HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-03, Page 8IJXETER 'TIMES, AUGUST 3rti L 5.
-F4 e•:•+...: ............... ......:...........
Here_ is
I A Snappy Bargain
:t; We have about Fifty Boys' Blouses and Pants :f
in dark and light wash goods, in Linens and in :i.
Navy Blur: Serges, for boys 4 to 10 years old. .i,
4 Our snappy bargain price will be for each piece ;i;
1': 25c4.
t 4-
:r !lave you seen the lovely new Dinner Sets %%e
.f arc showing in high grade goods. We are t•, d :i:
_ fi
{ that they are the finest that have eel r been short n
in Exeter. L08 pikes to the set $12 and $14, T.
Dinner Sets
Fall Linoleums r
t Ask to see our new fall Linoleums, tapestry +
'` psttei ns, thy are beauties 3 and 4 yards wide. :r
a+- Thty come to us direct from the makers. You
save all middle profits by buying from us.
Remember we sell the best 4 yard wide Lin- L
1 oleum in Exeter for $2.i 5 the yard. +r
* Butter 17c, Eggs 17c
+ No, we arc not in the combine, t% e arc lead- T.
ing in Butter and Eggs, Watch the other fcllo,v s ::
+t, follow us 17c for Butter, 17c for Eggs. Steer -'
±clear of the combines.
+++++++++++++++++++++4+-: :-: -14 :• 7•++++4.44.1 I•++•► : 14: : :4 :4+
We ll'lye a
Mr. Fred Gilley of Detroit, who has
spent the pest ut'uth at hie haute
re trturned home ou Monday.
DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon.
EYE. EAIt, NOSE and T1W0AT.Fits
Glasses properly. Office. Commer-
cial hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday, August 5t1.
Mr. :Irl etrs. Grate, Into ,1 -ie
Willis) left on Saturday 1 sl fur
their bone: ;.t 11;ilvitl . ':..n, to here
they icy• putter see -, 2tnerel et ore.
Sick 1.- elache re• a:. • ;rola a dh-
urJcrrd cuuditioa •, (tI::• "tourtch end
is quickly curet .,y Clria.i xrlain''
Stoii.tclt and Liver 'f.ibl:ta. For
sale in N xet'•t' by \V. S. Ilowey.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
line of Sterling ++++NNN++NNNN++NN
•�t1t��N ►+ANN+
1f you need any insect poison or
fly paper go to Brownines.
Lawn mowers sharpened on short-
est notice at D. Hartleib's. Exeter.
Berry Spoons
Salad Spoons
Jelly Spoons
Sugar Spoons
Cold Meat Forks
Mrs. Trace, of London. ryas the
guest of Mrs. Monroe on Tuesday.
Miss Ferzuson, of Auburn, is the
guest of Mrs. Chas. Northcott. -
Miss Lulu 3)cAvoy, of Kincardine,
is visit in; \his:, Blanche till -ere.
31rs. Glanville, of Loudon, is 11S -
kin; her mother. Mrs. Sweet.
Mrs. Will Hill. of Toronto. who
is viskin; relatives in Mensal!, called
on friends in town last week. -
Any of the above make a - For Bale.-Itesidenco of Mrs. G.
tasty, durable and useful Kemp; on Andrew at. for particulars
Mr. F. Ehlers spent :t couple of
days of last week with friends :.t
Dlyth and Goderich.
31r. and Mrs. T. Johns and 1wo
children visited Varna friends over
1Major Walsh, one time Canadian
Commissioner in the Yukon, died tat
illelkeville on Tuesday: of slat week.
V Ext ract of Blackberry ix a aur
relief for dia•rrho'a and dysentery.
Sold by C. Lutz, dru!4ist, Exeter.
Mr. O. Soutl►cot11 wt vi.eilint friends
and relatives in Landon 'and S1.
Thoutlns this week.
Mr. Fred Gould. of S:':iforlh, i.;
spending a few days of ilia week
under the parental, roof.
The little town of 1''et:nice II. C.,
has again been seep, by fire. The
loss autounline to over $50,000.
3Ir. and Mrs. Peter t7:u•dit►cr and
little son Lave been t•isitiu: frieu,l,
in hoderich.
Lost. -At Elimvi)ke un Sunday,
July 16th, 1905, :t plaineel.' Zink
bracelet. Finder please leave a.
Times office or Elinivil.lc l'. O.
On Tuesday of last week Itev. Dr.
Stewart, who has resided in Clinton
for flit• past 27 years, celettr.•aled Lia
59th Birthday.
3)isa Stella Greeory has etc.' wr
caged to leach Hid' School work in
the Erin Public edited at an initial
Hilary if $500.00.
Ito you suffer from 111..,1. :WM. or
perspirine feet 11 ser a -e Foot East..
it will ave relief, mold by C. Luiz,
31r. \Vnlace Fisher, of the Soy-
ereien (lank staff. who bee been re -
We WTaxman
at Credit
on for the
past la
week!' has returned home.
Merchant Tailor.
Mr. and \Ira. JohnFloyd, of tica-
forth, spent the /metre. part of the
week here, the Murat' of 31r. and
Mrs. W. G. 1)i set t.
31r. Garfield iluchanan, of the Ad-
vocate staff, visited friends in Lon-
don list [trek, also a1 1h'• Loupe 4:f
hit parents at ,Jarvis.
311. John )1:i0den, of Itid:cite% n,
drnegte In event tart of the world. who Isar ew•t•u 111 tndinr the Itowlin:
e>r to a tla Its alae 1s incalculable. lin , •I' a r_I c rl a t London, w ,c•nt Nun -
•Wedding Gift, apply to owner.
S. Fitton,
in Ordered Clothing
This Month
to make room for
Fall Goods
Miss Jessie Mil l.u•, tt ho her twee
isitine her mater. Mrs. Itt,udle. and
tit Iv. friends is to11n 1'•tt on \Vcd-
ut day morning fur S -u tie where alis
will spend somo(Heads.Rev. S. C.trri• of Grand
lied and Carew l couzrelalions, less
occupied his pn -e ne field all !.Boor
fur 23 years and he is more sincerely
beloved by hitt people now then ever
We ase sorry do leear that .Mr.
I):yid Ow -sell. of Exeter North. has
liven suf fed in; : he past t wo weeks
t he result of hat•ini h:s feet badly
burnt whet. shove',1inz the jurat
sheat at the Elevator :It Godcr:c1t.
Dr. Butler, London. will be at the
Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
August lOth, 1905, all. day
for Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and glasses
Mr. W. Manning, of 1k'• Shcrlpeek
M.itoin! Orean Co., of London call-
ed on friends in town ort Saturday.
Miss Annie McCord, of [Merton,
called on friends in toren on Friday
last and while here wes the euest n[
Mrs. John White.
\Voinrn's Instil utc.-- The :re ;War
utectin; of the Women's Institute
will ho held on Friday afternoon of
this week at 3'u'clock in the Town
Hall. Subjects for discussion: Pre-
serving, Fruit, Salad and Tomatheet.-
31iss !falls. fres: .Mrs. Hastings,
Secretary .
31r. It. Patterson, of Tliorn:iale,
0:15 a visitor in town on Friday last.
Mr. W. A. Gre;ory. of Brantford.
spent the former part of tide week
with his parents here, also to visit
with his brothers, Messrs. J. A. and
Ernest of the Northwest, who have
been spending a holiday. hero
Mr. Lloyd 1'. Jones, the very ef-
ficient organist and choir master of
of the Trivitt Memorial church has
tendered his resignation of that
work. Navin; accepted a position as
organist of the Methodist church al.
Mitchell at a muclf increased salary.
!lis removal front the church hero k
regretted by the adherent e.
O er si ty years Soothing
mIllb it. of mohas thers forr theed eir
e dren while teeth!o� with perfect moves.
h soothes the child troftena the gums. allays all
pain cares wind cotta and is the beet remedy
for Diarrhea. It Is pleasant to the taste. Sold
Ssure and yrup and eat for no�other kind 's Soothing illy runder t lie parental roof.
+++++++++.:-++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++•1'++++++++++
Watch This Spare E ♦rry w'rek. •"'
Warm Days, Cool Nights, and Catarrh :
Go hand in hand, y I
:i +
you cannot dispense the former two but
you can the latter by using NAMELESS CATARRII
t�GET THE HABIT, its easy, carry it in your pocket,
nee it
any time. No case too severe. Sent post paid for "3c. Money
back ck if it don't help.
if there is no agent in your section, send 2,1c add receive a tube by
return mail. This is no experiment, hurt genuine.
.,. Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont.
4-44+++++++++444444 44 4444-14++++++++++++.H.+4“H-14+4.1444
Vt e find ourselves loaded up with a very heavy stock of de-
sirable Fancy and Staple goods, alio a lot of remnants and odds
and ends which will be cleared out regardless of cost.
Mrs. W. J. Carlin; and dattelit tr.
Miss Louise. The Misses Lizzie and Mr. E. Taman of Ingersoll spent
Flora Carlini :tccotnp:lnicd by their Tuesday with his brother. W. W,
sister, Mrs. It. Elliott. of Norwich. Tatnan.
left en Wednesday for Toronto
where t hey will take the: steamer
for a trip down to Quebec and from
there 011 tlirou3lr the Situeenay Riv-
er. The trip in view promises to be
a most delightful one.
Black Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods
iac LI ick Weld Voile [tW 50c'ohair:, for 50c.
it colored 7colored Cord de Cie es for 50c.
60c t tt•cc d Green Goods for 48c.
38c. 50c all wool Canvas Cloth ter 39o.
50c pale blue Nuns Venire; for 37 1-2
:15c !brown spot Voile for 25c.
25e Drawers 183
Ladies' fine cambric Drawers [Bade
and 11 homed in newest style. excel-
lent vette, at 25•-. to clear at 18c.
$ 1.50 Night Gowns $1.00
1ltedc of tine cambric trimmed
11 it h lace insertion and tucking ree-
tiler $1.50, to clear at $1.00.
$? 00 Skirt $1.48
Ladies' fine white cambrio Under -
skirl. well made. cut full deep
flounce trimmed with tucks and lace
regular $2.00, to clear $1.48.
i'rctty etripe and plaid effect.; int $2.25 Art Tie Shoe $1.90
pink and white, fawn and white. red L•nteot Art Tio Shoe, extra quality
and while, regular 12 1-2 cents to
Fancy Dress Muslins Don:ola kid, flexible tole. Cuban
civet. at 9 1-2 cents. French h•' I. .very pair 3uarnv-
teed to me tr. re+solaria. sold for $2.25
In a satisfyinta varie.tyl of patterns to clear $1.99.
and dcsines, regularly bold at 25c to $7 Dinner Set'for $4.95
clear at 12 1-2. 2 only, (:visa Dinner Setts. 97
Art Muslins 50 piece['. first class[ scare. regular price
300 yards Art Muslin in pretty $7.00 to clear at $495. Ain't it 0
colors and patterns. to clear 5 cents. bargain.
Boys' Coctonade Pants 50c For $6.95.
Jude from Can'tl tear kind Cotton- I only blue dinner sed. 97 piece,[,
ads, linedthrou;hoot, all t32:41 frbm do vily (iIIodyre`ular price $8.75,
22 to 33.50 cents.
511e Mick Lustre for :i9c.
511c I,I:+ck Arwur) for 39c.
511c black worried Scree for
50c black Hopsack for 39c.
35c black Lustre fur 25c.
Hen's Underwear 25c
Our very special balbri;;un shirts
and d.•awers, cxtra•li;bt weight, Lett
value in the market 25c .
Men's Strong Shirts 50c
A big stock of Men'.; Wearing
Shirts. nettle of extra heavy drill,
guiranlecd fast color:, 50c.
Men's Overalls 50c
A full stock of '.Ilea's denim Ovate
a)Is in 1)Iuea. Blacks and Greys, epee -
ill 50e.
Scotch Ginghams
Last Sale of
White Wear
Only a few lines of Ladies' Whitewear left, you van st
have them at these prices while they last.
White Skirts
Miss Mary Gidley is visiting friend e
at Parkhill.
Miss Dottie Dickson is visiting her
aunt Mrs. Bennett at London.
Mrs. Geor;e Samw°II returned
!tome from Ingersoll on Tuesday.
Mrs. (Rev.) Cranston is visiting
with her sister, Miss Anna Martin.
The Misses Vert and Ethel Coir-
Isledick have returned home after a
pleasant visit spent with their broth-
er. Mr. N. Cobblodick, of Bratftford.
Dr. J. A. and Mrs. McCallum. u(
Crestline, Ohio, and Dr. Duncan and
Mrs. McCallum sail on one of the
White Star Lino steamers from New
York on August 4111 for a trip to
Scotland and other points in Europe
They will be absent about six
/Parents and ;trudiatts will please
see that all town : tudcnts desirous
of entering either of the high School
classes for tha September terns, reg-
ister Wit 11 the Secretary not later
than the first day of August. As
only a limited number of outdid°
students can he received, re;istra-
tioq shouta to made %tilh the Sec-
etary un or before the 15th day
itev. W. M. Martin and Mrs. Mar-
tin left Isere Mon.kiy evening for
'lbronto, prncwulw _ f rain I here on
their journey In Beebe), N. W. r.
where they will spend weeks.
They 11cn•c accounp:1nie.1 on their
journey by their son. Mr \t Mite in,
1t res[ley int
Ite tins.
t 1' i i r i a 1
It tion Her1•ict:s-Durinz the month
of Auzusl the Presbyterian and
M:.in street Methodist con;rc;:tl bona
trill hold union services. 'i'he firs!
Iwo Sundays will Cr in cheree of the
supply for Rev. 3Vitt. Marlin's work
the Rev. Devitt Wren, who has been
supplying for Rev. Win. Godwin, tci11
Izain Eike the work for Ili' retnaitt-
in; Sundays. The service% 1111 lie
held in Presbyterian church in . be
mornin . and in 1 he \1t't hndis° clitirch
in the evening..
Post I Reform. -Thr 111"a 1 I
nr.iler can no lonecr work 1,- en-
terprising faculty and tee are. 11:•
roust tall sell rl:nnl,s in large line n-
tilies to parties nutaide of his own
territtory for IIMet in other places and
in remit lances. The penally for
disobedience Ovine it It1 t1
Such is tho purport of tee inlaruc-
lions issued froth Otla110. Some of
the postmasters. :uuious to swell
their pocket nooks, have southl i'u•i-
niss in tlit cities and loans, end so
holstered up thein, revenue ni:ove it 4
normal proIiorl•ious. Annt ls••r a ay
in which 1 11051titn<ter4 have pro-
fited is ey t•c•Ilinz etatttps to take flit.
place of money orders intomb! ince:.
The new rezul:ilions 11111 make .he
ofIicia1e more ;notion. d0 pull t
sale of 'postal notes rind monee or-
Market Report. -The following is
t )to report of Exeter markets. cor•
ricir'1 up to Ali n't 3rtl.
Teas 60 to 65 cents per bushel.
Ilr:ut *16 per ton.
Shorts $20 per ton,
Family Flour, $2.75 per cwt.
Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt.
B ty, $5.110 to $'i.00 per ton.
\\'hitt, 75 to SO cents per bushel.
Barley, 38 to 41) cents a hu+Tiel.
Ott P. 3)le. per bushel
l:z •a. 17 cerate per dozen.
Barter. i7 conte per pound.
!lots, live wt'i!)It, $6.51, V.r ret i.
Pork, dressed, $8.50 per cwt.
O .d • K� A She Mira t 6otlatlt
Ilurr illi N �.
Wanted - At once a house keep-
er on farm, middle aged person pre-
ferred. Apply at Times Office.
Miss Vina Pearson. of London. is
visiting friends in town. the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. George Thotnas.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm .Gri;;.of Wood-
stock, spent from Saturday until
:Monday with Mrs. W. Grigg.
officers attended to the wants of
the many exhinitore. The horse ring
and cattle rin; have also neon re-
arranged and provision made for the
comfort of t•xht:,itors as well as
stock. Some $1200 has been expend-
ed in improvetnenta. \Vith the re-
vised prize list which[ is now being
distributed, 11ic fall fair of 1905
promises to excel all previous years.
Remember the d:tics September 18th
and 19111.
Increaseel Demand. - The demand
for cement in' Canada shows no sign
of decrvtsp. In fact she new 11de5
to which it is twine applied indicate
rather an inoreased demand. The
Ottawa University, with its classic
donee and beautiful ornamentation is
to he fouilh of cement, so that from
colie;e halls down to stable floors.
cement is finding i't's place of use-
fulness. It utay not be t;enerally
lac -
Take Laxative Bromo QulnineTab- known that when ed, Canada
torics are completed, sill
lots. All'drnttgiets refund the mon- have sixteen Portland cement tnanu-
e If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's facturin; establishments. With ;l com-
bined capacity annually of 3.915.1)00
Several members of the Epworthbarrels, estimating 30(1 working days
League of the Main street Methodist 10 llto year. Surely 'this immense
church attended the Hummer School quantity should equal the demand
at Grand (tend nit Wednesday and The facilities for its manufacture
took part in the services.
The .have increased wonderfully, so that
James street Methodist' League take in oro' pl:utl the rstw• inttcriah are
the work to -day, (Thursday.) recovered tenni the a rth, trans-
ported to 1)te plant, wel(110d, crush -
Mr. Wm, Mace, manager of the ,.,I, mixed tested, caleitictl. ;round
' n Co.
' t andless is
Brewing c :id of than
utan g :old I;artcd with h t
Guelph. died very suddenly in his ap• 100 men, Intl cite out -put for the
artments at the Welliugton Hotel. 31 Hours 1ra1 1,6110 bnr.rcla.
He was only 32 years of age and the
announcement of his sudden death A visit to ili Exeter cemetery
1 -as a great shock to his legion of convinces one of 1 he urzent needs of
friends. The late Mr. Mace was a son more availeule fonds to keep this
of Mr. George Mace, a former resident 1 s:tcrc.l spot. so dear to many, in pro-
per .hlii allot Maki'
ver)of Exeter.
arta} needed improvements. There
Summer School now in 'Session at are many who pay an amount cinch
Grand Bend, -For over a year the vett. to have ,t lit plots .looked afore
Epworth Leagues of the Exeter Dix -
and cared for personally, yet, Oleic
tract have been putting forth etrenu- ore many other plots avliose metiers
ous efforts to make
arc far ayeyat others
Summer School at Grand Bend a fea• unknown and uncared. for. it is the.
tune worthy of patronage. The un- desire of [ha in eharze to keep up 97 piece Dinner Set. semi -porcelain. Lyndon design. Cobalt blue, silt
dertaking was a most difflcnit one hut and still improve t he appearance of lines. self colors. running vine and cluster, lv
floere and l'eave's. made by
the promoters of the scheme have tcemetery, :and to help in [1114 J. i1. W. & sores, tnley, F.n;land. 89.50 for *7.00.
been rewarded by w grand commence- Ilsat ler, rte [could here suttest that
went, and now after two days session t herr who feel 'Mein place :t
itis an undoubted fact that the Sum- deposit with the permanent fund or
mer School will be a success through- its;ike provision in 1 heir will for a
out the whole term which ends on tlesircable amount to {rc• applied 10
Aug. Orb. 1t is well worth even the t h,, fund, t h:° interest accruinz
moat busy in the community to avail 1h -retrofit to :.e t, i,l each year for
themselves of the privilege of listen- the beam ifyi' :11111 imprnventent
ing to some of the addresses during of their (dots. The available fund•
either the forenoon or evening sessions at the disposal of the committee have
of this week. -One who visited on hec•n put tt, the I,t••: linsrihle 1150 but
Tuesday evening. .1 still :roarer lnt•,mHI %%nuiti do
much Io -11 It 111 1 . 111• h.intis• or
thnsc frits It lye 110% 11411 k fit cher
oc kind
35c for 75c for • • ..$t.00 kind
tic for the
....$1.25 kind
$t.q7 for the • • • • • • • •$=.25 kind
$2.4o for the . , . , . , . $3 25 kind
Night Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers, all at half price
Black Underskirts
A very fine Fancy one $1.00. A better one, real nice 32.00
A beauty, heavy satana and extra well made for $2.75
Odd Shoes
A few left of those 75e ones. They are a snap, come
and get booted, •
sf nature is on each box. 25o.
600 Mattress
1 ata the sellit►; agent for the
EXETER. This mattress is guaran-
teed by the manufacturers to be
bettor thaa the beat hair ; ,to bo tj
absorbent ; vermin and dust p f.
to last a lifetime and to .Sive come
pleto satisfaction to the user.
x15.00 W. C. HUSTON
Furniture, Undertaking
You'll Haub Som6tlitA�
To show for your years of work if you saye a
part of your earnings now -as much .ts you can
spare. You may need it at some future time ---
might as well save i:, anyway. It is not hard af-
ter you once make a start in the right direction.
$1 is sufficient to start an account with this Bank
to which you can add to when you like in any
sized amounts, and withdraw all or any pert of it
without any delay, and which earns interest at
the highest current rates, which is added to the
principal FOUR times a year. without it being necessary to go through the
formality of presenting your pass book.
You never realize the value of having a savings hank account until you
have pressing need for money. Make th tiNOtV and
startn the
right road to comfort and prosperitybyoen)ngon account s
BWe bave•the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal.
47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Boron:
Exeter. Credlton. Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton
JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branches.
$9.50 for $7.00
\1 it reed in London. -A very plcas-
iut 1.1^111 11 114 celcorated in i.ondoet
on 'luestlay, Aunn•t 1st, when tlr..1.
e rtl
elt! fn
• r .
A. Gr, _.try. Of �/
Sask., and . ut 01 our esteemed
Iowttanrin, \1r. Thos. Greeory, rya•
united in ntarriaee 1n hiss ld•t (:.
Phillips, :. papular younz lady or
11i31 city. this et'rt'ntnny lens per-
formed by Rev. W. .1. Clark, of t he
First Presbyterian church at 5.30
p. m.. the bridal party trivia[ me
the 7.55 1 rain far Hernia for :t trip
up the lake They will spend annul
two 1treks in 8,. Paul, combinint
business [till pleasure, nater tlltirh
they mill to to their new home in
Norlli n1111efnrd, Hask., where the
zrnout lets estahli•hed himself in the
real /'.talc a:ency. The in.nty
friends here of the ;room join in
11 ishin! 1111. happy couple many
years of hippie, -4 and pro•Iw•ri1y.
We. John l'harlton has hien v:•ty
ill ,Inti[►! the I, et, week.
s.-1lie direc,ors of
the Saephen & I sborttc Azricultutal
society have nituo•t completed the
titan) improvements' to their :toned.,
eu11 huildints. '1'n afford 'Het ter 1,-
eilit i, v for the display of exhinil'
some forty fees has been added to
the main buildint both ftp -stair•
end down. 'f he other buil din i• ha 1.•
il•n been improved. A new and cont-
fnrtihl^ ticket office replete, the
old shinty, %%here for so many ye:tr' .1. 1). MCDONA1,1)
1111-1 t, °r in f f it nr foul weather the District passenger itgt'ttt, Tironto.
Railway Systom
Muskoka Lakes Tem, 4:11111
Lake of Bays Ma;netawan River
Georzian Bay I:aeeArt ha Lakes
Upper Likes •I•hnus util 1sInnds
Quebec, Portland and O14 Orchard,
Me.. White Mountains.
All reached via the (;rand Trunk
Railway, the Tourist Route of Amer'
ica. Direct rrnncrtinn with all boat
lines. Tourist tickets on sale daily to
all Resorts.
Pacific Coast Excursion
$07.70 to Portland, Ore, Lewis &
Clark Rui►.itinn with atreial side
trips to QMlitnrnia mints. 'Pickets on
sale daily. Valid for 00 dap'.
For tickets, illustrated literature and
full information, rail on
Depot I icket a;enl, Exeter.
$12 Dinner Set for $9
97 piece Dinner Set. semi -porcelain, Paris design, King Eduard Blue
beautiful convent' al color atrial desizn, _gilt lines'. brilliant finish made
J. ii. \V. & Sons, Hanley. 11112 for $9.
12.50 Dinner Set for $9
97 (piece Dinner Het, Licerue design, Cobalt blue. conventional detliat
l ants, ;ile line •, n'•tc pattern, made ey Colonia{ Pot tory, Stoke, Ent.
$12.50 for "gena.
12.50 Dinner Set for $9
97 piece entitle a Set. Iselin deitn, 1reeD shade, gilt lined, pretty h
sitn of ban;iu,c rose., very new in shade and tete re. matte ay De.ut,
Eng. *12.511 fit x'9.011.
Only 3 Chamber Sets Left
OW. (Ilya tmr •et %!faded pink int told, gilt lin,•'I, nets' pattern,
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Olt" C11, ' 1r Set, rranade deli en, Hell colored, wood full ship:vie
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One Ch tnil,er Het, platin while 11 j1 tilt ling.., very beery material.
$3.511 fur flet!!!.
Everything in Crockery and Glass\\►are cheap. Bargains
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Special Cash Discount of 10 per cent.
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All our White Near at nearly cost.
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One door north of )'ostofiice. Produce taken in exchange for goods