Exeter Times, 1905-07-27, Page 71 CLEANING w LKIN' LADIES'aee ft WATS , floe &e don. perfectly Dr oar Prase& Process. Try N amuse AME8t0AN DTt1NO 00. I MONTALI, TOtoNTO, OTTAWA a QUIDItO HIRE CATTLE FOR SALE 1 ---- Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. 6B PROPERTY 11F:(1E'rM HAPPINESS. happiness begets health. Buy • farts in the celebrated Moose Mountain District where everyone is prosperous. and crop failures unknown. Carlyle Is four years old; has five elevators. with capacity of 200.000 bushels. The men who built theca krew their business. 'They aro filled every season. The D. C. McFee Land Co. of Carlyle, Aesinl- boia, have 200,000 ueres of inierove.l and a ni(nprov.•d farm land for sale in s district. They v s. ,, it your corres- pondence. Further information and particulars chcurfully given. ** EARN TELEGIIAI'IiY & It. R. jj Accounting. $50 to 5100 per month salary ctssuretl our graduates un- der bond. You don't pay us until you have n positioo. Largest system of telegraph schools in America. En- dorsed by all railway officials. Opera- tors always in demand. Ladies also admitted. write for catalogue. Morse i School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, 0., Buffalo, N.Y., Atlanta. Ca., La Crosse, Wis., Texarkana, Tez., San Francisco, Cal. Fragrant as Fresh VIelets TEA comes to the home FRESH AND PURE as when it left the plantation to he manufactured with special care, and closely sealed is LEAD PACKAGES. ONLY ONE BEST TEA—BLUE RIBBON TEA "'I THE KHEDIVE OF EGYPT EMPEROR OF GERMANY' ANOTHER VOICE EALTH 'i' POVERTY '� HE HAS TURNED OUT PRETTY KAISER WILLIAM IS POV ON TIIE PRAIRIES WELL AFTER ALL. STRUCK. He Is a Student, With a Won- Spite of Four Millions a Year He TELLS OF DIABETES CURED BY derful Capacity as aHas Difficulty in Making DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Linguist. Ends Meet. t NURSERY NOTES, • Nervous Baby's hath, -A simple 'file Khedive, who has again ar- It Is a popular delusion that the wdi.nt for o.crcuudng the fear of rived in Lnndun, is a fine specimen German Emperor is a very rich man. ,bath which afflicts 501110 nervous tie the all-round man -the student luaseiuch as the uuttter of money reit is to cover the bath with a and the athlete, say's The Westtnins- and of wealth is purely relative of and thea lower Ute little ono ter (:a?ette. lie learned English as the Kaiser should be placed in finan- he water. ehe et and all. As ehild. muter tutors specially sel- cial comparison and competition es not ere the bath he floes ected and sent to Cairo fur hia ben- with some of the Kings of Europe, •'ealize whet it. is, ar d, coining elit and that of his brother, Prince or some of the American captains of eylly into the pleasant pleasantly wart" Mehemet. When twelve years of age' industry, he would be called a poor he rather cnjoem it as a rule. ho entered the celebrated lfaxius man, for he has the greatest ditficul- mt'ry ecitort time this precaution Sellout at Geneva, and afterwards ty in making both ends meet. It is le found unnecessary, even with continued his scholastic career at true thrtt he has an annual income st nervous ct bailie». the 'I'heresiunuu► at Vicuna, from[ of approximately $5,000,000, but it ul,v Sleep. A young infant to spend the greater part of hire asleep. in fact, the two at duties of its life• are feeding sleeping, and t)o second ought -c { y much t th store time than Pilo Never allow a t aby to be ed from its Ebel) evrit to see the important of visitors. !temente .hat it is often politeness and !lection which makes people o see the haLy, and do not let little• ono be roused from its which he wits etllecl by the sudden should be remembered that he has, ••1 had Kidney 'Trouble and it de - death of his father. the Khelive' taste:, luxuriant and expensive ash Tewlik to ascend the throne e[' well I ns unique. People generally int.!veloped into Diabetes. I went to the doctor but his treatment was of Egypt at the age of eighteen in agine that he receives a salary in his 1892. At lien/in he was something: capacity as German Emperor. As a• no use what eter to me. 1 began to take 1 d Kidney I' Its e ods t i in of a favorite with the Austrian tan- matter of fact Emperor William:1 cr, Ib03. I took them all winter Decent - Devoe. does not receive one f+}•thing in his , Tho Khedive's knowledge of lan-i capacity as German 1'.mpe•or, but' and summer while I was unable to guages is extensive. During the; fulfills tho duties of this honorary I work my farm. 1 took twelve boxes course of an position free of charge to the Feder -lin all and in August I was able to "AUDIENCE DAY"' ation of German States. The Kaiser I work• draws his income first as Kin0tI "NowIa me quite strong. g. Iworked it frequently happens that ho tis- Prussia and second as privuto laud: all winter without pains in my back cusses State witt her. When it has rested lunge }lritishcuestions and Un tedf States diplomatic pa n' NECESSARY ECONOMIES. Kidneyer. orvFillstcn red ofrn e.body. Dodd's r it will wake naturally. but agents in excellent English, with If the Kidney Disease is of long s nr,denly roused often causes the representative of Prance in ierab:e shock to its nerves poverty of the Emperor's resources I Many of the races regarding the; standing it may take tiote to cure in;ury to Its hca!th. faultless French, and with the Ger- were brought to light in cunncction it. But Dodd's Kidney fills will do r i,nptorns of !t(enslts.-Measles gen- man in the choicest language of the with the •recent marriage of the it. begin with a cull. The child's A'Istrinn l'ourt. Later he conducts Crown Prince. In some respects in{ -♦— affairs with the Sultan's representa-I connection with this wedding, I.. - .rues, it sneeze frequently, and tive in Turkish, and may concludes, one would have supposedg, which REMEMBER TIII:.SE DATES. generally miserable. About the day by presiding over a council' would have ird or fourth day duskyred, been made ono of tho wonders of July 18, Aug. 1, 15 and 25, of his Ministry, ellen all sorts of in- modern Germany, the strictest °con- Atlantic City 810.00. Aug. 5 New emits appear, the face and tricate details of policy are arranged' oinks were practiced. And throe York $9.00 round trip from Buffalo clog attacked first, body and in Arabic. the native tongue ofoinks economics were matters of necessity. ext, and lastly .the legs. Whilst l? -gyp", and ono of the most difficult Fortunately the Crown Prince mar - via Lackawanna. W. G. Bartleman Could Get No Relief Till He Tried the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wardle, Assa., N. W. T. July 17 - (Special). -This thriving town fur- nishes one of the most remarkable cures of Kidney Disease that has ever been reported on the prairies. Mr. %Vin. (1. ltartleman, a well-known farmer, is the Ulan cured and he nnakes the following statemo•nt:- h is out- the little patient of languages. But even this docs vied a woman with money -not al- Never judge a patent medicine by be kept in bed; to let him not complete the list. Tho even- ways the case where marriage of the almanac that goes with it. 001(1 may lend to serious re- ing may see his highness at the State are sometimes brought about— It the eyes are Inflamed, they theatre listening with pleasure to and when questions of geography and When Baby had Scald Nead-When F be bathed »evere] times a and understanding the opera rendered race and rank figure for more than Mather had Salt Rheum-Rhan Father nth warm boracic lotion, and in Italian. I tho actual cash. It is estimated that aard.s dried. The infection lasts The Khedive is a strict Mohammo-; the bride of the Crown Prince had Film cr. Agneas Ointment €n month after the tiro spots ace- tan, and as such eschews both Willer; I gave the quickest relief and surest cure. Pbrought to the family a nice little hese are gems of truth picked from tea- r and spirits. His abstinence goes ►vest egg of $20where,000,000--certainly timony which 13 given every day to this hildren and garters. -Don't let everybodyIIer, for smukcain a he will country Huth- I enough to set any ordinary faculty match d in healers.t of It qual has never Fcze- Echildren wear garters. Theyup in housekeeping. And this adds- ma, Tetter, Piles, etc. 85 cents. -108 ruct the down flow of Weed in ing to do with the fragrant weed. tion to the income of the reigning arteries and the return flow in Like his father, he is a monogamist, family of Prussia, it may be observ- Y,veins. '1hov tend to snake the although his religion allows him in passing, was doubly welcome A wino barber asks tho very young -es small and to cause the knee - four wives. He is known to be great- to the Kaiser, who has been hard- man if he wants a shave and the very to he too prominent. Tho tighter ly attached to his consort, who was pressed for funds during the past old man if he wants a haircut. a Circassian lady of the Khedivial year. garter, the worse the reulis. l:cn:iers are without arty of these household before her marriage. In PRUSSIA. Lifebuoy Soap - disinfectant - is AS KING OF ts. fact he is essentiallystrongly recommended by the medical ' IIEALTH TIT -BITS. strip of flannel or towel folded seal times lengthwise and dipped lot water, then slightly wrung out applied about the neck of a i.suffering with an acute attack •oup, will usually relieve the or in the course of tenminutes cs kc• flannel is kept hot. make embrocation for bronchiitl :Mate take i pence olive oil, f CO eucalyptus oil, 1 ounce oil of es, and i wince of amber. Mix keep in a glass -stoppered bottle, on the first appearance of bron- trouble gently massage neck, 1, and back with it. It acts like harm. relieving and soothing ha - int. ly. one can be healthy who wears shoes and high heels. The Alive imen ir the circulation. ' the high heels strain the of the back and cause nerv- The sensible shoe has a heel. heu►nat ism.SufTercrs from Rill should dress entirely in clothing, and dust the In - their cl.+thes with flour of r. They should abstain front ` /icer, netts, sneers, sugar, or , but lake plenty of milk, (el- ow'ed in milk or prepared in nate), and °tions. They rub the Joints night and with a brine of salt., rub - in until the skin is dry. Turk- s (10 touch gond to rheinna' ns, but, being a ,severe rem- ould never he tried without /Wilting a medical mar., or tit may be most injurious. (he almost alw'ne s yields to ck application of hot water 1. and back f the neck. Though Emperor William receives profession as a safeguard against in - A DOMESTIC MAN, no income as German Emperor his fectious diseases, 22 and is very fond of his children. income as King of Prussia amounts When at his palace at Koulheh, to about $4,000,000 per annum. Tho A young pian imagines that he is some five miles from Cairo, the Khe- Emperor of Russia receives an an- engaged in a game of flirtation until dive lives after the saute fashion as nunl allowance of approximately $5,- he wakes up and finds himself mar - might a great English land -owner of 000,000, •and the Emperor of Aus- ried. the most modern type. He keeps a tria an annual allowance of more splendid stud, and his beautiful than 84,000,000. Moth of these mon- Ignorance is a Curse. --"Know thy - horses, English-beed as well as Arabs archs receive additional allowances self" is a good admonition, are his special pride. On the estate itself lie has brought into use the latest things in American agricultur- al machinery, and he takes an active part in the supervision of his num- erous farms and cotton plantations in the Nile valley -from which, in- deed, he derives the larger part of his vast private wealth. His official income is £100,000 a year, and an e-ltinl amount is paid to the other numbers of the Khedivial family. AYRSHIRE 20 Ayrshire Bulls -four to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to 1ION. W. OWENS, Monte hello, Que. Fried -"K' Friend -"What hat was the result of the consultation of doctors?" In- valid (glancing at the reccipted bill) -"It left ine In a very poor condi- tion." A lady writes: "1 was enabled to re- move tete corns. root and branch. by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried It have the same experience. BRIDEGROOM YAWNED., Hesitated at Altar and Got a Thrashng From Bride. A' young Belgian, named Peneck, ••];lion, has George. come home who the weddingdce'emonySe to marry as was about to from school yet?" called Mrs. Snaggs to her servant. be performed, now lies in a hospital "Yes, ma'am," • came back the in a battered condition, telephones e _ • \ Natural- -,t--• Flavor, r F _ -may S • s / . odProducts Deal 1e Wltbest Them Is Year Home They Are Always Ready is Serve Lunch Tongues Veal Loaf Boneless Chicken Dried Beef Brisket Boef Soups Jellied Hocks Be.ked Deans Aiit Your Grocer ▪ The Booklet "flow to flake Good TAM,7s ape to Bat" sent free. Libby. McNeill & Libby, Chicago PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July. August and September tilos Chicago and North Western Pty. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco. Los Angeles, Por tland, Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, o- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable rstopovers and liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full lntorrnatfon can bo obtained from 11. If. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont, 31 HOW SFIE KNEW. on n n, ro- answer. fur certain definite purposes, and ferring to one's( physical condition or the Paris correspondent of the Lon- "Where is he?" both of them own vast landed es- Ieabit ales. Th., man who is acquainted don Express. • with himself will known how to act "I haven't seen him." fates fur superior in acreage to filo when an disar►au •ement in histo con- Ile was engaged to Celeste Voisin, German Emperor's y t "IIow do you know, then, that he's [ possessions. Thi rtitiml maniicite itself. Dr. Thomas*tho pretty daughter of n Bethune home? ' • Sultan of 'Turkey receives an annual Isclectric oil is a cheap and simple peasant, and the wedding was fixed: remafy for Sha eradication of pain from "Because the cat's a-hidin' under allowance of $10,000,000, and th at the mayor's office. Relatives and Shu a stunt and for the cure of allthe dresser," King of Italy draws over 83,000,0 bronchial troubles. guests Were assembled, and the pair per nnnunm, while the incomes stood side by side before the mayor. 1 It is not or man who knows several monarchs of smaller Stn A bachelor doesn't consider a girl When, however, the mayor was' are nearly as large as that of o baby worth kissing until she is sweet about to pronounce the words which how to con:j,litucnt n woman graco- King of Prussia. The amount of - sixteen. would have nude them man and wife felly. Tho following dialogue took 000,000 granted aifllually to the Deneck yawned. Tho mayor had Place between a very pretty lady German Emperor in his c[tpncit of "Mir rhystelan Yotd M• !Must Ole, never seen a would -b° bridegroom singer and a celebrated composer, • Kiug of Prussia is not take from but South American Kidney Cure cured yawn, and he stopped the service. who is by no utenns addicted to flat_ revenues from State dominions which mo of that awful Bright's Disease." 1)eneck yawned again, and angry tory:- "Tell tie, my d: ar maestro, ANXIOUS MOTHERS. were formerly the private pro rty of This Is a sentence from a letter of a whispers were heard among the tela- wbicI would you like the better, to -- the Prussian royal house. Jrotvn4 well-known business man in a western Lives. Then Deneck relieved tho ten- be blind ur dent?" Dcaf, madam, The summer months are a bad time lands were handed over to the State, town who through overwork and worry siva. when I inn looking at you, and blind for little ones and an anxious time and in return the State pays fixed had contracted this kidney pestilence. It "I have thought better of it," ho when I hear you sing." for mothers. Stomach ata bowel annual income to the monarc will relieve instantly and cure all kid- said, making ready to leave. "And troubles come quickly during the hot BIGGEST LAND OWNE . n!' diseascu.-102 I do not think I want to marry at Sleepleasnena -When the nerves aft weather, and almost before the moth- all•" unstrung nstruto thednesand thO heal given fill- er realizes that there is danger the The Kaiser owns 83 landed states, kir )ljone4-"1low wonderfully But ho had reckoned without the ed with Bloom and dismal forebodings. little one may be be.)mnd aid. In comprising a total of 250,00 acres. Mrs, Itobitaon hears her age!" Mrs. Voisin family. Celeste rushed after the result of derangement of the diger- every home at this season there Ito is the greatest land owner -in Ger- llsmilh (sweetly) -"Yes -considering him,.and smote him in the ear with five organa, Sleeplessness romea tosubject add should be kept F;ux of Baby's; many, and his possessions fart exceedit!"to the distress if only tho subject I rt Yhow much them i» of all the force of her dimpled fists. could steep, there would be oblivion for Tablets, and at the first symptom of those of the three land owner* whose Her flocs brothers followed suit and • while and teropurary relief. I'artne• illness they should be given. They estates rank next to his own In acreare more - those the recalcitrant lover deco 10e01). Ylo 18111 tcL not only la - promptly cure cholera infant MB, age. '1'heso aro the Prince of 1'Ia,ao, subjectytolldiarrioea nand such orless until he cried for mercy, and plead- that sthe subject iwillctwake�refresued diarrhoea and atomnrh troubles, and who owns 125,000 acres, the nuke of plaints while teething rind as this peri- ed to be allowed to marry the girl. and restored to baarpiness. ()jest, who owns 100,000 acres, and od of their Ilya fa the most crlticnl, are just. the thing a mother meds at mothers should not be without a bottle Finally he was rescued by the „ this time to keep her children tcc,ll. ll+° Duke of Itntibon, whose estate is of Ur. .1. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- mayor and his clerk and removed to i hent, my boy, that you have Mrs. Frank Moore, Brookfield, N.S., much smaller. Some vs. file land of dint. complaints on 1 ifs h11�,{+cytdepoken the hospital. Ile is now taking pro - hoods. told your wether several false. Mrs. "I always keep li[t}),y'» Own the Kaiser's estates is rented to of by those who have used it. Tho ccediugs against filo Voisin fnnlit hoods. 'Chis grieves me to the heart. i'nblets on hand in case of emer- farmers, but the Emperor carrier; on proprietors claim it will cure any case ♦— Always tell the truth, even though business On his own account in sever- of cholera or summer complaint. C• HANGED HUSBAND. it. may bring suffering upon• y'ou. Will gency. 1 (10 not know any other nl parts of the country. The Kals- you promise mel" "Yes father." nx•tlicine that can equal them in er's workmen are all paid elementally • Wife Made Wise Change in Food. "Very well. Now go and see who cases of stomach or bowel troubles. high wages, and all his employes re- OYAMA, THE SILENT. — Is knocking at the door. 1f it's the And this" medicine is absolutely safe cciv° liberal pensions in their old Change of diet is the only way tax -collector say I'm not at home!" v to -it is sold outer a guarantee to ago or in case of sickness. lle also Commander of Japanese Army to really euro stomach and bowel • contain no opinte or harmful drug." provides liberally for their widows Who Wastes No Words. trouble. a IBettevelttslse the coast effectiveti 1'011 can get the Tablets from your nndi�their children out of his private A woman says: reined, for the •temaeh and Nerves SES OI' LESION, medicine dealer or by ntnil at 25 purse. All these payments consume Moscow Military Hospital at ••lily husband had Qyvl)epsln when ., present are 150 wounded Japanese en tete t. is what Annie Pat - lionsure throat with n rents n box by writing the Dr. Wil- a largo proportion of the profits, mi we. were married and had suffered terson, 01 of Sack N.R., aaya or lion of tenon Juice uiid linins' Medicine Co., Brockville, (Int. that the Emperor's income from his soldiers, nearly all of whom fell into from it for st+veral years. 1t was estates is comparatively small. 1'rnc_ Russian hinds during the early stugo youth American Nervine, for. she says. ♦ of the battle of ltukden. almost impossible to tinct anything La oripi.e. and the complications which sof half n lemon in a cup Orally speaking, therefore, the Ger- he weld rat without bad troll». followed It left her nest to dead with e without any sugar will ROTHSCHILD'Sman Emperor is obliged to live en A correspondent who has intc•rview- g SANITARIUM, "I thought thin was largely due to Ind.gestion, I)yepepslw and General Ner- rndnche, — his royal income of $•1,Fu00,(>t)0 per ed one through the medium of an in- Pile use e( cnRee and persuaded hire vows Shattering. It cured ger.-100 ire and salt will remove Left Fortune to Found New Insti- II11nlm, wideli is altogether insutTi-, lerpretrr obtained the following in- iliit. Ile did so, and ciente for hie requirements. 'Tto discontinue hough formation about Fold Marshal , — tution in Vienna. the Kaiser has ninny eccentricities Oynma: began to drink I ostutn Fond Coffee. Moekis--"Tho man who tries to nit unsweetened lemonade he really has few personal extravo- "Unlike Genernt iiuroki, who al- The chnnge did him good from the change a woman's view's is a fool." Nurc breakfast will prevent Baron wasathnnlcl Rothschild, whose ways s leaks encoura in •l, s. g 1 a Ailiou8 nitnck tenth announced a kw Jaya ago, unu8 •lifbutof lives har Isinork airind l 8tren- L'ttlo officers llxdmre it battle, our Corn suffered much less Irni t thim trner lis- `l�'My wife told metao'.ow?" Meeks juice added to milk until it has Weft the sten of 54,250,011) to ntttnder in -('hist says nothing. • Nor nose, ata when he adde;l ('rape -Nuts and these curds then bound found n sanitarium on the latest Rd- luxury. Ito spends little money on g his table, for the cuisine of the Ger-' "lot's he say much after a victory. At : food to his diet he wan entire- The Flagging Energies Revived. -Corr parts swollen from rheumatism entilic lines for persons suffering from , the bottle of the Nhnho n dra nlch ly cured. stunt app lcnti•n to busmen is • tax brine rellrf• nrrvnus discasra. Ibis sanitarium man Imperial residence is notorious P upon the energies. and if there he no for its inferiority. The Kaiser is not rider nutted Ilirnt() did a brave net i "My friend, Mrs. of relaxation, lassitude and drpression are n faire mired very thick with w ill he erected in the neighborhood It dandy 811(1 spends a connptuatively which was contrary to the lustros-, Vicksburg, (any former home) had note to intervene. These come from ail) relieve that ticklingcough of Vienna for the benefit of persons stomach troubles. I'hc want of exer- K 1 smell nmcunt yearly on his ;clothes:. tions lie .received. 'The 1'kdd Marshal'becoute a nervous wreck nisei from eine brings on uervoua guts sit les. s so annoying. sintering fun nervous ailments other 'Tho horses he rides are not df pnl'ti- sent fur hint, questioned hits, and d'.srej•sia. Medicines had no effect, and the stomach ceases a.4imetnte ,it lemonade taken before going then ej•ilcpsy', infinity and incurable r,ilurly good breed, and not Unusual- sent him away without prnisc or' neither did travel help her. ('n my fr ,,,.'od cerins eyt,able y. Yii �w tw ifour�iu - x.41 s.1 ill cone) a cold on the lunge. spinnl disorder. v •x ctsive. Pte is not n ambler blame. I1iroto thought the Com -last, visit h ', 80(11.' months ago, 1 recu,crutttn of rare ,ow1r resIor 1 I t P I I 4 loth saturated in lemon Mire '1 he late baron wens subject during and does not indulge in other dissi- muter -in -Chief's silence natant thnt�persune'e(I her to esu Grape Nuts; the nrgnna to hralthntl ocelot, diepell- o and about ,i tut or wound will Pile );renter port of his 1:(etlme ton potions which would be excused in a he tats about to order some punish -food. She was :n d. spate, and run- Ingrile reaaion, sad nviving the 1faQging Its ll.rdin('• peculiar torus of nervous complete!. person of his position. meat and k111041 himself with his bay- netted. She stark to It until it re- 'non juice added to fruit juices it was this disease which induced I ono". Almost le•fere he was dead n stored her hrallh so cumplot 'Ty that �+d. not j.•11 readily, such ns !d,» to spend his winters n) the de- ♦�� staff officer rode up with n Mindle'el she is now the :met rnlhnslnslic {`,' strawberry, etc., will cause sett, far away from nil sori.•ty ex- A friend in iiistl ale 11ts LDS in hard- yen in money', which Attested ()yenta hieml of Grupe -Nuts that T ever \to jell. sept that of his bcloted Arnim lii,k story on tap. hnd sent the outside• in reward for ken•.ty. 'ho rats it with cream or itis symjetthy for stutterers Pike hint_ his courage. The reward arrived too dry, just as it comes from the pock- - Into. Tin ENSURE ROUND SLEEP. self led hits to make this magnificent - - age -keeps It In her tomo nnrl rata • e ;V .>t "At the l,nttle of Llnoy'nng the it when •ver she feels Ike it. •nicht!, - averted14,11/1 of se00,000 for general (Intel- y- o (1111111P(1 Muslin' %test slightly- in the b.•gncst. in addition to this he left r other of rho following simple table purposes. �� jT s' , left arm, ile said nothin!; clout I1, ■ ■ and nil the seldiers who knew also lope silence, leering that if they .s: Plot milk -which, however, not be boiled -if taken the hinp at night will ho found to sleep very readily. An• onion, r raw in slices or well boiled, is most etflcacioue. 'the disegree- tesl( may lie taken away by it a little sllEiir after it, or krnrsley, or it pinch of dry ten. 11 it Is vaually considered un- to take fruit Into at night, the is an exception to the rule, my 1'c cnten with impunity, for easily digested and Is n0 ex- it acre for wa!tcfeinraev. A hut taken the last thing before 't - wilt also i,e round beneficial. ills fatuous gardens at Tlnhonwarte he bequeathed to his nephew Al- phonse. The remainder of his pro- perty goes to his brother Albert. As peon ae itnron Rothcc•hild's be- quests to charity were known erowtta of poor besieged the .tnithniter'n of- fice, hoping fur an immediate share. They were. however, ,divnppointed. "Mahel has a most 11onderf:l New- er of imagination." "'fealty? 'l'rinf is the very Inst thing I slued(' have given her credit tor." "Oh, it's quite true. 1 navtre you, %he ecterilly fancies that she's good-looking." spoke the news would spread in an exnggernted toren and cause depres- sion in the army. "The Field Mnrshnl i8 the mnst te- 'iglon•t noun In the whole ermly, and often complained that ninny officers when learning European methods n1- ao acquired European tcndencics to unbelief. fir believes in all the Jan. (mese god8, and bps a r, mple n1 LIR ilorist, ill T01,19." After n men has lived in one neighborl►eod forty years you can't tell hem anything. "1 began eating (repo -Nuts foul. nnewe'f, a hen niy lnlv was two months old; find T (kill know whit 1 should have (lone nilhnnt it. My appetite wns gone. 1 w•ns wink ml s nervoufind (Worded bet erre "ft1e nourishment for the child. The Grape -Nils food, of which 1 soon grew tory fond, speedily set all ?hie rieht train, and the tinily grew healthful. rosy end benetifil es a mother could wish. ltd is two years old now awl cuts Grape -Nuts food hireelf. 1 wi•eli sere tired young mother knew of Ihr good that (:rape ruts would do her." Names ellen by l'ostum Co., lint - tie Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Protstct Your Property —WITIi— ��� DIAMOND r`=REi elcr GU A dry p•wdor put ay Is [fetal tnt,s•, Si tnciw Ions. 10 will instantly •atineui,h the most htr,ons flan,. of wood or oft. Prloe$300 arab. $3J W dos Write fur 4 euriptiw cirnular The Diamond Dry Powder Firs At EN T8 tzUn&wisher Co.. Toronto, Ont. WANTED i t*r' V c 90 WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT BEWARE GF SUBSTITUTES Benson -"My wife never gays 'I told you so' whin any of my pians go wrung." JOhnwn--"She must be a rennrhalrle woman!" Benson -- "No; she isn't so positive as all that. She just says, 'Didn't I say so?' " Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try It and bo convinced. "I trust you love your neighbor," ventured the visitor, "iiush!" wanted old !founder. "Our neigh- bor is a widow, and my wife aright hear a oil!" Awful Experience with Heart Dlseaee -Mr. L. J. I.nw, Toronto, Can., writes -"i wen so sorer troubled with heart disease that I was unable for 18 months to 11e down In hrd lest I smother. After taking one dope of Dr. Agnew's heart Cure. I retired and slept soundly. 1 used one bottle and the trouble has not returned." -99 A poet. says That a ha'iy is "a new wave on the ocean of life," It strikes us that "a fresh squall" would express the idea better. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blrtni:;hes from horses• blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringhono, sweeney, stints,. sprains, sore rind swollen throat• coughs, etc. Nave $50 by use of ono bottle. Warranted (h• most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. "Well," complained the cranky wo- man, "i never stet n nine so gird to "A1"1'i'.It YOU, Slit." please ns ray husband." "IIu•v A French piper tells the little quickly men change!" remarked Miele story of an old violinist who ossa- tilt'•."It was only a few y'crtts fief, sionnlly played with his tune servant he proposed to you." who hnd leen the best fiddler in ills ! •»�-.•-T netiV(• vilhige. '•11hy are you always one or two . When the liitlo folks teko colds bents behind mo')" (10111011(10(1 t1:0 and coughs, don't neglect them violinist, impatiently, 0110 duty, when and 10 them strain the tou cr no tappings of his foot or frowns i membranes of their lungs, had served to make the valet realize I Give them his fault. Ii�hil0h's "11111,monsieur,f, monsieur, it is that my old fiddle has the respect," said the man, meekly. Consumptio New rulav in the Ere n' h post -offices ��re The Lung "Sorters are forbid(1cn to read post- Tonic cords. and are requested to keep back It will etas thein giitckly and any on which are lusults or bud itren;thea their lungs. language." It ie pleesant to talce, Prices, 21c., fee., sad 61.00. .V6 "I hear thnt Itiiss is putting en - other large 8+1111 into a new navy." "Yee--Ihat'a h• r s.n'.ing fund!" ISSUE NO. 29-05.