HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-17, Page 6ENGLAND'S CITIZEN ARMY THE FIGHTING SWORDFISH
Dern By
etra.jMeea eeMe. Mee eM,:eMt cis
The Scientific Stomach: I think you
have given me salt in this article of Major-General Sir Alfred Turner,
nutrition? lute inspector -general of auxiliary
The Ruiter: Certainly, sir, salt. forces in the British army. says in
Caviare can't be 'nude without salt. tho London Chronicle:
Stomach: V but ignorance of the Vu have heard from Mr. Balfour
rules of health! You ke mea Rut- the country is perfectly safe behind
;,phogist. Du you not know that Pr. the navy. We have been told by Mr.
:h•, forbids salt, the cause of catarrh, Arnold -Forster that it is a perfect
lkin discus,, chilliness, and enlace!- delusion to imagine that the vulun-
g00? Take away the caviare. Bring leers can furor a sufficient reserve to
no the mixt course. Ali, what is the army in the field. Now, under
this? this new order, we aro told that the
Waiter: Consomme, sir -soup, sir. volunteers are to be examined to find
Stomach: Virtually a meat extract, out Whether they are lit to be a 1e -
w hich, according to Dr. Bright, con- scivo fur the regular army. it is
:airs the nluxiluum of excretion pro- difficult to arrive at any conclusion
Jetts with a minimum: of nutriment. in this maze of contradictions.
A veritable poison. ARNOLD-FOI{Si'1 It'S WORK.
Waiter: Fish, sir? Salmon and
Obstet' -sauce --- In my opinion the Volunteete serve
Stomach: Salmon and lobster- admirably as a force for the defence
sauce! 15 it your design to poison of the country -the purpose for
fie? Salmon, the source or uric which they were raised, and for
[cid, according to Professor Schultz; which they may, in certain eventuul-
obster, a certain manufactory of ities, be required. For a force of
rtomuines, according to Dr. hart- this character you do not at all m-
e nd; sauce -all sauces are prohibit- quire the sane standard of physique
Id by Dr. Jay. as the regular army. As a matter of
Waiter: Whitebait, sir, sea -trout, fact. however, the voluhtetts are
d mullet- quite up to the physique of the regu-
Sto►nach: Whitebait teems with lar army, recruited us it is at pro -
wage microbes. Sca-trout, red sent. This new War Office circular is
ullet-let me see. Ah, yes; the perfectly preposterous. It can only
o famous curist Kreutznor says have been issued for the purpose of
t these fish -all fish, in fact -pro- still further worrying the volunteers,
co irritation of my lining mem- and making the service more and
sae. What is this? more distasteful. My opinion is that
atter: In English, it is lamb. sir, the Secretary of State for War, not vessel by paeans of the line attached
d asparagus and potatoes, and a being able to reduce the volunteers to it. and the stricken fish goes of
ce, by fair means, is deterl1trd to do it at a tremendous rate of speed. As
tomach: Take it away! Uric acid by a system of attrition. Ile is the soon as the fish is struck the buoy
Din! Dr. Jones forbids asparagus, worst enemy that the volunteers, tho tied to the rope which is attached
militia. and, for the matter of that,
the regular army have ever had.
Nor is that all. Mr. Arnold -For-
ster is also the hest asset that the
Opposition in Parliament possesses' Its it dashes along. In the euursc of
and they will certainly know how to
take advantage of this attempt at tone the esti tires himself so that a
the gradual destruction of the fine sailor puts out in n dory and picks
citizen army, of which (Trent Britain np the cask. Then he hauls slowly
is so proud, and which, in spite of on the rope nod gently brings his
Mr. Arnold -Forster, she means tena-
A Forster Inspect- or -General Re-
sents Critiicisnts of Arnold -
And In Some Cases He Comes Off
Quite as Well as the
Along the north Atlantic coast just
now the fishermen are having many
a teasel with the fighting swurtllish,
that remarkable denizen ut the deep,
whose head bears a long horny mass
with saw -like edges. Armed with
such a terrible weapon as this
"sword" and gifted with amazing
powers of speed, the annual has no
enemy to fear but 11100. It bus u
habit of lying quietly near the sur-
face. with its big, black dorsal lin
waving gracefully to and fro in the
air, and often the tail is almost as
conspicuous. A loan stationed on
the lookout platform at the mast-
head is watching fur the appearance
of the lin, and when it is discovered
the stecrsnhnn is warned and scuds
the vessel in the direction indicated.
Care roust be exercised by the look-
out not to lose sight of the !;mall
speck just visible to his practised
eye, as it would not be easy to pick
it up again when once lost. As
quietly as possible the vessel is run
Sometimes the lisle sees her and
quickly sinks himself out of sight.
When the bowsprit is within twenty
est family tnedic:re of the age. They
or thirty feet of it the harpooner can be taken by young or old with
hurls his weapon with a skillful and I perfect safety. They cure all kidney
ailments, and nine -tenths ,•f the
sickness of the present day springs
from bad kidneys.
Mrs. Thomas Burnley One of the
Many Who Found Health in the
Great Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Silver Water. Manitoulin Island.
Aug. 7 -(Special). -Every part of
Canada seems to be testifying to (ho
good work Todd's Kidney Pills are
doing and there is no reason why
Manitoulin Island should not do her
part. Many a roan and woman here
blesses them for aches relieved and
health restored. Take for instance
the vase of Mrs. Thomas Ituutley.
She says: -
"1 doctored for years and did not
seem to get any better. It seemed
to be lay kidneys that was the trou-
btt: so 1 tit ego. i would try Dodd's
Kidney Pills and they helped me
very much.
"1 cannot sa.v how many i have
taken for my house is never without
thent and whenever I don't feel right
I take a few. My'husband also takes
theta once in a while. 1 find them
a spleedid medicine to have handy."
1►odd's Kidney fills are the great -
power ful hand into the fish's back.
The dart dislodges itself from the
shaft, which is hauled back 10 the
ushroorns, lentils, peas, and beans.
. (lrindal advises the prudent man
abstain from fish, flesh, and fowl.
Costo is the discoverer of a most
urious principle in the potato -
ting the stomach. firing me
o of these things)
niter: -Some curried rice, sir?
tomach: Mice cannot be taken
out salt, according to Dr. Dick.
salt is banned, as 1 told you, by
niter: Try a little bread with
em►bert, Roquefort, ilrie-
teach: Cheese? Utterly condclnn-
y Fir. Folker. Bread I certainly
not touch, for it is the cause of
ligestive evils, according to herr
lens. Ilave you nothing really
nus -some natural food of elan?
iter: Dr. Walker says that nn
and a half of mature Stilton,
even ounces of -
ache 1 will have no cheese!
ay the cheese!
r: Dessert, sir?
ach: Ah, dessert! These or -
re over -ripe -forbidden by 1)r.
Henry. 'These pears are un-
-forbidden also by Dr.
. (:rapes, sir, strawberries,
-h:. Grapes? Too much sugar
use of diabetes. Strawberries?
per abundance of acid. Neutral
the alkalinity of the blood. Pine-
ino-le? A most dangerous fruit, con-
ing a powerful ferment.
niter: Black copse and a liqueur,
tomach: Certainly not! Black
'0 is anathematised by Dr.
sen. Alcohol is forbidden by
y real authority on health.
iter: Milk? .
tornado: No. 1JIIhuffed milk is the
u 1 ' of consumption. diphtheria,
hold -fever, measles. Boiled milk,
snot chink.
niter: .1 cigar, sir, or n cigarette?
t ;ntnch: 'Tobacco, nccording to
. Nicole, is an acrid poison, stupo-
ng and paralysing the nerves. No;
will not smoke. Have you 110-
img that a hungry Itni1n may con -
me without danger to health?
'niter: Well, sir, I can only sug-
t tinter.
tomach: Ah! That's nc:tier tho
k! 'Taken leisurely, in spoonfuls.
. perfectly innocuous!
a good listener.
ver worry of whine.
tudy the art of pleasing.
c frank, open, and truthful.
(ways be ready to lend a hand.
le kind and polite to everyboely.
)te self-confident but not conceited.
Lever police the cunversttti.,n.
Take a genuine interest in other
Iltlwnys look on the bright side of
'fake pninS to remember names and
Kcver cri1iriee or see unkind things
ook for the good in others, not
1r their
Forgive and forget 'imJuries, but
wer forget benefits.
to the (tart is thrown overboard.
Then nwny it soils, sometimes out of
sight and at other times skimming
the water and making the fonts fly
ciously to preserve.
catch to the top. 1f the fish is ugly
there is opportunity for a lot of
trouble. When brought near enough
With regard to sonic of the clauses he is lanced until deed. The vessel
at -
of the new circular, it is empty ribs Meltis then run alongside, the tackle surd to say that then over forty -live hoisted h,o els mouth and the fish
are not efficient. Some of the best hoisted aLnnrd.
of the volunteers, and those who When angered, the swordfish. owing
keep the corps together, are the older (to its great strength and terrible
men, with years of ripe experience weapon, is able and anxious to in -
behind them. We had wiser methods �flict serious dnntrege upon its persc-
in former days, and instituted medals 1 rotors. Many instances;have been
for long service in orderto keep isreported where it loos attacked ves-
volunteers in the ranks as long as ;'
els and hoots. in 1871 the nglish
possible. 1 ship Queey nsberrwas struck I':ley a
The most preposterous require- , swordfish, the sword p:•netrat ing to
ment of the new circular is that the' 11 (lepthof thirty inches. causing a
volunteer should have sound teeth. leak which made nccessary the
In the case of a ratan called out fort DIN IlAlita: OF 'I'lll: CARCO.
the defence of the country such a One of the Gloucester fishing schoon-
condition can only excite derision. leen. while on n trip to George:s
Any Winn of sound body, who shootshlllt.nks in 187.1, was attacked by a
well and is active and intelligent-'swordlish in the night time. Ile as -
even if he has some slight physical'8ailed the vessel with great force,
disability -is a most valuable esset;nnd succeeded in puffing; his sword
fort the ofthe u h country . No1
one who has had any practical mill -{through one of the planks some two
tare experience would throw away) feet, and, after sinking fearful strIig-
thu services of :ach a man. yI'glen to extricate himself, l•roke the position nt. Scarborough. She hall Indian rulers, the new building will
»word oR, leaving it hard mud fast held the office for seven years and almost throughout be decorated in
AT.'Tlsll1''I' 'PO 11FS'1'I{O1', i in theepinnk, end made a speedy de- during that time had had 708 f� European style.
The request that officers in corn- I+art»re. Even with the sword in. the male prisoners in her charge. All round this vast palace of de-
mand of volunteer districts should vessel leaked badly, requiring pretty Herring fishermen at Yarmouth are light «•iii run a spacious verandah
furnish information ns to whether !it-e.ly pumping to keep her free. Tho having a hard time, and many of the with marble floors, supported by blue
they have any units which are con- brig P M. Tinker in 187(1 was struck steamers have not taken enough fish Canadian marble columns, and the
Mitered incflicient, and which should by 0 swordfish, The sword man- lately to pay their coal bills. Three
bo disbanded or nmalgnmale(1 with 1 entrance hall will be paved with blue
be dier cords, seems nl he an indica-
the copper shenthing, a four- herrings represented the entire catch and white marble, the colors of the
tion to these officers that it would inch birch plank, and through the of a hunt one night. Maharajah. There will be fourteen
bo very agreeable to the War 011ier,
timbers about six inches -in all Mr Richard Croker, the famous state rooms. many of them over -
if they reported in this sense; and in
about ten inches. The crew had to "boss" o. Tammany hall, has de -
some cases the hint will probably be ip'hulPsteadily until port was tided not to live in England, prefer -
taken. This is only another proof of reached. - ring the Emerald Isle. Ilis beauti-
the determination of 111r. Arnold- + ful Berkshire estate, the Manor of
Forster to destroy gradually the vol- .1.1N1•:1"`•S GOOD REASON.
unteer forces. In fact, I have heard A Scotch divine, who was a bitch -
it said I,y people who would like to lur, and abuse nriulsc teas in the
see the volunteers disappear, that B
Occurrences in the Land Tnat
Reigns Supreme in the Com.
mercial World.
Of the 194,086 aliens landed in
England last year, 05,463 were
brought by British and 99,523 by
foreign ships.
Mr. W. Seeger Berry has been ap-
pointed solicitor to the London
County Council at a salary of 11,-
200 per annum, increasing to LI. -
The Rev. Canon Thompson, D.'D.,
rector and chancellor, has had the
honor of presenting t► copy of his
"History and Antiquities of South-
wark Cathedral:' to the King.
On Wednesday night 129 students
f u e soap!" You've heard
the wore?'. In Sunlight
Soap you have the fact,
Als( ter the Octagon Bar.
Will Leave London for India
on October 18th.
It 111154 110W been definitely arranged
for the Prince and Princess of Wales
to leave London for their tour in
India on Wednesday, October 18, and
to join H.M.S. Renown at Genoa
two days Miler. Their suite will
leave Portsmouth in the battleship
on October 10, their Itoyul i(igh-
nesses being accompanied on their de-
parture front London only by an
equerry and the Prince's private sec-
It is expected that the Prince and
Princess will witness some evolutions
by the Mediterranean fleets under
Lord Charles Beresford before con-
tinuing their voyage to the Fast.
The landing should take place on
Thursday, Noventber9, the King's
birthday, and also the date of his
Majesty's landing in India thirty
years ago. Two or three officers of
the Indian army will be attached to
the I'rince's stat throughout the
Do Not Delay. -When, through debili-
tated digestive organs, poison finds its
way into the blood, the prime consider.
anion is to get the poison out as rapid-
ly and as thoroughly as possible. De-
lay may mean disaster. I'armelee's
Vegetable Pills will be found a most
valuable and effective medicine to as-
sail the intruder with. They never
fall. They go at once to the seat of
tiro trouble and work a permanent cure.
Gorgeous Splendors of an Eastern
There is now in the North-West
Punjab a royal palace which for
beauty and splendor will eclipse any
similar building in Delia, the coun-
try already so rich in monumental
treasures, says the London Daily
It is the new winter palnce of his
Highness the :Maharajah of Kaput•-
thaln, and its total cost, it is anti-
cipated, will not be far short of
were "called to the Bar" at the four "It will be a dream in blue and
Inns of Court. There were 41 at white marbel," was the terse but pic-
the Inner Temple, a(i each at the turesque description given of tho
Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn and building yesterday by a gentleman
16 at Gray's Inn. intimately connected with its con -
It was decided by the London struction, "and the designers," ho
County Council recently to seal an adde•l, "might we:1 have based their
agreement. with Mr. Drury, A.It.A., plans upon the gorgeous palaces
for the design, modelling and cast- which appear only in the pages of
Ing of eight bronze panels for Vaux- the 'Arabian Nights.' "
hall bridge, to cost .1:1,200 each. Despite the ftlnuus speech of Lord
one wo
Mrs. Ness, of the four men Curzon in «hich he deplored the fact
in the country who me sworn police
that Tottenham Court road art was
constables. has just retired from her ousting native art in the palaces of
their "raison d'etre" is past because keeping of an old housekeeper called
they were raised nt n time ellen in- •lane!, was constantly annoyed by
vasion was proposed by France, the fact that the good dame always
nod that this state of things no fell fast asleep as 80011 ns he enter-
ed exists, Anything more puerile ''d the pulpit. whereas she kept wide
I find difficult to imagine. It scents awake WIlehlever n stronger was the
preacher. One
to me just. like stopping the issue_ clay he 8u11rntoned
ance of your house because it Was cuurnge to the sticking 1 t, and
once in danger of being burnt dotes.
;tackled the old lady 0n the subject.
"Jame," said he, "ye ken when I
!preach you're utmost always fist
(asleep before I've eel] g,i1011 out my
text; but when any of these young
Tho best medicine in the world to! men from St. Andrew's preach ter
off f ntanel- complaints is 111(.. I see you never sleep a wink.
Baby's Own Tablets, and it Is the. Now, that's What 1 "II not using
best medicine to cure 111(.111 if they ' lie as 31)11 should d0.''
attack little ones unexpectedly. At "110,,1, sir," was the reply; "is
the first sign of illness during the that n'? I'll soon (ell ye the reason
hot weather give the child Ilaby's of that. When you preach, we 11'
Own Tablets, or in a Bee hours the kers the word of axil Is safe in your tears up many yards of road in an
trouble may be beyond cure. 'These hands; but when time young 'birkle's h(+tlh'•
R long-standing obstacle to the
Tablets cure all stomach troubles, I freer use of the Post Office Savings
diarrhoea occasionally
and givenrta ithentellum, and !freer
is withdrawn. Now and hence -
will prevent them. Mrs. Edward forth a depositor will he allowed to
Clark. McGregor, Ont., says: "1 withdraw any stns up to LI without
used Baby's Own Tnhlets for my lit- previous notice un producing the Shows He Knew What Food to
tie girl who suffered from colic and deposit book at any one of the 15. -Stick To. until the very last moment.
00(1 post (Mee savings (ranks in the Mother l:rnvev w'nnn Exterminator
r satisfying the post- forwarding n photo of n splenditlly
kingdom. rind sat isfy u g p bas uo ei nal far devlrovin warns in
g( 1 f(
master that he is entitled to re- handsome and healthy young buy, n ctlildrtn and adults. tiew that you get
looking a beautiful courtyard and
garden:;, where fountains will play
among the foliage.
The durbur hall alone of all the
Ant w ick, is announced to be sold. chambers will be decorated in Indian
At North {Wales Calvinistic Meth- style. Adjoining it will be the state
salon, in the style of Louis XIV.,
and the English dining -room of
Charles 11. period. The many other
rooms in the palaces will exemplify
the hest repreventntive periods of
English and French art. The erec-
tion end decoration is being carried
out by Messrs. 1Vnring and (allow,
Limited. and will occupy about two
years marc•.
So far ns sanitary arrangements,
ventilation, and lighting are con-
cerned it will be equal to nny build-
ing in the world. All fittings, fur-
niture. carpets, wall papers, cur-
tains, panels, tiles, marble, etc., rv-
(•r;ything of the finest procurable will
be taken front this (menlrV, aid the
kitchens. the fitting of which will
cost 525,000, will, it is stated, be
second to none in the world.
Rejoice ns genuinely in esteher's
success its in your own.
.. -- 4 --
',dist Association they resolved that
Dotal abstinence should be made a
condition of church membership and
that the church's otlieces, ministers
and deacons shout(' be total abstain-
ers from intoxicating drinks.
Lord Clinton's Ashburton estate,
including the public hall end market
buildings, with pannier and cattle
market and fair tolls, together with
the lordship of the manor of Ash-
burton end joint lordship of the
borough, has been sold for £23,000.
About 500 laborers e'nployed ou
the roads in Plaistow renrched to
Stratford Town 11al1 to demand that
the use of labor-saving nin(11inery by
the contractors who are building the
electric trnrnwnys there be discon-
tinued. 'I'he;y fruitlessly objected to
such machines ne the eenrifer, which
tak' It in hand -tee certiel but it
ta's us a' to look after them."
Wife -"1 made n big !etch of these
rakes to -day." Ilanb0►.'1-"You (11d
indeed, dear!" Wlfc "i tow do you
know how big a butch 1 made?"
1luvlulnil-"Oh, i thought you Bald
voice th.' money.
"Why do 3(.11 tip the waiter?" nsk-) •
et' the 111.111 V.11 11 the nine-silly-iivo! ADAP'rtlliL1'rl'.
Should be Rich. Strong and Full Flavored.
Mor than medicine is a steaming cup of
A telegrapher earns from
$540.00 to $1800.00 a
year. Do you? If not, let
us qualify you to do so.
Our free telegraph book
explains everything. Write
for, it to -day.
s Adelaide St. Ea 1, Toronto, Ont.
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and North
Western Ity, will sell from Chicago,
rouud trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco. Los Angeles, Portland,
Ore. (Lewis h Clarke Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria. Vancouver at very
tow rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points in Canada.
Choice of routes, best of train ser
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return limits. Rates. folders and
full information can be obtained
from 11, P. Bennett, General Agent,
2 East King St.. Toronto, Ont. 81
Mr. Tuwxem, the orator of the
evening, exhausted his topic, no
"No," answered
"only his audience."
Miss Cayenne,
Some persons cavo periodical attpeks
of Canadian cholera, dysentry or diar-
rhoea. and have to use great p,;cau-
tions to avoid the disease. Change of
water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure
to bring on the attacks. To such per-
sons wo would recommend Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as being
the Lest medicine In the .market for all
summer complaints. If a few drops are
taken in water when the symptoms are
noticed no further trouble will be ex-
These rules should be framed and
hung up in the library: -
Newer hold a book near a fire.
Never chop a book on the floor.
Never turn leaves with the jhumb.
Never lean or rest upon un open
Never touch
soiled herds.
Always keep
Never pull a book from the shelf by
the binding at the top, but by the
Never touch a book with a (lamp
cloth nor with a sponge in any
Never place another book, or any-
thing else, upon the leaves of en
open book.
Never rut- dust from books, but
brush it off with a soft dry cloth or
Never close a book with n pencil, a
pad of paper or anything else to-
toren the leaves.
Never open a book further than to
!bring bo;11 sides of the cover in the
' same plane.
Always keep books of value out of
the reach of children and in a clean
dry place.
Always keep a borrowed book cov-
ered with a paper cover while in your
Never cut the leaves of n book or
magazine with a sharp knife, ns the
edge is sure to run into the print.
a book with damp or
your place with a thin
A (food Name is to be I'rired.-There
have been imitations of i)r. Thomas'
1?electric Oil which may have been in-
jurious to its good name. but it NO,
the injury has only been temporary.
(Sootiness must always come to the
front awl throw into the shadow that
which is worthless. .Mu it has been
with 1•:rte.-tne Oil; no mutation can
maintain itself against the genuine ar-
THE GIRF;A'l' TI{OU11L1•:,
All things luny come
T11 those who wait,
Bet when they do
'1 hcv're out of date,
Lever's V -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder Is better than
other powders, as it is both soap and
Procrastination may l•e the thief of
time, but every tern puts 03 dying
Cultivate health, and thus radiate
bowel troubles and 1 found thein the
most sat isfactory incdici"t• i ever
rength and courage. %tric•(1," 'Phis is the experience I f all
Always be considrrnte of the rights mother% who hate used 11)1.5 me.ii-
11(i feelings of others. cine. Keel) the 'I'nh!els in the hems
il:, ,' n good time. but never lot during the bet weather months end
1n desemIerate Onto license. you can feel that yam. children are
Ilat'e a kind word and a cheery,
Safe. :(old by all druggists or sent
Immerging senile for everyone. by tail at 35 cents a box by writ -
Learn to control yourself under the V
big the lh , tl'llliums' Medicine Co.,
rest trying circumr•trancea
Il yl Brockville. Ont.
Ire renpe('thul 10 women. 0rld chiv-
!rous in your attitude to«nrd them.
'Meet. trouble like a nips, and cheer -
ally endue.. %%het you can't :tar
11.licv1 fn the brotherhood of (t.nn,
d recognir(' nu class gist incl tuna,
lee not be self-etpinioeatcd, but Us-
ed!' deference to the opinions of
•,•err utter witticisms at the risk
i;iving pain ll bartAsne someone's
O 0mint item td energetic, hat once attended n In,171111, at. %% it n
e' enori t
ase stns rose and said he ir.ten,.e eI to
anotiree ye melt at the ext slxak. that hitherto he had been
{r' n. courteoes And ngrecaelr to prevented fr(,m spc0king in publie
ar inferiors as you are to your by his wife, bait that she being dead
tats anti superinrq. he should speak With free ion). "Ile
10 not bore people by telling !hent . did so," added the c•lereyonan. •wail
g, tedious stork , or by continu_ l it was not long before evetry1one:est In
✓ /lentMg en your own ntTni s.- I the lhnf ke nt'iwif' tla9tl I.,'1hat Of fel11:I
son Swett Norden in "Successfriend.'I
I{F:Ai, V:11,C]':.
31•. Nervey-"hiss Boxley, I ndore
you. 11i11 you not he my wife?"
Miss Huxley (haughtilyi-"'fhe btu
0f your proposing to a fire 1,1 illy
station! You should kno« better."
11t'. Nervy -"1 do, but not richer.'
A venerable eters-ynton said tint he
happy mother writes from an Ohio the genuine when purchasing.
"The enclosed picture shows my 4 1{i:PfARKAI(LE SUNDIAL.
oo mit and the rotund front. "lie's 1dn ►ttthilily';, soils aro act to catch y'vnr old (kept -Nuts boy. At the i•:titnw eatrnn':e to Druid
better off than you are. he owes an
1 "Since he was 2 years old he has 11i11 Park. ilaitirmore, stands one of
nnv wind that. hluws.
i automobile." "if he does" replied eaten nothing but (:reps -Mule. Ile the most rema•kuble sundials in the
I'n the 1)18,1 «•nth ndfr'tnlnon 0n
the man with n comfortab:e lily- emergr„ev is 00 overt „ie. demands end gels this food three world. The time in inilr}v pnrts of
duv.•n coling, "he mesh's the 11101103•" ,W(iiteta:iility is the at nits; to adapt times 0 4103. This may seem rather ti -the world is shown 0,hcr(.vcr the elm
yourself quickly to unexpected emelt-
- unusvnl. het he docs not care for f 1t shining. 1t is easily pos:title al -
lions anything .•.,e after he has eaten his 1must el first glance to rend the time
nnupta,uity is always ready, is !:rapt -Ruts, which he uses with milk within two of three minutes, while
never taken at n short: is the great ''r cream, and thin he is through
.:-•htning cl:o art -'1, n;td Cites with his meal. 1•:ven on l'hanksgly- enabled the correct lilac to be read
• s hopel-ssness into victorv, , Mg 'Day he refused turkey and all to the minute. The base is of carved
cenrral in battle. n s'nt"antnn in the geed things that makeup that le retie. Theinn( •tun•'nt wire pre-
, ;;ac, or a financier 118ndling large (-rent !linnet, and me his dish of sente.t to the park by Pelee 11an!l-
tou. who dcsigeed and made it en-
tirely with his (Wo 1.1, ''s.
closer aequ:aintar.re with the dial
:ceps tees, 11ilhot:t the nlnlity tu:Grape-Nuts mid cream with the best
readily wino, himself to suddenly; results and none of the evils that
changed eonditi,•t s -is n misfit. ; the other foolish 111.•11lhers of
When one (thin fails the man with the family experienced,
,,loptntion Lots 49 untried others. • "ile is never sick. loos n henttt iful
GRIEATi:.ST 111111 (:E SPAN.
The longest span of 0;:y 1•i'i''j..,• vie
1.,1itliig. • c•omplezion, and is conl(Idered a very erected will be placed In the tem 1I-
1'' t Militate), inc: is meant cq an • hnndsome bey. May the Post u11i lever bridge now under a:n't rection
neo.' :hn for 01.11 Who aro without: Company propser and :ong conti•me across the :tet. i.nwrel•ce (liver of
:aeluptability. 'to furnish their whc:lesome feed!" Quebec'. This bridge is 1•eing con-
es I Mnmo given by Postutn Co., Battle . st l uct((1 with two apps • ee '.1 hr,^.f.+i : of
On the railways of the United: Creek, lfich � 210 feet each, two eh( : . : )O
Kingdom there is one leconnotive and There's a reason. Read the Is! 11'• • lett in length, rc.,t 0 5. t ::l
thirty-six vehicles per mile of the book, •"1•11e hood to Welly,:te," in span o' 1,Rtt:) fe,' , . •-
bas.!' ievt.ry pkg. est yet bunt by .' , .
Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed
While ti as ling in Mexico 1 discover-
ed a drug wh.clt rcaoves hair from
face, anus, neck, or any part of the
burly instantly and permanently. so
will scuff to any one afflicted without
any expense but a postage stamp.
Don't judge spy Ueat men t by unsuccess-
ful attempts of others. 1 have suffered
for years with this arttiction and now
my lire's work .is to help others Froin
this humiliating trouble. My treat-
ment in easy and accomplished at house.
anti 1 wiN forfeit $5U( if it fails to
remove hair. !,alai suffer longer. Re-
lief is now youi s for the asking. Write
note lest you forget my address.
1)Ulto'1'11' lit,\c'K, I+:10 North Six-
teenth Street, Philadelphia, I'a.
FAIumm AT A1111)1(11•:, Al.I1r'r)'rA-
1:59S acres -22 nines north Of
e algary; 3 miles from Airdrie railway
depot; convenient to church, schools.
stures, etc.; splendidly situated; magni-
ficvnt vice'; first-class soil; good water
supply; up-to-date improvements; well-
built, house of eight rooms, titled with
all modern conveniences and drainage
systetr,; stable, cattle sheds, betray
sled, workshop, corrals, etc.; good
fences, all new and substantial; will be
sold as a going concern, with stock,
crops, machinery. tools and house fur-
nishings); thin farm Is all plowable, and
is especially adapted forrowing hard
fall wheat and for !nixed farming. 1.141
particulars on medication to (tray
Brox., Airdrie, Alta.
happiness begets health. Buy a
farm in the celebrated Noose Mountain)
District where everyone is prosperous.
and crop failures unknown. Carlyle le
fourears old; has five elevators, with
capacity of 200.000 bushels. The men
who built theta knew their business.
They are filled every season. The D.
C. McFee Land Co. of Carlyle, Asaini-
bola, have 200,000 acres of improved
and unimproved farm lands for sale in
this district. They solicit your corres-
pondence. Further information and
particulars cheerfully given.
sall OodlILid es
rsee heseatle bat place Is
Protect Your Proporty
FXI, ,45.11
A dry p wrier put ap 1■ mrt'tl tutee., 21
Inch -.Ion. It will met, Mir ea tinmi, . the
most hmnon, flim ,• nt .o,.1 or ole. Pri•n. 9300
each. $30 W dor Write for •1 •,-r..tive cin^ui,r
The Diamond Dry Powder Fire AtENrs
extinguisher Oa., Taranto, Ont. WANTED
P11l'tresq (to co•)k)-"four moor,
Mary, and my daughter's being the
same makes matters so neul,at con-
fusing. How do you like, nay. the
name of Bridget?' Cook -"Shure,
mum, nn' ft's n.,t mesilf that's par -
Heider. 0l'nt within to rail the
young icddy anythin' yez loike."
Thos. Sabin of 1•:glington, says: "1
have removed len t•or11s from III feet
with tlniloway's Cern Cure." ;Reader
go thou nett do likewise,
"1 nm proud to say that my
grandfather made his !nark in the
world," observccl Mrs. Newt iche.
"Well, 1 suppose he wasn't the only
roan in those days who couldn't
write his sane," replied Mrs. Upp-
Prevent disorder. -At tho first avrnp.
tome of Internal disorder. l'nrinelre'a
%eketable fill; !huuld lot resorted to
Immediately Two or three of these
salutary pellets, token before going to
bed, folluwetl try dose., of one or two
pilin for two ar three nights in succes-
sion, will terve an u preventive of at-
tacks of dvsl•c1pvin and all tho discom-
fort. which follow in the train of that
fell disorder. The means aro simple
when the way is known.
Itohhy-"is every word in this dic-
tionary, ion?" 1'cc'.icy-"Oh, no tory
child. 1;tery little while a new 1.ord
conies Into the Inn,nnge." Bobby -
"Where the latest word, pa?" I'eck-
Ie -"Ynur Hitt will 1(11 you. RShe
nl'•tltcs hiss the last !curt:."
..R.r.a..,..0111Mm +
Summe:i Croup
A r elp.- es•s i 1e a d.'n:'r
for the little f•.::•. in sernnr:r tic,!•. '11.,•
fever that P"• .,mivtni a it 15 11.t1/1c to
cautsserious eine.... (eta the:a
Con5ump tiot
CureThe 1 -un;
It Toric
11 1. ; :cavtt,t to take. will cure •'-- 1
q'i Li, end b)A ro unpleutnnt lets
/.1 i! 4!' r(tv,230,100and 11.00ab"tt1•.
ISSUE NO. 32-0).