Exeter Times, 1905-07-27, Page 1• a Neter HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Et THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -No 1664 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 27th 1905, 6411•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star UIVLTROUGtIINO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON 1 1 t Exeter and Centralia Storehouses Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime NEEDED Annually, to 01I the new positions created by Rallroad and Telegraph Companies. Wo want Young Men and Ladles of good habits, to can buyLEARN TELEGRAPHY That money and R. R. Accounting also We furnish 73 per cent. of the Operators and Coal for Everybody Station recta in America. Our six schools are thee largest exclusiveveTelegraphy Schools In the world. Established 20 years and en - at Lowest rices dorsed by all loading Hallway Officials. P We execute ♦ 5230 Bond to every student to J. GOBBLEDIGK furnishhimhoher a potea as paying from 49 to MEI a month in iWtes oast of the Roc�y Mountains. or from $75 to k100 a month in States west of the Rockies, immediately upon ' gS ud ata can enter at, any time. No waca- • tione. For full particulars regarding any of our Schools write direct to our executive office at Cincinnatti, 0. Catalogue free. -THE- WE'RE SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the Suite -you wear theta out. We make them as well as we can, so that they Will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your nett Suit. And no one could blame you, So much money ought to buy eel much Suit worth. Arid Suit worth is faehionehleness of fabric -style in cut -fit -finish -looks - dressygees - and length of service. As good a place as there is within mileei,get all this and not pay too much W. Johne. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. 'Ws JOHNS Merchant Tailor • 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE • ATENTS TRAM Maass Duane COPYRIGHTS &C. Ascan ss d ng a stuteA and deeertstten may armor aaeertaln our opnn a•tae an insues is p►obVpt mnnita- teap+teeon00 Patents deettit taken �yrotsssurla `pt �a�� sot* w,tbo•t to tan Id* EMAIL A 5,1011•0a1•ly nte•iria.d weekly. T.arv.st dr. csisasea or say issitsuso raa1. TTferrm,mS$ a ran newscadows. $SISeMtMT, nen I as r St. wasbloatou, n. EXETER PL ULIC SCHOOL BOARD The Exeter I'ublis School board LocalsCREDITON -Billed in thu Weer. -The remain+ be; to advisi the following sessional __ the late Arthur Cockwill, who was report, July 19, nteetint held in the killed at Nelson, II. C., arrived lure yowl' Hall ad 7 p. n1. Willi 11 mem- 1'11^ Ileus-+nl, l'ust' has enlere d it 5 ; 011 Monday and were interred in the crs present. Business thirty-third year, I pxtsc•d ulinu- � Exeter cemetery on Tuesday. The fes of prew•ioua meetiuz. Mrs, it, J. Gurney and 1iiti1' sun young man way on tluty ns fireman; are visiting her parents at Acton, i on the C. P. R. where he met his Miss Leah Rehmer rcturissa ►,o,,,,. ! deaf 11. The c u;inc upon which he • was engaged because uncontrolaele from Fnrcat on Saturday. 11 r. 11'iIL Beer, of St:a[orth, wlteu the enzineer find Arthur both Per R. N. !tows and S. .Mart in ,pendin; vacation under the pats tital lumped for their lives, Arthur it is that W. J. O'111ien's resiznation re j root. supposed striking his head crushing accepted. his skull. When found he only sur- fer. S. Martin and F. Wood that l Miss !1L4bel narrow,. Iris rest rued • rives! a few moments. The yawn; Miss Carlin -xis resitnation be ac- home from :t plea,.,u+c visit with man was well and favorably known canted, friends in London. Per 11. Huston and S. Martin that notices ie inserted in the local pa- pers advising. vacancies for a limit - number of pupils in the Ili;h School department and ur;in; the early registration of town pupils tot the same, Mr. F'anson and little duo h Per H. Huston and R. N. Roweter, of that Miss Irwin be advised that she is hired for duty with )11e incoming term Per \\'• J. Carling, adjournment. July 24. aosent I1. Huston. meet - in; held in Town hall at 8 p. es. Business approved nnitiutcs of pre- vious meeting. Per R. N. Rowe and S. Martin that hie following accounts be en- dorsed:T. Ilartnoll, drainaze et:. $3.50; \V. J. O'Brien, presiding ex- aminers fees, $36.15; United type- writer Co.. supplies. '5c. Per R. N. Rowe and S. Martin that the assessment% for school pur- poses for the current year be twen- ty-six hundred dollars. Per F. \Vood and R. N. Rowe t hat all seats held by the principal as not required he loaned the corpor- ation for use in the park, returnable, towever, by the coreoratioi as oc- casion may require. Per W. J. Carlin:, adjournment. J. GIRIGG. Scct'y. Per W. Carling and 11. Huston t hat the board; endorse the purchase of two llydo plate blackitatrd, at 18c per spuaro foot. 11r. and Mrs. Whitlock, 0 110 haw^ been visilin; Mr. Kinil \1r,. Thomas Sweet returned haute Monday. Misses Addie and Al in;+ Johns 5peil1 the past week wit 11 Their cousin, Miss Pearl Johns. EXETER COUNCIL Council met in the Town Hall on Friday, July 21st, 1905. Absent the Reeve through illness. J. Muir -.1. Wood -that I. Arm- strong be acting Reeve. -Carried. The minutee of meeting held on July 12th, read and approved. Messrs. A. E. Fuke, W. Ii. Mon - cur and Jas. Dignan twnite$1 upon the Council rct-the construction of a drain along William street between Gidley and Victoria. connecting with the drain at the corner of Victoria street. W. II. Lewitt -T. Wood, -the request be .granted and lite commis- sioner be heresy instructed to I ro- ceeli with cons Irue tin.r the .;:tnte.- C3 r ried. A petition WW1 presented, from Messrs. J. Conaledick, Geo. Lewis, Morse SGhool of Telcpraphp i T. B. Carling. David Mack, Robe. C teatinattt, Ohio. Hatrato. N. Y. Atlanta,Ga. LaCrosse, Wis. Texarkana. Tex. salt Francisco, Cal. sambas. Tenders Wanted Leathorn on 1 ho west side and Mes- srs. David Mill, Jas. Tom. Jno. Ped- lar, Jno. Wood, Thos. Willis, on the east side of Main street, asking for .a granolithic walk from the corner of Huron street to the south 'ooundary. J. Muir -W. 11. Levott-the petition be .ranted. and a by -lawn be pre- pared coupling tlue same with the one underway for the construction The tindersirncd will receive tend- o ft he walk on Main street from ithc ers up 10 12 o'clock noon of Friday, Station road to the bridge. \V. Ik the Ilth day, of Au;u::t, 1905, for the to be five feet in width. term .to ex - construction of about 11,000 square . lend for len years. -Carried. feet of .;ranolithiq pavement. resider A ny-law confirmin; the appoiit- crossings, in the vil)nza of Exeter, ;nest of Mr. Win. Jacobi as pound according to specifications which keeper for the North End was read may be seen at the office of She un- and 011 tnotion of J. Muir sec. by .1. derniztxs1. Wood was read a second and ihird The highest or any tender not time and passed. The seal of the necessarily accepted. corporation twins fixed Ihereto.- J. er iJ. SENIOR Clerk of the Villa se of Exeter. here, ),Karin; served an apprenticeship as carriage builder with Mi-. \Wm. 1Ventzel, and was the eldest soil of nit. ,7ofle8 Cockwil1. of the 11th, con. of McGillivrny. About seven }'ears ago deceased went w-e.AI from bore and a year later en;rr^d 11 • . i• u of the C. I'. R. as a fireman, in Thornberry, spent a few days of whose employ hit 1133 beenever since. 3 ile was 27 years of n;e and vas this week with friend: in town, highly respected by sill who knew Mrs. 11. W. Jes,_cy. Owe ui him, and his premature demise will Hankins) and nays, of Elmira. N. V. be 1o,rned w•itli much sorrow and aro in town for .t heir 308rly visit. re;rel by his many friends. Mrs. R. 1'. Jalttvi and ttwo children have returned after -i pleasant wis- h With rcl8tivc:i in Sar11ia and Lan- don. Mrs. McDnn•tld, of Pori Huron, and Mrs. E. Lounsbury, of Hamilton, also Miss Helen Parr, are the ;nests of Mrs. Jas. Di;nnn this. week. By an error in copy ;received of 1 he entrance examinations, Miss Flossie Hunter should have leen credited with oinainin, 474' marks instead of 381, Mrs. E. .1. Spackman and family and Mrs. A. Q. Bobier and family are spending a holiday at Grand 13en;i, occupying Dr. Anderson's cosy col - toge. At the convention of the Grand Lodge of the A. F. & A. .\t. held ay Hamilton last week. Mr, L. Ii. Dick- son was elected to the position of District Deputy Grand Master for South Huron. The wife of Rev. J. A. Snell, Late of Bayfield, who has been in. the hospital at Clinton for the lost three or four weeks is now visiting friends before joining Iter husband on his t ew field of labor. Misses Lottie anti .Minnie Halls, oI Toronto. are spendin, vacation ;with their mother. Mrs. Halls Andrew st. They were accompanied by their cou- sin, Miss Minnie Halle, of Toronto. who will spend some time here with friends. Mr. J/A. Gre_ory, of Batcleview, N. W. T., and Mr. E. Gregory, of Regina, are spending a holiday un- der lite parental root. The former is enraged in the real e;taie busi- »es:n at North Ilattleford, while Er- nest holds a position in the Civil Service at Regina. Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum, of Creat line, Ohio, who has been visit int her mother and sisters here, %will have her visit somewhat shortened, hav- ins received word from the 1)r. of intehded tripen Europe on which Mrs. Y Calluut will accompany him Dr. and Mrs. Duncan McCallum will also take. in .1 he trip. One day last week Mr. .1. W. Leonard, suet. of C, P. It. con- struction, visited St. Marys and the action of the board of trade is a consequence of his visit. Mr. Leon- ard states ,Thal if the town ;would put up :1 bonu9 of $85,000 the C. P. R. Would run n line here frotn Etn- he followw-inx account,+ w% ere roam- ben • . ed and orders drawn on 1lo treas- urer the town of Mitchell appears to be for Ilio same• in rathcer deep Walla' financially. \\'. Ii. Reynolds, for vlluation Res, According to the Advocate, although Taylor Co'} Ltd for vtly, 10.00; only half rho year Inas passed away, Western Real Estate . - ,kelt. do., 1t7; It. L. Doyle, the town's floating indebtedness to the bank is $15.400.. Sill the ext:••1- sion of water mains is proliosod, and a rale of 21 mills 011 the dollar has been struck in tlo face of hotrow- in; $8,500 to pay off 1 ho debt. Exchange, Limited. •lud.r County of Huron, $11; Bell Telephone Co'y. 40c ; E. T. Christ i4', Secty & Treats r f I. I $50 IC . , ,ant . ,. 78 Dundas St., London `\akin, Toronto, valuation of Elec- tric Lithi plant, $100.00; !toss Tay - i( you snot to buy ;+ farm in any Coy Ltd, ac. for lumber $13.75, less of the follotwin, Counties send (or $8 for pumpini water to April lath, our list. Huron, Grey, Itruce, hI n,, $5.45; I. Senior. for copy in; 1904 as st_ w afit roll. •, rotal $188.85. P5.h4sx Kent, Inldi mand Lincoln. Ox- ,rtmnton J. Wood see. hyW. 11.Aliddlescz, Muskoka, Norfolk, ford, Perth. fe31, 8111100e, Ontario Lev" t.-C,rricd , Victoria, Welland, Waterloo. \Went_ Council adjourned to Friday 28r ;worth or York. WI' have some of on 1110114311 Of ,1. 1 G'-1.1 3:'c. the lest farms ns in the Province for Muir. sale. We also haws a lir u• numJ. • SENIOR, Clerk. of Town, Villa re, and nosiness pro- • , pei1ies for elle. fiend for our lit )BB011NE COUNCIL Council uuyt. ouncil mel July 15th, If you 111 a Firm or o: her pro- members were present. Thu minutes of 1 he 1asn ^e ' ,t..fir t 1111 acre mad •,fid pro- perly for site w.ritc for our terms m a , ,roved. and horsed of ss 4he i'1'0I Hanle. I'fbree tenders stere. rece.ived far No char to uulcRs the proper is 1 he construction of the. Eliilt•ille sold or exch11nted. Tull part icu Creek Drain, not inclu.linr covered lots on opiateati0n. The Western Real Estate Each -tem L1.L, L.rldori, Ontario. THE Merchants Bank of Canada Don't t.ay a high price fur your four and feed ;when you can buy Orilivies, pure Manitoba Glenora brand, Godrrich Three Star !brand or Cook's !lest Family Flour at $2.50 per hundred at the !!Casal] Flour .Mills. Other deakr.t are Feline( just the 5,11110 flour at $2.811 per hundred, consequently uo ere saving yon 60c. per Barrell. Shorts I?a21I :and 1113.1 $16 per :too -if. Cook et Son. Put one cup of fresh raspberry juice and one cup of water in a double boil- er and let cook directly over the fire t untillboiling he tpoint p int is reached; stir in three tahleepo.+ns of cornstarch moistened with cold waster, add one half saltspoon of salt, sweeten to taste, cook over boiling water for ten port-iow. Connelly and \falter=, minutes, then fold in the whites of $8780.00; John A. Nichohoa. 18200.(111 three eggs beaten until foamy; pour Aunrsr Guilt.. *7910.00. The ten ler at once into small molds and serve of August Guhr arta.. accepted. And cold with custard sauce prepared as the iteete :,ul horized to have a pre- follows: Beat the yolks of three eggs per cent race i)ond eserutcd and with one ssltspoon 01 taalt; pour into slzl►twt1. It one pint of scalded milk and cook Acenunts auuruMint to $1:10.011 until the custard coals t)1• spoon, %were passed and orders issued in stirring all the the time. Take front p lyn1cnt, also a 1'93'1110"1 of s15U.Q11 the fire and flavor with one -hall tea - on Gardiner drain, spoon of vanilla when cold. HEAD OFb TOS, MONTREAL. I e CAPITAL (all paid up) RESERVE . - .. SURP .iS PROFITS.... 11110&Y$HE (kneed Manatee Council then adjourm•d 10 etre! $6,000,0001 Rept emberi'. 112nd .11 ung o'clock. 0it1.is1, Clerk. $3,200,00. ----t- .ACRORRF: "" ,. ,.$ 18,959 The fat 111..41 ,,f the ;omit will try F. LIEBDEN, 11) distin.utsh 1he11i•+•Iv(`* 111 a la- Supertntesdenn of Branches areae ,nal eh a Zaate. ; The. shin men 95 Branches In Canada (to -duty) Thursday. Game to he played nn recreatiln1 grounds. Sil- ver collection. SAVINGS BANK ('li11ton l:tcros.e clul* a ill play 1 he r el urn hale on 1 h•' rem -eau ion Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings grounds Mond.ly :11 6.30 11. m. An Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. eaeitin. .1nIe le expected Special attention given to the business of Farmers teen, to whom loans arc made en apppeved names. Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED and Cattic- CREDITON :BRANCH F, B. HULTBY, Manager. Take a.1yInta.e of our • 1 -80111 - mer oiler, 25 r,^fit►s from now to n. til, 1906. Send .: copy of the Tin1.' to en absent member of your household. l'ostaze paid -to any part of Canada, United Stale. or Great Itritain OA/TOA=A. Iwo t,• _.,,TM Kind Yeo hi Minn Ban=ff! firsts" •f I,A1WN now -LING The 2nd and 3rd ..games in the championship schedule w:eru played on Friday evening last ;111.1 Moms! y evening of this week. FitIDAY It. 8. Lan; C. B. Snell .1o+. D3vit \W, \1'. Tainan It. 8. O'Neil 3. G. SR a nhury .1ohn Muir Iter. Wm. Marlin Skip 111 Skip 1 f MON 1)A\' Ur. Sweet. C. 11. Snell 1.. 11. Dickson W. W. Taman W. J. Heamsn .1. G, Stanhury (!adman Ita•v. W. M. Martin Skip 17 Skip 15 011 1Vedoesday 1 tt a 1 ;ilk. of :KM h- ers drove to Rt, al its and enta.u.I in a tame with rinks there. The rinks ;were :_\\'• \I. !Ratchford. Jus. Davis, 1V. C. llustuo. John Muir : C. n. Rnt11, W. J. lieanh.n, ,I. G..1t:11,- bury, W. \W. Taman. YOIJ'itF, ONLY HALF SICK Ilut nevertheless you feel quite "seedy." ileat prescription in Dr. Hamilton's t'i115; they tone up the entire system, strengthen rho stom- ach, elevate your spirits and make you feel better in one day. It's by cleaning the bod3} of wastes, by pur- ifying and enriching. the blood that Dr. Hamilton's Pills accomplish so much. Very mild, exceedingly prompt, and ;uarantced in every case. Your druggist sells Dr. lianl- ilton's }'ills of Mandrake and But- ternut, in yellow boxes, 25c eacTi, or five for $1.00. Get the genuine. FIRST EVER I'17BLiS}IED Canadian Manufacturer's Association Make a New Departure The special correspondent of the Hamilton Herald on board the 8. S. Victoria, which conveyed the mein - iters of iho Canadian Manufacturer';' Association to Great Britain writes as follows: "One of the noteworthy featurc.v of the trig) is the daily addition of "On the Go," a paper first published on the manufacturer's trip to the Pacific coast in 1903. A printing, press and a supply'. of 1 spa were pill aboard at Montreal, where a com- positor w•a4 engaged. A daily illus- trated two-page paper way issued at 9 o'clock each wetlinz in fine weather or foul. The issues were eagerly awaited, ;utd topics were dis- posed of by the newsgirls at Bd each. The profit from, the sale of the pu.w- lication is Jno no to the seamen's fund. Peel i''. puns, joke:; rind of- ficial news fill the columns, much cevlerness being uneart lied a11101lg the party. The illustrations were drawn and produce,! on 'ooard by T. T. 1.. Moffat, of \Weston„ a clever amateur artist. The editorial con►- nlitt:ee consisted of Messrs. !ladles, Edmonds, Cooper, Toronto; Mr. Law- son, of London. and Messrs. Heath andes Fa D , rata= of Montreal. Mr. Ilarris and Mr. Gibbons were busi- ness managers. On the Go is said to be the first illustrated daily paper ever published oft an Atlantic liner." GOOD FOR STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me n 4r•oatit deal of :good," says C. Towns, of Rat Por- tage, Ontario, Canada. "Being n mild pbysiq the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder." For saki in Exeter by W. S. Howey. Captain W. Harris Baker, Detroit. best known wrecker on the great lakes.may raise the sunken battleship Maine, which was blown up in Ha- vana harbor, February 1808. The local Government engineering office has transmitted a proposal to Captain Baker to dot the work. Alexander Ritchie genet -al tnerch• ant, Wingham. has made an assign- ment. He was in financial difficnities a year ago, hat made arrangements to continue the business His affairs have arrived at t.nch a crisis that he has decided to go into liquidation. His assets amount to $20,000, while his li- abilities will exceed $2111100, His father and other tt • t m�m>r rnofho t family are 1 to the principal creditors. Some leading wholesale tunnies in Toronto are slso interested Joiui Wn1T1$ & SONS The Orcat North West ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General hefting Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West 1 Ces. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also a number of other improved and unim!wrovedNorthWest farm lands. \\e have made a number of splendid inveatmetate for ells, :!lents, who placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Parif:e and other North West lands. In a number of instances value; have increased eo rapidly that our patrons could readily realize double the amount of tho money they have invested. and in view of the splendid prospects for a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented num-set t)f nattlera coming into the west, prices of lands of good quality and situated convenient to a railway arc bound to make '► eh)! further large advance, One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the Crop Estimate for the Present Season. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay far lauds. We give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for lands. $427.00 don secures 320 acres, (half section) of.lhoi; a wheat land. !r ` V00 V Thiewwould be a great investment for YOU. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Secures 320 acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual settler. No other payment required for twc years, R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three months' trip through the West. During his stay there he will locate a number of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various new railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in West- ern tands should communicate with him when full information will be given. His address up to the rsth October next will be R. E. PiCKARD, General Selling Agent for C.P.R. Lands. Frobisher, Assa. About Bed Time T Blessings on the plan who flist in - j vented Bleep. Blessings, you w:11 say, on tho man who first invented the greatest ,fid to sleep and rest known an the Marshall MUT Mattrass The only ventilated Sanitary Mattress in the world. Purer. cleaner, cooler healthier and more rnultortable than any othermattraen•. A continual cur- rent of air refreezing the mattress, always keeps its shape, will never pack or harden. (luaranteerl for five years. Will last a life time. Don't fail to eee it. Sold only i:y- ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral directens On Tuesday of lost week Miss Mag- gie Clarke of Babylon Line was un- ited in marriage to )key. R. A. Millar, of Oil Springs, formerly of Varna at t the parsonage in Corinth, by Rev. A. It. Lloyd of that place. Windsor retains its reputation as a place for tnarriages, Clerk Lusted's fi- gures showing 1330 marriages for the six months ending June 30, with 171) births and 114 deaths. A gond pro- portion of the would-be married coup• les come from the United States side. Fred Montgomery, waiter, Sand- wich, Ont., who was taken to St. Mary's hospital Detroit July 0 with a CASTOR 1 A wound in his breast, made by a hat pin, died Saturday. It is thonght the Infante and Children. wound was received during a row at ♦ his home In Sanwich. ('tna'livi ' f- f You tar t.. , M y,. • t. t e l Tae y ('an'I even sleep -rest day .�,,,I been missing since the night of the i nicht-hruodint over imn,rined rr.,,, row, and ie supposed to hive g )•te to 1 hlc all rho 1in1e. The disc ...4• t-n't (7anadran territory 1 Rev. E.C.Jennings i.eo►ve•t next week for Kingsville, Essex county, to which he has been assigner} by ,,he Bishop of Huron. His uew parish is rather larger than his present ono and the is a promotion, b Mr transfer but, Jennings much regrets severing the very pleasant relations which have existed between bitumen' and his pare ishioners. We all et;tsenu him very highly for his unvarying courtesy, and kindness anti wish hire every success in his new tiebl of Tabor. YOI- MELANCHOLY \1 oNIEN Icta a say Montgomery +wit• h � � in 1 he brain bur in the blood, which 14 thin :,fid innul ci11004. I►0 1 ri2h1 ,hint now and you'll lie cur- ed quickly. Just Mks Ferrorone ; it turns everylhint you rat into nourishment, c0nsequr•ur ly, .+toe coinnini01 lots, of ire .1 and e\c.111 is formed. Ferrozone makes fle-h. muscle, nerve - sl ren 11 hen. ill a week, cures wary quickly. Veu'11 live tooter, feel brighter, he Tree Dom melancholy if you us: F'errn- zntae Fifty cents 1111y .1 3 box of this rood Ionia (fifty choeoI; lt' cool- ed t,Wet '1 in every hest at n deal- ers. MARRIED GRANT-WILLIS-In Exeter on Wednesday, July 26t 11. ray the Iter. W. M. Martin, Mr. Georze T. i;r:,nt, 10 Mies Jesse, datiz},ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ja).. 11'illie, Bir itItITT-WELL\W000-At Tot on- to, Jeincliot, on W. 'Innately. July 8th, by , hn Itew. N. 1Vellweod, irrO- Iher of the bride, Miss \Tari• \fellanod, of Toront n, to Mr. A. 1:urrit t, \litchell, Ont. DiED COlLEItill.-In London, on .11113 211 19115, Jonathan ('.►hleith, in 1,i- 61-, Sear. Bears the Signature of Binder Twine The Plymouth Twines arc guaranteed to be full length Ply. Special 500 ft. Silver Sheaf 600 ft. and the Celebrated Gold Medal 650 ft. at closest prices. BuNders Hardware of Every Description Furnace Worir We da Furnace Work at lowest prices, conducive .01 Let us figure on your job. ftflMflN'S HflRDWflRE .:crk. and Stove Store