HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-27, Page 441:8]1 EXETER TIMES, JULY27th 1905.
e Ilere!The Surrounding News
Pe have just what you tivant
our prices will surely satisfy
rug Store
Eyes Tested Free,
he Exeter Times
EsDAY ... .
DAY.... ...
FOB Jt LY 1905
2 A 16 23 30
3 10 17 24 31
4 11 18 25
5 12 14 26
6 13 20 27
Y 7 14 21 28
DAY 1 8 15 9..2 20
L'ItSJAY. JULY = th. 1905
my -two thousand anstwcr pa•
'lit ten by six thousand stu-
for non professional teachers
ula lion and scholarship ex -
ions, are nein; read this (week
Department of Education.
Candidite writes on about 12
is and for the task of ntark-
ese paper, about one hundred
vent} -live associaio examiners
in, senc rally, from the re-
f previous years, about half
► didates who try these exam -
are successful. Accordin3 to
.ort of the education depart -
.683 were candidates in 1901.
5 pasted. Three hundred and
appealed from the decision
xat►tiners, and the appeals of
hese were sustained .
t n ay possible,prooably about
15th. the names of the suc-
candidatws will be forward -
the t•xantininz Celltre':�.
Thomas Greenway, c•x-Prcut-
M•tnitoba. is said to be ndvo-
th:• claims of Mr. tiennath
zie as the successor of Sir
McMillan us Lieutenant -Gov -
of Manitoba. In some guar -
is said that Sir 1(unri Joly
iniere will 'zet another terra
h Columbia. Ito thinks the
should .z4 to a British Col-
ntectin•z of .the directorate of
derich Elevator and Transit
Id in Toronto on Wednesday
week. it was resolve:1 10 nsk
nder:s for rrebuildin z the cle-
at God:•rich, and, .should the
s come (within (the company's
cess to proceed %vitt' the tvark
ildina at. once. The insurance
burned elevator has been .,at-
rily %settled.
salary raid passed oy I'arli.t-
ind tho Senate, in the closin t
of t he .session -t he favorite
r such blunderin;-adds a'out
1 t annually to t he permanent
iture for Parliamentary out -
d judre`' salaries. 1Vhile a few
items are defenceaolt•. and
1 justifiable, the tnanner and
c,f skits raid are dcscrvitlr of all
evert. 1hinzs bin lid a')out
r to." How many Of these
could c 1rn $2.500 in a whole
\'t•ry few of thein, :Ind most
ut wcrn •1huntlantly pili at the
.500 rate.
ll. W. 1'. Delvers has rccover-
m his recent illness and is
I ! a fess week : tt it 11 friends
Milt on, C:rledoni't :tail I:r:In1-
ht• 11 ty crop has :111 been r 11.-
itt tit 1 44 h' wh"•e, It-►rye•+t is
in full se in r and promise. a
c•1(' ,1! heavy yield.
111x. in l Mr.. \\'tn. !leavers and
ter L10;I. or 1ll;inshard, spent
of 13st. week (with !leaver tiros.
Mrs. 8. Martis( end on, GHbert.
It. Marys, are visitinz Mr. awl
. i':tut M:id re.
oslag your hair? Coming
at by the combful ? And
slog nothing? No sense in
lett Why don't you use
yer's Hair Vigor and
lair Vigo
romptly stop the falling?
our hair will begin to grow,
o, end all dandruff will dis-
>pear. Could you reason -
Ny expect anything tetter?
'Amos Ralr Vigor 11 a great tve��tt wtttt
(Bali Vigor sto a ed tt out n,w mar halt It
Nett."-- W. C. .ouslt►ox. Lindsay. Cal.
• bottle. J. C. &TTI( Co .
for ....".61==6
hin Hair
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By O u r Correspondents.
-Mame: !toss Dou1.11, 111:• (tine
year old tion of 11r. \Vnt. McDcau,nl1,
of flay township very :;ucct•Msfulty
passed the cut ranee examination.
'We t hink this sip a record hard to
neat and it reflects much crddit up-
on his teacher, Miss A. 'eleGrczor, of
school suction No. 14, Ilay„ all of
whose pupil, who wrote were suc-
-Itev. 1)r. Medd,
McLhotliyt church, i.s
weeks holidays.
-Lars(' shipment s of tiles
iuz received fuir our drain.
- Quite a !arse number from lien-
s Ill anti vicinity tit tended the funeral
of the late John Ila {:an, of near hills
Green. wh ohad attained the good
old axe of 85 years. The funeral
sermon was preached in St. Peter's
church near Drysdale. on Sabbath
afternoon last.
-Miss 11. Sutherland is visitinz
friends in Forest and vicinity.
-Picnic parties to the lake are
now the order of the day.
- The fanners in this section are
pressed to secure i hes very heavy
crop of hay, t he marry showers 'Hok-
in, it extremely hard to save
-Miss Ella McPherson returned
this tvec•k from visitin; her sister
and friends in Denfield and other
-The Misses Thomson were in
E;mondville Burin; t he past week
visitinz their uncle and aunt Mr.
incl Mrs. Nicks.
-Mr. 1). Urquhart. returned home
last week from a pleasant visit with
relatives in Chatham.
-Mr. Georra McEwen and Mr.
Owen Geizer are busily enzazed in
securin; their larze crop of flax.
-Mr. Oliver Geiger, of the Molt'ons
(lank, Toronto, has oeen spending a
,seek or two holidays with his par -
tents and friends.
- 11► m.
Richard \Vri;ht, of Sea -
forth, formerly of Hensall, writ in
the villazc• last (week visitin;_ rel-
-Antons t hose who took advan-
taxe of the cheap excursion to Man-
itoba last week we have learned of
the follotvinz : ,1r. Ito.iert Drys-
dale, Mrs. Manns -and Miss Be:Izou:;h
all of whom have relatives in t ho
- Mist Marjory Hopper is in 'To-
ronto visiting her aunt Miss Dul-
mad;e .
- Miss Pedlar. of Toronto is vis-
it in 3 her brother, Mr. G. D. Arnold .
- Mrs. G .A. McMoran, accompan-
ied by het( eon, is here from Chicano
visiting her father. Mr. \Vm. Bell,
and a host of -relatives and friends.
- Mr. 1t. Bell, mann zer of the Sca-
forth foundry-, and (formerly of Ifen-
sall. was in it he villaze on (Sabbath
last .
-11rs. Fulton i:t in E;moudviNe
spendinz a week twit!( her dauaLter.
Mrs. Colbert.
-Our contractors a -re all busily
.maned and labor of all kinds is in
=ood demand .
_Nils,' McLaren, of Stanley, was
in the t•ill.aze ,on Tuesday visitinz
friends .
-Mr. Holbert McL:t rev's handsome
new brick dw•clLinz on ,t he London
road al Ilut outskirts, is now cnclom-
cd .and presents n very fine appear-
1[rm. Dignan, of Ext`tter, and her
niece. Miss Marshall, were in the
viaLaze last week renetwins acquain-
pastor of i i.e
spendin; a fetw
are he -
NAV L'A1t1t11s1t & TRACK. - Now it the
time to call and got prices on our Louden
Double Steel Truk, we hate on hand a few
Bound Track Care which we are offering at a
(wrap. these cars made in Oshawa and there
a large number lu use in this neighborhood. 1'.
1'. PAULIN. Hardware, Stoves, Leto.
-The Dashwood holler dill.; t(ot
its another car of Manitoba wheat.
The quality of the flour turned out
here, when Manitoba ttht•.it i. used,
can hardly be surpassed.
- Mr. John Fried, brother of Mrs,
Jacob Kellertn:tn, and family, of
London, are visit in.; }sere prior .o
an extended t rip to Europe. 11 r.
Fried expects to spend next %%inter
in Italy. 'fltey will ne ;tbro•s.1 for
about a year, after that Mr. I'rierl
intents locating in Toronto. Mr.
Fried is a former Dasltwootl ut y
and the aro {)leased to have hint visit
our villa se a:min.
-Mr. Orval Elutes, of 'the Sot•-
erc•itrr tank liar returned after t wo
weeks holidays. Mr. Powell, who lots
been relieving hero left for Exeter.
-The return match of. 'mase hall
het ween the Bachelors and Benedict 3
was played Friday evenin, Inst tvlti�h
a,aitt resulted In favor of the Itacit-
clors by ore'' run. \Ve do not with o
ment ion t h: (score else the public
mizl►t not believe .That it was base
hall that w:tt played.
Mr. Ed. Edizhoffer left fur his
home in Micl►ixan. lois toile will
continue her visit for a ..!tort time. +
- Miss Melinda Winkenwader. of
Chicano, is home on the 14th, on :1
visit for t ho balance of the summer.
Crediton base ball learn Will sive
our boys a 'crush here Wednesday,
.,:tine called at five o'clock.
-Dr. McLaughlin spent :t row
days in London last week.
- Mrs. Cann and her mother, nr.+.
Lindenfield. of Exeter, were visi 1 in z
Mrs. Cann's sister. Mrs. Chas. Ste•in-
ho,an, over Sunday.
-Mr. Harry Guenther has improv-
ed his home by the addition of :t new
-The weather continues favorable
for harvestinz. Thrombin; twilit be in
full swim by tho end of this week.
- Mr. Ezra Tiernan has purchased
the butcher business from Mr. Webb,
of Grand Bend.
- Mr. \V. Boyce visited friends in
town on Sunday.
-Miss May Andrews is visitin.(
friends in Mitchell this week .
-Misg Bella Rosa is the .nuc st of
Miss Stella Andrews this week.
- Miss Fernic Allin and Edna Baird
returned home to Parkhill a ftor
viiitinz friends in Crediton.
--Itev. J. \\r. Andrews and ..rot her
G. W. Andrews, of Centralist, (wens
to Cilnion Monday on busit:ess.
- The services at, Grand Bend last
Sunday were held by the Rev. J. W.
Andrews of this place. Service in
the morninz ut 10.45, and iu the
evenin z 6.30. Ilot It services were
well at tended by the people at that
place, Two very appropriate ser-
mons were delivered to the lan0
conxre,ations and were much appre-
ciated by all present.
- A very interest in t baste ball
match was pinye l here last Frid•ly
evcninz between the Credit on Stars
and the Indiaq'.
-Messrs. Beaver, Clark and Coon
have returned home after, spcndinz
a week at 1 he summer resort of
Grind Bend.
-Mr. Alex I)el_lislt and Mr. Fred
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray. Ilretter, of !'ark hill. called at t he
Owen Sound, aro rspendiner their va- p:Irsonaze one nizht- last (week.
ration with Mr. 'Murray's father. -Ort Sunday the services at the
- 1)r. ,'t. 13. Smillie, (second sort of Methodist church were conducted by
Mrs. It. Smillie, left this week for Melvin \Vhitinz of Parkhill.
London, Enzland, whero he will take
a post zraduato course •in t he Royal
Coi14.te of Physicians and 'urzeons.
-Fruit i9 a rood crop in 1 bit see-
-Our machine a :rent 14 pre all very
btlii a 1 1 lti t season.
-Mr. Georse Forest. of itruccfield
accompanied by his wife. WO .4 here
(bis (week t•i+itinz 11t• orother, Mr.
Cooper i'orrest.
A 11.\It III1UNE
often e tu.c•- 1 .,,o 1 devil of I rou-
itt. The ne.t cure it a prompt ap-
plication of Servility' which instant-
ly stops the pain. prevents ywcllinr,
retnnwt'a all 1►Lacknesq and discolora-
t;,'•. Nrrviiitte i3 antiscptiu - pre-
vents blood poitoninz. No liniment
so st rnnz, so pertetratinz, so swift
to destroy pain. You (piss n lot of
comfort by not usin; l'olson's Ner -
vilin''. l'nr nearly fifth years it 11 'A
been I lie standard family liniment of
-Nita: Goat, who has peen here
for some time is zoinz back to the
old count ry.
- tlry. E. Hamilton. and r+on, of
at':tfort h, and Mrs. ilrowninz. of New
York, ;tri• visitinz at Mr. T. M. 1lnat-
- Mia+ Whyte, of Stratford, 1' t ht
;neat of her cou!tin, Miss E. Dr tk'-.
-11r. 'Tont tm Hawkins, of Itt u• -
s: l.s, tt t+ catlinz on friend.: i.t t h,•
villaze this week.
-51i+4 Kitie Oliver i+ alin:bur :1
holiday with her relatives in the la � efts scan wired,
country. i -_- � _�_.I
--Mr.. W. Sitters-, of He;tforth, is
t•i'i1in; her (lats./Mee in the village.
-Hiss 8. Davis, of Toronto, i9 hnl-
Id ty ill'( at ltnlite.
--Mist Alice Hlarrzour, of l,ondse,
lt.ts come holm for t he holiday t.
-The prick work of Mr. 'r. 11.
Hamilton's store is finished. The
latter adds much to the improve-
ment of the villa ie,
- Ikrry Pickin; is the order of pretty sure to take rot.•
11.- Ilay.
' Hood's
''rh^ y. 1\'htot.on I ay and .In
Coal Oil e ► t� of
tinork�, of licn�,itl, are in fin -
tial difficulties. The works Have moo. Get ase
been shut down and about twenty
men are thrown out of employment. For tastkeemith of reesSieMe (sire.
A meet Inx of 'the creditors wa; heidi seed for SoakonScreeds. Ns, S.
in lfensill loaf week. C.1.Hood Ca. Lewd" Mem
-Mrs. Itich:ir•d Allem and ?1rs..T:Is.
McElrea left for a wet•k+ cutin! nt
Grant: Bend,
-Mr, and Mr \V. .1. Swallow. of
Iiinzsville, are visitinz the latter's.
Mother, Mrs. \\'inn.
-Mr. and NIrs .Sanlhrnok tntl
family. of Crediton, spent Sunda)
with friends in the villa ;c•.
-Mr. G. !liners, .tnit 11. Cooper, of
f•:lin►wi1Jt , have purchase• I a con-
Siznntent of :ixlc 'zrea't• fruit Ali.
Jas. Allen, Base Line.
- Mr. :Incl b(r•s. .Tas. !tont Iey left
on Tuesday for !'rand Vend where
they will s1t,•nra :1 couple week
campin z.
-Mrs. W. 1':. Doupe, of t'et.er-
borouzh, Slept Sunday it It her
friend, Miss N •itis( Swiltzer.
-\le•''.i. i1. Copel:lrt•), 'tV. \\'Ryon,
i'.. Mills, and 11i,- •m Leila 0
Dodd. and Ila Copeland +pt•nt
timidly at Grand (lend.
11 r. John Htewarl retttrr._•tl home
on Monday after spendinz a week
at (ie►ltt•tidl,.
-Mi.: Gribbe Mi1J•s spent pa ri of
lams wt -•k %% it MI 01 M:Ine-! Sawyer
of Kirktot!.
-Mr. iluz11 Kirk was unable to
lie on fluty 1omhy on aseott.tl of
t h^ '..,ver: ill i.^mit of cis Tiro, her, N1 U.
Joitn Kirk.
waw tttw i�aselvs ansae
Bedb,�, foot ek, impure
water, ars among its causes.
It is caned "the soil tor
tubercles," and where it it
allowed to remain tubercu-
or consimdptlost is
Thousands of Womeni
Sinus et Lydia E. Piikhae'e Vegetable
Csapsued Rats Upss the Fact that It
Maly Dees Make Sick Women Well
Thousand upon thousands of Cana-
dian women have been restored t0
health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound. 'fheir letters are on the
in Mrs. Pinkizatn's office, and prove this
statement to be a fact and not a mere
Overshadowing indeed is the success
of this great medicine, and compared
with it, all other medicines and treat-
ment for women are experiments.
Why has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
eegeetable Compottnd accomplished its wide-
spread results fur good?
Why has it lived and thrived. and
done its glorious work for a quarter of
oblatory 7
Simply and surely because of its ster-
ling worth. The reason no other med-
icine has even approached its sutral
is plainly and positively because there
is no other medicine in the world 60
'rood for women's ills.
The wonderful power of Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, o
tthe.diseaais _of womankind is not
(rause itis *stimulant -not because it
a palliative, but simply because.1
the moat wonderful tonic and
sttrt1ctor ever discovered to act ►
upon tbo uterine system, poailti
esus disease and displacements an
restoring health and vigor.
Marvelous cures are reported from
all parts of the country by women WhQ
Fare been cured, trained nurses WRQ
bne witnessfd cures, and phyr\ 1»
o have recognized the virtd6 ijt
L -d.ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
, and are fair enough VI
't where it is due. 1f physi
rt4.to• be frank and open, hun .
them would acknowledge that they
constantly prescribe Lydia E. Pin] -
ham's Vegetable Compound in severe
Canes of female ills, as they know by
experience that it will effect a cure.
Women who are troubled with painful
or irregular menstruation, backache,
bloating •(or flatulence), leueoreiusits,
falling, inflammation or ulcerati 'bt
the uterus, ovarian troubles, _ $
" bearing -down" feeling, di
faintness. indigestion. nervous
tration, or the blues, should
mediate action to ward off the
consequences and be restored to
andstrength by taking Lydia E..
halii:e.Vegetable Compound. An
write to moi. Pinkham, Lynn, am,
for advice. it's free and always help 1.
:t1 •
M r. Thos. Ke1Ly and (wife it ive
moved into the house lately vacated
by Mr. D. Stcinb:.�ll.
Mr. Sam. Itanni" has erected .t
mummer cot li .e for himself and fam-
ily at Levett'tt park, Grind fiend.
-Mr. Thos. Johnson is tuakinz
slow pro tress towards recovery (with
his broken arm. '1'he fracture is a
bats one and rn:Iny weeks will (;.las
before M r. Johnso•i w ill be abie t o
use it a zain .
-Mr. S. Bonnie has commenced
(work on t Ire addition he roiug lo
build to t Ile office occupied by , It.�
bank. The zround is being removed
for the cel ht r. When completed the
bank will bre much roomier.
-Mrs. Millar, of \Vinnipez, accom-
panied by her dauzhter find son-in-
law. spent a week with her dauzll-
ter, Mrs. Sy lv:inus Witmer, Goshen
Dr. G. Schoelliz and bride. of 1).•-
t roit, are visitin; at t he home of the
former's parents, M.r. and Mrs. Geo.
Schoelli z. Goshen line south, this
1.1r. Ed. Appel returned from h;s
visit to New liamburz on Monday
evcninr. While away he put in u
day in t rout fishing and succeeded
in catcltin z a number of t he speckled
-11r ..1. 1'. Rau has had a porch
erected in front of his hotel. 'this
improves the looks of the Commer-
cial hotel a ;real deal. Me.;r..
\Veaelolt and hochent had the emi-
t tact in hand.
-Mr. Chas ,iiartlein has cnz:I red
Mr. W. Jenninzs, of Parkhill, ;1+
harueaamaker, Mr. E. 'femplin in-
tends leavinz for t he state of Mis-
souri in :t fete il:iys where he ha,
securest :I more lucrative' po9itiott.
- \1 rs. A. Cole ha t zone to vett,'
:1 moist It wit h friends near chs t';1
11rs. W. !tiller, of Kincardine. 1► ho
has been tpendinz a few weeks. vis-
itin.!: him nephews aft:1 nieces. in Me-
tier', has returned home.
-Mr. 1.1,' invert Pasvutore and sis-
ter. Stella, visite(( • 1 heir brothty,
John, of Stratford on Stb,►ith last.
11 r. and 111rm. \\'tit. 1'yt,u+, of Chisel -
burst, spent Sabbath last wills their
uncle, Mr. W. 1'ybu+.
Mr. Robert McDonald, sr., :tit e
nasty tumble lust week. While lead -
:I COW MOIL; tt 1►e roil, ale, t►e-
evn►e• uttntana zeable and knocked hint
down. Ile teas asssisted home by a
pasainz team and at last reports tw•IM
prozressin r favorably.
-Mr. T. Cann i+ ;tole
1rivinz again :tlthnuzh
linos( are at i:1 i►:Iple-
-People around tl!i. W ly ,re•
nt a rly finivh• cl h syin r.
- M r. M. Thompson hr. 1 he foun-
d:rtion under hi 1 i►:,ill completed. one
t•ttd bt•it► t built of ;.•tuent inti!•I: s r
--!•'all tt h'+a l .i.t now to rdy tor
the hitt der a zain •in:l the harvest
10 ii' Mil
his Inwer
will moon no on.
-Tike farmers aro very r►u.+% h 1)
in t his (week and report t he rro;t
a zood one.
-Mr. Nelson 1i41.t'.•, sr., 1441 1,141
week to vigil (rien.Is and ,e1811%
in llichiztn.
-Mixoe% Tillie Duchtrine and ,\r-
melin^ i'apineau, left on 51111,!
tor Mei fort h. where (leer have •a•
ed a acootl position.
-Visa '1;try Partite ho h 1
been in llensall for , few moat1
II r t r''1 1e -nit: Montt .
MAO 1. lit 1•:
--.Hiss BBarrizan. of Luc In i'. spelt : -
inz part of her vacation as the itur
of Mitts .Toy'j.1tinr' (:titin of ff.'
-Mrs. J. Conry ;Ind dau;hter, of
London are 5toppin t for some time
twill' Mrs. Art. Cook.
-Hiss li. '.Icllllt tr;ey, of Elsie -
field, is s&endin; ii few day. :,s t Its
;uest of 5Ii s J. Glavin.
-It is our painful duty to record
the death of Mrs. \%'tn. Fenton, Sr.,
which occurred et her home on the
four( h concession i)( McGillivray- on
Tuesday, July 18t h. Skits wad one of
t he oldest resider' tt • of t he neighbor-
hood, havin r set t led in t hese parts in
t he early pioneer days. She tt:t.-t ont-
of the kindesti of women, lowed and
esteemed 1►y all (who knew her. Al-
t Fount not seriously ill, yet dell It
tt• IS not unexpected. a., she It 1:1
reached the ripe old a re of ci.;ltt y -
six years. She leaves to mourn her
loss, three dau;}iters and one son,
namely : 1lrs. Jars. Garter, London ;
Mrs. 'Phos. Minting, Ilrinsley ;
'tVtt►. Horner, London, rind 11r. Wm.
Fenton, of this place. Her remain
were interred au Eoenezc►r cemetery.
-11r. John Cot,lei;it, a well kt:u•.t n
resident of Cl:utdel,oye pati -tet ;t way
at Victoria hospital, London, oft
Thursday last in his 61st year. De-
ceased went to London t:otne few
weeks :t :o on business and was sud-
denly taken ill, end removed to t It •
hospital. His condition was critic:11
front t he first and lie never rallied.
-On Finley last while \I r. Fred
Kenna ma n was at (work a (1 he Stan-
ley block he had 11►e misfortune to
;Tet struck by a plank that fell from
the top of t he building. and st ruck
hint upon the left shoulder. 11t'
Was taken to :t physician :►t once
when it way found t hat a bone was
broken. This was placei in posit ion
and he is not(• zet till!. slots; wc•11
:t11l10u,it his shoulder i►ainad mu -21,
and was very sore for a few day's.
-,11.. Joseph Hepburn and 1.1k-
ll:lzel. of Toronto, who have leen
visiting at their uncle's, Mr. John
Hepburn, returned to their home,
accompanied uy their cousin. Mie
Mary. Iiepburn.
-Miss Lillian Salton, of London.
is the zuest of her sister, Mrs. E.
Col will.
-11r. Will Inzram, of Toronto,
who has 'oeertt vi.sitin3 his cousin, Mr.
Georze llepourn, returned home on
11r. Percy Simpson visited friends
in Lunn on Sunday.
-11r. William Waft: mitt Mis- Gert-
rude Dunn. of Toledo, are visitin;
at Mr. Richard llandford'a.
-Mr. Herb Ford, of Exeter, was
the zucst of Miss Cora Windsor on
Bears tete The Kind You Have Ale 's Bought
of •‘44 -el
A Famous School
STRATr ORD. 1...:'r.
♦ This is the most z.uccessful Com •
mercial and Shorthand school in •
Western Ontario, The courses
are up-to-date and practical and
teaching is done by experienced
instructors During the past
school year we have had many •
more applications froth leading •
• business houses than we had
students graduating. Write for
our Free Catalogue.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.}
jolld i?Qbbei
Air Ani/op
Mew, ,;' Corriape
,genuine _ /ire ..
Make a carriage more
comfortable to ride in.
Worth their cost in the
wear and tear they
save. Lasts as long as
Iron rims on all ordin-
ary roads.
Dunlop Tire Co.
VAN.Ot.', tR
N,►\ T R,AI
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••1
New Dinner Sets
London Crockery Co
No table is well set or
is thelouse wif sed
without a nice Dinner Set
and your wife will thank
you to get her one of our
nice new sets.
Eureka Dinner Sets
97 Pieces,
Price $6.00
These sets are of good quality, septi -Porcelains, glass glazed and
Ihest prints, is Al colors of !'ink, Peacock Blue, and Claret Brown
iMaltese Dinner Set, 97 pieces, for $9.00
1 These sets are the famous Maltese Patterns, full gold line and traced
covers, best glazing and best prints, colors Pinks,Greens and 1'. Blue
Emerald Green Repten,97 pcs, for $9.00
This set is sold by the piece or by the set, is a delightful pattern
and prettily colored.
Ophir Illuminated Gold 98 Pieces, Price $io
This set is a genuine bargain has 3 platters and salad set extra
heavy gilding and one of the best patterns yet cut.
W. 963 Gold Line and Spray Decorations
97 Pieces, Price $12.00
Sold by the piece or set, always in stock and a pretty spray pattern
decorated in Pink and Green, small flowers, very choice, at tt small
♦ Alt lines of Crockery, Glassware, China, Lamps, Etc.
169 Dundas street, London.
WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of
•• $10.00 or over.
♦ •♦•••••••♦♦♦♦♦•N•NN• ♦•4•4•••NNN4s•NN••••••
•••♦♦•N••N••NN•••NN•N••••NN••MNN♦•♦•••N 4
London Crockery Co.
TIIE grate of a range will get out of repair. If you
let ashes accumulate in the pan until they come
near the grate you are sure to burn it out or (warp it.
On account of the construction of ordinary ranges, re-
pairing a grate meats taking out the tire bricks and
practically taking the fire -box to pieces. It is the
work of a stove expect.
The Imperial Oxford Range has a patented draw -
out duplex grate. by this construction the grate and
frame is readily drawn out ova. the ash -pan without
even disturbing the linings. Repairs are thus easily
effected even by one without experience.
The life of the fire -box linings is thus prolonged, as
they do not require to be moved to repair the grate.
Imperial Oxford Range
This is only one of the exclusive
points of the Imperial Oxford Range
which make it last long and reduce the
necessity and expense of repairs.
Though the baking and roasting quali-
ties of the oven are the most vitally
important features of the Imperial
Oxford Range, we have forgotten
nothing that will make it last long and
add to the ease of its operation.
Write for some of our booklets and the
attune of the nearest deaicrwho can show
you an Imperial Oxford Range. 19
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited
TORONTO, IIOt4TREAr, twtttNi?EG, YANC.,twelt
For sale by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter.
Canada's Finest 1 Flour Peed
and Grocery
We have opened an up-to-
date Flour, Feed and Grocery
store at Trevethick's old stand
and we solicit a share of your
patronage when we will prove
to you that our prices are
right and our goods of the
best quality.
We make a ipecialt y of Teas
If you contemplate buying 40c Teas sold at 25c
call and se(' us. No troubleVVe have also a large stock.
to silow goods. of Potatoeson hand. Pro-
duce taken in exchange.
For June we are offering soec-
ial bargains in Pianos. We hand-
le the finest goods Canada pro-
duces and at moderate prices and
easy terms.
A few second hand Pianos and
Organs at bargain prices, Also
Sewing Machines on your own
DON'T let that little htby or 1•nnr
diddle!' play or creep on the carpet
t+ith their little fact•+ a In.e to the
floor. t':►rpet-t aro receptac1e4 for
all u)lnrner of
Many a healthy child has been taken
ill on t►ce'oitt t of brellhln in the inn•
puriti.•t from the CA1pet. Keep your
rates rind carpet.; putitled br wing
Od t, It ee Non-polson'us
Absolutely destroys,'erms
Removes nil dirt
Restores colon like now
Renews the slain,'
All in fess. tl:nntent+ for fovt•centa
nod a . IAA can do it with
The Hufiman as Teeter Ow
3 0'rr I:"t" 1sr.
" Z.auf(r Your Howe'
"Pictorial Perfection"'
Conceded to well dr'erte its popular
title. "the most beautiful magatinc in the-
From It t, 71 fine pictures each month.
mann .'f then! on ,,tl it, and all of them fut
Portraits of Celebrities
Reproductions of Scene.
and Incidents
The trey perfccti^-1 of fine 1.h•tt•tgr,..
repro,Inetion. Boum! with s•tic
harmoni:e with the color scheme of ti:e
The Oalr Neda:ine of the
Mad la lbs World s- •.-
Su! ecriltti, n i•ri e. S. ► t y•, • Mels,;
the SI'E(.i,\L 1 iUtls(MAS '
Lip-:• xv,r,,•.sr.Ayr t . • •y>
Burr Pub. Co., 4 West 22d St.. New Teti
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