HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-08-03, Page 11
31 '4♦♦♦♦N♦N♦♦♦♦N41♦41414N♦
to t'
AS '
aro., 1,
rlcr !,
1 I.:
7.1 it.
none '
the We also make a epooiAAty of Eavetroughing as
Hardware and Seed Store
is the place for Builders and those intending to build
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
1•.i;i'• 'we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
, and can give you firstelass material. Try us and
the will be conuinced.
t haul• r
thdt�ou:. T
day •
• ixeter and Centralia
Huron Bowling
Mrs. John Whiteman. of Kippen.
fell ktst Saturday and sustained :1 Chasing the "Kitty" Becotning a
severe dislocation of the shoulder
joint. Favorite Pastime.
My friend, look here you know At the recess boating. tournament
in Landon 1 hn Lorca 1 silver trophy Ou Meltday evenin: last the ad -
was von ny 1he Itidsolotcn rink, ,t%u journed public meeting (re purchase
or running of electric lights( was
held in Town Hall. Very few citi-
zens responding, the bell was run;.
a splendid idea. and soon the hall
was fairly filled. Mr. N. Dyer Ilur-
don was appointed chairman, and Mr.
J. Senior acted as secretary. In a
few words the chairman simp-
ly stated whae the meeting was cal-
led for and wished to know if the
assembly would like statements pre-
pared oy Mr. Leve: i and Mr. Con-
nor to be read. All s '.tr.
Remedyat hand kiiuws ibis In oc 111x steadier of the two, Levert read statement in wh._.'i Le
a fact. For sale in Exeter by W. S. 4)►•• Marr took the lead from the calculated that $20,000 would be re-
Iio55t,y• first end, scoring one point in 4act quired to purchase nen plant, pur-
11r. Colin Campbell, of (.oderlcb, of the first, second, fourth and fiftl chase Howard prolxrty, mike dawn
and two fir the asced, a total et Mx
fuel. mana;erucn1, etc. His stotc-
shots, :,cion' Toronto raffled. Skit silent included $3000 for dam. $2000
Smith scored one in each of the .ixl1 for Howard property, and $8000 for
and seventh, but in 1 he next 1)r O'lcctaic light plant, etc.
Mare's gin; sot' :,, and from then or Mr. Connor next . read his esti-
i (was only a matter of the uum,Tier marc for gasolene plant and imslal-
that 1)r. Mare's rink would no ul lotion. This was $18,000 and would
al the finish. ligbt town witlrl 1900 lights &c. Mr.
The work of "Pete" li,wdcu, Ile: Conner didn't approve of river po-
t he sit ion for company's works and
nest of the eight players, and he was said the estimate for water power
a tower of siren;th lu the (tittle_ was overdone. Mr. Bo•oier wanted to
furca rink.. Quiet unassuming ones know why works would not do al
at all times w•earin.c "the smile that river but Mr. Connor premised pre -
won't come off,' he found xrcat fa- scut premises am best location,
vor with tiro biz crowd gathered a- Mr. Gladman opposers Sfu,licipal ow' -
round. nership of Electric Light Co'y and
After t11t, 1ourm.unynt J1r. 1n11„ didn't believe in it. Said if a cote-
Itawden came to Exeter to spend pang' was formed he thought it
Monday with his parents and on Sal -
pay well and .oe best way. He
today afternoon a presentation was understood it would! pay R per cen,l
made on the zrcen of the rectors
and would be money well invested.
10 Mr. 131wden, one of 1 h Vies sr- Mr. Howard stated that he could
ions four. The address: only think present plant was worth
Exeter, .Tal 't►, 1905 $3.� to 4.000 but Mr. Snell told hint
July - new machinery etc had been pur-
J. 11,%don, Esq. chased since works were nought from
Dear Sir :-we t lin members of the flim. Mr. Howard said unless erre
Exeter llowl.h): clues here asscmbte 1
was made in purchasing it money
desire to offer to you our sincere might all ;o up 1110 spool. Said he
congratulations and unstinted praise would net $1000 (hat enou;h water
for beinz 1 member of the now far could ,1e ;ot to run works for 9
famed Itidsetow•n rink, which won months in Ihn year if dam was.i,nilt
hi sliest honor.: at the alto London
and claimed that: Mr. Pickard nearly
Bowfin!.club 10urnament. Both did it when running mill trot 111at
you and your brother Pete being ice could oe sold for $500 per year
Exeter boys wet join with Ridzetow„ which would pay interest on mon-
club in .rood wishes and trust that 9Y invested. Mr. Spackman then
the glory with which you have cos- i saying it: would :10 a langhia ;
ered yourselves may Le an incentive matter 11 this meeting disolved with-
outto win higher honors in t he grand doing something and that he
old game of bowls. -Signed John tvnuld make mot' n that this meel-
Muir. ('resident : N. Oyer llurdnn, ing approve of ncil suamit lin, :►
Pro. Secretary by-law asking • tizens if t hey are
willing 1n purchase Electric Light.
Co. and Howard's property. new
machinery and 'Doke dam say for
15 to $20,000. This was seconded ny
Mr. A. G. Dyer. The chairman put
)lie motion and it being carried, the
meeting. which was orderly and well
conducted, dispersed.
how weak and nervous your wile is
and you know that (Carter's Iron
Pills will relieve her, now why not
be fair about it any buy her a boil and Juhn fiat+den, old _Exeter "boy:{.
Mr. John C. Grins, of Seaforth, Itf14 Thr finals of the biz weyni were
been ap1)00)1cd clerk 01 the Second
til lyeil het ween Toronto \'ic1crias
Court of the county of Huron. vice
John Iteallie resigned, the appoint-
ment took effect on the 1st of Aes-
A little foretheurht' may save you
no end of trouble. Anyone who
makes it a rule to keep Chamber-
1.1in's Colic, Cholera :and Diarrhoea
Public Meeting
Electric Light Question
of its p113.trs (minx 11css1's. fete
:end ltidzelown. The Free Press in
repo•tsIs the sante says :-"It was
1110 zrc•tlest game of noels ever
played on London sreens, and w•15
won by the itiffgelntv11 rink 011 if
The no%lin: of 1)01 h rinks wa.5
nrilliant, 1101 it must be said that
the work of the 1tid;etown men was
♦ %bile trying to release a team of
horses bad his hands oadly 1101)1cl
in coming 111 cont•acl with :1 bari)
wire fence, twin:: dra.r,red consider-
able distance while he clun.z to the
top of the fence•
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦♦♦♦ •H♦♦♦N♦♦
the Storehouses
clow ready for use, the best
L., Cement and Lime
That money can buy
for Everybody
at lowest prices
in `,
of rl
n• tvill produce satisfactory results.
cl: ' SHIM
Inferior things atm not only worth-
elss but sometimes positively harnl-
o fug.
nr All our goods are perfectly reli-
chi:rE�RRS able. They are selected with as
p}, much tare as our
• fou are Suitbuyers. We make the DRUGS AND MEDICINE
I' t• -you wear them out. We make cutA will he found just as ;toes.
�e well as we can. so that they Some emoliolt should be. used
tilt •-,wear out sooner than theyrkeep the skin in •good condition.tig1, Because, if they do, you'll We carry in stock all the ptrepar
win!. go somewhere else for your :)lions widely advertised. Our Crcnt
noise). •` And no one could blame of Itoses i9 nn excellent skin food
o)tsse-n• ouch money ought to betsy W1►it4ning, sottcnin; and beautify
law-, ti,, iit worth. And Suit wart h inz it
1,,,,. i ..bleness of fabric -style in
✓ 1411111a: •nish-looks - dressyneee -
w•oolie. s of service.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
a place as there is within Chetnist and Optician. Exeter, Ont.
et all this and not pay too
V. Johns.
Fall Term Opens Sept.
41y "t Black and Blue
nhltidil itings for $15.o0
toornitl: 1 •`• ' l -
bins; tt and $18.00. J f t...It • !:�
ishbrit i) /•'• % � J J/.� //
fir per 1 JOHNS
r+ly-, STRATFORD. CNT.�/
til •.t 1•. Merchant Tailor
11)f. 1
tto he thp1 1�liLtR1LI"RS
'111 the now positions crated by
blearaph Compu►n)e We want
(lnrg'e qd bodice of good habit.. to
str,dnrr 5.111• TELEIRAPRY
'the jute. •. R. Accounting
of black et.• .r cent• of the Operators and
It pays to get a business educa-
tion and it pays to get it in the
school which can
most for its
students after they graduate.
chis school is recognized to be
one of the best Business Colleges
in Canada. All our graduates
secure positions. Business Col-
leges frequently apply to us to
secure our graduates as teachers.
Write for our free Catalogue.
Priaci s
.A.N ,
burins i recent thunder storms
\Vm. lvison's house :t1 Kippers was
struck by li. htnin_, and Mrs. and
Miss Ivison were stunned. A little
:irl in a neighborinz house thought
she was struck also. Thouzh_ the
ride board %'as torn off Mr. Ivi-
son's house :tad the lightning passed
down the water conductor to the
cistern, no firs resulted.
:Mr. 11. 1). Chant, mechanical sup-
erintendent of the Doherty Org:un
Factory, at Cilnlon, stet with a se-
vere accident on Saturday last. A
belt vas being adjusted to a motor
over which Ire was At0o11i11:, IT,et)
t he belt c:lughe and lore t he motor
from its fasteninzs, the end of the
motor catchinz Mr. Chart square
011 1lir forehead, Cram uriuz 1he
frontal plate of the scull.
The death of Sirs. Williams, wife
of Ilahy Williams, Dunlop, which oc-
curred suddenly at her home of
Tuesday evening, removes an old
resident of the district and one who
%'ar very highly esteemed by those
who knew her. }ler, death was quite
unexpected and resulted from heart
failure. The deceased was a (latish -
ter of the late Henry llyndui;tn, Grit
,sheriff of t his county, rind was
seventy-six years of a z4. The sym-
pathy' of all I heir friends and ac-
quaintances %vitt be extended to the
family in their great and sudden be-
reavement. The funeral look place
or Friday afternoon leavin.r 1110 tam- Atter the address (lad oven read
ily residence at Dunlop at 1 dIclock ay Mr. Y. Dyer Ilurdo), Miss Katie
for tit. George's church, Goderich. Collins presen,teel Mr. Howden wit It
a ma;nificient coques of flowers,
in the Hama of the Exeter chi.) and
three ringing cheers ny all present
closed Cho scene.
interment nein; made at Colborne
cemetery.--Goderich Signal. The de-
ceased was a sister of the late Dr.
Toho llyndtnan, of Exeter.
They Tripe, e01150 burnin. paint
101 make the constit:lted condition
eVr11 worse. Pvh.aician.9 say,, that 1)r.
Ilamillnn's fills of !Mandrake and
Butternut : they are exceedingly
mild, composed only of health -giving
vezei tale extracts. 1)r. Hamilton's
Pills restore regular movement of
the bowels, strengthen the stomach
and purify the blood. For constipa-
tion, sick headache, bilLiousness and
disordered dizcstion no meleine en
earth snakes such renevrkable cures
as Dr. Hamilton's Pitts. Tri a 2:1c.
box yourself.
O11 \\'(dnc5day 01 la.,l tveek 150
rinks of the Exeter Lawn liowlinz
club drove over to Sl.M:ii s and en -
enjoyed the renerous hospitality of
the howlers of the Slone town, and
played a social return varve on Ilse
SI. Marys green. tit. Marys 1115
just caught the fever for chasinz the
"Kitty" but so enthusiastic are these
recent converts that they play the
game like old )mads and have already
purchased a properly which At ill. ue
put into shape at once for a new
howling green. At present they are
proin by 1 hr nnes 0f 1 he
Maxfitwellz ki
Co., and are dOsslo; i heir
lawn. Upon the arrival of the Exe-
ter boys 111ey were nn41 by .`Jay0e
Graham and John Ar1•itu, form of Si.
Marys' future 1 rephy winners, and
The capital of the llorsrshot• Quar- t+ero escorted l0 the Office House
ry Camp ny, Ltd., St. Mary's, has where Mine )lost. Moir attended to
been increased by supplementary lel- 1he inward cravit1sit %i?h an nr11 Ih'tl
term patent from $40,000 to $11111,1100. sent everyone assay hippy. While
A woman who is weak nervous and the Exeter bowlers were successful
sleepless, and %110 has cold bands they have alt "'led the 81. M:ir)s
and feet, cannot feel and act like a 1)1'3.5 a sI rot'; :1 ,r gregl l fou, w lii>
'w• 4ti l
%11.11 another year's practise well person. Carter'suIron fills (rive lin greed to fear the hest. One
equalize the circulation, strength
Wer- thing is certain they ca t be sur-
votL9ncss, and give strength and passed as entertainers. 1'ollowin
rest. it the score by rinks for the ofler-
enos11 Wg4ar0n4p•t 3I'in ) itn %ehivyhnii•inIl. :MI :ift(v%s
dere ahead nn ane 1n••n and 1:x4ft.i-
iln•ad on the other %hon darkness
n 1 I • 1 r
stepped 1 I r1 1c _ n1
Geo. (:run ('. 11. Snell
1. (:. 81 inbury
\V. .T. 1leaman
W. W. Tan11n
Skip C-1
.1. \la[tvell \'� . M. Mai ebbed
01)1. 11'hilt' .10s. Davis
Jas. Moir
C. Huston
1'. \\'ilsnn John Muir
Skip II Skip ;28
Petry Near. of tit. 31ar vs, has re -
calved an 3110inl111414 1n rgnn'c-
liot with the 4\p4ditiuit tc1ich lir(•
Dsending Government it . t Wesal g 11)
Labrador lu u0servy a solar 4clip
cure nick Amcrlea. Our ,ix ahools ♦ Lich v% ill ht. visible there about 1110
,,•n owl toluslve Telegraphy 4 10014 ntiddlr of Augu r. Percy lea 11, OI-
IC+tab11•hod 2n1 years and en NN♦♦♦♦♦•N♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦N•�
lana %%hero hr his Ween en;arid
since eoll'ze rlo.ell til !turns, Ist
:Ind will sail front Queer 0 on All
Iron rust Gang 111siltraV Official..
A st $2,y) Bond to every student to
her a po.ition paying from gin
taken at In State+ east of the stocky
and c, or
he ckiem $15 s. imm00 a month In
ediately diately uponLon . if
rur•,- IAeanenter a1 any time. No vacs;
11l" o14 "eparticular.
r direct to i n1r •X00+tii oe
;facinn t1.0. Catalogue (ree.
1..•:, --THE-
thanat School of Teleuraphu
41Ohio. ilnffalo, N. Y.
1*Croase. Wis.
to •na. Tex. s..411Fr1.ncisdo, Cal.
s' I . tern Real Estate
'r .change, Limited.
"'•111' tl )undas St., London
v farm t )
in any
h scant In buy ? .
ti follow inz Counties send for
one Huron, Grey, Brune, Fl tin
retie Kent, 11aldim;,n11, Lincoln.
t -ho . .ox, Muskoka. Norfolk.
Oa -
boo 'erl11, Peel,' Nimcoe, Onl'trio
tr: ' l;i, Welland, Waterloo, Went -
sit, , or York• We Bove some of
ills, est farms in the Province for
ills \\•e also 1):110 n Lir 10 number
• Awn. Vilknte, and Business pro-
r•o it for sole. Send for ung list
h • uyind.
su h
or ot118-
wts for • sale `tFa;
writtttnfor oulr`rtelrn+
nl'f'. tithed of sellinz Real En its.
amt ,r re unless the property is
1t i r exchanged• hull p)rticu-
(11i( n application. 'iite \\ e+terl
Lath ;state Exrhan.rn i.jtit • i,ondon,
Local Agents Wanted us, :3rd -
A sad het es5(anent has lake!)
place in the faintly m( hr, and \les.
Samuel Ilayn4s. MitrIo)1 road, 44111)
lr 110x111 1le 1041 11
At mire for Canada's GREATEST oldost sonthei,Grurze, 0111i1Tutsd:,15;1C3(lit-
Ni'BSEitIES" for the town of Ex- I tel fellow had been ill only a few
eter and surroundin; country, which days when he %a5 railed away.
will he reserved for the right man Mrs. Thos, Iredale. one of the pi -
Start now nt the best pelting 90:1- oneer rtsitli i t'4 of 1.11. Marys (tied
son, and handle our at i).tuphin, 31 iris, recently. Mr+•
NEW SPECIALTIES 1redtle %ons %est %it11 1140 h11s;)a011
liver teems. years a!11.
on Liberal Terms
Write for particulars and send 25c.
for our lestldsome aluminum Pocket
Microscope, (a little ,gem) useful to
Farmers in examining Feeds and
;rains. Orchardists in examining
Trees for insects. Gardincrs in ex-
amininz Planta for 'meets. T
cgs and scholars in etudyinz Botany
and everybody in a hundre different
A roan's oifo should always be
the same especially to Ler husband,
but if she is weak and nervous, and
uses Carter's Iron ('ills, she cannot
he, for they make her "feel like a
different person," so I hey all say
and their hushanda a..y so too.
Thy 113-I in to 411111t11zy 1lie wily
of S1ra1ford 10 1unranlc., the pay -
ways. nit nt of :1.0311,000 In tic 1111rrmved ny
•' OMills,' (' • \'a5 01 -
tiTONI•: & \\'F:I,hIN(.i N the 'floe \1111Lfnt,l 1., 5 c
Foothill Nurseries ries by , .vn,e of 1.141 .'or Ih' 1 v -law
Over 600 acres. Tormtitn, Ont. :aid 'I9 1241(191. The III ar:In1.•,• 111,0•
wit commence unlit ti<7j,unn ,tuck of
the comp my suo'crib •.i Ind $50.1100
paid up: the by -last trill .dor carry
exempt inn from 1.14:11 i0.1 ((•xrept
501001 1 1‘e -i) for a ptri4,1 of ten
"Cl►amberlain's Stomach and Liver years of the land buildings and
Tablets have done Inc s ;rest ileal plant erected thereon, the city to
of good," pays C. Towns, of Rat Por- take first mart sass 0,: Ile' (alto-.
tozzc, Ontario, C,''rnatLi. "Dein r a
mTd physic the after .•ffeclr are not
unpleasant, rind 1 03.11 recommend
them to all who suffer from stoniach
disorder." For sale in Exeter by W.
OLtoot1D•i' RZL•
s.e,, the 1ta Kal 1w No hot
110111. (I th:tln
1'. S. Shade
A. Menni4
Skip 11
Meanie, skip 11
1\'ilsnn, skip 10
Total ti,
'Muir skip 23
T 1m:in. skip 21
Total 96
The plalrrs in one of the schedule
ones no 1hn lawn here our Saturtl lc
Iasi were :-
11. S. Lang C. 11. Stull
Jus. Davis J. 0. litanbury
11. S. O'Neil \V. W. Taman
Jelin Muir Bev. W. 11. 11 ur : in
Skip 9 Skip 1R
.\n interesting game o :Is plays I rn
on Tuesday afternoon 1 i•t. TI1• to
was some excellent plays nude. 1'01 -
Inn inl ere the names of the play els
Wm. Ilial chferd Wm. Levet/
W. C. !lumen L. 1). Dickson
W. W. Tama): W. J. seaman
J. Muir • F. \V. tllidmnn
Skip 22 Skip 11
The latest NetT k Hetet c011-
1 gins no wood except 11re char sid-
inrs, which are chemically try ilea
for fire resistance,, and n .trip hilt
an inch wide in concrete flours, II)
tack the carpets to. With Asbestos
doors, metal covered furniture, and
elaborate appliances for onnounrinr
fire and lurninz on 41:1101. prefect
safety i. ,Gnu ,hl to have green re ttlt-
Miss Procter, of Gall, is filo /Ws)
of Mrs. Ed. Di1nan.
Dr. Antos was in London on Wed-
nesday on nosiness.
'flit, .hisses Clark, of Toronto, are
guests of the Misses Kemp.
Miss Singleton, of Montreal, is
visiting Miss Ethel Farmer.
31r. Thos. Russell has returned
home from the Northwest.
Miss Winnie (toward is at tentlin;
1lie Summer School at Grand (Rood
this week.
Miss Edna rollick is spending a
few clays of this week at Grand
.lir. Will Di;nan and 31is- ilas-
ket I, of 1,ucan, silent Sunday- wit
Mr. and Sirs. .las. Di raga.
Hiss Taylor and niece, Miss Pear-
son ,of London, spent Sunday :I11.1
Monday with Mrs. 1'. Brooks.
Miss Marie of Lansir 1 Mich, h %as
.1 visitor with -11Fitton a few
days of Inst week.
Miss May Gill is visitin; Mrs. (Dr.)
.toolei on al her 4ottaze, Rest holm.
al (rand Bend.
Mr. and 71rs. It. Streit.' have re-
turned from :1 1 55'0 Welles 0111
Int1l rrII,t I 111 eJ t•1:,I1
I i
Bev. R. .1. 11. Perkins is expected
home nn friday from a holiday 1 rip,
and trill occupy his (1511 pulpit nn
Sunday next . Wait your moustache or.beard
Mr. Norman Vern and \lir•• Aiktn, sagastimbrwaorrickaisck
The Graaf North W05%
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian Nortel
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands atsO
a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands.
\\-e have made ,r number of splendid investments io,r our clients, who
placed orders with u -s for selections of Canadian Pacific and other
North West lands. In a number of instances values have increased so
rapidly that our patrons could readily realize double the amount of the
money they have invested. and in view of the splendid prospects for
a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented num'aer
of sottlera corrin; into the west, prices of lands cf good quality and
situated convenient to a railway :Ire bound to male' a still further
tango advance.
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the
Crop Estimate' for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advance
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We
give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands.
$42700 down secures &Nacres, (half section) of thtoice wheat land.
• This would be a great investment for YOU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever.
$383 40 Secures 320 acres i half section) choice wheat land to an actual
• seater. No other payment required fir two years.
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip
through the West. During his stay there he will locate a number
of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various new
railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in West-
ern tands should communicate with him when full information 11'il
be given. Isis address up to the Isth October -next \ti ll be
• a.
General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher, Assa.
About Bed Time
Blessings on the mon who flrst in-
vented sleep.
Blessing', you will say, on the man
who first invented the greatest aid to
bleep and rest known as the
Marshall SduItdru
The only ventilated Sanitary Mattress
in the world. Purer, cleaner, cooler,
healthier and more comfortable than \
any other mattras't. A continual cur-
rent of air refreshing the mattress, '
always keeps ita shape, will never pack
or harden. Guaranteed for five years.
Will last a life time. Don't fail to
see it. Sold only by
Furniture dealers and Funeral directors
The machinery for the l:euteni
Works a1 Atwood 11 (10en shipped
and it it1 expected i1, will 1,(• in
t ion soon.
1 u
'S 'r .• I ow 0 .li
•Thr Earl ,. t4 1 known
11519 0verywberw, and 111114 0111 ,.r
1.1.11 will live 1 heir cost nniers 11,i-
preparal ion when the (:est i.: a -k4•1
for. Mr. Obe \\'itmor, a premia' nt
dru;_list of Jelin). Mo., in a circul-
ar to lis cu len: 1• rays: -There
is not hitt or 11,E n:liber i11 tie• way
of patent m411irin• thick tqu;11'
'+ Chide' � and
a bre :i , r, I t 1
(li m 1 ui C
Diarrhoea Rem••dy 10• towel r enut-
pllinls. We (cell nook i ernriim;1,11 his
preparation., hi • •:'1e is 1:. . I y
W. S. Ifn%ey, •
9• Vegetable, liver pills. That
Ayers is what theyarc. They cure
i S
constipation, biliousness,
slct•heada he.
s. o. tee,.
c r...■.n
of Nero lett. am spwndnt r 1 554.•k .II ? US$ en.toammotras.asu.•••.smosast.ti
at (he 110001 of 1110 (01,141'- parent 41.` -- --
here . ,
Mr. ('has. I.in,lenficlll :otter; ,
plrasanl visit meal 011 Stratford.
111y11r, 1'almer•4t0n anal other (anti
It it re! limed horny.
Miss i1h41 Wall i':Ima alayilee, ill
Fenlon 1':II1s, whir have .teen visit in r
I)r. and Mrs. Anderson at 1heir rot -
taze at (;rand trend. and in tn•1n,
returned homy on \\'tdncsday.
1V4ddwd.-A 54ry happy event %0.•
very quiylly rrlrbr:nlal in Trivil 1.
!Memorial church of Saturday, ,tuts
2111h at 7.3e a. in. when Hey. W.11.
Doherty. joined in marri;'ze
Sophia So Vet. danz111er of 31r. The..
Seco1, 10 Mr. Stewart McCallum, of
London. A1111ourh the hour was
1.11Iy a number of friends rlthercd
11 the church In witness the erre-
Irony. '1.1he hoick, who 44 •, btroiit•
in 71y attired in a I eiet ifiil zuwn of
zrey, entered the church with het
f 11 lir, whips t lie. wedilin: music was
played by l'I:of. Jones. Hies `taralu
S%erl, vi•Ier of 1110 bride, was ',rallies-
rilles_In fid and little Iran Sweet, a Myra.,
w• is a very dainty 1i111e flower zirl.
31r. ('rank Sweet, brother of lite
bride, supported 1 h Irooth. After
111P ceremony the bridal party drove
In ti' station takinz the triin for
Lnndnn unit artier pain', afternalils
takinz up their resid'nce in London.
.1r. and 31ts. 1frC )lam are followed
10 'heir netart,nll(' by :he 1551 %i 1
1••. or a Lo-' of ft ;riot..
When wanting anything in Cutlery it will pay
you to remember seaman's
Razors Pocket Knives
We have them from 7 is up to $'2.l) i All the way bona 5t: to 'far, fur boys
Our $1.(17 Razor is a keen shaver girls, ladies and gents. (fur SII heavy
Shaving Brushes and Soap. knife is excellent v.11ue.
Table Knives & ForksI Plated Spoons
$1.b0 to $1.00 a dozen
Teaspoons ns :0)c to $:3.(() a dozen
Knives only $2,00 to $4.00 a dozenDesert Spoons 1RI.(*) to $3.75 a dozen
Good variety to '(elect from, I Table Spoons fl 00 to $4.'t) a dozen
Carvers per pair Sec to 52.00 Carvers in caeca ; : , ; 3 $3.75
Bread, Cake and Paring Knives, 25c per tet.
Scissors, a good pair, 25c Shears from 50c to 75c per fair
and Stove