HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-27, Page 5Cure a Cold in One DayroTo
Mk. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. On guess
tajym Moe mss sold le past 12 months. This signature, / ' !j box. 25c, A
Cedar Posts
A large conatus of Cedar Posts for
Sale of the best quality. Must be sold
at ante.
MaWe would be pleased to quote you
prices on any Building material
may require. We can supply
you with.
SAM and Door Frames
Lumber, Lath & Shingles
on shortest notice
I t
In tact we ate in a better position
'AA ever to supply our many custom -
with all they may require either
)m shop or yards.
Bee keepers supplies ready for
delivery. Tanks made to order
Wood for Sale
Call and see the wood we have for
axle. Just the kind you require for
Summer cooking.
The Ross -T utor
co. Ltd.
To Ftmers and
the Public in
As the spring is coming on
now gather up alt your old
truck such as Rags, Rubbers, +
\Tool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
of old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to
Main -St. Exeter. ;
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's
where you will get the high-
est cash price for them.
We are dealers in all kinds of farm-
ing implements and below we give a
partial list of what we have to stock.
Buggies from $OO up, Waggons
from up, ' Binders, Mowers,
Hay Tedders, Sulky Plows.
See Our hay Loaders and
Side Rake
We have several Washing Machines
and Wringers that we will bell cheap.
Incubators and Brooders.
A few secondhand Buggies and
Wagger to be sold cheap.
Largest Show Rooms, Exeter.
Roller Mills
Oristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill
H. Sweitzer
FOR SALE - Lot 8, Con. 3, I A -
11011C, 100 :teres. all under cul-
tivation, 2 well's. On the property
is a (tame house, good lank horn,
one frame barn. For further par-
ticulare apply to .les. i:A-s'ry, Exeter
1'. 1).
FOR SALE. -- 1 have Si acres in
,zrare looking not too bad which
will s'•11 on the ermine! not less
than tri acre lots and ui. %irds, any -
ape renCrinz such apply soon. i
also have .n quantity of brick in
building (o sell cheap, by the lump
or hundred. nice :s lerze quintet of
stone at the Lara to dispose of. Ap-
ply to itay 1'. O.. L. McTAGGART.
TB rJ BRE i o R TIMES, JULY 27th 190A.
A\'egc table Prcp;.rat ion for As -
silliildti1tg Vex Fe2.1and lieguta-
til; i:L 510:2.11 t3 and 13oweli of
Promotes Digestion,Cileerful-
ness and Ilest.Contains neither
Optulli,Morphine nor Hixu rai.
ad-SPI./Old .& S'VI M P raTt!
Jiw.nf,n Soa-
.41xJnnn •
R„I.u, .1,1., -
/sin ,l..i •
Alp, !Mini
/h rnaia at 101.4
Jhrrq err! -
lrsr/ud .
ittabynnn /la;ce
Aperfect i!erudy forConslipa-
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms ,Convulsions .Fcrerislt-
(Less and Loss or SLEET'.
Facsinule Signature of
For Infants and Childr
The Kind You H
Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Years
r as eerr,
ve,c oaerauw eer►ae . ear o
I f • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
versity. once and residenence. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
D. 8. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
eeth extracted without pain or
bad atter effects. Office In Fan -
eon's block. West side of Main
:rest '
D.A. ANDERSON, (D• D. 8. ID'S'
Honor Graduate of ti. Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental with honors AlPost•iS urr geone of
Chicago School o Prosthetic Dentistry a(with
acnorable mention.
Everything known to the Dented Profession
dope in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al.
laminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
bliss neatest manner possible. A perfectli
ttar:wee; anaesthetic need for painless extra0
Office one door south of Carling Fire's store
Exeter. Ont.
• We have unlimited private funds for Invest.
ent upon farm or village property at Lowes
ates of interest.
We haves andel vi11ag larJ's amount of private funds to
own on farm a p ropertles at lowratea
Cr interest.
Barrister Solicitors. 31aIn St, Exeter
Barristers Solicitors Notaries. Convalescent,
OommtseioneT,. Solicitors for the Molsona
Bank. late.
111. Alex McLeod. of Hayfield, ha.:
been apptiiiiItd principal of %tor;el,
I'ublic Sciet,ul.
Fire stunted in '1 lie 1,:4.eu,'-nl of
the \' ,iiiipez Ilan works un Juiy
21st. d'stroyiue the prop(•rte to the
extent et '15,Iltllt.
Women with pale co lorleas faces
who deet weak and discouraged, will
receive bosh mental and bodily vigor
by tuning Carter's Iron Pills, widen
are made for the blood, nerves and
Lord Itooerts, asked by the Canal -i
ian Press when he intended to zo no
Canada. replied that he was afraid
he would be utiebee to zo. but just
tit present he sans not quite certain
as to whether he would or acct.
The C. 1'. It. is ►n:tkine arrange-
ments i-ezardin z the annual 11:tTVCSI
excursions to the Northucst
provinces. It is stated tbat 30000
men will oe needed for this year's
harvest. The usual ratty will be
in force.
Palpitation of the heart. ner-
vousness, tremblings, nervous bead -
I ache, cold hands and feet, pain In the
t back and other forme of weakness
are relieved by Carter's Iron fills
made specially for the blood nerves
and complexion.
The first machine cutting of win-
ter wheat was ne;un on July 21-n
by George Itcatliershaw of the Jiaae-
eey-Ilarris Company on the farm
of F. Coleman, near Magrath, N. W.
T. The winter wheat harvest will
be in full swing next week through-
out the district.
Ovine to lite undesirability of a
possible interference° of the Chica-
go fair beinh held on the' same days
as the date of the Guelph Winter
Fair, previously fixed, the dates of
the latter have been chan;ed from
the 4th to 8th of December, to the
Ilth to 15th o fthat month.
The secretary of state has receiv-
ed a despatch announcin; that a
new seal for the Dominion of Can-
ada. beide at the royal mint. En z -
land, has been forwarded to Ottawa.
There is a190 published acopY of
the royal warrant. authorizing the
use in Canada of the new erten seal,
and directing that the old one be re-
turned to the Imperial authorities
to be defaced.
After winding up'tho affairs of the A very destructive wind and hall
Ffarriston Pork Packing Co. the di -
storm pa95cd over the county of E-
rectors find that they can return to 9.x 011 friday last causing damage,
the share -holders only five and one•i10 the extent of tens of thousands
filth per cent of their ori;incl int cur deltas. ire some sections the to -
vestment. Sacco w:ts stripped as with a knife,
Voters' List 1905
Notice es hereby elven thit I have
t ransmi(4ed or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section Ei.g11t in=s.
and Nino of "The Voters' List Act," A„ alarm has been :sono out of-
t he copies required by the Said SCC -
1.i011 its be so 1 rarsmit Led or deliver-
ed oll the lint made pursuant to said
Act, of all persons appearing by the
last revised Assessment Roll of the
said Municipality to he entitled to
vote in 1}1e said Municipality <et Elcc-
eions for meml:ere of the L('.ri'lativ:
Assembly and at Municipal. Elections
and that sciid list was first posted up
et my office, Maier st.. Exeter, on the
17th day of July, 1005, and remains
there for inspection. Electors are
called upon 10 examine the said list,
and if any omission or other error'
are found '1herein. to lake immediate
proceedings to have the said errorei
corrected according do law.
Dated this 17th day of July 1905.
Clerk of the soil 1lunicipality.
some of alto farmers not !mein five
Idollars start h of crop left. the moat
destruction was that part of Maid-
stone and Gosfielf North townships.
Windsor also experienced severe 'ons
1hrnuelt the blowing down of :mild -
Voters' List 1905
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitter) or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Sections Ei;hl
and Nine. of "The Voters' List Act."
the copies required by 'the said Sec-
tion Id be so transmitted or deliver
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. ed of •1 he list msdo pursuant to ani
Act, of all persona apponrine by th
OFFICE r -MAIN STREET, EXETER last revi.s •d A'sessmc►rI Poll of t]
1. 8. CARLING 8. A. LH. DIC11$01e said Municipality to he entitled t
vote in the said DDttnicipality at E'eo-
Tne Usborne and tllbbert Asses far. D1Ci of the l,ElectiI ns
Assembly and at Dlunicip:el F.lecti,e9
Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur- and that iced list was first [the d1 up s
at my office, at Whalen on the 1:, h
Q day of July. 190e. and rern dne (h •''
once Gom an for inepccl 100. Electors are called
upon do ex 'mine lite sail list, and if
any omission or other errors are
fretful 1 herein, 'to take immediate
proceedinee to have the eDid errors
corrected accordinz to law.
Dated 1his 17th day of July 111'15.
Clerk of the wild ltuerip'lity.
fcti r a reward for information re-
xireine Capttin Alex. Rattray, .i
pati .:t at the Sarnia Hospital. who
(Reappeared on' Wednesday last. The
miv'sir. ; Irian i+ 70 years of a.re, 'live
feel 10 inchen high, and wore no colt
or vest. Icinz ch.! only in 1 roue era,
shoes, nizht shirt and hat. Inc heti
$11 in money, and it was first eup-
posed he had taken a sudden whim
and zone 4r1 visit relatives. but later
inform -Ilion makes it practically cer-
tain that be has wandered into the
.roods end died of exhaustion or met
deet h in the river St. Clair. his
body has Airco cern recovered in the
St. Cl:sir riser near Corunna.
The appeal .1;. ivat I he County v Il- t rim, sccun') i •P1'0''• in 11''ri;._
11 it ion was to lave rec:tived : L'• :r- 1 ore 111.1 Art of T. "Anne; George
in_ before Jude:. Doyle hie: veto- 1.. I:utherfurd, Kirkton, first ctase
d ty. but at a conference betuton I:uwrs in Doctrine and Art of Teach -I
s'iartlen Miller, County Cou.:c.l'or, int, pass in Scripture J:trues Miro
U 'melon and Speck:wee :glee peeve l' irktou, pass in Doctrine and Art
Middleton it was decided that it be of 1'c•achine ; Mar,arc•t A. Cope -
left in abeyance until August 22nd. land, Kirkton, first clans honors in
L•t Ih^ tueantiwe a specie! mcetin8 of Doctrine and Scripture. second class
SL'• county, council is to oe called to honors in Art of Teaching ; Hugh
deal with the matter. If it tikes Birk. Kirkton, first class honors
tie rection then the appeal goes on in Doctrine and Art of Teachin;,
out the probabilities are that valu- , pass in Scripture; Miss Rachael 1,.
attire will, be appointed who will zo Kirk, Kirkton, first class honors in
over the whole county and so equally Doctrine and Art of Tcachinz, [5154
equdiz(• the assessment as to remove, in Scripture; Mrs. John Urquhart.
1 he just. cause of complaint. A low• 1 Kirkton, second class honors in
applications will doubtless crop up ! Doctrine and Art of Teachint, t„s:
fur 1h.' ' enalorship,, worth three in Scripture; :Mises Lizzie 1e reit-•,•t.
4101`-•e l 4 r Ihy :utd expense.'. Kirkton. first cla.:'l honor. n lee-
ee -
loins. and Art of Teachin:, .•etei i
THE 501 Peel.: or NEURALGIA c1as+ honors in Scripture;
it rums belie in hetet with poor' Ratcliffe. Anderson, first c'.,•.: hose
Wood and ss-t'nk a 'iv 11 eleth runs ors in Duct rib••, second el ,•- i •-,tors
du(e, n •t'vcs i r,t.,; 1 , two ra . in Scripture pass in Art of '1'each-
1ort u, tol'oit,. 1 +" .1. • etc 121 •itt itis; Alex. K. Ferguson. Kirkton,
applications Dray rubrics• - .tut to first class honors in all d'rpart-
thorouzhly cure. the seet.riu uui-. :.e ►ncuts: John Urquhart. Kirkton.
sirenzthened with nutritious bloo.I. second cjIss honors in Uocirine,pass
\Mutt can equal Fcrrozon^.I' It in- in Scripturo; \lis.; thrix-titt:1 1I.
creases the apprcttite, tunas abutt- Johnson. Carlow, first class honors
dance of rich, lite-zivine olood, sup- in Doctrine. second in Art of Peach-
plies nutriment and builditar mater- nee.
cal for worn-out nerves. 1'orrozone
completely cures neuralgia. Ever•, BUY IT NOV
root and branch of the disease it
Now .is the time to buy Chamber-
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It as certain to be need-
ed sooner or later and when that
time comes you will need it badly
HURON -you will need it quickly. Buy it
now. It may save life. For sate in
Exeter by W. S. Howey.
kill.5. Absolute success in every case.
Stop sufferirsz-fifty cents buys 1'er-
rozone. Fifty chocolate coated tab-
lets in t box at any drug store.
The Brussels Herald, owned by
Appleton' & Duncan, and managed
by J. W. Duncan, }las discontinued
publication. the cause being Lick of
\\'hen you want a pleasant laxa-
tive Iliad is easy to take and certain
bo net, use Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liven Tablets. For sale in Exe-
ter by W. S. Howey.
burin, the heavy thunder storm
on 'Thursday of last week, Mr. Thos.
Curtin, of Beechwood. had four hors-
es killed ny lizhtnine and another
trolly injured.
l'or any rano of norvotasness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
fills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine in 'rt)arket.
Jliss Katie Zimmer. of Hay, who
has been an inmate of lite County
House of Refuge 'almost since its
opening. died the other day. aged
40 years. She lues always been in
delicate health.
The Grand Trunk authorities ere
consieterine the advisability or the
erection of a new station house and
freight sheet in Clinton. The pro-
posed site for 'the new buildings is
tit the diatnond whore the L. 11.
and 11. and she Buffalo and Goder'ch
branch cross.
The other day as some of the C.
1'. It. cnzitteere were survcyine near
At1rill's, a bullet flew danzerously
near them, anti it was seen that the
shot had been fired by a boy from
a 22 calibre Title. This practise of
shootinz in -such a locality shout',
be stopped .
The avera.;a man does not save to
exceed ten per cent of his earnings.
Ice musts amend nine dollars in living
expenses for every dollar saved. That
being rho ease he cannot be too oare-
ful about unnecessary expenses. Very
often a few cents properly invested,
like buying Beetle for his garden, will
sive several dollars outlay later on
It is the came in buying Chamber-
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It costo but a few cents,
and a bottle of it in the house often
waves a doctor's bill of several dol-
lars. For sale in Exeter by W. 8.
11 owes.
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. 1'. O.
Vice -Pres.:- J. A. Noalttaj
WM. ROY, BORN I l OI.M 1'. O.
J. L. RUSSELL, RUBREi.n.\i.F: 1'.l).
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
,1OSEPIi \V 11 IT 1;
Licensed Auctioneer, Counties of
]'girth 'Middlesex, Huron, Ozford
end Town of St. Marys.
Charges moderate. Orders left at
his residence, Queen St., St. Marys,
sill be promptly attended to. Phone
at itis house.
$peciel attention given to live
stock sales. Orders left at The
Times will be promptly a:teuded to.
A7 undersigned has for sate on
Let 16, Con. 2, 111y, o number of
up-to-dete thoroughbred Shorthorn
bulls. They are of the low set
blocky type, dark red in color and of
choice breeding. They are nil etiz-
ible for registration. and will be Sold
reasonably. - John Elder, lten'sall
P. 0.
Nort li 13at tletord, Sask.
Seven years experience in Weeder')
Selected Lands for sale in block or
sinzle sections from $8 per .acro up.
These lands are Ci
t ont
1 in the
famous i4: ikatchewen \•relley, the
garden of 4lie Canade,en Northwest,
alonz either 1 he main line of the
Canadian Northern ila11wey or the
survey of elle Grand Trunk Pacific.
1. Twenty ytvi►s nzo D'iknt•i lands
sold foo! $3 an acre.
2. '1'o -day 11sey are tu•Ilin1 for *50
to *SO en acre.
:3. Three years azo Weetcrn Corm -
(lien lends (sole) for 43 an nere.
4. To -clay they are Benin; for $8
to $25 an :acre.
5. In I hrce years more lands will
a zain double in value.
6. Why invest your money at 5
per cent(
7. Don't wail settlers are rushing
in. Ituy a 'section or two now, then
you can afford to wait while it
troves into money.
Correspondence Invited
References -I 'Dion Bank of Canada,
\Winnipez, and Molsones Bank,
Exeter, Ont.
"to California and Lewis Cork Ex
position Portland Osco., At:;
ttst 291h to Sept. 24th. 1805.
$150.011 includint transportation,
mails in lininz car, gee -Ting c•er ac-
commodation on train and al Ho-
tels for above period. As party will
ne limited to 125, eer)y reservation
iv ncceseary.
For full particulars call on Gr•:enol
Tilink Agents, or address, F.. C. Bow-
ler, Room 308, Union Station, Tor-
onto .
Child not Expected to Live From
One hour to Another but Cured
by Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy
Roth, I he little daughter of E. N.
Dewey, of A;newville, Va., was ser-
iously ill of cholera Infantum last
summer. "We nava her up anti did
not expect her to live from one hour
to anot her," he say A. "I happened
to hink of ('hamherlain's Colic,
Cholera and Di.errhoea Remedy and
got a bottle of it from the store. in
five hours I sins a chan;° for the
bottcr. We kept on giving ,it and
before she heti taken the holt of
one small bottle: she wag well. This
remedy is for stele in Exeter by W.
8. Howey.
The fnl'ow-in1 i:( ,: list of 111', • in
lluron Presbytery who bave sut-
eessfully pas,Y,.•'1 th'• examination in
IL • Scrinture t,• • c 1.+•r
Dli14 Amy C. Elder, illylie fir -4
cies• hovers in :ill ci'p'rrtment' : W.
M. Leith. liirktnt', fir't cl'1:'- bo'I-
ors ire Doctrine, r••rond else•+
ors in in Scripture;%V. 1.. ]tatetif(e, Att-
der.ion, first el te: Lomore in ler-
'WARM FOtt SALE. - Mrs. Chas.
\\',.hharn, llit•inr decided to
rive up f.errninz, hereby offers for
sale either in °lock or in 50 acre
percent, the farm :tow occupied by
her, heifer comp( 1 of the south
Intl of Lot No. 7. in the 10th Con-
ces•inn end the east half of Lot No.
0 in the 11th Conceesinn, of 'the
Township of t'abornc. 1'oeeeesion
after harvest this years Darted this
30th thy of June, 1905. For terms
and particulars apply on the prem-
iser or to Dickson & Carlin z. Solici•
!a'+ for \'cndor, Exeter, Ont.
Ifyna, your friends or relatives suffer with
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such diseases to THE I.steta Co.,
lee King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All
druggistete11 or can obtain for you
SUMMER SCHOOL AT GRAND Pe-ru-na the RemedyThat
A summer school will no held at Cured.
Grand Bend I'ark this year. ceni-
mencinz July 31 and cont inuii1 to Miss Ella 021, 1127 Linden St., Indian -
August 6. The rneetines will belled('
under the auspices of the Epworth spoils, Ind.,writes:
Leagues and Sunday Schools of the "I suffered with run doss'n constitu-
Methodist churches of the Exeter tion for several months, and feared
district. Sessions will let held morn- that would have to give up my work
in; and evening of each day, the af- "On seeking the advice of a phys!-
ternoon being spent in recreation. den, he Prescribed a tonic. I found,
Speakers from Japan, China. Toron-
to, London and many other places
will take part. Special music will
be provided. Delegates front all ov-
er the district are expected to os.
present. The public is cordially in-
vited to all. seeeions.
Yes, and your strength too. Stop
Couehinz and got rid of that ca-
tarrh. The one remedy is "Cataerh-
°toile" which .goes to the (listen -eel
tissues along with air you breathe;
it can't fail to reach the source of
(tis trouble it's bound to reach the
;erns, and as for }matin; up the
sore places, nothinr can surpass Ca-
tarrhozonc. If you don't eget in-
stant relief and ultimate cure you
will nt least .;et back your money
for Catarrhozonc is guaranteed to
cure catarrh in any part of the syn- At once for Canada's GREATEST
tem. You run no risk - therefore NURSERIES" for the town of Ex -
use Catarrhozonc-:rt our expense if otter and surrounding oountey. whioh
not satisfied .
however, that it did me no good. On
seeking the advke of our druggist, he
asked, me to try Peruna. In a few
weeks I began to feel and act like a
different person. My appetite in-
creased, i did not have that worn-out
feeling, and I could sleep splendkt(y.
in a couple of months ► was entirely
recovered I thank you for what your
medicine bas done for me." ---Ella Off.
Write Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio,
for free medical advice. All corres-
pondence is hold strictly confidential.
Local Agents Wanted
The annual report of Ntr. R. Chris-
tie. Inspector of Lunatic and Idiot
asylums, has been issued. The re-
port shows an increase in persons
insane to fourteen insane persons to
every five thousand. In 1884 there
were eight insane persons] to every
5,000 of a population. The Inspect-
or says if there wag little or no
chanre in the raves, it tni,ht Le uA-
sumed that there was no rciiable
>videncc of increase, but the increaed
is so :reit that there is only one ways•
conclusion to he arrived at, ' What- STONE & \WELi.INGTON
ever be the cause, ins:unity i+ in- Fonthill Nurseries
creasinz more rapidly than itis pop- Over S,00 acres. Torouti. Ont.
will be reserved for the right roan
Start now at the best scllin; sea-
son, and handle our
on Liberal Terms
Write for particulars and send 25c.
for our h.Sndsomc aluminum Pocket
Microscope. (a little ,gem) useful io
Farmers in examining Seeds and
:rains. Orchardists in exeminine
Trees for insects. Gardine.rs in ex-
emininz Plants for insects. Teach-
ers and scholars in studying Botany
and everybody in a hundre different
air Riewer
Renews the hair makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just
what you need if your hair is faded orturning gray, for it always
restores the color. Stops falling► hair, also.n"-a'':t, "'t;'.,mIrt '
Canadian Nacional Exhibition
Tits 18188 OUaRLs 1:1A80 •
By permission of B1. Most Oracfous 11a• FAL1, or PonT ARTHUR
jest King Edward VIi, the band of the lie greatestyro military display eser
Irish t l'Ouards.His Majeetla favorite hotter- produced before tea Csnadtan people.
hold band and the finest military musical etenes In this most recent of the worlds
o,Aanfzatlon in the Empire, will give two mut appalling event will be vlvldl>.ger
ooncerte each and every day. %rayy•ed with real Janane•e and Russtan
ABT 57 0 TRrallURvri t•oldlerryy taking part. The fireworks ilia
in an eapeclally built. exlendve, fire play wliI be on a brilliant scale, earodiic-
proof ars gallery will be pre.enu.1 the irg new features of sa oriental (1 III ft( ler.
grandeet cellectlo n of art and art toes- 071118 Timms TO POCK.
urea ever got together en this 'cc nth'. nt. The Process Building. Fsmplee of all the
including loane from the sing, the ('or- industries and Rcaoucee of the Country
poretion. of trine City cf linden, thegrt at Thousands of horses, cattle, Sheep.
great English tniverailIee. the Republic swine. I'cwltry and Deg.. all Canadian
of France, South Ku,srrgtcn Moo! ow. ('erea:e and 5 inerals. go cd 1 rotting and
Lord 8tratbcora. the J.le•u. Gesclecr if recipe. a suherb Variety chow, the
Ontario and other di,tin¢ul'ted teel, a K'orloa latent Invention•.
and gentlemen, SPE,- 151. }.x. yr -limes.
Co1osA1ioN I•'nits.r: Special cheap railway and atetmFcat ex -
By special command e•f Ill,. Iselin, the content' have been a rt i>edF Enquire
King. Abbey. noted and historic eat eting of four nearest station or tick(rt agent for
will be en exhititlen during the 1111110 rete..
----W'. K. etrNAUGHT. Fel. prize Ltet. Entry Bladka J. 0,01M.
President. and information address Manager & Sec.
Entries tense: Liss `hock. ere , Avg. eh. Poultry and Doge. Aug. 19th.
••••••••••••••••N•••••••• 1••••+•••+•4.4••••••••4•••
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
RESERVE FUND • • • • 33.000'000.00
15 Branches in Ontario, (ember, Ale,erta. British Columbia and M tnitoba
Open every Lawful Day from in a. st. to 3 r. M. except 8aturder 10 A. W.10 11'. M.
Formers' Sole Note,* cashed or collected. Forma supplied
On appplicat ion. DRAFT); on alt point., in the Dominion, (Jr*(eBrltalo and Un.
Iced States. bought and .old at lowe+t rates of exchange,
Dopowttes of *1.00 ane upwards received. Interest coin -
pounded half earle7• and added to principal June
3(th and December 3Iit. .
posits Receipt," also issued and highest current rates of interest elloweri.
Advistncos made to fanners stock dealers and business nu•n nt
lowest rates and on most ta%orabie icrm.. Agents at Exeter for Dom. (Interment.
& Carling, F1°licit,ore, N. D. HURDON, Manager,
•4••44s►••••••••4•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••4•••••••••