HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-03, Page 6ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pee -Simile terse/sr Below. Very small and as catty to take a9 swear. FOR NEADACNE. CARTERS FSR DIZZINESS. FOR eIUGUENESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FON CONSTIPATION. FOR HALLOW SKIN. FON THE COMPLEXION OI%:rt.'Z'(M. IS 'Y.4 YA U8t._ Q's y Ye;ttt e. t IVT CURL SICK HEADACHE. 'A, so deliciotte that one finds no words legieitt ta; te t ( the house of Bavid and set it beside the altar, . . . in custard ivith milk, sugar and eggs: the house of Jehovah: and the priests st rain. and when cold add cream and . setionful of flavoring ' seals and stems from one pint of ' green gooseberries end stir slowly in TIERVIE% PILLY :',./ 8111)Phire, on the horizon where earth short it is of special inti•rest to us. " ' and sky meet, that represent_ colors since his 1141 MP occurs in the gene:t- ee : Or ill (Ile language to describe them. a porcelain kettle with a small (1 Citron. iii., VI), and in that of that kept the threqedd Put therein !nose sugar, if desired, together uith , at:eel/it of u•ater till they break. ebiss. 'te kin describes the mountainside as a i., 10). it is nit...0 int ntinned in eon_ , the house of Jehovah. . . . And they all the money that was 1 rought into the flavoring. that tho whites of , Se cute!) to taste and bake tetween -- , Little wonder, therefore. that Rus- the ane"try „( oire Lore „oso (mato sloe the eggs and add just before freezing. I i bra ry full of treasurce. ' 'of mann- neet ion wit ii his son .1 „situ, in Jer. gu‘o tht oloney that was weighed I f the cream is to be molded, add Half a cup of eseedless Ira F. W. Meyers, King st. Il.. Borito, scripts for the scholar, kindly u1111 i °• xxv '1. I V . ' I 1 A ant .1 pa. ., . i out into the hatide of them that did one tablespoonful of gelatine that I •• : onsins with a pint of gooseberries , gives a delicious flavor. with palpitation, shortnene of breath, in pale cloisters for the thinker, tat bad the oversirht or has bern soaked one hone in onto Ont., sive: " I stiffen:4 for five years simple lessons for the worker, quiet ••• ' ' " • ' "m" tn.. wor:, ii the Ito./..e of Jehovah; and they paid hell' cup of celd mil% rescrvmI from the , tette. 1 IN SERVING. Pills completely removed all thess dis. Wondrous the old (oohs., eau, tressing symptoms I have not suffered drals! But Iv ..) Berkshire Hills are 0_ succeeded in 639 by his son Josiah.. During his short reign Atnon repeat- : hoiee of Jehovah. and to the masons I oil. milli. se, Guff e 1 otieht -intone • Abe Sardine Sandwiches -Drain off the and lay the Hardin.a on ItOft If Frsii with 'granulated sugar is an II t' at the age of twenty-two ' one box of Milburies Resat and Nerve shiper." since taking them, and now sleep well and our e- M t I . - .t , 1 i . . ed all the idolati•otis practises of his feel strong and vigonsue." • rbr rock and glorious with pavements father's earlier scare. 'the tied stale and the hewers of etone. and for buy- I paper to absorb all the oil possible. 1 (150h:hint ion. L. se powdered sugar hie- timber and heun stone. to reenir ' the breaches of the lentee of .1( liovall Remove the head, tail and skin, pit•k ' and sift it bcfore sending it to the leor Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pvli. enra of clouds, choirs of s over with a silver knife and fork, re- al' diseeses areeng from ll7^ ' e' ti•eam mid stone, of &Tail's fhirine his reign 'tiny be iss- and foi• all that was laid out for the move all bones and mince fine. I Whipped cream should always be , • 4..1 art, WOIA altars of stone. and Vanita of purple, fei.red partly from the statement that ism -tett with eliced peaches to hide out nerve tissues, or wseery blood. ti•aversed by the continuous stilts. ohe wape.,1 ei all the ways that his house to repair it" (2 Kings xl., 1 , a 11 1 01 ) toe of sardines use Hu. juice of a small letrein and one or two taele• i the discoloratioes that cannot bu The page that is wise with its tracery that hie father SrrVI-C1, and worship- 1 spooefuls of good salad oil or melted prevented. illuminated page of Nature is a father walked in, and served the idols , • --• 1 1 2. The overerers- There is no for uta.ts x,L. 2 1. awl parallel in 2 hiogn fot• the rest of butter, n dixelt of red pepper end salt. I, tli•upt.s should be dipped in ice Met God's work is beautiful, that partly from the state of /1118IrS Whiell , 1,0:11rf inws the mixt tire is rubbed ! wet Pr two or three timee and the scholars. It is not enough ed them," 0 t les verse or for verse 1 3. I he sons of the Kohnthiteo-The through n sieve. hut it is tmt times' drain( II quite dry before set -sine. It his every blade of grass is fluted: his suceessees, Jesialo (mind and - is hotter to wash them overnight if that all his leaves are exquisitely sought to change by a thorough re- descendants of leohath, the seeona ,,f sary, e vrend bread or craekers with sculpt tired; t hat his every sapphire (orient ion. a won e as t he v jet I •1 the three mons of Le% i, nit ntioned in ' this Pnete• 11 111 if Yon like. Pot a Melons are best wh,n they are and ruby is polished to the inner- enany „t "'pee intrigue. ton 1 • I • hitemi. t L. 1 6: Num. ill., 17; 1 Cht.on. :Mice of ripe tote.nto in each sand - chilled. Cantalsupet; are Nerved in most atom and that the bounty of i re, s am loveliness is in flower and face and !trout lo I 0 justice by the people. and 'e' ' • • '' i f %% i( 1 th landscape -such bounty, indeed, that hit; yule tif ill son plat•tel on the tribe of Levi who were set npart for • rote fi 711 every last hone has men ' are to be selected. Ilalf the people e surplus of lovelin.•se in each hare- throne. l'ickcd. Add do•ible the quantity of who mime. them send partially green the srecial service of religion in . bell eould adorn, as has been said Israel. How manifeld were their ' it" Wt.", celery end lettuce, equal ones to the table. The live, butter Verse 1. Josiith-leing 7)( Judah duties is indicated ,n „ . ' 1 eel. Mix thoeotoghly aml over all • yellow ones have the nicest. flavor. verse and the next, tome being yea,- tern the liquor, or so much of it and they usually have a dark teeter an """ '" """"'' "I" gla""sun "f Nr"- ful with instruments of musie, en 1 ' ns is needed, in which the chicken t•Ind. Serape the seeds otit and flower is a wise page. Inde naseth. Ascending the throne at the , °them tieing ,,,ertees, alai colliers. nue ells cooked. f hep in coarse pieces serve with a couple of spoonfuls of age .o eight. yea's, t it tar e par , t wo lined -boiled eges for each quart ci.acked ice in the hollow left by the wisdom of the books come. from of. Ins et ign during the years of his porters. the reading of nature's book. Job said: " I I is footprint s are in the Ity idoIntrous practises such Its had PRECIOUS PIEt7E OF SKIN ; awav in A C001 iiinCe (in tio•thenware Watermelons should never Int sliced. clouds and on the sett shore, rind in • • the waves." Newton, the astrono- • • ; or glass), until ten or fifteen min- but Nee:wive out 011 apple leing sink both his father told grivelfather. A piece of skin token from the hotly ' utes before wanted. Mix thoroughly masa after has ing been on ice for :or each quart of some hoers. The best way to serve been int emblem! and fost ered meter mer, once said that "the astt•o llllll ter him." • it it it rts i no 14 I i litl 11 of a Danish pirate-vrlio Wan executed with th" following! I a large nee Is to di% ide it into thinks God's thought s out after Geology copies God's handwriting about 000 years ago-renlized three 11 '1' n • ! eg• . • .11 ' t , theirs hand lie totrolleced rind rati•rit.4 to n guineas in n London sale -room. The labboritionftil of meltt (1 butter (salad quarters quid send one quarter to the government the nitely into his own on the rocks; botany copies skin tees found nailed to the door of • oil if Plersercd). a teaepoottful of table en a large rlat ter. Ily _scoop - work Up011 the flOWOrS; Ille prOreqSion SOCevt:SfIll issue a nntional reform Hatisteek church, Essex. The floe.' intistnie. mid a cup of % hewer. Stir in.!. the melt a in servitie there is no the % inegnr, told the rest rind the anti there Pop and Iltentder to the eggs %%Oh a pinch of salt and the guest's discomfiture. butter. Cook slowly, se as mit to curdle. Use it cold. GENIUS OF A GREAT MASTER Beauty of Nature Make Man's Work Look Petty. in maintaining is its purity the 114..--4-14444+114444144444-14 Litt in true God. r Ash,riu►-The i, aline plural of .: sol.r. h as A._hnrit), is t h' feminine' - �r purple mid white and the splash ofPoPPY, 'filth shades of amethyst and Clii•on. xxxiii., °0-°5 and "Kitte.,s , stiletto- tindertaknie carried out by milk, yolks of six eggs, tine cup of/flash a erntury earlier. "But Je- /ogee. one pint of Cri'il,n, one tea- ' French brandy. Bottle and seal.erim were wooden poles (if great site esre Plural of the *tone word. The Ask - plata( ti lieside the local altars as a IN HOttle ± oe the synd (il of the god or goad, se; Cenulne it is quit,. .„,ssilik. that many of f+14-14.144.144+1/ +44 worshipped rtt that particular shritte. A despatch from Brooklyn, N. V., berry or purple cluster or golden GOOD RECIPES. theta. Asherim wt•re planted beside al- tars at which Jehovah only wits Boiled Celere -Cut celery stalks in- sayte-lime Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis , meat of peach and plum. to inch pieces, add salt and cover preached from the followleg text: -j Why, the history of human pro- worshisf ed. The heavens declare the glory of ' gress is the story of thc earth its Graven images -Those cars"( d in with boilitig watt•r. Boil until ten- Otel-Phillitt XiX. !1110(lilied by man. How plastic is wood end stone; that is, client% tel. th•e, but not until it falls at'avt• The foreign dispatches tt•11 about yonder field! Every force iit land and Molten images -Images made from Brain eet the water, told one cupful the rare good fortune of an Italian, sea and sky stands about WWI, like molt( it ste•tal and cast in molds. of milk anti a email piece of batter; prince. His latest/ is an old palace of 1 servants in a palace, to fetch and 4. llaalini-C pare Word Studies It•t get hot. Pour in a dee% and stone, gray, crumbling and 11101°w ;curry for hint. Yonder hillside is en on 1.sison fer duly 2. ii Rh time -rich also in its old paint- • illuminated page for the artist: it ill 5. Burnt the bottes-The disinterred Fruit Blanc Munee.-Put into a Otte day recently be mit it•ell that , poet; it is a record Id facts tor the venting the al ars in the eilighhttisoleal-1 salletTan four ounces of ground rice, two ounces of sugar, a few drops of lugs anti art treasures. it rich manuscript for 2 114. SC1101/1 r 111111 remajos of eerie,' priests. an old desk cover was splitting sidca! historian; it is a bendle of sciences the te opte by 1,,e„gem: in contact the essence of almonds, two ounces wa.Ys• thl examination he discovered for the systematic thinker; it is a with them that which „.as twati. it, of butter and one quart of milk; boil that the top was made of two pieces; teleple for the worshiPe.; it in was also an art that tended 1 0 le.ing frone I' (teen to 1 wenty minutes, till it them, lo! he chanced upon a page i the tired worker elm has left the 6. In the cities of Manasseh anti the fruit Ilavot• add tiny kind of fruit forms a smooth stiff:tee. To make of board glued together• SeParating 'a. gallere of beauty and (height ter in dishonor the priests. bright with the colors of sonic/ old . great city behind him. Eplietnin and Simeon. even mit 0 to the mixture. Pour into a mold - 1 !Ca; titali-That Josiah wns able to 'this may lie set.ved with ice cream. nutster's brush. The page was of • Nature and (eel then ale t le 1 se blue, Cril118011 and black. The margin 1 awhile." On these summer days the into Setnntia. then an Aseyriatt it a few bread crumbs, pepper, -quip- pro% ince, intlicatt,s the practical in- ped parsley and some ineltee eater. tine; atlitrtnol had been written toy hand and each I Therefore men are billtket "to come the boundary of his own 1.:11 elieti or tongue chopped very Sundered Eggs. Hate e vellum and illuminated. Each word • hospital for hurt hearts! extend hia reform measures beytind initial wau glorious with gold and ;apart into a quiet place and rest was tt marvelous design. with ln- i hillsides woe mettle to he doe it lip4iii . (lie eneence from Aesyria wheel •Iii-- Moist. n with milk to make a soft wrought leaves and flowers. Cherubs; and dream and brood and recover the as beautiful as angels that drew ;and vigor. Alii•oad to historic citi s notion of this state of affairs is that or senile') shells ihrith the mixture. pash... and half till some patty puns climbed up the side of the margin ;jaded senses to their early freshnees doll al this time 111,OVell• The ex! la- Ereak an eug carefully on each, rind e Aesyrian empire though not yet near the heavenly battlementis to we 11() not need to go. All the gre it everthrown was sit th:s time greatly put a pinch of salt on them and look down on the sleeping boy Jacob. epochs for earth's greatest. souls , in their rUill9-Thc Hebrew of this khleents•riiittl•k ear ;4117. t noiti',eirptIllitis. il,:lacao 'Phe treasure hair rested in its hiding! common corn and kept his tryst v.ith ; phrase is obscure. The translation sititil:telilitliette oven and bake until the The gC11111S of a great master Ilum- I have come niftiest common thitigs. ; weakened. ed forth ft•om eligt illuminated !age. i Our father man walked midst the , place for perhaps 300 years. From 'God. In the fields •liteol) saw the. of the Authorized Version "with white IR get. the moment of its exhibit, art lovers, Vision opeetdid. st tidying the grass, 1 their mattocks," that is. axes, WINOS Vanilla Jumble:4-MM pound of with the municipal authorities for and the great masters began to coin- and learned that the world is thei 7. Sun images -A• reference to the sugar, one teaspoonful of vanilla. butter, half a pound of powdered In Pities a company hint contracted collectors of old prints, rare book.4 Jesus discovered God's loving care, to lie equally admissible. all the foliage to be derived front the Pete for the Page• So benotifIll is father's house and deellt itself only ' worship of the sun by the Jews will two tro•lespoonfuls of sherry, three gallery of eggs and nine ounces of flour. Beat Hutt illuminnted sheet that to -day it the other room. Verily. the heavens • he found in 2 Miles xxiii.. 1 1, e ht•re of the city. 'Fhese leaves are to be • Nature is God's illuminated page for the sinogod are spoken of as basin!. very light; beat the eggs without, butter end sugar to a cream until trees of the public squares. gardens, and woods altht„ the 1. •ts lends distraction to a room in the do declare the glory of God. And the chariots and horses dedicated to conipressed under high preseure and THE PALACF: IN FLORENCE those who have toes it) see. - been retnot ed front the gate of the sepatt•atine, and add to butter end will then be converted into a fuel, What an illuminated page of God tem! le. 'III:. worship of the sun at seigar. Add the elterry. vanilla awl, which. it is claimed, will have a far is this spread out for all beholders Jena:tient 14 111$0 mentioned In' Eze- finally. the heated flour. Beet well THE llills. This page of green and gold S. S. LESSON and hard and drop in small spoon - or any other fuel known. , fkoitilii 10.:"-feki;h:liititi.r.y 1 (tle)it's It..holigniftittanritiltilolatirt fuls on a light ter greased paper. Bake among the original inhabitant/4 of until a delicate brown in a moderate greeter calorific capacite than coal on the slopeti ol these Berkshire is ten miles hillInre anti holds :melt beauty as to melee the IlliSSOI Of I Ill- - • l'aleld Ille and among the Babylonians oven. lb lini liVrIll pot ty and contemptible. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, anti from these in all probability it Fruit l_nraechino-Peel half a doe.- inches. This page of landscape is tea AUG. 6. Shit! lian-Aceording to 2 Ii.ings he Wine slices. Peel two hanaeas and en meinges iind cut them in length- ans copied by the Jews. ei STRONG AND VIGOROUS. That Florentine sheet is 10 by 1 2 Every Organ of the Body Toned vellum. den.1 and moldy, but this Lesson VI. Josiah's Good Reign. cut them in thin. roiled slices. rut miles by teelve. His cattvas is of was a ecribe. page of Nature is a canvas whose Golden Text, Ecel. xii., 1. "tile chronicler." 'the reeordcr -Marginal reading, it layer of ot.anges in a glass des - up and invigorated by texture is alive, moist, perfumed and - Feet. dish, then a layer of bananas der.i....„,, eiterarea. melodious. The decorated -margin of LESSON WOliD STUD1ES. 9. And they came to Ililkinh the end suritikle them t; ith sugar and ei --',. e • 'Iltire-- •O '. !".... the old missal is but two and one- ltigh .priest. and delivered the money ti araschino. Continue until the i - ' , vilk half inches wide, and inany of the Note -1 hen . Word Studies are based -In the account in 2 !eines we i•ead fruit has been used, then as a finish • • •N (totters of Benin' seems stiff. But the on the text of the Revised Version. that they wei.e sent to Hilinah with sprinkle a cuidel of grated cocoanut et esopasti1Ati WALDEN, to be seen any day •N a message to him to "mete" that is. to er the top. You will need about on a Broedvieer Ave. car, Toronto. N frame and setting of this page of Na- The Reign of Ammo -The wicked Ore is a quarter of a mile wide, is tei„g etanweeti w„ sliree,,,14,e „„ the ' to reckon the tottal of this money col- • half a cupful of sugar and four Cured with Psychine six years ago, his , lung trouble has not returned. 1 spotted with scarlet and lire, golden throne of Judah by Ili9 equully wick- lected in the temple. 7 lie account of tablespoonfule of maraschino for the % with buttercups. glorious with dais- ies and wild pinks; with clover of counts of his reign are foo.n:1 in '- et! son, Amon. The two parallel ac- t .0-1 3) rentieds one Strongle of the ' Custard ice Cream -One quart of the repairing of the teeiple (verses l'avorine. adding to each pint a glass of best of the seasons represents the great which became plinth -staking (comp. Bearer mentioned that not do long unfolding thought of God, slowly un- 1 1,e•0n text). 1 ht. tonin tenturex of ngo n similar piece of htnnnn skin Eck Headaehe. Blllousneu, Dye. culling before rtlUll's i dnttr•ing eyes, this reform were the demising and was „Hee to 000 of the doors of just as the rosebud unrolls Sts trial- thorough renovation of the temple. Vestlnineter abbey. pepsia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Heart Burn. Water Brash, or any Disease of the Stomach, Liver or Eowels. Laza-Liver Pills are purely %r5etah!e ; neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy 1e take rad prompt to act. Dyspepsia, Bolls, Pimples, Headaches, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, and ail troubles arising from the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or C:ood. Mr5..\. Letiian(r'rs, of ilallttleft. lint. vieacs: •'1Ielate) I would bate bccn (rt toy grave long situ had it not been for burdock Blood bit- ters. 1 was run dnvrn to such an extent that 1 could scarce- ly move ^boat the house. 1 nag subject to severe headae )C.. btekaahes and 11r.i• new.. ; my appetite was `one and l was unable to de my henecwerk. A nee using two betties o 11.11. 11. 10111441 to hea'gr filly restored. 1 scare!(erree 1)inr'nd it to a/ tied and woe 0 0•.A (vale. son secret. Indeed, the first Nigel; the et tit ruli:ntk m 01 worship at •ler- of a 4ort•n of the physical ecieuce+ i uxuletu, and the removal of local are spread out hefour the scholar snnetuarics throughout the kingdom. who looks upon these Berkshire 'Hills ('un_erning th • y'nrs uhich billowed• and mountains. Long nen the 1livinc the r.fornlntion little is known. 'Teacher said that the least thing These seen! to have been years of that Gull duck represents more leis- peer, end prosperity. Finally 111 I1. dO111 Of the scholar sold more beauty l'. tete .1 (alai] entered neon the in - of the net.ist thnn the greatest thin!; iadvis,d 4.0114,0!} n against tlr.. king of that 1nu t can ' 1�gypt, whrr had 1010(1(111 n do "Consider the it would you whip nv .? ES'1'ABLISifIN(: A BASIS, "Pape." Avid the little girl, "if I was to break that One s Poking set of yours, (Intl it wax an accident, and 1 was ns sorry ns i could be about 1 S%c„inI.;nt4111tl•• Milli of the field'. Solomon in all his as result post hie in ti"hy, no, Lilian." he said, "i a (1et1' glory wets not arrayed like 0940 of of Megiddo (cutup. 'l King's xxiii., •ell these.' Now Solomon's robe 'wee purple;;' ) Solomon ens a king; Solomon ens n I :l. in the eighth ycnr-At the age scientist and a scholar. Sued yet the of xixte(n. Ile began to seek niter the God of 1)n%id-I/urine n11 the years of na- tional decline and idolatry there hail been a x0111)11 reform party of faithful lvors1)(p1 et of .1e hot ah. and This party, datitehss, included some Wren Melt in station and o'lleinl position. Whether. 1lerefore, the loin of his o'vm initiative sought rifler Gnd and determined nn reform measures, or whether h:• had had th•, good fortune to come under the belt:,ace of mem- bers of this reform 1•aety during the early ycnrs of his Fie. Is not certain. And in the to; fifth year lie begnrl 144 purge .111(11)1] 01141 Jerusalem -1 his coal also nre here ready for tune's 40'14 L•0 at the nee of twenty. ' snow rind winter; grains filet) ore Te"• high 1 lne."-').0cnl x:in^(narks nn 1rm1 (visits for his hunger: oils for lure I:illtol,s in dirterent pm le of the Intel, i u•dic•int% nod halals fur hie pones. Their 11:1ioduction 10'.) Israel was in .111 these fuseau nisi. et rexihle to imitation of the 'customs of m:'rrtini:d-- teen's touch. The sun ant' sari mei ing heathen ni1io•te. 'ih:' wtv:ship rain nt I0'"nl !•n,rtune1114 tenled to an t 11 ilei, 110 111: 1111' )lXl:. (1(114)•1 ion of tunny other heathen i'l'l:ey rill. nt his request, pns. lriic'ti'es noel even to the fns,t•ring 'Giro:telt a green of corn ant build a of the belief in In"itl divin t:,•+. The 'Ahrn( and shock. 'They will trans- centralization of warsbip h1 on place mute themselves nt his touch into among the 11• ..rcws was a erogt help least thing that thiel does in a wild lily Is more beautiful end more per - Set than the greatest thin,.; that the gre(:test men, nntne41 ''lonion, could produce through royal robes of purple and gold. But Nature's missal contains treas- ures that are useful ns w'e'll as beau- tiful. All wealth is In this held be- fore nie. The hill -sides aro Stored with the water brooks and the springs that n hundred miles neay will quench ulna's thirst.. 'These slope; oleo offer the forest. with the shaft for unit's as. n haunts for 1117 plow. I:maty fit• his ship. timber for his stole. Treasures of woad and should not he n% x4were ns lbnt. 11111, see here, you minx! have you broken it?" "No, but Fut awfully careless. yon know, and i i.Ighl do it some tiny." +- ON Tllt: SURFACE. iC1ggn-Jack Pondrees has a lumen. that's quite contagions. Wnggx- %hat? 11e must hnvo v(dnl erI it very recently. Wiggs --Yes; it's scarlet rash. 1.US't'I:It. erne.. Is it trite that death loves rt t;hining murk?" ..1 R 1p)ese fi0. 1111y?.. 'Xolhtn only 1 timid/1 think yo'1'd Ge) n good den) tinier it you %tote n w11;• ' TWO TRUTHS. It s trite." said the moralist, "thnt one 410141 go (ora and or I+n'•ktv0r(1 in this work!. '1 here's no ;tending still." "Vee," replied the t'mperanee ad- 4o:'att. "and if there %et:r no still standee: en (hie world Nome leen would tester get alit ad." de - CHINE (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) Has Made Him a Strong, Healthy Man -Has Brought Him From a Bed of Lingering Illness Where He Hovered Be- tween Life and Death. The cause of almost every organic disease is traced to a weak throat or affected lungs. The lungs being the prim- ary organs in circulation of the blood, if they become diseased the blood takes on impurities which are delivered to every part of the body. You say) ou are RUN DOWN, have STOMIACIITROUBLE, KIDNEY TROUBLE, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH, OBSTINATE COUGHS OR COLDS, LOSS OF FLESH, NIGHT SWEATS, CHILLS, AND FEVER. All of the above are the outcome of diseased lungs and are the allies of CONSUMPTION. LUNGS MADE STRONG WITH P8YONINE REMAIN STRONG • Motorman Walden's Story ofHits Itln••a and Subaequeot Recovery Through Using Psychine. Mr. 'Walden says : "About six year% ago I was taken down with la grippe, then pneumonia and typhoid fever, inducing serious lung trouble, which soon developed into consumption.I had a serious trial of it, and was under treatment by several physicians of Toronto. The disease gained such headway that hospital treat- ment was reso.ied to, but gave nie no hope of recovery. I also spent some time in the Convalescent Ilonre, but the disease re- turned with increased severity, and I was regarded as a hopeless case. I left the city for the country under the belief that it would renew my strength and make ma well. On parting with my brother be said allerward that "tie never expected to see ice alive again." While out of the city I began using Psychine, and I am proud to say it has been a blessing to me, I was enabled to return home after using it for a short time, and continued the treatment until several bottles had been used and 1 was able to go about. )When I began the remedy my weight had been reduced to 140 pounds -now I weigh fully 210 pounds. Psychine is a wonderful flesh -producer. I do not know its medical properties -only that Psychine, and nothing else, has re- • stored me to health. Those who know me are aware of what my condition was and the hopelessness of my case. There is no medicine in the world like Psychine for lung trouble, and I am sure if at had not been for it I WOULD HAVE BEEN A DEAD MAN." A. WALDEN, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto. - TRIAL BOTTLE FREE (Psyc o Is pronounced 81-koen) For sal by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. For further advice and informa- tion write or call at Dr. Slocum, Limited, 119 King Street Nest, Toronto, Can. '1'111(1:1: CARROT WAYS. Cerrut Ple--'This can hardly bo told froth, smooth pie. Serape and \1l'I'iT ITlv:ltl'li.S, boil the carrots until tender. using lllnckhe•rry jelly -..Sleet firs( fresh sleety of anter. When done, drain berries, prefernbly 1h•• uncultivated, and pour cold eats over three!. 1.et hent gently, then eyueeze through a stand five minutes. t hen mach. •1'o linen strainer until all the juice has make good -sited pie 11x1! 1 cup carrot, been expressed. tine pound cut loaf 1 i tett milt.. 4 tablespoons white sugar to each Tint juice, buil to- Align r, j teaspoon each salt. c•Inna- gcther twenty ruin:,+•;, then test. men nn:1 ginner and I well-henten egg. !like slowly, using one crust. !toast ('arrots-Sena the carrots until the x11.1 c: n 1,e r•e:r tired. then place thein in n pun Stith a roust of Unh'ss the 11err1, s nee exceptional this rnrvly jellies in less than thirty toilettes. l'our Into Klnsxen and cover, after twenty-four hours. ltlackbcrry .inn-Melli)w but per- fectly sound Berries should be clueten and they .should be heated gently, inashin4' slightly. 'lo each pound Y of pulp allow• Stere. quarters of n Tooth of lonf emote. Brine to boil- ing Is 1 tl, then simmer twtnty 111111. Wes, h1 tet}; cureful to stir frequently to prevent scorching. Canned Iillc'.herrics-After syleet.- fn6 and ailehint; your berries mit them on a cue 1 part of the range sie til the juice region to cone' ft'..!. turn Pring the kettle forward. 1•• •1 r to tie. !mein.; point. conk (111• I rimer h to heat the fruit hm,'',- I•': then bottle and seal itrdneeiiu4, 1, . These will be found (14.l1ciwe'. hu . retained their full Motor. r ' • added 0t the table or hell . n 1:,• before tterving. Iliac::Lerry ('nrii.rl - 1teet ;,• slrnin the 1.01114; ntt for jelly. 41)4h 1 Int o f had 0 e11uw 041.• 1 0•11411 10;1 1 s•ign:•. half nu inemee powdered rine:aeon. one-quarter wirier. poi%der- ed metre, two tertepobns cloves. 1:oil all together fifteen mif.,t(n, btrain, t - beef or pork. Turn them once while and baste when you do tient. Mashed Carrots -Moil until tender, put through a vegetable squeezer, and add butter, pepper and salt. Stir over the fire until hot, then serve at once. This is a good substitute for squish. .Jokoc--"Charlie told nie she made n regular fool of hint two years ago." .1 inks -"Well, hers is thor- ough workmanship, for the job semis to be permanent." Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Stomach Cramps and all Summer Complaints take Don't experiment with new and untried remedies, but procure that whieh has stood the test of time. Dr. Fowler's has stoud the test for Go years, and has never failed to give satis- faction. It is rapid, reliable and effe ctuel in its action and does not leave the ewe:s canstipatld. Rltrysx ALL Svxsnrurss. THEY'RE DANGEROUS. Mail. Raceme Lem, Aylmer. Que., writes n "1 ,:are wad Dr. Fowler's Extract of Woe Strawbnry .or Mary/wee (or several years past and i find it is tie only msdicise which brings right io so short • ties:' . --••=••••`-r OEM GAN 1111 Leading Specialists of America. 25 Yer.rs in Detroit. Bank Security. '..:e or.: of every t. n nate: )Save teen guilty if transgress:on air 4,1 ■a!:::e in their yuc'h. N 1tore never 417.07 es, nu rn :'ter ).ow young, thou;rhlla.:0 or igucrtu' lee mai' h'. The panlehment and sufferingeotrsnponds %lilt the crime. The or e.ca••n f: et les : alum., revolts Is proem' suen:ifie treatment to counteract its elle, (4. Tt:e PRA `i`I,teeter by rrghtle tosses,nr secretty lhrough the uric••, Tule.( b: steeled--theNL'kVL3riestbaburt(wandInvivorated,thebledmust1,1parifled. t:ec NP XUAf. OftrIAli:( mtivt be vittliz,d and ders'nped, the Il1teIN must Ise nosrlahcd. Our New Metbcd Treatment yroseees an these tegnIreetents. Vader Oa influence the brele becomen active. the blood purified so that all pineees, blots::es ar.d ulcers divanpear; the nee%ea became atr,.r.s ea steel, so that nervous. netts, basblalr.e!s avid despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the taco full an cheer, entre', mute, to the br 1y, and the moral, phyaicst awl sexual a: (.-ins ace lr.% i,(orateu• all (train, Cease"-ro more vital waste from the system. The rim ♦aril:s nrevot be.;ome natural and manly. We invite au Cie afflicted to call d consult us cnnfid.'•rtially told tree of charge. Corea Guaranteed or Qo l'Ry. We 14r:t rend care: Vtiricocetc, It4e>,id t)theasev, !Stricture. .tees. 1;milalvpw. 1',•!c•ary [)rotas, ttporuiatorrl10•11, t'nnatu- rttl 110th srp'-, tilde -s• ilud ttlndder 1Jlwenwest. l'(P:;ULTATItt'1 1 U(:iS. HOUKfi FQ!7Tr:. to Saar, writs for a Qui.s.riON ELA.::1: fur Ilnmr. Tr•' ;:1.': 1. n7,3:7.). KENNEDY r fit,E RG ''AN, 2 t t.;:i1'(.ill• GT., 11C'.CUUot'i'e :Cii. ..4.A 7 •7: Secy jYl�-4f ,'T•� - �y> r 1, et 1 • 1 • it • il w