Exeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 70000000v0000<>•0-0-0000-043. 1 WHAT WOMEN SUFFER.
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The little beuside cottage had been
put in under, the trunks had gutta
with the expressman, and Pupa Gra-
loon was tit the gate with the cur--
riugc. liver, !'lura Louise, l'hyllis's
be1otet1 dol{, had her cape end bott-
met on, all ready to go to the sta-
tion. gularity of her blood supply. that
"Let's go all round the cottage and is the 'Ample scientific reason why
a last good -by," "id 141371"s• Dr. Williams' fink !'ills etre worth
hugging 1•'Iura Louise in her tutus. more than their weight in gold to
'!'hey tient through all the roomsswomen of all ages from Jif/cut to
below', and then up-stai18 to get un lilty. These pills actually make the
other look at the blue ocean gleam- rich, red blood that, brings health
ing in the sunshine and rolling uptale
happiness andtretelottt front
its tcltite sari on the beach.
I'hylGs found the window wide pain to every woman. Mrs. Neil
open. It had been for•gutle:►, per_herguson, Ashfield, N. S., says: "In
haps she and Elora Louise could justice to you, and in the hope that
close it for mama. Down curve the' {that 1 say may benefit other suffer -
window, but alas! Flora Louise int; women, 1 take uliau•
ste in stat -
somehow slipped outside to the ver- in.. that 1 have found wonderful
arida roof beneath anti rolled downhev.'tit front the use of Dr. Williams
to the narrow railing at the edge. I !'ink Pit's. When 1 began using the
Poor Phyllis! She stood an instant' pills 1 was so badly run down that
watching the gay little heap huddled I could scarcely go atout; at times
together in the shelterieg angle, and 1 suffered very much and Mt that
then ran down -stairs as fast us .she life wall a burden. 't hanks to Dr.
could go to tell papa about it. I Williams' Pink Pills, I can now say
But papa said that they must not 1 ant enjoying better health than I
wait another instant. Mama had al -i ever expected to liave agatin. and I
ready locked the door, as soon as can mostheartily recommend these
Phyllis was out, 811(1 she and Baby pills to other suffering women."
1.011 were ge(ting into the carriage•' 1)r. Williams' Pink, fills cured Mrs.
'!'here was nothing left for Phyllis Ferguson Lee/tune they filled her
to do but to climb in, too. ! veins with the rich, pure blood so
liith a long, lingering look at the necessary to the health and happi-
epeek of red cape that showed neer, of every human being. It is for
through the vcrundur railing, she this reason that three pits always
laid her head On mother's shoulder cure such troubles as anaemia, ncu-
nn(1 cried as if her heart would ralgia, heart trouble, indigestion,
' y ld hnew
( rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus
!hesaid she shouave a
dolly just as soon as she should get ihtnee, paralysis, kidney and liver
back to town, aril it canoe in due troubles, and the special ailments of is life but a dream of sunluler
season and grew to be verydear to growing girls and women of middle night? Can one choose more glori-
ous an exit than to die fichting for
one's own country and for the Em-
peror who is a ruler and leader to
the nation's' heart? Does not
many a worthy man end his life's
chapter obscure for wantof oppor-
tunity? '1 hen let us uphold the hon-
or and the duty of being .Japanese.
By going down with theme the shall,
In a measure, pay the debt we owe
for the slaughter of these poor inno-
cent peasants. 6They, too„ are fight-
ing for their country, so shall ilushi
honor Ilnshi. There are more tor-
pedo -boats and torpedo-boat destroy-
ers than the number of ships in the
whole fleet of Admiral Ito estwrnsky,
and if each of them destroys or dis-
rolling up its white surf on the smoke the tnost. The humidity of ables one of the enemy's vessels, 11
sand. their climate makes it al►nost a ought to do.
"Oh, look, Lynn!" suddenly cried necessity, and the very moderate TOGO'S MODESTY.
Katharine. "There on the veranda cost of tobacco renders it. accessible
root! I wonder what it is!" to all. Fat her Togo, now grey-haired,
"l'In going to see," said Lynn, '1'o show how deeply rooted is the watts eptictly to and fro on the
opening the window wide. 1 habit, it is enough to say that the bridge of the ylikasa, anti keeps sil-
lle let himself down carefully to boatsmen of the trekshuit, the mice. so all will go well. 1)o you
the roof below, and then crept slow- aquatic diligence of Ilolland, pleas- remember the story when he went 111)
ly down to where poor Flora Louise titre distances by smoke. From here, to Tokio for the first time since the
was huddled. they say, to such a place it is, not commencement of this war? Some
"What a deur dolly!" cried Kettle- so many 1111104, but so many pipes. Public School boys were determined
rine, as she held it safe in her arms When you enter a house, after the to unharness the horses off his car-
riage, at the instigation of the Asahi
I believe, and themselves druty it up
to the gate of the Imperial trainee.
Well, Father Togo got wind of this.
and so he sent his chief -of -staff in
the carriage, while he was seen, but
not recognised, to he gnietly walking
towards Nijubalshi, with his little
(laughter's hand in his. Will he play
another trick upon the poor unsus-
pecting itussians when they come?
I bid you ngnin farewell. Work,
work. and work, for the corning Ja-
pan depends on you young fellows.
I remain your ever humble brother,
♦ T. N.
TiHE 1l00'i'M:1K1?It IN CHINA.
Boots are only worn in China by
officials, servants, soldiers, sailors,
At All Ages They Need Rich, Pure JAPAN'S NAVAL SPIRIT SHOWN
Blood to Secure health and IN A LETTER.
A woman needs medicine more than
a than. Iter organism 1s more com-
plex. her systein moot delicate. Iter
health is disturbed regularly in the
course of nature. if anything hap-
pens to interfere with that natural talion of u letter reccited by hue
course, she goes through ulslx•ak- bunt a friend letter
command of a first -
everyable suffering. In fact the health of class torpedo-boat in Admiral 'l'ogo's
funrliun and the happiness of tlee•t:
every moment of a woman's lite de- !Icor O., -A thousand apologies for
pends upon the richness and the re- Dear
lengthy silence. We have been
and aro still busy, busy preparing a
royal reception fur the guests from
rho Rattle.
Wheit wo of Sulr-ada(' (torpedo
corps) meet ashore, we discuss and
often amide,- if after all the Russians
will come or will they fall us. Do
they know that two are ready? To
north-west lies the harbor of Ma-
sampho, to south that of Sasebo,
while Moil is on our east, and here
we are waiting, waiting, and waiting
for the enemy. Will he never conte'!
1( you do not hear from me when
a sleeting has taken place, take this
as my farewell. I do not expect to
see you again in this life, except per-
haps in your dreams. Whin my bout
goes down I shall go too. and a Rus-
sian ship with us.
It takes her weight in shells to
stint: a torpedo -bo it -it's marvellous
how they, the shells. do not hit.
Secret of the Success of Togo's
Captains -Give All For.
the Nation.
A Japanese gentleman strode the
Loudon 'Times the following trans•
1 have seen, not one, but nanny
torpedo actions, and 1 know, With
six compartments in the boat we
ought to be able to close! in {within
twenty yards of the target before she
is sun's. If we hit, we shall go
clown ttith the Russians; if we are
hit, the Russians shall conte with
us, for the last man alive will steer
the spare torpedo in the water. What
Phyllis; but she never forgot poor age. You can get these pills from
Flora Louise, out in the sun and any dealer in medicine, but you
wind on the veranda roof at the sea- should be careful to see that the full
side cottage. i name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
"Next summer I shall try to get Pale People," is on the wrapper
her the very first thing," she said. I around each box. 1f you wish you
After a month or two the cottage can get the pills by mail at 50 cents
was let to a winter tenant, for in a box or six boxes for $2.50 by
the South, where Phyllis lived, pee- writing'Iho hr. Williams' Medicine
pie often go to the beach resorts dor-, Co., ilrockville, Ont.
lug tho {winter season.
Lynn and Katharine, the little new -
con►ers, went all through tho cottage SMOKE ALL THE TIME.
the first thing, to ace what their The Dutch Get their Smoking Re-
new home was like. At the front markably Cheap.
window up -stairs they paused, ns
Phyllis had often done, to watch the The Hollanders are, perhaps, of all
blue ocean sparkling in the sun and the Northern peoples. those who
nt-the window•, "Some Poor tittle first salutations, your host offers
girl must have dropped her, and your n cigar; when you take leave
couldn't get her again. What fun he hands you another, and often in -
we'll have with her!" I lists upon lilting your cigar case.
Many a happy day had Lynn and In the streets you see. persons
Katharine in the little cottage and lighting a fresh cigar with"the burn -
on the waren, sunny beach, and Flora ing stump GI the last one, without.
Louise shared in all their good times. pausing ins their waik. and with the
Ilut she was Flora Louise no longer. busy air of people who do not wish
"If we only knew what her name to luso a moment of time or a
is!" sighed Katharine. "But we'll mouthful of smoke. Many go to
just have to give herr another, poor sleep with Pipe in mouth, relight it
little dear! It 't be dreadful to if they wake in the night, and again
be lost and not able to tell your own in the horning before they step out
:tame.Let's call her Gertrude." So of bed.
Gertrude she renowned all winter. ( It really does appenr that stroking
When the time drew near for !env- is for the Dutchman a necessary
Ing, mother one day gave Katharine vital (unction.
au idea, which she was quick to !deny people think that so much
share with Lynn, and after that !hero sno,ko dulls the intelligence. Nes_
nets: busy, busy days for both. 1 (•I-theless, if there be a people, as
On the day they left the cottage I':squirur justly )bserves, whose In-
Knthnrine came and gathered (ler- teller.t is of th�clearest itnd highest and special hu)-aner b(oth, ola-
trnde in her arms. "You dear pre- precision, it is the Dutch people. snootily in wet weather, by the ca►n-
cious!" she tour •eel. "1 hate aw-, ••o ke," said n Ilullander, els 111011 people. The universal form of
fully to leave you. But you're going our ne edit breath." Another' (lefined foot -covering is a shoe, whilst cool -
to have a delightful s'prise sones the cigar as the sixth linger of the 108 and the poorest classes have to
day, when the summer girl comes hand, content themselves with straw cr
bock." leather sandals, or go barefoot•
it was not Gertrude, however, butt -i-- Women's shoes are Made at home
the summer girl herself tvho had the BABY'S DANGER. and, except hi isolated cases in sunen•r14. of these there Is novo silver-
greatest "s"')n•ise." Shanghai, are never exposed for sale ;fit:: I'nnnele's Vegetable !lilte 'Torre
The very hist week in vacation the In shops. This remark dues not ap- operation though gentle is effective, and
carriage stopped nt the gote nggain, A mother cannot watch her little ply to the peculiar form of shoe the most delicate Cala use there.
and Phyllis looked anxiously up to ones too carefully during the hot worn by Manchu women,
which 1s 1'Ri7f: MONEY 01` OLI) PAYS.
the veranda railing while Papa weather. 'l)ysc ntery, diarrhoea, percher(! 01) a sort of small stilt. In
(1rnhnut uuluerked the dour. 1 cholera infantunl, anti disorders of the north, during the winter months, Sea bottles at the present time. do
'Phare was no trace of Floris he site tench are nlarn imply frequent the ordinary bout or shoe is often not result in such great rewords of
Louise. doting the sun
lr months, and un- waddedor lined with Slit 4q.skin, and prize ;v ns formerly. English
'•1Vhnt can have become of her?". less tl.' mother has at hued an ef- of lute years reproduction,' if Chin- sailors in times Past have brought
thought Phyllis, 118 she went slowly licit nt remedy to cheek find cure the 080 fools and shoes in inlarubber great fortunes
lo lhthafter their
n!" the steps. I trouble n liltic life may go almost hate been imported from the baited c(. ala t
But 1 h first sight Hint met her lnfure tau renllze th.' rase is seri- States ani Germany, and found land, 1651-54. English ships aro said
tavnr wit1 Chineso at rho 'Treaty to ve tnken 1,:00 Prizes, worth
port s. F,:; 1111,000. in 1657 t he Spnniii rds
—� loaded Bril ish sailors with treasure.
ltltll)A1. WREATHS.They seized two of the Spanish gal--
Made by Cures Like that of Simon
V. Landry -He Tells About it
River Bourgois, Richmond Co., C.
11. -.July 3 -(Special)--Anto►>g the
many men in this pnrt of Canada
whom I►odd's Kidney Pills have re-
lieved of aches and pains and weak-
ness arid Made strong and able to do
a good day's work is Mr. Simon V. An International hruitnrian Ere -
Landry. Mr. Landry has numerous pure hats just oaten founded in Ger-
friends hero who can :ouch for the titun New Guinea by Professor Aue-
story he tells of his cure. ust Engelhardt, a distinguished 'I'e'i-
"1 was bothered for over a year," tonic authority on dietetics and Lon -
he says, "with tanto Luck, weak n i • s hoing diligently t+earched for
legs, pnlpitntiun of the heart. gen-1(0 recruitssays the London Express.
era) weakness and shortness of Th ,
Hie professor is heftily convinced
was 11; in fact T could not {work and that the cocoa -nut is the natural
a total wreck' food of mall, declares that it
"1 could not get anything to help
me till I tried Dodd's Kidney fills. produces elasticity of body and mind
But they did me gaud and no unix_ (end purity of thought, and cures all
take. I used three boxes tn:s and 1'diseases.
Incl. of {work ngnin.. Converts who are admitted into
It is the cures they make that the "Order of the Sun," which is the
make Dodd's Kidney !'ills so pope- professor's naive for his new colons",
lair. '!'heir popularity has grown, are required to live on cocoa -nuts.
steadily for thirteen years. It must. In the beginning the cocoa nut is
lie well founded.
A little Sunlight Soap will clean
cut glass and other articles until
they shine and sparkle. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
Empire Founded by a
eaten grated. with bananas and pa-
payas, later it is chewed, and 1 malty
the colonists statist live exclusively
According to an estimate compiled oncocoa nuts.
by Mr. Ilenry Clears, n liva acini Che islend of Kabaron--which he
authority, hi r. .1. 1). Rockefeller, the has purchased --belonging to the New
Stuultard Oil magnate, is the richest La(nhurg group in the Bismarck
man in Americo, with n fortune of archipelago has been selected by the
$500,000,000. Mr. A. Carnegie 1'roteeeor for his experincnt.
comes second with $250,000,000. A9 yet the members of the 'Order
and Mr. W. W. Astor third with of the Sun" aro all (iceman;, Herr
!)200,000,000. Max Lueteow, the violinist and con-
ductor, being one of them, but the
founder Is making efforts to secure
ENCLISO SPAVIN L►N,;NENT I'nglish colonists. who will have to
Removes all hard soft or calloused present high references before initi-
lunaps and blemishes from horses, blond ation•
spavin. curbs, splints, riugltuuo, '��-
sits cney, atitlles, (Trains, sore n.d sudden deathson the
5(tollea, throat. coughs. etc. `<a%0 ;;.0 -People apparently well and happy
by use of ono bottle. Warranted the to -day, to -morrow aro striker' down.
most wonderful Blemish Cur) aver and In ninety-nine cases out of every
known. hundred the heart is the cause. The
Ileggnr (inslnhalingly)-"I say,
mister, have yer got any susgcstion
to make 10 a feller wot ain't able to
raise a penny to git shaved ttith?"
Cold Gentleman (passing 011) -"•Yes;
grow a beard."
Tested by 'Plano.—in his Justly -cele-
brated !'ills Dr. Parmelee has given to
the world one of the most unique ',milt -
CMOS uttered to the public in late years.
Prepared to meet the wont for a pill
which could be taken without nausea,
and that would purge without pain
it has met alit requirements In that di-
rection, and it is in general use not
only because of these two qualities. but
because It is known to possess niters -
the and eurutive powers which place
it in the front rank of medicines.
Mrs. Wickwire --"Oh, Henry! And
1 told you so particularly before
you chose a new house to be sure the
chimney didn't smoke." Mr. Wick-
wire"Well, this one doesn't. Como
outside and see for yourself."
I'd rather be dead than suffer again
the tortures of Insomnia. palpitation
and nervous twitching of my muscles
Induced by simple neglect of a little
Indigestion " These are the forceful
1111(1 v. -aiming words of a lady who pro-
claims that her cure by South Amerl-
csn Nervine when everything else had
failed was a modern miracle. A few
dose.' gives relief. -92
Dcaoory-"i wish that young Canon
Mayberry weren't obliged to preach
to such n small congregation." Friv-
olous \\?clow• --"So (10 I. Every time
he said 'Dearly helovcd' this morn-
ing 1 felt as if I had received a pro-
posal." •
it is a Liver Tilt. -Many of the ail-
ments that anon has to contend with
hate their origin In it disordered liver.
which is a delicate organ h,articulnnt
ki„g of heart remedies, Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the heart, is within reach
of all. It relieves in SO minutes, and
cures most chronic cases. -lit
The figures shoring the number of
fatalities in collisions alone on Unit-
ed States railways are appalling and
show a constant increase in recent
years. They tl►•e given by the Inter -
State Commission, as follows:
Killer!. Injured.
61 8111
65 1,2113
55 /1,4:,8
133 2,:360
12:1 '2,t►75
Killed. Injured.
] 87 1,808
264 1,5713
848 '1,089
424 2,78599
574 :3,772
The record for the present' year, as
shown by the reports made to the
commission under the requirements
of the accident low of March 3, 1901
shows no diminution of fatalities.
For the first three months there were
221 killed and 2,797 Injured in rail-
way catastrophes. '!'hese aro the
only figures compiled for the cur-
rent year by tho commission.
Forty thousand persons in London
alone are suffering from consumption,
according to 1)r. Arthur Latham,
prize essayist if the Kings Sana-
torium. If other fortes of tubercu-
losis were included, the nuunher
1899... ...
TEA becausennommalsommuninmery
is gsealed in lead packets, not lying about loose
like ordinarbulk tetias.htly BLUE RIBBON is carefully Hatched from
PLANTATION TO HOME and ple tses all.
Dainty -Delicious -Attractive to the Eye
and satisfying to the appetite
Libby's !Flavor; Food Products
Ox Tongue. Potted Chicken. Deviled Ham.
Dried Beef. Brisket Beef. Lunch Tongues.
Soups, Corned Beef Hash—all as Good as
they aro wholesome. Easy to serve
The lJookli I. "Dote to !fate Good Things to Eat" seat free. 1
Address Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago
During Juno, July, August and
September the Chicago and North
1Vestern Hy. will sell foul Chicago.
round trip excursion tickets to Sun
Francisco, Los Angeles, I'or tlund,
Ore. (Lewis & Chaise Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria, Vuncouver ut very
low rates. Corrc:•;7untlingly cheap
fares from all pesos in entracte.
Choice of routes, hest of tram ser-
vice, favorable stopovers and liberal
return limits. Rates, folders nn(1
hall information can bo obtained
from 1t. D. Bennett, General Agent,
2 East King St., 'Toronto, Out, 31
Tho nun who has married the
wrong girl may console himself with
the thought that perhaps the right.
1.no wouldn't have had hint.
A Benefactor to All. -The scorner, the
sailor, the Oshern.tn. the 1niner, the
farmer• the ntechndc, and all who live
lives of toil and spend their existence
It the dull routine of tedious tasks
and who aro exposed to injuries and
ailments that those who ((id not du not
know, will find in Dr. '!'hood',' Fcicc-
tric Oil an excellent friend and bene-
factor in every time of need.
In France it is not only tho un-
educated who plunge in the public
lotteries. They are patronized by all
classes, and a Calais doctor has just
found Dante Fortune more kind than
he was ever likely to find Acs ul
pins. His name is llr. Iluc, and he
took a whole ticket in the last issue
of Panama lottery bonds. Ile has
just received notification that he
has drawn the grand prize of £20,-
000. lir. Hue was chief surgeon to
the hospitals of Calais.
{would be helpful to you," s01d
the prison visitor, "if you could take
Route motto and try and livo up to
it." "That's right," replied the
would be not fewer than 80,000. convict. "I'd like to select, for In -
Consumption is responsible for the stance, 'Wo ore here to -day and
(baths of 8,000 persons per annum gone to -morrow.' "
in the Metropolis, and a similar
number gju from other tuberculous
1.s11Io and (`url . V 2'1
Cleaning In and KM Ol,eraa etaaaA r
eso be e.e( l.r post, 1e Hr ma. WI best piano 4
susceptible to the disturbances that diseases, all of tilent preventible.
come from irr11(uhar habits or lark . .
care in -along uud drinking. This no. LAI)V'S !'Illy COLLECTION.
counts for the great catty liver regu-
lators now pressed ott the attention of Ono of the strangest cases of klep-
eyes ns she walked into the sitting- ous. At the first 811111 of any of
r4)0111 etas !'lora Louise herself, gor- thew nilr/vtrts the ei•,r mdther will
geous in a new gown, auntsealed on gine her little one Baby's Oen '1'nb-
a coining little bedstead just right lets, which promptly cure all hot,
for her! finned to her dress was n weather cilnenls. Mrs. .John l.an-
little note, which road: I easter, North Portal, N. 11, 'I'., says:
Jamar Sumner lair!. 'J'he agent told „hey gabs" was attncke�l with dinr-
us you live in this cottage 0terV I110'n on. votnitin;(. 1 nt onc0 gnwe
Fununer, so 1 know you will he glad liarby'.y ('wn ?'allele 111.11 Ihr »ext
to get your dully ngnin. Me love (lav she «ns ns cwt 11 ns" et,•r. i urn
hems so richly laden with gold arid
The bridal wreath 1s usually forst- jowls that it took thirty-eight
ed of myrtle brunches in Ger/tinny; wagons to carry the treasure from
it is made of orange blossoms in 1'ortstnouth to London. In 1761
France, as well as In England; in came the historic capture of the Her -
Italy and the French Cantons of inline, the Spanish trensure ship
Sell/sedate! it is of white roses; in' from Limn. The nelmirul and cnp-
Rheumatism - What's tho
Cause ?-Whera'e the Curo?-Thenctiee Ir
rltating cause of this most painful int
diseases is poisonous uric acid in tho
blood. South American Rheumatic
Cure neutralism the acid poison. He-
tomanin ever brought to light was
heard of in Paris. A ectIniu lady (fetes in 0 hours and cures in 1 to 3
days. -90
'1'M' harder n 1111111 ran latngh at the
tnishnps of others the herder he can
get. Hold nt the than who laughs at
had such a passion for stroking and
for coloring nleerchaunl pipes of this
description from shops. In the flat
which she occupied there ware found
no fewer than 2,600 pipes, not one
of which, it is believed, she paid for.
Curious That a Tired Preacher
Should Have Such Desire.
A minister speaks of the curious
effect of Grupe -Nuts food on hire and
how it has relieved hint.
"You will doubtless{ understand
how the suffering with indigestion
with which I wrist to be lrouhled
inn(le my work an nhinost unenhtr-
her, too. One ut eta stinted ,out the$.1-.1,-
able burden, and I w 8'; It was that
window and got her and made her newer will t the 'Tablets in the , Spain the flowers of which it Is tains received as their it shore $:t25,- [liter env `;nl,T had been
1 1 t d and the other took core of hoes" n 1, ( t► 1 1 Pinks, r f the lieutenants ants Rt' i Oen
R ' 000 1
ei s en lu. s 1 Ilnel ihev are the only cum rose,! re red roses and
p n R, (I(t 1 apiece,
rime( vi,•
Iry ' . ,rete singer to
her and made her netw clothes. We nleeli,inr. a little one nmetI'." (th E 1,1 the islands of Greece vine -lenses wniIahIl otlhc•rs ;about .Let• my billow till u....., ';1 ,
didn't know her right name. but we wise mot hers will follow Mfrs. Lan- ! seri0 1he purpose, and in Bohemia petty oMcers nearly $10,000, n and 1 had to be very surae• us to
have cdllid her Gertrude. We hope castle's eNnnple next Prep lhr Tat. r,eennry is employed; 111 German even the cununon son nun ,,..,00 with all my
you'll have it good time with her this lets nlwnss at hnnd--their pro•nitt. Snit/erinnd a crown of artificial each. On arriving nt Portsmouth
witatIlextmrlattcalei'f,lfenn(tt physical
sir mer Lovingly, (uaic nuts" save n little Lir. Sold by� Iluwers dukes the place of the wreath. the t (hen ace abought up all the watch- distress alter meals, and toy food
The Winter Boy and Girl. n'1 medicine deal, rs or sent by mai es in the place and fried them over never satisfied atm.
Kear by tens it little trunk con- ret 2.. cents a lox by selling the '191e bond that fills the cool bin the galley lir.'. "Six months have elapsed !+ince i
taininR n pink silk dress, and a lar. W illirons' Medicine Co., Brock- 'rob,' the world.
I,;\1I(;EST N1:1V�(I'Ai'1Eit oF1'1('il, began to use (:rape -Nuts food, 1111(1
dainty clunk and hot. Their were title, 1 ul. the benefits 1 have deriver) from it
tile(' ninny dainty lit tie garments; --•- ♦- `" "Which is the largest
newspaper atm
t b th wurl(1? ngk9 th(' 1 ria
very definite. 1 no longer suffer
Office s e .
hot delighted the t•t 0 of grateful bother, in the hall, line been stand- from ittdiges(ion, and 1 begun t0
ter's Engineer. America naturally
t}Ilia. 'int; for half an hour, elide Millicent _ � � improve from the time (IrnpetiNuls
"11 hat perfectly lately winter ch11- �• eta hits that the New York '!lilacs
,,. appeared on oar table. 1 find that
••• 'hvllis when mama arid Harold bid each other r goo(I- UO ■1 E J / building, alth Be thirty one storeys (1rrn. rete(! 1 night in the doorway. 'Parting.' by eating a dish of it alter my Salo
had rend her the note. "I'm going 1 ry- I 1 n r� E V nod an arca of 116,311) square feet,
to call ►ns" lost dolly !•'lora Ta)uism quotes Harold. "Is Ruch sweet sorrow
that I ('0(11(1 say good -night t01-' "
Gertrude Graham, and I'm going to At this speech father gets n Shakes -
net( the agent if that boy net girl l,,.avrun inspiration of his own andare
are coming brick next winter, and if tromps forward. "Seems to me,"
they are, I'm going to Immo her he asserts, "that there is too much
hero for them." adieu about nothing.'
"1 have nlwnvs allowed my wife i)oily was out for n walk and met
to wi'h something for herself f,er no old friend of her father. "And
every birthday since We have b eu hew old are you. little one?" asked
married.'" "W'hnt dues site wish the old gentleman. But holly tans
fenerelly?" 11',•11. the Inst fifteen indignnet. "1'rn hardly 0111 at all;
inset ��she has been wishing for a Ing hheat nearly new," she answeres, toss -
holds the record. 'I9hls, however, is
no longer the ease. The magnificent
edifice recently built for the produc-
tion of the Scotsman (Edinburgh)
loth work 19 done, (and 1 always do
so now) my nerves are quieted and
rest and refreshing sleep are ensured
tae. 1 feel flint i could not eoeeilily do
puts the former building completely without (:rope -Nuts food, now that
in the shade, fur although it can 1 !.now i1R value. it is invariably
only boost thirteen storeys, yet it on our table -we fill that we nerd
posses808 nn area of 261,787 square it to complete the meal-nnd our
feet. This building 1:4 more than children will eat (:rope -Nuts when
twice the sirs of that of the New they rnnnot be persuaded lb touch
nntth ng cisc•" Name given by Poe -
tufo ('0., Battle ('reek, Mich.
There's a reason.
Head the famous little brink. "'1.1 •
Bond to WellvlHe," in eneb p).g.
York Times,
it Is easy to wear a ring in yo)r
lint set an to leave both tarots free
to fleece Uncle Sam.
If attacked with cholera or su,,tnicr
complaint of any kind sand nt 011,0 !Cr
a bottle of Or. 1. 1). Kcltogg'r Peres.
tery Cordial and use it according to
directions. It sets with wond,•rf 1 te-
pidity in subduing that dreadfdl ma-
Inaease that weakens the strongest man
and that destroys the young and e.,'.
eats. '!'Bose who have used this cholera
medicine say it acts promptly, end nov-
er tails to effect a thorough cure.
.Tunes asked his wife, "Why is a
husband like dough?" He expected
she would give it up, and he was
going to tell her it watt because a
woman needs hint; but she said 1t
was ',mann it was hard to get off
her hands
liel•p your children to grow strong
and robust by counteracting anything
that Causes ill -health. One great cause
of disease In children is worms. Inc
►nuts them with Mother (leaves' Worm
!Extern tor. It never fails.
A graceful exhibition of wire -walk -
20 Ayrshire Bulls -four to twenty
months old; Ayrshire Females all
ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs.
Apply to HON. W. OW1':NS,
Monte Bello, Qac.
'rig wan given by it number of rats
nt Sligo, Ireland, recently. An ex-
cise otlicer, who was cycling Cy the
town hull, happened to lock up, and
saw an enormous rotstaking its h 1'
.VOV nlunq an overhead electric wire.
Ile pointed out the Itlondin rodent
to the (ono hull officials, and they Shi• loh's
a'nt('hed nearly 150 of the rats pass e
along. until they were hidden from , Co�nsuznpti®
sight by it lofty flour mill. 'I he rats ,
used their toils as the Professional ���� Tonaung
walker on the lofty wire uses his ,
balancing rote, and although they
were antched for more than 200
yards there were no castralties.
Protect Your Property
�► No
A dry dr!! p.wrier pat up In metal tuheet, 22
in h •e long. 1 : wilt lnaa•Ilr ettin vbh the
muga for ao, fl:,m• of wood or oft. Price *30)
eleh, t w doe 11 r le f•'r d ercriptito circular
Toe Diamond Dry roweer Fire AtENTS
Extlnsu Cher Co., Toronto, Ont. %AMID
414* --1)
Benedict -"Ito you know, 01(1 man
I dotal. spend so much money no
as 1 slid before 1 was married?'
Ilnc•ltclor-"IIoW's that'!" Benedict
"Well, I don't have it to sis•11d."
You cannot be happy while you Inv
corns. '!'hen 0o not delay in getting
bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It
remotes all kinds of cures without
pain. Failure with it is unknown.
Young husband (lo wife) -"Didn't
I telegraph to you not to bring your
mother with you'!" Young
know; that's what she wants to tree
you aliout. She read the telegram!"
Kidney search Lights-Ilave you hark -
ache? Du you feel drowsy? Ito your
the loins? Onto you tlirziness? Ilnte
limbs feel heavy? Hate you ps{ns in
you a tired drugging feeling in the re-
gions of the kidneys? Any and all of
these indicate kidney troihles. South
Aatcriven Kidney (lure is a liquid
ney specific unit works wonderful cures
In most complicated cases. -91
!Everybody abuses n public loan,
but. nobody abuses a private citin•n
except his best friend and his wife's
lover's Y-7. (Wise !lead) Disinfect -
lint Soap Powder dusted In the
tenth, ,•often• the water and disin-
"What's become of Hint fellow
'I't:eed!r's'," "Oh, he yrentd n sh,,1r!"
"Doing well?" "No; doing t one.
Ile won caught."
Worry worst cure a cough. When
you fir:'! n cough holding on--
wen cvcryt Jing else has tenet: -
('11005'4I' TIM WALL.
1)c n't rem into debt ns long ne you
can tinct a stone_ wall to run into.
It is guaranteed to core. It It
doesn't, we'll refund your mosey.
Prices: 8. C. Wau.0 a Co. /)1
130. 31k.$1. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Cas.
'ON 3nsst