HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-03, Page 5To,Cure.a Cold in One Day TMr
` ocrii
�'1'.to. Laxative mo Quinine Tia. on every
moo ben* sold be pest la .oaths. Thispre, m.o. /y'a'!/tr box. 23o.
'R'Lw,� s•"9(gea' .=?i.•+ri. �•ti it••F r„-''ra--Y`F)w•:'z•'��.
6XE1z R TIMES, AUGUST 3rd 1:10.5.
Cedar Posis
A large quantity of cedar Posta for
stale of the best quality. Must be sold
at once.
fir Oto would be pleased to quote you
our prices on any Building material
you may require. We can supply
you with.
Sash and Door Frames
Lumber, Lath & Shingles
on shorts t notice
In fact we are in a better position
than ever to supply our many custom-
ers with all they may require either
from shop or yards.
Bee keepers supplies ready for
delivery. Tanks made to order
Wood for Sale
Call and Eee the wood we have for
sale. Just the kind you require for
summer cook;ng.
The RossTafflor
G0. LtU.
To Farmers and
the Public in
As the spring is coming on
now gather up all your old
truck such as Rags, Rubbers, +
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
of old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to .r.
n -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's
where you will get the high-
est cash price for them.
We are dealers in all kinds of farm-
ing implements and below we give a
partial list of what we have in stock.
Buggies from $t)) up, Waggons
from $44 up, Binders, Mowers,
Ilay Tedders, Sulky Plows.
See Our Hay Loaders and
Side Rake
Iirie have several Washing Machines
and NVringers that we will sell cheap.
Incubators and Itroodets.
A few eeconcl•hand Boggles and I
Waggons to be sold cheap.
Latrgest Show Rooms, Exeter.
Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
in u.te f:,r over :30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made ander his per..
��% sonul supervision since its infancy.
•Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Connterteit,;, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
lntituts and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Cttstoria i+ a harmless substitute for Castor 00, Pare.
genie, Drupa and Soothing Syrups.; It is Pleasant. It
4 mitniia;; neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Iry ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Cowitipatfon
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
LI • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
versity. office and residenence. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
• Dtt. A. It. KINSMAN, L.
D. S. D. D. S.. Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after efle'tte. Moe in Fan.
son's block. West side of Main
treat,' Exeter
D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D• S. 1•D•S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surrggeeoons of
Ontario, with haters Also Poet•graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
Everything known to the Dental Profession
donetn this office. Bridge work. crowns, al-
inminnm, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
she neatest planner bible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless citrate
Office ono door south of Carllng Brosstore
Exeter. Ont.
We have unlimited private funds for inveet;
Ent upon farm or village property at lowed
*tea of Interest.
We have a large amount of private funds to
own on faun and village properties atlowrate.
re interest.
Mrs. Kyle, of Inger.;o:J, wi-o phot
at and killed Dave McGt•o. who was
persistent in his advances at her
home, has been summoned for trial
at Ilse fall assizes.
Voters' List 1905
Notice ie heresy zive)i that I have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section Eight
and Nino of "Tit's, Voters' I,'st Act,'
the copies required by the said Sec-
tion 'to he so transmitted or deliver-
ed of the list made pursuant to raid
Act, or all persons appcarine by the
last revised Assessment. (toll of the
said Municipality to be et:titled to
vote in' the said Municipality at Elec-
tions for members of th' Le:islalive
Assembly and at Municipal Elections
ant; .it.-; said list was first pasted oa,
at my office. Main sl., Exeter, on the
171 h day of July, 1905. and remains
there for inspection. Electors :are
Anot her deaf It Is occurred et
Carp, iu th" Olt.ttca vat ty, fromct'r-
t•iu-u-spinal meninzitis. '1his utak,-,
five d('atlis within three A, eek; iu
the practise ot one physicia.t itt t It tt
The I't;rty-etalit annual nieetinz
t of the C:utadian Medic 11 Associat iun
will be li:•ht tit Ilalif:u on Auzus.
22nd to 25111. A►nnna the pipets to
be read is one on "'rl►e Treatment
of Smallpox without pit tine," by 1)r.
Archibald Leitch, of St. 'Phomas.
Provincial D-'tectivellaltony, \\'iud-
sor received a letter from Mrs. T.
Walpole, of Clandetoyc, Ont., et he
says her 11u -hand deserted her in
'l'oronlo on Juno 29, Lakin; Willi hies
their three -year -01.1 boy. Mrs. Wal-
pole thinks hen bust•-it:.1 is in (':eve-
Iand, or Jackson, or To'edo.
William Miners. as t tarried
man, whose home is in Kincardine,
was killed on July 26 by a fall from
permanent scaffold in the niilnz
room of I Ln Grey and Ilruco Cement
Works. Ile was oiling the shafting
when its some manner he lost his
tooth]; and fell headlong to I he ce-
ment floor, a distance of 16 feet. the Hamilton Provident & Loan
In his decent he shot through an Company at 4 1-8 per cent., $15,000.
opening one foot in width between.. The committee also purchased City
a huge uox and a heavy planit. MN of Toronto consolidated loan bonds
skull was fractured at the right for £1,000 sterling ($4,886.66),at 'i 1-2
temple, and death ensued one hour per cent., half yearly. This balance
after the occurrence. sheet Shows the amount to the cred-
it of tho general fund on the 31st
day of May. 1905, and the sunt,' in-
vested, with rates of interest. All
the debentures aro depoaitcd in the
vaults of the Toronto General Trusts
Corporation. Toronto, and ore un-
der the care of the Geand Treasurer.
"I hope and pray that in the af-
tertime—in the yearn to comp when
the sons and grandsons of our Ma-
sonic houaehold gather around the
alters of this Grand Lodge they will
have as (good rcason to look back
with pride upon us as wo have to
look back with pride and gratitude
upon the Masons of Ion; ago, the
pioneer craftsmen who carried the
Union Jack into lite backwoods: of
Canada, whose first altar was an
oak stump upo,s which the holy
Writings were spread, :end at which
many a good than and true was
brought from the darkness of the
world into the lizht of the craft."—
John Ross ReMertson to Gran'
Lod re.
A very larze delegation of tlit
Masonic fraternity were toss- •ut at 1
tIs• Grand Lotize at Ilai:t lton teat 1
,reek- 'I he Gonad Secret try sub-
mitted Isis report for the ye.tr 19111
as fellows. The receipts were $3.I.-
(411.18, abo expeteli4urc of 4 he ye-u-
amtruut:•d to S_le:142.83, the chief
items beim a; follows: Grants fur
benevolence. $11,910 ; secretary's sal-.
ars, $2,000; other salaries, 81.911;
Mosul of Board of General Purpose.
$1,391.15; Grand Master, T'ravcllin;I
$500; secretary',' office expenses,
$753; t,rintinz, etc.. $4.284.43. Fur -
Listen; sertttary; office, $1,515.10.
All ot h'• %i.'r;s ;, $2,017.85. Total
\'.. \V. Ifto. E. T. 1-1•iloti , (;r.nil
Treasure: • it.-.ei..t• l 4110 :111111 11 lie-
ancial report. It shutes l: 11.0.tnre
Jure. 1. 191)4, $111,156.51 , re: •ive.I
',minx year. t:::, :L 1.81 rtal, *444,-
Duriu.; Ilse s ear the :..v :,t mato I
commit tce renewed t he fol'oai'i
investments at an increased ra:c •.i
interest,. remeIy: Cattail(' Savin_" &
Loan Company, n t 4 1-8 per cent.,
$5,000; Ontario Loan & Debenture
Company, at 4 1-8 per cent., $5,000
Severe hailstorms throu;houtt Cen-
tred Aloerta have done some darnnge
to the growl)); crops in the past
%reek, but even distrioution of heat
and moisture has left conditions ex-
cellent. The fall wheat harvest has
commenced, and within the next
week will be general. Tho Govern-
ment crop estimate.; 10,000 acres of
fall wheat in Alberta. In reality it
will ;o into the hundred thousand
acres. The yield south of Lethbrid;o
is estimated by the general manager
of the Lethbridge Railway and Irri-
ral ion Company at t wo million bush-
els alone.
A rezular Vulcan storm perio.l he-
ains on the 4th, is central on the 6th
and extends to the 9th, The Moon
crosses the celestial, equator on the
4, twin; in terizee on the same day.
Hence we mny look for a rapid rise
of temperature, with corresponding
fall of that barometer on and touch -
in; that date, cloudinea and general
storm contti4iona will :rather early in
the perk -;I, •tnrl rain with wind an:!
thunder will 'ass east wardly across
the country from t he 4th to the 8th
In all probaaility a sharp rise of the
barometer and cbnnze of wind cur-
rents to westerly will appear to wes-
tern section:+ ;L; soon as the storm
area moves out of •the wily, felling in
behind the storm.. .and chasing thein
up in 'their cast ward pro;rens for
several successive days. All sensi-
ble nd reasonnaly inclined people
know- that actual storms, and the
conditions that saute Thom are rare-
ly ever stationary in any large local-
ity, nut ',twat+ they move nccordin; to
fixed laws from worst to east over
this 001111try, with anti storm con-
ditions pr•cseinz close on the western
silt;. of the ecietsvardlr-tneyi•tz
storm- : esaae. -
Too much cire eannot be used with
small children during 4 be hot wcath-
called upon to examine 1 be said list,
and if nny omission or other en'^ort er n[ the summer months to zuard
ere found therein, to take immediate
proceedings to have the s:ticl error;
corrected accordinz to lawn.
Dated this 17th day of .ittly 1905.
Clerk of the s -,i 1 Municipality.
Voters' List 1905
Barrister* solicitors. Main St. Exeter TOWNSHIP of USBOIZN E
Notice 45 Ler, by given that 1 Ie::we
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sona mentioned in Section,. Eight
and Nine of •''rhe Voters' List Act,'
13arrtsters Solicitors, Notaries ConveyFancer%, the cnpies required t y 1 ho said Sec-
Comml-sionen,Sollcitors for the Masons tion Id be so transmitted or deliver -
Bank, Etc. crl of t he list made nrrnuant to aid
Money to Loan at lowest res of interest, t s
Act, of all persons airmail in; by the
last revise. 1 Asses•nncnt Roll of the
L R. CARLIN° R A. said Municipality to he entitled to
vote in (h^_ said Municipality at E'' e -
Lions for Members of the Lczislal ive
Assembly and at Municipal Elections
and 4hat fetid list w•as first posted rt,
at tray offi'•', at Whalen on the 15; It
day of July, 1905, and r' nr i. s I is •re
for inspection. Electors are called
upon .to examine the said list, and if
any omission or other cnrors are
found 1 herei'r, .to take ini ediale
ereceedinzs to have the wart errors
corrected .nccordin., to law.
Dated •l his 17i h day of July 19.15.
FRANCIS 11111:1,E) -
(1,•r k
1)1;LF.l('1,•rk of th'• + -•i I %l tet
L. H. DICaa)Ole
_ .
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
CREDITONFarmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ane Gompanu
Rolier Mills Head Offlncollt, F:c'roFarquharlts , Ont,
President:—'1'. 1tY.\N, Drrtt.ts, P. O.
Vice -Pres.:— J. A. I\ onais
Gristing and Chopping F. 14.."1,1,1""' WIHALEN P. O.
«'.LT. PAssMr•1tu- ('ROMARTY P. O.
Promptly Done. W31. Roy, B4)RN1l0l.,t P. 0.
1, I,. Itt's3Fa.t„ i{rSltELi)ALE P. 0.
We are giving excellent sa- `\t' 1•.NTS,
tisfaction in flour since re• A. DUNCAN FARQL-UAR, ONT.
modelling 0111' 111111 J. Wiisos. i't'LLA1tTON, ONT.
f', 1. S. (*11.Fn.LAN, LU(•-tN, ONT
Secy.-Troas. Farquhar.
FOR SALE — Lat 8, Con. 3. Ca -
borne. 100 aeres, all under cul-
liv ,tion, 2 welly. On the property
is a frame house, eons! bank barn,
one (tarns barn. For further par-
ticul err apply to Jas. Et<ery, Exeter
1'- 0.
Licensed Auctioneer, ('ounties ot
Perth Middlesex, Huron, Oxford
and Town ot 8t. Marys.
Charges moderate. Orders left at
his residence, Queen St., 8t. Marys,
will be promptly nttedded to. l'hone
at ,lis house.
Special attention given to live
stock sales. Orders left at The
Times will ba promptly a:tended to.
FOlt SALE. — have 81 acres in
;rafts looking not too bad which SHORTHORNS FOR SALE — The
1 will sell on the .rround not loss under.igned hee
a. (or s 11e on
than 5 Here lots and upwards, any- Lot 16. Con. 2, 1i.1y, n number of
one requirinz ouch apply soon. i up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn
ulna have n quantity of brick its bulls. They are of the low set
build n; to Bell cheap, by the lump blocky type, dirk red in color and of
M Lundred, also a lir re quantify of 1 choice breeding. They are all che-
at the biro to ditpo'^ of. Ap- ible for registration, and will be sold
,lc to flay 1'. 0.. 1.. McTAGGAItT. reasonably- — John Elder, fcnsall
P. 0.
REAL ESTATE itltol: Elt
North Hattleford, Sask.
Seven years experience in • \\'eetern
Selected Lands for seise in block or
sin;le sections from ES8 per .acro up.
These lands are situated in the
famous Saskatchewan Valley, the
zanier' of the. Canadvtn Northwest,
alonz either the main line of the
Canadian Northern Railway or tltc
surrey of rt he Grand Trunk Pacific.
i. Twenty years ago Dakota lands
mold for $3 an acre.
2. Tooley they are scllin: for $50
to $130 en acre.
3. Three years a;o Western Cann -
In lands anoW for $3 an acre.
4. To -clay they are Bellini for 88
to $25 an acre.
5. In three years more lands, will
a zain double in value.
6. Why invest your money tat y
per cent?
7. Don't wait settlers are rushing
in. Buy a section or Iwo now, then
you can afford to wait while it
zrows into money-.
Correspondence Invited
References :-1'ni00 (lank of Canada,
\Winnipez, and Molsone, Ilank,
Exeter, Ont.
against nowt t roub'ea. As n rule
it is only neves-try to rive the child
a dose of castor al to correct any
disorder of the towels. Do not use
any subttilut e, out ,give the old-
fashioned castor oil, and see that it
fresh, ns rancid oil nauseate' atm
has a ter-,' •new 'lo grill'. If this
does not check the cowels _rive
Cliemierlain's Corr, Cholera anti Di-
arrhoea Itcmed}- and then a dose of
Caster oil, and ( I, • dise ase ;troy ne
checked in its ine;picncy anis all
thanaer avoided. The vista]. oil and
this remedy should Lc procu: reed al
once and kept, ready for instant use
as Acton as Iho firstindication of any
bowel trouble apixetu-s. This is the
most guccetsful trcaItneet known
and may 'oo relied upon with implicit
confidence even in cases of cholera
infantum. For y:, le in Exeter by W.
S. flow ey.
After years of steady increase in
fire insurance rates the Canadian
Fire t'nderwriters Aeeociation made
its first reduction. The irrsur ince
companies in Toronto and Montreal
announce that the 15 cents added
some time azo to all commercial
risks will in future ne Rut off. The
surcheree was made shortly after
the Toronto conflazrat ion, and met
with xrttat opposition from the Man-
ufacturer's Associ:I(Me. 14 has been
estimated that 15 041113 on cotnrner-
ciel rink,+ meant approximately $500,-
000 annually in Ontario and Quebec.
O�1STRO =g.
Bea. cite The t[ird Yea Haps AM Bought
8ignaeare i
Tenders Wanted
The urs,lersipied will receive tend-
ers up to 12 o'clock coon of Friday.
the 11th (sty of Auzust, 1905, for the
construction of n! -'out 11,000 square
feet of zranolilhia pavement, ieeides
crossinsa. in the vain ze of Exeter,
according to specifications which
may re steal at the office of the un-
dereizned. •
The itizllest er any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Clerk of 1 he Ville ze of Exeter.
FARM F -Olt HALF:. — Mrs. Chat.
Washburn, Navin: decided to
give up termini. hereby offers for
Bile either in nI. •:c or in 50 acre
parcels, the fart. •tow occupied by
her, heinz composed of the soul h
half of Lot No. 7, in the 10th Con-
eesaion and the cast half of Lot No.
6 in t he 1 I t It Conc ' • tion, of 't he
Township of t•-aborne. Iloeseesinn
after harvest /hi. year. Dated this
30th day of 'aline. 1905. For term+
and particulars ipp'y on 1 h' prem-
isea or to Dickson & Carlin;, Solici-
tors for Vendor, Exeter, Ont.
The bilious rind dyspeptic are con-
stant sufferers and optical to our
sympathies. There is not one of
them, however, who may not ne
brou;ht back to health and happi-
ness ny •the use of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablctc. These
tablets invizorate the stomach and
liver and strenzthen the digestion,
They also rczulnto the vowels. For
sale in Exeter by W. S. Ilow•cy.
Icon. Edward Blake, M. P., arrived
in Quebec on July 28 ori aaard the
Dominion Line steamer, Canada.
from Eneani. lie looks in good
health, and is in excellent spirits.
lie n;,1TM i-".te ;:1h '1, leasein-g..-'fee h•
for AMetis to Spend tt holiday before
visiting Toronto.
At best they are unpleasant. often
useless. You have some disease of
the nose, throat or lama. Doct t.
would call it bronchitis, asthma or
catarrh. The comtnon root of thea•
diseases itt .term or ti)iCT00e irri 1-
tion,—Catarrhozone not only de-
stroys disease ,zerrns, it does more,
it heals diseased and inf;ummed
sue. The disease is not only cure.l,
but its return is fc,rever prevere a i
by usiuz Cat arrhozone which i
splendid ;deo for colds, coughs and
irritable throat. Itememaer you in-
hale Catarrhozone — Nature's own
.cure—use no other. but Catarrhozon:•
—it's the test catarrh cure made.
Many Suffer With Catarrh
and Don't Know It,
The Phase of Catarrh Most
Prevalent in Summer is a
Run Down, Worn Out
Condition Known as
Systemic Catarrh.
.film Geo. A ll k es:
"Pe-ru-na Is the Medicine for
the Poor Man,"—ob• A. Hughes.
CATARRH assumes direrent phases
in different seasons. of the year. In
the early summer systemic catarrh is
most prevalent.
That tired, worn-out feeling in nine
cases out of ten is due to a catarrhal
condition of the mucous membranes.
Mr. Geo. A. Hughes, 808 Mass. Ave., Indianapolis, Intl., writes;
"Peruna has done me more good than anything 1 have ever taken. I
am forty-five years old now, and feel as good as i did at twenty. I was
very thin and run down, but Peruna acted lust right In my case. I am a
carpenter and sometimes need a tonic. Peruna Is the medkine for a
poor man." --Geo. A. Hughes.
A Congressman Uses Pe-ru-na In MIs There aro no remedies for catarrh jcutt
Family. as good as Peruna. Accept no subatl-
Hon. Thos. J. Henderson, Member of tutee.
Congress from Illinois, and Lieutenant
in the Union Army 1. r tight years,
writes from the Lennon building, Wash-
ington, D. C., as follows:
"Peruna has been used In my family
with the very best results and I take
pleasure In recommending your velum -
e remedy to my friends as a tonic
Auden effective cure for catarrh. "---
Thos. J. Henderson.
'Perna cleanses the mucous mem-
branes and cures the catarrh wherever
A reward of $10,000 has been deposited
in the Market Exchange Bank, Col
bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the abo
testimonials aro genutno; that we bo
in our possession an then tic letters ser •
fying to the same. Daring many yea -/
advertising we have never used, in p
or in whole, a single spurious -
monial. •
Address Dr. Hartman, President or
Tho Hartman leanitarium, ColnmbU,
Ohio. All correspondence held strictly
Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires
A RtrieI despatch of ate 20th .:aid:
champion steady bicycle rider. He is
a' ,,,,,'Jitctor for one of the big telegraph com-
panies in Toront,sad he rides a wheel all the
year round making cc.. '14003 over a wide
district. His record is I2,000'""piles a year.
Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with pato
Detachable Tires, a single pair of
which have carried him over 7,000
miles of good, bad ) and indifferent
roads. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the
kind that may be attached, detached and re-
paired when necessary by the two hands,
unaided by any form of tool. Every pair is
guaranteed for a year.
"County Crown Attorney 1lucke and 1 sr. JOHN
Dr. MacLean. County Registrar, have sae w oe:ouvse
returned from an indi;nation meet-
ing at Detroit, against the new Ar-
canum rates, and owing to agitation
in Michigan, tho Sarnia Council will
circulate petitions to the Ontario
members of tho order, appealing for
a modification of rates /similar to
the proposal drawn up at Detroit.
Possibly a conference representing
the lodes in the Province may re
called. i'rime Council No. 40 here is
27 yenta; old, the first in Canada, tend
has 200 members, carrying n total
of half a million insurance. It has
poi .lout $200,000 in death nenefits.
A majority of the members are rat
the ages most effected by the new
At the anntrtt meetini of the Odd -
fellows' Relief Association of Can:t-
dS, held in Kin zston Net week, the
reports p.r•cwcnte'I i'howcd the Late
year t oto one of 1 he most proepe -
ous in its hi: tory. The number of
applications taken for the year were
2,361, an :.,he total utembership on
t he 30411 of June was 18,400. There
w•ay :a zrowth in n11 the provinces
of the I)omittion. The mortality of
the year was below normal. the
rate trent 5.88 per thousand. The
financial statement %bowed a very•
Canadian National Exhibition
Tea Men Greeter Beet.
By permission of 111s Nest Graclons )la•
Jest King Fdaard VII, the tend of the
Irish Cuard..11lr. Maltr.tls favorite house-
hold bond eq..' the finest military musical
o•ganizatir it in the F mphs. will give two
concerts tat h ntd el( ry dny.
In en este-daily bulls, extensive. r.rc
',roe' art pal:cry will to prr.cntrd the
r,ande,t cellectto n rf art at d nit 4rta,-
ures ever got ogre tar cn this (emitert.
including !cant.frcm Ile King, the (' or.
porntiees of the City et 1 . nt't•r, theci(at
great English Cnistnitits. the lttpul lie
of ernete Ercwilt K.n-irK1'r, :tuetoth
Lord btrttttceua, the Lon. (; (rrcr ti
Ontario and other lirltngel-had 1(Cirs
end wt nil. men.
Col os t1toN !lilt -FE
11 • special etmnatd cf RIs MIt
ajry the
Ring. Abbeys noted and histone ;aiming
will re it n titbit Mtn t'tu.1 g Il'e (mho
suhstnnl ial increase in the revenue W. K. McNAI'OHT. Fer i'rke List, Entry Bleak. J. O, 01114.
Presiders!. and ibfotmaticn address 5ianager k wee.
of else eramie tion. the cont Trout ion Entries. Cleo.: Jive Steck, eta, dog.7•h. poultry and Co¢+.Ane-loth.
for 1 h^ year of $50,00 to the n7eserve
feud makinz it total on .lune 20th -rte
of $•350,000. The finance committee,
made a Apecie! examination of the' •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••d
securities, rued reported that it had , •
no lesitalion in assurinz t1;' m••►n-•
rersl►ip of the soundness rind safely •
of the investments, 1r also report0 i •
ibat 110 insurance t;oeicty on the can- ' •
tinent could show a more careful ?
and economical manezern'•nt- 4
To California and LeekLeekClark I:x-
posilion Port land Ornz., ,htt-
tlst :91h to Sept. 24th. 1005.
FALL. or foss ARTtirut
The greatest tore military display ewer
peduced before Me Canadlin people.
Renes in this most recent of the world+
mel appalling 'Aunt will be %is illy por-
trayed with oat Javanese err! Itlt.s1,n
-nldtery taking tart. The firework+
play 'a w ill he on a bt llisnt Male, Ir.treduc-
brg rat w ft atm(- of a n orirr,lc.l (1 nrrcter.
(Ji nrrt 7iii e.s To fist:
The Process Itnl ding, empire of all t ho
1odu,tNra and V. severer, of the Country
7housnrrl, of noises. Cottle, ehc'p,
Swine. I'nultr • and Dcgs. all Canadian
rad a i .
Cereals t. it
e t
rn geed Tretttng and
ppnncirg, a iuberb Varlet) Fhow. the
Wories latest Intentions.
sera 131- F -\t I It.,a,N,t
Special chi rap railway and sttnmhont ex•
cued, its have been a rr:.nyed. Enquire
of your nearest ors tion or ticket orient for
$150.00 including transportation.
meals in dininr car, Alecpin; car ac-
commodation on train and at Ho-
tel» for :bona retie& As pnrly will
oe tinniest to f25, early roger/ration
is necessary.
For full particulars tall on Went
Trunk AYenta, or address E. C. Bnw-
ler, itnnrn AOR. 1'hion Station, Tor-
onto -
(111corporated Ly Act of Parliament 18.ai)
• S3,000.000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• ••-• • • • $
Is tiranche< to Ontario. Quebec. Altrrta. BritI'h Columbia and M tnitobn
Open every Lawful Day Pram 10 A. at. to 3 e. w. except tee urday 10 A. u. to 1 P. M.
Farniorw' Salo Nolen cashed or rolleet=d. Forms ',implied
On avocation. DItAI Ts en all pointe In the Dominica. (;.eat Britain and Un•
ltd states, bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange,
Depolsitts n •e.00 ani upward'. received. interest corn-
pottnded half )earl/y, and added to principal June v.,h atsl December 31.'. De
posies !tecella. also l--ued and hlgIc.1 ctrrrce? eaten of interest a11owM.
ACIVanCot~ Matte to farmers stock dealers and business risen rat
lone -t noes and on 01(rt fa•erable terra'. Agent. at Exeter for Dona (internment,
Dickson & Carling, Solicitor,. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
II••• •••••••••••••••••••••♦ *NIS •••••••••••••••••••••44