Exeter Times, 1905-08-10, Page 71
They Ewers Always Had Separate
Military and Fiscal
1814 is based on the complete told in these t<tses, and speedily remove tum • '
all cause of danger. Mrs. Alex. Poo- I b inveutur of oston, believes
the full indoi,endenc•e in all domestic that it is. At any rate, he ciaiuns Well-known Tilbury East Farmer
orioles of the tote► lit (,uraquet, N.H., says: "I think that his inventions will prove vulua- Tells How Easily He Got Rid of
cuuu(rirs. Thu Tablets
* constitution of tLe ttvu countries is Baby 'n Ow tablets the best tucdi- ole, its rolo11 in r
eitie p is >i the lives of con-
dilferent; they have separate Pas'•`" Itavc, tused ltthern world
ivr cholera (cilli i�uut,rntl p His Trouble.
sur„ tines and n ill be of benefit to
merits, separate taus and furan of those suffering from asthma, l►nett-
prc►ccdure, separate rharche;, sed,ar teething andother troubles, and it maniaand other diseases of the Tilbury, Ont., July 31 --(Special),
nut rates u duty, et'c>n- c" lungs.. Founded solely ► — r. it. ttt;f;,irt' a well-known
ate customs d f 1 t5 astonishing
The very best medicine in the world
for summer complaints.ainte, such as chol-' DEEP BREATHING FORCED
era infantu, diarrhoea and dysen- I UPON THE PATIENT
try is Baby's Own Tablets. During
the hot weather months no wise
Atmospheric Pressure Is Chanced
Taoists in the house. These troubles Regularly and Autoina-
mother should he without a box of
conte suddenly prfly and unless c , tically.
checked too ften prove fetal. Baby.* Is it possibleto prolong Iife by
The union which has existed be-
Tabletsact almost like magic means of a nsuchine? l'eter lord, a .
hoot quickly they -eif lti'y •}
!lots and caro these iilrnentra. ��n c y c n the 'frill-amd 1 iW1n. estceistecl farmer of 'Til-
eaett ate armies and navies; in short capita of artificial res;,ration, 91r.
each of the ki,.ncluu,s has alt thu c,ccatsior.,;l leas of Iluhy1 Oten Tab_ l.urd has applied his knowledge of bury 1:�st, t --ll of his i inti•1 at lc
lett, will keep the stoinisch and buts- erre of ler•• i; T.1(1fr •• 1,‘."1"('Y I'f:,�
5, , tl_ bts find uttttlJt fes of tr,c•cl1•tr ' • t 1
be- plaints. L prevent sutnincr sotto - l'-' I► t
tlVeeri them is in reality nothing Lot tl
guaranteedu lr,tt'r' U ar , bus a
machine building -
Tasgart, "I was a sufferer Many are uncles the irmpression that
cur►t,tiu nu udittte or hurn,ful c:rutr. that It is e. ,e • ,, from Kldr.ev Trouble, • ,
institution < acs u tin,
tbeuty that he fur b • t,
a els right unci n:ulatc*d three tears at;u, Will to day, iease_ o(d s I„dney I lls.
),latimts. i\u mother necrt !,e nfr;t'(
a personal us►ion, „r) alliance unite e n is t
oro Iiia}; of t%(0 countries which 'x ttt.il shat11 d►rot(s to 1,0ble, and the scores ) tlsey, art• mall(, to I lurrlrma :1nc1 ti re
trot! ti►nc, immemorial have been it always dose good—it cannot pos-
us- t he pioneer td life-saving senator_ of nstslicines 1 used gave me 110 r0- J tvuvc.•ls under tsatter. The !ostler l e-
lovereifin stat es. sibly du harm. lac: sur• that 'mer lief. I was forced tothree + l:cf is entirely tt�run thou •h it is
bons the world over, get up
!! box hears the full name _ j by's t Jw11 :{ 8. 6
'1'I►c, complete liberty and i.t(!er,en- 1 '1'hrr irtvenlur sauce •tin or four t imleq every t,i•_ tru0 that the ma' ►<
d Th of each state i t all internal of -i Tablets and picture of four-leaf clot•- [Wing exhaus- lit stn:[ toy majority of 1 mamas
lively into n stools of the her life was simply miserrt!:1,, are made in South America. A laabe
fairs has never best called cr on the wrapper around the box.. � .
on, and
ny ,in!; elm. is a dangerous sub... ,uus, has proven to his von laststarted o use Podd't)' 10loo's'er, are mows in
sovereign st.►re and the unrr�n
s 1 srt� a curresl,violent el the Chicago ' 1' 01' nc out tour or bre ye(u s,..
t,f this 1r,edacin -'t suss
ce o r
More than half the battle in
cleaning greasy dishes is in the
soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap
it's the b"st. an
Material is Costly and they Are
Woven by Hand.
Much nriscotrreptiott exists as to
)e construction of the Panama hat
ti in q.es, t t l 1 funs t I }At I t nut11br r t w 1
the two countries have, as stfiut,•. Sulct by all druggistsyr sat-
isfaction, so her says, that as longi Kidney Pills and I get relief from London and also on the continent.
a matter of facet t!eveloped along `„as the vital spark remains in the hu-
!list. After using two testy I ,
The hafts, of course, are, t►►a:l0 of
different lines. 11) S..v de'n the const,- sent by mail at , cents a box }►v , ►suss. it is very scarce, and can on-
the Ur. Williams' ),icdici,i
man body, just so long will it bo i was completely cured. and you can ; t;
tutiun is aristc ,utas• the King Las' 'possible to apply eonsicteruGtu power. nod can, 1 y te- t, o., Iiroe1. ilk', Ont. I Pi !y the machine's pout- bet I was a happy otnn. I cannot !bin,
Le obtained trout Equit(1or, Cole,no-
er to the citing Persons and infuse ,sneak too highly of Uotld's Kidney f baa, and Guayaquil in South Auer -
fusing his sanction, prcrtcut a rr•suau-------♦--.--r� about ., per pound
a new 4. -
the both with life.
I'ill c o It costs EI 2r
tion of the Parliament from conning •wholesale price. It is very tine rrre-,
lmtt, force. Norway has the most WOMAN HELPED TREPOFF To the person that may be infected
All urinary complaints are caused 1 1 y
tesla!, about 18 inches to 21 inches
democratic constitution in the: world; + with the germs of tuberculosis he i 1>.v 1) 'eased Kidneys. Dell's Kidney' 1 in length. It takes a woman from!
the Stortlring. yr Parliament, all proves that the use of his machine� Pills always c,rre the Kidneys and I severs to torr dots to ttc(tvc a hat,
the members of which are elected by ; VERA SASSULITCH NABBED will force pure oxygen into every call therefore always cure urinarycoin-
%rorkin), eight hours a clay. It is
the people, lass a vary wide author-, THE NIHILISTS. Ri-
ot the Dings, killing in this tmar,ncr+I,luir,ts' then bleached a pure whit c, and oty; the King has only a suspensive the hicic3cn bacteria that cannot _
exist in the presence of oxygen, and ! ter being thoroughly seasoned l.y
veto—i.e., he can for a tune, by re- Pretended to Assassinate Tre ofl giving' therm a sun -bath they sit
fusing his sanction, prevent a law. P nt the same time aiding Nature to opening to the outer air of 'die high passed to the pressing department I
or an edict from taking °tiled; but and Gained Their build a wink and affected i
p lung tis- hill on which the inventor resadt s. ;for the final touches.
it it is voted by three consecutive
Confidence, sacs. The subject, having been provided { The cheapest Panama Heade costs I
8tvrthi11gs the resolution becomes Russian history during the lust For the persons afflicted with the with matter to read while the ex -'about $4.00 wholesale. The rtason'
law also without sanction. 20 i ngonizin; and sulTocating tortures I'eriruent wits in progre•sr,, was then)
yr 3u years would not have been
DIFFERENT SYSTEMS. what it has been if there had been
in their fiscal no Vera Rassulitch, of whom no ,/
policy the two na thing is heard in these days. When
tions have chosen dilTerent roads, the famous General 'Trepofl was only
46. hSweden being protectionist, Norwny . at the bee inning of his career she
aving free trade. In practically all' teas his invaluable asslstnat.
other matters development has like- i '1•red,uff was the detested enemy of
wise been dilTerent; the arsines are; the Nihilists and he was very aux-
organized on different principles; su '
aro the judicial service, the nnuntci_ bus to obtain inside information as
to their doings and their plans. ,Sud -
pal administration, the system) of
taxation and so forth. As also the' (dcnly' one day in 1878, he was fired
trade and the resources to a great at whilst driving through the streets
extent are different, the two court-' of St. Petersburg by no other than
uhy they are su clear is because they I
that asthma produces Mr. Lord has locked in the room, that became in- are made by hand. The liner the:
given practical asectrtutce that his in--stantty straw or grass the clearer the hat.
vention must and will produce speedy 111•AIMETICALLY SEALED. Probably the highest price ever given j
relief and On the opposite wall of the room for a I'enarna was $700, which tt•as !
UI TIMA'rE CURE from where the patient %vas breath- { the sum paid only two summers ago
through clearing and filling the lungsintothe wall a plunger -like arrange-
ing through his tube there %las let for one of these wonderful creations.
A Sure Cure for the BIues
TEA in freshly boiled water, add sugar and cream to taste and Drink
Slowly. In bad cases Take Another. That's all.
When you are at a loss to know what to serve for luncheon, dinner or supper --
when you crave something both appetizing and satisfying—try
Flavor) Libby's Food Products
Once treed, you will always haus • supply en hand
Ox Tongues Chili Con Carne
Veal Loaf Brisket Beef
Ham Loaf Sups
Your Grocer hoe thaw
Libby. McNeill 6i Libby, Chicago
and throat with
the purest of Ra , meet consisting of a leather plunger the 6Clear Healthy Skin.—Eruptions ruption, of During June, July, August and
lure's oxygen.
!sliding in a cylinder � 1
kis and the ,lotchen which blemish
y c r and cont rolled beauty aro the moult of impure blood , September the Chicago and North
In the face of all the experimenta-: from the outside by the inventor hien- caused by unhealthy action nt the liver Western Ity. will eel: frorn Chicago,
tion that has been successfully car -!self, who had gauged the length of `and kidneys+ In correctingg this un- Y
b i healthy action and r rc ting the or- round trip excursion tickets to San
rise! on by savants and scientists in :strokes sufficient to release and
in- - rens to their normal condition, Parrne- I'rancisco, Los Angeles, Portland,
this country and abroad during the Crease alternately the ntmosl►hrric Inn ye.gietabtn }'ills will at the Bayne Uro. (Lewitt eC. Clarke I:xcurslon 5e`
last score of .carts in search of a pressure on the body of the subject.
es andteeruptions he win disappear without attic, Victoria. Vancouver at )ever
leaving any trace. low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points in Canada.
('eller—"Mrs. de Style is not in, Choice of routes, hest of train ser -
you say? Why, I saw her throu:zh vice. favorable 1 topovers end liberal
whole world is crying "open air.'' r the drawback of the plunger the the window as I carne up the steps." return limits. hates, folders and
"Plenty of fresh open air and the` pressure, becoming less. ,,onlpelled i Servant (blandly )—"Shure, mum, frill i1,fortnat(on can be obtained
germs of consumption cannot thrive.' { the patient to unknowingly and that was only her shadow you saw•" from 11 1( I'
"I i
tries have had little in conunon. I''era Sasaulitch. She was at once cure or preventive of all lung chis -I Fifteen pounds to the square! itch
Ilut while the principle of the: seized by the soldiery, and was eases, the invention of l'eter Lord' is the pressure on the human be sly
equality and independence of both . charged with the attempted murder has come to the assistance of medical r under normal conditions, and Wen
kingdoms is fully recognized and - of TrepolT, being tried in. this orcein- research at the moment that tho two pounds of this are withdrawn b
carred out in their whole internal ary manner; but, to the amazement
administration, this has not been the' 01 the public, :she was acquitted.
case with the conduct of foreign of-' on her release the Nihilists gath-
fairs. According to the constitutions; erect about her, desiring to admit
of bot countries the King had a , ,such a friend of the people to their
Very /ree hand in these mutters he ;closest acquaintance. In this way she
could leave theta to the Swedish j way admitted to all their private
Minister of !Foreign Affairs— as he; Circles and was made acquainted with
generally did --or he could have then, their secrets. These she at once coni -
prepared and treated by a Norwe-i ntunicated to the Russian Govern-
glan, it the question was of particu-! mint. The truth was that the whole
lar interest for this country; but, ! business, including the attempt on his
whatever course he adopted, these, life, was faked by Trcpoff himself,
matters were not subject to partia-; and it was simply a clever ruse to
meutary control in either of the'
While the Norwegian always have
regarded the union as an alliance of
get front the Nihilists what could not
be got in any other way. '!'hereafter
Vera Sascs(ilitch planed the part. of
Government spy on innumerable oc-
two ft•ee, mutally independent states b'ltOM SPY TO COUNTESS.
for the defence of common interests 'fliers succeeded her as the Czar'
against any hostile attempt from chief til►y 000 1,:11:41111, 13cflornu who s
outside, the Swedes, from the very came the Countess Della 'Torre She
beginning, have seen in the union an,
extension of power for th, it c•ucrrttt•y,' tray a woman of t,►rt•at m(•ntrst ability
and a compensation for the loss of and 1 ounciless ambition, and when
("inland, which was ceded to Russia , her husband diced she offered her ser -
in 1809. They have, therefore ni- i vices as s},c sial secret agent to the
ways tried to gain an ever • inoses- Czar, and soon became indispensable
Ing preponderance, in the conduct of !! to the Russian court. Whenever a
foreign nti'airs. From their point of 1 (melon, nt had to be secured, she se-
riew, beau}; the greater and richer ; cured it, anti she allowed nothing
nation, this Has perhaps only na- ! nut (•%c•n a l,fe, to stand in her 'way.'
:tl ; but it w'r(s nut just (o Norway j 11y erre rertoarl'it;,lc and dramatic• cool,
end cont rary t o t he principles upon • curly in her c.•tlrer she obtained tht:
which the union was based. „nbunnled confidence of the ('rnr.
INJUSTICE TO NUit«'A1'. Infure:utaon had been received by the
Itussiun secret police than a plot
in 1883 Sweden decided that for- ngnla,st the monarch Wes being
sign affairs should be 1aid before the hatched conjointly in Route and
King and settles! in at council of three, Paris. 1t was suspected that the
Swedish Atiii istcrs, one of whom wast plot was to be carrier! out through
10 1)0 the Prime Mfitistcr, rind that, (h^ instr,lnu'tot(tlity of a high oflicla>,l
their decision should he subject to: of the ('
the Swedish l'nrliainent. Nurwaty,lforts to �i lent!l(ysihini (aik•!. old, but all thereupon claimed a full represents -1 Thereul'c'n this woman spy was
tion in this council and the just ace put on the scent. and she at nitre
of this detnand WAS recufit,ircil h tl.
s just this question of finding without effort inhale a far greater
a means of furnishing plenty of fresh l quantity of pure oxygen than could
air or oxygen to the Sick and dying , be drawn into the lungs under the
that has occupied all any: spare time: ordinary conditions of breathing
during the last three years," said the • when the -pressure was at fifteen
inventor to a correspondent. 'pounds.
"Several years ago the talk of ne- 1 "Now, I cannot say as to how far
ccessity of plenty of exercise in order thin invention will go in the medical ,
to keep the circulation of the body world, but we all know that there One of the Points of the Reform
well up to the normal started me to are certain portions of the lungs that in British Array.
thinking that if some means ; ctr•c never used, and if the germs of ; According to the new instructions,
might be produced to compel this tuberculosis become seated there, how !British army officers commanding are
circulation without energy on the:can there be any salvation for a per- I to sec that the medical otlicers re -
part of the person benefiting it might :eon so afflicted except through the I port. upon the physique of all omen
be the Caufie of heiping to sustain life' use of such an apparatus as I have' under their command, with a view
longer than has been the average un- ' int(nt(dr. Raid the enthusiastic ug- to seeing it they are lit to remain in
(ler the conditions of the past. where'chauic. the regiment, and elaborate dicec-
medicine alone is hen'ight into play. f "1t is somewhat similar to wash-; tions are given us to 13 hut consti-
"I realized then art I do now Brut i ing out a rag that. has been used in cites little•=s.
exercise of itself nclds but little tocleaning dirt. If the water does not I Great strctts is laid upon the tantethe life of a person. It. is the circu- ;reach every part of it there is sure i of the teeth. '1'h.-' volunteer, if he is
lation that counts, and this is only :to be some of the dirt remain, and Ito remain on the force, trust have
forced by the exercise. in time rot the. rag. So it 15 with :sufficient sound teeth for proper Inns --
"I figure(, that the blood pumping ,this machine of mine. It will force I tication, 3% bile he racist be free (rota
through every vein and artery of the
_ sennc•tt, General Agent,
]Ruch distress anti sickness !n children 2 hast .King St., 'I'ot•onto, Ont. 31
Is caur.ed by worms. Mother Craves'
Worm �Exterminntor rives relief by re- Water freezes ever night through-
r„u.int, the cause. (.at -e it a trial and y
be convinced. out the year at Alto Crlrcero in
the sick or well man t%ho tries f
Rtcru was what gave the strength ; take in deep hreriths sinal cicleanevery' all organic disease, and have n tarr+t-
ysI ilius
and food to the ti
Bolivia, while at noonday the sun
is h
ing. } Protect Your Property
of enough to cause actual suffer -
Dysing 1 Cleaning
is, Oho we hen mil +a..e,b . ss
'e t!llTlt� Ilrt>tiOJIN snnm
1issh gar srsss ` ems hive. ee ease tutsse.
yam, Taproot*. Ottaway Guam*
in the celebrated Moose Mountain
District where everyonei�prosperous.
and crop failures unknown. Carlyle is
four years old; has eve elevators, with
capacity of 200.000 bushels. The mor
who built there knew their business.
They are tilled every season. The D.
O. McFee Land Co. of Carlyle, Asainl-
bota, have 200,000 acres of improved
and unimproved farm lands for sale in
this district. They solicit your corres-
pondence. Further Information and
particulars cheartallty given.
Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all
kinds of corns and warts, rootand
branch. Who, then would endure them
with such a cheap ar,d eflectuul remedy
within reach?
Have you ever seen a cat get
mixed up with a sheet of sticky Ily
paper? It not you have rrritised one
of the real sights of this life. The
terrified, jumping, spitting, mewiilg
crt•atlsre presents a most ludicrous
spectacle to all onlookers and causes
011 in h11008e 8111011 n Or !mighty!' and
fun, but when the frantic and mad -
class (011-1itut,un. Ally defects %chielr ` ( I►(•t i,ec•t,rrtes almost smothered
s. 0, but the ink_ portion of the twigs, and the strong, class l + by the sticky stuff and the damage
lie of exercise? to euntpel than Burnet! healthy circulation must fallott•, b prevent a than marching well to carpets,
or pain E to curtains, etc., etc.. wife
up the vital energy of a 1111111 or a' I believe that. there are Brent r. on active service will 0150 !gins be realized, the housewife
wot� an. ,things to be dune in the medical he fated. Generally he trust conte I
'If this res}►lrntinn could be forced ,' World with this machine of 01100. 1 the to appreciate and
t the funny silo ofe- 1
up to the physicsl equivalent of nine the (ghat , and then and (herr. only
mechanically, then I knew that bet-' do not know mach about the prat_ teen years, and not be over 4Vii. 11ut stiles that in future r:he will use only
ter results could be achieved and 1 tice or the theory of medicine, but I pot n if n mein posse's 1hc'se tests rat- Wilson's Fly !'ads, which are • I
there would he no tiring and cense-'do know something of the bouton isfnctoril}, before he is to be stunted . hundred ti1n s moreeffectthree
quem a5 fit lot naive ser,‘ he must be ual and
'burly, and cannot see any reason whycannot damage carpets or furniture. LOSS O1� ENERGY. +this plan of mine, is not }►sect acral 1 Countt t1 nti n lir st -, :(tss shot • Alt dru • •'
ftr•j,e,rts e,n (1105(,druggists and storekeepe.... .._„
and strictly in compliance with the points hntinfi Wilson's I''
lys Pads. Avoid worthless
'"I'his was the basis on 'hich I LA{{ -S OF IMMiLIAN NA'i'tfF:. i Owen completed, OMeera c•ommandin ►
went to work and nctw 1 nn, glad to f+ imitations,
are to intorno the 11'nr Office of the
say that I have perfected an fin'en_ "I have figure(! that this machine , number of tit ansa unlit under their
tion that I nut certain will help soy_ 1 will he of the greatest value to can- { crirurnnnd, in the• bitter care specify -
night was the hap-
tain life in the %%'cakrct of sick per- somptites. The lung expansion of ing the causes of unf;tHess. The duty Pfest in my life. ]t brriught me one
suers and provide the desperately j the cnnsuni!►tive is comp:tratively is also cast on officers (clmn,rtnriin};
weakened once with the only meatus stun!!, and the only cum— it there i9 I round of plensIIre." Itell—"What do
a c(Ire—iv lots of oxygen. of stating whether in their judgment you consider one round of pleasure?"
of compelling the vital functions of ; untat units shoals! be disand, a or Nin --"An engagement ring."
y cant to Horne. ohere she ingratiatedtba !wily to respond to that life- ' If nppliecd every clay or night
Swedes; but for different reasons nu' herself wit h t! h h ! whilethet' amalgamated with more efficient
iv the 1
lust lvund out, e At this r ' tion would corns.
agreement was arrived at, so thmt the i i fists, end at giver, a citcu ntinn.'' patients sleep, my inven-
Sweden was lift with prn(th-:t ly theth name she wanted. point Mr. loll went on to Increase the lung
.�hte ret,(rtied in !oust,' to St. Peters- tell of having dismantled the al+patr- sign and fill every cell with clean, o the
libels mrtnnficnlcnt of the foreign rtf-I I {inure oxvSen, l o� never can cc•c► the worm in
fairs of bot h countries. Later fo-go- 1 burg and informed the t'7ar of count 1 tit us with which he hail conducted ,
she hail discover but he refused , his first successful experiments and., 'In this I have found the proudest :the 8111110 from the other aisle of the
tintions in 188600and 891 failed be therefore, it ootid h(con,e intpnssii,le ;result of inv life work, and because 1fencc.
sauce Sweden demanded that it _. believe Inc .. as the man named c of actual trials have become con- !
should he expressly turrm+llated in the Rn4 one of his closest att,'nrlants ! to show the Actual tcuri•ir,fr of the r
union treaty that. the Swedish Min- and most intimate friends. —I Inn,"
.stet• fur I'ircign Affairs should nut exclaimed the ('u+.ntess, "I must
is such for the union and for Ner- !'rote to your Mnj(•sty that what 1
way, without any responsibility to tell you is true. In hell nn hiuir 1
the Norwegian Parliament—an ar_ must crave permission to see vni
arrangement, but dc'sci•il�ed 111 gener-
%'i need beyond the shadow of n doubt ' EVER TREAT YOU SOT
1 ha the features I t th
c rot r i
r c y of the nl,pnra,t us rens! F }': f he only prnctiunl plan
in a mlanner 53hich left no riutrt►t vis fur prolonging life, n method that Coffee Acts the Jonah and Will
to the advantages to be derived from neither gives pain to those that have Come Up.
the treatment that the inventor out- ; it applied nor any sense of deprt•s- A clergyman who pursues his noble
' 1
Cholera morbus, cramps and kindred
corn/,lnruts annually make their ul,-
penra,ic•e at the same time ns then hot
weather, green fruit, cututnher,, melons,
etc., and many persons are dr -barred
from eating these tempting things, but
they need not abetnin if they have i►r.
J. 1'. Jte11ogg'n Dysentery Cordial nntl
take a few drops in water. It cures
the cran►I,s and cholera. In n re►unrksble
manner and is sure to check every (11s -
lar Lance of tho bowels.
A dr) winder put op la metal lobe*, 22
Incks long. It will instantly extinguish the
meet furious Qam+4 of wood or oil. Price $3 co
each, PO On dos Arita fur .1 escrIptlre clrnniar
Th• Diamond Dry Powder tore AC 111
Lahti 'Asher N., tsnnte, Ont. WANTED
"V811at do! that man do to tease
himself so fainoub?" asked the in-
quirer, l:a�.1ng cu -iously' at an indi-
vidual who formed the centre of a
suci„1 group. '' 1'u the beet of ins,
knowledge,” replied the cynic "lie
did the public."
1' xternnlly or Internally. It 1s t:ood.—
Ono of the tt'atR of bentrt 44. 1.,.. the I flea` �af'f'1'`'(l externally by brisk rub -
country in the Grand Duel. • f 11 IIII(U. or 1 homer !.electric Oil opens
! one(. + hlnn or possibility of Injury to any calling in a country parish in I'''" without any ultimate ex a n, Q Arlen fthe ew porese and penetrates the tissue as
-an stmt to which the Not t•;e ions ae'alct•'• it• ten sit,• Ir ft the• (�'*ttr 1 The Core of the entire theory e.nd I''�rt of the goody." 1tells of his coffee experience. tax ayes 1 to the( ,a nos do, touching the scat of
have never been trilling to bind them• 'Ile at r►nu,, Roufiht o,t th,. officer in 0(daptation of the nt,tchine lies to the
1 + [' is the planting► of fruit- tt (i itlo anA trnmedtatoly a(Tnrdin`
In the city ut 1Corcester, where the "bay wife and I used coffee rc t;ular—. trees along the highwitys. retic(. Admini�terecl fnternslfy. tt wtll
telveR. ;tittestion. and lion,!.,! over tr, his„ young inventor, yet to see the 3e still the Irritation to the throat. which
I'01\'1' IN IIISI't:'I'h'. 1•arin, r, opetq ii a cur,trul u( atrnvsd,herc' pressure on the i th ly for brnrtkfartt, frequently for (lin-
• n Induces coughing and will cure afiec-
n�tc s�tn�• r,pnn hlnrutn burly and the nitcrnattl,•� , nlltestmtp of lift, li%rv, h1s %%�idc sir-� mer and occasionally for supper—al- I lie 7'hrre a Will tVtr•.forr, Points thetions of the brunchirtl 1,ubes nu,
him that (el ne,► nrrount must he al- f crease n reduction of this pressure (de of ncclunintnnces in the business ways the very bestquality—package1fuy.—'i,e: sick rnan
pines for relief, rliratury ur an4. 'Tr' I I so-
After if l,ar! proved impossible for r but 6 y and he con -
:he two cvu1,?11 s to come to en lo•c thr,t► to lua(,• his p, rsctn. "1„•,•l, so as • \ compel the felts st rc•s•,ira- life of the city have the fullest can - coffee could never find a place on r h r'sns ikes ar•ndinq ter the doctor, whish vincect.
t h nt tt ith you," she s.ild. "on s our tint, t.': i ! fidc11(4 on n n, 1 uttlt y of d, uq s never cnn.un,,r•tl.
fade rslnndiub, �t,rttay, in order to(h ruin, lc to inh:+lin); and ; in %that hos says about the table. Ile has not the re,c,tutinu to load h+s
)b(ain a rcb'ulnti,,,t of ai least part nnl,le 170r`o•i they are cafe: in my f c•xhttiin„ vxyl;,n fl,crn the lu„I;., Oce machine or apparatus, as he pre I "In the spring of 1Kt'ti my 1 sternrteh with coml•o„nds why!' solicit China has ten rntlweys in °pers.-
�t the points in debate, hallus d•lace the%• t► •, wife e,l {
, u rn ea gr+ r, 2:15,
himself wih hl
env 1 e tr, ,r.r1. filen
to have it railed. tens taken with violent vc,�uitir,g, hit v.le nee, 0 1 will telt ,Icnl h,rFe Butt ( t tion.
tt nth a total fl f 2
and as n a , I thuv lute err to search out
list step tot%;trds the sulcalion of the ('OLi1.1'N1' ithtidS•1' 111:it. (anti Pur ifs �v atom of the lung which we hats! (,*teal difficulty 1 tor: weenie! tem trtrcct
his whole question. attention eel Kin *(1
d t, to 121.11 tool. up ll,.r fascinations were toy mesh titt..uts. (iIIN!•,Sl•. INCENSE MILLS.
stu}spin};. Y to to 1'urn,elc 's 'r• etal,le !'ills. kh t b um1.
R I h, a+
leu gu(s(tvn of ctltabltrhin n s _ t to r err, ,Mfr. i.<►;, •• Olt
ai•ecit,e ! (nrlrrc•�tion and dis•rdrrs
an )e agreed -h . i con- - A missionary travelling f it seemed to come f t 1
rate Norwegian consular
K e1 rt fr,r ff1, o.•fie, r • d } r Isl f, r, th•
c ut%n the from coffee o tt.e c tt;eatrc organa hate no trona
servlre. thu,, ,ettcrncd to the Cray, and of stru�ted nn aLsolntcly airtight ebur„-Lntr lifter im Mongolia says he pass_ rlrimkinK blit nrr• could not dc;eidc.
Hitherto the consular service, had toes! said to hint: "1 beg that your !her or slued! sego,, in v,3 11li t) e pa- ed thirty-one rad 1:e in one rinv. .1t "in the follov%ing July, ht,wevcr,
been tinder the Minister of Foreign t1,1 c';tv tt (ll now - t iemt or su!►jry t «acs liar erf. lifter a ' h)vs:t. of theta1 there water ruins for I she was attacked n ser•ond t line by
s and had b,(n common to at un,e Ru:,uuntt ruff and pliable iln'it 1 and n.use theigrinding of aromatic reef; into the vomiting.
1 «•as mins from Tho hest I.fmd of lurk Is the luck
bt:th counirir: • The oencvcnar'rice o[ thin gentletnnn to your Pres:n^e,of satin!; r,.onev.
and that % port .; 1 been butntd rtLout theses j powder to male incense. The lrCeslTton,r, fillinE► tin appnintm,e„t, at the �' tI
this arrangement dining the first deportment
observe closely the 'portion.; of the frutur•,�, ['rutty this t1t u r dicta
%.r 0 c,> nta
is are;chopped into swill' },ie es unci nc, anti vet ►nt ret'Irn 1 found her, ' unary should not Contain
res til at
and features mouthpiece led rt }quote salol tltruc%n into n of i very 1vu; she hurl liter Ii the word "!roll.”
�11 the union was0101 not much frit ) iere there hole n a heavy mill- a y %•r,1111ted
when h.' !nes to sit your side.” A:lenfith of rubber tuLin}-, to the wall stone whack revolves on n lair'er, (!tick seism and -
nth the enormous d(ve!r }�n'''nt' Petr ►ninnt,s later the t 1., death, and it tuvrt
of the Norwegian shipping trade' oho) ot1,r• r cnt� r- :. },
Rltttat i,.n had become very unsatis- (e1 t ' ' 001111 nent . (n(1 tt 1., n hc' sats '-
ta,r countess with the ('lour• he re-
-- - {tctunr ns the water rr,r„tca thrnngh 0nt11e Guys to tl„a.•t the trouble (uul Siaimrse twins of busincgs. - v
below. In the rainy season, when
rester(' her stt•mi;cch. lion• -y has t%ings which should be
`,:r I had also exp,rienrerl the 0clrlte clip; -0d by judiciotig econot►Iy.
•� ,f • �•', the river !Ions full tt,„1 fact. (( pair 1t yu+t'll heel) ttorkin r
„ c trnlible, but not so t•iul_nt ly, rind 1 i . and think-
�'� � T r�r. � � ► ; of mills can grind �.tt(t cattle (..ti(y)
{ rounds) o incense a day. It is i ` '�'t'`-''' t each time, by a i s', and ,Is int.'. all •e(tr around,
Fac tu►y . The Norwegian l'arliannent,
4 lhcrcfc►r,c ) nl1/0(1 the st<•tte of a!Tal:•s ,tr(1 turned
n! pointed n commission of
experts, and on their rcruinmcnc}rt• I !'ale with terror.
tion resvl%cred en .lune 22, 1 `z )2 ►. "It is as I informed your 11fa-
:he r.trtbiishtnc•nt of n sti'lrnte eon- je`ty," said oho Countcsa. "if vnrr
!tiler service for Norway.
It would take too long to outline
the negotiations between Norway and
Sweden concerning this resolution.
During the Inst thirteen years no
agreement has leen arrived at and
the long -drawn conflict has given
rise to a very deplorable feeling of
bitterness and acerbity bordering on
15(10(1. • teaching," Marjory—"You going in
for teaching/ Whp, I would rather
marry a widower with half a dozen
sateen will be a lonesome place chlldretat"- Ethel (with a slgh )-..
br those Who do not Mike commop "So would II But where's the wad.
people. ower?'L
will search him you will find the
proof." 1t was fc'rnd in one of his
riding--lconts. 'f he (' •ar ordered
that he aho',)rf be exiled to Siberia
for life, but there was a general im-
pressfon that he wag murdered in
his cell.
Fkhel—"Yee; I'm going In for
1 T f 1 had r l f t!1 'n 1 h t l
rade l,p rnt(t 1)t)n(!1c's r•t 1t11.: '.e,•i; lot jjresort to Inedit ine. 1 your %eont have to rash your record
nd sold on the spot for I fly Ltrings I "i3ut my wife's second nttnck set-
t -out on the boss 1n order to get 5 rni
of cash (about :6.
I QUA INT IN 1.:—.1 0 clN(; ('1;S'1`O1f, and
Eglint;hnm. Northumberland,1a%nt ►tont4 of drsen�e 14n ►car(cl and I do not satisfy the
I'n land, P I I t customers.
• g a (It,r;int Wedding c•a:st nm. durutg the t) � that o hovel The only business so far (1}�C(t%
which has been in existence ft r hmn-
deeds of tears, still lrret,til5. There tso ha 0 rieser had n recurrence of 1 ink is that of the hank robber. Eno -
,t wedding in the perish chur,•h the vornitinc. We never wear
t1,e other dac•, and after the core- I'c►R(,rlm, to which we know we owe Pennding. sad take* goes head in band rwithtun wise
rnv'Iv the newly -married couple founds our good health. This is a simple the right Clement. opportunity *1
the t n 1•C'ich lied been drawn across
isf,ed ane that the use of coffee was f
He'll talk to you be fore t ke first of
at. the bottom of our 1reebles. and Jsn',nry.
so we stopped it forthwith and took 1iigh-sounding phrases 1
on Post ein Food Coffee. The o ( Bible eromlsea
. ( i. ►
•c•a, r•s n a•er-
tievn using I'ostui,) ir,st(•ad of coffee ; ed, that 1e not helpr+tl by printer's
R ! of facts." lame Shoo by
the rlu(,reay. (avec this bench thesi 1'r,'.tui(1 Company, Battle °reek, Bee see=p >a chid to relieve rhea -
Mille iti,rl !•rime,•) nous there ronipelled , ,f ich.
to jump before this could !sate, t!,o! ' !lead the little book fid• sad bee culture for the sake
sacred budding., Wellville," in each piga•
,�e �� ��M� fa being carried on 1n I'bfl-
Uao Lever's Pry $ionp (rt powder,
to wash woolens and Ilunnuls,-
yoct'11 like It.
Some recent. experiments have been
made in ihivaria in ref;nr'1 prepnr-
}ng nrtibicin1 cotton froth pine woad,
and it is amid that the► r:r3v proeowq
nllo ss it to be made cheaply enoeeh
00 that the artificial eettr.n may
compete with the nattut•c(I product.
A Summer Co lz ;!h
Is the harrtcst kind to get r:•1 of an.i lho
rnoei daegt:rota kind (6 trig: _•.1;..
), utre r-19 Lund
r' :7; C -t -r yon r,•rfckly anti r,*•" T—atop
tn. foci,. rt -era -awn tate lunge arra
tit ate you Well age.n.
At IS; d ..:j ste '4f toe! !)o_ !oft,r,
*U1 lakt 31-05s