HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-27, Page 2ABS�IUTh SECURITY. . enulne Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must :/ear Signature of See Fac-Slnilo 1': rarp_t• Be:ow. 'curs nmsil and es ea::y ♦oppt lee a Seco. Cil iOF R FOR UWZZlNESia I TLErOR IIILIOUSHESt. IV E FtFGR TaRriD LiVER. 1'^.R ei.inTlPATWOP. u {0`.I SKIN. FOn THE CO"r•f LEXIOII G7L-4 VC%E WutT µla ►ATvw r. xt C •.ifs 1 Try Fte;luzies' s'.rr�/'i.•rC CURT. SICK Ht:ADACHE. AN EVIDENT ALTERNATIVE. "She married hint in spite of great opposition, didn't she?" "]'es. if her marriage doesn't turn out well, she'll only have herself to blame." "Good gracious, why? What's to prevent her blaming him?" A man can get used to anything - except the fool actions of bis rela- tives. Is ■aters's specific for DiARRHalA, DYSENTERY, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOM. ACH, COLIC, CHOLERA MOR. BUS, CHOLERA 1NFANTUM, SEA SICKNESS, and all SUM. MITE COMPLAINTS la Children or Adults. Its effects are msrvellons. Pleasant and Harmless to take. Rapid, Rellable and Effectual in Ib action. IT HAS SEEN A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR NEARLY SIXTY YEARS. PRICE as CENTS. Aural Sturm -Tu. 1n1r7.t tARQIROC1. I to are specified in the following i H { -1-I' t :. verses. I' Whom Jehovah cast out before the children of Israel -Contrary to the, express command of Jehovah, thelig p rmitte un etterof C' inhabitant nhab lnts 1 Homc of th permitted many to of ihr inl►I,itt bed 1 of the land to remain utdi,tunc�d i Rev. Charles Wagner Draws Lessons From among uia'religi�'n caui�`i their� as well «s from surrounding heathen i r).i.i-1..34-14114 �+P4+H4 notions the Israelite~ learnedand the Shortcomings of Jesus'Disciples. coumd ceremonies SOME DAINTY DISHES. Taken promptly and faithfully according to direct• which corrupted Will defiled theirFur !tuck lakes -Blend halt a lb• tions will not only invariably prevent Consumption • on religion. of (lour with a teaspoonful of hal:- a Ili 'h placer -Compare Wirding-powder,i 1 t t Uuec ,un•xs but will never fail to cure any of these lesser Now. when Jesus was in Itetltnny, of the woman's act that she herself 3 PSYCHING b 1 add u i Studies for Lesson of July 2. of dried currants, one piece of feet diseases which are always the forerunners t in the house of Simon the leper, there had not thought of: -"for in that Itnniint-The plural of Baal, which hoped and a few chapped almonds. came unto hitt a woman having an she hath poured this ointment on meant literally lord, but which was tiro:un three ounces u( butter t Ith Consumption.1904.«lnbnsler box of yery precious alai- toy body site did it for my burial." also t he title of the supreme god of thrc8! ounces of sugar, add to tt two CONSECON, May loth, t,4. nient and poured It on his bend as he The melancholy of this remark dues the (annunitrs, wurshi{�eei in differ•- eggs, beat in gradually the dry in - but at mutt. But (then the di-cip- not detruct from its kit:dyess or ent places miller somewhat different gredients. The dough should be It affords me pleasure to speak of the nit 1s of les saga' it they had indignation, say- leintcrrous touch. It is one of the aspects, hence the plural. rather stir. /rut rough pieces of It Psychine, which I found to be a marvelous t.•::a :end ing, 'l'o what teurpost) is 1bit. waste? gents ut the gospels. Asheroth-Thu piinc1 of Ashernl'. n on to n greased baking -sheet, sitek tissue builder. I was taken clown with a bad cull, For this ointment aright have been All that is related in the gospel, sacred tree or pule; placed Ia.sido an with almonds. and bake in a quick which settled on my lungs. In fact, I believe I was sold for much and given to the poor. my brethren, is not ti nomenclature alta or shrine bearing sr!1 tetimcs am utero. i'.� 7tA'' When Jesus understood it, he said of classified and doted facts; they image or other designation or sign of Marmalade Pudding. -You are tight never free from colds for months previous, and tried unto them, Why trouble ye the ave- ars facts that are living and eternal. the gad or goddess to vthum the in thinking that this pudding is ora- " .a'.-::a•;f'- ,?`ff many of the coronion cure -ails and cheap nostrums you thrtno watt sacred. er nut of se.tsun. liludu in these f ro- j � 'rO �r•• see advertised, but obtained no relief. I had then All the host of beaten -Sun, moon, portions, it is ttlwuy:; ppular• hila- 1',ar ccs.,learned that such remedies are merely palliative and and slurs, the worship cf which was together a qua rtc•r of n Poun�et of r not curative preparations. Friends advised Psychine, and expressly forbidden (cutup. Mut. 4. suet, u quarter of a poised of .,rand- ;ys•. ills and also 2eph. 1. b). crumbs, a quarter of n pound of su- after taking several bottles I became sound and strong 4. Built altars in the house of .10- gars two ounces of ground rice. Whip again. Scores of my friends have been saved much til► a two eggs in separate boat!, add "c`� suffering with Psychine, and I voluntarily give permission hov -The erection of altars to 1 strange gods in the courts of the next two ounces of marmalade. and •!:;,et 't<;- for the publication of this statement. n •-together r t" • r'th t..e• ant o I un veil * e Tea • t t t . n 1 to ileidiets e e1 p e, b then mix all the ingredients b duction of human sacrifices mention- 'lightly. 1roar into a buttered mould ;i_ � O. W. MORRISON. ed in the noxi terse. forme(! lh:• and (Leon' for three hours. climax of abominations. j Creamed cod is useful ter high tea. 6. Pass through the lire -Offer :is Make a good white sauce with one , of titin burnt sacrifices to the oa ounce of bolter rolled into one ounce `�'`- g g c''i � r i ,u nd three r unrtrrs o[ a tthtt ine 1 •rh f ill r n --k,,..;:741 A1u t u 1.>r Valley of the son of 11inncn-I,it- of white stock, or milk and astir. v' erally, the valley of Beit-hinnont,Season this -highly with pepper, salt '- ,: `c.. :1 south and southwest of Jerusalem, land lemon -juice. When cooked and (Pronounced Si -keen.) just outside the city. (quite smooth, add two hard-boiled For sale at all drug stores, $1.00 per bottle. If your Augury -Consisting, possibly, as ieggs (chopped) and about half a lb. e ,. a„v..t•a ing of cold fish, freed from akin turd:.� :• druggist hasn't Psychine in stock call at Dr. Slocum, among the Romans. in fie b Seeee ess Limited t Kingstreet,west,Toronto,and a of birds in their flight and of various bone. Let all heat together slowly S. • . 79large b place on a but dish, garnish with .,- =, ; sample bottle will be given you free as a test. To crtlhcents of fried bread and tonna •' persons living outside of Toronto a sample 'nailed upon chopped parsley. nerve hot. Kidneys with Spaghetti. - Take request. some line macaroni or spaghetti, break it in pieces, and boil in salted. stiff and beat it gradually into the ' for a long time. water till tender. Skin three or four sauce. '1'o be eaten with hot pud- The difficulty in trying fish can Ili quickly overcome if you use plenty 67" man? For take hath tr i•ought a good ,1 hey have this in common with the work upon ate, for yo have the poor grains of wheat which conte to us always with you, but me ye have not from remote centuries, yet are still fawns R. For in that silo hath poured alive, germinating and fruitful. this ointment on my body, she did All that proceeds from the real it tor my burial. Verily, I say unto and true gospel happens constantly. you, ti hv,esoet er this gospel shall be'I'h(v aro portun►tnnt facts, as per - preached In the whole world, there mowed. ns Christ lfimsclf, who is shell also this, that this woman not the paeserby of one day, but the hath done. be told for a memorial eternal contemporary. The facts of her. -St. Matthew, xxvi., (3-13. that surround His story are not facts My brethren, we open this evening that have happened only mice and I a very beautiful gosttel, Christ, feel- exceptionally, but facts that happen int that the end was near, and being In the very essence of thi11e4, that surrounded by a vogue hostility that happen, so to (:peak, in eternity. was beginning to make itself felt. and NOT 1 N '1'iIh SPiE{PT. to stretch out its hand toward its prey, wl5hpd to go for the last time 'Thus, the disciples as ill ulwttye to Bet !luny -to Bethany, which for the Masc.('and will utter mesal( "my house." Ile wished to in Itis name words that are Con- go there where Ile was understood, U'ary to His spirit when they do not where Ile was loved, where lie felt give heed to the spirit that animates himself at hone, and where, in the thea(. Po you remember how they boson of .the holiest and must per- once said to the ?faster, "Lord, wilt sect friendship, the tion of Man re - down that we coirconnd tire to cornu freshet! His heart, thus showing that, donna from hens. n and Calla111110 although Ile could love His enemies, them?" Ile also knew the beginning und the And another time they said to preface of that other love -how to Ilhn, "Mester, we saw one casting love His friends. Ile enjoyed friend- out devil: in 'thy name. and he ful- ship and He allowed those who were lowed: not us, and we forbade him, attached to flits co make those fa- because he fulloneth not as." But Iodine demonstrations that. sometimes Master replied, ".forbid hits not. contain so touch power for good. forhe that is not against. us 18 un 'Therefore Ile had come there, withour fart." what feelings we can imagine. lie was lin another occasion the disciple seated at the tabic of a man of Placed themselves as a rampart whom traditional legend :elutes (for around ',he smiling (:heist. and tried the Holy Scriptures do not speak to prevent the little children from of !t) that he had bpl,n cured by coming to hill. Aed for (what t u Christ of that horrible disease lep- rosy. Itut no matter. Christ could hardly sit or walk in anv place upon which He had not spread some light or done some gond. Wherever Ile was, Ile was on a battlefield athero ile came to pleasure words with the enemies of mankind, or on some pro -fad shelter, "Stiffer the little chll- pitious ground where He endeavored deco to cease unto ane." to cultivate goodness, tenderness, for-,Ilow great is the difference between ,giveness, the Spirit of God, and to the disciples' words and the Master's sow with a generous hand the sped intentions! The di:cciples speak for that sprouts for the kingdom of t:od, the Mosler. 'flow often have they given pain in the {'ns: and do they (till Inflict pain 11eon (01114' 1inplo Fouls who wish to holier and servo Christ according to the dictates of their hearts and according to a method ihat is not the official method! To each of us n special soul hes been given, in which a perfume burns that is more precious than all the perf•nnes of the Orient. it is all that is most personal, most inward in nue thoughts,sin our feelings, and ter o'Tet it up on the (altar in wor- ship of the Eternal Cod. But if our htccn5e docs not re- semble exactly the kind that is usu- ally but n• -d some disciples would wish to prevent us froth ora -ring it up in the name of the Lord, who, they soy, only cares for 0110 I.int1, of one special share and origin. According to thein the 1 ord has n preference for certain pro,lucts. \Well, this is not so, for tic• has said quite the op- posite. 'I'Ite sane. spirit that is in lllen (lettered it in the Old Testa- meut:-••hive me the heart." ('11AI(Lh� WAGNFIR, natural phenomena. Sorcery-1'retendcd employment of preternatural agencies, magic, witch- craft, etc. '!'hent that hail familiar spirit 5 - Persons not unlike our modern spiri- tualist mediums, who professccd to 1 c in touch with the spirit world. The [titch of 1?ndor (1. Sa111. 28) was such a person. Wizards -Nat c'ilering greatly from sorrecrers and magicians. 7. 'Ile house of Cod -The temple. sheep's kidneys, cut thein in slices. dings. season with salt, pepper, and minced ' perfectly boiling fat. Dry the Kish herbs, and fry lightly in dripping. IIINTS Fdit '1'iII•: HOME. 1 thoroughly, and have sufficient fat Put theme in a stew•pan with half a for It to swim in! Let the fat pint of good gravy, %tell flavored Cockroaches dislike borax, so scat- 1 throw off a blue smoke before using. with tomato conserve. Make a ring ter it freely where they congregate Drop in only one piece at a time. of spaghetti on u dish, scatter grat- and they will speedily disappear. and cook till a light brown. Drain In this house . will i put my ed cheese over, and put the kidneys When marble is spotted sprinkle ! on thick paper before the lire for a name -Will I thyself dwell -the name in the centre. Brown the cheese on some powerdered borax where it is few moments before putting on the representing the person us often. The the spaghetti with a salamander or ; stunted, and then wash the marble doyley to servo. Presence of Jehovah, it is awsun 'tI, !a hot shovel. ! with warm water, using a soft flan - of necessity excludes all other gods. Small Veal and Ilam Pies -Cut i nel. IIINTS ON CANNING. son► ilecause they disturbed the "I, Jehovah, thy God, run a jealous one pound and a half of veal very! It you wish stockings to wear well Master. But the Master said to Cod" (Exod. 20. 5). finely, also a quarter of a pound of change thein for a clean pair at F.xa►nine cans and rubbers narrow - them, 85 He o:,coed ilia arms and 0, Did evil more than the nations bacon; add u little nutmeg, pe!'per least twice a week. if worn too long ly before you begin operations. See rondo there stand hock, He said to -in their apostasy from Jehovah the and salt. Boil two eggs till hard they are apt to break into holes that the screw is in order, the can theca as lie ()pried Ilis heart that is people under the Iendrrship of their and chop coarsely. Mix with they when washed. New stockings should without crack or nick, the elastic as wide as tho world, and in which king actually trent to greater ex- meat and add sufficient gravy to always be washed before being „worn. firm and closely fitting. (:et new all the children on earth will evertrcmrs of idoiatry. moisten all. Dredge the mixture with! When cutting new bread use a knife rubbers every year. 11. Brought upon thein . . Assy- flour, turd if you have it, add a t that has been dipped in very hot ilave the fruit boiling hot when ria -The Assyrian .►nonuntrnls testify grate of lemon -rind. Make Foote nice, water. sealed. Ilave upon the range or to the fact of a great insurrection in short crust, using very little water! 1t washing blue is gritty it is a stove a pan in which eachempty western Asia against As»bur hani-pot in the mixing, roll out thinly, and' signthat it is adulterated. It can is set to he filled after it is roll - the grandson of Sennnchcrih in as hie h line small patty -pans. fill thes,t - should always be tied in a flannel ed in hot water. Lay ,'antic t.nd Judah may have been insetted. No with the veal mixture, wet the edges ling, kept for the purpose, and must top close to your hand, fill the eau Assyrian inscription 1'h1ow-n of Lc -c - of the pastry, cover each pie, an( - be used very judiciously. to oa'erfloaaing, remembering that the make a little holo in the top. Vial litters cooking sago soak it in cold fruit will sink as it cools and that (rut mentions specifically this cttpli into n good hot oven and bake for 1 water for an hour, Pour that off; n vacuum invites the air to enter; t ivity of Manasseh, though as Ir. ' W. E. Barnes explains in the Cant- ('Intl an hour. 'These will be. very wash the grains well. After this put on the. sup without the loss of a '' "lh restore of useful and tasty for your picnics. process sago may be simmered in second, screw as tightly as you can, bridge Nide a rest ionLee•..dent bread may be made asimilkor stock as desired. and as the contents and the can cool Matnt*eh after this to his kingdom Put Wheys: 1 ut one ounce 0f yeast into; Buil (.reen Vegetables as follows (crew again and again to lit the cuti- n basin with one teaspoonful of and they will keep a good color:- traction of metal and glass. caster sugar and beat than together !Iayo n large saucepan full of fast - with a wooden spoon till liquid, add boiling water, throw i i the vett-Ma- one pint and n half of tepid water. hies, and cook fast without a cover l'ut three pounds and a half of flour into n Targe basin, stake a well in the middle, and strain the yeast and water into it. Work in a little flour; from the sides and set 1t down to rise. This is called setting the sponge. When it has stood for twenty minutes, the surface n Lo covered with bubbles; take it up and work all the flour in with your hand, end knead till the dough hits all worked off the hands. 'Then cover it with a cloth and {,ut pees• the lire to rise for two hours. Next turn it en to a hoard and kneed for n quarter ut on hour, This quantity will mitke two half-quarte•n leaves. Divide the dough, make it betel smooth balls without any cracks. If the bread is to be baked in tins, Ilene them, put ♦ in the dough, cut or prick the top, ANOINTED 11!S !LEAD. While Ile was there an unknown woman eppcnred and anointed Ibis head with a perfume twhoee penetrat- ing and subtle smell at once proved to those present that -something very precious had been used. '!'ho disciples (another gospel says "some people." but Matthew says ''the disciples" seed names them) cried out at this. '1•hri•e wee an explosion of disapproving murmurs. Why that waste'? \\'hy such cxtrav'a- • gancc? Would it not have been bet- ter to use it to bestow aline upon the poor? In speaking thus the dis- ciples spoke for the Master,uni sub- etittitc•d themselves for flim. It, was ten abuse that. was customary to them 8nd which is still terry usual in the disciples of the present day. They love to speak In the name of the \faster, so as to clothe the intirttity of their own words with the colos- onl and dltine enthelrtty of the One whont they cull Master. That night. therefore, the disciples crushed the poor woman with the weight of their words and their una- nimous reproaches. Hut the one Turns Bad Blood into who was most concerned in It. in - Rich Reg Blood. stead of joining then( remained sil- ent. When he had measured what No other remedy possesses suet, ltd taken place,. n and lh0 the acon the lticrtetinliunof of 11ia perfect cleansing, healing and puri' disciples, simply and quietly, with fying properties. that voice that had said, "All power Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers, Is given 1111(0 me in hruven and In earth," He uttered ihr. mildest, tho Abscesses, and all Eruptions. most familiar, (h • most merciful, the internally, restores the Stomach. itiust 1nclulgenl w'0 :els that (•0111(1 he said at such a thine. Ile speaks l0 Liver, Bowels and Blood to health) the angry disciples, and with that action. if your appetite is poor, s't'ile that has thrown a rase of light your energy gone,our ambition � over I"hr Ilnrknr54 of our scarlet 11e, y � soy+ \\'hy tronbl4' ye the twunlnn?" lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the In speaking thus ile Fpenni to say full enjoyment of happy vigorous' to 1118 (llsciples•'Take 1"41; you life. hate acted in such a was and said s'ich words as to give pain to n hn- than soul. She clime in n11 sincerity, like a child full of good intentions and who carr! sl them out fearlessly, in the candor of its soul: but you hate rebuked her, you throw the cold water of your vexed reason upon the tendernose and wrtr•aith of her heart; yet scatter the (reel of your scepti- cism and your utlitarinnisnt on the delicate Powers of /tontinien( that have I l I inhersoul. is not incredible, for Necho I of Egypt was first. put in fetters and afterward sent back to l:pypt." In chains -Literally, with hooks - hooks fastened into the nostrils of captives, a cruel practitu of the At-syriuns. To llabylon-Babylon, while not et this time the capital of Assyria, awns nevertheless one of the royal resi- dence cities, and hence the prisuncrs may well ltat•e been taken thither in- stead of to Nineveh, the capital. 1 2. The God of his fathers-Jvho- t•ale, 3311(1111 he had forsaken, had not been his God. 1:1. 'Thin verso clearly Mont rates tate purpose of the C'hronicler's nar- rative as n whole, which is to show that apostasy from Jehovah brought destruction upon the nation, .while repentance and loyalty to •fell:I:ait brought with It pnrd0n and 11 e blessing of tel'usper1ty. UNWILLING LEGISLATUi2S. Members of the Norwegian Prrlia- nient Must Servo if Elected. The Nerweginn I'O'tinment is elect- ed very differently t?.,.- that of !Itis country. It consists of 11.4 members, many of whoa( sit in the !louse under protest. A11 Norwegians over (welly -live years of Ngr, who satisfy certain conclitinnrc of reei- detcr, etc.. meet in the 1:irnl parish church once in three yeuts, and choose one clan out of every hundred THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY Lesson r Manasseh's Sin and Re- pentance. golden Text, Prov. 14, 34. LESSON WobU) STUDIES. Note -These Word Studies for this lesson are based ote the text of the Revised Version. Verse 1. Mannssch-King of Judah, son of ilerekiuh and father of Amon; 2 Kings 2I. 1 gives his mother's name as 1lepheibah. He ascended the the pratingly aboutthe year 11.12. Ii86, when he was twelve years old. Little is known concerning lite ac- tual history of his long reign, though this. on the whole, was prob- 01,1y pearefltl rind prospero!is, except in the natter 111 religion. The atten- tion of the (triter of 2 Kings and also of the Chronicles is centered on the religious nspe•t of his reign, and the picture unfolded is n dark ane indeed. All the superstitious and and set to rise for holt an hour. i'ut the bread into a hot oven for n quarter of nn hour. and then remove it to a cooler part for an hour and u halt. When dhlie stand it on its side to cued. Scali\Il•:R Currant Catsup. -'Ten pounds of cal rants mashed and st rained through a cloth. Add one quart vin- egar, five pounds of granulated su- gar, three tablespoons of cinnnntene, two of allspice, and one each of cloves tool salt. and enc -half tea - present to select the members of spoon of reel pepper. Boil it slowly I'arlininent for the c try. 'the 11100 , one hour and put up in small but - so selected are bound to serve, ties. whether they like the honor or not. Currant .icily.-1Zrulne and egnseelo immediately Parliament meets, one- the currants until all the juice is fourth of 1 ihr tnonhers are chose') to anti put the juice on to hoil for fif- out, then strain through a flannel three-fourths const iltit leg the Lower teen minutes. Strain again, measure House. They (10 not believe in beingodd two ice of nsful of tihtill rine for and allow the scone measure of and one ounce of bunny. Strni11 the nt the mercy of the chance of birth sugar. Bring the juice to boiling mixt lire through flnnnel. The gly- ntul n House of Lords would not Le penin and ns 5(1011 e, it. i i tans to 1olrrn1 si by ileal fur n manu'til The thicken 0n fire poll rettu,t•e frol0 the cerins pretenls the gummed putter 1'ttper H(1n(c• may (part hock n Lill fire, add the sugar quickly, stir well from crocking and curling up when twice but nfler the second rejection dry. Ten chops of nil of dioses add- ) and remove the stool, then tura at ell 10 the mixture, will keep it good hath Houses vole together ns ono. In onto into the add - glasses. Currant that. ince, hntiover, n iun)uri+v of should be gathered on it clear, dry blossomed tvau-thirds is necessary - to pass the day and before they are fully ripe. 1Nt1.IC•1'ION OF PAIN. ldolntroua pi -aril -is of the time of bill. Baked Huckleberry !►utnpling.-Mix Ahnr were reintroduced and }riven one teaspoon salt, four 1ensoaons THAT'S THE SPOT! ]"nu not know what yon have royal sanction. foreign worships ♦- baking powder, nada half rep c•f one, you have pit -en pal'. Why wore blended with the worship of Je- sugar aailh el80 quart of flour. RIM tel you do this? When one gives hovah. Mid niters were erected In NEW Li(1111' 04 SIIAKF:SI'K,11{I'" in once -third of a cup of batter. IS, 1 Right in the small of the back. {rain to others there shmtld be some tinny p811 of the• Inn 1, and siren in Sir 1litity irving tells that nt one it with milk or sinter sufficient 1.. Do you ever get a pain there? ' u`"" for it, and it should only bo the sacred courts of the temple nt flute t isitin(� Shnkrspeure's birth- tanks a dough that Will keep it 1f so. do you know what it meansT n if there i4 no other way. pes r,,i•ul, unto the gods of the pee- place liehad n slight experience with shape when dropped fn,rn it spoon. (hest scales that J bring to pips round about Israel. sorcery, it is a backache. tau. .-0 one side put the pain y011 witchcraft, and the Ilealing with faro- a rustic of the vi` nlity. Being In n Wash and dry nor. pint of berries and hate inflicted upon this woman, (his iliar spirit s and w eeerds was resort- quizzical frame of mind, Sir henry roll them in flour. Stix them light - A sere s;gn of Kidney Trouble. ( 1taddressed n few questions to the fel- ly into the dough. Drop the dough F seed, for this stranger is a soul, and ed to; O shed(1ic� of human blend Don't neglect it. Stop it in time. 0 1 the other side place law•, and in reply obtained some tl- front the end of n large spoon on to p your gond in religion:; xncrihe. s was introduced' luminatin • inturrnalian, n well buttered chipping tent. Rave If you don't, scrioos Kidney Troubles 7•a, 1114, all you tweltl, your hese, and gloomy smp.•rsttlinn and cruel "That's Shakespeare's horse over tho dumplings 801110 rliaruue rirnrt. arc sure to follow. ' r, assts. and then ti 11 me whether fanaticism became a constlt'14nt part they are earthy of what yet baja lot religious ceremanlrs everywhere. !here, 1 believe," Sir henry lone- Hake about Twenty minutes and servo 11 ccntly remarked. with snowdrift sauce. done? Why Uuulde y4' the woman'?' This awful apostasy of Manasseh „I,,c ., Snowdrift Sauce.-I1oil one cup' DOAN'S KIDNEY PIL14S A silence. he Master had spoken, ; brought upon him 1 h dire punish- • 1inve you ever been there?" milk and thicken with one table - cute Backache, Lame Rack, Diabetes, just now the disciples h'd spn:pn �meitt of Jehovah briefly nuntiun�l in `ern „ spoon door corked s)))oil In a lit- milk and all Kidney and Bladder in Ilia \Taster's name. New that the It"'•Icty's I••ssmt (acrsr 11), and only 1 believe Mr. Shakespeare is dead tle cold water. (rook etc minutes; ' \tai.(er speaks for Himself it is quits! the 1inuly re{:cninnlr of the wicked HMV. Can you tell oto how lung?" odd one salttgmon of snit and set Troubles. another thing. Nothing (wild c.11181 king tiering to have prevented the Donna." away to coal; create one heaping f1'NeeSO0.ahex or7fcr%1.:S, all dtlalefst the narrow-minderlmss of the din- utter (1istuetb it of the kingdom at •1„'t's 5M•. he wrote, did he not?" 1ebb-spoon of hut 1 er with one cup of chile. lin', s'• it were the l,t't ulmind- this flute ..Oh, yes, he did automat." powdered sngnr, and one teaspoon of D1/AN KIDNEY PILL Oe. crines+ of the Vaster. In this ern is 2. Alter the abomination: of the ?" Terence, Out. p "What was it he wrote?" e. vanillas and heat into the cool, thick. moment Ile earn Gods an expinnn1i01) nntiot (-Tho ahonitnatiuns referred "Wolf, I think It was the Itoihle." coed milk. (teat the white of one egg to the pan. Tea stains that are obstinate will be removed after equal parts of glycerite and yolk of egg have been applied and nllowei to dry on. Af- terwards wash • out in clear, cold anter. A healthy child's head should be w•nslu d once every week in sernuner faith soap and tepid water, and in winter not so frequently. frequent (washing keeps the hair perfectly healthy and removes the dandruff. Por keeping brass bright when ex- posed to the air and dump I know of nothing better than lieu eniery- powder made into a paste with pnr- aflin. Apply this like any other po- lish, and with plenty of "elbow grease" the result is excellent. For brown hoots use this simple re- cipe, which was sent 11:e by rt cor- respondent who used it in the boot, trade for years: 5I I'Ll e off t w o °tineis of becswn5, ()Ince in n jar with one gill of turpentine, end dis- solve it by heats! When cold apply this to the hunts, using a flannel. Polish by ruhl,ing with the palm t.1 the hand. Children who commence music should not be expected to sit at the piano for more than ten or fifteen minutes at a tune. At first this will be sufficieet for the day, but as the interest h1 11nlsic grows. this may be euppienented by another lesson or two. 'fill a child is fully developed never allow a lunger practice than half -an -hour. 'Iltis 0oto Will Keep. -Dissolve a quarter of n pound of the Lest guns arabic in three-gnnrters of n pint Of cold water. When quite Iliis(lved, lave Restored Thousands 4 Canadian Women to Health and Strength. •Chen is no need for so many women t0 suffer pain and weakness, nervouruc4s, (leeplessnoie, a11 vmia, faint and dizry spells and the numerous trnuhl.•s whir b render the life of woman a ruuud of sick• coots and suffering. Tering girls budding into womanhood, who suffer with puns and headaches, and whose face is pale and the blood watery, will find Nilhurn's lead and Nerve Pills help them great ly during this period. Women st the change of life, as ho are nervous, subject to hot flushes, f -cling of pins and needles, palpitation of tho heart, etc., are tided over the trying time of their hie by the tee of this wonderful remedy. It has a wonderful ef'eet on a woman's system, makes pains awl arbee vanish, brings toles to the pale cheek and sparkle k, the eye. They build np the system, renew last! •italii v, improve the tippet ire, make Hell, red bl.•od and die' el (.int weak, tired, list's(, no -ambition feeling. 103 PIS sot. OP 3 vee e. as all The T. Mllbtlru Co.,Llmitei,Toronto, Ont. 61000 DISEASED NEN I1 rote evereent,acteet any blood 4ise310 yeti are never cafe anlr.v the elru,nr pettier' has been eradicated front tete to seen. have yeti any of the f,.,1 Inn iag limp- ((' ISP forethroat, trlcersCal the tontue0(11the mouth, haft faltlus u•. 1, aching 1 ain., Itchiness of the akin, soma or blotche•es the Doty eyes ted and apart, d)s. t'e..tlostomach, rex.eal a weakness-iudications of the s.cond.try stave. o,e't ruiu youroytt-rn t^it!r theoll forty treatraent -n tercary and potash- which only enp, I:ressestheapn,ptensfor *time only -to break out again Whea happy 1 idome•t•- `__,�, itfn, Don't Irl quacks et f .nasal On you. Our New Method .A7 Traatmeat Is guaranteed attire you. One su+ranle:. are tae k ed M e. by bank b.md., that the disease will never return. TIi.t' tis of b+ - ,. patients liars Men already vara ( r tr New Msthnd Treatment t for over SO years, no agents used without written eeriest, �ie f Mr. E. A. C. writes: "Your remedies hare&me tee �ti ore good t' than Bet t+pria•'s and all the doctors s..l medicines I h?d pre. •loeslytried. 1 hive not felt any of those pains elf Seen any Ctsr$or b•r trhrs foto.-: seven years and theonta-ar.1 Byrn ptnm3 Mahe lertthern•40 dise.ece 11110 ent,relT diaap-.earal„ My halt 11:-.1 gro•%a In 12117: ;a;.tand lam marr.e1 and kar fy• r'••:'i'.Te'.07s Fret. SOO-.a Pate. wRi'6 res 003370)8 MAW riR5082:11:.11 '7':T, tVES (...A2ANTtt00.)1,)FAY. 16 YEARS 114 DETROIT. Drs. Itl.vm.nnerly O.L e'rgan 14.1 CI!1:LT.Y fvr. r:r:'1'. nil':2111T. ktrcif. a. ± i XMr!MK •