HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-10, Page 5• tl• TR1 i;+XA. 1 i R T1M k 6, AUGUST lout WO. Cedar Posts A large quantity of Cedar Posta for *ale of the best quality. )lust be sold at once. We would be pleased to quote you our prices on any Building material you may require. We can supply you with. Sash and Door Frames Lumber, Lath & Shingles on shortest notice • • In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- er's with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and see the wood we have for sale. Just the kind you require for Bummer cooking. Th6 ROSSTa uior G0. LtUS To Farmers and the Public in General As the s rim is comin on now gather up all your old Rubbers, such as Rags, ubb ers, ,I, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, + Old Rope, Bones, all kinds 4. of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. $ One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's wherhigh- est • you will geth the hi g est cash price for them. +44-14-1-44414+444-+++++++++++ 4it+++++++++•i + Farm Implements We are dealers in all kinds of farm- ing implements and below we give a partial list of what we have in stock. Buggies from $00 up, Waggons from $44 up, Binders, Mowers, Hay Tedders, Sulky Plows. See Our Nay Loaders and Side Rake We have several Washing Machines and Wringers that we will sell cheap. incubators and Brooders. t! A w second-hand Buggies and Waggons to be sold cheap. BISSETT & JOHNS Largest Show Rooms, Exeter. CREDITO Roller Mills Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. • We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- g modellinour mill T H. Sweitzer Fon SALE — Lot 8, Con. 3, l' +- borne. 100 acres. all under cul- tivation, 2 wells. On the property la a frame house, ;cod bank barn, one frame barn.yto Jas rEa cry,cr Extar- eter ticularr n(:p y P. O. FOIt SALE. — '1 have 81 acres in ries looking not 1oo had which I w itinteII on the ,ground not less than 5 Hero Iota and upwards, any- one requiring such apply soon. also have n quantity of brick in building to sell cheap, by t he lump or hundred, also a lar re quant.it y of atone at the harm to dispose of. Ap- ply to Hay P. 0.. L. \icT.\(U AItT. A\cgciable Pr:i) :r.aionforAs- SiiTala1'-cgu:a tirgthy `_ ::..,.p;_tr.:11.1owelsof mot,: S lli i,ation,Chcerful- nc5s and IIest.Contdins neither Opeint.Morpliinc nor I'fw.cral. NOT :':AIZC()TIC. r»Y•7.-elo'ir &v:czzl'irmi ILa./.ti, Swat! - Abelnmi• - .+bufr J • Ifpy , ,c t /hCwdu.ctJJ,. hirnmJird - Cfsr/✓✓ Geyer - Lii.loyn,v A perfect Rowdy for C.onstipa- lion. Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoea. Worins,Convtilsions.tevcrish- ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Semite Sign ...turc r f NEW YOIfIC. Att, months old 13 DosE%—;35CENTs EXACT COPY 07 WRAPPER. CASTOR1 For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Years CASTORI "INC COMMNT. PIM YORK C1TV. MEDICAL ESTABLISHED \V. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. " 5T I3LISHED Do you allude t o t lie autotnooile tl,• P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni- ori lie' or 'she'?" vereity. office and residenence. Dominion1 Ile,+ (,f course." l,abotatory, Exeter. "Why of course:" DENTAL "Because one of theme ran away TTKINSMAN, L. 1).8. AND with a beautiful woman in New DR. A.R. KINSMAN, L. York the other d:,y." — Cleveland D. S. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate t Toronto University, Dentist. Plain Dealer. Beth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main reef ' Exeter' D.A. ANDERSON' tD' D• 3.1.11. Transfer of License DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto Unlverelty and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of pp1ario, with honors Also Postgraduate of onb Schon of Prosthetic Dentistry (with koa Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work. crowns. alp all done he the lneatest ldmannerand polcap site. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless eztza& Son. Office one door eolith of Carling Bro'sktor* Exeter, Ont. ,KONEY TO LOAN We upofarmo on unlimited id private property 1 loinvest; es ent upon atee of Interest. DICKSON & CARLIEGeter. MONEY TO LOAN. We have a targe amount of private funds to oaaonfarm and village properties atlowratee cesaiotl and the east half of Lot No. c+r tram-eel.Ol.ADMAN do STANDURY 6 in the 11th Concession. of 'the Barristers Solicitors. Main 8t. Exeier. Township of 1'sbornc. Possession tatter harvest this year. Dated this DICKSON & CARLING, Oth day of .June, 1905. For tering a d particulars apply on the prem - is.} itv or to Dickson & Carlin;, Solici- tors for Vendor, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE is hereby given that Isa- bella Wilson, of the Village of Woodham, has made application for permission to transfer her tavern license for the premises in the Vil- lage of Woodham known as the Woodham hotel to Mr. 1'. llishon, of Stratford, and any objection to the :transfer of the license must be made fa (ho License Inspector, Wrn. Bat - lantyne, Seatortli, not. Later than the 22nd of August, 1905. FARM FOR SALE. — Mrs. Chas. Washburn. having decided to give up farming, hereby offers for sale either in olock or in 59 acro parcels, the farm now occupied by her, being composed of the south half of Lot No. 7, in the, 10th Con - Barristers, 8oltcltors Notaries Convey _sneers, Oommiselonere, Solicitors for the Moleone Bank. Etc. Mosey to Loan of lowest rate of Interest. OFFICE :-1,1 AIN STREET, EXETER. 1. R. CARLING B. A. L A. DIC=bott The Osborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President:—T. ItYAN, DUBLIN. P. U. Vice -Pres.:— J. A. Noalusj FARQVII A)t1'.°. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. O. W.H. PA88MOR):, CROMARTY P. 0. Wet. ROY, BORNHOLM I'. O. J. L. RussEl.1., RCSSRLDALn P.O. AG ENTS. J. CARMiC'H.AI L. A. DUNCAN J. Wi1.soN, J. S. GILFr1.LAN, STAFFA. ONT. I' ARQUHAR, ONT. FCLLARTON, ONT. LrcAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, S Farquhar. Secy.-Treas. eas. ar u . q JO8EPII WHiTE Licensed Auctioneer, Counties of l'erth Middlesex, Huron, Oxford and Town of St. Marys. Charges moderate. Orders lett at his residence, QUcen St., St. Marys, 'will be promptly attended to. Phone at ilia house. Special attention given to live stock males. Order+ left nt The Times will be promptly attended to. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE — The undersigned has to: sale on Int 1R, Con. 2, Illy, 0 number of up - to -date t horoughbred Short horn hulls. They are of the low set blocky type. dark red in color and of choice breeding. They are all elig- ible for registration. and will be sold reasonably. -- .lohn Elder, Ilensall 1'. 0. Tenders Wanted The melt rri:tied will receive tend- ers up to 12 o'clock toxin of Frid ,y. the 11th day of August, 1905, for the construction of about 11,1100 rain ter feet of ;ranolithie pavement, :)t'i'le. crossings, in the vain -get of Exeter, according to specifications }vhieh may De sects at the office of the un- dersigned. The 1 izheel 01' ;Illy tender npl iwcessarlly accepted. J. SENIOR Clerk of the Village of Exeter. J. A. GREGORY REAL ESTATE BitOKF:I{ Nort h Ihrt 1leford, Sask. Seven years experience in Western nils Selected Lands for s:11c in block or single sections from $8 per acre up. situatedds are in the T1,t•se lands famous Sakatchewn Valley, t he garden of (110 Canadian Nort hwest, alonz either the main line of the Canadian N.onle•rn It:liln as or the survey of ,t he Gr 111,1 Trunk unk Pacific. 1. Twenty years aro Dakota lands sold for! $3 -an acre. 2. To -day they are selling' for $50 to *89 an sere. 3. Throe years ago We.,ttrn Cnnn- di:ul lands eols1 for $3 an acre. 4. To -day they are scllin z for $8 to $25 an acre. 5. In three years more lands will again double: in value. 6. Why invest your money nt 5 per cent.' 7. Don't wait' settlers are: rushing in. Buy n section nr t wo row, then you can Afford to wait it. bile it grows into Ilton"y. (torre.spondenre Invited References:—('tion Rink r.f Canada, Winnipeg, and Molsn:.s (lank, 1.t••erg Ont. s• To Cure a Cold in One Day ,,,cures,,„criiPT, Take Laxative Brom CQuinine�LTablets.. ' (91 _,4 o>r. 2sc. everwy (Seven os bens sold 111 pelt 13 soB bs. ,his signature,a • WI\CHELSEA —111. Et( evaI.1 Clack letmated 4.11 8.tttoday. lie is. home p•y111 Lir parents a visit after brio: away for some limo. —The yuuug folks of Il,I' putce purpose resorting to the lake some of these days. — Mr. \Vel. Moore leas almost com- pelled I he jou of galvanizing the roof of the house and also the barn of Mr. \\'m. Crcery, which will add t oche appearance of noth lionise and barn . —The crops have been good this year and harvestin r is aaout over. —Mr. Thos. McCurdy purchased a horse from Mr. Wm. Creery for the handsome sum of $200.00. —Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Itouttcy were the zuests of Mr. and Mrs, 3. Fletcher on Sunday. — Miss Annie Ilorri'ton leas turned home arab). —Quite a crowd of Fullartou young people were here on Sunday to listen to Mr. James' discourse. EDEN — Mr. T. W. Harris, who has aces visiting his daughter. Mrs. J. Essery, has returned to London. —Mr. 1t. E. Muswell is holidaying at Grand !lend. — Mrs. Morley', of Whalen, was the ;u(•st of her sister, Mrs. Harding, on Sunday. — Mrs. Cornish attended the wed- ding of Miss Lewis, at Mooresville, last Wednesday. Miss S. Salton, of London, is vis- iting at Mr. J. Essery's. —Mr. John Luxton is steadily im- proving. —Threshing, is the order of the day now. Mr. Ilorne's new machine is giving good satisfaction. —Who were the musical people who awakened our slumbers one morning last week? We suppose they were on their way to Grand Bend's popular Summer School. — Master Percy Caves is using crutches, the result of a fall from the mower. RUSBELDALE — Mr. Arthur Cole and Miss Ida Dlelvillo spent Sunday at Grand Bend. —Cranst on, i he second youngest son of Mr. ,Tohn G. Itoy, happened with a very serious accident last Saturday evening by being thrown from 0 wagon. While unhitching 1 IIIc Wain ran away thrown`: the boy out and the Lind wheel passing over Itis body. 1h'. Prnudfoot was im- mediately phoned for and under his skilful! treal ment the soy is dolt; nicely. — Mr. and Mrs. A. \Vr'i.,ht, of Cromarty, spent Sunday at "Orch- ard Wch- :1rd grove." — Miss Ethel Bothwell, of Irick -on, is spending her vacation with Mir.' Viola Calrk. —Miss Georgina Brown, of rat - ford, :s visitiig with Mr. and Mrs. Jahr Cole. — 1i •-. Alex Ilod;ert spent Sunday with friends in F.' eter. —Mr. and Mrs. Will Cole, of To- ronto, visited the !alter's parents on Sunday and Monday of this week. I:IRiCTON —Large nunlacrs f.ro►n here were at Grand Bend last week and )tie. —Mr. Wm. Moore and W. It. Carr look in the Old Boys reunion tat London on Monday and Tuesday hav- ing an enjoyable linin and sight see- ing. —51r. and Mrs. Daly, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Urquhart. (Iles 1)aly's mother) and other friends over Sun- day and Iho forepart of this week. —:lar. Frank Mills, of the tow'a station, SI. Marys, spent Sunday at home. — 5I►•. Edgar It. Brown, of Sr. Marys, is spending the holiday's at his parents home in the village. — Miss (1101ah, of \\'oodstock, ix visiting with Mrs. J. Taylor. —Dli..s Edit 11 Maize, of London. spent. Sunday and Monday with her parent Isere returning. to the city on Tuesday. — 51is.' Irene Itnl,inson. Lily 'Tay- lor, the Misses Marshall Anil Fred, Mr. and t1rs. IS, N. Shier and others aro ruslicaling at. Grand Bend. —Mrs. it. Slater, of Myth, visile] al he home of her brother, Mr. W. R. Carr, last week, returning 'to Myth on Dlon,lay. —Mr. \Vin. Brown nil) attend the electing of the high Court 1. O. F. al S1. Catharines, as delegate from Court \\'oodlrun, aooul the last of the present month. Ole HOUSEHOLD INTEREST Housecleaning le not i he pleasant • est of the house -keeper's task, nut none the less necessary on that ac- count. in the Heplcm.n'r Delineator Isabel Gordon Curtis offers in her serics,"Tho Makin; of a housewife," some suggestions that will 4en•I to lighten the labor and lessen the elia- a;reeahleness of this household duty. Other items of domestic interest in the same number are Illustrated cookery and a varietal of recipes tin- der the 4opice "Delicious ('ream Jet - heolice." alit s" 1 • �'• "Decorativec .or S I an "The 1'otato." In addition, Alice M. Kellogg expLiin.' "flow to Select Fin- isLin1 II;i til'.'. ole'' 80d Ward Mae - Lem' writes of "G row in, Bullis ln- deers•" HORN HARRIS.—On Atlust 7th, 1905, to Mr. and firs. Chas. iiarris, of I's - borne, a daughter. S'TALEE.—On Wednesday. August 9 1905, in Exeter North, to Mr. and Mfrs. Staler, n dauzhtcr. NEiL.—On August 3rd, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Janes Neal, 2ntl eon. of Stephen, a son. WESELOII.—A1 Zurich on .lily 'lilt h, In lir. and Mrs. Henry Wc.eloh, d:nt1111er. DIED \IcKEI•:.--At Lucile on A tirieo 1995, .limos henry McGee, ,cloyed Inn of .Jane's and Sarah i\icGee, 1;ed 1 year and 10 tnoni lis. t'h>iIII?.—iii Clint ••, On .lull 101 h, 11.05, .10:11104 to i te,1 Coin. :, . It.A., ,I.1?, liter ofDia: 1. .1. II. t'om'e, red 29 year 1. O/`IS WC, ZA• Bean the 1M lllmj Yoe HD, A;wa so'tet Signets:* of a A \VAI:NIS'i '10 .'dOTIIII1S 'Too touch etre e 11.4.01 15• 11:+ ,l a !I i small children during the i„1 ee'..th- er of t ha summer morellos to ;wird a 3.14151 rule -t•1 4rOUl)C,:. A- a rut! it ii. oily tecoo-city to Ave tluz child •t dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of t lva towels. Do not use any suh:tittoe, but Izivo the old- fashioned castor oil, and see that it freshe as rancid oil nauw.tter and' his a tendency to .grilse. 1f this docs riot check t lie .x,wels give Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di- arrhoea Remedy and Ihen a dose of castor oil. and the disease may no clucked in it a incipiency and all dancer avoided. 'lite castor oil and this ren,"•'y sat t!.l lie ',recurred at °:.c • oat kept rrrdy for ins(nnl use as s:,on as t f:.• t?' -' ;:t iic-11 ion of any bowel 4 rouu'c ;t _.' °.• . r .-. This is the most successful i a o :: Oros: known and may 1,0 relie.l 11:. •.t e. is h ill lei co:lfidenc•, 0v.:1 1 cholera inf:uuuui. hors . it. 1:v S. Howey. WANTED — Men and Wotncn in this country and adjoining territories to represent and establish an oldes- tablish.ed house of solid financial standing. Salary to men $21 week- ly to women $12 to $18 weekly with Expenses advanced eaoh Monday by chock direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy fur/dallied when necessary ; position permanent. Ad- dress, Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. 5, 510 non Bldg., Chicago, Ill. KING EDWARD VII AND 11IS GRt NDSON As is well known the prince of Waels agrees heartily with president Roosevelt on the race suicide ques- tion, and as an example to the Eng- lish people, has a large family. II is said that during the illness of Kin; Edward, something over a year ago, one of the younger sons of the Prince was told that he might see his grandfather if he would promise to be very still and quiet. a'lw promise was given and he was ad- mitted to the bedside of the King After a short stay he approached closer and said: "Grandfather, have I been very still and quiet l" "Yes" replied the Kin;. "Well, then, grandfather, could 1 please sue rho baby?" --t VALUABLE ADVICE TO MOTHERS es inplay your child corn from I 3 coughing or showing evidences of Grippe, Sore Throat or sickness of any kind, get out your oottle DI Nerviline. ltuo the chest and neck with Nerviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened water every two hours'. This will prevent any serious trou- ble. No liniment or pain reliever equals Poison's Nerviline, which has been the great family remedy is Canada for tho past fifty years. Try :t 25c hottlo of Nerviline. PRINCE LORIS AT TORONTO 1''AIIt Among the distinguished visitors to (he Canadian National Exhibition will prooably be Prince Louis, of Battenburz, who is going to v'iit Ilalifax and Quebec, in command of a squadron on British War vessels. Ise will bo accompanied :)y Lis entire staff. TIIEY APPEAL TO OUR SYMPA- THIES The bilious and dyspeptic are con- stanjeuffercrs and nppeal to our gym thiess. There is not one of !bent, however, who may not oe brou;ht hack to health and happi- ness ny the use of Chatnberlain's Stomach and Liver Tanlets. These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also regulate the now•els. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. TO ABOLiSII ALL GAMIH,ING The necessity for abolishing ;III • uiblin; at tegriculiur:.t fairs is en- larged upon in1 he annual report of fairs and exhibition:, just issued ay the. Minister of Agriculture. Photo- graphs are given of some of Mlle gambling devices used, by which im- mense sums of money are taken from the farmers. Strong ;round ie taken against horse racing and the consequent belling on those oc- casions. Many of the fairs are said to be disgraced by the immoral char- acter and Ione of the side allows While the department. of :Agricul- ture may have to keep :t close watch on some of the fairs in On- tario, the directors of the Exeter fair have a clean character. The f:►ir this year, will rte kept up to the usual •good character and promises Io be ono of the best fairs ever Lel] in Exeter. The dates are Septetnoor 18111 and 1911. SECOND BOWLER PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCU'I{SiON To California and Lewis Clnrk Ex- position Portland Ore;., Atl;- llst 29th to Sept. 24th, 1905. *150.00 including tranrportalion, meals in dininr ear, Weeping car ac- commodation on train and at Ho - tele for above period. As party will ne limited to 125, earl) • reservation is necessary. For full particulars call on Grand Trunk Agents, or whims, F. C. Bow- ler. Room 308, Unfon Station, Tor- onto . SAPO REN -O "IT !VAPORATES" . Odories* Non poisonous Non -inflammable The Wonderful Cleaner Will save the thrift hon+ewife many uset111 dollar+. Means come- r -1 nr finest of fabrics carpets or walsta beyond belief. DUST entirely removed OI[RM• ab.nlntely de•troycd OOLORs re+torts like new GIZMO renewed in carpets ALL IN A FEW M•,1tENTS Fol: A FEW CENTS Auld a child can do is with SAP -O -Rt N -o (lot 1t at )our grocer's. Tho Huffman A Tenter Co. Toronto GENKIRA1. NEWS Mr. James Menoug.11. an ca •11 le•r of t he Ltlyu.laI use for Nur I I, 5111111h1tiex, and who has been writ - ;inline agent at Point Edward for number of years died at his home on Sat urtlay. Deco:vied was :u1 nrdeut Literal -Conservative, and defe+ltcd the late James Smith, of McGillivray in 1874, and retained the seat for t WO a:cs.ions. Mr. J. II. Bugler, of Itlereotl, counsel for Mrs. Kyle. char ;ed with the Shooting of David McGee, It,., learned that hie application for 1*,:! has been successful. An order It been made fixing the amount of r,lt at $2,000, of which $1,090 is to Mrs. Kyle's O'VIl Tecoznizatie I I the oilier t11ou:4111,1 in h •r sureties of :*5110 or foul , may 1,e lICCuae.1 advitia.1e or co,e icnt One of the '. rai:1 tua,ters of Nor- ris & Itowe's circus. nali(t't l'.11ia, had 0 narrow escalK+ from death While the train was gain•; from CV. to Lewiston Ile was trying lO 'et around a 1.1010 -Will 4011 5e hen his foot suddenly sapped and he fell off, while the train was speeding along nt forty miles an hour. ile was b:vl- ly bruised but not severely injured. Ile had to walk back six mile. to Clint un where he caught a train for London. It in estimated that. about $310,000 was paid in bounties on coal oil pro- duced in Canada in the last fiscal year. At the rate of one and one- half cents it z8111on, this would rep- rertont it net out -put of home 2,225,- 000 ;gallons of crude petroleum. 'This output of Canadian wells is • quite considerable, rout far abort of the total consumption. 'There was im- ported during the year about 22,009- 000 gallons of coal oil. naphtha, tga.l oil and the like products of petrd- eum. A mis-step of mune kind in the cement storehouse at Durham last week almost proved fatal to 11r. G. Wilson. He fall amon;:t the ce- ment, and under a hopper pouring out more. Luckily ho was axle to .grasp an iron rod, preventing him from ,;oink' u►uter more than a few inches, and a companion who had seen t he mishap secured his rescue. To have hot dry cement wormin into now(). Pars and eyes even for n fele minutes lues an unflesiranle experience. A Find.—There has been a wonder- ful discovery of gold in Barrie Tovu- • CLEMENTINA GONZALES, OF CENTRAL AMERICA, RESTORED TO REALM. PE-RU-NA THE REMEDY.- Miss Clementine Gonzalee,Hotel Pro- Tincia, Guatemala, C. A., in a recent letter from 247 Cleveland Ave., Chicago, Ill., writes: rr "1 took Peruns for a >afbrn-out con- dition. 1 was so run down that I could not sleep at night, had no appetite and telt tired in the morning. "1 tried many tonks, but Perna was the only thing whkh helped me la the least. After I had taken bat a hall bottle I felt much better. I cootimed its use forthree weeks and 1 was com- pletely restored to health, and was able to take up my studies which I had been forced to drop. There is nothing ship, county of'Frontenac, Ontario. better than Perces to band of, the On the 10th ult. the Wren emittoyt l system."--Clementina Gonzales. by the big Dipper Company, while Address The Perana Medicine Oo,.. prospecting carne upon the largest of Columbus, Ohio, for inatanathre tee find in ;old that has ever been dig- literature on catarrh. covered in Ontnrio. Tho quartz con - Gaining Ihe gold will (urn out +1,1100 to the ton.—Montreal Herald. The Itev. Robert tire, 1). 1).. of Goderich.died suddenly &aturbay lost while sitlin; in his garden, in the presence of Dliss MacDonald and Iris nurse. 1)r. 1Tre was etridlten with paralysis June 1, and up to a week -r so ago his life was despaired of Recnnlly his mental. and physical vi- gor- began to ret WO, and 1:, fosse such progress it was Itope,l h • would'. recover. Ih•. I tc wee horn is Lao, arkshire, Scotland, in 1823. \\ heir 19 years of a h s^Illed itt Ham -- Rion nt'I comp'otc:I itis :iad: course in 1859. CANADIAN PACIFIC Idrffl Laborers' Lx6ursloll \111nit(illMt and t ssiniboia $12 Going $18 Returning Null' 29,1905 GOING DATES StatioutiaFouth of but not iu,andin,: main lino Toro .1010 Sarnia (including Toronto) Sept, 2 1905 Main Linc Toronto to San.ia and .(scions north (except north of f C'ardwcll Junc. and 'Toronto on Ace h this Section) Sept' 4, 1905 From all points Toronto and cast, to and in(lud(eg isharbot Lake, and Kingston. and north of Toronto and 1 ardwo 1 Jnno. on North Bay and Midland Divisions. ONF•WAY SECOND CLASS TICKETS TO WINNIPEG ou!y will be sold, with a CF III D KATE extending the trip before September 1:.1h. evi heat additional cost. to other points in Manitoba and AaainibOia. If purchers engaged as FARM LABOREII.9 at Winnipeg (pineldeil such Farm ',nit. orcrs work not cess then 30days at harvestit>r, and produce certificate to that street) thoy will be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown above on or before Nov. 30th. 1906. TICKETS WILL ISSUED TO WOMEN as •• ell ns Men. butwill not be issued at Half -hate to Children. earTlckets not good on Imperial Limited IRxpres Trains, For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent. or C. B. FOSTER, D.P.A., C.P. R., Toronto, Ont 1905 THE GREATEST YET THE GRANDEST EVER 1905 Canadian National Exhibition AT TORONTO—AUG. 26 TO SEPT. II $45,000 IN PREMIUMS Tlia lktsu GUARDS BAND 13y permission of His Most Gracious Ma• jesty King Edward VII, the hand of the Irish Guards.11is Majtstes favorite house- hold band and the finest mtlitary musical ovganlzatlen in the ',told ,will give two concerts tach and every day. AAT ANN TSFARC HEN in an especially built. extensive fire proof all gallery will te pre.enlc,l the grandest collection of art and art trtas- ures ever got together on 1his !tontine ut. including tonna trim the King, the Cor• poretions of the City c 1 o4,4011. the guat threat English Universities. the 11epuLlic of France. South Kcnsitgten Mnsct.m, Lord etratbcona, the l.itu. Governer (•f Ontario and other lfi tt v crd Lcdl,a andR c ntltmen Coyote ATlON 1'1r71'PE By special ctnlmand tf Hls Shai(sty the King, Abbeys noted and historic ; eluting will be cn txhilhit n durea, rho emery Fair. $.38,3(11) IN ATTRACTiONS FA►.1, OF'IIT AATtIt-Il The greatest p)•ro military display ever produced before Ole carnelian people. encs in this most recent of the worlds mist appalling (lent wilt be vividly por. tregcd with nal Jsnanese And Russian soldiery taking pert. The fireworks IBA. {day will be on a brilliant scale, int net ue- ir)f new feature' of an ori(ntftI rlararter, ()Turn Totem; •r0 SER The Preece. Betiding. eamplts of n11 the lcdu.triesnnd it( 5cnmc0?of the Country Thou -ands of ilorcs, Cattle, Sheep, swine. Poultry and Dugs. all Canadian Cyr, WO and minerals. god 'Trotting and each g. a suhcrb Varlet) Fhow, the \Vorlas latest lnvemionv. c... r r1:14010N. I F IA1. Ex( Special cheap railway and steamboat ex• enrsi•,ns have been a rrany'ed. Enquire of your nearest stet ion or ticket Agent for rate••.. W'. K. McNAUGHT. Fcr t'rire 1.i, . Entry Bladks President. and information niidress Entries ('lose: lave stock. etv., sing. 7'h. Poultry J. O OIRR. Manger & See. end Pots'. Aug. 19th. MM •••.•••.••.N•N•••••+label •••+..e•••*NIP ••••••••••N' THE 1'IOLSONS BANK • (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP - • • S3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • 53.000+000.00 Pt Branche+ in Ontario, Quebec, Ah'crta, Brit I+h cohanbla and e1 tnitobn EXETER RANCH Open every Lawful Day tree, l0 A. N. to 3 p. x. except Saturday 10 A. L. to 1 e, st. Farts -sera' Mole Notes* rar.hed or collected. Forme supplied on anpl•eatinn. DItAFTs on ell points In the Dominion. Great Britain and Un- ited States, botight and Fold at lowest rates of exchange, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deportttto o $1.00 aril upwards received. interest come pounded haft )eetery. and added to principal June 36th and December 31st. 1)e. posit.' Rr• eipLL 4(1I+sutd and highurrent es Of interest allowed. Advances matte50 to farrierss cblock dratealer.' and business men at loee.t taut and on most fatorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Government. Dickson do Carling, Solieitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, �•••••i•••N•NN•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1