HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-17, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 17th 1905.
To Make Good The Surrounding News
Allspice, Pepper
Cloves and Cinnamon
Mustard or
Mustard Seed
Curry Powder
and Mace
Drug Store
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By Our Correspondents.
The Exeter Times
?EMBED AY ......
• THURSDAY. AUGUST 17th, 1906
-Miss Edith Swallow is ',criou`ly
ill with typhoid fever.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Copeland lett•(
returned itotne from o two inollI
visit in the •tolden West
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Routley re-
turned home on Thursday last after
spending a couple of weeks at Grand
-Mr. 00d Mrs. \\'m. Stewart are
;oin3 to reside in the village. Mr.
Stewart will open up a alacksmith
shop in the near future.
- Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. ,Tohnstoee
Sundaycd in St. 'Marys.
- Mr. Wm. Wilson's valuatic driv-
ing mare is laid up .
- Mrs. S. Carr, and dau;htcr, Ver-
de are visiting in Toronto.
-A. W. Eaton has a contract an
the Rase Line. end sister
-Mr.Ito3t. Johnstone,
Marys intend Ieavine. for Ilse west in
the noar future.
-Mr. lto.t. Carrot and Miss Min opening of school.
nie Rodd Sundays. at Grand Bend.] _.Mrs. McMurray and sons h
-John Russel lost a valuable returned home after visitin, friends
horse on Sat urday last. j it. EIilnville.
-Hervey Suther.y :tad Harry Rodd -'The credilto:r Lase ball Reim ad-
sltent' Suntkty at Grand Bend. d,cd more laurels to their nlready
-;firs. \Veatherhoz;, of Ser:lmien, lara1 li%t Monday when they defeat-
' � •s visitin' Mrs. I(opkins. eto
:ell Ilenell te. nl ny n score of
Al-GCST 1905
8 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 2B
2 9 10 Z3 90
3 10 17 24 31
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
Tee trcizie trains collidctl Satur-
day ni;111 at K,mok•a. Four train -
Deka were injured, but not fatally.
At Aylmer, Ont., Joseph Menier
shot Mrs. Guay, and then turned the
'pistol on himself. Menier died from
his wounds Tuesday.
111 is uuders(ood that Earl Itoeerts
,has tbcett compelled to aoandon his
'proposed visit to Canada this year
oWin; to the continued ill -health of
h tdY Roberts.
-"dins Vivian Beaver has returned
home talc, visitin friends in Dv-
! roil.
-Miss Edna Baird who has been
Ilia quest of Mies Inez Andrews for
the past week hay returned to her
Iowa in Parkhill.
-Miss Sutherland. of Toronto, who
has been vibitin; friends here, re-
turned 4o her home on Saturday.
-Itev. J. W. Andrews. and daugh-
ter. Estella. paid a visit to Parkhill
friends on Friday last.
.-Miss Laura Love returned home
•Ifler visitin; friends in Crediton.
-On Friday evening last a base -
nal snatch was played between Dash-
wood and Crediton. TLe ;Tsui: tris
i:l favor of the home tcaln.
-A large numacr attended the
nand concert which was held on Fri-
day ctcniug .
Mr. Illuet t and family
on their holidays before
are away
the re -
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases -Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate their Experience.
Walter Weir, of Port Stanley,
with the abduction of Fior-
of Port Bruce, was found fourteen-year-old
sentenced Saturday morning to one
year in the central prison, Toronto.
Men in touch with Government
doings say that the superannuation of
Mr. Wm. G. Parmelee is likely to take
place in the near future. Mr. Parmelee
has been deputy minister of trade and
commerce for the last twelve years.
and has altogether been in the public
service thirsty years. He is now 72,
Mr. Parmelee leaves in a few days for
and rumors say that h
will retire ationon his return to the capital.
-Miss Alice Beavers is very low
with imflamnla(ory rheumatism.
-Miss Mary Brooks is holidaying
with her sister Mrs. \Vni. Avery, hi
- Arthur
- Mrs. Kirk and 'laughter Ethel
of London, are visitin; friends in
this vicinity.
-Mr. Wilson Black had a close
- Mise White has closed her dream -
making' shop for the season and is
holidayia; at her borne in St. Diary's.
-Messrs. 13. Copeland. E. Mills. 1'.
Carr, E. Jones and C. Carr spent
Sunday at Grand Bend.
-Mr. Bert Rundle, Mies Itachel
Kirk and Miss Ethel Kirk, of Lon-
don, spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
-Miss Lila klo;; is visitin; her
sister Mrs. Davis, eighth line. Blans-
hard. ;cul
- Mr. William Sinclair, jr., speut
part of last week with his .brother
Alex at Wallace)ur; .
- Mr. and Mrs. Johns spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair .
Rundle Sandaled :It
Oil men say the Leamington oil
field is petering out, wells which
came its with a roar at 350 barrels a
day and dropped to 40 to 00 a day in
two weeks, now giving up only two or
three barrels a day. Many thousands
of small investors will lose more or
less. The different companies are
trying to get out by pumping two or
three -barrels each every day. Those
who have made money in the fields
have done so principally by selling
leases. The Standard Oil Company
will be a loser, as representatives con-
sidered it would prove a good field and
the company laid pipe lines tbrough
the districts to carry the oil to its cars.
Al fl ed Notion. of Windsor, ut-
e ellete1 to murder his wife and
(al het •iu law, John Love /rove, al
Aullr•rstour z. Saturday ,afternoon.
Herm( was out of employment rind
teaense his it lie. who was 51;iyltlz
with her father. would 1101 leave and
live Willi him. lie attempted her lib`.
Ila 1.'ised his .revolver 10 SIMLA her
wbcu her father rushed to her as -
1( ton directed the revol-
-Miss Melena Routley returned
home on Saturday after bavin; spent
1w•o months fn .the West, Calgary.
Carberry, 1lamiota, liizh Bluff and
also Ilowesmont. Dakota. Miss Alice
Gourley, who went with her intends
ateyiug two months loner, Mrs.
'1'idsberry, of High Bluff, Manitoba,
iutcudt returning with her to 'pend
t he winter.
-Mr. Samuel Routley,
whoicitis had
eeverc attack of op
week, is on 'the mend.
-A few of the young folks of
t'lu;lotvt% went to the lake on Sun-
-Mr. Fletcher was the guest of
Mr. Archie McCurdy on Sunday.
-Mrs. W. Francis was the guest
of 111 IS. 11. Copeland Sunday.
-Mt. Matthew Routley, sr., had
I he tuisforl unc one day last week
to Tet his dee broken. While he was
Imitate one of his horses around on late se
,•!ll:t.c. or
Het MIin3 he twas het 1hrorokcllckwa1ds111110the
awl memory
lraOe1Tsolders from
11.0 ,e Lovret;tve Metre -the
The "change of life" is
the most critical period
of a woman's existence,
and the anxiety felt by
women as it draws near
is not without reason.
Every woman who
neglects the care of her
health at this time in-
vites disease and pain.
When her system is in
a deranged condition.
or she is predisposed to
apoplexy. or congestion
of any organ, the ten-
dency is at this period
likely to become active
-and with *host of ner-
vous irritations, make
life a burden. At this
time, also, cancers and
tumors are more liable
to form and begin their
destructive work.
Such warning symp-
toms as sense of suffo-
cation, hot flashes, head-
aches backaches. dread
of impending evil. timid-
ity, sounds in the ears,
palpitation of the heart,
Sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, couatipa-
tion, variable appetite,
weakness and inquie-
tude, and dizziness, aro
promptly heeded by in-
telligent women who are
approaching the period
in lite when woman's great change
may be expected.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound was prepared to meet the needs
of woman's system at this trying
period of her life. It invigorates an
strengthens the female organism and
builds up theweakened nervous sy stem.
portantare eperiod women regardingcial advice iinvited this im-
write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass.,
audit will be furnished absolutely free.
Bead what Lydia Com-
pound did for rtrs Fa
Po vlessand Mrs.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
" In my opinion there is no medicine made
for women which can compnrenwith Lydia
sno farmer friend in the Dominion than
Ism. At the time of change of life I rat -
fend unt(11 was nearly crazy, and was not
fit live
and that I was a torment to irrational
and others. I surely thought that I would
loss my reason before I got through, h
fortunately an old friend recommmeenndd
-Mrs. If. J. Wickwire and Mrs. N.
1). Burden. of Exeter, visited friends
in +tow11 Alonday•
-Miss Hattie Sutherland has re-
turned from a visit to Owen Sound
:uul Paisley.
-Mr. Geo. Sutherland is recover -
in; from his recent illness.
Not war, more deadly than
that modern butcchery-
which leads to consumption and an-
nually kills nioro than famine and
war combined. The doctors how
successfully fight catarrh ;with •a
successfully fight catarrh with a
remedy that never fails-"Catarrho-
zone.' it's death to every type of
catarrh. It destroys every' root and
branch of 1ho disease so thorou;hlY
that a relapse need never be fear-
ed. If troubled with colds. nasal or
throat catar.rb, or suoject to bron-
chitis or asthma use Catarrhozonc
and you'll bo cured forever.
Mrs. Brock's youn;est dau;btcry,
Clara and Jeanette haves occn visitin;
friends nt Centralia. On Saturday.
word was received that Jeanette had
been taken i11 with fever. Miss M.
L. Brock left at once to wait upon
her sister.
-Tho Misses Dinah and Annie El-
ston, of Exeter, visited their broth-
er. Mr. Thomas Elston. on Sunday.
- Miss Katty Elliott, of London
is hotidayin; at her home here.
- Miss Brow: ie Andrews is visit -
in; friends in Wyominz.
-Mrs. Nelson IIicks. of Norwich,
i9 visitin; Mrs. Richard IIicks.
-Miss Grace Salton and Mr. Frank
Curtis, of London, are visitin; the
former's sister, Mrs. E. ColwtIl.
-Bliss Sarah Neil is visitin.;
friends in London.
-The Misses IIazel and Mary Fer-
guson, of St rathroy, are visitin;
their Aunt. Mrs. las. 'landlord.
-Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Curtin and
daughter Blanche returned home on
Tuesday Inst after a pleasant trip
to the North West.
-bliss Lucy Andrews -deli;bled
her hearers with that nenutitul solo
"Thy Will ,;e Done," on Sunday even -
-Miss hizzic Smith. a
rate- of our s=chool paid
a visit last week.
-Mr. 6e -erre heavers who has occn
su(ferinz from an acute attack of
Iunertgo is :title to tic around azain.
-Mr. Geo. Riley and Chas. Ash ay
repent Sunday with Mr. J. Riley.
-A number of our young people
from here spent Sunday at the Bend.
The Foresters of Farquhar will
at lead Divine worship with the For-
ester~ of Kirkton on Sundny evening
They Are expest ctednt 7 lo meetatll the
Foresters hall, Kirkton. at 6.30.
former tee-
the villaze
Movino Dau & Trouble
,.awl �.11 l►� t�
Moving always breaks
something and Crockery
is sure to come in for its
share, but if you use our
Stock Lines it is easy and
not eximinsive to replace
what you break.
Stock Patterns
for Dinner Ware
12 different Stock Lines to
choose from, every one pos-
�' sensing A 1 quality, you can
make up your own set or buy
a few pieces at a time. price
is just t e same which ie have these linea in
• ch eever way your buy. We
beautiful underglaze colors and prints, beautiful Decorated Lines,
Crown Derby Colors, Austrian Louise China, Hayiland China,
Limoges China. Price ftom $8.00 per set up to $75.00.
DINNER SETS undergltaze colors, 97 pieal new lines in ces in piria" nk, pearl
and peacoc colors, at $0.00 and $0.60 complete sets.
Full gold lines, traced covers.
MALTESE PATTERNS Vinner. Tett and Salad Seta,
• op en 1 qua ,ty, •
08 pi
Decorated Ware
In a
makes, "Royal Devon" and "Bristol r a
and pleasing and lasting. In fact its all worth buying, its worth =
tieing, ent and wisely so.
Buy your Crockwell ery, Glassware, Lamps, China, Etc.. at
period had passed, and it restored bas to per-
fect health. My advice to suffering women
is to your Vegetable Compound, and they
will not be disappointed." -Mrs. E Fowlew,
Deseronto Ont.
Vegetable Compound. I took it or bi siciana.
W� Ems. tben off andMaw% onuntil
pammand hysicians.
eels whys Others NI.
Another Woman's Case.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-
" As I owe my splendid bealttable hto IS E.
ptkhama l to writ* and tell yon my experience
with it. I am the mother of three children
grown to womanhood, and have safely passed
the change of life, and feel as young I and
strong as I did twenty year' Ko, and
that this is all due to your woman s friend,
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetables it
used it before my children
greatly assisted nature and saved me much
pain during the change of life. had tbk it,
and on, for four years, and
trouble and sickness that most women have
to endure." -Mrs. James
o Canada.
L M Batts -
burst Street,+ table
What Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Powless and
Mrs. Mann, it will do for any woman
at this time of life.restored
It has conquered
health, and prolonged a in cases thst
-Mies Lena Routley, after spend-
ing two ,nonths in the West, return-
ed home ea Saturday last.
-The Patterson, Ellis Co., are
auildia; two small cement bridges
00 the boundary. north, and at the
en() of the third line. Btanfhard.
-Misses Dothwick, and Roadhouse
and Messrs. Ridyard and Stevens of
St. Marys, visited nt . Mr. Wm.
Iirow•n's on Sunday last. Master
Russell Brorn also spent Sunday at
-Mrs. Burton spent the treater
parr of last week and this visitin;
her son and other friends at Moles-
ivortlt .
-The remains of the late Mr.
Philtipy were interred in the Mit-
chell cemetery on Thuradaa last, The
01(1 entleman had a!aine the .;rent
:t cl of 90 years.
-Mr. and firs. David Hazelwood,
of Pctrolea, visited at the homes of
their parents over Sunday and Dion•
-The remains of Rhe late firs.
(Capt.) l'aiscy, of the village. were
interred in 81. I'aul's buryin; ;round
on Monday. She has been a .;rent
tuffercr, havinz teen fled feet for
over •two years, and nein; of the
(oolt a;c of 81 years.
-Aserrnon will be trenched to the
I. O. F. by the Rev. Veal on Sunday
evening next. All interested in the
sei-%icco are invited 4o nttend.
-Nearly nil the campers from this
licinily al the Bend, have returned
home, t,erfcctly natisfied with their
out in e.
la1)1 ;i,i'il TOWNSHIP COUNCIL.
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment. the Reeve and all the
members present.
The Council donated $5.00 to the
proposed monument to be erected
in Victoria 1'ark, London, to per pct,
d .him in
so violently t11 s a Ferious one this country who fell in South Ai-
llho e: wit 1111 then ,turned his aim ,tilled. ,The I l fracture i•
tm 1 i wife killing her several times, i neo tic shall u pleased to sec him 'lea Tantclerak11was inettr ructedtre.
to draft
metazed to lint! refuze 1n an 1 shit to he around azaiu.
stet ,tie; htivilti shop from ilcr -alts• Minnie Smith, teacher, wee IiIiydiffrn TIrate's111lori v the
}ile tin of
er, as
tt .111+•11 huill•ttd. Harlon wa. ar- t},r guest of firs. \Vul. Crcery
f01:, few :lays last week. She returne,,•follows :-County rate, 1 1-2 mills on
r ''"'l le o cd in 4 ur.lwitu .1'11 C1 hn dollar :.Township rate and ;rant
t ,ipdilcome -i tea' itj Mrs. hunto on Monday. Io erbools 3 3-111 mills on the dollar:
la his wife end father-in-law. Mrs. Miry Et hel Godlrol(, teacher, re- td e:chool% 3 3-10 mills on the dollar,
liorlu.l tad her father are said to turned to Essex on \Vcdnerday. i tit
sc oo stall301 for each d and
le, tett of .1:t,ltcr. Morton teas 'the west her here has occn e(re $3 ter each bit ch. Statute labor and
1t e:•trel with lynchinz 'ny male
reiely bot and very dr}. 11arve in' (n;inecrs' costs as may .x' returned,
I .It - tf Aulherstattr: ellen he ell soon lie over. , end •t le school 1 ex as ordered ny the
(From another eourcc.) : severaI e;chool :mat ds. The County
-Mrs. .fames i)o,son and six rale for 1110 .present year is $2761.07.
ehildree of Galt, are visitin; for a ;,tilt :r:int to schools stout $1700.
few tviceke at 1hsir aunts, Mrs. .l. thrlers %tele draws for the amount
Clements. of 5258.77.
-.lire. .1. Clements and Ler 110,.4',' Ilse Couluril adjourne,i 10 meetMrs. Jas. Dotson, of Garet, . %pent 1 ,zein all Mondly, Septeni:mr tithe
Sunday last at Crediton. the eucstsI1095, ul 10 a. in.
of Mrs. Mat Minere, daughter oI W. I). STANLEY, Clerk.
Mrs. J. Clements. -
-Mits Gertrude Millar has re. 01 t-'
ed Lame looking hale and hetr1>
after leo weeks outing at Griot 1
- Duncan Mcllou:111 i+ Nef•nrt
!r„ a few day's at Grand (tend.
- Misses Lulu and (thea Gnd.:u!t
fro spending 3 few• weeks at Crotn-
-Rev. E. F. James event last 0.((1.
It his home in Strathroy, .lir. Le
it y. Cnulti accompanied him.
Canada's Finest
ecce bull sets in Gold Linee,Extra Gold Tracing, new shapes $10
Fancy English
n enormous variety of ehapRs a>)dApatterns. Tsometh,ng ;nod
London Crockery Co. it
169 Dundas Street, on on.
� 11
• $10.00 or over. •NN•NNNN••N•N•••N
s ••
express or freight charges on a purchasesof
For June we are offering socc•
ial bargains in Pianos. We hand-
le the finest goods Canada pro-
duces and at moderate prices and
easy terms.
A few second hand Pianos and
Organs at bargain prices. Also
Sewing Machines on your own
Peed your hair; nourish it;
give le something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will Crow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
Hain vigor
hair food you can buy. For eo
years it has been doing just
what we cisizn it will do. it
will not disappoint you.
-sty bale as to be very short. Pee &MMr
aetag Aro" Sat, v .t b'bolt into n sense
mew. M It to t.ert..e In.hso lolls.
tYo oesr s tslwsr re nn to we ATM bMat
. NY. .1 Thula. COWAN
a bent*. •. c. avis. o.
';rine.. Cot.
for ormaragatirl
Short Hair]
O1(OI'I'Ei) ALi. OT1i1iliS
•i dropped all liniments mit \rr
vi)ine neeause 1 found Ncr ilie't E.
lo relieve vain." writes
1. 11 •nto.t. of Si. .iohn's. If my
children are croupy or sick. Nerviline
curd them. if a cafe of cramps or
stomach ache tut ns up, Nervilin'• is
ever ready. We use Ncrviline for
neuralgia, recumatisin sett all kind.
of ache% and paint: .ire as !0011 a.• i/se . for Hood's, but . t doctor:. foror." The great Canadian's 1 --\1:.' I1ele.1 Rue ell i• v,s,r In r cnnfld' nc• ( v
.i n Iy the past fifty }•cars ,0t i frieadt in Avonton. infantnnl. For •.le in Exeter by \\.
.e.n 1'olsop'+ Neelilinc_no;Lin ! ;tet • HOOD'S. 1 --:1 very excitin r eine. of :pant• S. dowry.
ter made .
.. � O�
the has aver
vital ander
and blood as .fevaef'v
If you contemplate buying
call and see us. No trouble
to show goods.
Western Fair
TM/ 1111/4•11,1•10116 ?Ma7 MAIM 1►LL
NN..IVV.at Pale. HWVU
whet Governor almcoe laid a fouada mot
l oadots. Ontario, one hundred > ago t dila
would grow to bee great city. bat had *e thstgh
Western Fair.
The Western Fair gives the people of this oosstry
as t opportealty for a plaudit Dating at a
alaittttla of post, sad at the smuts tine develops their
store of practical fad useful knowledge.
Its educate/sat features have always beta carefully
fostered by the Dlreetors. This year weer** tnpostast
itaptae> of hltftrttetive asters have lees aided.
The Qel5beated�tst glghlaad **gland lead will give
three ebtyiaetstsldaily &nisi bettere f ever, sad c ea nuisskeet -
tImpale thj gall' laidst baair e* a steam automobile.
.ea estNat►evtee wart r. 1 A.
(oust .t.s•v. a
Sept. 8 -16,1905
ball was played in our bur; on Wed-
nesday afternoon t he ltonnelmrz
team of Mitchell and the 'tussel-
dale "Stars". From the beeinninx to
end it was easily seen that the Stara
had it all their own way a5 the
score showed 47 to 22 in favor of
Iho home team. After the ;time was
oven supper was served on Mr. John
Cole's hewn. havin.t oven prepared by
Mrs. C. Scholleneereer, Mrs. J. Cole
and Mrs. A. liodiert.
-The Friend's church at Gowrie
am hotdin; their annual anniversary
services at14 tea on Sunday and Mon-
day the 20th and 'atilt inst.
-On Snturday evening last the
people of our usually quiet aurz
were awakened from their peaceful
slene,ers by t tta of our 110ted V02 1 •
Istat enterin; into a contest of st.nt
on Mr. John Cole's Pie 0. Afte'
(,ch hail Liven +several lent and var-
ied selections, 1a51in1 nearly to tnid-
nlzlit, the decision was given an a
-Threshing is t order of the
day. '1•he self -feeders and .)lower
se:.ins to hold 1 he charnpion'hip.
-Miss Alice Way, of Woodstock.
find Mites 1'enrl Kestic spent Sun-
day last with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
'1're101 hick, of ilrint'ey.
-Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy were
tho quests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelsen
Hestia Sunday last.
-Mr. Wm. Becker Spent Sunday
Iasi. with Mr, and Mrs. John Schroe-
-Mies Olive Treve•thick, who lees
teen visitinz in this vicinity has re•
turner1 to her horne in Brinsley.
-Miss Tillie and Clara Wind, of
I)etreit, pre 0aendin1 a few days
will their sister. Mrs. 3. Shroeder.
ItUSSTL ALE Teo much care cannot be used wirh
small children during the hot weath-
-11i+ i1 11le liari14, e[ Mitche}t, Cr of the nutnin'r month.4 to tu.ird
is ependinz her vacation with Mist a;ain5t ;rowel (1oub'e As it rule
Corry .'•,Lercni1, of Mt. 1'lctsant. it is onlY IleCe0,,ary (0 live tin• chit -1
-\1r. .1useph !till, of \Mooristo-k, :1 hose of castor oil to correct fitly
i+ apentlin % a Ofek!' 1. 1Cal ion w i r h disorder of t he (0(•015. Do not u%e
'1r. and Mt 4. John Cole. any sttlbetilute, out ,zive the old-
-Jelin Bothwell, of Stratford, =on fashioned castor oil, and see that it
of Mr. \\'tl. 11ot11wel1. of Hickson. is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates 311(1
visitin; with hie zrandparents, Mr. lets :, tendency to _ripe. 1f Ibis
apt, Mrs. itnld- Clark. doe% not check the .xeiel's give
-\Millin Mciltyre enter! tee. I , Ch,mberlain's Colic, Choleras and
11,h of W. yo rir 1rien•lo '10 ., arrh(ma Remedy and then a dose of
pins- r;l Tuesday (venin!. castor oil, ane, 4h^ disease may ne
--Mr. and Mrs. ,Iola, \Wilson, of checked in its incipiency and all
Hamilton, are visitin; relatives awl ,1•ln;er avoided. The Castor oil and
fr:eaels in this vicinity this remedy should be procttrred al
-Mr. Stettin llro n tn.1 air. Nr;. ane^ and kept ready for instant use
bow d laillsr,l, of St "afford, spent Sunday f any
i is of ret troubas t le firs appears. n ir9 Ole
` r,t 1rr. /tr Grove.
-\lel Arch Iloft terl spent Sun•1,I tnmt suceessfnl treatm(nl knottll
1%it1t fre3'1v in Chisclhursl. end 013y 1.n t^lied upon with implicit
en in rise,' of choler.%
by Act of P
(Incorporatedarliament 1855)
CAPITAL PAiD UP •••• •••• •••• S3,000,000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • S3,000,000.00
18 arancbee to Ontario, Quebec, Alberta British Columbia and Id tnttoba
Open every Lawful Day frsrt 10 A. re. t0 3 P. rt. except Saturdap (0 A. M. to 1 1•. 5.
erniers' Seale
application. DIttAFTs on Notelet
point; In the Door minion Great Great Britain s and lUnn-
Ired States. bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange,
Deposits o *1.00 and upwards received. Interest com-
inded halt ',einem and added to principal
ri ipalfandDecemr 314. De -
pts Receipts also Issued and highest n rates ointerest d
Aclvtaneefs made to farmers stock dealers and f business I en at
lowest rates andon ee nR er,
moot favorable terror. Attests at .Teter or
Dickson & Carling, Solicitor?. N. D. HURDON, gam$
St.'phen &
Perth. Si
iIiy. Zuritat,
('starne. Exeter, 1Sept
8 & i
.Oot. 5 & 11
..Oct . 5 & 6
Marys, Sept. 13, 14 & 111
Sept. 27 & 28
Sept. 28 & 29
.,,,,.Sept. 20 & 21
Bran Shorts
Oats Barley
We have a full stock of
Harvey's Star and Ogilvie's
Royal Household Flour,that
snake the women smile when
they USC it.
We also have a whole-
some stick of Groceries
on hand.
Besure and get our prices
before purchasing.
Tri is
Dunlop nook
for horsemen
Free to
Any Address
and compiled.
Write for it to -day, by post-
card, giving your name and
address and the name of the
paper in which you saw this
page*vith il-
lustrations and'
value b 1 e
charts. Useful
about lame
horses care-
fully selected