Exeter Times, 1905-08-03, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 3rd 1905.
ome flere\The Surrounding News
Ve have just what you want
our prices will surely Satisfy
Eyes Tested Free'
The Exeter Times
;ALP:NDAK holt J('LY 1905
iI)AY 2 0 16 21 :30
MAY 3 10 17 24 31
tBDAY 4 11 18 25
DNESDAY... , 5 12 19 26
fE8bAY.... 0 13 20 27
AY 7 14 21 28
�17nDAY 1 8 15 22 29
$ 4:259,193
.hilt• the tot c«1 amount of motley
ell be Itbc loan corporations of
province on mortzages increased
year from $17,610,500.18 itt 1903
19.45:3,157 93. •flat Loans on other
rities show a fallin; off of fully
er cent., 'the figures twine; $20.-
95.60 in 1903 and $19,932,036.46
its the feature of the annual
t of Dr. J. Howard Hunter,
tr:u• of loan corpora1ions,issued
week. 'fho report shows• a-
ot her thineit that the Dividend
last year were ttraetically the
as in 1903, the fi;ure; nein,
,62227, 'nil $2,603.868.81 re-
loot{ liabilities of loan cont -
v to ::harcholdere at the end of
year ttera $65,805.647.6e, consiet-
principall:y of paid up stock. The
1 liabilities to the puuliC were
414,419.19, and contiet;enl linbil-
$21, 312,392.81 makinz a .;rant)
1 of $171,966,429.68.
c r sport conteins t he followiu3
tics: •
190'2. 1901.
;e rate et iuioreet paid ott
p. c. p. c.
Deposit.; 3,898 3,759
Uebcnt ur(•s ... .. 4.722 4,296
Deb('nt ure stock 4
4e rate of interest
Delved en:
orbraees of realty 6,232 6,102
Cher securities ......5,94e 5,$69
r. Minter score4 reverely so -call•
f:-st,d-investment ;c)Icmcs. lie
: '1'Iie-e schemes by a Ldaii.e.rotte
+e of words, penally describe
r cent reels ON "bonds" or "dr -
tires," and complete .the misde-
ptiou ny n,tnexin r to 1 he con-
t;t so-called "coupons."
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By Our Correspondents.
Rev. 1' - NIedd returned home on
Dlond.'v eveniux front a pleasant i rip
to Muskoki.
—Miss Mattie Sutherland is visit -
in; frieuJs at Paisley.
Rev. David Wren left on Monday
for Pet route and Oil Sprin;s where
he will visit friend: on a former
field of labor after which he will
take a trip up.1he !Ace to Fart Wil-
liam and return.
,tis' Dora \\'t•I,er has returned to
London to resume her position wit
The Settles \Wright Co., eeholcs:tic
firm, of (het city.
—Miss Mae ie ltonlhrou ie cantle
in; at Grand Bend.
—We are pleased to see lh:it Dliss
Inose Younzblut is reeoverine nicely
from her illucsti mod is now able to
;o out a little, and we hope soon 10
see her in the enjoyment of her oc-
custoined_lice tIli.
The Misses Shepherd, Wren, Rey-
nolds, Morton and Caldwell are
spendinu a couple of weeks camping
oat Grand Bend.
—Sirs. \W, 11. 11i11, of Toronto, is
visit inz her brother, Mr. Win. C,
—Dr, Chesney has been improving
the exterior of his office and house
front by ;ivin; it a fresh coat of
—Rev. 1L•. Smith, pastor of ,Car-
mel church. will take his vacation
in the month of August.
—Mr. C. Frnscr, tonsorial artist,
intends moving into Mr. G.DIcEwen's
shop where Ito will have a very goo:1
shop and dwe11in.; rooms combined:
—Mr. John Dlclraven returned this
week after spendin r several weeks
its Diontreal and Ottawa, and was
accompanied home from Ottawa by
his daueltter, Mrs. Rose.
—Mr. Abe Chesney. of Toronto, has
been spendinz the past week with
his father, Dr. Chesney,
—Miss Jennie Welsh, who is traitt-
inx a a nurse an.l has already pas-
sed several examinations. is home
visitin; Iter parents Mr. aha Mrs.
Richard 'Welsh.
—The Misses Carlilt; of Clinton,
are spending holidays ttwitlt bliss
Mary Stewart, of the London Road.
ie pretty well understood tit.'
. John Erases, Dominion nook -
per, will be appointed as Audi -
h1 Mix mote lee hoist of the Au-
o►tty bill watt ltlOVed int the Senate
it M•ickenzia Rowell and second -
by Ron. S!. (touchrrvtlle Imre
vier nl Quebec, a Roman Catle-
, 'd t
t• s supported ll
t 1
If it
tee else :1 Roman. Catholic, hill
defeated ny 33 to 17.
• • • • a
is et tied in Liberal circle, in
Latnbton, that A. B. Aylc-e-
th, li. C'., till lr;c ctndidnt . int 1I1.^
elan -nem interest.. in tL<+ fort lt-
iu bye-elc•ctinn. Local men
o l..ve hi n intentioned for 1lie
ndi,+:.tort• are leeardett as lackin t
—Our band a -ill zive :t band cwt -
cert on Friday eveninz on D1r. Da It.
Sweit zer', 1:ttt u, everybody conte, :+
rood pro_raut will be rendered.
ltev. and Mrs. Eli Moyer. of Res-
ider. arc visitin; friends in our
midst. Rev. Moyer trill preach iu
t he Evati celical church net Sunday
evening. The sermon will be in he
Eli r1 sh language.
—Mr. George Bedford h is bou ht
a new thresher.
--lir. Wm. Greerleu is Lavin; re-
pairs made to his dwe4linz and Mr.
Alonzo llodzins alt addition etude io
his stable ,
—Tire lar;e safe of the Mere h:unls
bank was moved. to Centralia station
last Friday.
—Crediton can now boast of e
first class torso ithoe throwing teaut-
They are willing. to accept challcn
es front cuts- team T his side of To-
—Mr. Au;est Hill is havin; his
hotel repainted.
—Mrs. Trevethick. of London, is
visiltine her soli Thomas.
—The Misses Sutherland. of To-
ronto are visitin; at the ltoyal Ho-
—Mr. Fred Weiss, who took a sud-
den departure for Germany a few
months ego returned here again on
blonde). eveninz.
—Mr. and Mrs. -Christopher Eit-
her are visitin; Mr. anti Mrs. Wm.
Lentis, of South liver.
—Miss Carrie Eilner, of Elkton,
Mich., is visitin; friends in our
—Mr. and Mrs. Rose, of Milverton.
are visitin; at the' Central hotel.
—Miss Emma Krein of Sar_tia, is
visitin; her mother. p
—Wesley Finkbeieer returned me good rapidly
that I would gladly have paid
home Monday eveninz from a short $25.00 for that first bottle, for it started me on
the road to health, and five bottles cured.me,
" lam most grateful for my splendid, robust
health, and shall certainly recommend the
Vegetable Compound in glowing terms to qjl
my friends and acquaintances, for it is de-
serving of all the praise I can give it"
Mountains of proof establish the f t
that no medicine in the world squat
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound for restoring women's health.
—Mrs. 11. Allen end Mrs. J. B. Mc-
Elrca returned home on Tuesday af-
ter spcntlin; the. past week at Grand
—J. Russell and It. Neil has start-
ed work with their new threshing
—Miss `Lary. White of St. Marys,
•spent part of last. week with her sis-
ter, bliss Louie White.
—Mr. Grieves. of Stratford, is as-
sistin; Mr. Wilson Block in Itis im-
plement business.
—Mr. A. E. Copeland spent Sun-
day at Grand Bend.
—Mr. Ed. Col;an is on the sick
list.—Mr.ira. Brown and Itcv. Mt. and
Miss Louie White turd her sister Mrs. C. S. Moyer are ependinz a few
Mise Mary White, of St. Marys, days it ileo Bend.
foo. S. N. Parent. es -l'1 snit Mu-
ter of (?t! • .'•;. 1: i are tee ed the
tairu,:nnihip of the Netio:r+l Trans-
mit ailel Railway Construction
,ssion, sed as soon 15 offic i Illy
l.pt,,„ret1 will return, to 011 .w•1 :.eft
irt;• 1 Itpnu Ilii duties. 11' will ti -
i;n not only as Mayor t i : h1 city
f Qltr, bre, 'not ::' n t:, n:!: : of the
e.tistat we.
be present on Sept. 4.:1 and 6. He will
demcnstrated packing in the fruit
building, and also in the theatre of
DREADS DOCTOR'S QUESTIONS I the Dairy Building. He is coming
through the courtesy of Me. A. Mc-
Neil, Dominion Fruit Commissioner.
Tboueanda Write to lira.Ptpkhnm, Lynn,
Maas.. and Receive Valuable Advice
Absolutely Confidential and Tree
There can be no more terrible ordeal
to a delicate, sensitive, refined woman
than to be obliged to suswer certain
questions in regard to her private ills,
even when those questions ure asked
by her family physician, and many
The latest remedy for hay fever is
no freeze it out. A victim writes that
a dag of cracked ice across bridge of
nose will cure the trouble as nothin g
else can. Yet the pure, dustless air of
Northern Ontario, anywhere in the
(leorgian Bay region. has been hither-
to regarded as a sure specific.
Mr. A. (' Wood. the new proprietor
of the St. Marys Argus, has deen pre-
sented by the staff of the Journal, of
which he has been manager for several
years. with an address expressive of
regret at losing his services and pleas-
ure that he was going no further than
to the office of a contemporary across
the way, Mr. Wood was also present-
ed with a Spanish leather Morris chair
on behalf of the proprietor John W.
Eedy and the mechanical and office
staffs •
A photo enlarging agent took an
order for enlarged photos in Owen
Sound, the pictures to be executed to
the satisfaction of the customer or
money refunded. In one case au order
was given and fifty cents deposited
Continue to suffer rather than submit with the agent. The enlarged picture
to examinations which so many physi- was not satisfactory to the customer
ciana propose in order to intelligently and the agent refused to return either
the reef•h
treat the disease ; and this is the deposit or the photo 'from which
son why so many physicians fail to the enlargement was made The agent
cure female disease. accordingly was arrested, put was aft -
This is also the reason why thousands erwards allowed to go on paying costs
womenreturning nd oftoand
upon thousands�" amounting
spo nding with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynr31 photo and deposit.
1llaas. To her they can confide every •„ If the rust keeps off there will be
detail of their illness, and froa great wheat crop stud all wilt be
her great knowledge, obtained from rosy in the Mr and Norihweat.” said
years of experience to treating feaaslif a visitor from St. Paul to friends in
Ills, Mrs. Pinlcham can advise women the east last week. It is what eyery
more wisely than the local physician. one dreads, as the worst disease that
Delle Emerentienne Montreull, of 114 attacks the grain. it appears in the
Latourelle St., Quebec, Que., writes: first place as a fine dust, and when it
Dear fferefor en:— matures it turns into little park pus-
"[ rs called
for eight months with what the toles. This fine dust is blown by the
doctors proltpsus, which mused winds from one field to another, and
wealmess all over my system, with faint
spells. I kept growing weakor and w sometimes alights on barberry hushes,
I tried several medicines which they claimed weeds, ecu., and remains there for a
would cure my troublo, but nothing was of year or more, to be again blown upon
the least benefit until I tried Lydia. fink• a new wheat crop. The affect of the
ham's Vegetable Compound, and this rust nn wheat is to retard its growth
me so ra idly Compound,
hardly and prevent its reaching maturity.
Wheat affected by rust is practically
only good for chicken feed. Mixed
with better grades it sometimes
passes. but for milling purposes the
wheat's value is small.
visit to Merton.
—Mrs. Wm. Knetchtel is the ,guest
of Mr. end Mrs. Samuel Brown.
—Our juniors visited Centralia on
Monday evenittx and played a Bane
of base -ball. Score 14-3 in favor of
our boys. The Parkhill boys are
comin; here for a :game with our
Stars for Friday, ,ome called for
5.30. A tournament might lake
place. The Lucan team are inviied.
Our "Duffers" are becolnin; more
Milder, they defeated the Dashwood
seniors, score 14-3. Ily the way,
neither of our three to:ens have lost
a :game this season.
—We were all sorry to lose Mt.
Mora and Mr. Morrow who left last
Saturday for Wntfotrd and Mildmay
respectively. There presence Was
much appreciated and their loss will
be felt by nit who associated tvit4t
—Mr. \\•at t, from Thedford, is
workinz for Mr, James' Clarke. our
harness maker.
—Some of our boys visit the Mend
very frequently.• There must .he
some at I Faction t here.
Palling hair means weak hair.
Then strengthen your hair ;
feed ftwith the only hair food,
Ayer'is Hair Vigor. It checks
falling hair, makes the hair
air Vigor
grow, completely cures dan-
druff. And it always restores
Color to gray hair, all the rich,
ark color of early life.
lid 1 hate we.
t Weals All. a71.1r. 1 i•te.t Ayer11.
Vigor. It eelekly stop ed the ra,tlrt and
NO* Sal hate •111 copula wish ft to te.••
Raaaoa• E. ♦Lt.t t, l.asap.th, N. J.
a bottle.
.t.n/r. .e.ia Y t aM e.e
Palling Bair
spent Sunday at the Grand Bend.
—Miss Gardiner has returnedhome
eftcr spendin; the past week with
friends in the villa;e.
--Messrs. rush' Carr. Roy Kirk,
Herbert Itopkins. Clifford Carr, Nor-
man Hopkins and llenry Sinclair
spent Saturday nud Sunday at Grand
•While working in p saw• mill,”
writes C. E. Kenney from Ottawa,
"•I strained my back and side saec-
verely I had to ;. o io bed. Every
movement caused nuc torture. 1
tried different oils and linamen:l't,
but wasn't helped until 1 used Ner-
- vilire. Even the first application
EL1-11\'ILLE zat'e considerable relief. In iltace
•n at work. Other
—bliss Sprin;e of Si. Marys.. torn in the mill days I was a-aiill use Nervine( with
is v:eitinz her cousin, bliss Lena Dh n I retuendous benefit too." An hon-
est record of nearly fifty year; has
e;tablishe:l t he value of 1'olon's
—Lydia IHau; is home
doer on :► visit. -
-Miss C. M. Jennison. formerly of
our Public
'c School staff
Gibson, formerly head +nilliner for
Mr. Jacob Kellerman. were visit in
in the villa ee Thurtcday last.
Mr. Neto, Sr., wino 11:ts been liv-
inz itt Michieatt with his dau,zhtt•r is
hone main.
—Sir. .1. E. Hoffman had the tnis-
forlune to take a piece off (he etid
of one of his fin;era on the jointer
at ilamilton's planinz mill.
—Family Picnic.—Messrs. Guenlh-
ers, lloffmans, and Marlins held
their family picnic at Grand Bend on
Base hall.—Crediton base ball team
came over Fri,t•ty het and Jaye u+
a fine exhibition of the ;ane. Our
learn weakene•1 in the seventh inn-
inzs and allowed tltent to make seven
runs, otherwise it Was 0 sillcndill
zame of oall. The score stood 3-11
in favor of Crediton.
—Mr. ,Ind Mrs. Wm. Iligginel of
Exeter. spent Sundt). the west of
Mr. nnl Mrs. Joseph Dawkins.
—Dur. Thomas Cook, of St.Thotnas,
is VisitiflZ with his d:tu;Chler. Mts.
M. Elford.
—The Misses Fair are spend-
ing the holidays under the parental
—Mr. and Dirs .11. T. Johns. of
Exeter, simnel Sunday the tuests of
Mr, nod Mrs. S. Andrew.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dew. of Iowa,
are visitin; wit It their dau:;htcr, Mrs
.John hunter. _
—Miss Katie iElliott,orf here.
spent Sunday n
—S is 1 Nguest lie lof Mi's Alvin a \Wi1-
tlon, is the
—Miss llrotvnic Andrews returned
home last week after a pleasant vis-
it with !view's 111 I.atnbcth and
T1,c Misses II►ttic and Marrare!
!landlord and Miss Mose Collvcr vis-
ited friends in intc:un and Maple
Crave 11,1 week. —Leslie Clemens, of 1'orontr., i;
—Mrs. nomas Willis, who Iris Clemens,
under the parental roof, ort
been very sick for the pain week. s.
lite i,.,rsnnarc for fe
we ore ;Ins to In is rec3. —Mos. ('ox and family of s. "!s.
—A numot•r from here arree attend- are visitfnz Mrs.J'nulin al Grail
in; 1 he Sumner School et (Iran'] Bend.Bend Il,ij week. —Mr`. l'tuiin was home frotit 'i It
Bend Monday-.
from Lott-
Last week :t ;loom was cast over
the nei;hborhood when 0 was known
that Win. Traquair, who )roved item•
about two years ego, had del+.treel
Mira life. A succession of sttokt• . f
paralyse; did the work. The d.oe s,
ed was 0 most kindly men. beloved
by all who knew him. The Rev. Mr.
Shaw-. of E;mnndvilLt, conducted 1 he
funeral services, and havin; known
him for 'many years. psi 1 t•- 1.1
tribute of praise to his iii 1 A.
cellent trail s. Previous 1 o cosni t z
here he had lived aoout six vers
in t'shorne and over twenty y+•:1,
in Kehl county. lio leaves to utonru
his comparatively early] death n1 the
age of fifty-seven, a wife and Into
!grown ep children. besides two] hers
and sisters. all of whom have i int
sympathy of n Inr ;e circ!e of ac-
11n'• teat It occurred in limber!. on
e f
\ Julyt hitt lr ,
Monday, • t o
.1 n y,)
Miss l• rnclla Gardiner, d:iuzItter of
I he late \Walter Gardiner, formerly C
of 1Liobcrt. Atte/ the death of her
fel her Mies Gardiner lived in Set -i nal disease
forth Ant nfterw•ards with a cousin BB a oonsiattutio
in SIcICill.ip for a time. in tlrW
imp/we blood
ry� constitutional
c illy 1,11 t of last winter site lad a 1
proton erd suite of illness but 11,-11
o treatment acting
utt kttt'1lt recovered inHope and annul tttt
we. k •1 zn, in hoppe+ 1 h .. a cb In to ; the blood �.
N. :1 I ;.;eve bencfici I1. sho welt 1upurifying
•t • Li.towel het r1 it II tekitt, its rads andpermanent
I•i ,, • un Monday of til'.+ work
!1 r• ham^ of her cousi't. M,se Marr , Cur. Be aura �•
t take
'ter enjoy
of , dclbust const i, ur 1 nod s a
raver uarno z robust he•.1!h. I... n s
death war ttnl expected :+ f c •nuc us
a sad eurpri•o to her trent f t ienik. Nasal and t �1 C forme
Miss Gardiner was n ;cost .1 flint - i b AO n and 6.4101 80
d by Colonists,
int' wherever knowa an 1 her many 4
friends will tezret to le.trn of ht r e• � drR =1�
demise. 'fLt• funeral taker p' Ice in. 's Sanap et
e. Thgrsdiyl at `2 p. tn. froth 111. CNarrkta, mall ma�yy' a
y ( ( sot retnat�attle
1 Rook on _
residence of Sir. Robert G.1rd•'►ct, i01'testifeOdal
North TI ,mea road, for floc'• cum• MI/ ttrr� Hood Co, Lowes Masa.
t•trrt•. .
Jncoo Woods,. of Berlin, 0:11-
Ied on friends here his week.
—Mrs. J. Dennis: of Galt, 0 vis-
itin, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G.
ifoltzman. at present.
—Mrs. J. D. Merrier and bliss Lily
arc visitinr relatives and friends in
Detroit at present.
—Mrs. Q. N. Taggart and Miss An-
gie (less, of South Bend, Ind., ate
ependinz a week at their home here.
—Mr. and Mrs. Mc\Watters, of 8at-
innw, Stich., aro visitin; the talier'.4
parents, Mr. and Mra. B. Well, ::t
Sirs. Chia. llartleio and (utzh,-
er, Misa Flossie, me visitin; her
toolbar, Mrs. Smith, al Sebrin;ttl. e
for two weeks.
Sirs. Geo -re Ca umbel!. of Stanley.
is CIO ert linin! her (In;hter from
Berlin, and :Ilan her 1u1t, SIr+.
(Sheriff) Mot z, o ft he s,nle city.
Mist (;Indys and hose McNcvie, of
Gn(iurich, formerly of 1 his place,
to Le coll;rat uiate.t on their sure,. .
in the recent 11izh school ex .u+ -
They noth stood hizhest in their re-
peclive classe'.
—Only one lender was received os
the directors of a new show 11011 .e
on the new azricultural grounds and
thie was considered too hi;h. The
directors IMve decided to have the
house built by day albor and hive
appoint cd Mr. Chas. Greh as ewe
interment. The old show house 11 -
been sold to .lir. Dan Smith, of Ile
Saublc Linc.
—Shiny retu:,rke have been ma le
Mem' the neat :appearance of our
sidewalks and streets. Hut (hr no.
pearence of our cement 'idewadk; i•t
some ',iris of I he villa ze is re, l'
disgrace to the place.
—Mr. Geo. Ruchanan, barrister, of
Sudbury. is spending n few (1 iy• at
11:^ home of Itis p•trent+, I)r. nn1
Mrs. Buchanan.
—Miss l'hoe.t.r Denomni' , er 11,+
rielsvill Mich., uceornpar:: ! 1,- •
cousin. Mk, Brenner, fire visit is
relatives on , he Matie!e Line.
Owing to the undesirability of a
possible interference of the Chicago
fair' being held on the same days as
the date of the Guelph Winter Fair,
previously fixed, the dates of the lat-
ter have been changed from the 4th
to Sth of December, to the llth to 15th
of that month. This year's fair will be
the first at which there will classifica-
tion for seed grain competitious.
Prizes to the value 01 $200 have been
arranged by the Farmers' Institute
branch of the agricultural depart-
ment, and large entries are expected.
many varieties are classified, includ-
ing fall, spring and goose wheat;white
and black oats; barley, tl and 2 rowed;
field peas, incerne, rep clover. alsike.
timothy, and both flint and pent in
the ear corn. About the sante value in
special prizes will also be offered by
tho Canadian Seed Growers' Associa-
tion. but these will he confined to
members of association.
Toilet Sets New Tea Sets
London Crockery Co
We get new goods al-
most every day. We aim
to be able to show at all
times something new. We
have some Beautiful Toi-
let Ware, such an iln--
mense variety to choose
from. You are able to
suit the furnishings for
any room .
= l() PIECE TOILET SETS ;.L=, -i f'3.$ ,$5.00 a)nd .00
Zrlhese are ezcelleut value and cannot be surpassed or equalled
2 Z anywhere.
English China Tea Sets, 40 and 41 pieces, splendid
i ♦ TEA SET'S China, and the newest in patterns, from $5.00 up. Z
Z .1 ARIINERS 150 lines to plealfe you, new in shapes, color
and design, We have theist from lac to $a each.
glass. Decorative
a just received a •
♦tid w Austr an line of Tumblers, Ninesecu-
, tickle Jars, I t
•s GLASS WARE We carry an immense line of Table and
• sp en t ne
sonadea, Custards, Etc.
♦ i DINNER WARE No Crockery Store could be complete �'
♦ 1)I without n fine displa of Dinner Sets
•: and we certainly lead all others in this regard. very line we show • •:
• : has our guarantee. • _.
♦ • Our prices for Complete Dinner, Tea and Salad Sets
is $l;, $6.50, $S, $9, $10, $12 and up to $73 a set. :
•• Come and see jhe new ones. ♦•
•• I •
o London Crockery Co. i z
:t,6q Dundas Street, London. _:•
t • W E PREPAY express or freight charges on all purcbases of ••
♦ p x:10.00 or over.
• •♦•••♦♦•••♦♦••♦•••••♦•♦ ♦••N♦•••♦♦♦•••••••••♦•♦•• 2:
♦• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *
Not quite sick,—hut ro. cd of ;1111 -
bit ion to work—find it ]card to think
clearly. Not ill etiou;h to think of
cdyins, but .tad enou;l, for life .o
be pre( ty dull. There is a remedy
—L'errozone-111 it quickly .lifts that
half dead feelin_. Gracious, but rer-
rezone maker you feel good ; it
sharpens the dulLr`t' appetite. notices
it keen as a razor.
Blood ! Fcrrozone makes lctp : f
it, the rich nouri;hinr kind that vit -
alizes 11:e whole.. body. You'll
wonderfully quickened., immeusc•t�
sIren;lhened, feel hearty and ti'-
orous after usinz Ferrozone. Buoy-
ant health, surplus vizor, and so -
serve energy all come front tl: -
.trcett reel°retit•e. Fifty cent; (.ut-
a box of fifty c:telels a1 all d••.
Mr R. 1..Hntden. Conservative lead-
er in the ilouse(if Commons, is to live
nt Ottawa and devote his whole time
to his duties as leader of the Opposi•
Three weeks of the following treat •
.rent will completely cure an ingrow-
ing toe nail; One ounce of perfectly
fresh Ionic acid dissolved in six
dentitles of pare water heated slightly.
Paint the soft parts twice a day.
The Provincial i)epartntent of Apr: -
cult ere is again arranging to briny
p1efetsots from the Agricultural 4'a •
lege, as well ns other experts. to de•
liver'e(•ttes at the National i;xhihi•
tion. An address will Ire delivered
every after noon doting the Fair.
Mr. 13. F. 'soles, an espert in Erni•
packing, (tom British Columbia. toil:
I'A'I'FEItSON.--In Exeter. on An,-
ust 1st, 19115. 1n Mr. and Mrs. Not -
m sol •01 a a i
run 1a1t('I
GLADMAN. — ln Exeter, on Tlntrs-
.Itt, ,lulu 27111, In Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Glallnnnn, a dais;hire,
\ICCALLI'NI—SW EET — At 'frivitt-
Menutriel church, Exeter, on Sat -
ord:ty, July 29t h, 1905, by Rev. \\•.
Il. Doherty, of ilens:ill, Mr. Stew -
Art elcCullutu, of London, to Miss
Sophia Sweet, dauzht11 of Mr.
Thomas Sweet, Exeter.
G{ti'1;ORY-1'II11.1.lI'S -- At RSI
Wilmot It As Lindon, 0:1 Tues.!
A11pust Isl. 1905, ny Rev. W. .1•
Clerk, of First Presbyterian Church
1. Ion, 11r. 1. A. Gretory, .d
North Baltlefnr.l, N. V. 'f. io
'1i++ ids. C. Phillips, of Londtnt.'
NEIL—In Urtroit, on .1 uly 12,
Nr it in his 661h year.
l ltd:.—lis Godcrich, on the 29th of
.duty. at his res!i:enct', the Ih t.
Robert C're, D. 1)., in his 82m1 y• :•.
11AiNES — in Blanah:r:l. un Tueses,
.duly 25, (;cor:o W.. won of Samuel
A. :und Levine Mayor s, ,t z^•1 12
yearn, 9 u,ontha and 23 days.
GA111)1NEIt—At 1.islcwel. on Mt11
.duly 31+;, Nee, alio. lei : :
G trainer. ti.n:i.:t :' et the Lite
Walter Gardiner, a zed 41 rears
Incl 9 months.
V. I I,I,I,t Nft+.--`u i,l• t.:y 1.1 111
•1111.% ::1111, a, 1,11 i1 t 4 .':t, Dan .,:.
11,r.:11 t•"unty, (:nt., Au 1114..1 11+r -
t. of It,t:,v WO +rn.t, E.• l•.
,.I -cnnd daughter of the Iite
I1. nl y ilytelme►t, first sheriff et
e . •'.1 ii; yee s.
IN the Imperial Oxford we have not only given to
the women of Canada the most perfect baking
and roasting range hut we have also produced the
tnost economical.
The oven of the ordinary range i; raised to
baking temperature by the direct heat of the fire et.
the side of the oven. To keep that oven at a sufficient
ly High temperature to bake or roast by, you must be
continually poking the fire and adding fuel to it.
As the oven of the Imperial Oxford Range is
heated by our patented Diffusive Flue, the temperature
of the oven retrains steady until the baking is done,
without the necessity of touching or adding fuel to
the fire.
Imperial Oxford Range
This fact is easily demonstrated.
1f, when an imperial Oxford is going,
you were to stop the inlet of this flue
in the bottom of the range you would
find by the thermometer that the oven
was getting colder, and that to keep it
at a baking temperature you would
have to keep poking the fire and
adding more coal just as with an
ordinary range.
If your dealer doesn't handle tate
Imperial Oxford, write to tis fur teta-
loguc and initis, Mon as to where you
can see it. 20
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited
For sale by '1'. IHAWKINS & SON, Exeter.
Canada's Finest Flour t Freed
For June we are offering soec-
ial bargains in Pianos. We hand-
le the finest goof's Canada pro-
duces and at moderate prices and
easy terms.
A f. w Fec•ond hand Pianos and
Orglu.s at bargain prices, Also
Hewing Machines on your own
Ve hove opened an up-to-
date Flour, Feed and Grocery
stote at Trevethic•k's old stand
and we solicit a shale of your
patronage IN \ve will prove
to you that out pric(S arc
right and our goods of the
best quality.
We make n t•peclaity of 'Peas
40e Tens fold at '•
If pal contemplate buying
We h;lvJ' also a lar,,t $t(,(
call and see us. No trouble
of Potatoes on hluld. Pro
to Aow goods. duce taken in exchange.
Don't Throw Out
That Old Oarpot
It'. good for n long time
yeti( cleanod with
Odorless Non-poleonoue
COLORS restored like new
OUST entirety retoctd
OERM$t bsolatrty destroyed
SILINO renewed
All 1n s few Moments, for a few Cents
For rearseat or onset, most (ellcato
fahrie.. 1ton'tbuy new tint walttr•.
dre—ic. or eklrte het snee they aro
dirty or a few grease spots or stain.
!fro, your frcnllt or relatives suffrrwith on them -get.
Five, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, er FallingSAP..O-REN-O
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable rt )roar trrontr'+ and F- money.
treatise on such diseases to Tun hereto Co., \lr.elutrly g, araattelt or Intoler
179 King Street, W„ Toronto, Canada. All 1r funded.
druggists sell or c:n uUtain f,,r ) uu �1e ~YxTo►onn o Nter Co
" SoosrriAr Your Home"
&ArielC Intosh-
" Pletoslal. PsrfecfIon"'
Conceded to well deserve Inc p;11,4a1
title "the most beautiful magatine in- the
From 45 to 73 fine pictures each rtonth..
many of them in color, and all of tient tot
Ponralts of Celebrltlet
Reproductions of Scenes
and Incidents
7ht.very perfection ei fine ehetegrtill'-
reproduction. itotind with Silk curl t
hormone,: a lits U c color scheme ,f the
The Oalr Ma/ashes of the
Mad la the Wet11 9+
1: r
Stillc.: i;.ti r t,,i, r, i no a year. Intl . 1 t
the 51'I ( 1 11. 1 IIRiS'IMAS NCd Ill R.
a.s ,.. • x...r a•, n 0110. r . •.,r
Derr Pub. Ce.. 4 fleet east.. ;sow Tert