Exeter Times, 1905-07-20, Page 8stir; f EIk k
: I M z ►'. •1 U 1. 1' -20th ►o:,
Talk about a Deal
AvE U t 1T ! )NE the Other (lay, but it pretty near took
11.0 II :I: t►ff the }read of the roan we got it from,
It tt.i, just lift' tali,: He had a lot of Olnhre stripe
De Lanett, ht• regu''ar rt'tail price Wits 25c. the yard.
He was aLX1 III to move them, after some serious talk and
a goutsLett. til' per:ueV-loll the got the lot at our own offer.
They are now tail t•ur counters at
Exactly Hall Price 12 1=2 cts. the yard
They come in very pretty floral and satin onibre stripes
in blues greens, greys, paris and Black. The colors are
guaranteed absolutely fast with proper washing. Very suit-
able for Shirt Waist Suits, Odd Skirts, Blouses or Kimonos.
The biggest snap of the season.
Your Choice for only 12 1-2 cts.
Yes we are still paying big prices fol Butter and Egg3.
Come and see ns,
SD 0 0 n S I TQe copy for changes must be left
I not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advertisement, accepted up to noon
•• Wednesday of each week.
«'e 11 t vt' a lith' of
Berry Spoons
Salad Spoons
Jelly Spoons
Sugar Spoons
Cold Meat Forks
1 THURSDAY. JULY 20th. 19')5
Sterling i ••••++••N+N•N++••+••+•+
Any of the above make a
tasty, durable and useful
Wedding Gift.
S. Fitton,
••••N•• ......••
Lawn mowers sharpened on short-
est notice at D. Ilartleib's. Exeter.
Miss Mary Kestle is visitinz Miss
Ethel Armstron-g.
- Miss Brownie Andre es is visit-
ing friends in London.
Miss Olive Elliott, of Toronto. is
visit in; with the Misses Cobbler'ick.
- Miss Olive Elliott, of Tor„rrlo,
is visiting at her uncle's. Ur. Rich-
ard Hicks.
-Miss Minnie Wood, of Louden.
is •t h.' guest of her auntie. t he Mis-
ses \\':iron.
-Mr. harry ilurns of Owen Sound,
was the guest of Miss Meda ltuxt-
aalc last week.
- Mrs. Baker and 3randdaulbtc►r,
of London, visited her .on. Mr. Jos-
hua Iluxta.lc last week.
-Miss Hazel Ilepaurn, of Toronto,
is the ,guest of her cousin, Miss Floe
-Miss Windsor. of London, is tlx:
3ucst of her cousin, Miss Ida Wind-
sor .
- St: Marys Board of Trude fev-
ers a grant of $35,500 to .the C. 1'.
It. extension from Enloro.
Miss Hattie Holloway, of Clinton.
is visit.i •e cousins, \ is • •
t n her cont 1 the . L. tie. {
Bliss Friend. of London. is the
sliest of her cousin. Miss May Ar►n-
Paris 1 If you want pure luta Grccn for
c1potato bugs go to C. Lutz's Dru;
Store Exeter.
Miss Edna Pickard. of Brantford.
Is the sweat of her erandtnot her,
.1rIt. Pickard.
\Ra. 1'. N. Nott heel t, .Ind family
:Ire visiting lisr is. rents Me. and
Mrs. S. AIw:►rd.
.\ number of yowls peopl;• drove
to (grand n••nd on Tuesday evenint
stel enjoyed :I p16:11):u►t dance.
NI r. Shlty, of StraIhroy, has been
enta;ed :Is '•Iectrici:In at 11e: poets.
Mr?... (I)r.) Anders(' II .s .'-urned
fr (:r:nld (tend for a couple r f
Miss Olive and Mildred Deemer, of
\\'inzhinr, aro visiting relatives near
Slips Lill' Johns is %kII1nz ei111
h•'r sister, Mr_. W. S. 0ondison, al
Mix. F:dyth Sanders is spending
•1 most, 11 with relat ivies in ik't roit
Ind other points in Nlichizan.
M r. Fred 11,1eksha%, of London,
'twist Smelly under the pa rent aI
p trent :it roof.
\'s. •a is
.11 C a r;1 rn o I
I lie of 'ro nt
FOR Ot'FItS1XTY 1EAI:B j ti"itil►t :It ii►" horny of Mr. If. !i.
AN OLD •ND \V 1.1-TRlrcn ItnM,iDT.-Mrs' t.ar►;•
Winslow'sBoothing Syrup hies been used for'
Foothsixtyerrs by millions of mothers for their 1' or Sale.-Itcsidence of Mrs. G.
es the child, softens the gums. allays an
while teething. with perfect succees , h „p, on Andrew st. for part icular•
1 soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all i apply t. 10 owner.We cures wind colic. and is the best remed , f i
rote Diseases. it Is plesswnt to the taste. Sol 1 Do you suffer from lender, sore or
by druggists In every pert of the world. 28 .: , ,1
,i ri n i ftwt i Use Foot Ease, i t
cents •bottle. its_ y�tt►►sue 111 incalculable. lie, I' '
sure and take Mn W11111low'- Soothing 11arsly fails to sive relief. Solll by
!Syrup and ask for no other kind. t;('. Lutz, Exeter.
TO CURE A COLE) IN ONE 1)AYDB, OVENS, London, Surgeon,
Take Laxative promo Quinine Tab -1 EYE, EAR. NOSE and TI ILOAT.Fit"
lets. All dru.'gists refund the mon- I i Glasses properly. Office. Commer•
e if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's tial Hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat•
sigmat tire is on each box. 25c. urthty, August 5111.
in Ordered Clothing
This Month
to make room for
Fall Goods
W. W. Taman
Merchant Tesllor.
-14++++++4. •1++++ +++++++•F+•r++ •:•++++++++++4++++++++++++++
f _ %etch This Spee° Every %eek
t ▪ Yields readily to the penetrating effect of NAMELESS 1
- CATARRH REMEDY. it is avithout doubt one of the
•1 greatest remedies for Hay Fever and Catarrhal affections
,- of the throat and lungs ever discovered. We guarantee
it to do as represenicd. Put up in 25c tubes. -
1f there is no agent in your section, send lac and receive a tithe by
I return mail. This is no experiment, but genuine.
Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont.
\Ir. Ilt•rh Pickard of \1or:t:•r„I..s
s,••o•.hn r :. VilC.ttiun with bs i)other
1+ •. 11. Pickard.
Nlie. \\'tu. btt'rl!. waw Las tttr, t f,
l'.", •. t;,f years in \\'innipe; has le-
i uri' d •to Exeter fora sl:u:•t t is it.
_\lr. :.n•1 Mrs. Patrick Castle,
snit \Ir. aid Mrs. (:us. Couthli•I •'it
S11urday ao attend Ihe \1'i.:r.';,.•s
Jelin I). Itockfel!rr, of (Tavel:ind,
the oil king, is Hilly in feat' of an
of on assassin and has ;writs a rout
his heiree
.1r, and Mrs. E. Harwood stet
d:,uzbter of 'Toronto. are vi -itis:
will' ilia former's mother, l-., .I.,
I'ick u•d.
Mrs. \Cil, Itcs,, and little d;wch-
:;r !tette'. of To:onto, are t:p'nrlins
coupi') of weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. ltcs..
Mr. :uid Mrs. E. McDonald end
little babe•, cf Guelph, are spending
a holiday with Mrs. Me1)oateld's eis-
tors. slur Misses \\'ec•kcs.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Nash, of Sarnia, who
ntsee . short time with daughter,
Mrs. W. Powell, returned to their
on Saturday.
\i r.
Themes Cann. who has :essla
laid ISIS since Septeneser last i'4 now
;able 441 take many drives And is im-
prosinx very nicely.
-M r. .1iIton Foster, of Tercel 9,
Mr. CI•tr"ncn Foster, of Granton, vis-
ited at \I r. .faun's llanilford'n cm
The Exeter. District Epwoei h feet-
-sues will open :t summer Fclwot at
Gr:1041 !lend from July 31 Ito Mil-
lis' lit h.
Mr. Frank Mesa, of the !lank of
Conclurrce staff, Chat hoot, whn has
been on the r-elievinz staff :.t Lon-
don. visited friends here on Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Qu:n ee and
Mr. Melt il.•hl Handford left for their
bolter in Snowflake. Mani1oes, en
Monday evening after a pleasant vis-
it with friends here.
The Exeter Voters' List just Reis-
lisb.cd shows the total number of
voters to be 641. Tho aggregate
number of persons entitled to serve
•1s jurors bean; 305.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. IIawkslatw,
Miss M. Walters and Miss Della Tre-
ble were among those who went on
the excursion to the west on Sat-
urday last.
Dr. Butler, London. will be at the
Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
Jus 27th, 1905, all day
for Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and glasses
Tha friends here of the Itev. Mr.
Locke, who is in London for treat-
ment, will ie plowed to learn that
Ids pro.;reset to perfect health iseaclt
day more marked and his ultimate
recovery is now looked for.
ND-. and Mrs. \Cm. llawkshaw left
on Friday evening last for a trip
to thenorthwest. They expect to
spend eon10 Rime with their Eon and
(1:111I1►ler, Mr. Will and Miss Joan
ltawkshaw of Souris, Man.
Miss Nina Carlin; rendered a vary
pleasing solo in the James street
church on Sunday evening last.
Miss Vera Snell of Sarnia and Miss
May Snell, milliner ,at inxersoll,are
spending the holidays at their home
Take ndvinta;e of our raid-Aunl-
tuer offer, 25 cents from now to
Jan. 1st. 1906. Send a copy of Ihe
Times Id on absent member of your
household. i'ostn,;e paid to any part
of Canada. United States or Great
lir. Melville Martin, of the firm
of 111110ur & Martin, Ilarristers, :It
Itt ukt, .s s
ndrn. . holiday un
th'+ parental rcof. We .are.plcas-
ed to note the xuccc4as which has
crowned our former t.ownsman in
his chort-,t profese:on in the weet .
-Miss Margaret Handford, who
has had cleirse of ,:e millinery de-
partment at 1'orl Dover, returned
donee last week for her holidayA.
She as (1cc011111 ►ied oy h.•r frien/t,
Miss Colvcr, who will -Ireel :1 f
weeks vacation with her
Every mon owes it 10 hiulxcl1 an•I
his family to master a trade or pro-
fession. Beul lit" cli!piny advertise-
ment of 11 a six Morse School" of
Telegraphy, in his issue and kern
how .•:Icily a yount nein er tidy may
learn Ie's•zraptly nndl.e assunred n
In Saturday's Mail and F:tnpire in
a write-ull of tato city of S:. Cath 1:-
inra n lu'rn appears a very •11001 like-
ness of Mr. Theo. Sweet. Mr. Sees t
is all old Exeter troy and Ire; the
honor of hobbits the position cf
Mayor for that !rent huh of the
Nil.car•s l'eninsull, havins Leen re-
turned io t h ll position by acclima-
tion for 11.' i.res"nl t•1'rnl.
Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Currie Owe
Mildred Godwin) spent a few .1.I):
1.1st week here en their return from
their hmleymotm trip spent in New
York. They left' for their hone nem'
8x11)1,1, on Thursday and were 'ten-
dered :1 reception 1•y 1)►eir p:tri,hion-
,.. e.•r .
is it Ole n ine t 1_
our ',+ church h t I
n c
evenir►r. A v4ry pleasing feature of
flys eveninz trr•in_ the presenl.ltiotl
of a purr), of $511.00 ny the milieu-
s -tits of 1I►9 church, to Mrs. Currie.
Bev. Wm. and Mrs. Godwin left on
'I'ues,l•1v for Datr•oi:, from there they
01 'Ito the Trip win boat to Mil-
waukee, going 1 hence to Berlin city,
Wis., where they expect to siew' a
noon 11 with ract ives. Thr Irip is
h•:nr taken loth a view of III4•int
•••i)• tretieficiol result in the re-
st or,t ion to health t f Mr. Go•Iwin,
aim convalescing after a s •t•er0
ell •eek of pneutnoni:,. Miss Ev:I (;04.
IA :111A I:r.1C'• will visit ,t $,irIl; .
Market iteport.-The following is
the report of Exeter markets. cora
rested II, In July lith.
Peas 6(1 to 63 rents per 1,0511(1.
Ih'.an $16 per ton.
Shorts 120 per ton.
Family Flour, 12.75 per cwt.
Ford Flour. $1.25 per cwt.
Ilay. $7.00 per ton.
\V).( -at 90 to 93 cents per bushel.
111rtey, 40c. per bushel.
16 cents per rinser'.
O . • s for tier bushel.
liu.ter, 16 cents per pound
11u;a, live eeezht, $6.00 per reel.
i nOiaidoedresseed f' =or i.
Ilan tka _Ane IUM ter (Kit
Of Oddments and
Remnants of
., Snell &Rowe S�,
oar � Poa�
Cherries are plentiful at 75c per 1 Miss Edith Moncur is visiting
pail i friends in Guelph.
Bert Muir is spending a month at 1 .Tut a EI1.iot t of Oronogo. M.o. was
Cowanda. N. Y. ; the guest of Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Sam -
Miss Alice Iloward spent a feet ' well.
days of this week at Grand !lend. Wanted - At once a house keep -
Mr. L. C. Fleming and little son ler on farm, middle aged person pre -
have returned home from Cobour;. t ferret. Apply at Times Office.
Misses Vera and Ethel Co.,blcdirk
are visiting their brother, Mr. N.
B. ('obbledick, Brantford.
Mrs. Fowler, of Toronto, is the
Ducat of her daughter, Mrs. F. W.
Big Bargains for July ,
Wash Goods
All our Wash Goods including White Muslins, Colored
Muslins, Colored Shirt Waist Suitings, Colored Ducks and
Sateens to clear for only l0c yard.
White Wear
1 beautiful $2.50 Underskirt ... .. • ...for $1.70
A beautiful $3.23 Underskirt.. .... .. ...for 2.45
:1 very fancy $1.50 Night Gown for 95e
A very tine 75c Corset Cove'r.... ....for 50d
Very tine 75e Drawers for 50c
Walking Skirts
$3.50 Skin. .. ....for $2,00
$1.51) Skirts. ` for $3.00
S: -).a0 Skirt for $1.00
Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Clothing
Did you see that $10 Suit we are selling for $'.50. If
you did not, do not forget to get one.
Boots and Shoes
See our bargain Table for Shoes, they are goo:!., worth
from $1.00 to $1.50, your choice for 99c, 75c and 50c.
All present subscribers of the Tim-( $15.00
es may have the Family Herald and
Star to Jan. 1st 1906 for 40c.
A Midsummer Snap. -Tho Exeter
Tiu)r.4 and the Family !Herald and
Star will in sent to now subscribers
Mrs. A. McTavish and little son in Canada and the United States un -
of Galt, are visitir'; under the par- til January 1st, 1906, for 70c.
ental roof. • , Don't pay :4 high price for your
Mrs. F. .1. Knight has returned
home atter 0 pleasant three weeks
oulinz al Grand !lend.
Mr. Wilson Brooks, of Owass
Mich., spent a few days last wee
with his uncle, Mr. Chas. 1'. Brooks
Mrs. Snaith end Master llotwwrd
Horst -ayes, of London, are visiting.
Mrs. Wm. Iloward.
.hiss Lottie Ilyudntnn who has
spent 1110 millinery season in 'Filson -
bur; has returned home.
Mr. 1t. 11. Samuel, of the Molson'.a
Rink. with Mrs. Samuel, ie spend -
ins a two weeks' holiday at Anton -
dale, Fronten:tc Co.
\lin.; (:,carie Dyer. who has spent
the past millinery season at Ilow-
rnanwille, has returned home for her
•.. f a!' - '1 '.) 's.t l` r{ 1!
1!s!0 9ttt:al:apt t: .ra)I0 uopuo'T ut
„alum gena oi paugn tar an1:q uotm.r.
-.10,4 cit°a0 sslfg put. nova .ta,1 •sg1C
The lost signet, ring ,adverlized in
last weeks issue of the Times was re-
stored to it?' rightful owner immed-
iately after publication o fake a,l-
vcrt isemcn,,
The ,1ud1e has ,riven his decis'
in the case of the pons Tnylor Co
Limited, vs. Corporation of Exeter,
cttfir 'nx the
aA;cs9 cnt, plaintiff
11.vins to teiv cost.( of witness fee.
A Mon w•as horn to the Princess
of \\'111 a on July 12t11. This is the
sixth child of the I'rince and I'rinc-
rss of W:,I04, and Ih fifth son, three
kiting only one dau,tlfier.
The minis! meet in; of the Odd-
felLoes' Relief Association bexall on
l'uesakly with almul 50 delc.latcs
from all parte of Crnr,da. The Odd-
felkius' report :1 membership of
more 111:,n 17,1100 with revenues of
$'221, 870. Tile I14+a1)1 claims of tam
year tele114.11 $6,178,11011.
An ord,•1' h,s Ire -^n issued from Ot-
tawa fixing 1 he nutncrical st rcn;th
of rural corp- of infanta -y. Each
rexintont 41111 number 277 11091 of
:111 ranks. and to each company 9here
%rill be a raptain, too lieutenants,
une rotor--'1srant, three set' 10:1111.,
one honzler. 't 11ree cur 1,(,* :1
t iii lay pr iw 111'-.
four and feed when you can buy
O;ilivies, pule Manitoba Glenora
brand, Goderich Three Star Brand
or Cook's Lest Family Flour at 52.50
per hundred at the llensall Flour
Mills. Other dealers are selling just
the sante flour at 52.80 per hundred,
onsequcntly we are saving you 60c.
er barrel1. Shorts $20 and tiro'►
? 6 per dors-H. Cook & Son.
all. ranee Examinations. - in :m-
otive- column will Le found the li+I
cf successful candidates ata '111t' re-
cent entrance exit nlinntion. \Ce are
{leased to note that :111 the pupi's
from the Exeter school who wrote
were successful. Amour them we
ccnzralulate Miss Lillian Amos in
oi)t:linin; the highest number of
marks wi114 Miss Kati" Collins coin -
ins next, ilerths Mack and Douglas
Stewart also follow closely in t)10
contest. We are plc'aseil to note the
hist* per cent Age obtained by each
pupil and the splendid record our
school has to !.11•, touch credit Ix'in,
due to 11m p iinstekin1 efforts of
lliss \'osper, the efficient tcnchcr of
t t rune LLI.s
s for Exeter. Miss
Lillian Jones, of Exeter, obtained 9 h
10111(.41 marks in literature. llen-
sall. Credit on, Stephen and 1'sbornn
also did excellent' work.
1 k4Ilrr weather man. slays: -
"Ott and •louchiti the 20111, 21st nail
22nd reactionary morin forces will
:)znin make themselves felt, cousins
very high temperature, fallins 0•,-
rutnwter and ref ecti of t hreatenin g
weather and teire.ms. Severe storms
are nitusether possible at any of
tl►e storm periods in July, without
appreci.Ihl:• or siti..fyinz rainfall,.
Ai all ^went'•, 111' I:.inf:111A will st
likely 1 o conc(n: rate,! in sperial and
limited ::Eras, pins :side districts
misutlplied %it ii proper quantities; of
moisture. Tho \'olein Morin periol
cont ra 1 on r he 25th, rovers the 21rd
to 27111. 'Ilia' 1eutperal11re will rise
to ano1h"r climax of warmth Burin:
lie fit st 4l0ys of this period, the bar-
ometer will lilt a: Ihe 5.11110 tithe,
all culminat 111! in t hrtelet►in:z lust
and s'ormi o•1 4.11.1 toachios Ihe 25t1r.
26th, anti `27i it. ML•,ny of t hose July
periods will bring violent, local hail
storms of many •'r.tions in tl-' mid-
\11'aholo_v-St. Seivens i):ly ecru.. dlr to 001 thee.srern 41st rs.
en .luta 1 1, and nn old belief %9s-
9s-tlrel If raid falls on that flay it %ill
nein for forty ,lays folhowinz. 'fill+
year St. Sstrens Day occnrr,• I an
Ss1urday. •Incl inasmuch 04 there 11,+
beret 7111 ahtnl•1 tarn of rain fall up to
llr,l time it 1111)• bn satisfactory to
1' I
note 91111 t lar' day passed without
A very 1101 %•:ave passed over this
sect km Ihe formef part of 1 his %Eek
the thermometer rezislorin r ISS
de ,trees and upwards on Hominy,
wit It stilt hotter weft! her on Tuca-
day. In the zrcat American cities
Oho belt was /intense, Ihe record of
death bollix 23 in New York. A
thunderstorm on \Wednesday with a
slight *honer !0nt('wir)b 4'001041 lb' Railway,
air. feet. i)itect crnnection with all boat
Railway System
To Summer and Toul'ist.
Muskoka Lukes Tema 43111i
Lake of Bays ata;notawan Itiv. r•
Georri:ln Bay Kawarth'► Lakes
I:ppe. hakes 'floats Ind Island-.
600tl Mattress
1 am the sellitt; agent for the
EXETER. �I1is mattress is guaran-
teed by the manufacturers to bo
better than the beat hair: ,to be eon -
absorbent ; vermin and dust proof,
to last a lifetime :1141 to :zive com-
plete satisfaction to the user.
s i s.00 W. C. HUSTON
Furniture, Undertaking
You'll Have Somctfflog
To show for your years of work if you sage a
part of your earnings now -as much as you can
spare. You may need it at some future time --
might as well save ii, anyway. It is not hard waf-
ter you once make a start in the right direction.
11 is sufficient to start an account with this Bank
to which you can add to when you like in :any
size's amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it
without any delay, and which earns interest at
the highest current rates, which is added to the
principal FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through tin -
formality of presenting your pass book.
You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you
have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the
right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank.
We have the hest facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal.
47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Huron:
Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood. Zurich, Hensall and Clinton
JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dasliwood and Zurich Branches.
200 Pairs.
200 Pairs
At Old Prices; But New Goods
No, tcrt had nu necessity forced upon us to advance the prices of 111Ir
New• Lacc (7111'111111$. we bought them as WS have always done, 1hrou, h
our Manufacturers' Agents, and bought rattly, thus savior the '20 'so -
cent advance We •are in a position to sell Lace Curtains nt 0r 115)•1
value as ever, :en.I much better to the each Buyer, because we :ie• 111
Per cent, off for rash on Every pair of lace curtains.
Prices range from 25c a pair up to the dan-
dies at $7.00
10 Per Cent off for Cash on all Curtains
Carpets and Linoleums
10 Per Cent of For Cash
\1' 411,111.1 like• to sell every yard of Carpet in our wan'too,,,s. 1\'1
I,.,vr. tr.o I:Ir , • • stock, and, in marking these goods. ,Shen IhO) first
e tole in, w pall 111(•1(1 a1 a smaller Profit t hon usual, but We nous! " 1
91)1(11 oo;, nr:•l I:.c. ddod 1 Iwo' •n our bis list of goods to be '•r'.I
111 In•' r••' eft ( r r .sI►.
Carpet Prices from 20c a yard up to $1.00
Quebec, Pnrttind and Old Orrhnrtl, Floor oils at 25, 40, 50, 60 cents. de
Me.. White Mountains.
Athe Trnlni•is he f itra' of Amer -
air. Best Linoleum, 4 yards wide, at only
hr :► lee 1t school the ether da) :! lines. Tourist ticket. on sale daily to
9Plebe r-.skc.ei the scholars 10 wti•l' all Resorts.
•t s-ntrnre will, the phrase "hit tet Rcsr Cloth made in Scotland, Floral and 'file Patterns.011,1" in it. Of rnurs^ our scholar IIOMESEEKEIts EXCURSiON't Onn'i for tet es •n Drc.+ Goods 111111 .silky. Don't forget tts n
ha1111rd in 11' sl atenmCnl, "Itus'i.l i• It:ttes $-011,01 to $I 113')
(leaernlintd 1.,'firht out Ihe Irc..ent 1 1100 .-4 & !(11t's- hive at G ds In.l new. on't forret o'•..
1 To )ints in Manitoba, AAeittal►oia, 1100'- \ew ll0•=.
551! o 1 tv h ,ter end." Another. 1ltlskl►tchew4ur and .\porta. , )
Snit 11(x1 the sunatner i olidnys would Don't Forget Us! Dont Forget Us! Don't Forget us!
come all ton semi a.e th<•ir "hitter tlonll gains; July 13th. Returning until U Q Y
0041," and sr, forth. The . iitaac• August 11{th. For We CR11 do you goo(!.
t bit took 11r• rake, however, w a. For tickets and full informatlot_, all
written by i bright ton -pear -old
Oft •
Inas. r:- O to^l�►ttsil/lr for 111E fret_Popiestone & CardinertlInrinz:- Our bull pup char .1 J. J. KNIGHT.Smitli•s blak cat acros the hark ! Depot ticket aen, Exeter,
y.,r•I, and ss she was letting mole: ' .1. 1). McIMNALI)
1 he fem.,'he -1,i, ter end" histo, t passenger agent, Toronto, On •- door north of i'ostofficc. Produce taken in exchange for goods
$1.95 net price. '