HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-17, Page 7dIMINIMMINNIMINO
Vessels Despatched to Points in
Eastern Siberia.
1N EASTERN Si131:ItIA. j after a hot fusillade they returned
A de.stch from Jdki( say;: War-
I to til,. i.cru°h. '1'ht• ltlr-s.+•is n the
r'► llailunrhl•11g district, the general
A(1mrira: Kataoka reports that he
has despatched 0110 1111t1l SW111111'011 say's, oceui►i•'d the villag° of \'ulanf;-
tu Kamchatka and another to Ok- tse after u r,kirnii,h.
hotsk, iu eastern Siberia. north of
Sakhalin Island. and that they are 'l'ItOOI'S IN 31ANCIIUItIA.
now engaged carrying out their in-
structions in regard to the work to
be performed at. their 1os;pective des-
'Ilsl•: VAI{IAG ItAIS1:1).
A despatch front 'I'Ikio soya: The
Iniperial Navy Depart iisait has an-
nounced the successful floating of
the cruiser Faring on Wednesday af-
ternoon. In view of the difficulty
encountered. there is a strong feeling
of general satisfaction over the rais-
ing of the vessel. The Russian crui-
ser Vnriag anti the Russian gunboat
Kori'•t, were sunk by the Japanese
in the harbor of ('henlulpo on Feb-
ruary 9, 1901.
A despatch from St. Petersburg
Ray.: Gen. Linevitch, in a -telegram
to the Emperor. reports 1 hat t he
Russian forc's operating to the east-
ward of tho Mandarin road :advanced
towards a defile near the village of
(_'hog )n, 2-1 miles south of 'I'aIII11.
The Japanese assunie)1 the ofTensiye
and turned both flanks, compelling
the Missions to retreat to the north-
ward. Tho Japanese followed in
pursuit and again encountered part
of the Russian force, which had
Ass halted in the Nadoulin Gorge. but
A despatch from St. Petersburg
says: Despite the fact that the peace
negotiations aro now under way at
Portsmouth. troops continue to be
tient to the front in Manchuria in
increased numbers. After the end
of the current week general tllerchan-
disu will not be accepted for trans-
port atio4 on the trans -Siberian
1:ailwaly, all the cars being devoted
to the use of the military.
MUI► 'I'llltl•:}•: 31:1 '1' DEEP.
A despatt'h to the I.undorl Tele --
graph from l'in f;kow says that
heavy rains and the 1tu=si:ln retreat
have postponed the exported t;t•ncrul
t•tlgttgtJta 1st. The ni44(1 i3 three feet
(seep in the roads along the front.
Gen. ?tlisc•henl:o':, c•a'alry remains in
Eastern Mongolia. trying to r.ttack
the Japanese flank and r.:::.
'1'O lIOLl) '1'UMEN RIVER.
The Mali. .lagan, corresi►ondent of
the London '1'elsgraph says R is es-
timated that there are :.0,0a)0 Rus-
'4ituls on the Pitmen River. '\'hey nr•e
commanded by Gen. Beaa(1.1Ia. lie
hope, 1c_► defend his posit 1110 and
gimlet 0in communication along the
Kirin -Changchun line. Whether this
is possible will soon be decid '•l.
A Light -Keeper's Long Battle With
Crazy Companions. -
A New fork despatch says:—Strat-
ford shoals jOght. and perhaps the
big Long drisland Sound stoutll_'rs
which are guided by it, were saved
last week through the heroic strug- er Lakeside about 4 o'clock nn
gle Nish the keeper of the light, Thursday afternoon, after having
Merl/11 pulse, made for seven days been adrift on the 1ake in an open
against an insane man. The madman boat for practically two days and
Was 1.1111 se's brother -keeper, Julius one night. The little girls Were its
Cost:a'; who went crazy and tried to a very exhausted condition, but
destroy his light. In attempts to pronmpt rostorative measures were
get at. the light ('aster wanted to adopted, and no serious consequences
kill Hulse. The story of the lone : are expected to follow.
keeper's; defence of the Stratford 1 The girls are daughters of Mr. Ed -
shoats Was learned on Thursday, ward O'Connor, a conductor on the
when the head keeper, U11bert. G. T. It. running from Hatnilton to
Roland. who was ashore on a WWII- Woodstock. On Wednesday morning
tion last week, \landed in his official the children went to Grimsby Park
report of lust week's happenings. to attend a picnic. On arriving; at
The lighthouse is situated on Long the park the girls se.ured a light.
Island, midway between Bridgeport rowboat and went out in the lake.
and fort Jefferson. Hulse had no They had not been out long when
warning that he was living with an t11e elder girl nut iced that. the winsll
insane man until one day ('aster at -
was freshening and that it was car -
tacked hint with a weapon made of a rying tho skin far out from the
razor lashed to the end of a long Land. e -h0 at once started to row
pule. Tho keeper uverpowerod Cos -
toward the h(>ach, and rafter a hard
ter, and repeatedly afterward during; st rugglu succeeded in effecting a
the first two clays of iris companion's
nuttiness was forced to tight for his landing. Several mischevious boys
own life. Then('os;ter's mania took (►I►servin); the little girls' plight
a new turn, and one afternoon Hulsecaught hold of the bow of the bunt.
found hint With a hammer and chisel niel shuvei it Out frons the Inttik.
try ins; to cut away the walls; of the The wind was blowing quite fresh at
lighthouse. That night the light. this time, and itllhough the girls
.tadelenls stopped revolving, 11)1(1 its made sI1•enuous efforts to again reach
keeper ran to the lamp room, to find , the shore tit•y were unable to 410 so
conte,. with an too., abotit 10 des-; and the tail craft was soon carried
tr.- the lenses;• ile fought his way II far out fn the lake. At. noon the
ft. 4.1 the 1(0(111 and save,' the tight, skis,, was out of sight. of lane. I•'or-
but from that time 014, for fully five i turintely the wined Carried 1)10 boat
dugs, (lui11g two 111011's work, the :along in the direction of the path
brave kt•.'per• was forced both to taken by straniers•
guard the lenses clay and night, ancj .\11 uft4rn(••1) the children were
to fight 'fenny timee for his own 11(0, toti,ed about, peering vainly in every
and (inapt• toward the enol of this direction for succor. When night
period another burden was laid eel came. on the elder girl took off her
hint. .1s CO,tiees delirium Wore fee 'chillies and placed there over her lit-
he became desirous of (InInritt0)4 tie sister, who hall cried herself to
suicide, and When removed from the s,leef► is► the bot teal of the boat•
lighthouse he Nor(' self -inflict 4(1 gash- . In the 0 )1111))g .\nni4 says she saw
Terrible Experience of Two
Little Girls.
A despatch from 'Toronto says:
Annie and Irene O'Connor, of 11:1n1-
iltotl, aged 11 and 10 years respec-
tively, were picked up by tho steam -
0, nil over. his Oyes:. which wily n eteatmer• Mit it. was 114(4 far ;Tway
11u1,.•'s faithful watclafuln(.,s had to hail it. 11 was not unit 1
kept from Icon 11414 fund. Ilo Wass ,)'('loc( in 4he afternoon that the'
taken to a hospital. long; 14)1)1.1.11 for nssistitace arrived.
* The steamer i,ake,ide %shin about
tees miles 1)41 )'ol•t Dalhousie on het•
11(1('t'rl(1114 tris► to '1'1)1(04to passed
within a short 11i•tnnce of the drift-
Young Girl Crushed to Death by
a Gas Engine.
A Jamestown, N. l'., des.pntsit
Rays: Vsli1h Ruse hent. fourteen
years 11111, was crushed to d, ail) ir► a
gas engine in her father's born on
Tuesday. The girl stood IVOtching
the Ola, bine, 111(11 )►'came so int0r-
eested in Its workings ssh0 dial no;
not ore :ler hair %yes b-oiniii e►e
What Japan Will Gain by the War
an 4.r � M„� � ,_•„�,�„�-.
i -
The complete success of Japan in 1h"
war with Russia is almost absolutely
assured. To safeguard her empire, and
compensate herself for her losses
since hostilities began, Japan has Be-
tided on certain conditions, which Rus-
sia must accede to at the peace con-
ference now in progress. or after fur-
ther defeats on the field of battle.
Should Japan's terms bo rejected, and,
tho war continue with tho same success
ae hitherto, Japan will probably per-
manently occupy the maritime pro-
vinces of Siberia, and establish a great
Astatic empire, which she has already
in her mind's eye. Otherwise a treaty
will be made which will lay the basis
of that empire by securlieg the control
of the railway running through Man-
churia, a protectorate over Korea, the
tN •zb aw ;
[TT'1T1 MRNC )1V a1A 7t. ea Apo4t1 Q
tlllli t,1•,t:1c Io monk_
EACAEkt..'4 ONr%R M4((lG44 .Teas st'.Stt.
P+eo'tceroul►.. v414.4. e9. aeanstie
cession back to China of Manchuria,
under Japan's suzerainty, and the ces-
sion to Japan of the Island of Sakha-
lin. The effect of this upon the map is
plainly seen above. Most of these
terms Russia is probably prepared to
assent to, and the danger points in the
conference will be the size of tho in-
denlnity to be paid, the cession of Sak-
halitl, and the future of Vladivostock.
Quebec's Territory Is Also Very
A 'Montreal despatch says: The
new 141inister of Colonization and
Fisheries of Quebec, Ilam. J. 11. Pre'- Bacon, long clear, sell:4 at 11 to
vest, is home from a trip tel the 11 is 0r Ib. in case l)ts; mess pork
Regarded as Too Severe By the at $1 (, short cut, 521.
Cured meats—lla1n8, light to lee -
diem, 131. to 1-1e; do heavy, 1:3c;
rolls, 11 t to 11 1c; shoulders, 10(jc;
hacks, 15 to 15 1c; breakfast bereft,
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese,
sad Other Dairy Produce
at Bonze and Abroad.
Toronto, Aug. 15.—Wheat--No. 2
white and red quoted at 82 to Sic
outside, While 404.4 %ehs•at ft Septem-
ber delivers' sold at 75 to 743c out-
side. Manitoba Wheat is nommin:al at
$1.04.; to 31.07 for No. 1 Northern,
Georgian Bay ports, at- 31.143 for
No. 2 Northern, and at 88c for No.
Oats—No. 2 white quoted ut :18 to
:14)c high freights, and new at 31) to
32c high freights.
Barley—No. 2 new quoted at 44 to
45c outside, and No. 3 extra at 12
to 43c August delivery .
l'ca.s—No. 2 quoted at 73c outside,
anti milling; peas at 75e.
Corn—American No. 2 yellow, (12c,
and No. 3 yellow, 61 ic, lake a11(1
rail, 'Toronto.
Itye—Pric,a 110nl11ml.
!'lour—Ninety per cent. patents
made of new wheal. for export, Aug.
delivery, are quoted at 33.20 to $:3.-
:30 in buyers' sacks, at outside poii►t:4
do., bids., $3.75 to 33.115. Manitoba
flours unchanged; N(4. 1 patents, 35.-
:30 to $5.50; No. 2 do.. $5.10 to
35-20; and strong. !esker's', $$$1.90 to
35 011 track, 'Toronto.
Millfeed—At outside points bran 15
quoted at $11.50 to $12, and shorts
at 318 to 314). Manitoba bran, in
sacks, $17, and shorts at 319.
COUNTRY PR(11)ti('1 .
Apples—Choice stock, $1.75 per
bid.; cooking apples, $1 to $1.25 i•er
Beans—Prime beans sell at. 31.415
to 31.74). and hand-picked at $1.75.
slops --Choice lots quoted at 2-1 to
1luney—The market is steady, with
now at ell to 7c for straine4), and at
31.50 to $1.75 per doyen cvmlbs.
Ilav—(':'r lots of No. 1. timothy
are quoted at 38 to $8.:10 on t rack
here, and No. 2 at 343.50.
Straw—Car lots quoted at $(i ('n
track, 'Toronto.
Potatoes—New are quoted in bbls.
at $2.50, and at 70 to 75e per
Poultry—Chickens, 12 to 13c 1 er
lb.; turkeys, dry picked, 13 to 1lc
per 1b,
Envoys of the Czar.
A despatch from Portsmouth, N.
II., says: Thr Japanese peace terms
are at last known to the Russian en-
voys. They are regarded by the
Czar's envoys as unnecessarily severe
and humiliating, but there is yot a
lingering hope of at successful termin-
ation of the negotiations. It is
, only a lingering hope,. however, if
one is to judge from the expressions
of a1prehension and display that are
being ut ter,'el in the Simonet- hotel
annex, where the Russians have their
They are depressed, decidedly de-
pressed those among them who expeeditln•es which .J11pnn has anode. tic's:, nn(1 410e keeping hark develop -
halve seen or hearts the conditions 11111 the 11.ilure of the Jnpan.'s! to meet. fo' the present, in order' that
which Japan asks to impose, upon insist. upon the pnyntent of a .ip:'c,i- the 141 .4 for cobalt anti as:b••stos
her er,enly as to the price of ending fit. suns holds out a chance of rune- nifty Oct. 11e affected.
the war. ! promise, and the feeling exists
Although not officially' announced. among many of the Russian repro -
it is bear n'd that Japan's demands !sent at lyes; that the condit.ions admit
Olden of a transfer of Japanese au-
thority over Corea.
More astonishing to the Russians
than any other thing' i11 the stalt--
ment of terms submitted 1►y Baron
Komori' rind Mr. 7'askahira, was
that the Japanese did nut ask for
Tentiskaining region. Ire is convinc-
es) that new Quebec will, in a very
few years, equal, if it does not sur-
pass, new Ontario. Land north and
northeast of Lake Tenlisknining, he 1:3'�c.
says, ix clay of the same nature as
land in the Richelieu Valley, and as 'loc.
Lard—Tierces, 9jc; tubs, Ole; pails,
it has been burned over n couple of
times. the roots are near the ser -
face. nn►1 it is easy to elem.. There
are indirut ions, too, in the neighbor-
hood of the lake that t he mineral
depo.•its on the Ontario side will be
r.ny spesitic indemnity. They do duplicated in the Quebec section. and 411 to 443 ic for No. 2 in store.
make it plain, however, that they The only reason why lane) In thatt New oats( are quoted at :38 to :!9c,
expect to be compensated fur the region has not been settled is that track, Montreal, fur No. 3, and 34)
hisses ir,ctlrretl by them in their con- bpecc11:4.1005 have secured largo 1 r•acta4 to .10c for No. 2. 'l'hey are now be-
Ilit t with Russia, which is interpret- and are holding it for a rise in price. in4 shipped, and should in'rivo 1)e -
e(1 in some quarters to mean that '1'h(' Minister is als,) of opinion that fore ninny days. Flour --Manitoba
the European belligerent is: ( peete,1 ars Anter kart tried. has secured op-
t° pay in full for the enormous lions on some of the toning proper-
Montreal, 'Aug. 15.—Grain—Quite a
few c:'.rs of old oats have been sold
at from 15 to 451c or No. 3 oats,
NO JOBS EOR THEM.1►ri1m1.;, x1.74) t( 1x1.75 1 er
are as follows: I of disctlstdoliM. de Witte eind Bar
Telegraphic Briefs From Ctrs Own
and Other Countries of Re -
Itt Montreal last wt'ek 107 infauts
The C. P. H. will build a new sta-
tion at Guelph at a cost of 310,000.
The C. P. R. will build a new sta-
tion to cost $32,000 ut Port Artivu'.
Officials returns show that there
were 692 deaths from tuberculosis is
Montreal last year.
Customs officials at Montreal suited
70,000 cigarettes smuggled from Bel-
gium by employees of au Atlantic
'1'tlu hominion Cabinet has ap-
proved of plans of thu G.T.P. from
Portage la Prairie, 275 utiles west-
On friday William A. McKelvey
committed suicide by jumping into
Toronto bay with a heavy etuno tiu
his pocket.
The outbreak of horse cholera in
several 1•:ssex townships is attri'►utod
to dead fish flies eaten in the Loy
served to the animals.
Thu Dominion Cabinet has decided
that tho law 11111st take Its course in
the case of Charles King, sentenced
for murder at Slave Lake.
'1'he tot al amount 0n t he London,
Ont., tax rolls for the year, was
$525,000, of which 3368,000, or over
two -third., has already been pairs.
Alfred Welsh of Elnlvale, Who is
staling in Toronto, has complained
to the police that he was lassoed and
robbed by footpads on Sinlcoe street.
George Machias of Hamilton was
fined 320 and costs or thirty days
in jail for selling ice creams on Sun-
days. An appeal is being taken 011
the ground that ice cream is food.
There is at scarcity et butter in
England, and pricey are at a point
never reached during the hot weather
itt twenty years.
An appeal of the Canadian Pacific
against a judgment ordering it. to
pay 1:90,000 for the sinking of a
Chinese cruiser was dismissed by rho
Prlvy Council.
Efforts to guard against yellow'
fever in the south may stop the train-=,
se vice there.
A suit for halt a million dollars
damages has begun against the
Grand 'Trunk Railway Company by
lumber firms in Conicctirut and Ver-
Tho international convention of the
Catholic Order of Foresters at Bos-
ton voted dotal a resolution to ex-
clude persons engaged in the liquor
TrahelcA.nterican Foundryrnen's League
at 1\lagara halls decided to estab-
lish in tho United States and Canada
an employment bureau for moulders
not affiliated with any union.
An attempt was made to blow up
the French ship Asnieres in mid -
An international exhibition, to be
devoted to working clnse life, may
be held in Paris in 1909.
1t is est hunted that Ittlssia's grain
crop will be 1'10,000,000 bushels leafs
Spring wheat. Patents, $5.30 to .$5.-) than last year.
70; strong bakers;', Vigo $:1.40; Win - I Emperor William is said to favor
ter wheat,patents. $5.50, and Prance Charles of Denmark for the
all rai ;ht rollers, Sal to 55.1 fi 111
,throne of Norway. `
Wu(d; in hags, S'.3.13:► feed i A Russian paper declares the down-
- Ontnri( bran in bulk, $1 4..70 to fall of rho British Empire iminiuent,
313; short:, $14) t( 3'2(1. 'liani1o1►a
and the establishment of a republic
bran in hags. at $1 7; shorts, 319; in Austrnlia.
rmouillie, 3.21 to $2) per tun. Beans
•Bo sett on Em to e:s A ainst bushel; 31.435 in car lots(. Potatoes—
Are indemnity commensurate with Ion 1{oxen dirt not indigmuntl.J with- y P y R New putat111.s, in kings of SO lbs. :0
the monetary 4u.ses sustained by her draw from the conference «hen liar- Cigarette Smoking Youths.
to 0450. 1'ros•isions--llenyy l',tnadiltn
in pre-. cut in4 the turn.. 1011 1:11r►lurat and Mr. 'l'akahtra let it. A Toronto despatch sae's: The shoat-c•ut. pork, R20 to $2 1; light.
The cession of Port Arthur and ;be knott•11 what. their Government de- cigarette habit is to he 4)91)05e1 on short cut. 3)8 to 1114); .1►0er•ican cut
the Liaoning Peninsula to Japan. t:.ir,'4I from Russia in return for an a now line by the temperance or- clear backs, x14).25 to $'2) 75; r(m-
'1:h0 evacuation 04 JTnnc11til'ia. Iitg1''('0►1.nt to stop h0-4111itiees, ns g41ni/111fons. The prof 4isa►I is( tltnt 110110) Inert, 5;:o 1 to (1 0: (le'annre)1(1intl
1 h(' c•.'sa,inn of the Island .if Sag-
,lg- l sotme expected. 1 hey flop()ns; elnlcluyo.s shuul.I pledge themselves plrt► lard, 1(1; 10: ke11ner-
halien.'mart:•(\,, gent !onion would act. po- nut to en41144 pray youth who s
ied, 11 to 12e, according to dulility;
'1'h• 4'ntrol of the Itn•:.so-Chinese 1•ee40%ing the communication addieled to the cigarette. The per'- hauls. 12, 13 and 1lc, according to
railroad as: far north ars !Tar -hits u4. the Japaft•st' .'ny0vs with the o'- silent of the \Vest-i••nf Temperance sire: 1)410011, 1:3 1( 1 Ir: fresch killed
No demand was m)41(1' for the dis- lque::t that an adiuti,muo'nt, be taker' 5(4)111•, states that 4!,e nloyem,'nt iti abattoir loess,439 75 to 310: 81010,
11144.11)111(44 of \'1adi4. est eel{ or rec04- 1)1111)) it (mild be exanIlIO l
making ronsider•able progress in 37-:35 for mixed lido, $7.110 for se-
. • some of the Arleeri0:cn cities. Anel lett s. 1•:g`s—St r•aight stork, 1 7 to
THE GALLANT FRENC1'1MENII.y)1e. .Minister wf 'Trade 114)1 ('um- 1110 attention of the officers of the
It)1erce, referring to his reass'ssrnt'nt various ('anladialn temperance or -
Their Tribute to the Memory of c►f il''' valve of ('anaeliatm harvesters, 4•aniznt ions is heirs; called to It as
cltl•v1 vl ti 1 I
441 skiff. Capt. 1111;1' at (414 1 )4., il•ttel' frwln the Dominion ('4) t.,111s
the signal for 1110 steamer to l,e A London 4esl.atch says: --1 ice -Ail- flatly refusing to allow Canadian FOUR LIVTS LOST.
brought 11p abon's's•i•le the bunt . The s (' ilia • I, 4' 4.m 1 ':•-il -('h 'f (I' a e ! 'lilies s , )1al►i!I
the Great Nelson. a `' a► se sa en ►y 111 N 0 ucil:g a an 'ilective plain of repression
►nlr 11 ar aI1 u1mu1, e . a 1( I 0 I( e1 s t( 4.1► 1k' ear a )g
little (girl; were both Ring its the 1ef 11) 1•'a.�1.ch sleet, and s•:4) of his :►lli-1 the ('e►m metov,allth to ascertain for Could Not Be Rescued
the ee) 5, a11'L1\•,'rl 111 1.1111.1•,11 (le '1'11111•:;d.ty, l,0' ►o,ws of taxat ion the Peal vallu(, From
b11tt(nl ..f t.4.( skits, utterly 11!►li%•io,:s i 1 Burning Nelson I:otel.
of the prexiiiiity of 11..' steamer. The and eel-- 4%elcollae,l with every de- 0f the er•ti1•les sent (rens (':massa to
whistle tt•ns blown, and the elder girl nienstration of good -wilt. The we,r- Australia. Ile hinted than tl:e Dont-! A despntcli fr:ti,a Nelson, ll.('., hell; No. '2 yellow, 4it ' se. corn
1 2 , Otter the fashion rf )r11npint; leeks
,,prang tip in n (111/, 1) cunelitiOl), then tvtls+ id1.al, and aasiln:ateel crowd, ini011 is; ism% fling to giro any as -is- says:—.\t '2.50 on IN, elms ',dirk' 1414011- 4iOc (►•at,_tuesti' No " %shite '4 11c• '1•he dolls 11 1 ('
classic t. 1 '1 I
1 7 I(•, No. 2, 1 lc. But tel•—('hoi.'.'st,
creamery. 2'2 ; to 2'21(': Ilnelergralles,
21 t to '2'2c. claire, 1st to `2Oc. Cheese
--1)ntario, 10: to 10;c: (Invitee, 101
to 101c
UN I'I'l'l) S'I'.1'1'i- S ?1 \ RN F,'I'
1{ulTalo, Aug;, 15 —Flour—Quiet and
easy. 11 heat -11 inter ►Jr)e41Sy; No. 2
red. 81 ,c; No. 2 whit:•, !•{ 1c. ('ort --
The French and 1:uss:inn (govern-
ments have settled the terms of the
nen treaty of commerce by which
France agrees not. to inerensse+ the ex-
isting; duties afTe•ting Russian arti-
cles(, and also not to tax lnet'ehan-
(lis(' now entering free, while itusssia
modifies the (hatless 011 I''rench Wines,
spirits, perfumes and numerous agri-
cultural and 04►111uiercinl products.
Found in Ruins of Sag 1on—Play-
things of Greek Girls.
The first dulls of whtrh thele 1s
any kno44 ledge were found among
the treasures 111.'41.01' l from thu
ruins of iia►by lee. They acro small
11glll'es in 0.1'1 IL Cut tit 4111(1 ivory,
beautifully reeved, and 11111ht have
been fuscinatieg playthings for the
little Astiy rime c'iMlrh•On.
The little gi (f Syria had tree.
thank ll (loll. ..
( 1� e
'1h r
urrnt, and It1 14 A
were hovers by pulling; strings 1)1114'11
grasped the oat•, silo started to sow thronged the bellessed route from tames. rewards establishing a fair fag fire (lest 0.‘,(1 the (:moms 11(041, \(. 2 /nisei', 271c. �Ifatrlev—r'ee'd, 'plays(' o si`� �,: `•, , Greek t. 11 r ren
„c I .. - � with r mash. of wax and
clay .It'. .rnted t‘ it h bright colors.
one kiwi hail 111(0,4(1ele lintl,s: and iia
clothes; w41 e 'rade t 11 1 itke 011 4)14)1
put on. V.very doll had a heti of its
own. 'These dolls represented) gn,tat
and heroes, but 4.4.11:)t.•4er they seem,
meant to 1:i -914.4e/0, t hey Wt re dress-
ed With 104.104; care by the 1itt1(t
.1s these children -Malfrfet) wleol
they were very young t 4... played
with their dolls until just L•efo,o
their wedding' day. '\'hen 1 hey made
n 1ncriiice (f all their toys. dolls
and clot hAs i►►rluc}(�d. They dedicated
them ns: n pinus; offering to :onto
deity. if the litll0 girl died he•furel
she wale grown tip her dolls ewer('
buried with her.
'I'hn 1 it. happens that the kind and
fashion of (1(11:1 which comforted
these nncient children is known. All
the ap('ciin!'tts which tir'e kelt with
so great carr behind glum; doors in
various museums were taken front
!.01110 tiny tonib.
away from the Lakeside. She final-. the Victoria 8t0t1u11 th1o'4441 the t ushenet reverie'. Ile Australian I on \41111111 Street a three-storey .110. 1;s, --Quiet and 4, • k• Nu. "
I.N. reali7e11 her error. A roi.e was 111/1111 streets; 1.. t11e (111il.II 1111, 4.411ere pI'('SS is C0111 11111.111y 1)111)11,h hip: Ifni- ; 1)11i1e!4)
rho inmates barely t.w•a1'- til • (' nal fres *its—:itea I
tang, -led in the emehiner;. 111 44.71 lo,se4 d 10 1)14.m, and rifler '011)0 the visitor•.t .4. 1 gu4as 4•i the 1.4)11 lies depreciating('anadian i regress, ;01 %t iti their lite.;, and
1(•11 1444.1111) \Tienea ,(lis. ,Seg. ) :►. —11 heat-- she tens jerked into 4)1,• 1,1:1•;s: little m11u1,'e11%ring the children were mayor 111111 Corporation at luncheoI)••an) asserting that .1s:st0ali4ln (level_ boarder; %%ere badly 14)1)1,ed. One, '.te!uh e, St1 .. i)ecelar1,er, Clic.
..t revol4r114 wheels :end the engine safely landed on deck. .1444.0, the l'.lelywhel1 the heart 4. st cheers greet -1 opulent iv o0 n sounder hats;iv, anti named \i:lrtim.', is still in 14 very tri- , \rat.,. K71c; No. 1 hard,
only stepped !weans, her mamboed elder girl. almost immediately !nose;' tel the v.sltors. The l,u(1dl►nll was that reimm •rcia) then dread any form tical cenu111on mid may leo recover. 31.11; N(. 1. Northern, $1 09; No.
!Hely clogged the Wheels. .tine wits , 1100 unconsciousness. Ilestoral,4e( reached about 1 o'c1ock. '1 lie Lord 1of jm•eietenc.• which would 'li It'�Ihill '1'h•' 01,serlce 0f 14.0 ladders cause(4 1 do., C1.O4', to $1.07. flour -4'i, 1
dead when taken out. I were n1►lrlit•d, and she soon recoye're.i. :Mayor and Aida: wen, Who wore full the position 14 their (Chadian soak. the death of fom• persons who were 1►stents. aa.ao to Q;,.ti(►; s;rean(1 (111.,
The younger girl recovered from t ha state robe, 44elc00r.•d the guests;.' -_-_ __-♦-__-.__-.- unable to reach the ground front the
g- r•:► :.11 to f:►.4(►; list. clears, 31 to
ordeal more quickly than her sister. Eight looldred sat (lot 11 to I iiu1 'un. THF. HEAVIFS1' CROP. tu, storey. The hitched t -'7:
o St I4►: second cl0nts, $'2.4.13 to `•2.-
CIIA LGE fIlE F'1SC1\,I. YEAR ('apt. 11i444 the parsec. and toys{ The scene at the Guildhall wits a 141 ladder trues., :101'1.'1'170 E;e c 4 ►h•1s. r llrun iti bi1144 312.7:, (0 '�1:1.
! stewardess 4.10rdess slid ever .% in (In ir brilliant urn•. 'The toasts were (n11 Canadian Northern issues an En- O'Connor, riot iia av and ()Teen. r
Will Lncl With March Ir.-,tead of power for the children• of cordiality. Ai'.'r luncheon the couraging Report. jumped from his seat. CA'rl'l.E M.11:1S ET.
Jure as Formerly. procession W1154 IA1)1'11l',l 011(4 )'ro-
('t'('(10d to -the french 1':m:,as... %s here A despatch from11.innipeg says:_ —♦-- Toronto, Aug. 1.,.—'I'lle following
An Ottawa despatch say's: 'I11,' Iso- Admiral ('atiller(1 };ave al roe epieel to According to the weekly crop report COBAI.T'S GREAT WWEALTHH, was ills rulige of cluolation:
111inion Government has decided to the members of the French colo!,y. issued 114 114'sIllesrloy by the ('Ona- l:xp(rt catl.le,
4 Ivese the fiscal y'e11I' to end wish The prisasags► of the I►rocesei11►1 artese than Northern 1{atilway, (leafing withsent. This will not only be more choir('.
.l1arrli instead of June as at 9:..,- 'T'rafalgar Square Wnst marked by en . conditions (4.t 5.1 stations on the dr. 1044.{1st
incident that met WW ith he se\ cheers slain and branch linos in the wheat 114/ InrdiiIllt
sat is fail( ry nae regards I rude and iron) the v90ct mors:. As Adutit al b011, the. ))rt,ei►ect s for harvestco111(1 d0 light
\mane:anI returns hitt 4.4111 permit 0f 1 (lespfi1011 fr0►n llt►sltre,11 4ae•V'— ('011410(1 find the other Freer ollicers not he more encouraging. The wea- do cows;
Parham' et meeting at nil earlier 11 1st (111141 or(1►alblr that the c0I'4)' '" e:1111, ahrensaf of tha Nelson r.olutim tiler in general has been lino and Butch, rr:' iehei
teras 011 alt Tike m(ty invt'141' 1111' t11011-1 t 1
dltt(►. sands of then connect(al with 1110 they sliµhtly turned towards iy, and, warns, 1111(1 the %%h1.nt which is; in (10 Choice+ .. ....
i s 1vu1 141(4 nt the buss -i Ii f (depicting to d is. (11.ye1oping r apidly, and show• do medium
huilelirg; trn('rs. Th,. strike ten,t.,,.4 the. death (f (Treat 111•1tnitt's tn114a1 signs of coloring in many; of the dis- do light
CURZOY TO 1`1:S1G�, rely they have used every leeitimate�
Tie-up of Montreal Boil:ling Trade
Bead of Ontario fichool of Mines
Considers it "Unique.
.1 despatch front Ottawa tsriy~4:—
)'ref. (:oo(1►cin, 1)0404 of the Ontario
$('1:u01 of Mineq, 1't1110ed 011 We.1-
nesdny fi'on1 n month's visit to the
'l'entissknrniug silver region. Ile i4
0)14. hnsiastic' (vet' 1 he prospect 4 in the
Cobalt district. Ile says no other
silver camp in the world ran h(nst
of the record of ('olmtlt. 1e a ter-
ritory fo:lr miles 1►y three silver• tb
rho value of 32,2511,00(1 1:119 1►ron
taken 0')t in three months. One
mine shoos n v0111 of tit e inches
thickness of solid silver.
C. P. it. officials at Winnipeg con-
firm the statement that 1,0001000
1►tishel4 of wheat will b(' shipped this
season from southern Alberta to I e
ground in VallCoutt'r for shipment to
the (h lent.
$ 1 25 t(4. $
:3 sc 4. :l ;
:1 00
::t (1(► :3 50
1 4)sl
4 (5, 1 10
4(1 :2;131
1 .,O
11,00 on board 1110 Victory, raised
their hats to the salute.
Antsgonislat iti Co111111ntiwealth Is
Growing Fast.
.1 'Melbourne (1, spate)) to Loddon
stales that the antagonism between
Australia anal remota has been rap-
idly developing (luring the last few
months. During an act'inn111►i0119 (1e -
halt' in the 11u11,c of 1{cprest'ntatives
on Wednesday night Sir William
French Catholics Slain in the Pro-
vince of Ronan.
A despatch from Pekin states that
n thousand 1 Salim priests have killed
aryl wounded many French 1)11 'ion -
cities and other Catholics in the I'ro-
vince of Henan. M. Dubai!, the
French Minister, has made a strong
complaint to the Chinese (:oe'ern-
l moans to sec '11'0 n c'(2,ferevi( •, 11mi
Relations I3etwee.i Viceroy and have (1,01(1 (I, sho)ir1 it t•.' 110•c'e-asnly,
Kitchener Not Satisfactory. to resort 1 •X((e►I1(' 111ea•.ur1 s which
A London devoteh stays: The i'all 111 the majority of 4iniilat• rases
moll co.oltc► 114(1ersatrindss that. rein- , have resulted in a general ori;,e of
1 lusts, I.el Weell lieu. 1 .ores 1� it chrn41, n)1 boildin� meehatnicx. in the . % nt
( of n strike 1' inq iteclerett, %te•t'. (11
1•.11nn)nteler-in-chief of the144ree'( in all 141)i1(111141s in Muntrrnl tend 4.1411111
India, 4111(1 Lord Curzon. the i'i'•eroy'. !wilt 1,.' mopped. which would resell.
have "Rads roache'l (In' 1►t't'nki►.g 4.,t 5401'ih104 1110ernel,h9lce end great
94,11 One of there is retu.1•te(1 as
loss. lt(•fe'•e I,t,,;u• ; ',•lest .'t•Ofl+tit' n(•_
-Tike I V 10 r'.•sign 11 IN 111(11•.• probable t ions 1:,►t`.%'':', 4. !1: •..• 111 e'i►,10`•(' 1'4)% e
that Lord ('urron "ill 4.l,+ ;4.11, etc l::J: (:rcid(r) 10 (•:4.:l s4. 1a1.1..t We •ting 10
to the condition of his health. 11,154 1.8.5 t:.; Litt:tither.
Stockers, (•hold ... 3 tel 3 50
(10 crntmon 2 5O :3 (0)
(1(• 1►uils '2 00 :1 .►n
3di}ch cows, choiee' 20 041 :,4► tel
flu c11ntnloil 2.) (a► 33 o. )
Sheep export. ('We4 4 114) 1 1
do lnac hat :3 00 :3 2:.
(1( rolls 3 00 3 25
i embe, tier (-rt.( (►0 5 ;,t,
4'alv..,s, en'1 . . (►'l 1(1 04)
1 logs. s:411.c1 v 7 25
it.. 111:I)Is anti fa's 7 00
"1'0i can'( jt:dgo of de It port ,neo
of what eco;'le dues (►v d ' :e 'ey
maid !uncle Ebert. "A ewe.
ek44 is leo' (Ian twice ns big as A
h• n egg nn' 14 laid Z'itunt no cack-
lin' 4.t het ,umev('r."
FOR TIII; 111:~('1-:N'I',
A 1114!) should nlW:1%M equip hies.
%elf w if )1 a pnrnch,lte 11efol'o he
bul;rls hist 1104905 too high.