Exeter Times, 1905-07-20, Page 3•
The face rece'ves an undue share
of Gee injuries that result from our
rude but expressive manner of cent-
brating national independence, for it
la more exposed than env other part,
excepting, perhaps, the hands, to the
disavtruus results of premature ex-
The injury must be very slight that
does not require the immediate at-
tention of n surgeon, for most
sounds of this character are con-
taminated tvlth foreign matter of
some kind, burned paper, hair, pow-
der, thidors, or clay, and it is diffi-
cult, with the best of care, to pre-
vent disfieut•ement. But the wounds
are generally so painful that some-
thing must be done for their relief
before the doctor :arrives.
In the temporary treatment of a
hurn, the most frequent fortn of
Fourth -of -July injury, the first ob-
ject is to apply something that will
exclude rho air. Canon -nil, com-
posed of equal perts of linseed -oil
and lino -water, is b'etnctioned by long
usage, but other oils or white vacs
line may be e:Y.ploec(1. Curb°lilted
oil relieves the pain more quickly.
but it cannot be used on largo sur-
faces or near the eyes. Pieces of
aseptic gauge, lint, or clean, soft
muslin should be appltoti, saturated
with the oil, for these do not ad-
here so firmly as absorbent cotton.
Blisters may be drained by puncture
with a needle along; the sides, close
to the healthy skin, but care must be
taken to prevent rentsval of the skin
that forms their covering until heal-
ing Has occurred.
When the eyelids ere involved in a
burn the injured person should he
forbidden to open the eyes and no
examination should be made, for
there is always danger that foreign
tnatter will be permitted to enter
the eye, or tF.at the stubby ends of
the burned lashes will be turned in-
ward and cause great irritation.
Wads of lint tetturated with oil
should be applied, and both eyes
should he included in a light com-
press in order to prevent movement,
even if only one eye has been injured.
It is important, also, to have pow-
der grains removed front the eyelids
before the skin has healed over them,
for the inflammation induced by
them is sometimes so great that the
lids are thickened and their freedom
of 'notion inpalred.
Lacerated wounds should be cleans-
ed of foreign matter by means of a
stream of lukewarm water that has
been boiled. They should then be
covered with an oil dressing or a
piece of clean rubber tissue under
}int or gauze, to irrotect them from
the air.
Bleeding, no matter how profuse it
may be, can almost always be held
In check by firm pressure against the
underlying bone.
Po not forget that the baby out-
grows his food just as he does his
clothes, and that timely additions to
his dietary are a valuable means of
preventing scurvy, rachitis, diarrheal
disturbances and other diseases of
dietetic origin.
Many children are peevish and ill-
tempered because thee, are improper-
ly hour ,hed. A revision of the
diet, with suitable additions, will
satisfy the child and transform it in-
to a happy, crowing youngster. A
healthy child has an instinct for
sweets, and this should be gratified
in moderation. Honey is ono of the
hest of sweets, or a little good but-
ter scotch or sweet cho:olato may
be used.
It is better to overfeed than to
underfeed a growing child. Over-
feeding is less apt to occur with a
i:roperly selected diet, for the child
will he satisfied with a lesser bulk
of food. It is not a good pion to
feed children on thin soups and simi-
lar fluid foods, as they are tilled be-
o-fore the denunnd for nourishment is
Children often eat too much meat,
'esulting itt abnormal stimulation of
the nervous system and imperfect nu-
trition of the bony and muscular
framework of the body. '?'his is
often a cause of bed-wetting. Cereals,
potatoes, whole -steal bread, milk,
eggs. cheese, the pulsus, nuts, erten
vegetables and stands furnish the
efetreats of growth and repair in a
wntisfactory form.
When children lose appetite, In-
stead of pampering than with inju-
dicious indulgences, try feeding them
nothing but fruit foil a day or so,
w•h, n nppetite will quickly r.•assert
Itself unless some disease is incub-
Children who are properly fed will
suffer little, as n rule, from tooth -
at he, henditehe, nerves, broken sleep,
Ar. Proper ventilation, daily out-
door exorcise and regular iswattinies
err nil a tentini to appetite and
good) digestion.
/s favorite cure, andi one highly
recommended by "the faculty," is
tht "one day in heti -oat." But it
m tat be faithfully carried out, or it
..41s of little use. No rending of any
a. rt or kind is permitted, nor cort-
eersntion. '1 he roost should he kept
as dark as possible, and the "rester"
t try and sleep. Above all
things. every trouble and worry will
have to be entirely obliterated, or
the "cure" will tail to work. The
patient 'should. ns Mr. Gilbert puts
it in one of his opera!, "try oral
think of nothing at all " Any food
taken ought to he of the lightest
kind. c.nd for drink, weak ten, pre-
ferably water. 'This rest relaxes
mind. both', and nrlatcics. One dot --
for, in ree1onuuendirte it, said. "1
nlwnys take the first day of my holi-
dsy s in bed. as it is n s leutlid pre-
ps ref not for the renwinder," and
ook tunnel :t good ailoagh for hitm should
W good enough for ordinary pcapie.
A Trouble That Affiicta Tho
sands of Young Girls—Cured b
Dr. Williams' Piak Pills.
Dr. %lilian's' Pink fills do oul
one thin„ t,ut they do it well. The
fill the veins ttlth new, rich, re
health -giving blood, which driv
away ail traces of anaemia, head
ache, backache, palpitation, nert•uu
nest, dizziness amd despondency. 'l'h
new' blood they make brightens du
lustreless eyes, and brings the ros
glow of health to pale cheeks. 1
curing anaemia Dr. Williams' Pin
Pills cure the foundation of con
sumtptlon as well. The new blood
they actually make gives ne
etrcngth and vigor to every organ i
the body, and enables it to sigh
whatever distress attacks it. That i
why they are the best medicine 1
the world for girls in their teen*—
wonu•n in Middle life—and to a
those whose blood is weak, water
or impure.
Miss Mazy E. Pratt, lilytli, Out.
gives strong testimony to the valu
of these pills. She says: "1 was
sullener for over a year with ana
'iia. I was completely run down
had frequent headaches, spells o
dizziness and palpitation of th
heart. I doctored all summer an
was no betler than when I began. I
had practically given up all hope of
finding a cure when my brother ad-
vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
?'ills. 1 got four boxes and when I
had taken them i felt so much bet-
ter that I got six boxes more, and
before I had taken all these I was
completely cured. I am more thank-
ful than I can say for what the pills
have done for Inc. as but for them I
would not be enjoying good healt
to -day. I strongly urge ail wea
girls to give 1)r. Williams' Pink
?'ills a fair trial."
Miss Pratt's experience proves tH
value of 1)r. Williams ?'ink Pills t
every weak and ailing person. '?'hes
piths can be had front any rnedicir
dealer or by mail front the Dr. Wil
Banat' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50
Even very abstemious people a
often sufferers from indigestio
caused by overeating. The fauteuil
of food they take is not too mac
for the day, but it is distinctly too
much at the time they take It. We
will suppose the case of aliwoman
who has had nothing since her light
lunch, and who has come home tired
and hungry with her day's work to
a dinner at seven o'clock. She is
thankful for a good meal, eats heart
ily. and is surprised to find tate
wards she feels rattier worse than
better for it. The reason of this is
simple. She was tired out; het
stomach, like the rest of her body
was unfit for work, and the diges-
tion of a meal means hard work for
that important organ. Instead of
dining directly she came in, she
should have taken a cup of hot
water with a tablespoonful of milk
in it, and then ant down quietly for
five minutes. Had slue done this, nisi
then begun to eat slowly, masticat-
ing thoroughly, all would have been
well. The little pick -etc -up would
have enabled the stomach to do its
work. If only people world more
generally follow this plan, dyspepsia
would be less frequent than it. is at
y MAN WHO MADE ;150,000,000
Y Increase in Value of Standard Oil
Stock Added ;124,000,000
ca to His Riches.
"I made the thousands, the mil-
s -lions made themselves," the late Jay
° Gould once declurc�d; and, although
11 the statement luny perhaps savour
Y of exaggeration, it is probable that
nuuny another Mali at millions would
k endorse J. 1). Illair's stuteinent, "1
- made my second trillion easier than
1 my first thousand."
w At what an astounding rate a for-
st tune may grow when once it has
t passed the trillion rubicon, which ao
s fete of us may hope to reach, is
n proved by the following statement
ar of Mr. J. 1). Rockefeller's wealth at
11 different stages of his romantic
y career. In 18115 his capital, all told,
was a bare $5,000; live years later
it had grown to $50,000; in Live
years more it touched $1,000,000;
n another ten years made it $50,000,-
000; five more years doubled it; in
1899 his fortune had reached -the
f stupendous sum of $250,000,000; and
o to -day, just. forty years after the.
first thousand was saved, it is said
EXCEED $500,000,000.
Thus, in fifteen years (1875 to
1890) Mr. Rockefeller increased his
fortune a hundredfold; and in the
next fifteen, though he has only mul-
tiplied it by live, he has added $400,-
000,000 to it.
'lib illustrate how possible suet) an
increase is, and how millions can
snake millions, let us take one year—
kthat of 1890—in Mr. ltockefclier's
race for riches. At the beginning of
that year he stated on oath he was
the owner of $31,000,000 in Stand-
ard 011 stock. Before December carpo
° that stock had appreciated 400
o points—each $5 ho held in January
° had grown to $20 by the end of the
1° year. and thus, as any boy can cal-
- culate, his holding in the Standard
• Oil Company alone had added $124,-'
• 000,000 to his riches without any ef-
fort whatever on his part. At the
same time Mr. Rockefeller had been
operating heavily in the stocks of
ro half -a -dozen railways, and in co -op -
a eration with Mr. J. 1'ierpont Mor-
t gan and Mr. James J. 11111 had
h formed a colossal
with the result that these transac-
tions put $25,500,000 more into
his exchequer. from these sources
alone the American Croesus added
to his fortune nearly $150,000,000 in
a single year, a larger suns than he
- had accumulated In the thirty years
✓ ending in 1895.
That a man who, like Mr. I'ier-
pont Morgan, practically controls
• properties capitalized at over 80,-
500,000,000—or $1,000,000,000 more
than the aggregate revenue of the
forty-three principal nations of the
world—should be in a position to
make money, goes without. saying.
It is interesting, however, to see how
and at what rate he can add to his
Five years a •o, when the great
coal strike ea% on, end in the ab-
sence of any prospect of a settle-
ment. Mr. Mark Manna, Mr. Mc-
Kinley's campaign manager, called
on Mr. Morgan and told him that
for political reasons the strike would
have to be settled
More children die during the hot
weather months than at any other
season of the year. Their vitality is
then at its lowest ebb, and an et -
tack of diarrhoea, cholera infantunt
or stomach trouble may prove fatal
in a few hours. For this reason no
home in which there aro young child-
ren should bo without a box of
Baby's Own 'Tablets, which promptly
cure nil stomach and bowel trou-
bles. If the 'Tablets aro given to a
well child they will prevent these nil-
tnents and keep the little one well
and strong. Mrs. Joseph T. Pigeon,
lli;ysun, Que., says: "My little tine
was attacked with colic and diarrh-
oea, and I found Baby's Own Tab-
lets so satisfactory that I would not
now be without theta in the house."
These 'Tablets not only cure summer
troubles, but all the iii inor ailments
that afflict infants and young child-
ren. They contain no opiate or
harmful drug, and may be given with
equal safety to the new born baby
or west grown chilli. There nt•e imi-
tations of this medicine and mothers
should Nisi that the words "Ilnby's
Own Tablets" and the four-leaf clo-
ver with child's herd on each leaf is
found on the wrapper around each
box. As you value your child's life
do not bo persunried to take a sub-
stitute for Raby's Own Tablets—the
one medicine that makes children
well and keeps them well. Sold by,
all druggists, or you can get theta
by mail nt 25 rents a box by writ-
ing the I)r. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont
All sufferers from sleeplessness
should try sunshine as a cure for
their woes; it is the very hest so-
poritic there is. Maty woven are
martyrs to sleeplessness, and yet
they avoid the simsliine ns if it were
an evil thing. 'Ih,;v wear e•eils. carry
pnrasuls. seek the shady side of the
road, and do everything to keep off
the iniluence of kindly old King Sol,
whose kisses may (sometimes hi ing
nn unbecoming 'mimed of color to
the it faces, but who gives them the
benuty of health anti cheerfulness.
?'ale and sickly -looking women tmay
become bloomtng and sfrnnfr if they
will het perk the sumhine. and they
should make the most. of it enol bask
in it both indoors and nut whenever
it is possible, heedlese alike of dlarn-
nge to carpets or clothes from Its
scorching ray's.
NOT WOit'l'ii (:t'Alti)iNG.
That virtue it hi, h require,: to be
ever guarded is s arcely svoi th the
need in: l—I i of (1_.m i t h.
gan accordingly called a meeting of
thethe mine -owners to receive Mr.
Hanna's proposals; and, confident
that the deliberations would end in a
settlement, he proceeded to buy
every coal share he and his agents
could secure.
Mr. Morgan's foresight was justi-
fied; the strike was settled, prices
took n big Trap upwards, and the
greet financier was able to sell at a
profit variously estimated at from
810,000,000 To $15,000,000. a
It is said that Mr. Morgan has
cleared frotn $1.000,000 to 85,000,-
000 by each of his great. reorganize- '
tion schemes. Once he made n prolit
of $3,000,000 by the purchase of I
bonds from the Cleveland Adminis- i
tration, and, as a sample of smaller c
pickings that have come so pleuti- t
fully his way, when the New York
' Central Railroad found it. necessary t
in 1895 to issue 45,000 shares of 1
new atock, Mr. Slorgnn sold the
entire block in Europe and made a 1
personal commission of $500,000.
In 1890 Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt is
said to have netted $15,000,000 by
operations in ritilwuy stocks alone.
In the sante year it is stated on good
authority that Mr. Russell Sage
made a profit of $15,000,000; Mr.
' .innies St illntan, Mr. 'I'hornns M.
1.11wsun, and Mr. .1an1(•9 11111 nctte l
over 310,000,000 each; and Mr. Wil-
liam C. Whitney and several others
ridded over $5,(100,000 each to their
fortunes. During last year it is re-
ported that a doyen American mil-
lionaires increased their already enor-
111011K capitals by over 5300,000,000
in sums rntiging from $5,000,000 to
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
nor the surface off linens.;
Tried many Medicines but got no
Relief Till He 5OP
Used the Great >EZt
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Itosedene, Ont., July 10.—(Special)
—Mr. Samuel J. Crow, the well-
known musician of this place, 'e-
lates an experience that adds to the
already great popvlurity of Dodd's
Kidney fills in this locality.
"I suffered for years with Kidney
Trouble," says Mr. Crow, "which be-
came aggravated with every attack
of cold and caused mo much agony.
The disease developed into (travel,
when I was totally unfit for 7 any-
"1 tried different remedies without vice, favorable stopovers end liberal
the desired result and was in much return limits. Rates, folders and
misery when I decided to try Dodd's full information can bo obtained
Kidney Pills, when to my astonish- from 11. D. Bennett, General Agent,
'tient and delight I immediately bo-. 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont, 31
gan to recover.
"After using live boxes the ailment WORK OP SALVATION <MY.
had entirety ceased and I ryas again 1110 Salvation Armyis at work in
enjoying perfect vigor, all of which
I owe to Dodd's Kidney l'ilis." forty aaon -nine countries and colonies,
Tho fact that (.ravel yields BO speaks thirty-one languages, has 7,-
readily to Dodd's Kidney Pills is 210
corps, "circles," and societies;
good news indeed, as it docs away 13,493 officers and cadets; employs
with those terrible operations that 2,566 perse;ns, and has -15,:3:39 local
were supposed to be the only relic[ officers. It has sixty-three periodi-
from this trouble. cats in twenty-four languages, with
an issue of 1,208,000. '?-here aro
044 institutions for its social work,
and in twelve months the Army sup-
plf:d 4,573,899 beds and 7,213,500
ask fler the *teasels lar. •
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and North
Western ity. will sell from Chicago.
round trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Loa Angles, Portland,
Ore, (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares from all points in Canack►.
Choice of routes, best of train ser -
Mr. Allism,, who is seventy years
old and who graduated at Missouri
University in 1852, has re-entered
the University in order to take a
special course in surveying.
A Num Cure for Headache.-1;.lious
headache, to which women are no.,,,
suitject than men, becomes so aeut•, to
boric subjects that they are utterly pro-
strated. The stomach refuses footle ern
there is a constant and distressing ef-
fort to free the stomach from nils it., h
melee's Vegetable Pills are a spIeedy al-
terative, and in neutraliring tiie dies is
of the intruding bile relieves the ..tc.a-
sure on the nerves which cause rte
headache. Try them.
Recent Discoveries seem to show
that each of the larger planets is
accompanied by bands of satellites
relatively smaller than the minor
planets, as the primaries are small-
er than the sun.
has become unduly secreted Users Per
WarrferWece—Through damp, cold and
exposure many a brave Roldlcr who left
"I wish to ask the Court," said a
lawyer who had been put into tho
witness -box to testify as an expert,
"if I am compelled to come into this
case, in which I have no personal in-
terest, and give a legal opinion for
nothing?" "Yes, certainly," re-
plied the judge; "give it fur what
it is worths"
One trial of Mother Craves' Worm Ex-
terminator will convince you that It
has no equal as a worn medicine. Buy
a bottle and see i1 it does not, please
High Pressure From New Inven-
tion Causes Breakdown,
An alarming outbreak of nouriti
amounting almost to an epidend
has occurred among the wome
his native hearth es "fit" as man could clerks in the telegraph department o
he to fight for country's honor, has the General Post -office, London, Eng
been jiuvatided house" because of the land.
vulture of the battle ground—itheuma-
tisni. South American Rheumatic Cure The outbreak is due to the lar
will absolutely cure every case of Rheu- reductions in the staff which hay
recently taken place, and to th
fact that the existing staff of wome
clerks is terribly overworked.
Miss Mabel Hope, head of the wo
His Mission is to Find Natural men's branch of the l'ostal Tel
graph Clerk's Association, who her
Cures for Insect Pests. self works In the telegraph depart
if you are using poor tea. Try
and you'll see where the good comes in.
We Know the Quality Is There, and We Want Yo
to Know It Too. A TEST 1S WHAT WE WANT.
Protect Your Pro ert'
—WITH— p i
e `Pe RR
A dry p wrier put up In rs•t•l tut,•., is
Inch •. InuY. Is will in.uttly •stln.culsh Vs•
most fnr.00, -tams. of woad or ell. Price 13.00
each, Oa 0) don Writ• for d •scripttr• ctr,-u;ar
tfhe Diamond Dry Pewter fire Actors
�gatin3uliher Da. te, eat. WANT(
"Leonidas," said Mr. Meekton's
wife, "look me in the eye and answer
me one question. /lave you over de-
ceived me about anything?" "Well,
Henrietta," he answered, after much
hesitation, "I must confess that I
have not been altogether frank. On
numerous occasions I have dissembl-
ed to tho extent of trying to appear
far more amiaylo than I really felt."
No person should go from home with-
out a bottle of Dr. .1. I). Kellogg's dy-
s, Isentery Cordial In their possession, as
c, thanes. o1 water, coolant( climate. etc.
frequently brings on summer complaint,
and there fe n.gJng like bon ready
f with a sure remedy at hand, which often-
- i times saves great sufferifig and frequent-
ly valuable liven. This Cordial has
gained for Itself a widespread repute-
g0 • tion for affording prompt, relief from
el all summer complaints.
n St. Catherine's Lighthouse, Isle of
Wight, has just been fitted with a
flashlightwhich is estimated to be
e_ equalpower, to fifteen million candle-
rnatuours.snt In existence. Relief in six
h —98
He had just arrived In London meat of the General Post -office, d
front Brazil, and was off the 'text dares that a large number of your
e- How Dr. Von Stan's Plneapple
g Tablets Give Instant Rellof.—
day to the Antipodes. I found hint "omen were now absent from work
in the ofnce of the Agent -General fur owing to nervous breakdown.
Western Australia, says a writer in "Ever since the introduction of
what is known as the inter-communi-
the London Daily Mali. Ile was a. cation switch," she said, "the girls
carrying a little box contnining
few commonplace looking beetles. Vet have had to work at greater pres-
to Lind thoso beetles he had traveled. sure, and cases of nervous break-
thousand miles and searched down have become much mora num-
far and wide. vote:than was formerly the case.
Tho department especially nffect-
For the bronzed and hardy traveler
follows the least known profession cd is the Metropolitan Gallery. I
on earth, that of the parasite hunter. used to work there myself, and I
For years he has been traveling, lit- found that the strain was almost un-
erally from China to l'eru, in his, bearable.
search for insects that will aid flue Ileo girls themselves perhaps aro
fernier in his tour against pest partly to blame, for, while the men
"I am a tracker down of the un-! clerks will not do more than a cer-
' fain amount of work, the women are
tural cures for the insect pests that
redoing damage costing hundreds much more industrious, and work at
of millions every year," said Mrs high pressure the whole time.
Compere, in answer to trey questions. "'file nervous complaint from
Every country has its different
which so many aro suffering princ•i-
)ia nes. Iiow du these pally affects the arras, causing par
g pests route? clysis of the muscles.
lore London nffm ds you the simplest In the case of some of the older
Ilustration. Millions of insects aro women who have broken down in this
arrled into England every day in way, the have have down
he merchandise that arrives fromgen-
erously enough, and have enabled
aimed, some in the sackings of ens.
ern cargoes, some in the dried fol -i them to retire with a pension. I
ego around tropical produce. i know of a young, girl, however
Wife—"IfI thought a thine was
wicked, I wouldn't do it." 11usbatll
—"Neither woi:ld 1:" Wife—+'ti h'
1 thine stroking cigars in a wicked)
waste: an intplous defilement, in
fart." ltustettei—"'i'hrn you should
not stroke. 11nnc1 Inc a match,
pint -.e.
"At any time one of thee.• strange who, the moment her eyesight be-
nsects, curried here in such fashion, carne affected—whichsvery likely wit
night hind that the i•:nglish eliutato duo to overwork—was discharged
suited it, and that one of your nn- him had only left a short time when
five products (possibly wheal) sup- she recovered completely, but they
plied it with a suitable food. If have never taken her back."
there were nothing to counteract it,
it would in a few years spread all ••Rut, my dear," remonstrntcd Mr.over England, -breeding in great hfeekun, "there's a good deal to be
numbers several times a year. Before said un both sides." "No there
ninny find quite realized what was isn't," answered his spouse. "I've
but Fmatter, your wheat crust would told you what 1 think about it, and
bu ruor imc(Lsome years my work has that's all that is going to be said."
taken tno to every land. Now I am------�
in Spain, now in China, now in the COMES A TIME
heart of France, now in Central)
America. My method is this: When _
When Coffee Showa What It Has
seeking an nnttdote 1 first find tho Been Doing,
native haeme of the pest i wish to nt-
tnck. '?'hen I go there, get into the "Of lata years coffee fine disagreed
country and examine. I watch the with tnc," writes a matron from
seine pest there (where it is probe- Home, N.Y., "it's lightest punish-
bly doing scarcely any damage), and melt was to make tno 'logy' and
I ant almost sure to find that at dizzy, and it seemed to thicken up
some stage of its life another insect my blood.
attacks and destroys it. 'Then I "'Tia heaviest was when it upset
have found what I wnntcsl—toy pare. my stomach completely, destroying
site—and I take it away with me and my appetite and snaking me nervou tt
breed it to fight the pest. and irritable, and sent me to my
"Every I•, cry pest has its parasite, and be•d. After one of these attacks, in
the right way to fight pests is which I nearly lost my life, I con -
through their parasites. Western eluded to quit and try I'ostum Food
Australia is setting the way here In Cotte.
prartirnl fruit culture and farming,
and others will benefit from its
They're handy to carry—take one after
eating—or whenever you feel stomach dis-
tress coming on—sufferers have proved it
the only remedy known that will give In-
stant relief and permanent cure—no long
tedious treatments with questionable
results—beet for all sorts of stomach
troublesf 85 cents. -90
Lawyer—"Now, see here; before I
take your case, I want to know if
you're guilty?" Prisoner— "Am I
guilty? Il'yer s'poso I'd be fool
enough ter hire tho most expensive
lawyer in town if I wuz innercent?"
Bard and softcorns cannot with-
stand Iiolloway's Corn Cure; it 18 ef-
fectual every time. Get a botUe at
once and bo happy.
Every inch of the Nyang Chu val-
ley in 'Tibet is cultivated. "Nyang"
rtleatls tho "land of delicacies."
Lifebuoy Soap — disinfectant — to
Strongly recommended by the medical
profeaseen as a safeguard against in-
fectious diseases. 22
A good deal of the consolation of-
fered in the world is about as 80-
o-8 lacing as the nesurulce of the Irish-
' man to his wife when she fell into
Mr. John Raft, J.1'., cashier n the
t'nmtnercinl Bonk, George Street,
F:dinhurgh, has retired after the
record sets ice of fifty-six mut n half
years without a day's absence.
T111: •IA}'S A`1) 'Tlll•:iR TEETH.
•lnpanece inns fnrnish fresh tooth-
brushes every miern;mgh� free to evel.v
guest. The brush is of wood, shaped
like a pencil, rind (rave(' to n tufty
brush of fibre at the large end.
"it went right to the spots I
found it not only a most palatable
•,mud refreshing beverage, but a fond
A 1 my ailments, the 'loftiness' and
dizziness, the unsatisfactory condi-
tion of my blood, my nervouttness
and irritability disappeared in short
order and my sorely afflicted stom-
ach began quickly to recover.
I began to rebuild and have steadily
continued until now. Have a good
appetite and am rejoicing in sound
henith, which I ou.e to the use cf
i'ostunn Food Coffee " Name given
by l'ostum Co., Rattle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason.
(tend the little l,nok, "'The (toad
to Wcliville," found in each pkg.
the river: "You'll find ground at
the bottom, my dear."
Itching Pile. -Dr. Agnew's Ointment is
proof against the torments of Itching
Piles. '('hourends of testimonials of
cures effected by its use. No case too
aggravating or ton long standing tot
it too soothe, comfort and cure. It
cures in from 8 to 6 nights. 95 cents.
Crowell (in cheap rest autrant)—
"Here, waiter! Are these ntetton or
pork chops?" Waiter—"Can't you
tell by tho taste?" Orowell—"No."
Waiter—"Then What difference does
it make what they are?"
To Those of sedentary occupation.—
Nee who folloW sedentary occupations,
whiff deprive them of fresh air sad ex-
ercisc, are more prone to (Reorders of
the liver and kidneys than third who
lead active, outdoor lives. The for•ner
will end in Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills a
reitorattve without question chs e.oet
efilcaeluus on the market. 'th.v are
easily procurable, easily taken, ad.t ax•
pediliuusly, and they are eurprl.Ingly
cheap considering their excclien:o.
1n twelve bourn 22,118 people cross
Westminster liridge on foot and 7,-
051 passengers go over by omnibus.
At lllacktrinrs Bridge 31,385 podes-
trinns cross in twelve hours and 5,-
399 passengers in omnibuses. Every
day 1,350 electric trams are run to
nn•1 from Westminster Bridge, and
last year a total of 58,000,000 pas-
sengers were carried. To Itlackfriars
Bridge there are 566 tarn a day, and
the remitter of passengers last year
was 38,000,000.
A vest bed of coal, containing fuel
melt, h to supply ell the navies of
the Pacific, has been di'eovrres at
itnren Koff Bay, at the extreme
north end of Kamchatka.
west f 17 and south 4 18, 6, 14,
west, in the famous Marlboro district;
525 acres under cultivation, balance
hay andasture: Al wheat land, bu
would make it good mixed fares; al-
ways been free from frost and hail;
Abend/owe of good water, good Irani
house, stone elevator, capacity 12,00'
bushels; other out -buildings, comfort-
able, nice tau ,10 grove. Albs north
13, 0, 15, 320 acres, a first-class grails
farm: cau plow every foot, all uncle,
cultivation, fair buildings. Plenty
good water. Write or call. W. A
Card, Glerlboro, Man.
you buy a farm, write us for ou
urns Bulletin; we have a large lie
to choose front; we can cavo yo
money. Try us.
P tarot'? If yell do, bend us a fu
and complete description and lowe
price and we will place it on our tis
and list it in 0111• next Belletiu, whic
will be issued soon. If we sell you
farm, we charge you 24 per con
commission. Ji no sale is ma
through us. we make no charge. Rut
erford do ltilett, Estate Agents, lia
stock and poultry farm, 1
acres, on lake front, new house,
rooms and bath; 4ruvity water
tem in house; la'rge barn, carria
house, poultry houses, yards, bro•
ers, rabbit hutches; 10 minutes Sar
toga and Schenectady trolley; bea
tiful Rite for hotel or summer boar
ing house; write for price. CHAS
STEVENS, Ballston Lake, Sarato
County, N. Y.
2,000 acres of wood lands, en bl
or in lots to milt purchasers. Pr
cipals only dealt with.
E. W. HAY,
Falkenburg Station, Ontarl
e@e fe4.4 Belts would look batter d M. It no
of ores In your town, writs dtreot Montreal, boa
20 Ayrshire 11u11A—tour to twent
months old; Ayrshire Females
ages; also improved Yorkshire pig
Apply to HON. W. OWENS,
Monte Bello, Que.
Ile—Why do you have all that fru
on your new hat? I don't like it.
She—Well, I couldn't very we
have it trimmed with stuffed goOse
even it you do like that better.
It Reaches The Spot.—There are few
remedies Defoe.) the public to -day as
efficacious in removing pain and in a1
laying and preventing putmonary dis-
orders as 1)r. Thomas' Eclectrlc 011. it
has demonstrated its powers in tho
sands of instances and a large number
of testi►uoniale es to its great value
as a medicine could be got were then
occasion for it. It is for sale every-
Josklns—"I say, Hoskins, this is
my first day at shooting. You Wright
tell no in confidence what people
shut one eye for when they're sight-
ing anything." Hoskins—"Oh, that's
perfectly simple, my dear fellow. You
see, if they were to shut both eyes
they wouldn't bo able to see any-
Toe Many People Daily With Catarrh.
—1t strikes one like a thunder -clap, de-
velops with a rapidity that no other
disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder is the radical, quick, sato and
pleasant cure Wet the disease demands.
UFe the mn:nus, erevent Its deep -seating
and years of dletress. lldn t dally
with Catarrh. Agnew's given relief in
ten ml: ttev. 50 cents." -97
"if, said the chemist, "you will
give this new tonic a trial, I'm sura
you will never use any other." Ex-
cuse me," rejoined tho customer,
"but 1 prefer something a little less
fatal," •
Removes all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horse., blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, @tittles, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Nave $50
by ase of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
In the Colorado Desert there are
rninstorins duriug which out a drop
of water touches the earth. •Jho
rein can be seen falling from the
clouds high above the desert, but
whin it reaches the hot, dry stir h,..
neath the clouds it is entirely ab-
sorbed. 'These strange rainstorms
take place in regions where the ther-
mometer often registers 128 degrees
in the f.hade.
When you think you have curet] a
cough or cold, but find a dry,
hacking cough remains, there is
danger. Take
Cure Toilet -II
at once. It will strengthen the
lungs and stop the cough.
'R1cN: B. C. Wens R Co. ge
OK flee $L £..Roy, N.Y.,Toroeto, C'an.
• 0
'burs Na. 28-08.