Exeter Times, 1905-07-27, Page 3CLOVER AND PEAS. THE WORLD'S MARKETS' Ft•c•drrs, sh°``-keep •8.a5 4.251 D0�11NJON PARLIAMENT Ito., medium 8.40 3. e 3 11118811\1 N1P3 WEI1F IlifiE' Encouraging Rel►ort Front Nor- '-' 1 1)0., light 8.00 3.I�J thorn Ontario. REPORTS` FROM TIT?. T ADINO 1 Stockers, choice 8.00 :3.;►U NOTES OF PR▪ OCEEDINGS IN TRADE CENTBS. I)o.. common ... 2.23 2.Z5 THE HOUSE OF CUA111tUhi3. A Toronto despatch says: -]'rotes- __ Du., bulla 2.00 2. tt► _ _. ser C. A. 'Levitz, of the Agricultural prices of Cattle Grain, Cheese, Export ewes, per cwt3.7:+ t.t1t► SESSIONAL INDEMNITY. College, (buelj,h, returned on Wed- 1po., bucks 3.00 :3.'25 ,. and Other iiry Produce Government resolutions were intro- . } of• n$;da front the '1'e►uiskuuain ► roan- Cull sheep, per cwt. 2.,,U B.:,U E tl'a01'C�311a1▪ ' Report RQ•�St` ehS�1� on `try u d tuu(lr his rcl,urt to the lite at :Iowa and At�roaa. I.rtttutbs, cwt. 6.00 0.J0 nes- (lured 1,54pro. to i,2.r a0 increase of Y/ f Y 1rhrUent A tie iIture . cwt. 3.50 5.50 trout $ l ,.,e,U to v2..,t►0 in th© e.es- fi 'Toronto, July 25. -Wheat -No. o. 2 Calves. ` Immense crops of clover and Fess white and red 11'i,iter ;ere quoted at I)o., each 2.00 10.00 atonal iaclen:nity of Senators and t► 1ava1 ' un ♦ } j tore to be found in �ho re lie c•t . 'Piero) tau to 9::c at outside points. \lane- f logs, sett es, per cwt. 6.35 0.95 members of Parliament; an increase the +�cLLhle, two crops flourish them beret_`• than tuba wheat steady; No. 1 Northern Po., li►;ht:i, per cwt. 6.10 623:210(51 3.10 to $12,00J in the Premier's salut'y; in any other part of Unt�ariu, and elu.►torp! int 81.13 to $1.1:1 at Geer- Do., tats, per cwt(1.10 0.10 an allowance of ceder of I►er year for the probability is that gradually un' blue Bay ports; No. 2 Northern at the rccaonitel leader the Opposd- llaTVE . , csxtensitc• business: wilt in tar • ♦-" tion: a re tirteg allowance for ex- J10Jh:S1 I•.NSKY S REPORT. what i.; generally known of the shat- grow$1.00 to $1.10, and No. .3 Nurth►•tn `trim`; enol s:atterinl; of hit, `loot. llc , production of clover scx•d and Secd ut Ole. TEERIBLL' 3.:{YEiUENCE. Cabinet "ilii :t. rs, and an increase A de s, atcil from Paris s U't�: Ac- peas. Yotatue s; alto grow well. As Oats -No. 2 while c noted outside --- i1t tho `;colo of judicial salaries. 'l'he describes the attempt to blow up the 1 cording to the St. 1'$tery!�ure cot'- Orelafter she had stu•reudercxl• Ile for Use `;ruin, the order s�Y•m to be at 4:3 to 44c west, and •l:,c east. English Visitors Escape Gritti itti'reaee int, the sessional indemnity is rose orrtlent of La Liberte. A.dmirul barley, outs; and ``heat. The spring Barley -No, 2 quoted at 47c mien- Death in a Miae. to take e:iect the present year. `, `Says tl:at a party of eueiucerr, anti good rains Q leu:esltvuesky, in hes report on the was very dry. The first ell( freights; No. 2extra at 45e, and A t.seat.h ion:; De,tter, Col.. says: '1'O GET' $20 PER DAY. Battle of the Sea of Japan. which y oung o3ictrs were s,urpristcl by thy' canto only about t t: u week ago. • , Japanese lull as they were I by t� F No, s ut 1Jc middle trril,hls' To face death by drowning in the icy In each session the indemnity will 4 re°salted in the practical annihilation - handed two hundred and forty -live persons fees -No. 8 are quoted nt 72 to lire the ship's meg-wino. A at111ggle+ handed in "alit' 1"1111" as I,,entbe•rs waters uta ft 11 •n 1,000 feet under bo at the rate of $20 a rl.ty up to a. of air., fleet, says that his ships Hero 1 teed. If the l)r$1's crew had :yap- 1. 73c outside, and ulillint, peas at. 73c, `;round, to ft.e1 a narrow strip of sittine that runs beyond thirty days. felo c+f the new farmers' s Institute. which tea bad. lhcsy had been not only hastily. ported their officers the conc,,piracy. , for the Corn -'he market for Canadian is `;round affording; temporary safety When the session exceeds thirty days but dishonestly, built.. Tho thecs1 c • it is proposed to ergaiiiefirm at 54 to 55c, Chatham. Amer- cruutt,lin • awaythe indemnity will bo $2,300 de - of thtiir armor dict not *tierce with would have succeeded. but none u• ! distt•ic•t • ici;n No. 2 yellow, (i1 is and No. J inch by inch into tau a `nen stirred. The Admiral con -„black waters, hipping at their feet, duction will bo made of $15 for tho o:iicial figures in the cosec of any the The provincial railroad is doing a t•clluty, tile, lake and rail, loonierSenator or 'umber of the vessels. Iiforeo•:er it was of !iritis the rerorts already published. rushingbusiness. 'l'ratlic is heavy.Het-Pricesto eco their only hope of rescue Just every day that a nominal at 60c outsidesthe misses. Instead of exitio al - that he relied on the fog to enable ! 'Tho wonderful mining development atan inch above their outstretchedb interior quality. this shells were t t, I for No. hands, and finally, to bo saved after lowitncee of 20 cents a mile for tray- hands. Two-thirds of therm did not him to get through th' straits, but Cobalt in the line seems to be at- Flour -Ninety per cent, patents aro , say's} it lifted two hours too soon. tree:ling a large number of i)ruspec- quoted at $4.15 to $°1.25 in buyers hope, was gone, wee the experience of ite1/1bParliament t;tly 10 representatives ar.v will Pay explod$. Nunn of the Alpe was able tors and speculators. Prof. Z-avitz sacks, east or west; straight rollers Howard Wyndham and his compare- "teal` actual moving oe irallse to carry the u•Veesary coal. Kuno �•• NS `1,f1N.1` 'I'O GO II!711If:, seems to think that the prospects in of special brands for domestic trade. ion, Sir George Berkley. of London, ` of them at tabled the guaranteed RUSSIANS tau 't'eutiskaluing; country are very in Sala., $4.;i0 to 81.6:,. Manitoba iH the Moheean mine, in Victor, last tion expenses between their I►lace:, of speed. The engines and boilers wore Tho St. Peters'►urg correeponitent bright, end that tau advantages of hour, unchan(;$ci. Nu. 1 patents, Friday, residence and Ottawa, `;eine; and poor vie! always required repairs. of the London Standard claims to the district have not been over -esti- $5.20 to $ 5.40; No. 2 patents. $5 The visitors went to Victor to in- corning once each sway. Two-thirds of the cretwv, in:lading; have good information that although nutted.$5.20;( s Aleuthers may draw tip to $15 a Res - thin• of Vice -Admiral \i�ebo•ratu�T's • , reinforced to Strung bakers'. $1.JU to 1 act the 3luhtgan nein and were i Gen. L1ne(itch h;ts, been +__ $5 ort truck, 'Tutonlo• twine lowered in the albeit when they day du,adjng the proghe of the ants `squadron, were incegann, The gun- and his army Is well provisioned and ( They :ion adjusting t.hcir accounts I I USFL CHLOROFORM. Jllillfeed-At. outside points bran is sate twitter below them. 1 hey jerked ' tiers `weer ignorant of the clementary well clod, the spirit of the troops has r ., Monthly. 'Tito balance of their quoted at . 11.50 to 812. and shorts the bell rope to signal the engineer ]gee's of tiring. A rnuiin;, oecurre'J (10(01 ori;ted. 'lltey do not sharce; at $17.50 to $1$. 'Manitoba bran, and leo=ccs it, The cage continued money shall not be paid over till fo:rrtrrn while the fleet was at ytadnbascar, the faith of their commander in fel- Trick of Montreal Burglars Suc-< pe swottion, 'Members claims must and men were executed. Ad-cessful. in sacks, $17. and shorts at $1J. downward, and when the water was Lure victory and since they became up to their chins they jumped for a b° ts'0''n to before tho�etec0untunt. npirsl 1{u:estvenshy had to train aware that peace is being discussed r HIGH PAY FOR EX-3IINL'sTI:IOS, 1; I • . tart arc ion, in to n t A Montreal despatch says: -Chloro- COUN PRY I RODLCE. ledge and reached it. tan: on `etre of his sell ty the Ad- g urn to their } The engineer, puzzled by rho one Ever" Cabinet Minister who has infra) Seniatin and Admiral Aprax- hones• Some observers believe they form has been degraded to the rank Apples -Choice stock, u int, to restore order. The erett•s� hadcooking$5 per Llh . tell he had heard before the rope served live consecutive years as head wool:! rater another battle rc•1m;+;int- � of it burglars accessory in this city, apples, $L to $LS0 per bbl. decided secretly to s..rrender to the and the police are looking for two , $1.65 ``role, began hoisting slowly, and tho of one of the departments will, upon ' ly• Many already utilire ewery uc- r , Beans -Prime beans sell at 5cage left them. 'T'hen they discover- retirement, be entitled to an annuity men who used it `walla eliding, the .to $1.70 I la enemy. 1'hT; was cldr mut in too cq.,iou to run. and hand-picked at $ 1.%:5' ed that the clay ledge they were equal to one-half the salary of the lair. 'i here Was another mutiny in sleeping apartments of Mrs. E. La- hops -Choice lots quoted at 24stan, VIce-Admiral Niebonutotf's squadron, 1NVh..S'1`1LE\T'r Ole' FOiI"1'IZ1 �:S. branctie s residence on (.sty ]lull to 27e. llartlin_� on was breaking clown. position. Where an ex -Minister be - avenue early on Wednesday morning.. Runty -!'rices firm at , . to 8c Thinly in tinx, to save them, the cage comes entitled to salary by virtue of melt` Formosa (slam[, and Admiral A despatch from Russian ]Tette"- About 3 o'clock Mrs. Labranche's _ j was lowered again and stopped It- Ilo est t er.skp+ gpped a public office or as leader of the O venting y had difficulty In Pref quarters at the Front,say-s: TheiJa- daughter Aline awoke, and, hearing Iper Ib.en.C1tnb honey, 1,,;, to $•t `where they could teach it, and they I'ose;itiun, the amount of the above eipi st t elle 1Ti1(1 (ll r.9 from Rei11n� , , , • • , , I , ,�. . • the `raterpa1K�e a(1V1II,ce from Corea is taking, a 11015( in the house, (lt1(cl out to Ila • Car lots of No. 1 timothy u;'rc hoisfta to safety annu1NCII shall be INCREASES therefrom. It part u[ the s�fuastrc,n. Aci- ask who was moving about. A y The shaft had filled to a depth of lh( RL.ASi.S t•OI. JUDGES. on a nu►rn, energetic character, lent" arc quoted at $8 to $8.50 on track mire! l,o'csitvens:y saw front the 1 i9 being pushed toward Meagan. hand was instantly placed over her here, and No. 2 at $6.50 to 87. thirty feet or more from seepage. The sixteen other puisne judges of outset of the battle that. the Admit.- , and itnsag;atwa, The Japanese seem mouth and a handkerchief, saturates! , al hen'min ane! Admiral Apraxtne Straw -Car lots quoted at 1:G on ♦ the Superior Court whose salaries to have received reinforcements front with chloroform, was held over her track 'I'utanto. CAMP now range` from $3,000 to $1,000 are were not 1:g;htlrtt;, and were ignoring Field -Marshal Oyama's main army face ant ii she became unconscious. , FIRES PROHIBITED ' order;. They only fired when he : Potatoes -New arc goatee" in bbl:. • advanced to $:,,UOU. As the Chief in front o. (•en. 1-inewitch. A haul- The intruders also chloroformed bars. at $2,25 jo $2.3O, :1101 at 80 to 90c Justice of the Superior Court resides s;ant torpedo boats to them and ing of Japanese near Vladivostock Labranche's young son, who was; per bushel. 411/4 threatened to sink them unless they' asleep i Cannot be Started on Islands of at Quebec, the judge residing at obeyed. woetid trot. be s+rrprising, and the in a hammock. Mrs. Ln- 1'.,ultry-Chickens, 12 to 13c per Lake Temagacnti. Mouton() who acts es Chlef Justice operations appear to be contents`- blanche was sleeping in another Ib.; turkeys, dry picked, 12 to 13c. at the latter will receive $1,000 ALI, ORDERS IGNORED• ing in that direction. room.• and did not hear tho robbers A 'Toronto despatch says: The ,ire ' ►•The Japanese ads nitre In tan I s- until they were about to depart. She rangers: of the Lake '1'ernn:aTi `lis. extra• and rico v,� makes when the Chief If Admire' IOojestyens..y had of not r ,' T raised an alarm, but they succeeded THE DAIRY MARKETS. Justice proper his home In been `wounded at the beginning the land o. Saghalien has reached Nadi -tele` havint, reported danger arisittt, , ,. in •e,tlin * etre The Montreal. The salaries of the Court battle the result might have been miroys:ka. The Japnn.se artillery in- !, !. Y police `etre Butter -Pound rolls aro jobbing at trail the camper`; ttho are corning in of Appeal and the High ('our` aro chides 40 machine guns. called in. and a search of the boos`. 16 to 17e; medium` grades of largo on the new railroad, the provincial increased by$..,00(1 for each judge. ilillerent. Almost simultaneously ^ was made immediately. The burglars rolls, 13 to 1:"ic; tubs, (;Duel to choice, director of colonization has issued in- This gives the Chief Justices of the with his rcmos al to a torpedo boat, Jou! evidently escaped by means of ., , . 20structions oloniza the nr ossa` Admiral Enquist dieappeared. Admit•- TO ESTABLISH .1AP ALLIANCE:. 15 to 16c; creamily prints sell atb Y several divisions $8,000 each and the unu of the open windows. It gas to 21e, and !t<,lids at lU to 194c. precautions, and ordered that the al Iso, irersahm was killed, and Ad- , r pulse° judges 66,000 each. A despatch from 1 aria says: The found that they had secured $45 and Eggs -Ordinary stock 1(;iy to 17c campers cannot. light, fires amu!)g the nliral N el ng;atoff, `vise Wass 001)91)11- St. Petersburg correspondent of the a gold `watch, as well ns a number ' i g ADVANCES IN QUEBEC. and fresh gathered, 1, S to 18c per tall timbers on the large islands. lar w i,h the s.•tilors(, was obliged to Matin says that M. de Witte corn- of article :s of nlinor value. The dozen. Splits, 19 c, In Quebec the Chief .Justice of the take command. Then the rout be- skiers he will succeed in concluding young woman and young man soon ('hooses -tiro eltoose aro quoted at ♦ Superior Court receive increases of gam. Admiral Nieho-gntgti's orders pager. 1►acantse he has received ill- t't•coyc•red- 101 to 102e per Ib. the latter for GLANDERS IN ERIN. $2,000, that will give them $8,000 were igt.ortd. It twits everyone. for structions to pass over certain dlJli ♦ twins. each. The five puisne judges of the himself. The c`o`ws of sprue of the King's Bench Court aro advanced c•nitic even that of an indemnity, it Seven Animals Are Destroyed and g sliii►sc threatened to kill their officers , FIFE CAN LOOT POCKETS. ► from 55,000 to $7,000. The seven - he sha.l prove able to establish - a11OG PRODUCTS. Others are Affected. unless they eel-rendered'Itussu •liapanese a�Tiance firmly.teen puisne judges of tho Superior Admire! 1{odes;tvensky confirms Kansas Judge Finds Custom 0An• Macon, long clear• sells at 10.4 to A Guelpti despatch say's' What up- Court resident at Montreal, Quebec, clout and Honorable." tole tier 11t. in rase lets; IlleSS pork pears to be glanders is working and Terrebone will be pais! $7,000 at 515.25 to $15.50; short cut, $19,- havoc among the horses in the Town- instead of 85,000. 75 to 520. r ship of Erin. Seven animals have In Nova Scotia the Chief Justice Cured ntents-dams, light to me- had to Le destroyed, and a great will receive $7,000, instead of 55,- diuiji, 18 to 13Se; do heavy, 124c; many others are thought to be af- 000. Ilis fivo colleagues in the Su - rolls, 104 to 10;e: shoulders, 9* to fected with the disease. Ur. Hobbs, preme Court Will receive 5(3.000, in - 10c; backs, 141 to 151c; breakfast provincial veterinary sutgeon, is con- stead of $4,000. Similar increases bacon, 13cducting all intcstlg;atiou, are yeted to the Supremo Court of Lard -Tierces, 94 to 9Sc; tubs, 9 New Brunswick. In Prince Edward to 10c; pails, 10 to 101c. + island the Chief .1 ustice will receive GREAT FIND or COAL. 56,000, insto1-.11 of 54,000. The two AT 31O\TRL'AL. assistants will receive 55.200, int= North End of Broughton Seam at Strad of 53,200. In Nova Scotia and Lingan Buy. New Brunswick the divorce judge will A drsT etch from Glace Bay, N. ti„ receive 5500 extra. In Manitoba, Oho says;: One of the greatest. coal dist- North-West and British Columbia • the Supreme court. .Judges reneive 0010)1ee r•.-er made in Canada took corresponding increases with those in Ware c,n Wedncs►aay, when tan north the East -that is to say, $2,000 all end of the "Broughton seam `was found round. at the heal of Lingan flay by Deputy \linin; inspector Net ill•'. The centre Ontario bran, in bulk, $14.50 to of the Broughton seam is now being to $15; shorts, *19 to $_O; Manito- ewer , 11 by an English company, at prc►vi(',• : by constitutional usage. -- ha bran in bags, $15.50 to $1(3; ,tat h gel of tvhic•lrl is Horace Mayhew, Ilio i•:xcet)ency arritid at. the T'ar- EProposal to Government to Bring BOYCOTT AMERICAN GOODS sorts, $IU. Hay -No. 1.• $U to gU.- and beck of `which ie strong English iter t Buildings promptly at i3 Out One Thousar-d. ., per ton on track No. 2. $i.50 to ` b 1 i' Y ' carnal. 'flee seam is at leas:( e+igh- e cloc•i;. lie was accompanied by thin an Ottawa despatch say's: -Mr. A. Gttiic's of Chinese Provinces Will $8. ('lover -$(3.50; do., mixed, 86.- teen miles` long, and greater than the Enforce It. 75 to $7.25. Oats; -No. .. I'.L.T).(i. unite` Lieut. C. .1. B brit"•' i). Prorate!, ex-M.C. for the Black -494 to t'h gr areal, heretofore considered 50e per bushel • :\ o. :i 491 to 49c, At the entrance to the Parliament talars Division of Glasgow who is well A tit`s;r, h 1 desf,at !. : ;tt kb ne " the greatest in Canada. Tho coal (Buildings the Governor-(be•neral wus known in Canada in connection with fifteen lei►,.lred people in hither; the Means -Choice primes:, $1.60 to $1. - is also of the harc{rst texture, and (.:5 i,c•r b bel; $1.55 in car lots. `receive`" by Sir 1%'11fric! Laurier rind' the ('hignecao Ship Hallway, has heads of nil the I'ii, • tea guilds anei l'e`ts-iloilii ,, $1.10 to $1.15 Iver atards handling better than the the lion. 11. W. Scott, together `tits submit teal a proposal to the Gov- delegates from nanny provinces r.t- `,`earl; No. 2 in carload lots`, S2 to 1 balen, anti is `what the market is a nunti•er of pt•ominent officers of the:sernnitnt with a viae` to bringing out fritted a (hit r<e mass meeting on 8Ic. Potatoes -New potatoes, } in now demanding. The Dominion Coal oeadquilrters staff. 11,000 Scotch girls as domestic. ser-' Wed meaner, `which arranged to begirtags 51nperar- Cowpony has tho areas bonded, and `t Thu Royal assent was given to a wants. The Government looks fav- tho )u.ycot1. of Amer rete` goods on rel; i )'l potatoes, per bag.will undoubtedly rroceed nt once to number of bilis• arab" upon tho proposal.distI ru('i.,iuns-heavy Canadian short 1 Y pI l i'li„rcelay It. was inctly an- + • their d: wr'o anent, His Excellency was then pleased to _+ noticed that the action taken twos `'t► to 8'21. light short. + ' • (eremite prorogue Parliament with �, cut pork, $. t, f • DL,U�.DI:RS IN S%AIN• not geeing` the goVerntnent whoa` cut, $18 to 519; American cut, clear TO GET TWENTY LASHES the ful..,wing speech from the throne: constant kindness was f(rlly reeogniz- fat ',actor $18 to 518.50; compound '1'111' SPEECH. Faris Lal.orers Loot Seville ed, but it was pointed out that un- Intel. 5/ to 61c; Canadian lard, 94 Circus Man Sentenced for Outrage Bakeries. lest; the Chinese s;howc'd t h,',nsel ((8 to 101e; kettle rendered, 101 to 11 c; at 1l ober val. A despatch front Madrid stye(: Seri - ions.bo in earnest they would produce hates, 12. 13 and 141c, according to , n0 eTeet on the California labor un- sire; bacon, 12 to 1-ic; fresh Lille`" A desCd+a.ch from l.obervnl `pays: ions. There is still much doubt, as abattoir hog,, 59.'2e to 59.34); alit. I110 trial of (:(tldsbcrrry. of a of the to `whether the I oycott will really $6.50 to $6.75 for mixed.lots; .select attendants of the Lenton s.' eir- - ens, for an assault on nn - girl be maintained. 57. Eggs -St might stock, 17c; No. f. O lir. Butter -Choice creamery, 21 while the circus; wase pe wing here, 0., •214c: undergrades, 201 to 201c; was concluded on Thursday-, (bolds - LOW WATER IN RIVER. dairy, 1(i; to 171c. ('hear -Ontario berry being declared guilty and st(•n- S)} to :►}c; Quebec, S)} to S►}c, tenet d to one year In jail at. heird 'alio`. and to receive twenty lashes. 1•NITi?D STATES MARtE:'1 s. ten lushes to be adntlnistere 15 clays nfter the beginning of t sen- Miltwniikee, July 25. -Wheat -No. tenc,., nnil tern more 15 day for(, 1 Northern, $1.10 to $1.11; N. 2 the sent••n• t' expires. Northern. 51.05 to 51.(►d; Septent- her, 8�14c asked. ltarley--No. 2, 53c; CHINESE BEGIN BOYCOTT. sample. 4.5 to ;,2e. Corn -September, :,:►;c bid United States Goods of be Hence - Duluth, July 25. -Wheat. -No. 1 forth Under the Ban. Northern, $1.09: No. 2 Northern, 81.01; .July, $1.09; September, new, A despatch from Washington. D.(.',, Site; Septembev , old, 89;c. says: A cablegram received by i h.• ; refet ringjo former Ministers, and the 51inr,rnpolIs+, Minn., .hely 23.-- State Ik•partment from Shanghai 0110 r((erring to judges. 'l'hesre !f'i`at-Sept., 894 1.0 8104e; Dee., say's the boycott ac;nitlst American two st;t11(1 over. The resolution with l"ai1c; No. 1 hard, $1.1Rl; No. 1 Nor- Flour-First leer goody commenced on Weilm.silay. respect to Privy Councillors is to be thern, 51.084; No. 2 du., 51.051. Every effort Was mads to allay (he fnaclee more clear, the one respecting 1� lour-1•'irst patents. 85.80 to $5.90; agitation, which, it is stated, is a Judges hag some `mistakes+ which will second do.. $3.6e► to 55.70; first part of the retaliation of the Chinese"' have to be corrected by a suppleiiien- cle�nrg, $4 to $.1.10; second do., $2.- ag;ittnsct the cxclueion laws, of tho tart'' resolution. The salary, for ex- ample, of the Senior Counter Jedge of York is put down as 52,900, when it should bo $3,000. SESSION ENDED AT LAST TENTH PARLIAMENT HAS BEEN PROROGUED. Goveer:tor - General Closed the House and the Members Go Back to Their Homes. A Se-etatch from Ottawa says: - The t.i-n session of the Tenth Parlia- ment of Canada is at an end. The sent.ed point to the existe ice of many new enterprises. GentleAien of the 1louse of Commons, I thank you, in his Majesty's name, for tate sup- plies you have so liberally yottd, honorable right of a ``rife to search Hon. (lentlrnu•n of the Semite: her husband's pockets for loose Gentlemen of the "louse of Cont- change. William 51. Ifarding asked neons: a divorce from Inn M. Harding, one In returning to your several homes reason being because she had n habit allow me to express the home that. of "frisking" 1)1.8 pockets after he you will find itbumlant evidences of fell asleep. the `;rotting; prosperity, and that he- When the evidence was all in Judge fore we meet again at another s e.- Glover said Corniinim; closed up its business ca skirl 80180 progress g,nay have he . n "I `want it. distinctly understood 'Thiel n ilay morning, and the Senate made in the work' of constructing. tho that I ant not granting this divorce cleared off its order paper in half an national transcontinental railway. s., because the wife went into her hus- hutir in tho afternoon, so that at 3 soon to become a necessity for thei band's pockets. 1 shall do nothing o'clock his Excellency was enabled transportation of the at:nuully i-� to interfere with that ancient priti- to come down to the upper house creasing products of the hest. lege c f the fair sex. A wile has 1I) di - and formally declare that i'arlia- right. to do that. I grant the di- ment was prorogued until Aug 29, i ..- vurce for other reasons." SCOTCH DOMESTICS. the lie :.l forty days' adjournment urs , ----♦ A Kansas City despatch says: - Judge (=lover declared in the Circuit Court on 1Ve(Inesday that he `would never interfere with that ancient and BUSINESS Montreal, July 25 --Wo quote 49c store for No. 3 oats, and 50c for No. 2, some quoting fraction less. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat pa- tents, 55.30 to 85.60; strong bakers' $5 to 55.:10; Winter wheat patents, 55. ;0, and straight rollers, $5 to 55.15 in wood; in bags, $2.40. bolt- ed oats -$2.424 per hag. Millfecd- 11u:u,rablu (lentlernen of the Sen- ate. - Gentlemen of the House of Com- e menti:-- ons: disorders have occurredlet Se - In relieving you from this laborious t 1110 and Salanlanea, arising from and long -protract eel sessions 1 (!`,ire the general distress. four hundred to expr•eiss my hearty congratult.tions fare" laborers Invaded Seville, looted on this passage of the two important. the I:akeric :e and whops(. and co;nrnit- tneasuies providing for the retry in-, ted ot her (I.•predations, until they to the ('oefederation of the 'Provinces' were disperseil by a stroite force of of Alberta and Saskatchewan. !police and gendarmes. A mob storm- Vessels May Have to he Loaded The unparalleled increase in the ed the City hall at Salamanca. broke at Que:pec. pupil! cttion during t he last three' into the building tt►td sack( d it. A A dessrateh from Montreal says' years of thea areas the new provinces uteiid'er of the Municipal Coencil, The rapid falling of the water in the etnhrnce affords the strongest et 1- fleeing from t ht. rioters, )(untied froth St. Lawrence is giving the' shippin drn•r that at no distant date they a window and wee killed. The 1te- teen remit concer). At present the oill be t ho haines of ninny millions of publicans err summoning mess meet- depth in the ship channel between prosperous and contented people. ings in Madrid and elsewhere. The M.•ntrrnl ti, ci Quebec le less than it The fair Prospect of 1111 tntusallY Government fears a spread of th•• lite been for some years past, anei abundant lett-vest. not alone in rho disorders and is taking !precaution- o-ta`l'e of large nten.rnships like t he :h►'ee prairie provinces, but also in ary measures. l Allam predict that before the sea - other parts" of this` wide Dominion. ! con is; over they Will be obli rd to will, 1 trust, under a kindI'rovi- ----♦ ----•+ ` g `leece. he fully reelizc(l, just dying the ALIENS 1311.1. PASSED, ; complete thrix loading of outgoingt hope that the stre,irn of imutigration --- I geese's at ("``oboe. 'Phis dept in now flowing into the Dominion will British !louse of Commons Gives blotitrnnl harbor is 29 fret, tthicli is -oat iriue for many years to corn`, Third Reading. 15 inches; lowet than a year ago. and adding (t$itlth to this, highly feveredson+e inches lower then for eight. A deal etch front London sacs: In ' vears back. land. the House of Co.misons on 'ihttrsdr_y i .-_ The addition to the number of the Ti ►e•rmttte•nt force which you have nen- the Aiitus Trill i'as e l 14s third rad" WESTERN WOOL CROP. i i bya1 majority of 90. The rune Willed a ill enable my Government H tis tel. Mr. Icalfu+ar, in winding up t.. relieve taxpayers; of the United the debates on the• hill, contend that Kingdom from the burden of keeping up the garrisons at )•'squintttlt and the Zero; (teed restrictions, were lees - tip nt Halifax.severe than those! imposed by any It is eery g;ratdfwingj to nolo that other nation. He referred to the the revenue of the, 1)omi►nion eon- Alfieri, an in>letigratfen laws, and limo`s to maintain tar high level it as;kr,l (whether a'►v one. would ao-ert had reached ttt) years ngo, thus en- that Thee Americans were indifferent Hiding my Gnternnient to nnoet the to freedom or looked with unmoved Increased expenditure chargeable eye on the teirering and the ole neningt consotictnted rr(, npi• . 1,'nving prewar. yes their re'trlctione as (telt a surplus to apply on cn; 1' ;►I ac- as t he restrictions imposed by the count 1lrittsh colonice were, he Braid, more '1'h.• rputrterotlg privnt.• le 11sT f•er in- see ere than those imposed by "this dustrial objects to which 1 have as- mo,lerate a+id tg•asonablt' 613." r The Clip This Year Will be 700,- 000 Pounds. A d•'rt+atc.h from Winnipeg agree: The outlno'c for the wool clip in the Territories is splendid. The total will lee about 700,000 pounds, of which Alf erta will gilt nhe,ut 290,- 0)0 i'oends; M1e•clic'ne irat, (1o,000 'muerte: Wnl.+h, 0)0,008) rounci9, and Ma• le ('re.!c', 220.000 po,in,fs. The best elites of western wool ie very fns•, almost pure merino, an I will clean up to (10 per cent. of sr.oured wont CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS SAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE, Telegraphic briefs From Oas Own and Other Countries of Re - CANADA. The wally of tho new 1'renh church in course of erection at 11i:titi;eeg were blown down dui Aug a 1:e,: c•,) Storni. The Ontario Government has re- voked the license of the Anglo -Cana- dian Gold Estates, Limited, a com- pany organized in Civet "trioti``. to exploit mining properties in tho Rainy River district. (: it1,.1'1' IlitJ'TAIN. Right Rev. Itichttr c1 Young, P.1)., for nineteen ,ye:u 5 Bishop of Atha- basca, is dead in England. Over eight thousand dollars was paid in London for an old quarto edition of a Shakespeare play. UNI'T'E!) S'1`A'1'1•:S. Capt. Robert E. Teary has started for the north pole. An Italian Catholic priest in Now York has announced that he has be- come o-cotne a Protestant. A gang of silk thieves, who are nc- cused of robbing (trend '!'trunk Rail- way cars, are under arrest at South Bend, lad. Eugene Frcebelei of ('attaraugus, New Turk, was electrocuted on Fri- day, while using- a telephone during a storm. :1 negro `who assaulted Mrs. Benj. Roberts near (;olinda, Texas, on Tuesday wus lynched by a niob of 500 men, GAAIIIIQS O♦ FPAPER. Textile Fabrics That Aro Warm and May be Washed. Garments made of paper have long been used in I•:astern Asia, but only in default of other clothing or on special occasions. In western coun- tries the only articles of dress made of paper, until recently, were collars, cuffs and shirt bosonsslrthat is to say, articles which . aro usually starched. Now, however, numerous inventors aro endeavoring to intro- duce woven paper fabrics. Sottte time ago an Italian, Prof. Zanetti, devised a method of making fine and strong yarns by twisting very thin silk paper. cut into strips about one-tenth of au inch wide. As yet these yarns are used only for wicks of wax candles, and in tiro manufacture of incandescent gas mantles. A greater a▪ dvance has been ' mado in Saxony. hero, also, narrow strips of piper are spun by a process patented by ClaViez incl Co. Payer and cotton aro also spun together, so that in the finished yarn the paper envelopes the cotton. These yarns are used as fillers, in conjunc- tion with cotton warp, in weaving drillings suitable for toweling and summer waistcoats, trousers, and skirts. Heavier r and warmer cloth is mado by combing paper and woolen yarns. The fabric is cream colored, and may be washed repeatediy althea` injur- ing the surface. It is v. -ell adapted for tennis and lounging suits. Sulll- cicnt cloth for a jacket, waistcoat, and trousers costs only 10 marks, or $2.50, and still cheaper garments are made for laborers. This 1100' pro- duct is named xylolin. For such use, however, raw mater- ials even cheaper than firsishcd paper aro .sought. Spinning mill refuse, consisting of very short, smooth fibres that cannot be spun, goes as a rule, to the ",aper mins. 'Minty at- tempts to utilise this material havo been `made in spinning mills, and ex- periments in, spiatning it wct.sul;gest- The salary of the County Court ed lite idea of further c•oun•„inhtting judges throughout Ontario will bo the short fibres in paper machines. Hereafter 52,500 and 53,000 after In this way a thin fibrous paste tuns three years' service, The senior produced. This, when poured on County Court Judge of York will be sieves, yielded a thin, soft paper, paid 5.2,900 on appointment. At which partially dries') and cut into present the County Court Judges' narrow strips. could be spun into saktries are 52,400 all round. In yarn. Other cheap paper stock, in - Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince eluding wood pulp, can be converted Edward Island, and 'Manitoba the into yarn by a similar }process, and County Court. .Judges' salaries ore so spindling and papey-`Laking meet. . Increased to the same settle ns in On- Ono brand of these celiule,.-e r.r tnrio. The County Court .fudge in woodpulp yarns is called silvalin. Queen's County, I'.l' .l., will be $3,- luring the last ten years many sim- 500. In British Columbia the Coun• line processes have been patented. tv Court .fudges who have hitherto The manufacture is still in the exi•er- received 52,400 will be paid $3,000. imentnl stage, but definite progress CANADA'S CHIEF J1;STIC11. has been made, and the industry hag 'l'hce salary of the Chief Justice of n promising future before it. Canada is to ars $10,000, instead of Resistance to tho action of water 58,000. The i01181)0 judg;ev '1 111 to- is another important quality in ceive 814,0 00, instead of $7,000. 'rho, which fabrlcs3 dill`` greatly. Prof. Judge of the Exchequer Cow ` is ad- Pfuhlt;iv an exe`m`pla from mimed from 56,000 to *8.000. experience. A lighter laden with 1'h° es -Cabinet Ministers who will grain in jute and 0,)1(05 bnfis sank qualify for the annuity are: Sir Mac- in the Volga. 'Thirty-six hours after- klNpzie Bowen, Sir Iirctor l.iang;evin, sward the canvas -flax -bags wore Kir Jim Carling, Sir Adolph *Aron, raised, with their contents, but rho Sir Charles 'Tupper, Sir ('. 11. 'Pair_ Jutebngs had disintegrated, so that - per. lt,►n. Messrs. Salton,A. (i. the grain which they contained was Itlnir, .1. Israel Titrte, (:targe i•:. lost. Jute yarns, however, with- Fosler, Joltn Ctpstigau, and John stand several hours' immersion, but ling;g;itrt, wood pulp ynr•ns .fall apnrt after Tho addit lona! charge per year up- very brief soaking;, on the National 'J'ronsury as the out- come of the increasop will tie close GOOD FOR %:Vt•:I(ti' i►.tti on half ion (l++l ars. .11' INCREASES WAIT.A tactful man can poll a stinger 1111 the , re�soluf inns inereascing; Sal_ from a bee without g et t st;g 0ries and incif►n,nitiesc were ItemisedUrorg,•° Horace Lorimer. with the exception of two, the ono I've made it a practice to put nil my worries down in the bottom of my heart, than sit on the lid and smile. -.`ileo Megrim Rice. It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to sticceod,•- 'I'heodoro Roosevelt. One example is worth a thousand argum1nt s.--(Olndstone, .t mah i9 already of cofSecfue nc.' in the world when it is known that hie can be implicitly relied upon .-- Letten. "1t is easy to live in the world after the world's opinion. It is easy to live in solitude after your own. But the great inan is ho who In the midst ofwthe crowd tnaintains oith perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." -Emerson. •I•he physician, as he enters the small -pox ward. surrounds aims 1f with an atmosphere that Is proof against the dread ('.!envie. Stich an ntrnnsphere, proof against the. hide eons peril of sin, is prayer, -,Riot It. Well.. 65 to $2.75. Frau-In bulk, $12.73 United Staten. to $13. 4-- 'I h,, Shah of Persia with his+ Sons (1.1'1"ri.t: 1i.11ONT-:'r. }i,i'; arrived in Paris. Toronto, July 25. -Thr following I be roof of a three el at Terme, teas the range of quotations: italy. colla)►seed during that rel.-- i',xport cattle, choice .51.00 $1.90 1.motiun ..1 Stars, on Sunday. 1.i11inz.; medintn 4.40 4.60 1(3 women and injuring :12. Ito.. Mille 3.00 3.50 The Japanese at my uniform has i)o., C„tt-S 3.0) 3.110 been changed to khaki for till r.t,,k5. Mime i.izzie Todds, snid to he a Toronto teacher. was killed by light- ning in Oxford, Stich., on friday. A Minnesota girl is charged with sending a i►oisoned orange to a a-a- itentchers'. picked ...... 4.4e1 4.50 ping Oscar of Sweden and Emper_ than `thorn she thong;ht (wag a rite" Do., choice • 4.00 4.10 or William have arranged an early in a yo'sn? u►an's affections. iso., medium3. i :, 4.00 netts ing. A conference, representing 400.000 Do., common .... 3.50 3.75 ('apt. Bourgotin, a Frenchman, ne- workmen. will h± called at New fork Do., con s, ehuico 3.00 3.60 vise(' of being a Russian spy, was soon to discuss public ownership of Do.. c;:mntun ... 2 tper 3.00 sentenced at 'Tokio to ten years' surface lines, subways and lighting I) ., bulls 2.50 3.50 Imprisonmont at hard labor. plants.