Exeter Times, 1905-08-10, Page 4•.'t'^
'Wake Good iThe Surrounding News
ICHLES I Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
Allspice, Pepper
Cloves and Cinr.alnon
Mustard or
Mustard Seed
Curry Powder
and Mace
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
AL1•;NDA It 1-'()I( Al l:l ST 1905
SAY 0 13 20 27
SAY 7 14 21 28
DAY 1 8 15 22 29
DNEBDAY ... . 2 0 16 2:i 30
• DAY. s..... 3 10 17 24 31
AY 4 11 18 25
DAY 6 12 19 20
1U1tr+l)AY. AUGUST Loth, 1905
anada has 130,000 miles of telegraph
telephone wires,
nadas postal revenue 1901, $ 55,200
expenditure, $0,001,030.
is now stated that F. F. Pardee,
ter, of Sarnia, will be given an
mation election to the Commons
uccession to the late Dr.Johnaton.
t has been learned definitely that
Roberts is not oominF to
ada this year, Premier Whitney
asked alad has consented to open
Toronto exhibition on August 29.
' F. McLean, M. P. proprietor of
Toronto %Varar, has donated the
t ( increase in his selary to the
Children'sHospital. W. J Telford'
. for North ()Trey, has given half
increase to the Agricultural So-
y in that riding. That a few choose
fstlibute the extra pay in this way
not justify the "grab."
The Ontario Agricultural Depart-
ent has received a report from New
eland, stating experiments have
n made there with milking
chines, and were a great success,
ur cows are milked by one machine
rated by one man. The suction is
r r uced by an air exhaust, whieh
y be operated by any kind of power.
• • • • •
A traveller, domiciled at a far west
.tel, exclamed one morning to the
aiter, "What are you about, you
ack rascal:^ you have roused me
wlce frons my sleep by telling pie
reakfast is ready, and now you are
(tempting to strip off the bedclothes.
'hat do you meant' " Why," re-
lied Pompey, "If you isn't going to
it ub, I must hab de sheet, anyhow,
ause dev'r waitin' for the tableclof.
Lice Uoderich Signal says: The sal -
y grab at Ottawa is a scandal and an
trage. The spectacle of the mem-
rs. supposed to represent the people
d to guard the national pursevoting
hemselves an extra thousand dollars
Piet(, in defiance of public opinion
tut rega.dless of the indecency of the
affair, is enough to disgust end sicken
a People whose stomachs, politically,
are not veru easily turned. The result
of the increaR. will be a tendency to
make Parliament a resort for advert -
tint t ss hn snake a trade of politics'
aril teen who conld not ern $1'311) a
year et honest business will aspire to
Parliamentary position, and employ
their wits to secure a five years'annp
at Ottawa at $2,51'U it etasien
Don't try cheap cough medi-
cines. Get the best Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. What a
record it has, sixty years of
cures! Ask your doctor if
he doesn't use It for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.
*than fauna that Ayers cherry reernr..'
to the beet ItaSIICtne 1 can prescribe r.•r br.ro
eh ON 1no1 aa, casaba. and hard cable"
h.ontran, M.U.. Ithse•. \. e.
for Lewell \tae•
t any tendency to constipa-
wtth small doses of Ayor'e Pills.
By Our Correspondents.
- Mr. ,las. Harburn, of New Lis-
keai d, New Ontario. paid a short
visa io hie re other, W. M. llarhurn,
this week ,
- The wc•ddin, in Carmel church
at high noon !Tuesday was witnessed
ay a very large crowd of people.
The contracting parties svere Miss
McLean, daughter of Mr. 1). 11, Mc-
Lean, of 12th con.. and Mr. Bear -
don, of Toronto. 'The happy couple
left at 1.59 per G. T. It. for eastern
- '1
.It. J. C'. Slunemau. lir. It. Jar -
rot 1 and family. Mrs. llannio and
children, Misses Ilortoa, Wren and
Caldwell spent Sunday al the Vend.
-lir. Thompson and Mr. Price, of
Toronto, are rittiiillg in town.
-Mies Pearl and Attie Hiles. of
Kincardine, who have been visiting
their • 1
i aunt, I I
n Mrs. Medd, A
f 1 ), [or a few
11 Cek5
hive re, 11 C1 home.
l'Lo . 10:11.1 rust w it h a
painful a accident 1 / I culcnl (Inc clay last week
al the faun of Mr. 1
1 litigant t svhilc
breaking in a colt. The animal ',e -
came unrnaiia;sable, throwin; Mr.
Peart down. breaking his collar hone
and olherw•ise seriously hruisinzhim.
Rev. L. Smith preached in Exeter
iu the I'resbyterian church in 111
meriting and in Ilse Methodist church
in the es•eninz on Sunday alst.
-The sacrament of 1 he Lord's sup-
per way administered in the ale( ho -
dist church on Sunday last. The
services both morning :tad evening
were o[ special interest.
-Mr. J. McArthur, )hardware mer-
chant. ie nti11 further improving the
appearance of hilt tine dss•ellin3 pro-
Mr. and Mrs. T. 1'. Ross, of To-
ronto. who have oecn spending the -Mr. Got kill Brown, or Crediton,
past two weeks pletteantly at Grand preached here 10 the morntn and
Bend, will
short timesit relatives
return- en here Kellerman ellerman ill the evening.
insfor Lo rue. There was a good attendance in the
-Mr. and Mrs, Pedlar. who were evening to hear one of our nw'u boys
here visiting relatives, have returned not make his first attempt he g in Ihie work
to 'Toronto and intend laking a trip that went withstanding the )real. Arthur
Io Muskoka. Mrs. Pedlar was well that to the Vend. Arthus is
and faro rably known here before d promisikg young roan and will 's
marriage as hiss Arnnia. doubt mike his mark in his Master's
-11 1E4. James I'orC91, . 1113 aid service, if he unconditionally oecys
(.Ti- , 14.310 110, all/) her sister, .11199 His voice and not become fet lered,
(;rear, of l01•cn Sound, were in Ute es too many of the ministers of the
villaze during tlin past week visitin.; ea unipel arc, with trying to please
Mr. Cooper Force! and family. an uur. Wrble eigerc,
-Messes. George efcEsven :13,1 -Mi• \Vrn. Oeiger, former t been Geiger have a large staff or hal of our public school, hag been
111('11 and i)nyrr pe1111) [tea, or which vision, in Ihie vicinity. Mr. Geiger
they have a fine crop. had been teaching at Haksoury, a
-ll h, R. Rine cru had etre mia• town of about 5000 population on
[urtnn. 1141 week n meet with a the Ottawa river, :it a salary of
fort un ;accident while meetassisi i is $600 and had decide not tore -enrage
unloading a load of hay. The rope thewh1 he received a tetezram from
wird in connection with the hay fork $70 trustees lees raisin3 his salary to
broke and 031190(1 titin to be 1 brown aer i[ Ile would en ret Mr. Gei-
from INC load. tor very much less than he is now
-Mies Poster. of Varier. is visitin; zet1ing, but for the sake of a few
Ler craven. Mr. '!Thos. Cameron. 01 dollars, we let slit through our Go -
1 1; vinare.
gars what other 1x
Mr. .1. 11. Jefferson, o[ West \\'a- people are able to
w:utna)1, was hero part of last week appreciate.
and (his sigh in; iris daughter, Mrs. IIADIENT WOMANHOOD
Simon naw.
-')'rade i9 H011101111:0 quiet in our The ;tory and satisfaction of beau -
usually stirring village owing to the dint womanhood can ne known only
farmers all heir; so busily cage;cd .to those possessing the unlimited ad -
lei retort ate. vantage of health. No weak woman
-Meet Gert ie ('oldwell has return- can be happy or enjoy half the pleas-
ed from Detroit, where mhe has been ures of life. Pallid cheeks, sunk-
spcntlin; a couple of wrecks with rel- en eyes. exhausted nerves, all tell of
:niece and friends. a terriele atrug;le to keels up. \%'h -Lt
-A number of slur villagers are the weak woman needs is Ferrozonc;
luyily engaged in' securing 1 !Mir 011- it renews, restores and vitalizes in-
ion crops, the
yield of which ix stan4ly-it's a "woman's remedy,._
very large.. llens811 is ;toted for that's sl h).
its 130;0 shipments of onions and --f---
I his year promisee 10 eclipse all for- SIIAiIO
neer records. I -.Hiss Annie Harvey, u lin hast
- Mete Parson9. of Exeter, tele spent the past 1110 Inoltl Its visitin t
leen visitin; Mies Mary Stewart, of her sister, Mrs. Aloes Drown, left
1110 I.oldnn road. last week for Windsor.
-ll r. Wilfred Troyer, w ho has -Quite a num aer from here spent
leen en;aged au a clerk for a nun- Sunday last at the Demi.
her of years in lir. J. \Veiemiller's -Ethel May Kest le i9 spend;nt :t
general score, left: last week for the weeks' holidays with Ilex cousins,
w'e'll, where lie leis secured a very Viola and Florence Rowe, of Exeter.
;nod position in the same line of -Mr. Garnet Amy of 11ran1for11.
1msineas . is spending a few weeks wit la hie
-The farmer', in 11ii:4 beCliol are parents and 011100 friends in 1lie
eel ( in; well t hrough wit hi their h:l r_ neiall.sorhootl.
vest and Iho crops are very ;ood. -Mr. Frank Itrokeushirt•, of et.
- Mrs. McAleer, of Brussels, and 'Thomas„ spent a few days of Il:ie
Mrs, Russell, of )lay, linvc been vim- week with his faiher, who continues
it in; their father, Mr. itohert Moir, quite ill. Ills many friends would
of 1lre village, wen is and) 1115 4,0(11 be pleased t0 300 him 0111 again.
((41)10 seriously ill for eerie. time. -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coates :1a,1
- Mr, Win. McKay, the efilei0i1 Mr. and Mrs. Teff Fisher and 1,111-
te :impel of one public school, ham ilics of t'tlot•ne, spent Stine iy nit 1
le n improving the appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy.
1.- dwelling by the addition of a -Miss Alice Whey and Meisel
110 :11 verandah and a fresh coat of \\'eekly of \Voodstock. 811(1 Mi -e
('t-lieint Olive Trcvctlark, of Itrinslcy, are
s. Mr. Ailchesnn, of Dorunck, ;nests at Into home of Mr. and Mrs.
brother of Aliem /11101 501) the teach- Kelson Kett le .
et• of school section No. 1. 'Tucker- -Mrs. i.0cas, et itentrv0, visited
,'mil l,, will conduit( services in ('lar- her paten; 4, Mr. •and M rs. S:ilintel
tnel Presbyterian church dnrin; ale-. llroken.hire last week,
S111111's vacation. -Mr. and Mrs. ,lolul (':irnp'tcll and
-lir'. Anderson, and chattier', of son Eit-1, of Sexsinit11 spent Sunday
Chir Ian, arc visitin; her father, M1. Last with Mr. and Mr=. Arthur Cox -
\Wm. Bell, after an a:isencc of some worth.
seven to
I. .I1 son, :old n •, an, Vic-
-airs. It. llrMurdie, of (.ondon, tor, and Miss Ly(I0 Kest le are
formerly of 111e London road, near spendin_ a few days of thie week
here, is visitinz her rlaufhtcr, Mrs. with their salter, 11rs. It. Jo11',so.i, of
Glenn, of huml(y, and relatives and London.
friends in 1 I('11911I and vicinity.
-Mr. James McArthur has leen
appointed as representative of lien- Rheumatism
sill beige of Oddfellowe, to title's I
tl:' (;rand Loden ntectina, to be held(
a•1 Itrozkrillc. (bone of the cometliatioted
-\1r. Allam Reichert had 1 h tnis-It manifests how
fortune to z('1' him )hands badly poi- I •
soiled with, ivy while „relax 1lirouIli1and
11.' awImp.
lelbanod Plata and stiff
, It commit1Iit4K9LF.1 be
(Too Into for last week.)�•
-Mr. erect Amy, sl Inn 1a•+ '„ :11
s :stair s here thin past rnm)t la, Id ,s cons onal
11•1ur3c:l to Iii. duties in Ilr1nt(ar4. trestaint throng'
-Miss Ella Sutton and MI -4 NMI
Button here returned to (iniad Den,I
atter visitinz w'itlt (lair s.iater, Mrs.course Ofthe sliest =woe
John it. Hardy. 1
-Clover t hrc clover z is i he order of Hood9s��arsapar
11.E (ley. The i+ a zood san,-
('le.which has permanently
-Mi.'', Brown who has been
1•isitinz with Mias Myrtle Lr•e, is awed thogsandiof eases.
visiting with her sinter. Airs. A. E.
it, nt in ;. !ler tastieesisb et h'swsekaNs
-Mrs. Itoeert Mor ran, of Del i, .'tom roe .a. a
i. v's�''o: in the ilei;h.,orbooi. GLHo Co., &isle.
-Last \Vednesday eft neon as
Wilfred !Why 1139 u►slo:diu; some
cast scrip iron at the hardware. he
Irl tt 1:Irle piece fall 011 his t,ir
toe tatting the Ioe 010311 off. Wil-
fred is 0 .roy of 7 years but made
very- little fuss over the accident.
-Zurich and Dastnwood .rase hall
teems played Lero 'Thursday last, re -
sunlit; in a score of 3 to 8 in 1:,-
vor of the visitors
- Mr. Jacob Kcll(rrion etld wife
spent Sunday with Mr. and sirs.
Penn, of Parkhill. khill. Mr. Kellerman
had rather a novel exeeriencc when
about to start' for home, his horses
had got out of the pasture and went
00(lh and west from Parkhill. They
svere found about seven miles Fou( 1h
001111113 arkhill noun the worse [or . heir
- Miss Lark wort by and her moth-
er, of Mitchell, were the guests of
Mrs. Jos. Snell for a few day's of
t •e his
h week.
-Miss Tillie Itu:,y, of Buffalo, i'
home on a visit here.,
-J udzii; by the number of 1 is.,
that went through here Sunday Io.
the Ilcnd, it looked much liko I he
first of July. Sunday WOR 1110 clos-
ing day for the Epworth League
Sumner School at Grund Bend
which drew more people to This pop-
ular summer resort, on Sunday Last,
than :,t :11)3 other time, 1st of 3uly
Leiria excepted. The School bee
been a decided Success, and 1V0 lows
no l,csitenCy in prophcsyinti li lie
great ;rood IhaC can he rionc in this
way in years to come.
-Ines•. Mr. Clemens. 19u1., con-
ducted quarterly services on tee
Colborne circuit, Sunday.
IIIoforBilgam kgs i
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vagetabie Oompouad
The wonderful power of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compouud over
the diseases of womankind is not be•
csuse it is a stimulant, not because it
isa palliative, but simply because it is
Hie most wonderful tonic and recon-
structor ever discovered to act directly
the generative organs, positively
disease and restoring health and
Ltvelous cures are reported from
au parts of the country by women who
gate been cured, trained nurses wbo
0 witnessed cures and physicians
have recognized the virtue of
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com -
pd are sir enough to give
ere here it is due.
If physicians dared to be frank and
relied, hundreds of them would acknowl-
edge that they constantly prescribe
Lyydis E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pbnnd In severe cases of female ills, as
y know by experiencernence it can be re-
lied upon to effect a cure. The follow-
ing proves
S. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigham
Park,Fitchburg, Mass.,writes :
"It gives me great pleasure to say that I
Mee found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Competed very efficacious, and often pro -
ft ltt ., practice for female difficulties.
1',idy •. •- • daughter found it very banal -
trouble some time ago, and my
ter is now taking it for a fe-
and is surely gaining in health
�y sdvocats it as a most reliable ape
elite all'diseases to which women are sub-
ject, and give it honest endorsement."
Women who are troubled with pain-
ful or irregular menstruation, bloating
(or flatulence), leucorrhoea, falling, in-
• mmstion or ulceration of the uterus,
ovarian troubles, that bearing -down
feeling, dizziness, faiatness, indiges-
tion. nervous prostration or the blues,
should take immediate action to ward
oft' the serious consequences, and be
restored to.perfect health and strength
by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega
ble Compound, and then write to Mfrs,
Pinkhsm, at Lynn, Mass., for f
free advice. No living person has
the benefit of a wider experience in
treating female ills. She has guided
thousands to health. Every stiffwoman should ask for and follow n
advice if she wants to be strong ani
Council met on Tuesday, August
Ist. All present.
'1'Ie following rates were st ruck
for 19(15: Township rate, 1 5-19
mills ; ,General School rate, 1 mill :
Coully rate,-- ; Zurich Police Vil-
1' 10 special rate. 5 mills, inclusive of
Statute La oor.
Requisitions of .School Boards :
S S No. 2. $500 ; No. 11).-- • No.
14, $400 ; ti No. 13.---; No. 4 -- ;
No. 6, $500 ; No. 7, 1200: U. No. 9
No. 16, $400 ; No. 8 $1110
No. 1, $:150 ; No. 12, $140 ; I' No. 1
L No. 15;$2111; No. 11, $125
Sep. Nu. 11, $350 • Sep. No. 1. $:135.
Debentures, 378.98; Sep. S No. I.
Stanley, $41.
Council will meet a rain on '1'u('1 -
day. the 5th day of September, :it
2 o'clock p. in.
F. HESS, Sr.. Oletrk.
Can have but one cavaC-diseased
kidneys stench must ne strengthen-
ed before backache can be cured.
Why not zet Dr. Hamilton's !'ills'
They cure the kidneys quick, make
them strol.z and able to filter dis-
ease -breeding poisons from the
blood. At once you feel bet ter,
atronzcr, ori Alter. Kidney health
is zuarantecdl to every user of 1)r.
Hamilton's !'ills. Get a 25c boa
from your dru;;ist and refuse su.)-
911. Ell. Sipplo .in,l wile of Pontiac
Mich., are visit int friends here.
They will retuain for a few weeps.
- Rev. Mr. Whitesidea, wife and
son, of Ottawa, are apendinz 8 few
weeks at (lie home of Mrs. Whit e-
stlles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
-Mrs. flat a and 1 wo !children,
and Mr. 'Theo. Reshot z, of Det roil,
Mich., ere(he guests of Mr. and Mrs.
It. It. Johnson, of the 1)onlinion
A hi zit Hoard fence has .peen erect-
ed alone rho front of the new show
;rounds. A start leis also leen
made on the new show house. The
folndelion will no made of concrete.
-Mrs. Chas. Fritz has :returned
home from the 1.ondo:r Iiospilal im-
proved very much in health,.
- Mr. Adam Fassold, of Detroit,
spent last week visitin; relatives
111 1111.s
-Mr. John Foster i5 busy puttinz
up the concrete foundation for the
addition to the bank.
-Mr. Sam Geizer reu•ned on
:Vedncsdly evcninz from n visit
wan friends in Michizan.
Mr. L:.renze ucchcrr after spen:t-
inz a months' visit with hie sister,
Mrs. !'rani, and ether relatives l'(
turned to his home in Pizcon, Mich.
Mr. Fred (less, Sr., has had the
foundation made for the new house
he is Inviter r erected. The foa1de-
tion above the zround will be Inn dr
of cement blocks.
-hiss Clarissa Melee of Toronto.
ii visit in t her father. Mr. Thomas
-Kcv. and Mrs. McKibboa. of Ailsa
('raiz, are visitin; Mrs. McKibhon's
(„rents, Mr. and Mrs. it. Mellis, of
I he villa re.
-Mr. Joseph Harvey; of Ilensal;
was here Aurins the week hIs•int
chit with his old friends. I'nr •.
rent Burin of his years. Mr. 11,-
v(•r is smart and .clic(, and 1
frieni4 are always pleased to
-Miss Mary Ften, of 1\'i rrtn;l,
a•isitinz her coneii) the Mettle. Meth -.
I1t'ttO\ i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
•••••••••••••••••••e•••••• •--N••••••-
New Tea Sets •
London Crockery Co = o
We get new goods al -
(post every day. We aim
to be able to show at all
times something new. We •
have sotne Beautiful Toi-
let Ware, such an im-
mense variety to choose
from. 1'ou are able to
suit the furnishings for
any room.
SETS at, $1.7 $'2.25, $2.30,
$3.23, 5 5 3, 75, 83.00 and up,
these are excelleut value and cannot be surpassed or equalled
TEA. SETS China,island the newestChina TeaSin patterns, fro, 40 and 44 m $v (IU u
JARDINEIiS 150 lines to please you, new in shapes, color •
and design, We have them from 15c to $5 each.
11h Sante:tn, of \Vi,i;haul, 1,.111 I
the misfortune some time taro to
split her knee cap. The injury 1
tbre:.tencd to redder the limb all
but useless until the patient was
advised to ,au to London where all
unusual operation 101e p(•rlormc 1
by sewiUI the bone with silver slip.
The result has b-cii eratisfactory :an:l
Mrs. Sanborn will short Is- return
At 1 intron, of the Kdchon es-
tate creditors in llensell one day last
week a motion was made that the
assignee offer rho business for slue.
Mi. Gladun:ur. rcpresentin; Mrs.
Kelehon, moved iu amendment that
0 basis of a ;lament presented 1y
him to the tueeting, by which Mr.
Kclehon lee allowed to operate the
factory under the assignee and in-
spectors, be accepted and carried
out. The amendment was carried by
a vote of lwcive to nine and it i;
expected that the business will . o
in operation again very shortly.
-'p to tate present 1im0 the ri;h1
of way 1hrougli lily th has cost the
C. P.11. $3170, and 1 h end is not
yet. The village ;ave the railway
1 bonus of $30011.
(Too ):Ito tor last week.)
It s .t
1. A. Cranston is ependtna
his holidays at Muskoka. the pulpit
is ,,cin; occupied by Rev. Kerr, of
-Mr. McLaughlin, and his daugh-
ter. aro at present visiting friends
at Alymer. Strat hroy rind other
-The 111011 110w' w ork ii at the
big ditch have it nearly completed.
It has taken somewhere in jthc
neizhborhood of two months to do
t he work .
-Mr. Ira Andrews and family re-
t 0rned hone' on alonday after spend -
al; a few days at Grand Bend.
-Rev. Wilson left on Monday for
Grand Bend to be present at the
camp nieetin;s to be held there.
-Mr. and Mrs. Donald )'ark are
visiting friends in Dalhousin for the
past four ar five weeks.
-Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller leave
to -day to spend a week at Grand
You shouldn't oe otherwise with
such a distressinz malady. Well
for one dollar spent on "Catarrho-
zone" you can oe thorouzhly cured.
Foolish to delay. cecause asthma►
steadily grows worse. Get Catarrh -
ozone to -day and cure yourself ; it's
pleasant to use, very (simple rind
•auarantecd. l'rescrioed by thous-
ands of doctors and used ray the peo-
ple of nine nations - Certainly Ca-
tarrhozone must be goal ; ,it hasn't
failed yet, no matter. how chronic
1 he case.
The Council of the Tow instep of
Stephen, convened in 1110 !'own Ball,
Crediton. on Monday, i he 71h day
of August. 1905. at 1 p. m. All 11e
Illetnhern svere 01'03001 . T110 minutes
of the previous inertial; were .read
and adopted.
Webb-Finkueiner - '•1)131 By-law
N11. 11 hero; 0 by-law to levy the
respective rales for the 'Township
of Stephen for Ilie year 1905; Ily-
law No. 12 10 amend Dy -lass No. 9
of 1905 and By-law No. 13 to appoint
Got 11014 Brown as collector of 'fax-
ve for I he year 1905, each 1►av:nt
been read Iles I hird tithe. be passed
31)41 signed. by, 1 he Reeve and Clerk."
Anderson - Yearly - "Thal. 1 he
Rees' iv herv.)y authorized and in -
sl rue) ell on behalf of the Co•pora-
linn of 1110 1'ownship of Stephen, 111
request the Solicitors, to enter an
:action against. John Matz to recover
damages for 1 reepasain,3(( and 10rnov-
in; nrhm the public )1i;h-
Andersnn - welb -- "'I'Irtt the
Reeve take legal action to collect
from Mr. A. A. Mee :teeth, he Solic-
itor. of "The Parkhill and Grand
Rend 1':Ieclrie lfaile:i " the :imonat
due for priuling."-Carried.
The Dond for the 1101Vly :1P1)4)1111(711
1'rcasurer 1(ay approved of 1y 1110
The (olluiytur :u,covul11 were pass-
el: Willi MI 113vlcr, ditch aeras'
to el. 81.50 ; Chris. Hoffman. culvert,
31.00; ea! anelorl Novelty Co., runher
r,l:amp, 35c ; The Municipal \Vo til,
'luniripal forms, 31.00; ,lobo Ilea -
twin, rep. Fnrd'n In laze, $1.75; Geo.
15sery, dr:awin; lite :and stone, $2;
Thos. lore cliff, ):hovcllin, snow on
f.tke road. 144.110; .Stephen Morrison,
rep. culvert, $3: e'illiarn Luker.
dr oil nn B. Be stI3.50; Itonert Tay-
lor. ;ravel of 1,. It. E., $2.00 : fern.)
Q11erin, zee eel cunt race, hlk. F C. lt.,
$19.10; (:err. Oran ze, ;travel centrad
hlk. 7 0, 11., 82L75; It. Cunninzhaon.
('aI)m'r hlk. 7.. $3.75 ; !'hos. llayn-
It, tn, drau;nz t ile, 81.01); „1'11n4.
!!Tela;,, rep. 1111)101:1 brit,ze, $15.00;
Thos. Weld), rep. inlet roil`•. Itr'i'I
:412.1111 ; \Vie. lackerin t, r''p.I'ol la r,l'+
In i 1 ro, $19.75 ; John Madden. rep.
1•.t S. road, 812.00: .M. O'Rourke.
tr,%el, $I2.f0; 1'. 11•inert. stone,
fi 01 • (.'
1. 1 . Orin re, travel contract
11k. 0 C. It., 517.25; .1. Wilhelm,
ennunissioner• Ilk. 0 C. It.. $.9.75;
It. %la 1".trr.eornh, )tarry awerd,$15.!)5
lar 1 Feist. rep. bridtes, $7.00; Chats.
hilt.^r. reit. ;)ride'', $0.50: John 1':iI-
1:.1 . cep. 112 1 1 r'•, s45.58.
'1'1 (• Cauuril vdjnnrn(•d 10 1110".
1 rain in 1)1(t Town )fall. Credit on, on
'1,.e ) ,v, t Ile 4,11 of Septcmncr, I!'05
1 1 e. nt.
111•:\ItY I•:If.r5E1l, Clerk.
(':In •'ln has 10.10/1 posh -driers. ns
A¢ailist 3.638 at (`or.frderalion. Over
1,(hare in 1lin (I, /Intl nn Nest.
Uyna, your friend] OE relatives suffer
Fit,, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, er Falling
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such diseases to Tire Leine; Co.,
lee King Street, \1'., Toronto, Canada. All
druggists sell or can obtain far you
.. D1Veecoratcarriyve glass. Wo have just received a an immense line of Table and ,
Z• splendid new Austrian line of Tumblers, Vines, Pickle Jars, Lem- •
♦ •♦ onades, Custards, Etc.
S • DINNER ��'�81': No Crockery Store could be complete
2 without a fine display of Dinner Sets
and we certainly lead all others 1 (ilia regard. Every line we show •:
has our guarantee. •d
i • Our prices for Complete Dinner, Tea and Salad Sets .
is $0, $.,.O, $S, $9, $1O, $12 and lip to $75 a set 2
it Come and see the new ones. ••
• London Crocker •
; y Co.. 169 Dundas Street, London. i=
• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of • s
$10.00 or over:
•••• ••••••••••••••••••'•••M••••••••••••••••••••• • •
•••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .
New Toilet Sets
" ..eot0iwl0ter.
fi 1
The Easiest to Put On!
The Surest to Stay On
The Best to Wear Well!
ppp �pj��(,r st ped with the tattled rrlark--" The Two Hands" ,.-
0uat! tehlb? a ' k and made to much longer service.
•T. JO■N
VA/ACM/VIM t@OttO11(TO WI 111111111120 MON
t,,, e.WI•,TI•. TWAT Ya•t FALL
AOe1Cul AAAAI /ale. .o,u..R
When Governor Simcoe laid the foundation of
London, Ontario, one hundred years ago he knew It
would grow to be a great city, blit had nothotrght of the
Western Fair.
The Western Fair gives the people of this country
an excellent opportunity for a pleasant outlet at •
minimum of cost, and at the same time devetopes their
store of practical and useful knowledge.
Its educational features have always beta carefully
fostered by the Directors. This year several Important
improvements of aginstructive nature have beep added.
The celebrated stet highland Regiment sand will give
three concerts dally during the exhibition. The entertain-
ment department will be better than ever, and will include
leaping the gap Is mid air on a steam automobile.
r•s •.roar•,,•. WRITS W. J. 0115, eat•I•I.,, .a
a. vellus. •t•setaa,
Sept. 8 -16,1905
Canada's Finest Flour Feted
PIANOS and Grocery
For June we arc offering soec- We have opened an tip-to-
ial bargains in Pianos. We hand- date Flour, Feed and Grocer)
le the finest goods Canada pro- store at Ttevetlliek'S old starli
duces and at moderate prices and and we solicit a share of foul
easy terms. patronage when we will prove •
A few second hand Pianos and t0 �'Oli that Ullr prices are
Organs at bargain prices, Also
term.. !Tight 811(1 o111' goods Of the
Sewing Machines on your own best quality.
We n.nke a specialty of Teas
Iflc liras fold at 'i0
1f %'On ('Ol►t('lnl►lat1' buying We haveal'.o a large `(0(1.
cul{ and see 11s. No neonate of Potatoes on 11,11(1. tiro
to show goods.
duce taken in exchange.