HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-10, Page 84. JA S E R T MG S, AUGUST lOht 1905.
lit:!"_ is
A SnappyBargain
We have about Fifty Boys' Blouses and Pants
in dare•. and light wash goods, in Linens and in
Navy Btu! i:•rg ;, for boys 4 to to years old.
Our snappy it(zaiu price will be for each piece
Dinner Sets
y,,,1 sc.-n the lovely new Dinner Sets we
are shotv,rtti iii I•i^h gr.uie goods. We are to d
:f that they art' tot in••.t that have ever been shown
Y. in Exeter 1,18 piece, to the set $12 and $14,
Ask to see our new fall Linoleums, tapestry
't-'•,' patter ns, the y are beauties. 3 and 4 yards wide.
They come to us direct from the makers. You
save all middle profits by buying from us.
Remember w' sell the best 4 yard wide Lin-
t oleum in Exeter for $.2.15 the yard.
Butter 17c, Eggs 17c
No, we are not in the combine, \se are lead -
j ing in Butter and Eggs. Watch the other fellows
follow us. 17c for Butter, 17c for Eggs. Stear
clear of the combines.
This is
� The copy for changes must be left
i not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
S o IJ
\ E Ni R 1 advestisementp accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
•1.111.ItSDAV, AUGUST 19th, 11105
We are prepared for it by •••N•H ••••••••
having a full line of Sou- Lawn mowers sharpened on short-
est notice at D. Hartleib's. Exeter.
venin (foods :n Miss Estella Spackman is visiting
1 riendv in London.
Mr. Will Cook. of Hensall, spent
Sunday udder the parental roof.
Mr. 1''rcd llawkshaw, of London,
spent Saturday at his home here.
For Sale. -Residence of Mrs. G.
Kemp, on Andrew at. for particulars
apply td owner.
Mr, It. S. Gurney is with Mrs.
(gurney enjoying a holiday at his old
home at Acton.
-Miss Morrison, of Medicine Ilat,
has been visiting; :Mrs. Geo. Mantle
for a few days.
Miss eta;shave, of -Toronto. is vis -
11 Mg her uncle and aunt. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ila;shaw•.
ilev. Elijah Ili;;ins and Mrs. !liz-
gi11e, of Toronto, are spending a
short time here with relatives.
Mr. and Mr.'. Rout. Howes,. and
daughter Miss Gertrude, of London.
.ire visiting Mr. mud Mrs. W. ilowey,
of Exeter.
Lost. -At Elimvifc on Sunday,
July 16th, 191)5, a plain quid link
bracelet. Finder please leave at
Times office or Elimville 1'. 0.
SMiss Jeanette Brown, after a
months pleasant visit %%}Ilt her mis-
t. 11rs. Fred Knight, at Yurklo:,
returned home on Friday last.
The London Free Press. of Sat ui•-
d:iy last says "Rev. Mr. Locke, who15 here under,goiu. treatment, is
progressing rapidly toward perfect
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it falls to care. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Mr. Gears.. Weekes after a pleas•
:utl visit %whet relatives here return-
ed to his house in Watertown. N. 'V.,
on Monday. Mrs. Weekes and soli re-
maining for another week.
All the colors and materials The. tine wu.illu'r u[ the 11351 work
h:•4 given. the farmers a m00nd111
and shades and weights that ch:uier. 10 ;eel along %w•it h 1 he her -
ape going to be fashionable vial, :uiil :IN :1 t•esul2 0111• villa r0 leis
been unusually quiet.
this season will be shown you \1r, and sirs. ,Sohn Duke, (nor she_
any time yon \V1911 to see Bic 11'1) :ind I w0 ,I iu;liter:+, of
them. ('his i 2I, 12
. 22 11 1:11 I here w it h Ihe
London Luys excursion, are spending'
Ile• 2% eel: 1%1111 relatives herr, Ihe
;s e51s et 112•. and Mrs. Joseph Sen-
W. W. Taman Mt. \C111. !Lowden 1004 .,ecu 5elect-
Hat Pins
Sardine Forks
&c., &c.
Prices right and Goods A 1
S. Fitton,
News of New
Many have already arrived
More may be here any hour,
maybe by the time you read
Morebsesnt Tweedy.
AN Oid, AND WILL -TRIAD 1tt11EDY.-Mf,e
Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used for
over sixtyears by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect @aooess,
11 soothes the child, torten the Enron. allays all
pain cures wind colic. and Is the beet remedy
for Diarrhoea. It le pleasant to the twete. Bold
by dragnet, in every part of the world. 23
cents a bottle. its valve is incalculable. He
sure and take Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
t•d as 1)114' of the county valuators.
The Council are to .1e congrat-
ulated upon their choice as M.
1lawden possesses experience in thee(
matters and will exercise good sound
jud zmcnt.
A partial eclipse of the 111000
which will be visible in Canada, will
take place on August 14th, find a
total eclipse of Ube sun on Auzus2
302.h the maximum occurinz at 6.34
a. tn. and end at 7.31 a. tn. This will
will be a ;rand sight should the
wveat.her prove clear.
+++++4'+++.e++++++++++++++++ +•h++++++++++++++++++++++++
Watch Thia Spare. Ferry Week - `-- - ••
a. Try Enjoyme
t Tooth Cream
Sells foP25c. Large Tubes. None Better
Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++14
"1►v. 1). .I011115 is visieiu; to Si•
'•1r. I'crcy 1:. \V t.od spent .lana y
2.::1.1011 011 business .
MI's. \'‘' 11 lis Powell in 2:',))iu, 2.1
'Mrs. Ed. Treses, ::2121. wu Leo 1, ::r,
2.i'lttn; friends at Clandeboye .
Miss Ad i llurney 1.4 hnlid.li,tz
1l ill► 1 Wi.:1 iYt's :11 'flick:'•'• b.
1lis., Muriel Evac4 el i:1t t:i .i;,
2.11•. 11.:s Lten visit li:- :S_r aunt, Mi..
(10,.t.c•, rt.lurnt:d :.uwc on Tuesday.
SII. !Murray and Miss Blurray, of
Ileeis.tll, are visiting the awe:i•r's
eel, Mr. J: . Murray.
Mise. Pearl Eacret2, of IL'antford
wi•ittar idatives here :eel Ilay-
Miss Ann 'Trick :uid twice. :11i -es
.lenrl.'e 'Prick, of Chilton, are guests
1,1 Mr. (;sorge S.uuwwell.
Mr. 1'. lla11d(0141 2Iiald anolLer
c::rl(1:ul o(IL;
(ie 1:ors:•sipllo'\I;utiioi)a
2:11 Mouthy,
Mr. :111.1 Mrs. 1'. 11. C:,l,u" and
1' 0,112 are spendiu•z a 12\11 ,U'eelts'
1 •r '211111 :11 l:r:uld head •
`lr. l:.!. 1 Esker. of Toren: 0, is
spending a holiday under the par-
ental roof.
Miss Cora Cann visited for the
past week at Parkhill and 21111
spend this week at Grand Pend.
Wanted - At once :t house keep-
er on farm, middle aged person pre-
ferred. Apply at Tilues Office.
The nand will give its weekly con-
cert at the park to -night (Thursday)
instead of friday cvenine.
Dr. Geo. Seldon, of Ingersoll, sail-
ed last week for OId London where
be will lake a post -graduate course
in medicine.
Mrs. 1t. (;. Seltl'uu is 111124 twuek ai
Ingersoll attending the wedding of
her sister. Miss Berry. to Mr. llnriy
DR. OVENS. London. Sur.3eon,
Glasses properly. Office. Commer-
cial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday. August 5th.
ttuv. Geo. Jewett and Mrs. Jewett,
et i)ui (0)1, who are visiting friends
in this locality called on friends in
town on Wednesday. They :Ire driv-
ing through to Brussels.
Mrs. Wilson. of Woodham. who has
.teen conduct ing the Woodham ho-
tel since the death of her bus:►and
is advertising in tM's issue for a
lr te-fcr o [the license to Mr. llts-
hon, of Stratford.
Dr. Bungle London, will bo at the
Central el. Exeter, on Thursday
August 10th. 1905. all day
ror Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and glasses
Appointment. -S. 11. Clement (sec-
ond son of Itcv. 11. Clement, a form-
er pastor of .lames sl. church, here)
received an impnrlanl appoint. -
1111.111 with the llydro-Electric Con►•
nri.»'iun, which is workin ; in wee
(hit :u io, having been placed in
charge of :01 the field work.
Mr. I). S. O'Neil, who :caves Sha
1,1.11.1, ,sire, his (:uuiiv or Toronto
where they will take up their real-/
denc0, will hold it public auctio
sale of household effects, carri.l
harness, etc, besides a number o
other articels. See bills for partic-
u19tlahrs•. Sale on Saturday, August
Married in Windsor. -A quiet wed -
din ti took place. in Ilie first Stet ho -
dist church, Windsor, on Saturday
afternoon last when Margery Della
)till, formerly of Exeter, was nailed
to 111:1rrin.0 to Mr. Phos. M. Wool,
of lest reit. The ;ride will l,e (,t,1
110100 to friends at 485 lluniaolt s:.
after Septeuioer 1st. ilio Times juin
in con;rat ulal ions.
Miss Cora I'rior went to London
on Saturday to meet her orother.
Mr. Herman Prior, of Cypress River.
Man., and after a few days pleasant
visit wit friends in that city, they
arrived home on Wednesday. It is
some years since Merman left here
end his many friends are pleased to
%welcome him home, and give him :e
1111211 -.shake.
The Ontario i•:ducational depaIl-
ntent announces Mat the results of
the Collegiate depart mental ex:nnio-
Iious will no made public very short-
ly. The examiners have practic:Illy
concluded the marking of the papers
and the totals will be cast up on
August 121 h. It is expected th:tl
Ihe public announcement will lie
mettle 011 di r around August 151h.
\\'t,rtli 0utcl►1,4'I-inz.-The Scien-
tific American 24ay,1 if you are afraid
of lith1ning. here is a very simple
safeguard 10 remember. Simply put
un your OM shoes or robbers Gnu
I hen st 11141 ftp so that yon won't
touch atie 1hitt z. W her you ate in
11(20124 01' out of doors, you're pet feet •
ly :safe, for titterer is a ante -conduct
or and suet are perfectly inaul.lted.
.1himIn 11 retuetnnerin;.
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
terlI'd 1111 to A 11411 101 h.
Peas b(1 to 65 cents per bushel.
Shorts 120 per ton.
Family Flour, $2.75 per cwt.
1''ceel Flour, 81.25 per cwt.
1st' ley, 38 to 40 cents a bshel.
;Ply, i46 to 1 7 ln't ton.
N' 112 It. 70c Id 75c per bushel.
O.Its, :to to 35 cents per bushel.
Iran e15 Is'r tun.
L'zts, 17 cents per dozen.
nut ler, 17 cents per pound.
Mee-, live weight. *7.10 per cwt.
Pork, dressed, *8.75 to $9 tier ewi.
Souvenir Num.xr. - The Landon
Igoe l'yr'e un Saturday last cele•
healed 1hefiflicth year of its MI6 -
Ile 100 by issuing a special souvenir
(ili;inn of fifty-six pages. The semi -
stele aryl number is :t most credit-
able cdiAinn profusely leenV trit2yl
will, 'rotes of lorIrail5 01 Evading
awn 1 f flit: (.:,sl and present. many
222:1 1 ,w:• cone from manw distant
ne 11.2 beniisp11t•te lu j011 111
Ills '.: f lolly tcllnion which is }►eine
held ,n London lurint Ihe tress I
( 11
week. The whole nor iis'r is very ere
dilable. Ihe articles well wt Olen the
illustrations excellent and every p.Izc
iotereetln3. It will l,c prized :jy
hoots• -comets who are inteevil! in
the Forest city and its people.
st TM Kited Yea His Alta Beug1t
Slpetan /�. •f-,�,
Last Sale of
Wh ite Wear
Vt c find ourselves loaded up with a very heavy stock of de-
sirable Fancy and Staple goods, also a lot of remnants and odds Only a few lines of Ladies' Whitewear
and ends which will be cleared out regardless of cost. have them at these prices while they last.
Black Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods
75c I:Lick Wool Voile far 50c.
511c black Lustre for 39c.
flee black Ar11►uro for 39c.
50c black worsted Servo for 38c.
50c black hopsack 4or 39c.
350 black Lustre for 25c.
Men's Underwear 25c
Orr very special balori4;an shirts
and drawers. extra'light weight. Le,:
value ill t ho market 25c .
Men's Strong Shirts 50c
A IM; stock of Mena Wearing
Shirts. made of extra heavy drill,
guaranteed fast colors, 50o.
Men's Overalls 50c
A full stock of Men'i denim Over-
:Ills in Blues, Blacks and Greys, spec-
ial 50c.
Scotch Ginghams
11c•ctly stripe and plaid ef(ct.t in
pink and white, fawn and white, red
and white, regular 12 1-2 cents to
Blear at 9 1-2 cents.
Fancy Dress Muslins
In a satisfying variety' of patterns
and tee-init. regularly sold at 25c to
clear al 12 1-2.
Art Muslins 5c .
300 yards Art Muslin in pretty
colors and patterns, to clear 5 cents.
Boys' Coctonade Pants 50e
Made from Can'tf tear kind Cotton-
nde, lined throughout, all s;z:s from
22 to 33, 50 cents.
White Skirts
75c entered Mo)airs for 50c. 35C for thc 5oc kind.
75c colored Cord de Chenes for 50c.
60c tweed Dress Goods for 480. 75c for ....$l.00 kind
90e for the
$! 47
50c all wool Canvas Cloth far ;39c.
50c pale blur N111111 Veiling for 37 1-2
:35c brown slot Voile for 25c.
25e Drawers 18:;
Ladies' fine cambric. Drawers made
and t ritnieed in ncwt•at style, excel-
lent value at. 2sc, to clear at 18c.
$ 1.50 Night Gowns $1.00
Made of fine cainbric trimmed
with lace insertion and tucking reg-
ular $1.50, to clear at $1.00.
$2.00 Skirt $1.48
Ladies' fine white cambric Under-
skirt, well made, cut full deep
flounce trimmed with tucks and lace.
regular $2.00, to clear $1.48.
$2.25 Art Tie Shoe $1.90
Latest Art 'fits Shoe, extra quality
Don rola kid. flexible stilt, Cuban
or French heel, every pair guaran-
teed to wear, regularly sold for *2.25
to clear $1.90.
$7 Dinner Set for $4.95
2 only, Green Dinner Setts, 97
pieces, first cl:is5 ware, regular price
$7.00 lo clear at *195. Ain't it :1
For $6.95.
1 only blue dinner set, 97 pieces.
heavily gilled. regular price $8.75,
to clear ad 56.95.
BNEZ,2.1 & R0 -WE
Miss Stay A. Wood is visiting
friends in London and St, Thomas.
Miss Gladys Bissell and Ida Rowe
aro visiting realtives at Win;ham.
Mrs. Vanstonc, son and daughter.
of Brantford, aro viaitiag Mrs. Amos.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dow. of Strat-
ford, are visiting his brother, Mr.
Alex Dow.
Mr. and Mrs. Spackman, of Chica-
go. are guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Mr. and Mrs. lfuwvo and children,
of Toronto, aro visiting Mrs. Itoww•e's
mother, Mrs. Jcckell. London Road
For Sale. -A brick residence on
.Slain 1trecl, opposite Voss & Tay-
lor's mill. Apj,ly to Mrs. Caroline
Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Rowe spent n
few days of this week with the tor-
tr.er's sister, Mrs. Nestle, at Ilder-
Among those who took in the Lon-
don Old Boys re -union this weft in
the Forest City were Mrs. W. Welsh
and Bliss Viola, Mr. \Vill Newcombe,
Misses Vera and May Snell, Miss
Annie Jacksons Messrs. Ilarry and
Lou Jackson, Dr. Lutz, Mr. Fiaiik
]{night, 51r. E. Hooper, Mrs. A. Q.
Bonier, Mr. John Muir, Mr. Rich-
ard Quartet, 1'. \\'nod, Misses 11:utd
and 011ie Quence, Messrs. \Vnr. Balk -
will, %V. W. Taman, Mr. and Mrs.
A. McPbersnii, Master Louis ,Day,
Mr. A. McDonnell, Elmore Seniol',
A very interesting exhibit is be -
in; conducted by the representatives
of the International Correspondence
Schools of Scranton 1'. A.. in Sir. J.
A. Stewart's window. As these
Schools are the largest educational
institutions in the world. the peo-
ple of Exeter should not miss this
npporlunit y of investigating their
on. ,system of ins'ruclioll. They tench
Mrs. Isaac Ilawdete who has been ane buetdred and seventy - five di[•
visiting friends hero during the pass terent. net
nurs, inclndinz foreign
six weeks has returned 111 her borne languages by repeating phonograph
in Saskatoon, N. W. '1'. which is bee1)n►ins endorsed by the
81149 F11)ssa Sweet, s. ho is limit-
leading educationists in the world.
in; in London during the Old ]loym 4":44-1-4'+':-:":-:"1-:444++++++++44
re -urian had her ankle painfully in- Hicks' Forecasts. - "The 111h and
jut ed by the cave in one of the 12th are reactionary storm doles
platforms during part of the enter- and secondary series of disturbances
taintnent will develop :,nd pas eaolwardly
Mr. Paul Madge shipped 98 head across the uinniry 00 and 2ouciiinz
of fine export cattle from here on these days. Either the storms of
Wednesday. One Int nI 54 bend he
this period, (.0 an early oncoming of
got from Iiog;arth liras.. of Hie- the ensuing Vulcan period, will be
xrt, avera_inz 148'3 pounds. Bt r. projectc.I 2112(1 2120 II 12 Ihe day of
Madre has Zone In Liverpool with
Moon .end the eloo:i's eclipse.
theta \\'e calculate, rather, tial the effect
Drs. J. A. and Dune:ui 11cLsallu,n, of the regular \'u1ean sl ono period,
1 1!» I In 19101 Crestline, Ohio., former Exeter extending from the L.
boys, who left Iasi former
for litewill n4'zin ns early , e.+ 1901 and
Old Land, were Elle guests for the cent blue up 20 at me the Pith. Main
entire trip, u[ Lard dlcKay, Baron thunder :11111 55111(1 swill visit many
of Si. Oswald, North Aberdeen. Mr. Parts of the 000,111 during This
24an1e period, notably on and ►ouch-
Mcl{ay has seen n quarter of a ren• biz 1110 18111. Chan::, to very mach
lury of mililary4 service having been cooler will come in fromthe noel It -
with i.nrd Roberts al I{ou.01 r. ile
west on 2)et heels of they disturnau
w•�s -
n tnrmhor of the Rough Riders' res, (A14'111101! pt 11sr145ively ewer
cure in the Spanish American war 111051 (:1ris (1f ow 04011110, 1010511
and holds persona) testimonials from 10211 to 21st. The disturbances of
Lord Roberts fon bravery, and from
Presiden'l Roosevelt for les daring this period and iho-e :it all the 11-
achiet rrnonl24 2S11;11' 11111 ch ridin.z in lllainiu t August perinds, are rt'nd4'r-
Panama. The vnyage eels 02.1.142 on 2'21 in a high degree pronl'rrtatir:,l
by the o(po..ilio,, of 1114' a:::u'l
one of iter Line steamers, e�f urn 1)n Ih �ard lozctht•r will' Ileo
201s which hibs'. fel her is Wile Of Ute .direr- a,I,I,roachin t :1111un111 11 cyuinox of I hr
Earth. and 011011 n.11000uijcal causes
1,41112! on 1 he I..•.. half of the
nianth. Etrtliquakes in ninny parts
of the earth, 5211)1 tide) waves :tad
similar di•1111i,ance,. Sw ill be repot led
u192rinIt.g: the vete ill b•Itir�1ls 1It11 to
Slessrs. Harvey llro . all. (his week
m -king the 0111011 needed repairs to
1 heir :tried mill. The trainee oek up
to the 2k•w•atot floor 0' 11611.! 10211
out and At ill be replaced by a solid
hr ick wall. It is 1110 intention of
1)1e proprietors Id I hen sheet Ow re-
maininz earl of 2le• mill will lin,
making 11 a hnrnu.titly rain -proof, :•s
in Estrin.• down the front ,•.alt,
which has for a long time appealed
to the pa “KPI' .,l• 35 unsafe. it 1'
found 1 1111 I hs t itit'eers have ,,•roux•
very mach rotted, 1110 resole of not
haw in_ the 11'0(1011e properly cm).
slnue efl 'n Is to throw off Ihe
rain. The twill Sc 111 '.r closed Mien
for 2 slime lines
L\\'N G
Dui Utz Ihe past w•eOk)(()\\•LINtwo of the
!tellies 0f :.211(5 for the beautiful
silver spoon. offered by Mr. N. 1).
Hurtle!' for the hest pair of bowl-
ers in the cull; were played off anti
this week w%il) probably See several
mole coated. derided. ,lftcr the
completion of I lie pees( tit round the
n inners will 1.1.13 -1 second round.
ill he set ies pif flees have 02.011
r 1102011 ay (111 1.0 that the best 9)17'
ert: could Itot ,.0 I (scly :ct 2n_ct h•
t r I l c ,rry' of( t he trophy. Feline -
inz i+ the 14'4011 of the lWO 2)11)4'':
1. It. Ca11inr 1\'m. Itlalehford
1' .\\'. (►Llilin ill 11r. Sweet.
Skip 12 Skip 11
('. 11. Snell 11. 'f. leleher
;1. 0. SI:•(1bu: S.
Skip 11 skip 0
Exeter Hoek' 2w1.•(2 20 seal two
risks to cointe•:• ,1 1L. God( rich
tournament next wwtck.
Railway System
Muskoka Lik••t '(0marauii
Take of Bays Ma ;ROI awan Hi
Geor:ian tial k iwartha Lakes
l'Iliwu Lakes •1'hrnlsand islands
Quehec. Portland and Old Orchard,
Me.. 1W1ite Mountains.
A11 reached vi.. the Grand Trunk
Railway, the Tourist Route of Amer-
ica. i)ivert. connect i.'it with all boat
lines. Tourist tick.•ts 051 sale daily to
all Resorts.
Pacific Coast Excursion
$417.70 to foreland, Ore, Lewis &
Clerk Exp• :hien with slecial side
trips to California points. Tickets on
sale daily. Valid for 91) days.
For t ickets, illustrated literature and
title information, cell on
J. J. 1:X10117'.
Depot ticket agent, Exeter.
.1. D. McDON ALI)
iliidi n t passenger agent. Toronto.
left, you can '
....$I.25 kind
$2.25 kind
• ... • • . •$3 25 kited
for the
$2.40 for the
Night Gowns, Corset Covers and 1)ra\i/ers, alt at half price
Black Underskirts
A very fine Fancy one $1.00 A better one, real nice $2.00
A beauty, heavy satana and extra well made for $2.75
Odd Shoes
A few left of those lac ones. They are a snap, conte
and get booted,
6000 Mattress
I am the selling agent for the
EXETER. This mattress is guaran-
teed by the manufacturers to be
bettor than the best hair ;,to bo non+
absorbent ; vermin and dust proof.
to last' a lifetime and to .give com-
plete satisfaction to the user.
s 1 s.00 W. C. HUSTON
Furniture, Undertaking
You'II tldvc S0ill6t1flog
To show for your years of work if you eaye a
part of your earnings now -as much as jou cau
spare. Yon may need it at some future time --
might as wen) save it anyway, It is not hard af-
ter yon once make a start in the right direction.
SI is sufficient to start an account with this Bank
to which you can add to when you like in any
size'i amounts, and withdraw all or any p art of it
without any delay, and which earns interest at
the highest current rates, which is added to the
principal FOUR titnea n year, without it being necessary to go through the
formality of presenting your pass book.
You never realize the value of )laving a savings bank account until you
have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the
right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank.
We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal.
47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Huron:
Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton
JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branches.
49 Pcs. Flannelefte
at Old Prices
We have just received 46 pieces of Shaker Flannels
bought at the old prices. We will retail them to you at 50
6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, and 10c a yard.
23 pieces of Cottonades at Old Prices
Just before the sudden advance in Cottons we purchas-
ed our stock of Cottonades, Jeans, Denims, Derries, Ducks,
and Moleskins and sold to you at the old prices, 121c to
10 Pieces of Ticking
The old reliable kind that hold the feathers in their
places. We are ready for your trade now and can give you
these goods from 15c to 25.. a yard.
Bargains in Glassware and Crockery
Don't forget We etre going out of this Crockery awl
Glassware business. If you want to buy a Dinner III et,
Glass Set. Chamber Set, or anything we "have in stock you
can purchase from u9 che:tlmr than from any.of our opposi-
10 per cent. off for Cash, except on Groceries
and Goods Cut in Price.
Popiestone & Gardiner.
One door north of Pnstolilec. Prodticr taken in exchange for goods