Exeter Times, 1905-07-20, Page 41.1:HE EXETER TIMES, JULY 20th 1905.
can help
ur Sight
SPECTACLES cen cc•rrect
fect to your eyes.
thorough and scientific ex-
ation given and tits faction
ntecd in every case r:t
rug Store
he Exeter Times
EKDAlt l•'(Jlt •1 e LY 1903
Y 2 e 16 23 30
Y 3 10 17 24 31
✓ 4 11 18 25
DAY... , 5 12 19 26
DAY....... 13 20 27
Y 7 14 21 28
AY l S 15 22 20
i( Leen definitely decide -1 shat
ionnl indemnity of members
liament is to t:;• reified to
notice of the Government's
ion to that effect appear in
Vs .wad proscenia;3 of Satur-
avin, been lain on the table
House duri.z the bittin-J.
increase will apply to c1en-
s well as representatives of
it Ibe operative floc the pre-
ession and the members will
me each a thouesnd :to the
el is said -there twill 1, an ro-
of judges salaries.
statement further is that the
ce to cabinet ministers will
as they are until nest cession
Ihet the salary of the Prime
r will be incrtcoi'd to $12.000.
'1nu1I Cmcnt of the coutine
n National Exhibition an -
'that they have made ar-
ente for 'the ,greateet loon
on bf art that has ever been
ted in Canada and probably in
et. They have teecured paint-
tintl art treasures illustrative
on -e peroiod of years, from
cattily corporations el the city
don, the ;treat British Univer-
includinz thoee of Oxford,
Wee. and Dublin. the Goecren-
of France, the South Kenein•g-
u' eum. It;;ht honorable Lord
conn and Mount Royal, and
onor the Lieutenant Governor
tarn). '1'hls exhibit is expected
teed in interest and attraction
n e eve before presento(1 to
Nilo of Canada or the United
s, not exccptin-;• the Jubilee•prc-
1 l.crri°cd ves.
The Surrounding News
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
By Our Correspondents.
- Mr. George McEwan is tuakin z
;ood headfway with the lore drain
which he took the contract for. a1-
thou;lt •th't wet we.ather Ls hinderin_
t he work considerably.
-Mr. Wilson Stwencrton. a former
resident of our vitiate, but now of
Manitoba, was in the villlaee during
the past v eek renewin; acquain-
- Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wilson
tvere in 6t. Marys recently vieit in;
-ltev. Pentley Hartley. of Roland,
Alanotoba, rho eldest son of the Etats`
ltev. A. Y. Hartley, was iai the vit-
t.' se (luring the past week. visiting
friends in 4hit his former home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kydd, Mr.
and Mrs. \V. Stoneman, Mrs. G. S.
Thomson. and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Stoneman were in Brussels last week
attending 'the ntarriaze of their rel-
ative. Miss Nicholl.
-Rev. Mr.Iv
Kitty, of Granton
preached -in St. Paul's church on
'tbbatli even ine last. Rev. \V. V.
Doherty took Mi. Kitty's duties .al
- Mrs. C. Cook who has peen visit -
in; her parents in \Vroxetlor. for a
month, returned home last week.
-We art pleased to see Mr. Wat-
son. tho foundry employee, stem tray
so recently iejurod, able to .;o a-
round gain.
-Mr. and Airs. \1'm. Muir were
in Kincardine (lurks; 4 h past week
visitin; relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ilarper end
son, Burton, of Brandon, Manitoba
were visitinx at the horse of J. Fish-
er and B. Thomson.
- Misses Leila and Clara Ross are
visitin; 3Li.•ss Alice Caldwell.
-Mr. If. N. McTaeeart is in Tor-
onto visitinz his son. Wellington.
who was here the first part of the
week on 4he lluron boy's excursion.
- Miss Alice Pot ty is hone spend -
in; her. holidays,
-Mr. 11. J. I). Cook was in Godc-
t•ich this week.
-The onion crop is very large and
promising in 'this rection.
- Mrs. II. J. D. Cook was in Clin-
ton ion Wednesday visiting: her
- M.'. John Eseery, who
p ' d t he 'remains of the late Mrs
Christian Jloorc •to their Bret •rest -
in; piece, near Shelburne on Wed-
nesday, returned home Saturday
-5L•. John Luxton, tvho has been
su .;oriously ill i4 able no sit up
a _ it ill.
- JIr, and Mrs. A. Buswell, tt ho
have been visiting Mr. Busw-cll's old
home here, returned to :their tome
in North Manchester, Indiana.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Murdy, of
Lucas were zu(i is at J. Es•ser-y's
041 Sunday.
-Jlaster Harry Snell, of 'Exeter,
is holidaying at his zrut(1(11her'',
AI r. W. Cayce.
The road south of hero has been
closed while buildin; a new bridge
-Miss Vella Stinson has returned
to her home in Ripley.
-Mrs. A. C. Wilson and Carrie
Wilson have ,.one to London to
spend .o few days.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curtis vis-
itefl hitt sister in London, and spent
the 12th in that city.
Mrs .N. J. Aitken attended the
plarriaze of her brother, Mr. Rich-
ard Wrizht, of London. Ito Miss Maz-
zie McColl. of Glencoe, recently.
At the last. re3u'•:ar nicotine • of
Tent, No. 48, K. O. T. M., Greenway.
it was moved by Sir linizhts W. T.
Clens and Ii. Johnston, and un-
animously carried, that a letter of
condolence bo written to Sir hn ;ht
John Brown., fast Commander. and
\Vin. Ilrown, master of arms.
- Berry pickin; and Iwying is •1 he
order of the. day.
and Mrs. W. J. Itoy left
on Saturday last for -a months tour
in the west.
- Mrs. Stewart potent part •of lost
week in Stratford.
-Miss Kirk and Miss Godbolt are
visitin; ail Mrs. Wm. 'irk's .
-Miss Gardiner, of Waterford, in
visiting friends .in the village.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ford Left on Tues-
day for a tw•o months visit in Man-
KI1'PEN itoba. •
Miss Lottie Gr:assick, teacher near -Miss Ida M. Copeland, of St.
Dundalk is spendinz -t he school ta- Marys, is visitinx frien.ts in the
cation here.
-G. Adair visited his son, David,
station anent at Goldstone, lately.
- Miss -1131 do Cameron, teacher at
Lakelet, ie spendinz her vacation
with friends here.
-The Loran drain is finished. Mr.
G:tItr, the contractor. made a good
job of it:
-Mrs. bloat of Montano. daughter
of Mr. McLyment's, who camp home
recently very ill, has now almost
fully recovered.
School report -Tho followin; is the
June :monthly report of S. S. No.
14, Stanley. names boinz in order of
merit :V. -Ida Dinsdale, A. W. John-
ston, Mary Johnston. Sr .IV. -Elea-
nor 1100(1, E. Gemmel!, Jean Gras -
sick. Jr. IV. -M. M. Fisher A;;ie
NOTE ANJ) COMMENT Gentmill, Itenn Mcfleath. 11I. - 3.
Kehl, Janet •Lozan, Jets. Gemmill.
If. -Lola Itathtwell, (truce •Loean, Ar-
thur Jones. Second Port. - Allan
n. G. W. Moira us laid to he
ral Government'a choice for .one
h.e lieutenant-erovernorships of
con: riot for t he Morrison
0. on the town line. bet tvc^II- -The Itcv. \Wit. Ilan;h, who has
ersntith end Ribber( has been taken charge of the Kippen circuit.
rded as follows:-Na,'.e & Lucy has been for the past three years
Mein, :meal :.butements,'$4.61 t V' PortBurwell it
cubic yard. and for' the steel sup-
truclule to tht' Hill Company, of
chat, for $315.50. The contract
•i to ebulcrnctits for the Hayfield
1! • I is Leen awarded to Mr.
et. 1;ulteridee, of Seaforth, a1
O n 1 for the piers $6.6O.
villa;c -
- Mr. -blue]; Kirk has cher. re of W.
J. Roy's izeneral store wlri.!•i he is
absent on his our in GI.. \\'art.
- Il;r:uu Copclarel in tde a .)usin,'es
trip •10 St. Marys on Saturday.
'fake advantage of our mid -sum-
mer 'offer, 25 Cents from now to
Jan. Isl. 1900. Send a copy of the
'Times to an absent member of your
household. Posta:e paid 10 any part
of Canada, United State or Great
There is no ono article in the line
of medicine that gives so largo a re-
turn for the money as a good por-
ous strengthening plaster, such as
Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna
Backache Plasters•
If warnttl( and circulation are not
promptly restored, chills result in
fatal pneumonia. This necoasitnles
Fisher, Herbert Kehl. First Part. fatal
Nerviline on hand. Taken in
Ida Ilathwell, Alex McMurtrie, Wal- plop water it breaks tip a cold in
tic JDcIkath• two minutes. By •rubbinz freely
over Throat and chest it prevents
colds. No liniment go stronz, o0
a senna, turwe circuit.
penetrating. so swift to kill pain
where he, has had Lite.great iruil_
and imflamtnotion. Nearly fifty
yen of Kiel' 11011001 tedvant.a es for years' record has proved :the record
a of
thee- of ilk f miIy. -two of whom t aPolsbootn tlesNto-dervay.ilin.e. You should
have ;secured their junior !ravine
ercon:l class certificates and tth DASA\VOOI)
third is now tvrilinr. Mr. Bane,'
studied at Mont real. at Wesleyan HAW CARRIER A:. TRACK. - Now is the
time to can and get price on our Louden
Thcolo;scat Colle:;a and McGill Ilei- Double steel Track, we have on bend n few
versity, and twos ordaine'I d0 Abe hound Track Care which we are offering ata
ministry with Rev's. Jas. • Livinz- snap. there cart made in Oshawa and there
st on, Richard Hobbs tali ed \Vin. Cod- a large number In 1t a in this ne. Fatithborhood. F.
1 . 1'.eul.tx, Hardware, 14tove c.
win. in the year 1877. orale of the 1'I:• '
Dtis: It. ,ort f \': +
circuits lin has travelled are as fol- ham, arc visititt.r ! ,r ,nd '
lows : west Lorne 1(i1t1ev, S. tff:+, .eels, Mr, anti i1: -y pales, of
Preston. Mist Craiz. Buthven, Au- S,irept a•
1. • enter -•tion of ;Air. It. L.
n. Sir Wilfred Lettere,' hes
•d t 11 i:h.ur•zc 1 he end of the c fie-
seer front .lute' 30 to March :11
to cell the seseions of 1'.trlia-
t for November instead of mid-
st/ 'f 11<, new nrranzement can -
-fleeted 1h.is your however,
.1 'I t iff commissioner will not
yr ti1113h^d its inquiry oy No -
(ter. Sir \Vilfrid promised then
'.would -z0 into 'operation in the
✓ 1906. The turn object of the
late et to abolish the saintlier ses-
n. Leri -.l:etion is apt to dre
'eerily during 11:e doe days after
v•• morn he of close-ipplieation.
,t such time member." cannot be
kpx•clid •t'. -rive full itt tent ion . to
arliaut^l:•e,t lit ien While tidy inz
I 1,oi►a4O 011 in ' cal city" '.t '.1 hier. and
hits deeds of a shady clser,r er have
lore ch,r,eo •to stip 1 liirra:b.
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad- t
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vi
p1 -.i1
the dandruff, saved your hoIr,
and added much to it. l;
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. lmi'rove it. tit
"1114. owl Ayrr's fr.tr throeover w ,c
rear.. i am st sow tl pews old and hat,. a how.;
��,�ft of Heti brows leer, du•. 1 thtnk,ert-
UtN)r $ A 's flair SW!"
blaas. N A. ilstT3 B.1l.rin.. U1.
M.tetra. • (' .paws..
I1t11 tate
Good Hair;
--fir .11:11ry Guenther and hi+
father Mr. Tobias Guenther 'return -
BUY 1T NOW • cd hone. 'Tuesday eveninz Iaet front
Now le 4 he time to buy Chamber- Buffalo where •they were attenter) z
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea the funeral of Mr. Tonic a Guenther',+
Remedy. It is certain to be 1100(1- teeter,
cd sooner or later and when that Mr. Itodolph leiffert in horn for
lime comes you will need it badly his summer holidays.
-you will nerd it quickly. Huy it ---Mrs. E. Paulin :Owl family 'now -
now. It may save life. For pale in ed to eller 1101.1 for the 011111111^r.
Exeter by W. R. llowey. Tueetday last.
-Mr. Fowl, of Detroit, is ei- -
BAl'FH':Li) ins Itis , nether; here et peeeent•
-Mr. Gcorzc Fisher. of Waterloo -N1 r--. Hey rock spent a few day
in sp'ndinz his holidays in the vil- wil11 1 r slater, Mr-. 11. Guant11 .
la z0. t Ito gest of Mr. and Mrs. 1•', 1(151 tweck.
A. Edwards. --1' I Ile •v,•r:- I • •t fur ilay fort,
-Mr. if. P. Edtva1Us left last Michie .,;, . 1 t i in hi.c nroth:••r',.
week to spend a few weeks nit 11 --11.1 11.11'. ,\ very intere-s.int
frien•Li in London and Lobo. zrnle V. ,•! 11( 1 Friday "venins be -
Mr. Thontns Sanderson was called 1111"."n t.hc It.tehelors anal Benedict +,
In Toronto Last week on account of r'estrltinz in 3 score of 10 io '21 in
the serious illneee of his wife, who favor of 'the 'forne•r, however the
i•( now in 81. Mich101 .4 hospital and btnertiels are lookin-t for another 0p -
at las, reports was very low, .
The Blyth bestehall team drove
last Friday 'afternoon d to and the
et Itlyth.
W. iI. Graham. of Godorieb. an � that tbe
n e ldrees in the Methodi.: k _
III I 1391 Friday eveninz to 11.-• stomach and other
'. 14 "110w to Save Canada,"� b
-r' followin; have` taken Op i �. ■ o causes no
of aches and pains and
1 , uc and conzrez-ttion Tho sill,-
' 1;00 in the White City in the end
, .reek : \1r. ant lira. Jtilcn'In
' 1 � 1• z z a r l arra family. Mr. and Mr wince
is most, common e
t. •l Taxtart, of ('limon, Mr. :to I bola sod
'I Park of Seaforth•. +L mealsand
'1110 followin; persons Came poi and as they
(tom Toronto on (be lluron Olt!tadws
Itoy s 'excursion : Dr. .1. Stnnitury•. i s
Mester. W. peewee, Ii, \Wainaley, I ood'ssarsa
Mr. awl Mrs. 11. Green, Alixas Liz- I, s7
dyspepsia -IL has "a
of lee zr►vi spent Sunday with therm touthin s
Mrs, Brandon. tFor tesebboads Of
r. ,tabu Dia lac'
r, Mensal., OM+for CB„ �tANeo. S.
1 h^ : u' s'. 0t 1,? s Lrot her, Air. II. Par
row of (! Commercial. 'Atm
sin Furzu.son, Nellie Martin.
Iterate. .ierry and Archi^ itrydze- I app
Increasing Among Women, But
Sufferers Need Not Despair
Of all the diseases known, with which
the female organism is afflicted, kidney
disease is the most fatal, and statistics
show that this disease is on the increase
among women.
Unless early and correct treatment is
applied the patient seldom survive$
when once the disease is fastened upon
her. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the most efficient treat•.
ment for kidney troubles of women,
and Is the only medicine especially
prepared for this purpose.
When's woman is troubled with pain
on; weight in loins, backache, frequent,
painful or scalding urination, swelling
of limbs or feet, swelling under th
eyed, an uneasy, tired feeling in the
region of the kidneys or notices a brick.
dust sediment flu the urine, she should
lose no time in commencing treatment
with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, as it may be the means of
saving her life.
For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs.
".I cannot express the terrible suffering I
ad to endure. A derangement of the female
rrggasnnss developed norvOue prostration and
serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended
the for a year, but I kept getting worse, until
I was unable to do anything, and I made �npp
my mind I could not five. I tinily tietddiad
to try Lydia E. Piukham't Vegetable
pound as a last resort, and I am to -day a
woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and
tell every suffering woman about my case,'!
Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga.
Urs. Pinkham gives free advice to
Trenton ; address in confidence, Lynx,,
potdanity to rctteenl' 1 hcir lost l.aur-
-Very quiet in •tlu: villa ;0 ow•int
to such lino weather for bayin;.
Public expectoration is a;ales(
the common law, is against the h.ur
of health also. \V hen Ill' 1ltroet
tickles, 'that's •the time you nee -I
"Ca larrhozone", it hoot hes away the
irritation, cuts out the phieata nn:1
loosen," t he I i .1.1 fechn _z. 1 ou'l l
quickly cure tha 1 a+1 trrh an.l thio::t
trouble lith ('•1::1• rbozon it pe4-
itively privcnty 1. ev attack.' eel
cures catarrh fore% er and for all
time to come. Don'. lake our word
for it„ try Catanrhozowt yourself.
Once used you'll• be deliighted with
its pinaeant and useful influen4t.
-Jli,i Id.t Brill visited friend: in
Exeter las!! week.
-31r. Ed. Applee1 is visit ins fhi•n&
bud relatives ar Now lf:tneur1 and
Waterloo (hie week.
-Mr. Cttas \Welker •wove 1 Ili.
household effects fromilerl,in a f<•tt
.1 tee azo. We welcome Mr. and N11,
Welker -to our Midst.
-,.Mir. Art huts \Valper is Slowly' re-
ceverin; froth .a severe attack of
typhoid fever Mr. Faust is fillip
Itis position in J. I'recler's store.
Dr. Geo. J. Sche11i;. of Detroit. a '-
married Juno 281h, 10 Miss Ann:i \V.
Voeter, niece of JIr. area Mrs. Bete
\\'iedmau. Dr. and Mrs. Sch^Ilia
trill be at home to friends after Auz.
1st, corner licrchevai lute Grind
Boulevard, Del roil. -Det roit papty ,
June 29th.
-.William, 'the oldest 3011 of elr.
Casper Wolper, clot with a serious
accident ono day last week. lIe was
haulinz •zravel front Mr. Fairport.
Klopp's pit on(1 had .the load fills:1
ready Ito drive out. 111 •some way he
sot 0110 foot cau.ht under the wheel
with Mite -result that his ankle was
badly broken. Tho plucky Lal men -
a zed 40 extricate himself front his
position. ,and jumping on t he tea ;on
lie -drove 4o the doctor's of tee itt the
village here, a distance of" a miles
and a quarter, and had the fracture
:it tended. Ile will be laid up for
some weeks.
- -and Mrs. J. A. Clarke, tie
son Clt:trles, of Coeorado Sloe, • -,
"pendia t a few reeks b: re.
- Messrs. \V. W. Taman and lel.
Christie. of Exeter, spent Sun he
-Mrs. Alexand-er G. \Venic..e , .f
Ontario street, London. has ret , .l-
ed to her home •after a w•ock p•l•
spelt:* :11 Grand Mean.
-NIA. .lit 1 Mrs. E. 1'. Paulin, of
Dasliwoo•1, spent Sunday in •ivv:,t.
-Mrs. W. W. Vincent and (tau ;ll -
ter 3larz.lret, of London, are enjoy -
in; Oho eutnmer breezes of Lake Hu-
ron for coulee of weeks.
-Jl:•'.r harry. Percy and Earl
Itrowninz. of f?\ ter. visited here cit
Sunday Inst.
-Mrs. hurl
Landon, ,tri et, tot . roe:.
wt -eke .lt e lir Pend.
--3li•. Alis.• How., •
spent a few day.; of t l:
Mrs. E. A. Hollick here.
Mr,. C. Robinson end Miss. E. Ike, -
instil' of Itlandl:1rd. are rusticatin -
:it Dothboy's Hall.
11r. Ileenrtn. of Lomkm, 1:0uzht
1 tree piece of bind across he britt
from Itrcnner's hotel. A zap; of
111011 :all puffin up a 1trec quinti t
of wire fence. Il is the inion' •.,
to stake a deer pork and never .1 of
1 he animals wile be placed thetreie.
Mr. Jos. Ilrenner it building a fie •
o residence for himself me wee,'
t h • hetet and post office. The teen -
eel foundation is almost) cemp,l:•t••,1.
Renncy, of 110114,111 1,4 Intil.i-
litc o fine new col (age.
Several new boats are to L:• in
1 h service this'eapon,
The mnteriar et on the zrourt l for
Itossenberry's net hotel.
Those unhappy persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia
should use Carter's Little Nerve
Pills, which are made expressly for
sleepless, nervous dyspeptic, suffer-
ers. Price 25c.
-The office of Dr. Ca;liioell has
been improved in appearance •by a
coat of paint.
Miss Amy Steinbach left for Sea -
forth yesterday where she will make
l+er Datum home.
-Mrs. Jac. Ruby, of Pizeon. Mich.,
is visiting relatives and froends ;u
this vicinity for a few months.
-Mr. Lorena) Deeper, of near Piz -
eon. Mich., is visit.ine his brother,
Mr. John Decher, Sr., and other rel-
atives on the Babylon line at pre-
sent. Mrs. Jac. Shoemaker, of the
same place is -altso on a visit with
relatives in this vicinity.
'fake a(lva1st alb of ottr mid-sum-
rater offer. e5 cents from now IN
,1,ut, lst, 1906. Send a copy of the
Times Id an absent member oT your
household. Posta:ze paid :to any part
of Canada, United States or Great
Jit it.ait
-Dr. E. J. Ila :tan, formerly prin-
cipal of our public school, is now lo-
cated at; Emerado, N. D.
The well known strengthening
propertiea of iron combined with
other tonics and a most perfect nor -
vine, aro found in Carter's Iron Pills
which strengthen the nerves and
body, and improve the blood and
Mrs. (Rev.) Josias Greene, ,af Clin-
ton, passed away on Friday. (July
7th, after a Ion; and severe ;l.lness.
Deceased lady waw an ardent worker
and helpful itt the clturclt work.
Her death fly rezreeted by m:111) .
Al91TOR T'
Bear' the the Kind You Hate Alisa)s Bought
\1'ES'l'EIIN 1'AI11 Toll/.E LIST.
livery( hint polies So ern i.e1• I- I
itrs;n he. \Wevt'rn 1
yealerer. Al Ir'.' Its hutnl,^tr.c of 'i•xh;+ti'-
rirs 11ie•. 10th:tiled their intention of
sh0twittz here. Secretary Nettie 11 --
be- o 60.sy '1 h • I1..t two or flit, t
k, e:etelint out the prize li
'I 1: • pioneer, of ores res have been tit
tiilly .increased, and the size ronte-
Cwhat recluc^d, nankinr it much mo11.
ronnelet for pocket use. The pr :tut-
(rused i hi t :. ' tarn represent,' a .: . I' 1r r
Venn women in n stylish to --ell,
drit•inz a spiriicd tandem.
1. ,rk,zronn•1 of deep red, ,t1 • nth„'
,n lint uu. very prominc.ttly
I. • billb)ar.I an'I in the 14t1lion
ihrottzhout Western Ontario.
Jos ilenn(tt t. the nlleze'i murd( re.
of 11.1• .7. .1 . rn. 1v If Iw 'o I r • I i
lir ',n fuel .1 .1 Iii. I. wits , 'Jr 11 broust. ,
Icer hill anortinz h} th• int ltOritit. -
Dunn :iOle, twl;'r, he 1. rapInrt.
is" Thursday nizhf.
A Famous School
1 cEN, :1 ,
• This is the most successful Corn- •
• Inercial and Shorthand school in •
• Western Ontario. The courses •
: are up-to-date and practical and
• teaching is done by experienced
• instructors. During the past •
• school year we have had ninny :
• more applications front lending
• business houses than we had
• students graduating. Write for
• our Free Catalogue. •
• W. J. ELLIOTT, lPrincipals•
• D. A.•
McLA('ILAN. 1 ••
•. •
Your own two hands and
a pair of these tires and
your bicycle is ready for
the road.
Every pair guaranteed
for a year.
The Dunlop Tire Co.
!Asir ED
St. John TORONTO Winnipeg
Vancouver 113 Montreal
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NN••••••••••••• e':
• s
New Dinner SetsIl
-at- • o
London Crockery Co ::
No table is wel! set or :
is the house wife pleased •
without a nice Dinner Set
and your wife t1 ill thank
- you to get her one of our
t 41 ;ii i�i,Ill!!I nice new sets.
1\ Ikt Eureka Dinner Sets
c;,,,,,,,,97 Pieces,
t1 Price $6.00 ti
These sets are of good quality, semi -Porcelains, glass glazed and i
best prints, is Al colors of Pile, C.aeock Blue, and Claret Brown
Maltese Dinner Set, 97 pieces, for $9.00 I
These sets•are the famous Maltese Patterns, full gold line and traced
covers, best glazing and best prints, colors Pinks,Greens and P. Blue :
Emerald Green Repten,97 pcs, for $9.00 it
This set is sold by the piece or by the set, is n delightful pattern •• •
and prettily colored. • Z
• •:
Ophir Illuminated Gold 98 Pieces, Price $ i o •• Z
This set is a genuine bargain has 3 platters and salad set extra •,
heavy gilding and one of the hest patterns yet cat.
W. 963 Gold Line and Spray Decorations st
97 Pieces, Price $ 12.00 :t
gold by the piece or set, always in stock and apretty spray pattern • •
decorated in fink and Green, small flowers, very choice, at a small• •
price. •
• •
London CrockeryCo. li
:: 169 Dundas Street, London. s;,
•• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of ••
• $
•10.(10 or over. ••
••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
: •••••••••••••••••••••v•••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••• •
All lines of Crockery, Glassware, China, Lampe, Etc.
EVERY woman who has stewed
and fretted and worried at a hot
oven door, shifting a roast to the top
shelf and back again to the bottom
shelf and turning it over in a vain
attempt to get it properly cooked,
will appreciate the evenly distributed
heat of the Imperial Oxford oven.
This even distribution of -heat is
secured by our diffusive flue -an ex-
clusive feature of the Imperial Oxford
Range. Top and bottom, sides and
corners, the temperature of the oven
is equal and steady.
Imperial Oxford Range
The oven of the imperial Oxford Range produces light, dainty, pastry,
evenly cooked, tender, juicy roasts -in
fact, perfect baking and roasting.
Ask your dealer to explain to you the
many exclusive features of the Imperial
Oxford Range. If he doesn't handle it,
write to us for our booklets and we will
let you know the nearest dealer who does.
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited is
TORO'r<,. Lin\TREAI, w1\51PE/:, v.t\ioU*'I.R
For sale by T. IIAWKINS & SON, Exeter.
Canada's Finest Flour Feed
PIANOS and Grocery
We hale opened an up-to-
date Flout', Feed and Grocery
store at Trevethick's old stand
and we solicit a share of your
patronage when we \Will provo
to you that our prices aro
right and our goods oi• 1 hn
best quality.
We make a il)c(ialIy of 'fea,.-
I f you contemplate buying 40c Tcas fold nt 25c
('all tlnll see us. l No trobl«'e have also Il large stock
to show goods.
of Potatoes on hand. Pro,
(lure taken in exchange.
For June we are offering soec•
ial bargains in Pianos. We hand-
le the finest goods Canada pro-
duces and at moderate prices and
easy terms.
A few second hand Pianos and
Organs at bargain prices, Also
Sewing Machines on your own
7tlk \Wai.t-i or Clothe• seem like
brand new ttbert cleaned with
Odorless Non•r-nsvnous
Non inflammable
Warks wondrr•.heyond belief on the
cearse-t rind finest of(altie..carpet-
or delicate dee-. goo(le.
K ills all germ. In carpets, etc.
E xtracts all dust
Restores colors like now
Renews the sizing
Mlle a few raonti n1• torn f.'s, ccta.,
awl a child tee do it tt is i,
�1tke+a.l 11dnit new end r,':nr•r.'•
gte*•e end slain from now thinge.
AA your gr.9t er for Sap -o -eon -o.
The Nu1►rvran A Tenter Co.
" Beautify Year Nom."
$vcr. lIntosh-
.. onthly.
"Pictorial Perfection"
Conceded 10 Nell de.crie if p.,•vlar
title. "the most beautiful magazenr in the
From es to 75 fine pictures estii ninth,
many of them in color. and all of th.:, for
Portraits of Celebrities
Reproductions of Scene.:
and Incidents
The very 1•c:f•cti - • i f.ne -
reproJuction. Ilton 1 wuh sdk c,.r 1 n,
harmonize with the color scheme • 1 ter
Th. Oalr Modelle* of the
Mian Is the World
Subec•rii'tion price. 1 • t a year.
the Si'F(.1.\1. (Jt'Mlt1.i:.
/4 r.s. !enrol.,:., 1, ,'.r.... •.r,
Mir Pab. Co.. 4 Mat led ft.. Mow Ter