Exeter Times, 1905-08-03, Page 31 YUUNG
Tried By Railroads and Found _
Tho Lake Eric and i%e'tei n Rail- TIRELY GROUNDLESS.
4.1 road is retaking some sigrtttid•arit -- --
0000•0000 charges of station agents, a):d it is The Gem Is Susceptible to the DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS R£11IOV-
prodict(rl that tho day is out ci]yt.lt Changed Temperature of
all the smaller stations will 1.0
' in charge of women. lour stat funs _
"Slanlnla." said Dorothy, "1 wish '
re now in charge of women, and it The supe est iu; n about opals—.hut
1 could have a wood -shed party." is said that their work is very salla- they bring 01-hick—dies hard. And now Reuben Draper is Well
"What do yea n.can by that'?" nn- futtury• In fact, although the lute Queen and Strong After His Long sur-
erld Mrs. Spear; in some vvond,r. The first contort station agent -.vas Victoria took a firm stand against it o�
'Y hy,••appuiatcd at Summit somet.h1n • , tering,
explained d Duruthy, "all S and proved her position by snaking EXPENSE
the girls in ray class more than a year ago, and it was lreeents of opal l3ristul, 2 (Special)
s Seel have riai/l they i 1 { jewellery to her Que., July 4.—
1 love t0 tilos out in iter work that lust suggested to tho'fricud8 and relatives, there aro many Reuben Draper, a «all -known resident aatteztl►roetaltoo Ba-
a nice wriest -
eflicials the policy of up 6 here, k(rps the , 6
e. 'd, «hero there aro lots of shay- p„toting yeomen ria stollen agent v, who think that it is increasing. proof right with hire
Itis and smooth boards and hang-71►is superstition and the arrival that Dodds Kidney )'ills will surely \W'ILA'T TO HEAD.
ue.rs and—'• tier uu,rlthiy reports were rnudcls of within cure the much dreaded gravel. 'l'he� It you Lave the bluer. read the
neatness and exactness, and she had a year of n bushel or so of
proof consists of two stones, one the '”
1411.14.Js like ours, in tat laughed hardly entered upon her duties when opals (rout Australia. unsurpassed Intwenty-Seventh Psalm.
81,ear. "I think it would be she made some valuable suggestions colo•, had a tendency to lower tho Size of n small bean and the other 1f soar pockctboul: is erupts, read
a alto idea."
price of these lovely gems, and so us big its a Bruin of barley. Ito the thirty-seventh.
Then we'll have it," decided Dor- us to how to make the road popular c passed these stones and was retiov-
uilh the people along the line. dealers were a111ing to dispose n( If people seem un! it'd, read the
othy. sand it unlet be on a stormy Ilut it e as not till the their stuck for less than their cost, ell of all the terrible pains they caus- rift cent chapter of John.
day, because ee like to hear the Deers made n trip of inspectionoverOne ieweller in London, who tor- (o after using Uudd's kidney fills
rain spatter dov\n—it scents so cozy."the lice that the full results of her for a short time. if you are losing confidence in loon,
molly Held a good aunty, refuses to Mr. Draper is confident that Dodd's rand the thirteenth chapter of 1 Cor-
-I think it can he managed," said administration became known, 'l'ho,kcep them nnv loner,inthiuni-.
mother. •'\1'e must try to interest lstation at. Summit was found to Le 'I haven't an opal In the place," hKis c fills and nothing else caused
his cure, as he tried two doctors 1f you arc discouraged about your
pal's in the matter. I think there the best kept in Indiana. sold he, "Mind, I'm not in the least )war'•, :,•ad the 128 I's -..sur,
Soret be a little picking up dung" A little insoles resulted in the in- ntlt'ctr(1 by this idea of opals beta g- without getting help, and was fast ,
That ecc1ttn • Uorulh • I getting «oak and despondent when 1, you (inti the world growing small
b y sat up a formation that. the station had cease inti hail luck, for f love the stones, ha stuppeI all other treatment and anti youri'lf great. rend the nne-
half hour later flan usual. preparing eel to be u lounging place; that there and would as well' have an opal otl started to take Dodd's Kidney fills. tcenth Psalm.
her in. ilations. 'i he following morn- ' had been no rowdyism since Miss my Unger as a diamond. but they are In a week he passed the largo stone 1f von cannot have your own way
tali ten little girls found on their Catharine Licks had taken charge; running du«n in value rind have fete and four days later the smaller one. in everything, keep •silent and read
desks a square of white birch bark, that athe (Icons and benches were al- buyers, so that it does not pay to This cure causes a feeling of relief, tho third chapter of •lames.
to which a dainty card oras fixed by WHYS clean, , and that the station keep theme
two tine bows. On the card were over people in these plots us it 11 sun are all out of sorts, read
these words hail become as orderly and well keptWANT
' '1'O CHANGE THEZI, shows those terrible operations, lung the twelfth chu0ter of Hebrews.
as any private house in t he town. thought to be unavoidable in case of
You 131•L• cote/Mlle invited to a Prior to that time trips of inspec-
Wood-Shed Party at Dorothy Spear's tion had consisted of a scurrying
on tho first rainy Saturdayafter- along the line with stops only at the
noon, at two o'clocic. large cities, and it was at the sug-
A len,. "spell of line weather" tuns I gest ion of one of the Indiana offl- tI died, or SOME STRANGE CHARMS
patiently parsed hy. the eager girls, I cinls that the general ofticer� stop- 11 t ! 1 1 1 , or Thur
and at last came a rainy Saturday, poi at. Summit. Miss Dicks was not
Never was a stormy holiday so elnrl- expecting them, and had not made
Iy welcomed, and at two o'clock ten preparations t•, receive thorn, but the
little cloaked figures came in damp .station (looter were free from stains,
lute Lott aril t he house. i the stove glistened with new polish,
Wet terries were lc ft in t he kitch not a particle of dust was on the
What shrunk your woolens ?
SURELY CURED Why did holes \\'tarso soon ?
You used common soap.
"Besides, «•omen corse buck with
opal ring's and pins that I sold thou
years ago, and demand to change
thous for something One, bemuse in
Ie meantime their cats have i
u r babies es (lave had croup,
neighbors have expressed horror at
their temerity in wearing a forbid-
den. gem,.
"in other words, they want to ex-
change worn and unsaleable goods
for thinks that are newer ems more
tobenches, and the private office of the valuable, and in cases where they are
the great, roomy shed
and then the children trooped out agent was homelike and inviting. good customers 1 have to submit to
l'he f/ her women agents havo been it."
appuslrted since then, and the oQf- One leen took the opal out of his
class have
n e, found that the good ref- ring and smashed it to nlomd with n
sults of the change havo been the hatchet because he had failed in
So «Hen the guests cause out, they !same in every case. Tiley have also 1•usineds,
w first a nice, wrsr,n stove in one' learned that the women have greater While Sir \1'
corner, in which birch bark was !tact in bundling people than theiralter Scott did some -
',napping comfortably; next, the •:Hale predecessors displayed nrid few- thing to give the opal a bad name
good-sired body of a sailboat, restingby his account o[ it in "Ane of
� st complaints have come from their Hofer:A.4n," it was held in distrust
011 blocks to the inside of which led stations.
a short step-Insider•It is also said that. pnsssngcr tea(_ ton_: before his time,
Gravel, are no longer necessury, NEW YOi(K AND Ill,1'UItN' 80.00.
Fifteen day sea -shore excursion gots
to New York via 1.ac!:awanna Aur-
• n
est 5, S9.00 round trip. Make reser-
vations now. 289 Main Street, Buf-
LAND DIE HARD. \ 1 II-- "I told your lather that I just
_ , dot( : It you." 5hc "And what did
The Devonshire Whooping Cough Ile WO.II(--'What I had hotter
find an idute,"
Cure Is Highly I qnl
Original. { For Inflammation of the Eyes.—
Among tho many good a ualitics which
Tho other day an aged dame alt- l'aru,el-e's Vt'getnhtu l;lest n pos,:ess, 1.e-
r� •u n
> 1 tin .
1. t, the di estrco
g er�4hm, 19
peered ata Cordon Police Court in their efficiency in reducing inflammation
great distress. She had. she
wailed', of the eyes. Jt has called forth mane
"lust a 'yacramont shilling.' "letters of recommendation from those
who wore nattered with this cotuplalnt
7710 Uagistrate 44415 puzr.1ed. "Ill and found a euro In the pills. , ,
what rest•ci t,'' he asked, "did a aIfect the »erve centres noel the blood in
,•„ t a surprisingly active way, and the re -
shii:tog c.r•.er (rote any salt is almost iuunediutely sea,(,
other shilling?"
says Pearson's Weekly, I "Does her husband know much
the applicant explained that the coin of music'?" "Yes; as soon as sho Is
in question was a certain cure fur going to play he goes out." -
lits. It hod been&given her by her
mother, who had it in turn front her i Lever's Y -Z (Wise Ilend) Disinfect -
mother, who had got it over 100 ant Soap I'owder is a boon to any
years neo from the clergyman of her house. It disinfects anJ cleans at
parish in exchange for an ordinary • the same time.
shilling, wlilcll had already been first 1
exchaec:i for twelve pinnies collect-! The photographer was dieing his
ed fro a toque maidens, . plates in the warm sunlight. "What
citrus, had to be scorn in n bag buil.,buil.,'The coin, it appeared, to be &Ilea_ • are"OIyou doing there?" asked a friend,
s!" was the reply, "just airing
round the I'nlient's neck for seven inY views."
LIInt8 seven days,
Similar strange beliefs linger in I They Drive Pirnples Awny•— taco cov-
b o ered with pimples ie unsightly. It tells
Octgr out-of-sho way corners of Creat of internal irrcgulnrlties which should
Idrilnhl, long stare have been corrected. Tho
liver and the kidneys are not perforin -
i11 Devonshire, for instance, lee ing their (,ructions in the healthy way
cnu►ttr,V falx still mike "cramp they should, and those pimples are to
lines'' otli of . tut you know that the bl»rete
Parmelee',, W'egetahlo I'llesoowildl 1 sits.
Dorothy's father was a ship -builder
and in his leisure he often worked
upon some seta!! boat in the shed
ill the bunt were stools and eush-
tel on its deck sat Dorothy's
lily of dolls in holiday
need about and exam -
041 points of the craft
c ens almost water
to sail it,
wood had hien rolled
a sway as to 1114ke a
gra , nt. of stairs to the lop
of the wood -pile, where a flat lioard
was standing. Fitch guest was asked
to run up the stairs and drive a nail
in the board. Tliero was a prize, in
tile shape of a dainty birch -bark bon-
bon box tied with baby ribbon, for
the one who could (lt•ivo a nail With-
out "shriking o!l."
There were whole Larrels of clean
white shavings, from which they
picked the loneest and arranged on
their heads for •curt».
At four o'clock came the refresh-
ments, part of which was ice -creast
served in little birch -bark cups.
slut hest of 1111—a surprise for 'Dor-
othy, too—wan when 311r. Spear came
nut frith a tray, on 'which were
eleven little boater --perfect nnudeis of
a brig with all sails set, and ropes
yard -army, anchor and cabins ell in
correct 1O-'Ition. Or, the stern of
each boat was painted in tiny let-
ters the name of the little guest for
wllnn, it wee intcnd.'11.
"Such n lovely 1ime!" they all
said, as they bado Ito othy good-
night "A wood -shed party is the
very Wet kind,"
Oniv one little Ctrl said, ex she
hurried home, "'There! Dear ace! We
had such n goo I thee 1 forgot all
about hearing the rain splatter,"
Almost all animals know how to
swim without hating to learn. As
wort as they fall lido the. Wnter, ur
ere driven into it, they inseinctivt•ly
make the proper motions, and not
only mnnnge to keep afloat, hit pro- JUVENILE MUSICIANS.
pel tholnsedvcs without trouble.
i:xce;'lione are the mou''ev, the
cana!, drone anti Ituu,n, which can -
001 swim «•it. bout as.ist once. ('nnt-
e!s and llamas hare to he helper)
across water, and giraffes and mon-
keen drown if they enter it. Now
nod then bolls the 1,11t01 Species muI►_ (met with play ing neordi
age to reuse water -ways when thee going tar poorer. '1 he children were
are cb•ieen to extremities, just as lei- 1 i,felscJ up br th" )tnl• tillages and
man beings oce•naioenlly can • keep 1)ruugh1 o'er to this country ),y Pa'
tic htts greatly incroase•d from these It was considerably . in use In
four points—and especially during Venice at the time of the plague, and
the summer season when excursion enticed tlure in the hospitals
trains are run, the women taking that before death the stone would
sometimes brighten
mute pains noel showing more eel- ghten on the victim's
It never seemed to occur to the
people that the illn, a could produce
the glow• of color; they t.nuk it for
granted that the stone occasioned the
ergy in working up crowds than
dict the men.
The salary of the woman station
agent is from 840 to 850 a month,
Mist: Dicks is now learning tele
grnphy, and will 80011 get an in- illness.
crease in salary as a telegraph op- WHY COLORS ALTER.
eruto' As a matter of fact, opals are nf-
+—`—` Peeled by heat, even by that. of the
BABY -S OWN TABLETS. hand, and the fever, being at its
height just before death, caused the
Cure Hot Weather Ailments and colors to shine with unwonted clear -
Summer Complaints. re`s• -
In the hot weather the little ones
The; continued tho superstition,
sutler from stoma+h and 1ow•I trou- and to this day there are sane and
Ides, abliehodied people who believe that
are nervous, weak, sleepless and a chip of stone in the house can
irritable. Their vitality Is lower cause cltlan,itics.
r.OI:• flint. at any other :masts.' Sometimes; it seen:v as if mankind
Prompt action at this time saves it had nr.f. gone far beyond its mead-
precioes little life. l'aby's Own Tab- dlinl; c•10thcs ns d
OLD COhi•'IN iHANI)LI':S; thein all away, and will leave the Akin
clear and clean. Try them. and there
null bracelets forged out of nails on sill be another witness to their excel -
which suicides have hnngtd thein -i kart:.
se 1'. es are worn by gouty people and ' , ,'
demeed singularly efficacious. ' I ontttey—"Ilov does .111(11 y like
1'harured belts are commonly worn his job?" .1ohmlie--"Oh, he sntS
lets is the bolt m(Klicino in the world ) d. et, there s nothin' the clatter with it ex -
lets reLly in i , I nshire fur tiro cure oI rheu►rh crpt the pay, un' the hours, al' the
for iiLtle encs. They speedily relieve, another reason for the lieu:, in Uurha►n n cord round the w rk „
1 distrust excited in opals is the fact loins is supposed to ward o!! tooth-' ° 1
promptly cure and give sound re- that they eh:uwee anti lose their col- ache.
ft -exiting sleep. And they are guaran- or. "The fell Weil" sn n Den isL
tad free from oi,fntn9 and baneful Among the prasentry of 'Melberg- of 7rurq, N.H. Want nuyrbclter evee the
drugs. They always do noel—the. This had Its cause in the softness shire women who are butsing babies demo or' the real merit of Dr. Vnu
g y and porus stature of tits teri,il, wear around their necks settnll cards Stall.' i',nesegie Tuhlcte as a cure for
cancel possibly do harm, and no rind its cnnncity truth for absorbingau furors of stomach trouble than that ''0l1--('r—pnrdon me, Hiss Mhudie,
home should be without the Tablets, outer and of blue drool. 'These are never re— they're in suet• �rcpt drmnrd9 Not a but at what age do you think wo-
especially during the hot weather for parting with that It curved, day or night, until the child nauseous dose t),at ,unkcs one's very
has, one of which trnnsfo uuti0ns is weaned. fly taking thisprecuu-i iI:•iaes rebel—but pleasant, quick and :lien should marry? You kuov, tho
months, when dangerous troubles tends to make tt dull, the other tion Ihev Imagine that they insure - pohacket. as cents tablet -' 10! to carry m your n o,i," pc" err, discussing the epics -
come suddenly and almost en/sere:iv- chalky end u1•aet•e tion. "At about my age, I think,
e:l. Mrs. Adam Mnrlicotte, ('hlory_ 4.---•• enol health both to thwnsnslves and Mr. Timid," she replied sweetly,
durmcs, (pie , says: "1 have used A ('VMI ASTIC 34f,\fit"h'L, th it onsoring during that, critical "Do you take
IIaln•'rs Own 'I'ablet9 for diarrhoea 'There are optical illusions -.r all Ter'iod. 'The cords ere handed down t y' "No "
and .toninch troubles nirl nlw, tnr)et•• •
If By This Time That Ate Not "nth"'
TEA is to BEST on the.MARKET
it must be the fault of the advertising, not the fault of the TEA, so you
can't have tr'e.f it.
No real need to buy the more expensive
oils if 000D ]TURNER is used
and KEPT CLa AN.
If you want a IIiG LIGHT—•n,Ret: OR
The Choicest Oil Made is
For Sale by Dealers,
TND QUEEN CITY Oa CO., Teronrttt .
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and North
Western ity. will sell from Chicago,
round trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Por Hand,
Oro. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion). Se-
attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares front all points in Canada.
Choice of routes, best of train ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return limits. Rates, folders and
full information eau be obtained
from II. I►. lien:tett, General Agent,
2 East King St., Toronto, Ott. 31
"Haven't you any ambition to
work as your father did at your
age?" "Certainly not!" answered
the gilded youth. "If I were to wort
what would have been the neo of
father's wo•kingL'
Ono of the greatest blessIngs to par-
ents is Mother graves' Worm l'xtcrnein•
stor. It effectually expels worms and
gives health in a marvellous manner to
lilt!" nuc.
Y nrsstvcretl Afr. Gold -
from mol her to daughter. and are bags, "I I11414:e the invest rn•nts, but
the mutt )rule(•( success 'They and some are not. A little boywho(ti testeenred in pruptrrtioe to their anti -1 mother and the girls tare all the in-
withnee better than any other medicine 1 was drilling n squad of classmates f InvSu1iolk to prevent nose-b1c'r•rl- J forest."
I now of." Sold by: all druggists or at recessand d fli
ilki cu1
ty in getting
by mail at 25 tent.; a box by writ- these to rtAIIPch properly.
ing the 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., "Lift your right leg!" he called.
Rrorkville, (int. fief that every box "Lift your right leg!"
hearer the name: "Baby's Own Tab- 'Things went very well until fates
lets," and the picture of a four -lent i1c'lmet'sv forgot trod 1114'1 his left
clover on the wrapper. Anything else
nn imitation.
ing peolae wear is skeill of scarlet
thread around the neck. lied withIT DOESN'T PAY.
nim' knstte down the front. 11 the My young frien.l, thyro are mane
patient is a man, it is eseentin1 thnt things in this warld that it doesn't
the thread he put on and the knots pay to do.
lett, which happened to he clod In tied by n woman, elideif sho patient it doesn't pay 10 try to pass your -
troupers reactly like throes of the is a Worsen», then theme services must WI 011 for more than you are worth;
boy next him, who was obedient in be rendered by s mus. it wilds to da market seta quo-
4.holding up his right leg. Many curious prescriptions common teflon.
The drillutnster stopped aghast. in fells Inrdh'ln' have for their oh- It doesn't ray to lie, for your Ilea
"You c'are't do that, pat Ilennessy!" J'('t th•' trans/error' of the disease need. all be kept nn file mentally,
he colla, "You're holding up both from the patient to one of
legs!" TII!•J LOWER ANI1fAL.'I,
♦ For example, in Devonshire and in
WRONG SORT. Scotlan,l ati(e, when a child has
whoopin-z cough, some hair is cut
from its head, put between slices of
bread and butter rine) given to a clog.
Then if the latter in eating it should
rough—ns naturally ho will—the cone-
lh'nlselve8 above atter through sorer drones who lit eel on their earnings, change to the rig
A ht kind of food plaiU'
nt «i11 he nnsfrrrel to the. drn
ani- It sn't pay to bra practical
fright. and Shu hcrlucntly hent thorn a►el can lift one from a sick bed. A Indy teal and the chill :sill recover, +lo .e r, unless you can enjoy the joke
ls 111d••'rived them of foul it their tnk- in Holden 111., says: in Cheshire it is by no means un- When yoll happen to be the victim.
A feline Hemel' able swimmer Is `' "host Spring It doesn't pay
the rabbit. He submerges his balky, Ib{;s w,•re stuall, i t b 1 become bed -fast common for a votes., frog to hr held to refit when van
Nath the exception of head and t11i1.
'I h„ sof t,i- slicks Away up into the
air, and his hind lees wake 'steep -
gulls" ns he eh'n-ns the enter madly
to get array, i(ut with all Isis a'k-
w•nr(hlese he is n swift swimmer. and
Is beaten only.. l:y the squirrel lio,ong o (cath, fill enc
the iend emtrais, orders were give❑ to the n'r(}loriti(•8Irtoy my Mistimed trying to lint, some-ltterl.hansterol weed long remoter for
The s ultrel svvinls with his heavy (at the scaportb on 1 frontier towns1 the cure of ague. The transference
1 that the children sltutlld not be I sling 1 pe -X retain brought humei wens simple, but painful. A lock of
toil s sok alfa}• down 1n Ul writer al- 'some t7rnp,•-\uta.
and his head hell high. Ile cleaves lotted to depart unless it could be •"1'u my surprise the food °grecrl,yens pegg'd into 1ho wod, noel
the waves like a cluck, and n Inns , Shirt 11 (het they were proceeding to with ale, digested terfee•tly t el 111;11,11r1 be a Ahddon aren(h transferred
r.11411t48 in this country. • : 1 1 n with ' from 11111
0 row -hent has alt hr ran do tri' flits out distres9. I began to I head of the patient to the
n•gulation stopped ; g gail1lr(r,
keel, nhr,•rtst of the awhuucltr3 squtr- � Ilrcd th' regular Leaf- 'strength at our', nay Ilesh (\vhieh had' '!ho Welsh
tel. (flt'• been !tabby) grew firmer, my health peasantry cure toothnche
Onoiti that ton, of the land- But It ons the English !aw «hiehIimproved in every «at• and everyby eremite in; the guns with nn iron
Ns' he'llii'u!nl.. docs is to dive. Nu
melee- how hard presend n s'vint-
Ioin , deer. rabbi(, s:lnirrel or other
feiruty terrestrial flnimel it. may tie
it will remain al eve wet, r. Bal the
inl,sl•nt, hon''i•r, Ice -bear, ata utter
dive immediately.
♦ --
Have Diisarl-enred From tho
Streets of London.
Sonic few yca1}1 nye in the London
streets large numbers of1talinn haws
eith sad, lustrous rte•
Mere to be
ms n►t(I Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes
and Bread May be Against You
For a Time.
and in the course of time some of
them are pretty certain In get on the
wrong hon!:, A liar ti ds a Letter
memory than any one is opt to pose
It doesn't pay to try to get a liv-
ing without work. You will work
harder and get n pourer living than
if you did honest work.
the itev. Pallier Definite of th w th 80'01,0 141011rnch 1ruuhli. lrccurn- fora few moments with its head In-
it111in•i church. lintton (birrk),'x- puttied by sick headache• i got worse Aide the nu•
:'th of a s'fever front
p1n n. d how this t.►Ilic, whl: h laid and worse until 1 laea111(1 So low 1 thresh. 10'1'np,herinnil and through-
(il,itself o,,10 to grsev' ne. Iva, has at , teed(' seal-eely retain any fund nt all, out the north of !•:nglnnd generally a
Tact been killed. O\will g anhnugh 1 tried every kind. t had lite fish le sideditutcd fur the frog.
6 to repr•esen-'btr4nte completely rliecournged, hail. Some( inc5 trees take the place of
tatierus nearer by ih' priest ft and !given up all hope and thought 1 was animate, 'thus n certain old oak at
°diess to the itn'inn (Inv ernnte•►)t, • doomed to starve t 1
John (lrnham, who left Chicago in
1897, to seek his fortune in the
Klondike gnl(1 fields, succeeded in
Re fleeing $1(00,00f) fitter eight years'
11111(i.00P and :rdsenture. en his wily
%me. his boat upset while shooting
lir ; Ids: o1 11)0S11 ,k river, Alns-
ka. tl he lo.t all except $2,500,
rosnpe'l•(1 all children under the age
of fourteen to attend school which
(14)(111the traffic a fatal blow, '1'l.e
pndr•ont horn', that it was useless to
sntuggie the bays over 11 he could
not 'end thele out on the streets.
The number of 'Toys over fourteen
soma of nee who now go out with
museenl instr$m(nts, under a padrone
is vel;v 9tecatl.
tiny, and In a very few aeeks 1 gain nn)1, whf(h is then driven sup 1n the
ed 21) pounds In weight. i liked head in nn elm tree andIa Ie Pit.
Grape -Nuts sn well that for 4 the They ale° profess to Iteli.'vc Chet n
1 me 1,0 oth,•r food, and nlw•nyn fell ehrew• mouse. toucher) i>.y n siek per-
ils well 8ntivl)ev! after eating its if 1 son aHyl then pegged up alive in a
had silt (kern to a fine banquet, hole pre\ iously bared in an alder
"1 had no return of the miserable tree, will curry off the disease. from
sick it(1nnch nor of the hendaches, the patient.
that f used to have when i ate other
food. 1 nett now n well v(nnutn, do- ('APSE: feittK ED (:001),
ing all env own work again, and feel "Me, Whet are the (elks in our
. ♦ that life is worth living. church getting up a subscription
llol% le.I.S ? "Crap( -Nuts fond has been a god- for?" asked a small boy of Holton
send to my family; it surely saved of hie mother.
1Tpgardson—W hero slid '1'1 rogsurl my life' and my (Ivo little boys have "ToFiend our m1,1181er on n vaett-
fitrt meet his r•ife7 thriven on it tvnnrierfully." Name tion to Europe this summer."
Atom—.11 the allyr. T think, given by Postern Co., Hattie Creek, "An' won't there be no c!urrch
Rhile he'n4)7"
'reacher—"What is the future (;f the There's n renson. "No prenehi9gnng s'ervire, I guess,"
verb 'to Inver' ,)rnol'7" .lrn•,it' net fhr little book, "'lite Road to "into. i got $1.2:4 SaVed up In
(sweet sixteen)—*"l'o ret mlrried." 1Wellyille," in each pkg. (look—can i glue thrill".��
ought to be at work; if you do, you
are apt to have to work wh.•n you
ought to be resting.
It doesn't pay to cru over spilt
milk, neither dues it pay to spill
the milk.
"Wealth should be regarded ns a
sacred trust."
"1 hnvc tried that," answered Mr.
Yeses, indignatitIt, "hilt i couldn't
get the public to take new stock
mho lever in the theory of my divine
right to pia up ('rices."
Nuese'eoeed Word.—"I am a proles -
seem' nurse.• writes Mrs. Eisner, Dalt-
fax, Nob. "1 was a great sufferer from
then II,I snt--n'mnost, constant associa-
tion with best physicians 1 had every
chance of a cure if ft were in their
power—but they failed. South An,er-
icnn (MC111nnile turn ons 1(10111n,enica
—to -day my six year" id pain sent as
a dream. Tiro bottle cured me 100
ON Til iIs: CON'17(ARY.
"in he resting quietly?" naked the
"No," said the watcher. "IIc's
snoring to bent the band."
No one need fear saolnra or any sum-
mer complaint If they have a bottle of
Pr. .1. D. Kellogg's )lyseo(ery Cordial
ready for use. Jt corrects all iooseness
of the bowels promptly and causes a
healthy and natural action. This hi a
medicine adapted for the young and
old. rich and pour and Is rapidly be-
coming the most popular inediclne for
chuicra, dysentery, etc., In the market.
1' t.1,14 ..,Lsooa sired to KNOWS)!
teed to hued, one hoar fit for sen, vice. l'rloee
right. Ham, Snowden. Box 39, llowntaavllle,
ll happiness begets health. Roy a
farm in the celebrated Mouse Mountain
1)Isetict wM_re everyone Is prosperous.
and crop failures unknown. Carlyle In
four years old; has five elevators, with
capeeity of 200,000 bushels. The mea
who built thorn knew their business,
1'I,ey are filled every seaspn. 'Pate D.
C. 11 Fee Land Co. of Carlyle, Aenulnl-
bola, have 200,000 urres of improved
and unimproved larm lands for sale In
this district. They solicit your corres-
pondence. Further Information and
particulars ate, fully given.
Your address sent to us will bring
you full information as to how you
can obtain a 84.20 bonus free; ho -
sides easily slake $5.00 per day sell-
our goods, hx erienco u
p nnrtc•rA-
sary; anyone can sell them. Address,
Canadian Breach,
Dox 87, Stirling, Ont.
sad Clesalas. Thl■ te s g.efaltr will the
Meat pnleelars kr pest oast r are sure ee ea• tdr
albess Des tad. watreal,
Ayrshire y shire Dulls—lour to twenty
months old; Ayrshire Females all
ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs.
Apply to HON, W. OWE•:NS,
Monte Bello, Quo.
Protect Your Property
,Ct'►E D1AM0N
E'X T,NG U%S145R
A dry p,wder put up in cartel lobe., ?t
Iuuh-s !,u g. It will Instantly extinguish the
most Norse; ess,.of wood or oil. !lire ;3on
cub, $.b Ot lox Wr.te tor .1 e)erlptiva eirout.r
The Diamond Dry eawetsr Fire MINTS
£xtlneuiaher 0o., Toronto, Ont, MAMita
Conceited Young Man—"I wonder
why that young lady over there looks
at mo so touch?" Sarcastic Young
Lady—"She has weak eyes, and tho
doctor told her to relieve them by
looking at something green,"
Mon,et1Jn5 That Should bo Rubbed
In.—Wh never pain Is felt 1n the Maths
or hack, take altr. 'Thomas' F,cleetrlc
(111: pour a !AMP in the hand, and ap-
plying it to the surface beneath which
the pain lies, rub briskly. If the first
application docs not afford relief, which
Is nut usually the case, keep robbing.
The Oil will gindunlly penetrate to the
affected part auol relief a•t11 come,
"It you go any deeper," said tho
patltiln bald -)tended man to the mos-
quito, "I'll smash you."
"If you do," sung the tormentor
warningly, "your blood will be un
your head."
It of ce c names
clergymen of different creeds who ars
fire, belie%crs in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder to '•live op to the rrpreuchidg•'
In all It claims. Rishop etweatmen
neve l)r. Langtry (Eptisco lalian); RIM.
Dr. Withrow and /tee. Dr. Chambers
(Methodist); and lir Newman. all or
Toronto, Canaria. Copies of their prr-
sOonl letters for the asking. Lu cents.
Lady--"ilut It seems to me you ask
very high wugt'l, when you acknow-
ledge that you haven't hn(1 much ex-
perience." Servant—"W(11, mum,
ain't it harder for me when I don't
knurl how?"
canrttell those
torturehcornshrause experience
with your limits on, pain with them off
—pain night and day; but relief is sure
to them' who use Holloway's Curn
May—"Hcfore they were mnrricd he "So she rejected you, did she?
called hep• 'angel' and 'dove,' and Your proposal didn't please her,"
now—" Nan—"Anel now it's only "Well, I can hardly say it didn't
natural that she should fly at him please her. 1 thought she'd never
every HOW and then!" stop laughing,"
ENGLISH SPAYIN LINIMENT°rOpsv a"`' Heart Dleeete, _"l•'or
ten years I suffered greatly frau' Ilea►0
Removes all herd soft or calloused
Iii".". Fluttering of the 11•4nrt and
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood Hit»ottering tipt•11e made Tv life n (0r -
spavin, curbs, r lint, -t, toed! 1iipi r:rl ire. ll} ill';
P ringbone, told me to p,epuro fur the wnr•.r. 1
sweeney, sllllles, afire Ina, sore andtriedlir. Agnew • Cure for the Heart.swollen throat, toughs, etc. Have $50 (0,o elute 5av0 Bunt rebel. one nettle
by 4180 of one bottle. Warranted the Awed mr cuse, N t' —\Teel lame•
most wonderful lilemleh Cure "vgtAdan», Syracuse, N.Y .--1 U7
"7'hc rlIffcrence between n woman
('11i'.EKS TELL. (ltAi(ACTE}t, and a gloss," said the funny fellow,
llullotws nor) rlepresisions 1st , the "is that the glass reflects without
faro are signs of weal.neee, ,and no withong, while a wAtel fipcnk9
except ton is to he made in reading without betwrefleeen
y And the d,"
Terence hetvccrn you noel a ghi8s,"
the character ter indication:+ et the said the sharp girl, "Is that the.
cheeks. The mature w•Onun with glass is polished!"
yo:,thful, round checks is usually of
a r•hccr fol, happy nature. She may + -
not nlw'at.s he det•nly intelbrt,al,
but sh' is never mean, 0,1(1 ie not af-Congiiin,; 45 an outward sign of
Meted with Iervcs• On the other,J inwr.rd di>ease.
hand, the long, narrow, thin cheek I 1 Cure the disease with
is often a marked chnrncter'istic of glo�irs
the Sala nr woman tho i9 tawny,:loo'cin, for the worst. Very full
cheeks, that owe their roundness to
a development of the bene structure,
Indicate long life. '1 he hospitable
cheek i9 mend and full in the lower
fart. 'rife falhiect IS always n MOM,
chnrn•ing hostess:, and Is never so
happy ns when entertaining her
1. i, nes. High cheek -1 •s do not
nl nrorrsitvM1' o_on a Wicked and
ntaricinr's natutre', thrnigh there Is
nh„081 a universal superstltion to
this effect.
CureThe LlJn6
nt,d the cough will stop.
'f tp it tn•ni;;rht. If it dee' n't
benefit p"u, We'll 1,ivo jour
eters' back.
}?icer: F. (', Watr.s :e Co, 3Y
2t- .Y,- (1 f ek„y, N. Y., Tornato,Can•