trait. Such fruit' will not ,;rade No. 1, of XXX. Section 6 of the Fruit 11:11 k Act read'a am follows• "No person skill sell. or offer, expose, or have ills lii" posmemaion for stall' any fruit ',Irk- ed pck- ed in a close package, upon tt Lich package is marked any demi (nation which tepressents much fruit :tv dsf No. I., or XXX, finest, pest, or ex- tra good quality, unless such fruit consists of ascii :zrown specimens of one variety, round, of nearly teniform site, of good color for the variety, of normal shape, and not less altar) ninety per cent free from !(Cal), worm lsoleLe, aruists and other detects, and properly packed." 83.95 FROM EXETER Going Aug. 28th to Sept. Pth. 82.90 Going Aug, 29th, 31st, Sept. 2nd, Oth and Sth. M1 Tickets valid returning until Sept. 121b, 1905. Farm Laborers Excursion *12 to points in Manitoba and Assini- bola,good going from Exeter Sept.2ad For tickets, illustrated literature and full information. call on .1. J. KNIGHT. Depot ticket agent, Exeter. J. D. McDONALD i)istrict passenger agent, Toronto. s► right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank. We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business, The Sovereign Bark of Canada Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal. 47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Huron: Exeter. Crediton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branches. Pcs, Flaonelefte at Old Prices We have just received 40 pieces of Shaker Flannels bought at the old prices. We will retail them to you at :ie 6c, 7c, tic, plc, and lac a yard. 23 pieces of Cottonades at Old Prices Just before the sudden advance in Cottons we purchas- ed our stock of Cottonades, Jeans, Denims, Derries, Ducks, and Moleskins and sold to yon at tho old prices, 121c to 2Sc. 10 Pieces of Ticking The old reliable kind that hold the feathers in their places. We are ready for your trade now and can give you these goods from 15e to 253 a yard. Bargains in Glassware and Crockery . lt Don't forget we are going out of this Crockery and Glassware business. If you want to buy a Dinner Set, Glass Set. Chamber Set, or anything we have in stock you 0911 purchase from us cheaper than from any of our opposi- tion. 10 per cent. off for Cash, except on Groceries and Goods Cut in Price. Popiestone Gardinek One door north of l'ostoffice. Produce taken in exchange for goods