Exeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 8n � s. E I k k •1.1 IA ft. S. JULY 13th 1905. • Om.. STI3WARTS This is Crockery Time 11'e are ready with the choicest range of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and -1't►ilet Sets that you'll likely see t.11is season, and all at prices t hat will surely tickle at your money strings. $14000 (try iove!v Dinner S(t , 10S pit res, almost as fine ns 1.e:11 (.Iota u 1)I.1•hv and jtr-4. (tti g(►(.tl 111 pattern :tn(1 coloring, this is the hest set tt (' have ever shown. 513.60 for a very' tine semi-porce1('an China Dinner Set 108 pieces, china body with very heat floral decoration in green and pink, gold traced ,i'o other set in t own like it. 012.50 for a S:e11 stili-p4lri e'e.tu full 108 pieces Din- ner Set. lovely shaded deiorations and shaded edges with gold stippling, a beauty. S1 1.00 for swell full pol'celean China Dinner Set, plain china body with neat pink and green floral design, gold stippled and gold traced, this is a money saver. 58.90 for our great leader, a full semi-parcele-'u Din- ner Set, with lovely green and blue decorations, all gold edged and traced, great value and very neat 38c the dozen for a new line of Glass Tumblers, they are known as the Baby Tumblers, strong neat and rare valve. Yes we are still leading in the Butter and Egg business We are not in the combine we have a free ::and. Give us your produce and save money. CJI. A. ST/SWART Spoons We hive a line ilver TO ADVERTISERS. Tne copy for changes crust be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemento accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, JULY, 13t h. 190,3 of Sterling ••••••••••••••••4•••••N•• • LOCALS t ••••N•• ►••••••9 Lawn mowers sharpened on ehor est notice at D. Ifartleib's, Exeter.; Mr. Fred Gidley. of Detroit s holidaying under the parental rot Miss Evelyn Ruston has been su cestui in passing the 3radualine c. :nolo:+tions in sin;in;. 1 If you want pure Paris Grecs for` potato bugs go to C. Lutz's Drug Store Exeter. ki Jfr. •and Mrs. Thompson, of Chica- eto aro quests of the former's sister, Niles \Vat. Ilawkshaw, this week. Miss Florence Anderson, who has been in London for .the past six 1 weeks, returned home last week. Miss Nettie Walters has returned home from Toronto, where she )ios Oen atdendin; Business College. Wanted — At once a house keep- er on farm, middle aired person pre- ferred. Apply at Titres Office. The Trivia \Iernorial church bell- e inters with their families pictriced at Grand Mend on Thursday last. All present subscribers of the Tim- es may have the Family Herald and I Stir to Jan. 1st 1906 for 40c. \liss Carrie Knight has Leen cn- joyin; a two weeks out in; in Mote- 1treat, Quelled and 01 her points east. Mliss 11. Robinson. who has filled the position of milliner at \Warton is .:pendia; vacation a1 her home here . i Will Tillie Ya z:'r, milliner at Ski - re r:l-n-Ilie-Lake, returned to her home here on Se1urd:ry last to :als•nd her vacation. Airs. Grnr, c Kent 1n 1daughter, J1iss Evelyn, of Montreal. spent earl of last/ avt.ek the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Iliwkshaw•. \Ir. and Mrs. Aui,rey Uust%oll, of NI inchesla+r, ind.. are spcndinz a few weeks wit11 relit ivc•s in Exeter and vicinity. \irs. Sclfosenhurz end children, of London, ore seemlier a holiday %l it li Ihr• former's parents, M r. and Mrs. Wtie Ila wkshaas. Albeit fine shoes for men. .Ton- y refunded whet) nworn out it : hey Mon- ty not what we say they are. Go,.. Manson. Boal .s and Shoi'. Miss y}ai,e1 Walters, saleslady of See11 & I(owe's, is now leakier' a va- c 1IMe :and expects to le IV(' on Fri- day of this week for a trip to Man- itoba. A 1lidsununer Soap.—The Exeter • W. Taman 'fiee.4 ani the Family Herald and St ar will i,e sent to r►ew subscribers Merchant Tailor. in Canada send tee United State. un- til January 1st, 191)6, for i0c. Berry Spoons Salad Spoons Jelly Spoons Sugar Spoons and Cold Meat Forks t • Any of the above make a ty, durable and usefu edding Gift. • S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, reat Cheap Sale n Ordered Clothing This Month o make room for Fall Goods FOROVICR$IXTY 1KGAI(8 is Ow AND «sLL•T111110 Rrrrznv.—Ytra w'. Soothing Syrup has been steal for dxty years by milllliions of mothers for tnelr tableMild. eeorteni the Uma. aUsyyss ell wind 111pleasant two taeettatt o remedy to In ever/ pert of the world. 96 Us. its_ value 1. incalculable. Be take n Winslow's Soothing ties/ sok for no akar kind. Lost.—A _old signet rine, 11 i, h crest, at the Goderich oat hitt: house, nn Thursday afternoon of Hat week. Finder please leave at this office anal rererve reward. 1)i1. OVENS, London, Sur ;eon. EYE, EAR, NOSE and TiifIOAT,Fits Glasse. properly. Mkt., Commer• cis) Hotel, Exeter,. Next visit Sat- urday, August fit h. f+++++#++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch Thls spare Every Week . t'1• .1. 1: J - ANYONE Having a few minutes or hours to spare urn use that time to very excellent advantage taking orders for Enjoyme Toilet Preparations and Purity Flavoring Powders. We give large commissions and beet quality of goods, mong our agents are many ladies who use their influence every ime and place they can and by so doing add financially to their early income. You can do it. Write us for full information. Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont. ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1li v. '4 n1. (lodeu1', .•u1k 1 • pi. ,elted a a: sly :at.1 • 111,.1/-1, `.t•rrn1111 'a %01111: t.• 1'1 - 061 ::%L1.1:4 e) '0;111 Iasi. TO CURE A COLI) IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine 'fab - lets. All Ii uggists refund the mon- ey if it falls to core. E. W. Grove's siga;ture is on caoh box. 25c. \1r .A. 114 ,1:ort !sae r • lc eised a I:a.c111 in Ii ...,. el States fur his app:u•adut tor roe e ucties circular concrete s;',:. or c' 11••1 huil,l- i 'fh:I voracious new filu; %►base rev a;es upon corn and other •,rain -root., Isis teen eorkin, such (lama'', 4 in Keel county, 110. Leen di{covrred iu Snafo•t h tenon; garden plants, s, 1)1))) 0-5 1•r•i►t- t1:, chief :utterer Dr. Butler, London. will be at the Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday July 13th, 1905, all day for Eye. Isar, Nose and Throat con- sultation. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Mr. T. Kew, o1 Telma. t, repee henries lite Mason Ili,ch Piano Co.. stew 1 L•1 loll part nl 1 Iii'. 4%retc twit h Ili, ,i •r, Mr,. .1. Han Ito .,: a., :recotul -41.1 •,I 1 w h:., courin, Mr. A. .Moncton, of R;w. •side, Cal. Mrs. L. Hardy returned home on Saturday after a pleasant visit with her elau,hler, Mrs, \\'a►Iless, at Du- luth, also wit11 her sisters Mrs. Drew at Snowflake, Mole., iutd Mrs. \V, 11ud;ius, of \\'inuinee.- Mr. E, Garfield llodteIt. son of Mr. and \Irs. A. Hod sere who ha., just finished his commercial course at our llizlt Schou!, Isft here oa Tuesday ;ermiitez for ('r •m:(:.:, 0)11. Where Ito his accepted a pp:04(1014 as book-keeper. Rev. \\'m. Mcl)ontzh, of 'Toronto, a former pastor of Main sl. Melte odist church, u•:1:; the ,use of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. itoss the former part of this %week. Mr. McDottozh was one of She speakers at the 12th July celebration on Wednesday at Clinton. Ile still is full of enthusiasts and zeal for the Orange order. At the regular meeting of the In- dependent Order of For,cstcrs held last week Messrs. George E. Ander- son and S. Martin u•er•e ()pito:nted deteeates to attend 1)ie 11izh Court which meets at St. Catharines on August 2901. Mrs. G. E. Anderson was elected delsetate to attend the same meeting by the Companion Court. Don't hay a Iii;11 price for your four and feed when you can buy 0.i!ivies, pure Manitoba Glenora brand, Goderich Three Star Brand or Cook's Best Family Flour at $€.50 per hundred at the Itensall Flour Mills. Other dealers are sclero, just the same flour nt $2.80 per hundred, consequently wo ore saviuz you 60c. per barrel!. Shorts 1x21) sed )lean $16 per don -11. Cook & Suet. The session of Parliament began ,on the 12th January. end was con - "Nettled nearly six months before the Iturieet speech was delivered. Such Ion; delay suegeyted some great sur- prises to come, in way of tariff re- vision, which have not materialized. however. Mr. Fielding requires a further cxter:sial of six tnonthy fcr a •commission of Ministers to •.3o about noon; the people. and advise him 4vhati to do. tfrs. 11. Fowell, who is summer - in; in her cottasee at Grand fiend, received a very bad slr•+kin; up on \Vedncsday last by accidentally [at- tires al- ling froth the top of her cellar steps to the bottom ali;htint upon her dead on the cement floor. She re- ceived a severe scalp wound besides :t severe shock to her nervous) sys- tem. The marvel is she escaped without any broken /.ones. She is 11110 to now be about again. as us- urp. "Dont spit on the Sidewalk." Al a tncotin•; of the National Associa- tion for •the Prevention of Conium - 'felon, held in London recently, Sir \Vm. Broadbent said: -Expectoration causes the disease to spread more than n 1 n n thin else. If the whole of I o anything the expectoration could be destroy- ed ne urn• moment the disease would be Al a mord out. Spit tin; elitist be stopped by public opinion end by punishment." should (emits! It .hon sol ► a police regulation or by-law to in- duce people co tchemo from expec.- oratinz on /he side walk. A former Resident injured—in to street car collision at London, we Friday 1112111 I:est, II r.-. (lir.) Coe - :ul, formerly of Exeter was ono of I he passengers on the car :going to !iprinei►,ank when elle collision took place, and was throw0 into .011 1 r:1el►pied upon. Sew was bake,' hone in 3 cab in a slate of colhipse consequent of n nervous shock. '1'hc accident ot�eeuriid at a very 11.1n;0r- 0es point o7 the road noir the steep hill in the Wortley /toad. One Har- ry Wood 4435 fa(al ly injured, by being struck on the head with a rod 1'assen;crs acre badly bruised and scratched. Market Report.—Tho following Is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to .1u1y 131 It. Peas 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Bran $16 per ton. Shorts $20 per ton, Family Flour, $2.75 per cwt. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. /lay, $7.00 per ton. Wheat 90 to 95 cents per bushel. Barley, 40c. per Ezzs, 16 carts ter dozen. Oats 40c per bushel. Butter, 16 cents per pound Hors, live weiz1it, 56.1111 per Turk. di 05 ('(. $7.50 per Due. Cirir Ilolid;ly—'1 hursday I Ise %%:u observed by our citizens as Civic 1eo1• iday and the grater nutnncr avail- ed r)ueinsolves of the privilege of spending the excursion to Goderich, under the nuspices of Lebanon (.odte A. F. & A. M, 1'pu•irds of 400 ex- cursionist. went; In 11,0 circular town and spent t he day enjoyin z the breezes of the beautiful waters of Lake Huron. The Godrricll hand en- livened the occasion by pinyin t on the park in the afiernron. Four rinks of howlers went from here and had quite a tournament with the Goderich howlers. They ,11 report .1 pleasant lime. OATOA2L. Hien the _A1)4 Utast You )be Atmr %CI 8iputu, of 0441. BIG �A Big Bargains for July. � 4 CLEARING SALE Of Oddments and Remnants of ALL SUMMER GOODS Q Snell &Rowe *i(„ �o9os0 n 0. For Sale.—Residence of Mrs. G. Hicks' Foreca.ste.—Rev. Irl Hicks in hemp, on Andrew at. for particulars his foreoastt says. After storms apply to owner. on the 7th and 8th and 9th, change Do you suffer from lender, sore or to cooler, fair weather may result, perspiring fere/ Use Foot Ease, it ut the chances are good that con - rarely fails to give relief. Sold by inued cloudy and threatening con- e. Lutz, Exeter. inions will prevail until we enter Mrs. ,lfunroc has returned hone' the regular Vulcan storm period Nor - from a pleasant visit with friend. which is central on 1110 14th. Mor- in Sarnia and :Michigan. about tthi' period would extend from %bout rho 12t)1 to the 16th, but un- • der rlbd combined influenoea of Mara .and Mercury :those normal limits will most likely bo overleaped. Dur- ing all this time, in sections where storms and r•:1i115 do not dominate the w'either, sustainer( }(tett itnel hurtful dryness %vied Le prolon;ed. A crises of storm .cul abnormal weal her a ill he exlicricncnd about The friends of ,\1 r. L. C. Fleming 14th to 16th, inclusive, wafter will extend sympathy to him in the which rising barometer and charier, death of his sister, Mrs. Lozo, of to cooler will comes to nee+% parts. Coboure. Mr. Fleming was at her Doalli of an 01,1 Resident.—Ono by bedside when the end came one the pioneers of this locality :ire Tho, Exeter Quoit club visited Sea - forth on Civic Holiday and played plasia; away. This 4cer.k we record 6 ;amen with the Seaforth club, the death of Jig. George Fisher, a winning 3 and losing 3, but Se:,fords It1311Iy respected resident of Exeter. winning out by 13 points. Mr. Fisher was born in Yorkshire, Card of 'Chinks.—,lira. Fisher and 0.n;land, (u . November 1832, and wish in this way to express ocean+ In Ibis country with his par - family yencs when a yuan: lad of nine and their deeps ,7ralitude 10 Ihcir rnany ;1 ),;elf ye41rs nM, spcndin3 a few friends who called and renderedmonthsin eastern Ontario, ntier- much Lela and sympathy durinz the wards 114110%1;1z in t'sborrxt, 1lcinz illness and subsequent death of the one of ,the early pioneers of this este Mr. George Fisher weslerit cn+tntry. After•ninny years Wanted—A furnished house for a couple of months, family of ilwo tvith one child. Apply at Times Of- fice , Three rinks of our Low -lea's ex- pected to play the Clinton club a friendly game on Wednesday, i,ut owing to the heavy raid the name was postponed. Wash Goods All our Wash Goods including White 'Mishits, Colored Muslins, Colored Shirt Waist Suitings, Colored Ducks and Sateens to clear for only 10c yard. White Wear A beautiful $2.511 Underskirt ... _ .. ...for $1.70 A beautiful $3.2Z Underskirt...... . ....for 2.44 A cert' faney $1.50 Night Gown for tk-,c A very tine 75c Corset Cover.... ...... for :102 Very Linc' lar Drawers for 50c Walking Skirts $3.50 Skirt tor $2.00 $1.50 Skirts ., for 53.00 55 50 Skirt for $1.00 Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Clothing I)id you see t hat $10 Suitwe are selling for $41.50. If you did not, do not forget to get one. Boots and Shoes See our bargain Table for Shoes, they are good, worth from $1.00 to $1.50, your choice for 99c, 75c and 50c. CABLING BROS. It l'ays to Advertise.—The shirt or dtbzent and arduous toil spent waistsuit advertised for ns lost in on the fare,,, and accumulating a our last week's issue was hrou;ht fair share of this world's .goods, he to I his office the (lay folio vin_ publication, and claimed by the rightful owner, who had almost de- spaired of ever seeing the lost ar- ticle :gain as it ),ad been iost for n with his partner in life. moved to Exeter to enjoy the teenier of their life frcn from toil.11e was a sufferer for Many years from rheumatism and bronchitis, but always nhle to neck. Adverte40 your lust or found xo around until ::bout two %reeks articles in the Times. tl;o when he ra1,11110 sucettrnt►ed, his Mr. W. J. O'Brien, Commercial death !akin; place on Thursday lost leacher in our Iii;h School depart- Always of a ori;11) sunny cheerful trent., left here on Monday evening rlispusit10,1, h' never complained cf for his home In London. We under- mined Mr.1 O'BrienO' 'r ler, n has resigned his position c Iera cxllectin; to •;o to the North-west and establish a Business College in sone of the rapidly zrow- in; centres of the ;real. weal. Mr. O'Brien's work here was creditable. his pupils obtaining n3 a very high per- cento;e in the recent examinations. The resta:lr el,eelin7 of the W0111- 10/4( 1 11 1 0 0111- Ins(itule was /With in the Town Ball, Friday, July 711t. Mrs. S. M. his sutferilzs, snit only those in im- mediate artend:ince knew of his very feeble beak h. The fancily left 10 mourn 1 he las4 of a Invites father are William. .1effre), Thomas and Mrs. 1ledzson, tII of 1'.hot•ne: an- other son dying ehou four years of a;e. 11r. Fisher was united in mar - ria ;e nearly fifty years azo to Jane Jacques, who survives him and 41444 most cows int in her care and at- tention through his Ion illnars. Ganders gave :1 3eadin4 on ".Iollirs" Forty pears azo they were converted which was followed by an irucrc:+(in; under Ilia ministry of Ilse Rev. Mr. discussion. Ou•int to Ili ale lire of Roberts, of the (tilde Christian on who was to have contributed a Church, after the union joining the paper on "1'rest•rving and (':,unint'lames st. Methodist church. Mr. Fruits", 0- %%.Iiakell Up ire 111'• way Fi4het' 4015 a Col'elvalive in politics of a discuss' Arra 0ztannex 1: Ise a true friend conscientious, in nil hiis Dern complele4 fora picnic to 1 dealings, r, 20041 neighlo, and fs_ 1►cid in the Ex'40r school :round., teemed ny 111. itis brolBer, on Thursday, July 13th, to w11101, Him of Exeter, a►rd sisters Mrs• all aro invited. (hales, 115 I:arwrnx, and Mrs. ;ethnic:', of New York, aim survive Nearly every %%trek we hear of him. The funeral took piece on Sal - someone lxyng silted 1•t' a •toddy urib v In Exeter ..,.....tory twin, pedlar. somep'r:pk 5:13'4chy floc.: attended by t Lease circle of�sorrow- lh- County Council not put 0:e a ire friends . st rile rent license fee and thereby prohibit them. Thar is not na easily don as said with 1IIc Statute read- inz as it 110(.41. One of the most ef- fecri%:• twilled.' is for the public to positively declin' 40 deal with Atrat) g- ers, and et• will zuarantce 1less retell:mem would soon Reck tee 111.1 %reciter pasture to if this pLul %was follour.l. On raison why there ore so matey r -Duddy pedlars scouring the count r0 is bccati+e their profits arc large a.uel no expense comparable an a lezutarTV cslalrlishcd bush:ass non in the way of 1 axes, rent and insur- ance. The established merchant Iris a atronter claim on the trade than 1ravelllnz salesmen, who very often practise deceit if nothing worse. Deal wit 11 the home merchant 14 rend advice, which, 11 seted ul.o•1 14 ill le.tvc Much wore+:Iri+factintl and permanent ,stint.. The resident iIA.. a hnodred. claims to one in co:npari- sou to shoddy pt dlly- an 1he (rade of t It • count rw. ••••••••••••••••••t••••••• III•:l.l' \\".\\ fF:I, (I'1•:\1A1.F:1 • Want ell —La dies t0 do plain .ening 11 home, whole• or spare tient. seen to $10.01) [tor neck Work sent any distance, char - Wes paid. fiend stamp for full (, 111,% Oars . LIUN,1 \11'0. Co, Montrt 1. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Railway System '1'o Suln1ner :110 'I'ourist l iOSOrt S. M1skuk t Like 4 -I ' to t zan►i Like of Bays Ma ;net awttn River Geer zian tiny I:-twirlhe Lakes riper Likes 1 huusan(1 isl;Inds Quebec. Portland and Old Orchard, Me.. White Mountains. All reached via the Grand Trunk Railway. the Tourist Route of Amer- ica. Direct cennection with all boat lines. Toutist tiekct-t on sale drily to all Resorts. IiOMf: MEF:KENS EXCURSIONS Rates $:)t).lI) to $10.80 To points in Manitoba. Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberts. (load gr.ing July let h. Returning until August pith. For tickets and full information, call on J. J. RNI(iiI7, Depot ticker aunt, Exeter. \1eDONALh 1)istt-►ct passenger agent. Toronto. 0ooJ Mdttr6sS 1 ata the cellon; agent for the OSTERMOOI{ FELT MATTRESS IN EXETER. This mattress is ;wren - teed by the manufacturers to be bet -ter than, the best hair ; to be non- absorbent ; vermin and dust proof, to last a lifetime and to .;iv'e com- plete satisfaction to the user. s i s.QO W. C. HUSTON Furniture, Undertaking You'll Have Somethlog To show for your years of work if you save a part of your earnings now—as much its you can spare. You may need it at some future time— might as well save it anyway. 1t is not hard af- ter you once make a start in the right direction. $1 is sufficient to start an account %vith this Hank to which you can add to when you like in any sized amounts. and withdraw all or any part of it without any delay, and which earns interest at the highest current rates, which is added to the principal FOUR times a year. without it being necessary to go through the formality of presenting your pass book. You never realize the value of having a savings hank account until you have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank. We have the hest facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal. 47 Branches in ('.%nada, including the following in Huron: Exeter, Credtton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter, Dashwood and Zurich Branches. 200 Pairs. 200 Pairs. CE CURTAINS At Old Prices; But New Goods No, wo had tat t .•ec•ssily forced upon us to advance the prices of our New Lace Curtsies. We bought then' as we have always done, broil :11 our Manufacturers' A1e415, end bou:ht early, thus 1Ivin3 the 2(1 per cent advance. We. are in n position to sell Lace Curt:tins at els- 700(1 value as ever, antl much better to the Cacti Buyer, because we ,give 111 per cent, off for rash ore Every pair of lace curtains. Prices range from 25c a pair up to the dan- dies at $7.00 10 Per Cent off for Cash on all Curtains 1N EW. GR AND TR UNK Carpets and Linoleums 10 Per Cent of For Cash \\'c uoul:l tike to sell every yard of c.irpot in our 40.*rerooms. \\•tri 1,t4% goo lame stock, and, in m:trkint these :zoo4Q, when they f.r'l cone in, we put them al a smaller Profit than usual, but we 111051 r t i l►cm 11131, 311)11 14.144- !(((dell t hem in our hit list of •roo•1s to be• 4101(1 1e peri rent off for r 1.11. Carpet Prices from 20c a yard up to $1.00 Floor oils at 25, 40, 50, 60 cents. Nairn's Best Linoleum, 4 yards wide, at only $1.95 net price. I1'.t ('lolly made in SCOl1.tnd, flat .1 aril Ti 10 Patterns. Don't forret uv in Dress Gond4 fend silk,. 1►.v,'i for :.• 14 :n 11110r., & hews 4, 11 eV). .hen ►lnhhy •.n l I.' .,. 1nas'r for -. ..•It M,te's \ren Ifils. Don't Forget Us! Don't Forget Us! Don't Forget us! For We tau_ do you good. Poplestone 82 Gardiner. • -IMr 11 One doer north c►f )'•).'c%fficc. Produce takc.i in exchange for goods �'