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Exeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 4
`1'H.E EXETER TIMES, JULY13th 1905. can help( The Surrounding News CUN For The Blues sur Sight !Items ►ECTACLLS cat. crerrect of to your cy(:,. (rough and �cie!.tiftc ex - ►ii given and eati factieel 'ed ice (=Vet) eh at DWDJDgS pug Store Exeter Times t3 DAY, JULY 1: 1. Mame F. AND COMMENT tvt• members of the Ontario loci:at ion. tvt:o were on tour t a few clays a ;o, visited the iracle r.itritl of St. Anne c•- It is not known that tz raw any miracle tit the heir visit, but it Ivey re - at the feet of eixty-five un41 Define in church :11 a~' in itself n berate... • • • • • Horny Bill te,.,:cl ite third the House en 'Wednevday oto• of 109 to 11. !Messrs. d Laveran'. refue.inx to counted twit h the Opposi- out of t h t Iluus: - Scv- uteets were oleo voted of Mr. Monk, to intro- encla 1a41'zuaze, bein= lost 7. • 0 • • • rnment will approal the in West Laimbt•rr teit}t ;o of a majority of 417 tize of office in it. favor y is heavy. Tht•rr are it on the list. Of these eir votCa. or 73.8 per ;in itlowwance for 70 jetted (►shote, 3,399 pot - hnston and 2,952 for his hue la,t November 53.5 the effective vote was 46.5 per cent. was Con - preponderance of 7 pe'r •reoncll element may be r. Johnston .wag un- popular, but ns n eet- mentioned t he feet that t we . Mr. James Clan - sense an advantur- dinhaving been forced the disappearance of Ili -4 Bothwell. Both candi- bye-election may be new r. Clancy ie :a Romin ns such may not find ;ether coinfortable in ich t he course of the hoe forced upon ,rte party HURON ruin; a print in.: pr,••:: e office Stafor111, Viet F'. t'n►pleoy had the •oto ';et Ilii left hand he press was closimz up. tilt that tite index finz- ly j.imtncd and the n•til one ers sat side by site• in hurch, Clinton. bit Sun - Avera ie a'e is 81 year'. Mr-. 1'l utmstecl., Clinton . of t he London road, rbrr, of Seafo•rth. They he c rijoyrnent of reason- enetle and are more thin ct iv;• for t heir ye.trs. 1. -The t rias of the elai►n i it. a elitist Colborne tp. hundred dollirs pronlieeal 'r to he used in reducing hill came before Ili: (• 1)0.1. 14, in .1 he Division ri. }t on Tuesday. and .•tf- bort hearing, ended in n the zrouruls that the incil could not vete 11te caution, t he proper way -I i w. Mr . I'roulfoot, el ,Iii lite 1 he objection. Is of Clinton and Gode- bip+ tire appealin z a tiin"t :(.1 assessment of t home it•s a1 fixes] by 1 he count y )tl rich townshii► on 1 he 1 there assessment is loo me:arison '4w it It t he of her ies. Clint on desire= to Is -'•-',neat of that town het up or down to 30 eq- n'ith \\'in;h:tnl •,n d Sri - Viers depend on Ayer's for to restore color to ay hair, every time. iteetlons and It never o this work. It stops ir Vigor e hair,also. There's faction in knowing t going to be disap- Isn't that so? until 11 was •h.,nt w',•• • t' Ile of Ayer's H>ar %s • .r r , farmer eerie r,r'h c •t.' w' Indy does whit you rtat,i t a/. Rocint.dbam, tti r. J. r. ATR1t' 1.... •r... for ng Haii' of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. IIENSALL GRAND BEND Mr. Torrance Dunlop, of Mi1wi t - t on has been transferred to the Sovercizn flank here . - t1r. Fred el:inns hae very inuclt improved the appearance of hi.: sh:tvin; !tartar. by leavin, it nicely painted and papered, and Ice has it now almost equal to any city estab- lishment for appearance and all the modern conveniences. -The Misses Smillie and Miss Bell, either', aro home for vacation, alga )1r•. Arthur! McAllister. -Mr. Alex Smit h. the well known hoz buyer, hag put in a No. I set of public weizh scale.; for stock. The seise- are put in on a Solid ce- ment founde t ion and enclosed its a neatly and very convenic•utls- con- structed on- structed 1*iildine in t he G. 'I'. It. yards. --Miss Vary 1i.:__:tu and beer sister, Mise Kate, were in IIt•nsall, ti itis week rettewinr acpusintances • -Mr. John Stacey lettered ::Ice "Commercial IIotel" this week. -Mrs. George Halliday i:. 'tome front eh° \best, visit in; her pe rents, Mr. •Anel Mrs. Robert Carlisle. --Quite :r large number of our villazers drove► out to the ittoine of Mr. Wm. N. Glen, on Monday ev- cninz last and were very pleasantly enteri.tined. -Mr. Watson, au employee of the foundry, mot twit h quite n painful accident 'clto first part o fthe weak Ile [watt cng:i ed in wwheelin; a steel t ruck when it was struck in such a manner 1 hat the handles inflicted some •injury to hie side. Colwell, who was-pcntiin a month or so with Mrs. Cruick- shank, ]las retuirnc:l home 10 Tel ereeilLe. --Miss ANN harp, of SI. Marys, was Rene thio week visiting her taper, Mrs. J. It. aleck. -Mise fisher, of Zurick, has been spendin, a few days in Henson. wit h her bruit iter, :11r. John fisher. -Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. iMcDouxall evert, visitinr recently in the north- ern part of the country. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Murdock and Mr. Ceorze McEwen and J. E. Mc- Donell, were in \Vinaham during the past week. -The Misses Douzhty, of Pelt. --1lr. Sherwood, Govf-rntut•nt Coit• [factor at Grind Bend, %who has been :11 Clinton hospital for a month past sufferin; with blood poisoning in one hand, caused by a hemlock [sliver. has recovered and 1.. no in oharee of his work again. t'S II O I I N 1' t'sborne Voters' List for 1905 1. e; just been issued and cwt. Icon' a:r in- crease of fourteen, the total Hum- ber of names being .795 against ?Rl last year. Tho a;;regatc number of persons entitled -to serve as jui•o► is 387. CREDITO\ '1'h: Stephen Voters' List this ytr contains 1.252 voters with the names Of 5e3 person.; entitle,! to :act a= jurors. fret t y \\'eddin r -Tho home of :Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson was on Wed- nesday all' astir and as the _ay and facinat in.; figure:► flit ted in and nut of alto house it became quite evident that something unusual %vas takin place. Every one was radient and happy. and .cell they mi ;la be for on that 'day t he vows were taken that made .`.1 r. Joseph Woodall and eliis Lizzie Lawson man and wife. At 2.30 p. m. 125 t;uesls assembled on the, la WI! there to await the comn- ing of et be bridal party. Shortly :af- ter 'the: rzroont took his place. follow- ed by the bride,eleanine on the arm of her father, and beside them stool Miss Florence Sims, of Detroit, and Mr. Wilfred Lawson. who assisted the )sappy couple t hrou zh the 1 ry in z ordeal. The ceremony was perform- ed ir, -the ltc•v. It. l iioww•les, of Fut- larton, aftee .which an elaborate wed - dine lea was partaken of. The bride and bridesmaid looked very prctUy in costumes of [white silk. The friends evidently appreciated highly both bride and .room judzin t :►y the number, •the value and t he beau- ty of the ;itis presented on tato oc- casion. They left the sante evening for ;i brief visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Woodall have token up their . residence in our vilLaee and that the pathwvey now so radient with happiness, may never be derk- were the quests of Mrs. C. A. Mc.- ened by the shadows of adversity Donell. I is '1 he wish accompanyin e the con- -Mr. a a nd Mrs .Thomas Dick left era ulat inns of it heir wi ny friend:e. here Inst week for Clarksbur,_ to visit their on John. -A number took in the excursion THOUSANDS DIE OF G'O�ST1!'A- t o Goderich on Thursday last. TION -Miss Henderson, of St, Thomas, No condition causes >o many di - is visiting .firs. Wm. Armstronz. ceases acs constipation. It not only -Mr. Blackwell and sister. Sarah, prevents the kidneys from eliminat- were in St. Marys visiting their bis- in; (he poisonous wwa .les, but causes ter. anaemia. stomach (trouble rind indi- -Mr. and Mrs. hicks, of Ezmond- zestion. Why don't you use I)r. vine, were in the _ villa ze on Wednes- Hamilton's Pills and zet cured? Title day. excellent medicine eestoree normal -Miss Annie Beek, of London, Miss bowel .act ion in one nizht. Thous - Martin. of St. Marys. and Miss Fish- ands say r -o. Your system wilt be er, of Ingersoll spent Dominion Day pure ,and clean, you'll i)0 free from with Mis.i Beck's mother. headaches, nt' more sour stotnach- -llis+ Gives. of Toronto, is visit- in short you'll hive jovial spirit 3, ine hen cousin, Mr. W. .T. Miller , and perfect. .zood health. Dr. Hem- -The Misses Urquhart [were in illon's fille rare sold everwwwhere, 25 illytit 1:1st week . cents n box. Get 11►c• eenuine. 1d0\V TO et 'RE TOOTHACHE IHAYFIELI) Any echin; lootlr can he relieved -Prior to the dere mute of Mr. instantly with Nerviline. fill the and Mrs. Snell for their new field cavity with bat tine dipped in Ner- of labor it he comee;:tion of !the Hayfield appointment. presented Mrs. Snell with n silver sett of lea knives and forks and also a purse of money as a tnnzihle expression of the esteem' in which Mr. and Mr=. Snell aro held by the people of Hay- field. 1'ollowvinz is the address which W35 izivO11 in connection twit 11 the preeentalion :- ,j)ear Mrs. Snell:-A.i this is world of uncertainty and chart ee in which we meet and Hart. sometime.+ to tneet a zaitr but frequently . to ANi)ERSON part forever. it bas corn the period -Mis- Mab zaret Anderson is vis- its which •oU as pastor's wife anal :11111 '.i( h Mrs. E. 1'. Church, of Tor- we as members are celled upon to onto. sever our relationship. Since coming -'lis4 \cilia 811(•itzer, of Peter--tnonzst ua as organist, as president borough, ii home for her eutnmer of our Leazue, and ns n zeneral or - vacation. r nizer, you have lobored hard it' -Mrs, Lillie'', of 1'••tc•rborou:h, i. our interests rind done your utmost wiyitinx ww•itIt Mrs. 11. W. Switzer. to better society. \\'e are cert tic► -Mr. Will J. Anderson, of Torun- your influent() as well as Mr. Snell's 10, is enjoying lois holiday at hi' Will have its last in itnpreasion for home here. =Doti on the children, young people -Miss Lot it Ilroten his returnee and older members of 4hie Cilia le. 10 her home at Grew burst for tate As a token of our :eppreciltion of summer vacation. your services owl friendship, we ask - your to accept this rift. hoping it may serve as a . li till reminder of 1\'IIALEN your t-(I1tionshi f,'vit h us. ‘Ve trust Deal h of 11r. .Joseph Morley. -Ono as you leave us you will not he for. '41140 111(1 been a sufferer for lomc' eot t en by uy but remembered %t•il h lime passed to iris react on .iuly 6th mutual retard nnHI intc•rc•st. \We its the person of Joseph Morley. an t''i•h you both every success in you'. ole) and reepec(ed resident of this 110'41 station where you will teeter iocelity. Mr. dories suffere.1 foul for God and society and pray the, heart t roulticw since hovemhcr laic prosperity en -1 happiness may at tend which latterly developed into dropsy you in your future life. We lei we froth which his sufferin;s were most you and ourselve.+ in God's )'gar.'. intens,. The deceased was a native Si met! on heh11f of the llnyfield eon - of Enzlina end retitle to this conal • !mullion, Mira Erwin, Eva \Walli'e, rw with his parents in 1811, eettlin2 '4 ilirtr incl .rut' the ;urns with Ner- viline also. If the face is swollen and sore bathe the painful parts with Nerviline and cover %vitt) a flannel. This can't. fail because Ner- viline ki11g t he pain out right prevents it from rclurninz. Slrone- er, quicker, more eetisfaclory than ens other liniment, Poison's; Nervi - 1 ne hes been the larecet seller for 1 r•-trly fifty years; try it ynurct['l:f. Charlotte Pal sons. 11 London township. lit' Wa:t aft e•r• .. --- .,�_-_ __- - ..---_ --- %wird• married to 11i..' Nairn. of Th 1111nehird 1otVnsitip, tt ho twit It u fimily of ono son and three diu zit - ere mount the loss of a tender and they devoted husband and loving father. When The. clef leen are :-Titov. If. al home ; Mrs. It. .leckell, I1amiltoy e Char - lotto en,1 1Teasie, at home. There a1 - so survive Mtn three tarot here :its three eistere, ltenjamin o. iiepple ; .Tohn, of ltliuishard ; Prin;ii.•ot 1's- horr.•', Mrs, Crew, of Lel min :toe ; Mt e. Linz -rat, of Sarni.[, end etre. Lon', of i.ondon towvnahie. 11r.ip �w 1lorit' y wee a coneistont an I velu.,cii Racesallow co member of t he Methodist church. .► . the Illib1ary ,, - , an ('oateervetiwe in politic+, and on up- begbltreati ntatoncewits than in all his de0linzs, re- -occt, r1 In• :,11. His remai(t. were 1 1 •. i t o rest on Friday. the funeral ( H 1.. int very largely attended, the Woodmen of the World preceedin z 1 which contain the best. and tp, procession anal conductiaz their impreelive tervic.A nt the 1zrave. - V i:+•: Chir dot is and lot' tadinonle's of r morkdbie cores Mort es int ra 1 lrri tn.t on $iIurd t . ate extended vatic .with friend. send tor' 05, Kidneys. No. 4. e. : 1' \ u r t h %w ••,41. 1, Hood Co.. L.owd, itttile. e Kidneys are weak, tray , or stagnant, the whole system suffers. Don't neg- lect them at this time, but Geed t.be warning of the back, the bbated ood'sSarsaperills safest curative substances. ME MEDICINE THAT HAS NEVER FAILED ONE MEDICINE NEPER FAILED Health Fully Restored and the !ay of Lite Regained When aelteerful, brave. light-hearted woman is suddenly plunged into that perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is a [sad picture. It is usually this way: She has been feeling '• out of sorts" for borne time; head has ached and back also; has slept poorly, been quite nervous, and nearly fainted once or twice; head dizzy, and heart -beats very ss ; then that bearing -down feeling, andduring her menstrual period she is exceedingly despondent. Nothing pleases her. Iter doctor says : " Cheer tip: you have dyspepsia; you will be all right soon." But she doesn't get all right," and hope vanishes ; then came the brood- ing, morbid. melancholy. everlasting BLUES. Don't wait until your sufferings have driven you to despair, with your nerves all shattered and your courage gone, but take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege- table Compound. See what it did for ?$;dame Josephine ltinville, Mastai, Que. She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhanw:- "I" suffered for four veers with female troubles-inflaraination of the stomach and fallopian tubes white, caul m© violent pain and often torture, so much so that I could not walk at times ind attend to my daily duties. Life was misery to cue. I was so blue and dem spondent i did not know which way to for relief. I had tried the doctors but the did not help me. I was advised to try Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound,Bo bought a bottle. 1 am glad that I id for 1 am well and strong to-dayand e werltl looks bright, for I have perect health, thanks to your medicine." 11 you have some derangennent of the female organism write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice, IILANSIIAItD On Wednesday, June 28411, "The Ever teens" the residence of Mr. and etre. A. icee, Blanchard, twos the scene of a very happy event, when their only (l1U titer, Annie A., was united in marriazc to Mr. John Rid- ley, cotntne*iel traveller of Detroit. The ceremony was perforated in the presence of 75 eueets, by Ret'. Mr. Marl, of Appitr, promptly at Six o'- clock. While Mendelssohn's Weddin; March was 1ieiit played by Miss %e11.1 G. Ilea. cousin of the nride, the bridal patty entered 11►e tine w-ine- roour :►nil iook th'ir• position.+ in front of :t bank of ferns ?rid c irna- tions. The bride, who was given away t,y )ler father, looked very pretty in n gown of channel zne silk crepe dei cliche and carried a shower ]toque, of hri(kll roses and 'wilder' hair ferns. Miss Minnie Creizhtotl who acted as bridesmaid, was daint- ily costumed in ;re -en silk colienne and carried Carnations and fe,rn.e. The •rrro;n twig supported ey 11r. ,toe Mei, only brother of the bride, while alert ie Stacey made a charutin; rine beerer. The guests repaired to the dininz room which was decorated twit h red, [white and blue, and par- took of a sumptuous spread of t he sc'.•1 ion's daint les. A couple of hours .w.•re Spend.' in recitations, music and sones, af(c'tt which the happy couple amici shower,; of rice and old shoes, left for London, Nil zar;i and To- ledo, t hen 1 hey wile take up 1 heir residence on 15 d'erry St.., Detroit. Anton; :the presents wav a cheque for *200 iziven by the bride's par- ent s and an address and silver c.► rd receiver from '4he bride's Huntley eehool class. (iuest n from ;a li .t etre.' [were Heil'. :in:l 11rs. Hart, Appin. 1)r. 11. E. Itc•.a,, V. S., \fest }irattich. Mich.; eir. ntel elrs .W111. \Vhiee and mother, Mitchell; ,11r. :and efts. J. .1. \'ikon, lleneel1 ; lir. and \)re. \V. ate t, London. tWHA'i' ('Ars-Rs SSOItI\(i When -islet•!!, people that snore hreat he. 1 hrou zit 4 he mouth• instead of 111, ttr0sl rill %t'hicl► :ire Choked 1. it 11 eel arile .111.vt use "Ca larrhn- zone" before rctirinz and you'11 quickly eure ,t he morin; habit. fly deet rosin t t leg cause of cai$ -trrh :end lse.aling the nacinbranc's, (a11rrtio- zone makes a complete Curr in every r ter• ; it cleans 1 I►e nos.t rile, stop; the elischer re and preveni3 drotapiu1 in he t 'troll in a few minutes. Not b- in; s•► pic-et:r n3 or certain 10 cure snnrinr, cilarrlt or colds tie Catarrh ozone -t bit's word► remrmberin t. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the township (:f Stephen convened in the Town 11111, Crediton, on Mond ty, July 3, 1905, .11 1 p. le. ell present. 1i.inut•ev of pr;'vintis nt.."1 in; Veld and adopte.l. Anderson - Pearly -- 1101 `simnel !Iron 11 be lai►pointe''I 1'1:'aeurer t its 1,' pl ice of Chan. lirotwn, dect'•,sed. 1'1nkbeiner-es nn ce,noreltn•''t,t t (tat tio►.t lei) dtrowwn be aplroitited Treas- urer. Nn. r:'conder. The ran:a:rn "is declared carried. I'inkbcinfr Wehb - t h•11 3 lind ins i►e 8ppoitlt0d Carc-t ►ker nt •1,ti Towcrt 11.111 -Carried. Att•lerson-_Velw - that Icy-L-t'va No. 9 wind 10 of 1101 to rippainl Treavurer and IC tret.tker havint hecn react it he t1►ird time 1►c. passed, end si zned by t h+' ltterc and Clerk. - C'%rried. Thr fnllowin z orders wwere Tran( - ile 80:.. ; 3. 11. Klurnpt• culvert and comnis+inner, $0.50; II. I)owl ;ltt 111 in?, *4 ; 3. Ilrokerichire,' d•►, $11)o.. Contntieeit- 9 •r $2.50 ; J. 11 tdd!'n. do., :82.50 ;1t. F,, -rw. Io., t *2.66: J. tin r•itzcr, do., Ala; KeOv r, raw 1. All (1, 0r:tnz' la. t4A.111; .1./01Pr: 3. iloy'. tr:av^1 cont rat, , *10 ; \1'. It. Glint! eco.. 814.10 : if. f.. Kr:,ft, do., *20. N. tinker, alo., $120 ; J. Zder, do.,, *19.50 • C. Feltner, do., *1 : M. Leary, ,its., $40.20; J. Liwson, concrete cul - ...rt. $5.50 ; W. 1'ickerinz. do.. $0; G. \lawwhintity, I►ut1inz in concrete ilk $6; 1'. h.r auft, concrete ti!c. $61 ; \\'. 1'ickerin_. do.. $11.75 ; S. 11ch.acheirt, rep. bridge, $3 ; J. Devin. to, $1.50 ; pro. Hartle, too., $2.50 ; J. G. \felts, piles and ,ravel, $2,50; lit 0914(y, dr ,%%inz plank, $6; 1 eee. of ('has. Brown. deceased, 6 mon: 11- sil:try a� :t reasur-er. $45 ; 1)o.. •Ls c•tretaker, '10: ('. Prouty, era tuitl, :x23 ; C. Walt.c•r, others, .work et Port B1•ake, $10.50; ,,T. Mot z. ftp. culvert. 75c. ; D. Farther, (1o., *1 ; It. slicks, do., *3.50 ; I:, Short, do., $2.50 ; T. Oliver, do., 50c. ; W. E:t;Meson, do., 1!;1•511; A. \Varner, do., *1 ; J. Smith, do., $li ; 3. Carroll, tile, across rent!, $11 : ,T, Willere, burying sheep. 50c.: J. Berry, ditch under award. $7 Currin, concrete tile. $3; U. Stanley work on Sauble bridle 75c. Council adjourned to meet :t Min i:► t he Town 11411, Credit on, on elanduy, August 7111. HENRY EILBI;II, Clerk. -Ti1OSE ANNOYING IBLACKHEADS External applications will never remove pimples or blockheads. Only by rstitnulalin; circulation and put-- ifyine t ho blood can it be done. For quick, sure relief from these port s use 1''errozone ; ,at drives all humor - from the blood, makes the skin heal- th', tone up the system. With the pure nutritious blood mote by Fer- rozone We impossible to suffer from any skit% disease. ' You'll have ► smooth, dell 7)11 ful skin, healthy col- or and. beautiful complexion by rising-. Verrozonc-;►act you'll feel ,iuune(1- i:itely heeler :ts %well. Fifty sents buys a box containinz fifty choco- tete coated ►Iribleis at :any dries store•. KIRKTON - 3fiiss Kathleen McCurdy is spend - her holidays at her home here. -Mrs. Janice Kirk, of Mutilate Men., is visit in; relatives and friends around leirkton. - Mrs. David Kirk (iter Sara Shier) of Chum:th, Man.. is visit inle her par- ents, Mr. rind Mrs. A. Shier. -Mr. E. N. Shier happened tvit h a misfortune on July 1st, by bretkene one of t he bones of 111.4 ankle. - Mr. Hoskin, of Exeter. :pent part of last tveek with his son, Richard Hoskin. Death of Mrs. Somerville. - Our citizens were pained to learn of the (teeth of Jennie Turnbull. beloved %viae of Mr. John Somerville which occurred hero on Thursday leer. Al- t hou her• death was not unexpect- ed yet it come with sorrow to her many friends. Mrs. Somerville wee taken very suddenly .teriousle- its some .weeks n;o. and nursed with care t hrou zli her severe .illeress and was supposed oto have recovered but just when hopes were brightest she wee again stricken. Her trouble was meningitis of she brain. from [which she suffered most intense paid. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, of Winchel- sea, and was united in marria a to her bereaved husband in March, 1904. Her early demise is much reerel ted by a lar_e circ►:• of sorrotwin, friends. CHOLERA INFANTE'M Child not Expected to Live 1•'.rom . One flour 'to Another hut Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Ruth, 1ho little dauzhtcr of E. N. Dewey, ,of A znewvillc, Va., was ser- iously ill of cholera In(nntum last summer. "We 4avo her up and (lid not expect her to live from ono hour to another," he says. "I happened to 'think of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and 1)i_lrr)toca Remedy and zot a bottle of it from the store. In five }tours I :saw a chainze for the heeler. \Ve kept on ;lying it and before she had taken the half of one entail bottle she was well. This remedy is for sale in Exoter by W. 8. Howey. t1r. John Swan , of Hurondalc', sold :a very fine horse last week to Archibald & Cucdntore, of Sea fort h, reelizittz *207. Mrs. Chas. Smith. of Jimes, Ohio, writes ; "I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills diel nuc more good than all the rest. BORN ANDERSON -On Con. 6, t"shorne tp. on Saturday, July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. J•,rnei Anderson, a datu.rht(r. SNEI.1. - At Clinton hospit:il on Hondas, .1uly :ird, the wife of iter. 3. A. Snell, fortnerly of Iley- field, of a son. 1i1ItKI'ATItICK-At Grare 11ost,11 al, Toronto. July 6i lr, Mrs. Gold'w its i' irkpetrick, formerly of 8t, Mary+ of a dau 1ht er. DIED 11011LE\--,fir \Vitalcn, on ,Tuly, 611i 1905, Joseph Morley, its hie 61th y . ('1811i'.lt.-Lt Exeter, on 1 1 1 1 w 6r:1:11: 1905, Gcorzo Fisher, azoe1 72 wear-, 7 months and 28 day=. SOM I•: ItVILLE-1n k i rk ton, on, Thursday..1tily. 6, 11. ]thee, Jenne. `•t. beloved w. ;fp of Jo1,,, Somerville, 0 zed 29 years. Sel P X% T A. . Bean tbi A1he Rind You Hare Always B,,u,1't Signa►ars of 144i A Famous School CET 1 ter; ��� • / ,., t%l STRATFCRI ;.f4T• • This in the ittost tin-T.•svful ('ont- Imercinl anti 8horthnntl school in t \Vestertt Ontario. The courses are tip-to•date and practical and teaching is Clone by experienced tinstructors During the past. schc,nl year is e have had many • snore applications from heeling • lineineas houses thin We had • • Pt 11,10/11S gradatating. Write for t cur fret:' Catalogue. \V..1.ELLIOTT, 11'rinc. h D.A. Nit L.t�('HLAN, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 22 Z • • New Dinner Sets I New Toilet Sets =� London Crockery Co are offering splendid t'al- ues in the above sets. We received a large shipment direct from the Stafford- shire Potteries, where the best English Crockery is made, and we are placing it on sale at prices that will appeal to every one. Remember it matters not how low the price, every- thing sell has our per - sepal guarantee . II l)INNEIt SETS colors, in pink, peacock and brown senti- tr, pieces is Eureka Patterns splendid • • Porcelain, body stamped "Durability" by maker. Each set • • contains 12 Dinner Plates, 12 Tea Plates, 12 Soup Plates, 12 • • Bread and Butter Plates, 12 Fruit Saucers, 12 Cups and Saucers, t• 2 Coveted Dishes, I Sugar Bowl, 1 Cream Jug, 1 Salad, 2 Plat - • • ters, 1 Gravy Boat and Stand, 1 Slop Bowl, worth 88.00, our t • price 116.K13 • DINNER SETS -Maltese Patterns, 97 pieces, fedi gold lime and • t edge, A 1 goods, worth $11.00, our price *9.00 •• lU laces fir !tl 7:i. color.►, , • TOILET SETS blues, 10 pieces for $2.75, 1$2 5O, 1$1.7 , • $4.00 and $1.50. • 4 Every set new. Every set special value. Imntenseetssorttnnt e t t of Wedding gifts, We supply everything needful in the ('rockery • line, • O • O London CrockeryCo. is ?t 169 Dundas Street, London. s; Z• WE PREPAY express or freight char on all sur i • R g� I chases of � •. • $I0.(;t► or ower. • • •••••00•••••••••••••••• •••id►•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 •• • TIil3 air its an ordinary oven is stagnant. It becomes saturated with the odors of the different dishes cooking -the strongest odor impregnates all. That is why you some- times get pie with a flavor of onions and roast beef with a taste of fish, The sir in the oven of the Imperial Oxford Range is constantly changing. hest' air is drawn in from outside the range by our patent oven Clue, superheated and forced i:atu the top of the oven. It circulates throughout the oven, keeping every corner at a steady, even temlteeatute. The air is then drawn off through the oven vcvttilat•,ts carr)•ing with it the fumes of the cooking dishe-. The Imperial Oxford Range cooks your food with pure, frc;h, dry heat. Would you like to see this range? Call at your dealers. If lie can't show you the Imperial Oxford, write to us and we'll send you full particulars and tell you where you can see it. 1; The Curiae, Vunsdry Co.. TORO~ t o, 1.10`. rRr it, Limited WtS\(r'L(i, tAYCJC,'LR For sale by 1'. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter. Canada's Finest PIANOS For June we are offering soec• ial bargains in Pianos. We hand- le the finest goods Canada pro- duces and at moderate prices and easy terms. A few second hand Pianos and Organs at bargain prices, Also Sewing Machines on your own terms. If you call and to show contemplate see 115. No goods. Flour Fecd and Grocery Store Ve have opened an op-tu- date Flour, Feed and Grocery store at Trevethick's old stand and we solicit a share of your patronage when we will prove to you that our prices tiro right and our goods of the best quality. Ve snake a spe cialty of Teas btlyinisle Teas sold at 2,c troublt'o 1 We have also a large stock of Potatoes on panel. I'ro duce taken in exchange. S. HARDY & SONn S. MARTIN & SON SAP -O REN -O "IT SVAPORATES" Odorless lion -poisonous Non lnfl,•mm•ble The Wonderful Cleaner \Pili .t►,•' the thrifttorn-.•[cif.• nr.ny 11...1111 dollar Glenns COAT, . -t ••r tlne.t of labric+, carpet- or silk waists beyond belief. CYST e'tutlrely rentnt e.1 OtlltMa ntrol,ttely de -t rnye.l COLONS restored like nett SIZING renewed in cnrt•et+ ALL i` A FEW MOMENTS FOR .t 1 LW CF:\T3 Ind n elate can ,In It with SAP -O -REN -O (1, t i' .41 t •• if Kr,.• r r - Tn• Huffman & Tootor Co. Toronto " PJcfiriiai Prrfictio.e" Conceded to well deserve it. popular title, **the most beautiful magazine In the %arid." From „ to 75 fine pictures each m<►ntit, many of them in c•,lor, and all of them In framing. Portraits of Celebrities Reproduetioas of 3cetaes and Incidents The Very t•erfecti,.n of fine pt.,,•.;. t••' teprodn.31.,n. 1i.,uni with silk . •r t , hormonal s ich tt.e col Jr Scher,( f t cover. Th. 0a1> Nslaslae of the Iliad la the world s. �• Subscription price. Si no a year. !hotel:n4 l the SPECIALC11R1sT5I,�S -tt,MllFp. 4 VA .M7m?Mto• N.0tur pr. • ft., Ron Pb.aC.,. 4 Wise 221 St.. ll.w Teri