HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 5• (jam r_ 6XE t r. R TIMES, S, .1 t' I. 131 li lcul:p Cedar Posts A large quantity of Cedar Posts for sate of the befit quality. Must 1t• sold at once. • We would 1* pleased to quote you our prices on any Building material you may require. We can supply you with. Sash and Door Frames r Lumber, Lath & Shingles • on shortest notice In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- ers with all they may itquit e either from shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale ('all and Fee the wocd we have for sale. Just the kind yeti iequire for Bummer cooking. The RossTulOr G0. LtU. +-14-1-44-1-1-1--1-14++++-1-:-.+4-1-4-++++ -F d• Notiee To Farmers and the Public in I .} General As the spring is corning on now gather up all your old • truck such as Rags, Rubbers, 4. -t• Wool Pickings, Ilorse Mair, •1' + Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, I3rass, Copper, tr , Lead and Zinc, and take them down to M.JACKSON & SON I Main -St. Exeter. IOne door south of the ,'i'tetropolitan Hotel. That's . where you will get the high- est cash price for them. + i' 1'i••1'-1+.t.4efele1'-b•fr•I--1-•1-++•fr• 1-+++-1-1-4- Farm Implements We are dealers in all kinds of farm- ing implements and below we give a partial list of what we have m stock. Buggies from $60 up, Waggons from 841 up, Binders. Mowers, Ilay Tedders, Sulky Plows. See Our tray Loaders and Side Rake ..vwwr.J.0111 .1. 1 (=ED) Y• o.: .:l a'yr•�rp sir .':)ti:.; Fc•.:; �udRcgutd- ting the Si u..tlt3 andBowels of I'r�ttmates I3i,estion.Cheerful- ness and Its t.Co n to i els neither Opaini.Morpltine Icor Mineral. •JT N COTIC. Lbw. a101d IirSWI LIVCIld'B I t>rfli., 5.1 - ,art.fulna • R. ri -t4- 4w.0 .1.!d • iirrmm,:ct - /AGud••a'ttJa1+ • f�rniJrd- Aperfect Reinedy for Constipa- lion, Scut• Stontach•Uiarrhoca. \1'orius,Con utsions.Fevcrislt- tieSS and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signnhtre of NEW YOPK. CASTOR1 For I¢frnts and ChUdr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. u ForOv Thirty Years TNa CCASTOR! T. N W TCaa CITU. Plunges 1,000 Feet (Jovernor o Lynn. \lass., July 10. — .1,:•:1 I,000 feet to at hat st•'n' 1 t.tin death. \1"illi:uu Canfitt;ld, a 1t.: ton aeronaut, leaped from his a,l- loota in order that Mrs. Camille Staf- ford. tthd twas with hire, mists( have a clr.utcu for her life. The manna,' eseal,t•.1 unhurt. C7111 - field was badly injured by strikin s a }lentil 118 his parachute was satuat in t he serene wind. Five thou: eel persons witnessed his start !lox act of heroism. At he *late he leaped. Cinfit%!f and Mrs. Stafford, who also ie un aeronaut, were in the balloon over a most thickly itopul•ated part of Lyon. The baleen was Leaking badly, and their combined wei slit was drazein,e it down slowly at first, then rapidly. Canfield saw that the easy way to sate the woman would be for hrm ta• cut looso in his parachute. After :a word of caution. [ethos Mrs. Stafford to remain with ht c• 1,alloon until it passed over the mea - dews a mile away, Canfield cut the rope and plunged straight down. Canfield camp through the air bike a shot) for fifty feet o rmore, then' suddenly tlin wind caught his para- chute and it flew open. The wind swept him out of his course, how- ever, and he was thrown vio/ently against Otho residence et J. Frank Millers 124 henry avenue. On elle way to the hospital he re- vived and later entirely :recovered from 'the shock . "Is she safe" was his first que3- t ion. Then to was told that Mrs. Staf- ford had remained with the balloon until it passed over the meadows, where she cut loose. She landed safely and came back to Lynn in a carri:t Russian Count Shot A Grim List of Russia,' " Official! \\'Ito Have Ileert Assassinated in Last Four Year;. „..----e--- Moscow, July 11. — Major-Ger/or al tBDIOAL M� a Kale Robertson. o[lit 5.,l Cutletut 5t na1otf i,refect of Police W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. left on Monday last for Gla ager:' h,•I:•, and formerly attached to the J. P. B„ Graduate Victoria Uni Scotland. She .goes by Mont real nn'1 vlHestry of the Interior, ryas assasi- Tereity. office and residenence. Dominion expects to spend several months i • in tt,•d this nlorninz while receivi_t- t,at,oratory, Exeter. lite old land. Miss i{obert'ods to:+'sy ' ; i Oto of l he ,clic loners DENTAL friends will join in Wall 11,...r ' (,dre,1,'":":'revolver and fired thrco j safe journey. 'tunes at the Prefect, who fell dead. H. KINCMAN, L. D. S. ANL ,®�.�....>..•.,... DR. A.R. KINSMAN. L. iThe assass:Fin tuns arrested. D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate N01'I(E TO C1tEDITOItS Me asses sin has urea busily at pf Toronto University, Dentist. 1� work in Russia amongst Minisiere, cethextractedwithout pain zovernnrs and other high ,officialsoadafter elTe'tte. OfficeFan• In the mat ter of the cat ata of Wit- 3 son's block. West side of Main liant henry Birk, late. of Ile. Burins the last few years, as will ne owe.' Exeter' Township of Flay in the Counts seer, from the following List: of lluron, Clerk, (i iceased. Killed Notice is hereby given pursuant to M. Ilogoliepoff, Minister of Edo - R. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims a7ainst lh•a estate of the sold Wil- liam Henry Birk, wha died o•t or ior, by )lalmasheff, April 15, 1902. about •the 01.htccnth day of July, General Ito;danovich, Governor of 1891, -aro required, on or befo.e the Ufa, after a massacre of strikes s, 25th 'doy of July, 1905, to gene :,y May 19, 19(13. post -prepaid or deliver to Mes•a;s. General Itobrikoff, (;ovcrnc,r of Gladman & Stnnbury, of the Villa,;e Finland. iy Eugene Schaumann, June of Exeter. Ho;icitora for the- Admir:,is- 17, 1901. iso rat or of ahe said deceased, their Vice -Governor of J1izabetspot, christian and surnames, addresses Trat:scacausia, July 17, 1904. and descriptions, rhe, full particul- ars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the seem ides, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last ,mentioned date the said A'Luinist rat or trill i rocecal io die- � U\FEY TO LOAN. tribute the assets of the deceased l , among the parties entitled thereto, We have a large amount of private mods to having regard only to the claims of oar on farm and village properties atlownte.+ which they shall then have notice es interests and that it he said 'Adruinistrat or (MADMAN & STANBURY will not bo liable for the said assets We have several Washing Machines Barrtstere solicitors. Main et. Exeter or any part 1 hereof to any person and Wringers that we will sell cheap. i DICKSON & CABLING, or persons of whose claims notice Incubators and Ilrcod(rs. I shill not have been received by them nt t he t line of such distribution. A sew second-hand Buggies and' earrtr,tera So►icltors, Notaries Conveyancers, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Waggons to be sold cheap. 1 o cat toren. Solicitors for the iIO1sons Solicitors for mid Admini�lrator. Dated at Exeter t he 7th BISSETT & JOHNS ! Moa to Loan at loweit rat. of Interest. slay of July, 190 i. pyrieE:--MAIN STREET, EXETER Largest Show Rooms, Exeter. es.oalutxoft. e, L. rt. rooms FisAlibi FOR SALE. — Mrs. Chas. D.A. ANDERSON. (D• D• 8. L•D•S• DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Mimeo school of Prosthetic I)entistr•y (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession dentin' this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- 'uminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in 1h• neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmle,ts anaesthetic used for painless extra°- ton. Office one door :with of Carling Bro't store Exeter, Ont. nONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for Invest: ens upon farm or village property at Lowes ates of interest. DICKSON & CARLI EGeter. cat it ', oy learpovich, after the Uni- verse y troubles, February 27, 1901. M. Nipia.gin, Minister of the Inter - CEIT ON D • ! Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. is 1)i1IEC'l'OR5 I'Ii1 .I.-.ntlsl.t. .�.President:—T. 1o1ler President: T. Vice -Pres.:— J. A. No nisi 1t nttl'.O. F.M0BplAs, ,WtALEN P. O. Oristing and Chopping cttOM.t,RTY I'. O. Promptly Done. J. WM. ROY, BORN11:A.M P. O. L. RUSSELL,i;[ttot;1t1.1rAi.E P.O. AGENTS. We are giving excellent sa- The Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Inbur- ane Gompanu J. CARMIt liar•:1.. STA FFA. ONT. tisfaction in lour since re- A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. S. Mee, Ft•t.LAIIToN, ONT. modelling our mill I. S. (41t.} lt.►..tN, LcrAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS. + i Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. Sweitzer H. ,IOSEI'11 \1'{(17'1': Licensed Auctioneer, Counties of FOIL SALE — 1.:,t 8. Con. 3, lis- Perth Middlesex. Baron, Oxford borne, 100 acre:.. nil under cut- and Town of :it. Marys. »old for $3 an acre. titration, 2 wells. On 1 he property Charges ne ster:t e. Orders left as 2. To-1av they are a('llin t for $50 is a frame house, ;ood hank barn, I his residence, Queen St., Ht. Marys, (to see all :tell,. one (rime barn. For further par- I, will be promptly alIended to. Phone3.'1'hrte pet ls :Ito \\.*+tern Conn- •dein l:cauls swelal for $3 an acre. 4. '1'o -d ty t hey are scllin; for $8 to *25 alt acre. 5. in three years more land; will a tai,' double in value. 0. Why invest your money 01 Sr per cents 7. Don't wait met hers are rushin; in. Buy a section or 4 wo now, then Washburn, flavin 1 dt sided t o give up fanning, hereby offers for sale either in (leek or in 50 acre parcels, tlis farm now occupied her, beim composed of the 5051, 11 half of Lot No. 7, in 1 ho 101 h Coe- ceasion and the east half of Lot No. 6 in the 1111t Concession. of .the e i:cn sio.t 'sb rn T'o nit• vhi , of l o T rh. 1 after harvest 4hia year. Dated this 30th day of June, 1905. For terms and particulars apply on the prem- ises or to Dickson & Carlinz, Steici- treasures loaned by t Kine (Ab- tnrs for Vendor, Is. xet(.r, unt. bey's zrcat coronation picture he- lp.; included) the Corporation of 4 he City of London, I he Republic of France, South Kensin;ton Museum, 111 1st Hon. Lord Ht rathcona and Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. Ilon. Mortimer Clarke. will contribute to the most magnificent and most historical display of art ever made on this continent. Entries close Au;. 15111. Copies of 1 he prize list and entry blanks can bo had on np- plication to J. 0. Orr, Secretary and Manager, Canadian National Exhibi- tion. City Hall, 'Toronto. ior, assassinated by means of a L001:I as he was pioccedinz to have an aud- ience with t he Czar, July. 28. 1901. Lieut. -Col. Iloeustaysky, Chief A•1- n,iuisirator of the Sunnalin (Retrial of 1 he Caucausus, Au;u51, 1904. Grand Duke Ser sins, killed by a hemb at Moscow. Fe:Int:try 17t b. 1905. TOItON'TO EXHIBITION P:{I %E LIST The Prize List for the Canadian. National Exhibition. Toronto, Ont., which Ihis year will 00 held from Au t. 29t h, to Sept. 9th, both days inclusive, has conte to hand. Every class has been thoroughly revised and in many cases added to. The pre- miums to be distributed amount, in- cludin; medals, plate and specials, to upwards of $40,000 itt value, of which $35,000 is in actual cash. Field Marshall Lord Roberts, V.C., is ex- pected to officiate at that ope,'in; ceremonies on Tuesday, August 29t1i, and to be a constant visitor Burins the first week. The famous band of the Irish Guards, considered the fin- est military musical organization in T favor- ite ( and t dv the L rut Kin ion t Ih•ousehold band of His Majesty the Kink, will give two concerts on the grounds daily. Pictures and art J. A. GREGORY I:IsAI, ESTATE IIROi:EIt Nor( h Ilattleford, Sask. Seven years experience in Western Linda Selected Lamle for sale in block or single sections frorn $14 per acre up. These 1:10115 nr(• sit noted in the . t� IC �. tl [amour Saskt,lchc`w^an tl..y, harden of Olt' ('•itt•aditnt Northwest, alone either t Its train line of the Canadi it North tet Railway or the survey of ,t 1,^ Gr:.nd Trunk Pacific. 1. Twenty yeIIs aro 1)akot t land+ ticttlar' apply In .las. Essery, ExeteritSbut ecial mus('.t lion titch to live 1'.(� .t ock rales. Order- left nt The 'limes will be prom,•' ly a. I1 nded to. F(t){ SALE. — 1 have 81 acres in era's looking not loo bad which S11(1111 11(111N''' FOlt $At.l: — The 1 will sell On the ..around net less I undcr,i.:r,'t t as for ,I .le on 1 hen :, acre lots and upwards, stay- ! up-to-deelItt tt1 ,rourthbrc d Short horn Me requY• n number of ain; ern ibull apply .non. 1 bulls. The. err• (.[ the low net you c.ut afford In wait while tt Islsn have n quantity of brick in block type, dark ted in color and of or It ttz to sell cheap, by the lump choice breeding. The. are all elit- :rows into money. or hundred. also a bar te quatiti Correspondence inti cd f .Ise barn to dispose of. Ai ble for te►ristra+ on, and will be sold R• ferences:—lemic hank of Can + I.., ;tone a t\'inniper, and Tetania hank. ply to Hay i'. (►.. i.. )1cT.\(:GABT. i(!a�nahlt. - 1,.+ Tin leder, Ilclsa! Exeter, Ont. To Cure a Cold in One Day . .Tobe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tom.9z," t�v i aevery , ,N idoses seed in pad 13 wombs. This signature. • Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. Endorses Other Prominent Add Their • Alabama Pe-ru-na. State Officials Praises. n.sfin a :�aa�alrs�:it. i<i.3r _..1. b,,dWH.Nw�W ,v e. • Ise • The Magnificent State Capitol Building bf Alabama. ONE of the most wonderful events in the history of medicine is the multitude of endorsements which Perna is » celving as a catarrh cure from rnen of national importance. The most distinguished men of'tho United States have no hesitation in lending their influence to asatst in letting the public know' of the merits of Pamela. Nearly one-half the people are in some way affected by catarrh. Therefore it is almeat a national curse, and it i3 of national import that the people should know of Peruna. Catarrh is an American disease. Perna is an American remedy. Catarrh is a result of changeable elimate. Peruna is a result of long and careful experimentation. gttarrh enters the system through the ntyrve centers and affects the mucous plembranes. Pernna enables tho nerve Alters to repel and expel the catarrh fr6nn tho system. atorrh" is a systemic diseeso and ble only by systemic treatment. e,ieiaedy that cures catarrh must directly at tho depressed nerve 'of; This is what Pernna does. Redeemer of Public Moneys. 78 Dundas St., London i'011 SALE. —.gloomy. Itlack+ntit it shop and lot in the town of Exeter, Iwo storey ,olid brick house, twelve rooms. Nit broom, 5 bedroom., war - andah across front of hour, 114 ,u• tiful lawn. abundance of f, nit ha ice blacksmith shop 2 }tnrey, 1' .ton shop and 5)10tw roost, frame : ;able. ('rice on Application. 1011 SALE.—(louse and lot in iLt- cillnte of Holy root', 2 1-2 storey frame hone, 1 1• •• :o nc(Iroont acre of land, soca fruit, alio train - barn. all in flirty _toorl rep ,ir. leers $1111111.1111. 4:•nd for true list of frets for • 1. . \\'e )revs• ;orale of the tI1,est f 1 r 11 s in I he County of llnron for • ! . Alen a larzn nuuttcr of farm • he ..ale in many other coaniica tis ,Fin. \\,stein Real P:siate Exah'n.: 1. •1, 1,ondoe. Ont trio. Governor of Alabama Commends Pe-ru-na. In a letter dated July 20, 1899, written from Mont- gomery, Ala., Governor Joseph J. Johnston, stye: ‘,1 Join Congressman Brewer in com- mending Peruna. "--Joseph J. Johnston. Hon. John 0. Leftwich, Redeemer of Public Moneys, whose office is in the Postgfiice Building, in a letter written from Montgomery, Ala., says: "I take pleasure in recommending Peruna as an excellent toner, and it is recommended to me by those who have used it as a good catarrh cure."—John C. Leftwich. Register United States Land Office. Hon. Robert Barber, Register United States Land Orrice, writes from Mont- gomery, Ala.: 0 "For 80103 time I have been a sufferer from catarrh in its incipient stage, so much so that I became depressed and feared my health was generally in a decline. But hearing of Perrins as a good remedy I gave it a fair trial and began to improve. Its effects were dis- tinctly beneficial, removing the annoy- ing symptoms, and it was particularly good as a tonic."—Robert Barber. Collector of Port. Hon. J. K. Burke, Cellector of Port, Mobile, Ala., writes: "Pernna I can recommend as a fine medicine. It has been used in my fam- ily and as a tonic it is excellent. I tako pleasure in testifying to its find quell- tics."—J. K. Burke. Postmaster of Mobile. Hon. 1'. D. Barker. Postmaster. of Mobile, in a recent letter front Mobile, Ala., says: "Allow me to send to you my testimonial as to the good qualities of 1'cruna. I have n.ed it for the past three months and find 1t 1s most excellent tome,"—P. D. Barker. U. S. Marshal. Northern District. Hon. Dan Cooper, U. S. Marshal for the Northern District of Alabama, writes: "Your remedy for catarrh and la grippe, Peruna, has done me so much good that I cannot speak too highly of it. . I have used it for a short time and have improved rapidly froth the first day. I was really much surprised at such a quick and effective cure." -Dap. Cooper. U. S. Marshal. Southerd Distrlet. Hon. L. J. Bryan, U.S. Marshal for tho Southern District of Alabama, writes: "I have used Pernna for catarrh short time and have also had seve friends try it and they all pronounce i the best catarrh remedy ever pat on tho market. It can not be praised highly."—L. J. Bryan. If yon do not derive prompt and factory results from the nse of P. write at once to Dr. Hartman, Pr , , • f r of the Kartman Sanitarium, Colum • •r Ohio, 1►nd he will give yon the I of his valuable advice gratis. All" respondence strictly confidential. A SERIOUS OUTLOOK The sura of the supplemcnt•iry es- timates is r;o ercal in •tadition to the estimates which have :seen under discussion during the past five months, that, as remarked oy the Montreal Gazer te, "no soberly t hink- in. tutn can feel anything but un- casieess in contetnplalinz it." These estimates provide for the expendi- ture of $1,311,973. The mein est i- nt -ilea authorize 00 outlay on Ih' public s^rvices and enterprises of i'•',8,56$,'197. The total is $81.979,370. This same floes not include either the asnouttsv payahlo as subsidies 10 the ►•^w provinces of Alberta and S:ts- katechew,sn. the amount payable as boun4 a s to 11:c proauc(•rs of iron n nil :steel, binder t wine, petroc!u11 and silver -'eats ore, nor the nmounts likely -to be celled for as subsidies to railways. 1)urine 1 h^ -even months of the last ficial year for which the figures are available there was paid in bounties $1540,441, and as railway subsidies $1,214,290. Tak- inz these figures and the estimates ns n basil, the Government has obli;ed itself or token power to spend durin; t he current twelve months the followin z sunt, : Mani estimates ... .gott,561,397 4 ► Supplementary est jinn tcs13, 14 .473 1 Total estimates... ... ...$4(1,979,3711 Alberta and Seskatclac•wan subsidies 2,248.'2511 Manufacturing and Other - bounties .. 1,750,000 Railway subsidirr 1,10(4,4404) $87,377,020 The provpt'ci ive revenue for the year in which this expen,li-ture of over cizhty-;evert millions of dollars lets deliberately been made pos- sible iS nbout sixty :•i• lit and a half million dollars. Durin .1 the past year up to May 31 tit- receipts of 1b' treasury amounted to $0,3.12, 329. Al -t he sante rale 111e income for the twelve months would amount to about t he rum named. The Finance Minister will ievc to provide, 4.' meet th^ pOs.ii.le c•a11, upon from twelve to eizhtet•n million :ea- ters. ile Ilan alno to 'travels I itis titan pounds Merlin to meet ebb t, tions falling due during the year. lit will have to float n larrt• i.+ti - of bonds, and lir will have to it + I - just shr taxation so ns to brin the revenue up to t he requiretnenl v 01 hi- new Mandard of 1-xpendit01' Ibit has been set up. Our Montreal eoniempornry t ruly saps it ie a ser iuuv situation that thrt•,ten• th count ry. The Factory by-law ort 1 , I,t \\ ,1- erw-orka by-lnwt sot. a on \\ :n s- ham were both carr •1 10. , i cr :e nt 1 jut it y. BUY iT NOW NOW it t he time to buy Chamber- liin's (:otic, Cholern aryl niarrhoe Remedy. it is certain to Lc need- ed sooner or later and when that i int• comes you will nec•I it b trily —You will need it quickly. Buy it Hort. 0 may save life. tot w','. Eerier by W. H. Ilowe, i THE T1tAD MARK DUNLOP Dunlop Book For Horsemen Free to Any Address Sixty- four pages, with il- lustrations and valua b 1 e charts. Useful information about lame horses c are - fully selected and compiled. Write for it to -day, by post- card, giving your name and address and the name of the paper in which you saw this notice. TME DUNLOP TIRE �CO. TORONTO 17 • Ifyoo, your friends or relatives suffer Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falb Sickness, write for a trial bottle and value treatise on such diseases to Tea Leona Co 379 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. druggists seller can obtain for yon i LEIBIG'S FITCUR Local Agents Wante At once for Canada's GItEATES Ni IISERIES" for (Tse town of E oter end surrounding country, twhi will be reserved [ r the ri it m Start now nt the best ncllinz s son, and handle our NEW SI'F.CIALTIES on Liberal Terms \\;rite for particulara and send for our )tlndsome aluminum Poc ,Micrettcope, (a little Sem) useful i'armcrs in cxaminine Seeds a :rains. Orchardists in cxamini Trees for insects. Gardiners in e aminine Plants for insects. Tear ers end scholars in studying llota and everybody in a hundre diffcre sways. STONi: & WELLINGTON Font hill Nurseries Over 000 acre's. Toronto. 0 L VEGETABLY'. SICILIAN Rewe A splendid tonic for the h: ir, t la` Ps t':c 1:r k: :ow long and Leavy. Always ressorescolor to rrny l;. ir.a'.I t'•' ; lrk,rich cam' -' r youth. Stuns iallinfrhtttr, also. 5r'.: i',r 1;r•, : t• _ otter...r..,�.e:w.•�,r.••..•st�:-�•. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••♦•••♦•••••••••••• THE MESONS BANK i 01 pora ed 1•y Act of Partintnent ISeee CAPITAL PAID UP S3,000.000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • $3.000.000 00 /.4 Branches to Ontario• Quebc.•. Alberta. lir itl-h (•otnmhta and M ►nitolri EXETER RANCH Open every Lawful Day ttO;n 11, A. 'I. to 3 1•. W. except Saturday 1e A. M. to 1 t . ,t. Fnrrnert+' Snio !Voter; (•:0)10(1 or collected. Forme supplied Oa Application. DitAFTS on all potnte in the Dominion, (treat Britain and Un• tied States. bought ami Redd at tow est rated of exchange. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depowltes of •1.00 arra upwards reeeived. interest Cony pounded hail Yearley, and added t0 principal Julie :tells and itteember 31st. po-ilx Het alias also 4--c•d aril Mµ1.00 current rates of lo'ere-1 atiowed. Advancers 11)11(1? to farmers .tock deniers and htwitters men lowest rates and on mo -t fas orate, term-. Ag'•nt• nt Fxeter for Dem. ttotcrnmert Dlokaondt Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. ••••••••N••••♦♦•••••• •••••••♦♦•♦♦•••♦•••••O