Exeter Times, 1905-08-10, Page 1VEIN Neter TSIRTY-SECOND YEAR—No 16(iti HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT +'+ .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦O♦N♦N♦!♦♦♦♦ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦N♦NN♦♦NN♦♦•••• T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store • is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star [RV[TROUOIIINO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 10th 1805, Huron Locals County Council Miss 13alialltyne Is hollday,n; al ' �� , °Feat her ]tome ut Farquhar fora couple fro. 11'. ll. .11oncur l,r r. uses'. i <1 special meetirt; a file. tarsal} ( n[ weeks, 1 from (:rand L;cutl• council was held ;u the Council! A little daughter „t 91 r, ;7uhui drat W. Il. lloncur i; vt-iti,t. 11, -,!chamber. Clinton„ on Saturday, Ju -,1111111.111111.1 -- Wi;latman, of Bel;rave, tv.ty vicious.: Dr. Cowan in London this week.1,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,„ tI1 members present except ly attacked and severely bitten by Ali. Geo. Itl.ttcf:ford ,Ind All. E. Messrs. Currie and Runt. licLenn.1 ROBERT E. PICKA D a pi; n few days a;o• Ehlers visited friends in Illctis The rd 'n said the d;:.,,utc tx-! i� f Exeter, Ont• Wil 1 b e found an excellent re- and Avhticld had medy for sick headache. Carter's' ll;ss Iconic ltiyeSt t, of 11r:u►I ford, been se 1 party to ray their General Selling Agent. Little Liver Pills. Thousands of I Is epsuul; r(Liue(s in conn. owe coals. letters from people who have used Illsllisscs llilru}', of tendon, .rc. VALUATORS + drew prove this fact. Try them; visit Ilio Itis+es \Veekes II was moved oy Councillor 13pack-1 Canadian Pacific Railway Cos, Lands, Canadian North w.est lir. John Henry, for some time Uiss 1'e:u 1 It°!till + than seconded os- Coun. Dai_, and COS. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also viit II carried, that the Council a ruadmaster on the I,, H. & It.. ;,i' friends at 11}'r°r,' valuators, to fix the yi flpoint 3 l;rucefield hal, been promoted and . Airs. Bwale,s am! M;s; 5tw:tIey, ofof equal- a number of other improved and unimproved•NorthWAst farm lands. izatioal of assessment a eieriod of I made yafrdwastcr at Toronto. Kings -too, are 7uesl:. of Dr. and Airs• fife years. tinny have fakeer, adv:ulla;e of the At 1Os' The followiu \\-e have made a number of splendid inves mend fur cur ciatnt9, le Times'y persons were nom- t t. ;rest cul offer. Send the Mrs. I), Crittenden, of Myth, i; :uated in commute of :be whole, placed orders with us for r,e1cctions of Canadian Pacific ,and o trews to ,your ttmcnt con or 'laugh- vis;I;tt; her In•ot)ler, ler. Goo. Tell- fur the position of V:,I,: •11 • _- 1 North West lands. In a number of instances rattiest tare increased so 10r, '..ulytwLcra', to the cud of year tette• for 13aw•den, Exeter; J. Leckie. I:. rapidly /Eat our patrons could readily realize double the amount of the for 25c. :Mss Etta Harlon, after :u, extel'd- John Cox. Godericb, Tp.: .m. ' . me _ money they have invested, and in view of the splendid i Rev. Donald McGillivray, of Godcr- ed visit with friends !fere iettailed Lean, Seafortb; Jas. Bowman, Ater -la bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented ♦ i ich, left on Tuesday %lith Lie! wife to $1. '!'Lomas on bauud•,y i ria, T. E. Hays, seaforth, and \V, 'of sottIera coming into the west, prices of )anile of ,good quality and 1Aleand children en route to Shan;Lai, Clegg, Jforris, situated convenient to a railway are bound to make .7 mill further s Blatchford and dare -filter, hiss It was decided that tile one receiv_ largo IIdvattve. Z('Lina, The vessel on which ho is to Lily. have returned from a vacation in; the hilliest number of votes sail falai V:ulcouver, does It et leave until August 1ils. at tGe Dcn.i• should be elected, and the one re- �_'r, • If you onto try Carter's Little scares Al nib, iotl, telt las( week coil, in; the lowest should drop out One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the Liver sills for eiok headache, bit- for Leaden, tthero he will 11ke Qn the ileal bN1t1t niR,'?,icrdiri ww'It;l Crop• iouancas, or constipation, you will course 111 telc3►'IIILV• JeIecicd, receiving 11 votes; on the Estimate for the Present Season, never be without them. They aro —lfis Losie of hew IIat'en, Cuun., second Ur. Cpx esus elected, with 8� purely vegetable, small and easy to is visiting her cousin. Mrs. )al. )'el_ voice: on Elio third air, Leckie was take. Don't forget this Yel- low, Mount Pleasant farm• elected, also by 8 voice, Now �s the Time to PURCHASE Mr. Thomas, Sampson, of Loudes- t() 'Miss Annie Sanders and Atastcr Considerable discussion followed u koro, left last' week to visit EnglanduClifford llacAtoy' arc �,cndin Ilut to the rate of pay, 1add111 a numoer Prices are Bound to Advance 1 d of resolutions wore introduced, to :old more particularly his native week in London. :,o subsequently withdrawn. Finally We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We shire of Devon, his fire. visit to the Miss Lin;hats►, of Belleville, is the Mr. McQuillan moved, seconded ay old home in eleven years. ice will nc sues( of Miss Cor:t Fowcll at Grand Mr. Isbcstor that the valuators re- give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands. absent about Iwo months. Bend, Ceivo $5 per day evb;le BO employed Mrs. 1Vaudby, who hag been :In .Mr.. Collins, 3tiss Katie Collins, each to pay hie own expenses, down secures 3:?Oacres, (half section) ot'ch°ice wheat land, inmate of ibe House of Refuge for and Miss Rontbron aro (akin; in the JG. Spackman moved in :}mend- $427 .00 This would be a great investment for 0 U. r. anMrs, Wm, seven or eight years. died there las( 0111 Boys reunion at London, rucnt to this seconds dby Ate, .Ata_ The above investment is without an S heck and the funeral took Placa on Kenzie, that they receive $3 pery ettlement duties \: hatever, Sunday. The services twero conduct_ .. d Brown. of ,lay ;end expenses. ed by Rev. C. 11. Ginnie. Mrs. 11';utd_ I iiirkton spent Sunday I he sorest of Five voted fon the amendment and $383.4 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual g by was 77 years of a;c and came Mr. and Airs, T. Ilissett, eight for Elio motion, the latter ice- settler. No other payment required for two years. from near 11'in;h:un, Mr. W. J. Beaman left on 'Tuesday Mg declared carried. Their duties �• one night recently one of th,. in - through for London where he will are Io commencu not later than the R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip C mates of Ilio House of Refuge, Wil_ lake a ten days course in the Mil. let of Septemoer and two members through the Nest. During his stay there he win locate .Z number r •r `�� liam Sumervill0, opined the window ifetry school• constitute a quorum. of desirable properties in the wheat 0....t �• u[ the room, in which be was sleep- 1':Ikm Notice. — That the Exeter IIItIDGE \VOItiC belt, along the Various new -- p ° in; and tumbled out. Two of his. u,'ist mill will be shut clow„ for las- lir, Cantcton called attention to railroads. Any person who desires to make an i.ivestfnent in West- f iioitee, who were aroused os- ;),int Pairs the balance of this week. liar- 11,° abuju,enla bean; built for the ern tands should communicate with him when full information will ✓ r movements .got (heir eSc� arca voy Bros. Prairie grid;o at Wingbam. and said just in limo to see hint disappear. ' Sick headache results from a (li,_ t.h:,t large torso were beta; used be given. His address up to the 15th October >lext will be I[ sick headache is misery. what {dcrcd condition o fthe stomach and contrary to specifications, which pro- fs Carter's Little Liver Pills it they is quickly cured by Ch:uilerlain•a t''ded that miming larger t hat' R. E. P�CKARD will positively cure itf People who pro - Stomach and Liver Tablets, For %'ideld pass throw;L a 2 Yl inch win; = ,have .used them speak franklyof s'tle in Isxelen by W. S. iiowey, were to be used. Mr. Isbistcr was General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. their worth. Theyarosmall and appointed to inspect the work al this Frobisher', Assa. John Bunter. of Usiorn0, has put- bridge and seo [hat it was properly i�, easy to take. chased the residence now occupied done : and Mr. Lamont was appointed — 1 The plans for the lieu, s(aliuns by Mr. It, B. Samuel from Mrs. \Vol. to inspect Bayfield bridge 1l' Ihr TO SEE NOTAING I to be erected along the line of the Snell, and expects to move into town I;atne tray, prise t and Gndcrich railway coin- about Oct. 1st. t 7 Aboti � I n'isc t%telve iu all, and are dividedHOUSE OE REFUGE Bed T (or to see things dimly is certainly a I hiss Mar;aret Gardiner, of Rein- The Bridge Committee 'reported e 11111 misfortune. It need not he a perms- Pts to cost, into three groups—two al beck, Iowa. who was called here oft- �''viu; vast :I t the house of ltc[u;c 1nentone, however. By the use of $40,000, three at $s,t+o0, and seven Milton Forsyth, of Teeswater. arc on 28th of .lois, and found the build - suitable to to cost. $0,000 each, The total fig• late Isabella Gardiner. diner. will ape:ld in; nearly completed. Mr. DIc.Bridc arcs reach in the Bei;h,orhood of sows time with relatives, 0re)litecl, was present. ;end expressed !EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES $150,000. 'l'Itose al Guelph and Godc- himself sal isficd wit 11 1 he work. Inti accurately fitted by us, the sight can rich are iv cost the first -named aunt Mrs. (Itev,) J:Is. Snell and sp idea„' called Dir. Cooper's allenliuu In be improved tt not full restored to and the slalions will ;o of a similint :t week °f hayfield) are its. JaM, mine minor matters not completed. y character. Elmira, 111 th. and Mil- P' !week hero with Mr,. and Airs. Jas.[ normal condition. y Snell, prior to soil'; In their nett The architect stated that, the build - vete nn are to have buildings to cost home at Marllaville, in; was a good, substantial one, and Much attention is given here to the $8,000, and Wcisenhnr;, Wclllis4on, of eI ea andhis _ e the n 1 b , testing,a u ' ykin t main a d • t' of r. n hc.t uI two R ltomkton, Linwtoal, Dljllhank, 11.,lton hiss Het Passey, rf Eden, ver} salisfuctory. '1hc;cotnmiltc•c ;:f rats - glasses. And Auburn urn the other places so pleasantly entertained a numoer mf ;stied with the whole work and have WVe are snecessful in all lines of fir included in the list of .1/,6,00t1, Exeter and Centralia fa Wilds last work because we have the necessary Imildin;s. '!'enders are to be called friday evening, in honor of lice no curnplaintlo make except Ilialthe contract not completed in knowledge and skill and also modern fnr a1 once. guest, hiss Lillian Sakes. time contrspecifact was e,, wo do 1101 instruments. ---�..— The Voters List for the Township consider 111^ penally of $10 per Play I:-XETEIt COUNCIL of ]lay for .t he year 1905. should be imposed 011 contractor. Council met as per adjournment on contains 809 names in part 1, 131 in Tits cow rar.tot' made a claim 'of $257 Friday, July 28th, 1005. Absent. the part 2. 30 in part 3. 491 are maik• for ex(t•is, but Ibis was offset icy Reeve owl Councillor, Levet t. ed as oein; eligible to act as jurors. exit, insurance, fuel etc, the conn - .1, 1Vood-3. Muir—That I. Arm - Mr. Jos. L:uubroult has returned mitt(^ a;reed with Mr. Cooper to Steen; be actin; itecve,—Carried. The minutes of meeting held onup joi11 WHITS & Sou T. AWKINS & SON i A♦♦N♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦O♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•N♦♦♦ At Exeter and Centralia 1 Storehouses Now ready for use, the best N' Cement and Lime That money can buy r Coal for alsoEverybody • at lowest prices •/ J. GOBBI�EDIGK WE'IRE SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the Suite—you wear them out. We make them as well as we can, so that they sooner than not wear out coo r will they 0 you'll Ought. Because. if they do, y likely go somewhere else for your next Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy so much Suit worth. And Suit worth is fashionableness of fabric—style in cut—flt—finish—looks — dreasyness — and length of service. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. As good a place as there is within Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont. mit@@p_�to get all this and not pay too mus: is W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th. home froru fart Wayne, where he litl:utc accounts. In the closing he had been called of the contract for the addition the commit iee 1alost ;rent pleasure in veru;nizin; the services of the ar- cl►ilrel, Mr. ;McBride, for the pains - fatties and efficient manner in %Abid' Itc 11:14 endeavored to carry out the work in ilio completion of the in; so 9111isfnclory to the 1:d;. Con,. and also to his own credit as nu architect. The committee •'lt t re- r(;uized Ilse great interest taken in the tvorlt by lir. 1). (t111tlou, and complimented w tet i Malay h z the 1.7- } V pectnr, Mr. A. McKenzie. the con- tract price of 1 he buildi►1; was $9000 Ful the actual cost was $9,560, the ext ra amount tieing made up by i he ;traitect's fee of ) 85, Inset:Ince $181.1i1t; A. Canlelou, insp4C' lI. 01'2 A. McKenzie, insll(:ctinr, :`.49; T. \VnrtIiintton, imspcctiur Iaumca- in; (;211, and :1 fete other cleat res.— Report adupied. The ('onnci !visited the !louse in a tinily ;end the members expressed) 1 themselves as well sal isficd wit it the 011111ien made ny Mr. Cooper. They said 1 be work was cxceedintly well dune. ('unnril then adjuurur.l. The Council Iris been partir:1' 1') fort un. til in it1 selection of Ines, for they are not only In ',1 ,:t sterling probity, but they ,tie ex- cellent jud res of ta1110s as well, • !id in s:•yin: this t here is no r• flee• ion oil ;any of 1 be men who trete nal set cted, lir. Il:,wdeu, • - 11 (known, 11 is had consider 1.11• • %:,er- itews as a dealer in real e-: 1h• :..(rh0 ;s true of Slit Is ski., : •1 few more caul ions and prudeo 1 I :1 July 21st, read :mil approved, (twilit to the illness A petition from the +t•atepiser,, of his son who is residing there. ile aloe; :!fain street front \Yellin;ton has now amlost recovered. Suitings for $15.00 street Io Thee soulh side of the river, M r. Ed. Di 111111 left on NIouday and $18.00. 1 iskin; That the proposed ;rauolilbie 1 for Ilrockviile where he will :Mena -ae :... ' % I walk he not laid until the existing I ht: Grand Lod;o of the 1. 0. 0. F. :if. board %walk 11118 bccontn nnservicc-i ter which he will rake a trip to able, 3, Alu;r—.f. Wood —Th:It I he Mout tett. petition tie filet) until next meet ins Maslcr l'iersun and Miss Etln•1 of 1 lie Council.—Carried . GIlOve, of Seafortle and Mader It pays to get a business educes- No appeals against' the street wa'' It'orsyth, of '1'ee,' aper, are e.1i►1; aSSOgsrncrlt Aha sante was con- si,etl,liu; a few holidays :It the home firmed. (• Per o ' Irl 11°11 elf 3.\\' e 1 of Mr., and •s 11 ill (: ..1. K. \1c t• . 1. u1. students after they graduate, ':cc. by I, Muir.—Carried. z fhie school is recognized to be Council adjourned lu thee( oil losclll, Meson, of Stephen '1'o%wn• Friday Au;usl 11 h, ship, was committed for tial last W. JOHNS 4t Merchant Tailor - 1T13ATFC RD. ONT. 8000. TESIEl EGR IPHER NEEDED tion and it pays to get it in the S school which can do most for its one of the best Business Colleges .1, SENIOR. Clerk. y Ala;jst'ate Snell char red r tt cel: h north , torn! the now positions created by to Canada. Alt our graduates 5 andTehsaraphCompantos. We want secure positions. Business Col- Council (net as per adjournment in 'tills 1 scriou+ offence, ,1, (:, Stall. et, and Ladles of good habits, to 1lin '1'°tt•n Ilall, of Friday, Au;us; Lary acted fnr Ihr Count Craton leges frequently npply to us to lib 1905, absent Councillor Muir. .t( 1(•1103. LEARN TELEIRAPRY secure our graduates :tsteachers. The minutes of nivel in; held n A little furethoughN may 140 }nn j Write for our free Catalogue, ` and R. R. Accounting tuts 't+lb, read and approved. no cud of trouble. Anycne who W. J. ELLIOTT,We furnish 75 percent. of the six Principals 1 he petition filed from I ,::1 me t- makes it :► rule to keep Ch alb( r- lltatlunAgentsin America. Our six s.hools D. A. McLACHLAN, i ♦ ill; was :13:111 read. and on mot a loin's Colic, Cholera :mil 1)i•,rrho:'1 are the largest exclusive Telegraphy School.( I of W. IL Level 1, sec. by J. 1V 1 Itcmetl at Land knows this to ne In the world. Fstablished 20 years and en. .......................... I y d by all teuting Railway Oteciala. !!! Ihr prayer of 111e petition ae ;fat - fact. For sale in Exeter h} W. V, we execute •;LiJ Bond to every student to' —r rd, t he C01111Cil decidin.r nor to pro Dower. e t(ttrflsh him or her po+Ilion paying from lil0 reed wit h Aha new %walk.—(':(rrieil. 111•. Itooerlson 11 - 1 s Hilted from Mouto4ntains. or r States $15 cad o the ltoc y Local Agents Wanted \\ 11. Lcvrt l -.1. \Need—'that the Sl an)ry 'fort "shit' +cheer. be has been 1fioautains,or from iT3 W Ilan a month In i Ifnunril nff0r a ry ward of $25.0l) "aItut' %i.,ilin, ,et!five... ler, otou Robertson is tate. west o[ the Rockies, immcsllatc upon krodustton, any information testliner 10 1 h con- in Ili: silt ec.,r sad loads ,es Irip t3tttdentecan enter at any time. No %'ace victim' of the person or ]ersona oft his (1icyel.'. and enjuyhlt the time. For full particular+ regarding any of oar Schools write direct to our excentlwe I (whom are house breakin; and petty 1r-1 „f ii, •llh lakes pleasure in 1i.T- office at l indena.t1. O. Catalogue free. At once for Canada's GIl1': t1•S'T , "wallas.—C:u'ritel, ins.the 5411(.0.[Hi' I. Arms'ront—\1', Ii. Levet,—'flat I lie It(eve and Treasurer :are her- by ant lionized lo Ixsrrutw• 4),000 per NI'It8EItIES” for the town of Ex - Morse Sohool of Teleuraphu "ter and surrounding country, (which Otnclnaattl, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. ";It be reserved for the right Iran Aganta,Ua. LaCrosse, Wis. Start now nt the best selling set - Texarkana. Tex. e.an Francisco, Cal. son, and handle our NE\V SPECIALTIES Western[teal Estate Write for particular. and send 25c. on Liberal Terms for our handsome aluminum Pocket Exchange, Limited. Microscope, (a little ,gem) useful to 78undas St., London Farmers in examining Seeds and zrains. Orchardists in examining Trees for insects. Gardiners in ex - lir, and Airs. V. A. I'ople-lone left on lbol'day for Ilrockville. Mr. )'op. currant account .—Carried. Iestone boil'; :1 dole:ala to the 1,0. The following account i4 were pass- (1.1'. (:rand Euc:arnpnu•nt and Gs,na ed and orders .lr:Itwu nt1 'Treasurer Lod ;e ►ueet;n-; -11 Block w•ille. 31. far lip, same:—.1, Sol on. street wap- ars, \V, 301111s :and lid. 1)i plan 4IV Bring, $25,00; Queen City Oil Coy., also 111 tend "I"::9 repretl•Ilta- ;asolcn0, $9.42 ; Connor Bros., re- I;t•rs. Pairs awl ;rindin; !cols, t$2; Geo. In a letter received from the Rev. (:udnnNe, 300 ft lumber, 811.80; ltd. V ii. Gudejn Ito says, Mar he with Quince. lauor, $1.50; .1V in. Parsons, 311 s. 0adnin, enjoyed a ci••li:btfu1 ilo., $0.74 ; Fred Gillespie. 1ea►ninz, sail up 1 b likes to ililw.,ukt'•' 0.1 $1.80; Wen. lirirnarombe, labor. $4.37 the majestic steamer, Ni,rtbland, ex- prriencin; no unfavorable t%r:11 her andea r ' %Vi t chin; li elm, ► ., in dile !bite. They are new task, ins :. quiet :,nd beneficial real. If you %w m so Loy' r (arm in ;toy*elinin; Plants for insects, Teach- W10, Dive. tailor, x1.12; 'I !ins. of the follotviu.; (counties =end for era and scholars in studying Botany Welsh, dl'„ stet; et' ; G. ndtnore. do., ( Bruce, r Fa till and everybody in a hundre different 810.75; W. J. IlissetI. r,lary to July, our list. Buren. Grey, d r c ,„- % sc t Essex, Kent, if stdim:nidi Lincoln. , y'• `-51..., ; 2 Il. Stoll, elect $$ lisle for 'Middlesex, Muskoka, Norfolk, Ox- 1 STONE & \', ELLINGTON .1 els, $'(.'.Ili ', l en.27, e85,f+:1: .ton. ford, Perth. feel, Sinlcoe, (Walk) 1 ottt1,111 Nurseries ('n11le, floe ers for cemetery, 1 1,50; Geo. Ford, fenciaz dimwit's 1101111d,,Victoria, Welland.Waterloo,Went-Over 6410 acres. Toronto, tint . 10.50;%%Iii, lifeline, llrirk f::r cent - worth or York. We have some of the best farmq in the Province for eters, $10,50; Chas. \Vjlsnn, Libor, 11 cP•ntelery, $20.',25: .1 ow. Willis, stile, We also have a )arse number 0(}01) FOR 14T0\1AC1i TitO1 PILI'. d„., 521.75; Ilnnunl1.,: n s279.15. peelTow in. \ ilktte, and Business Ira- p011les for sale. Send for our het AND CONSTIPATION potion per 3, worst, ..• 1•, „v 1. %rm- before ouy;nt•Chamberlain's Siomach and Liver ''tI„n;.—C:1rr;rd. Fee Tablets have dean me n zrtit deal 1. ii 41 11411 rii Ir. w •r , ('ower it it }ou hatu a F'nrm or other ►- •d.inuro until frilhlw, ,Nur. 11111. of ;moil,” Playa C. 'Toho,, of Rat l'or- ,f, SE".IOU. ('1••:!: petty for sale write for our tents and rnntboil of rsrll;nt Heal K4lat0•, (lie, Ontark,. Canada. •'nein; a No (litre' unlees the propertyismild pliysie the after efteeti are not well or or (xehnnzed. full particu- unpleasant, clad I can recommend 1 on application. The 11 estern 1 them t,o all who suffer from stomach R,oa{ I•:st.1t0 Exchanges Ltd., London. i disorder." For sale in Exeter 1.v \V. • Ontario. S. Iiowcy. CIrakCIO XA. s..n ti. Tib Iliad The Not Alesji NA Ili*.t%re et • Bev. 4tci.. Smith, of ('arm -1 Pre 4. hyl0rlan church, conducted the un- ion Vertices on Sunday Inst in con- nect ion (tit It t Ice Slain et reel meth. ndist :snit l'resbyterian churches. Lar ;e con ;rr,talions ;reeled the spe,ker at both services, his *',it- courses nein,4 listenC' in ttith rapt ;Mention. Be has an excellent com- 1111nd n[ 1anzuaZr, :end MI10 WM ca es1110-44 nod 7001 in prnclnirnit, (be 1111-0,rcha,le riches of e'brist. 3tt- eral tnernbers of the choir of Fevers church assisted in the son.( sc•rt•rce• in the evening, \liss Anna '4 rtio renddrin; a very ple.,sinr r<nIo. TL' nylon servicer will lie conducted 1 hrouzl:on( Au;nst . Furniture dealers and Funeral directors Blessings on the man who first in- vented sleep. Blessings, you will say, on the man who first invented the greatest aid to sleep and rest known aa the Marshall Sanitarg Mdttrdss The only ventilated Sanitary Mattress in the world. Puree, cleaner, cooler healthier and more comfortable than any other maltras.,. A continual cur- rent of air refreshing the rnattress, always keeps its shape, will never pack or harden. Guaranteed for live years. %Vill last a life time. Don'tfail to see it. Sold only by ROWE & ATKINSON AI EV. %V in. 1111Z Item (nee Hiss Ida (drutgiet of Joplin, Mo., in a c rru1- l.t.tes) and l a•o children of St. Louis, I . tr to 1's 1, cue to r.rs says: q• '• I C IC7'O \ n. • Y . .1 ,aro , visit 11111 friends , . , rl 1 iH ' 1 1 D 1 own 11 Ii is 11 e Otlllll 1 O 1 111. r of Ina k infir! •I 3 h tw. ;1101415 0[ Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis. y of patent medicine which equals This fact is well known toCharnberl:tin's Colic, Cholera .Int dens- I 1 -fists everywhere, and nine out of i Diarrhoea Remedy for l:owel cour- ier'will rive their customers this phials. We sell and recnmmen+l this preparation (when the lest iia askedpreptration, Ecr rale in Exeter by for. Mr. Obe Witmer, a prominent \\• S. pawls. ALLSVEOETADLE 31CILIAN hair Renewer Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used to have, The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing.'-'�'^11:.= ^ 1V ''" UTLERT '5) �( Irnjoyatrilbnt couridencr'nf 1� ,' ' When wanting anything in Cutlery it will pay body , you to remember Heaman's Salo Bi1l5.—Those: having t 1 it -,le bills printed at this office e.1'1 rely° a free notice of ( he sale in • lie Razors Pocket Knives Times and thus get the benefit „t our1:tr t circulation. t Rbo mbe i9 a fact We have them from 75c up to $2,111► All the way bolo :, to 75c, for boys which should remembered. Sale bills aro not seen by all in the dis- trict whereas The Timr•q goes a very - where. The notice though ,riven free is often worth more to the per- son holding sites than %vhat is paid for the posters. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Do Kind You Have Always Bolght Bears the Signature of Our $1.00 Razor is a keen shaver Shaving Brushes and Soap. Table Knives & Forks From $1.51) to $I.t$) a dozen Knives only $2.00 to $1.00 a dozen Desert Spoons 1'11.00 to $3.75 a closer (food variety to select from. lTAh1a. Spoons $1.00 to $4.:;1) a dozen Carvers perpair 4ioc to $t2.o0 Carvers in cascs :: - ' '" $3.75 Bread, Cake and Paring Knives, 25c per s(t , Scissors, a good pair, 25c Shears from 50': to 75(. per pair girls, ladies and gent.. 1)'lr Mc heavy knife is excellent Plated Spoons Teaspoons :• )c to $3.(.0 a dozen tIMMfiN'S NflRDWflRE and Stove Store