HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-17, Page 5A 1$ Asa 'I'El1. r AE'i ► R TIM';,_ 6, AUGusT 17th I905. Cedar Posta A large quantity of Cedar Posts for sale of the best quality. Aust be sold M once. We would be pleased to quote you our prices on any Building material you may require. We can supply you with. Sash and Door Frames, Lumber, Lath & Shingles on shortest notice In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- ers with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and t ee the wood we have for sale. Just the kind you require for summer cooking. The Ros-TdlllOr G0. LtIl. M+++ -H -P++++++++1++++++++; Notice To Farmers and the Public in General As the fall is coming on now gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, H3rse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for them. Farm Implements We are dealers in all kinds of farm- ing implements and below we give a partial list of what we have in stock. Buggies from $OO up, Waggons from $44 up, Binders, Mowers, Hay Tedder., Sulky Plows. See Our flay Loaders and Side Rake We have several Washing Machines sled Wringers that we will sell cheap. Incubator's and Brooder". A tew secondhand Buggies and Waggons to be sold cheap. BISSETT & JOHNS Largest Show Rooms, Exeter. CREDITON Roller Mills Oristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. H. Sweitzer FOR SALE - Lut 8, ('on. 3, (' A. borne. 100 acres. all under cul- tivation, 2 wells. On t he property is a frame house, zootl bank Karn. one frame barn. For further par- tieulare apply to .Tv. Encery, Exeter P. 0. CASTOR 14 The Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, and which has been is use fi►r over 30 years, has borne the signatltre tlf and has been made under his per. sonal supervision since its Infbney. "./5°9:46e.Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Ezperienoe against Experiment. What is CASTO R I A Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. si It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Diarrhoea and Wind Constipation regulates the giving natural sleep. Friend. substance. and allays Colic. It and Flatulency. Stomach Tho Children's Its age Feverishness. relieves and It Teething assimilates cures Troubles, Food, and cures It Bowels, GENUINE the Panacea -Tho healthy Mother's CASTOR IA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You gage Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The Caa7a•w C•a1PN17. 77 11.109111111111 sTwaar, waw/ VOW( •rTT. I MIIIDIC/AL t1TW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. • P. s„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and residenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY. GRADUATE Toronto University. Former House Surgeon to Toronto Western Hospit'il. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night ' OS ll at ogles. DENTAL - ANL H, DR Q.R.'' L1iI. D. NS AN. L. antotD. 8. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate Toronto ext ctt extracted :pain or bad atter Meet'. Omee In Fan - son's block. West dde off Main west.' Exeter' DA- ANSEI$ON, (B. D• $. L-O•i- DHNTIBT. Honor Graduate of tie Toronto University and Royal College of Dental 8ntgeon Os with honors Also Post-gnate School et Prosthetic Dentistry ( th laonora it mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession dose in th& caldoe. Brides work. crowns, al- tumlnum, gold gni videesd_ to plate' all dose in Vastest manner le. A perfectly less anaesthetic used for painless extrao- OIDoe one door south of Gamic.re's dors 'sitter. T111{\. APPEAL 1'O 01 It 4YMi'A- i iiu:s Tlir bilines 1111,1 11) .111 pI i arc ron- at.lnt .,if( ,vi -i and appeal to nor Aynipro hies. There i= not one of 1 tete. however, tt lin may not 114 11 1-1.11:1,; .•irk 444 11••;,111 it'•1 Iii .pi- ne.I uv t he it- of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver T,.,lelt. These tablet., invigorate 111e it nlllae)I and liver 11141 Al renzthell clic digeatimt. They iI.O reznla141 the enacts. ret- ail•• 1n Exeter by \\ s. i IONEY TO LOAN We have unlimitedvateu y N set upon farm or o lOwee .te. o[ intense.ICKSON & CARLING nONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount elf wail low ate tam Mut ea faand village properfie. of interest. (MADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors. Kale Bt. Easter DICKSON a CAR Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, ��aesest Commisdon�s, Solicitors for (Mere Yol•oas Bank. Ere. Mossy to Leas at fewest rates of latereat. OFFICK -MAIN STREET. EXETER. t. M. C RLING a. A. r. s. D1CKSO1r THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer, wills drawn, money to loan on real estate. also Licensed Auctioneer for the counties fof Huron and Perth. Charges residence, Faarrtquh•ders r will at echeivTimes pr mpt at tion. C ,.THE BLOOD IS TIIE LIFE Owing to faulty actions of the kid- neys and liver. the :)food occon,es filled with disease germs that im- peril health. The first warning is a backache, dizziness, headache and lack of vital energy. Ac, quickly if you would avoid Ihe terrinle :'ave ;es of chronic kidney complaint. Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to -day ; • ]fey cure kidney and liver complaint for all time. No medicine relives so promptly, nothing in the tvorld of medicine cures moro thoroughly. For good olood. clear complexion, healthy appetite. the proper treatment is It). Itamilton's 1'ills, 25e. per rox al all dealers. `AST YIKAR'S Silk Waists or Clothss seem like brand new when cleaned with $APO -REN -O "IT EVAPORATIS" Odorless Non•pol.0000a Non-1nSammable Works wonders beyond belief ea the coarsest and finest of fabric., carpets or delicate draw goods. K11N All germs in carpets. eta ttteeaeta all dot Rooftree cetera bike neer Reetews the owing All in a few momenta fora few coots and 5 cbild can do 11, wlth SAP -O -REN -O Makes OM things new wad removes grease and stair, from new things. Ask your grocer for nap-o-rsn-o. The Mtu*Ynan & Teeter Oe. Tweets) THE SUMMER SCHOOL TW Meetings at Grand Bend were s Splendid Success. ransfer of License On August 6U, the Exeter I)i_tr;ct closed a very successful bummer School. Leaguers and Sunday school workers, who attended this. the first summer school held in our district. feel that we are not only richer in jiblical and missionary knowledge, out that the btessin;e and inspira- tion received durie; the various ses- sions, will bo incentives to more earnest work for Christ. Large congregations gathered,each day. in the tent provided for the services. The mornings were taken up with the following :-1. Bible studies: Tuesday, "Fait h," by Mrs. Sul cliffe, Coroett. Wednesday, "Abraham" by Rev, 8. J. Alain, Parkhill. 'Thursday "let Epistle of John," Rev. A. II. Goin;, 13, A., Exeter. Friday. "Amos," by Rev. J. W. Baird. B. A., Sarnia. H. League studies: "Heart of Japan." Boston league; ''Korean Sketches," Kirkton league; ";'lcas- ures of Life." fart I. Exeter league,, (Main street), Part) II, Exeter league (James street); "Electricity and. Magnotisin," Itev. S. J. Alain. On 1 Wednesday "The Morning Watch" al 6.30 was well attended. The ser- vice was oonduoted by Mrs. Sutcliffe I'residont. Those who gathered for the 'Quiet Hour' went away with zeal etron;thened, christian bonds made stronger and greatly refreshed and blessed. On Friday morning Mr. Liddicoatt, London, ;ave a preparatory lesson on "Andrew, Simon Peter's brother" Many good pointe were ,gathered :)y his hearers. All the afternoons were to have been lett free for recreation, social intercourse, etc.. but ns we were nnmowhat crowded with pro- gram. 3)r. Ewan took ono 1 o explain t he many curio,( which he end from China. and Rev. 3. W. Baird, 13. A., Sarnia, also Iook an afternoon t giro a report of the Denver conven- tion, am Remo expressed a desire to hear it. The evening sessions were full of interevi. The following look part : I)r. Ewan, a medical missionary, home from China on furlou;h, was full of information on the country and its prnnlenle. iii,' descriptions of (:lancne life, habits. customs &c, and Ilia explanations of the 'Chinese Cot ion' acre inlensly inteteat ing and name present would have liked to have missed hearing hint or I.ccornin; acquainted with biro. Mr. Ozawa 0 Japanese student, in Toronto, preparing to ee 0 mission - 0!) ill ilia own rountry. was 3y no means the leas) inlcrestin; speaker al our •:cbool. 111.a talk on "flow I .)ccault. a convert from 13uddbiem to (:Ilristianily," was 14011 worth hear- ing. His in•tCnse earneatnesi was 441(11!:te gel in all his addressee, and ,y hit cordial, pleasant manner dur- tn; to l int talks, ho necame a favorite 0110111 the leaguers. Mim:, Porter, of Toronlo, author cif "11elps for Leaders," gave a couple of iliorl talks. Itcv. Oliver Darwin, ane of Ihe Su- perintendents of our Norllt West missions, tr bre has spent about 21 yea rel in ser weal y ria tt ork. ;ave um very hell met ivc addresses. 'Ile i•t lu'i.t111. and :genial. a very enthusias- tic npeakcr anal as lie under,'tands 11i.i pork 1,otou�Dly 1i(t ss iM prepare: In mita• 111l144 itis jrrl in n very 1,1114111e1414 11k1: 411.141ner. Mr. 1.111(11C(r11 1 ;ave 't:, t'ely ttiter- eetin; and instructive. talks 1111 vari- 1 411 bible characters. Al Ihe close of the Friday even- ing'm meeting. 114.v. .1. W. (laird, Sarnia, ;:ivr us lantern vie tea of Colorado rind also several illustrated hymns: nark of Arce, Ninety and Kine, holy City, Load Kindly Light. I,nrd is Aly Shepherd, Abide with Me. Thr I:,III' „bio :111 : un r .,y -111e iudr.m^. 'this 1%a14 an rs1ri and very !Mort) enjoyed try .411. On i sIHi day a(term on 111 441144- 420144 of 1110 elisl l"Irl tt a, I ran: anted. '1'hn billowier officer,. ..r.e sleeked: Hon. Prem., Rev. A. 11. Goin.z, II. A.. Exeter, .lames sireel ; •'1es. ltev, 1.. Ilarl let I, Woodham : .1.0. Vice• NOTICE is here).y riven 1Irat 1 :t- bc1lt \Virg t, of the Vilblre 44' \t'oodlia s made application fu permission to transfer her tavern license for the premises in 1 h Vil- lage of \\'oodhatit known :1;4 1Iie � o o[ , \ r . Undone n, \Voodhartt hotel I , .1 . I Stratford, and any objection to Ihe transfer of 1 ho licen.e must he made to the License Inspector. Win. Ital- lantyne, Seafolth, sol 1.11er than the Inc Osborne and Hibbert 22nd of August. 1905. Farmers Mutual Fire Incur- J. A. GREGORY ante Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice•Pree.:- J. A. t O1IRIS P. O. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W. H. PASS 1ORE, FARQUHAR P.O. W M. ROY. BORINHOLM P. 0. 1. L. RUSSELL, RUOSELDALIC P. O. AGENTS. 1. CARMICHARL., STA YEA. ON'r. A. DUNcAY FARQUHAR, ONT. J. Wtl soN, FUL ARTON, Orr. I. S. GILFILL.A'r, NT B. W. F. BEAVERS. Socv•-Treas. Farquhar. (:L\I)\i.\N .vd STAN 'SPRY, Solicitors 1 Q IIORTIIOiIN8 FOlt SALE - The Oh" undersigned has for sale on ' Let 16. Can. 2. Hay. n number of up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls. They :ire of the low 110.1 blocky type, dark red in color and of ehoicc breeding. They are nll elig- ible for registration, and will M. sold reanotelhly. - .Tohn • Elder, filen,'all P. 0. ILEAL ESTATE BILOKEii North Itattleford. Sask. Seven years experience in Western Laude Selected Lands for sale in block or single sections from $8 per .acre up. These lands are situated in the famous 8a.akatchewan Valley, the garden of hitt ('an.•tdinn Northwest, Mon; either the matin line of the Canadian Northern Railway or the survey of dig, Grand Trunk Pacific. 1. Twenty years aro Dakota lands mold for z;( ;,n acre. 2. Today they are setie's; for $50 to $89 an acre. 3. Three years ago \1'eatcrn Cons- dian lands Tepid for $3 an nere. 4. To -day they aro 'telling for $8 to $25 an acre. 5. in three years snore lands will again double in value. 6. Why inve t your money nt 5 cent r Don't wait lief 114q-§ are ru'hin; 1)uy 0 mrct ion or 1 w'o now, then car afford to %tett while it grows into money. Correspondence invited References:.-1'nion Bank of Canada, Winniper, :and Mnl•nn1+ Bank, Exeter, Ont. per 7. in. you To Cure a Cold in One Day TMs aTak. Bravo Q 1e TaMlits. V� . ��irsvt� bevery ox. nee. Rake tiros bssss mid Is psi 13 sows This 1'ret., Air. Mil 1on Swett zer, Wood• Naini ; 2nd V. 1'.. Miss Jennie Mille, (Irani un ; Ard V. 1'., !ley. 8..1. Alain, ,. V. \v .c• J. An- drews. • 4111 1 . Rev. Parkhill drews. (•reiIiton ; 5111 V, 1'., Miss V. Ma Pm 11:111. hirklnn; Sccrel:iry, Miss May (1111, Exeter ; Treasurer, Miss Mae W ikon. Greenway ; Conference IrI.rugaeretnl 've iev T. Sutcliffe. S. T. n In+ I The fullest% i0 ; re.olul ions were a • 1lmpled:- • 1. Resnlvd•.I 111.11 in harmony tilt) 111.1 action of the rel itinr executive, we 'Infielder that 110m S. S. to our ('nnvenl ion. -Carried. Whereas in the jud;men t of 11111 convention Ilse present a'•ran•3o- 1110111 fur Ilse 'uppo. 1 of Bev. .T. L. Stewart. 11. A., has necnmplished its purpnsn and ihat Ihe Bine line ar- rived it lien a rnnlinnanec of This rra11;oind•nt is 111 Ise ,lelrimental to the hest interests ref the work nt lar;.' :1m1 e.,pec;ally •,f the work up- lift 1 he four districts concerned, and tt here 11 tic 1 ',Neve 1 ha t the eoncen• 4rathill of 11io tnerzics of this din- t riri upon the support of its own missionary t• mild lwori,IO such an irtcenaive ns would result in great- ly increased livings In mis1ion..., we recommend this entire question referred to the Dtislonary ilea rd rat its next meeting. in 1lte holm Hitt it' •rnay Dec 1151 way clear In ippoin•t A PROMJNENT MERCHANT OF MONTRE if yoe, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epleps7, St. Vitas' Dance, er Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseas.: to Tns Ltttato Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggisu gel l of can obtain for you LE161Q/S FITCURE Sean tki A NIT119 CO let ole leanof Says: "I Believe Peruna Has No Equal. Pours-na b a Systemic Catarrh 'Comedy, Especially Valuable to the Declining Powers of the Older People. In old ado the mucous membranes be- come thickened and partly lose their function. This leadb to partia1 lora of hearing, smell and taste, as well as tlieeestivo dis- turbances. orre(ts all :lila by it t 'Twine all the mucous seetub:auca Peru opersti of the Ono bot ill convince any one. Once used and runs becomes a life-long stand-by with old and young. Mr. Charles S. Benotsaon, TrneedaB, Mo., writes: "I have followed your in- structions for the past month and am now as well as I can be at the age of eighty - lour years. I thank you for your valua- ble inslznetiona and advice. I first used Tswana fourteen years ago when my health was so bad that I had no hope of staying many days, and after using it I began to pick up. It has helped me ever since. 1 feel well, but will always bate Pernna as my companion." - Charles P. Benetsson. Pe-ra-sa Proved a Ute -Saver. Mr. Loris Byrens, auctioneer, com- mission merchant and business broker, 4I16yi Richmond street, London, Ont., writes. "I bad been a sufferer with whist phy- sicians diagnosed as chronic catarrh. I thereby lost the necessary speaking faculties, which almost caused me to discontinue the business of auctioneer. "After spending several hundred dol- lars for various medicines and doctor MIL without avail, your wonderful rem- edy, Perms, was recommended to me. "After using several bottles of this life-saver, 1 found relief, and I am again capable of conducting my auction sales. I wish to convince others, likewise afflicted, of the merits of your great remedy." -Loris Byrens. happy Results renew Vss of Peru-ua. Mr. Alex McKenzie, Montreal, Ont., bookkeeper for the Jewelry and Im- porting Co. and Scribe for the I.O.O. F., Jeanne of Aro Court No. MO, writes: "Ai I have used Peruns with happy b, I am glad to endorse it. My is at times an esti subject to Lis. Especially if I am out ot weather or become sud- I f g(i! a cold I take Pernna, and 11 ably* etasstiOn of a day or two until nut felt restored:" -Alex McKenzie. As WeS As Can Be At time Aga of righty-fssr Years. JAMES CURRIE. Mr. James Carrie, & prominent merchant of Montreal, Can., writes fro 1896 Notre Dame street, as follows: ••l have used your Perms for catarrh and find It an excellent rem feroougbsand ooWat. I believe K has no equal. My wife has used sere bottles and she recommends it very highly. We keep it In the house ttinualty ibr MmJb• use and would not be without it et twice its cost" James Currie. A Valuable Medicine for Coughs and Colds. Air. Louis Monpetit, 251 St. Elizabeth Ave., 8t. Henry, Montreal, is Prealdent of the 8t. John Baptist Society and a leading merchant on the St. Lawrence Market. He writes as follows: "I would consider myself very un- grateful if I did not acknowledge the great merit of your wonderful medicine, Peruna. "I contracted &severe cold by remain- ing too long in my ice house, and be- came so afflicted with a bad cough that I was obliged to remain indoors for a time. "A friend brought me a bottle of Perana. I began taking it and imme- diately received benefit from it. In s very short time my oold and cough were gone and I was restored to my usual health. "I attribute my speedy recovery to the use of Peruna and I have no hesita- tion in saying I believe Peruna to be valuable medicine for coughs and colds, and would cheerfully recommend it.* -Louis Monpetit. Pernna can be purchased of all first class druggists at I1.00 per bottle. Pe-ru-na For Catarrh of the Br Tubes. Mr. W. B. Walby, Hotel W Ottawa, Ont., writes: "1 have been taking Pernna f tarrh of the bronchial tubes for weeks, and was truly surprised to that it effected a complete cure. "I had heard good reports of this kine, but had never really kno its valuable qualities until I tried myself, and found it such a tine that I feel like writing you this. "Yon have no doubt hundreds dorsementa, but no one is more nor pleased to indorse it than because I have found it of such to myself." -W. B. Walby. Paf!'tls Gati ns Ns Ono realm Irby Peroas has =anent use in so malty homes contains no hipstoties Of an Parona irifeatby barmwleisl. 'ik.>1I�f3eiiir doss persry results. 11 is ot O. A11 . • • • tis>tilseld 1' tiro. 81 ewari I n 1 111-4 district. Never - 1 belca:r we pledge ourselves to abide lay •. be decision of I be board. -Carried :4. Ilesnlve,l 411a I 0 copy of Ihe above resolution be e,ent to the Sl rat linty. Sarnia and Stratford I rir.l a 411a1 they take similar action. Carried. 1. t'es,lved that conridcrin; the success u hich has 01 tended' this sum- mer ,•rhnol, we recommend the Ex - 4.0121 IV'. to snake arrangements for a similiar ,.chnol in 1900. -Carried. On Saturday evening we had a sacred roomy' at which the follow - Pus, proza'ain was reulered:-1 Solo "1 Heard the Voice of .Tclus Say" Evio Huston. Exeter ; .7, Instrumen- Duet, Miss Mcl'aul, Lucnn, and Mr. 'l'rot1, ; 3, Solo, Japanese Nat ion:11 Anthem, Mr. Wawa ; 4, Solo, "'rhe 1)enthlesa Atony,"Mr, G. Snnl)ico11 ; .5, Itccitation, "Highland Bride", Mrs. Sutcliffe ; 0, Solo. Mies Evia Ruston, Exeter ; 7, lnstru-men- 1 all Duct, Misses Kerr and Wilson: 8, Solo. "Face to Face" Mr. Tovell, St. Marys ; 9, Recitation, "The Soul or the Or ran." Miss Miller, Winchel- sea ; 10, Solo, "Penitence.' Miss N. Carlin; Solo,de t h Mlc " "Ile Le. •t l 1 a in Japanese, Mr. Ozawa; ,1.., Recita- tion, "The Last Hymn," Miss Roo- inson, Kirklon:,13, Quartette, Misses Tovell and Carlini. Mentors. South- cot t and Tovell ; 14, National An- them. Chairman, Mr. Itatz, M. 1'. The pro;ram will 'peak for itself. Receipts. $34.55. SUNDAY a;airs" aryl pronouncing the bene- diction i Iles crowds dispersed, and our first venture in this line of work was over. Tho Execut ivy Joel on Munch) morning' 10 w•intl Up the ottArltsn, 1e payment of hills. Total expenses $141 IK Total receipts .128 til It11:•::ca dud, 15 37 This alk;ill deficit in In he made Up by a special 00111.C1 ion taken in each, Sea;ue. MAY GILL, District Secretary. !SECOND TIO\WLEit l'EI:SON CONDU'C'TED ESCI' It iON To California and I,rwia Cin ensilion Portland Ore;.. list 29th 10 'Sept. 211h, 1 $150.00 including transport meals in dining car, A:eepiai ea comnlod;lion on I1•:1in and al tela for above period. As part ne limited to 125, early reser jis necessary. For full particulars Dalt on Trunk A;entre or address E. C. ler, Room 308, Union Sta:ion, onto . CANADIAN PACIPIC drm 1dborcr' Lx6ur1ou Manitoba Assiril $12 Going $18 Returning GOING DATRS Rua' 29, 190a Stations math of but not including main lino T oto to (including Toronto) Sept. 2• 1905 Main line Torun to to Sarnia and stations northh x 1 nerds Cardwell Junc. and Torosto on Nortb Bay Section) Fnroall point,e Toonotorthodf eTriontoandd lClruddwig PaootuSap*'4r 1905 Bay and ldland Divisions. Tho morning service was conducted by Rev. S. J. Alain, of Parkhill. 11 opened, as did all our services, with a son; service, conducted by Mr. G. flout hcot t anal led by a choir. After bible lesson end prnycr Mrs. Sutcliffe sang the verses of "Count Your Illesl+in;s," the whole coy;re• gallon joining in .the chorus. Tho ,.ermotl was preached ny Her A. 11. Gain;, text, St. John 19: 5 "Ikhold the Man !." in the afternoon a model Sunday 1 nchuol w':ts conducted by Mr. Ilun1- phrey., of Parkhill. The adult cla••s w'a51 :aa;lit by Mr. Liddicoatt• of London. Primary class by Mrs. Humphreys. Secretary, C. G. Alain, Parkhill. Pianist, Miss ('. Wilmot), Ilnsttoi Lesson, ",loviah'•a Goo.l Rei;n," 0. T.-"Itenlember now Thy Creato.• :11 the 1)ay1 of thy Youth." Sunday School.fieporl : -- Sunday ,cI,o1 :uperintcndents present, 6; nlinislerc) present, 8: regular offi• scholars; present, 438; primary ached. arm pie!^rel, 72; Iota! •,Itcn•I.1n;e, 596; .bibles in t he school, 70; collec- tion taken, :\12.6:1. The •'veninz service watt conducted I,y Mrs. Sutcliffe. Solo i)y Mims Nina ('nulla;, (selected). Sermon by itcv. 0. Darwin, Icxt, Rev. d and ) "Ile hold, 1 have art l,efore Mee :irr open door." The ;ntIcrin;s nu Sunday iters large, nein; especially so in the even• in;, the lent could not accomodate nearly rill. This .crvice was the last of our 8. 8. cents After sin lin; ONR•WAY SECOND CLAM TICKETS TO WINNIPEG only will be sold, with CERTIFICATE extending the trip before Soptember 13th, without additional cost, t other points In Manitoba and Arinlbola. It purokers engaged as FARM LABORERS at Winnipeg (provided sash Farm tat ores work not fees then JO days at barvsstiar, end produce certificate to that effect t� w1ill be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown above on or before No, TICKICTS WILL 188UED TO WOMEN se sell as Men. but will not be Issued it Halt -Rate to Children. e/ Ticb• . not good on Imperial Limited Express Trains. For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific A)rest, or C. B. FOSTER, D.P.A., O.P. R., Toronto. Ont 1905 THS ORANDTESTT EVA 1901 Canadian Nationbl Exhibiiio AT TORONTO -AUG.. 26 TO SEPT. I $5,000 IN PREMIUMS $38,300 IN ATTRACTION -lux mum 013141,,' Dam. Ily permission et Bi. Most Orrick UP ars. jjeetrr Ring Edward VII. the frond rf the Itlah Custds.His lln.leslys fate rite t.cu•e- hold band and the inert mili's;y 0.110; al osganl,aticn in the Empire, will (:ire loo concerts tech ecd tasty day. ART ATT TR/AI.VI1rs In an tererlally ),uil1. Siler*hi, tire weed sittiel'dryy will 1e ptfutt,ttd the grendeet collectlo n cf art or art lose - ores ever got ter/ether cn this ceettrcnt. Including Icons film the King, the cer- ;orations of the ('It y 4114 nd,.n, the great Brest Engllrh l'nit-tr,ltic". the Ilepol tic of Ftn•,P, Poulh Kcnstrgttn lklurtuat Lord Flrathccns, the l.teu.-Ootetrcr of Ontario and other dI,llr.ant►hod 14dig . and gentlemen. COP OS AT ION P11111 PK By special et m=end of His Meje'ty the Ring, Abbe ) s noted and hirtorle tainting will he en e xhn titan during the a nits Fair. W. K. McNAt'OBT. Fcr litre 1.1- . Entry Bladks President. and Information addreea Rntrie. (lose: !Ave Stock• ate , Aug. 7•h. Poultry FAL.t. ov i'OST ArrnOR The greatest pyre military display et' ',reduced before tte Canadian creep' Franca In Ihb most recent of the worl meat eprnbleg eteut. will Le vividly M tr• a1 with real Jeanette end nue." soldiery taking part- The nreworks d Play will be on a brilliant scale, Int rod r re new features Man oriental chat" l &rmast Tame To Sra The Process /Medina. Pimples of alit Industrieiend Reron►cesof the Count Thouwands of Hort.ee, tattle Sha Herta. Pouitr and Doge all c'anadl Cereals and Minerals, good Trotting a pacing, w FotoYarlety Show, t \\'orlon latent Int Ilona. • SrECIA txc(* OOON% Speclsl cheap r•al y and iteamhoat cursiona bare been ran1M. Eoqu of your ne*rel•t station ee ti.,ke( Sten rate., J. O 01(11..er and D�oRs, Ae r t1 /11"1.1,111111"1-1111