HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 31
THE IHOUSE 01? s.O.,r11111t.)Na.
Aft••r months of di►.cuwssion Muth
here uud in the collars. the house
of Cumulous on Wednesday (.ass -ted
• the Alberta vied `Iaskuttlatwan au-
tonomy bills. The luta day was
marked chiefly try the formality of
preventing same dozen amendments.
the nose reading of which generally
buflked to brio;; them before the
House. 'There ttas u short general
talk on clause 1(1. hilt Mr. iturtlein'tt
AIM n Int• nt ex c•ntu.,l Iv was th teutct!
by a majority of OM.
Alr. 1{. 1.. Borden introduced a bill
to atiseid the Po:niuiou elections act
by adding a couple of sub -sections.
()i.e I rotides a penalty of 5200 on
any I:erect who circulates a fate.)
Motile( nt of the withdrawal of a
candidate, tied the other requires all
(rills, posters an.l circulars issued in
prun•..)tioir of a can'Ii.late's interest
to I etr the name and address of the
I►r•intee and publisher thereof. 'l'ho
latter, 31r. Burden explain d, tt'ay
taken from the English election act.
Supplementary estimates have been
placed biters: 1'urlsrtntcnt asking for
the sine of $13,411,973, slaking a
grand total expenditure for the year
ending June ::u, 1906, of 581,979,-
1 lure ant some of the footling-
F nti►tiry into the operation of the
tariff, $10,00().
Salary to two additional Supremo
Cot.rt judges in the North-west, 58,-
Salery of W. P. Archibald as 11u -
minion parole officer. $2,000.
Towards a Dominion Exhibition at
New N'estiiiineter, :50.000.
(2uinatiennial census, Provdnes of
Manitoba. Sasskatche van and Al-
berta, $73,000.
teaser for service at Victoria.
B. C., $23,000. Annuity to the widow of the late
lion. Win. McDougall, $1,200.
Militia, chargeable to income, li►-
elud.nti4i.-4:,,o00 further amount pay
and a'low,.nce., $:13,000 further
amount for annual drill, and 8110,-
000 further amount for I•:s Iuimnit
defences, 51,784,490,
'1'o pay Grand Trunk Pacific Com-
pany for surveys, etc., with inter-
est at 4 per cent. to the 1st August
next., $352,379.
('onetruetion National 'I'ran.scontin-
-ental, 81,000.000.
Terminals) and right of way,
51,000 000.
Additions and alteration9 to Par-
s torrent lliriltiings, 5100,000.
Ae'.dition to the Fast Block, depart-
utt•ntai t:uil•ding, $75,000.
Additiceu.11 amount, Ottawa and
Ilay surveys, 570,000.
Waterways Cotnn islet,
Additional steamship Service, Can-
ada end Mexico, $'50,000.
Additional ice-break1zr nteunrsr,
lower St. Lawrence and Northumber-
land Straits, $175,000.
\rainitnancc vessels patrolling Hud-
son's (fay and establishing and main-
taining ',clic(' posts, $65,000.
Pati oI boat, North-west ltuunl,•.l
Police in iludson's I3ay, V40,000.
Ton a! (15 monument t•onanvenorat i ng
the ::x0 th anniversary of the city (,f
•:,t. .1( lin, 55,000.
Amt( ng the votes for public works
in OOwlo the following are in-
-chided: -
114 Hand canal, electric light ing
an.1 I oxer plant, $10,000.
Ottawa -- Astronomical (ll►serve-
trrs , fittings. furniture and transit.
}}loose; (revote 510,000), $.10,000.
Ottawa•-!'arlinn►ent buildings, du-
plicate set of transformers, etc.. for
sleet ric 1i' htin, scSttent, itistnlleiI
complete 511 ,000.
Ottawa--Puhlic buildings, lighting
grotrnris, 1'arliani. nt 11111, by electric-
ity. 510,000.
1)110% L1-Departtie etal building, fit -
tines for sax int;, hnn'. branch, Post -
office Del artmuent, 530,000.
Otta'•ta-(tuver•ntr eat Printing Bur-
eau ( rex ote 520,000), $40,0M,
Ow(n Sound -Public building, 510,-
Ilatiilli•n - I'osstollice, niteratiols
to building, $7,500.
Chit f 1n5;•ector 31c•Mieha.1 of Cu:a-
tows of 'Toronto gets nn increase of
5300, making his stipend $2,800 per
Purchase or construction of *Ammer
for hydrogrn .hic surveys. At lint ie
const , Gulf and River St. Lan r•i nee.
To pr•,vide for the organization or
a naval militia nrr.l eecl►ense:ea iisitig
the Cal,adn as a training ship, $1(1,-
To pro% hie for experiment 5 in
smelt lug iron ores by clectro•thcrntic
woe. es, 8l:►,(►.►ft,
Con•t1•uct'ort and run1nl. nonce ex-
perimental works for reduction of
(log ifsh, 560,000.
New dr. doing (heart getiera:ly,
A1•litionnl a (1.01111! clr.•rleini,, On-
tario and (;melee., $711,25e1.
Construction of w-nler-works and
sewerage system at Banff, $95.(sio.
Costo 1 iHo►use. Toronto. Govern-
ment share of leaving Emplaned'. in
front .:f Custom Meuse property (re-
' )tee),
Post O'llce. Tel (int o. n(ldit iron to
ct:ee,totr'. roes i three's mil n1 tern -
1 ions rind i►n1►, nwenu tits in main
1►uililut , iu(l,:.linee furniture fittings,
Drill hill an.) Armories, Toronto,
Government share of pax in; 1"niver-
t0h• and Chestnut streets, $1.900,
Cust ..:it l loxia e, Toront o, (Otero-
( ions and addition, a lditionnl re-
.ote, 810.000.
Mtn; of the civil rse•rtants( are made
hnopy by iecreased salaries, but it
is the millions t0 be sight on the
Transcend in seal awl Int;•reoloninl
rnilw'nts which account f.'r n Inrge
proi ort ion (►t' t ►►e supplement nries.
.'otnj are.I with last years actual
expenditure, 1hia year's astinettes are
*501,319 in ,•"•.•,y.
The followisi changes were an-
uoetictd in the tariu by Mr. 1'ield-
ing:-(tolled Letts, duty of (10 cuts
per herdeed joint's; ttry white lead,
raised from G to 30 per •cent.; white
lead grotr,.l in oil, increased front 25
to 35 per teed.; cement, 25 per cent.
ad valorem iu►I;u.id oa bags contain-
ing cem>,nt; wines Mout South A tics,
2.; cents Laser gallon, to meet the duty
on I•'renc h light wines.
'1 It • s •ttler:s' effects enactment was
made more strict to exclude goods for
sale or' n:anufacturins sl:.nta. Beet
bugar and ellux ial go!.! ruining ma-
chin ri' will he continued on the free
list till Je.ly 1, 1901i. .Uula,.t'. iter
I'ortatiori_-: from the ltrit isle West In-
dic''►, tilt Newfoundland, are to bo
treated as direct importations.
'l ho general condition of Canada's
(�rwuces, as described by Mr. Field-
ing, rethcted the grog th of the ex-
penditure to meet the largo malls of
lh.e Dominion's (ko. t ioiuuent and the
failure of revs nuc to quite keep puce.
'111.'re wuS a serphis of ~-9.000,()00 of
ordinary revenue oxer ordinary ex-
p.•n liture during the year just closed,
rut, counting the capital expenditure,
the Jlinist('r of Finance estiulatcd an
addition of $1,250,000 to th.• debt
on the year's transactionv. Mr.
I'it'hI:n; e1nlshns-i'•ed the necessity for
caution in expenditure, but repeated
the familiar doctrine that- "wise ex-
penditure is true economy." '1 he note
Transcontinental 1 ailxway would in-
volve large exptuditur•e9 for the next
few years, but he believed the Mous
and the country would expect the
road to be pushed with all possible
Soldiers Will Make a Demand for
Political Rights.
Tho Moscow correspondent of the
London Standard says: -"I have re-
ceived startling information, the very
nature of which renders its confirma-
tion from official sources impossible, latter for choice. Splits. 1 4
but which, if correct, may be dostim- per dozen
ed to promote the revolutionary Cheese -The market is quiet. with
movement in Russia to a remnrkable prices unchanged. New cheese are
extent. It is that an ultimatum %till quoted at 10 to 101c per ib.
shortly be presented to the Czar de-
ntanding political rights in behalf of 1 10 1'i{ODUCTS.
the array. The date of the pr.'se►ita- We quote: -Bacot, long clear, sells
lion will probably coincide with rho at 101 to 104c per lb. in cast' lots;
completion of the mobilization now mess pork, at $15.25 to 515.50;
in progress. Two hundred thousand short cut, 519.75 to 520.
of the youngest, and therefore the Cured meats -(lams, light to me -
most disaffected, reservists will then dium, 13 to 134c; heavy, 124c; rolls,
have received their arms, and "ill 101e; shoulders, 94 to 10c; backs,
be under the command of men drawn 14 4 to 15c; breukf:ast bacon, l.:ic.
largely from civil life. I am told bard -Tierces, O4 to 91c; tubs, Oj
to 10c; pails, 10 to 101c.
Montreal, July 11. --(train - The
market for oats was dull and un-
changed to -dry. Quotations were
steady at 49c in store for No. 3, and
A despatch from New k50c for No. 2. Flour -Manitoba
1 e Yoe says:- Spring wheat patents. 85.30 to 83. -
Semi -final details concerning the (it►; strong bakers', $3 to $5.30;
latest Japanese loan of $150,000.- winter wheat patents, 55.50, and
000 were nutde public on Wednesday. straight rollers, 55 to 5515 in wood
The bonds will hear interest at 4} and in bags, 52.40. Rolled oats -
per cent., end are secured by a sec- 5.2.2'.:4 per bug. Fred -Ontario bran,
and lien upon the tobacco monopoly. in bulk, 515 to 516; shorts, $11) to
'The loan twill be divided into three 5'20; Manitoba Imran, int bags. 516
to $17; shorts, 520 to 521. Beans -
Choice primes, 51.60 to 51.65 per
bushel; 51.50 to 51.55 in car lots.
llont•y-11 hito clover, in comb, 1 '2 le
per section, in one -pound sections;
extract, in 10-1b. tins, 7 to 7 4c; in
60-11). tins, (i to 61c: buckwheat, (3
THE WORLD'S MARKETS!TIGER-HUNTING IN CHINA'cum :by I; ops and t It ueleullha lean.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, Expedition That Lacked Some -
and Other i`airy Prociucs what the Dignity of Big
at Iio:110 and Abroad.
Game Shooting.
Toronto, July 11. -Wheat -No. 2
white and reed ere quoted at 964 to
98c at outside points. No. 2 goose
is purely nominal. A1tu►itoba wheat
unc•hangecl; No. 1 Northern sold at!
$1.09 nt Georgian Bay ports; No. 2'
Northern at 51.00, and No. 3 Nor-
thern at Ole.
Outs -Dealers are offering 45 to
46o at outside points fur No. 2
white. Clues on track. 474 to 48c.
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 47 to *Etc
middle freights; No. 2 extra at 45
to •16c, and No. 3 at 43 to 44c, mid-
dle freights.
1'eas-No. 2 quoted outside at 71
to 72c, and twilling at 71c.
Corn -The iuurket for Canadian 13
noisy and shauttl.ss preparations
for stutring the tiger. Soon after
dark settled clown 1 err:,t quietly out
of the tree, stole back to the camp,
and enjoyed the first fright's nest I
had• hail fora week. At 3 I was
called, and went doa n to my own
tree. Now, 1 will not guarantee this
Tiger, shouting is, I believe, goner- plan to Le infallible, an:I it may be
ally regarded as *Periods work, and that the result had nothing to do
not ;a picric to be Ii.:htIy entered on, with what I still restard as rather
but from the moment I'. carne round an original idea; but about half an
to lily compound to say that four of hour after the first streak of dawn.
the brutes had been located in the and in a light by tthich it 41 c•achirw
1'ii:ita jungle, sols' four miles from is my only excuse for not droppinga
the 'ttleux•nt, to the morning of the, hint there and thin. a magnificent
last disastrous beat the gods appear- I tiger emerged from the dense cover
t•(1 to (10 their best to rake fust of , and passed within fifty yards of my
the whole expedition and to rob us x tree.
of that feeling of dignity clue to At Illy first shot the brute bounded
those engaged in big-gatr:e shooting. into the air and tnad.e a clash in my
We camped in the old, tun.blo-down direction. rlppruac•hin;; to within
building. half temple, half rest house, twenty yards of the: tree, where 1
that is common. to most Chinesa vil gave hint a second through the right
(ages, says 1Invlev liell in London i shoulder. With a snarl like that of
a dog the aniiral .disappeared into
the cover again, and I determined,
in spite of our last fiasco, to try a
bent again.
Within an hour I )ttuf collected
thirty r31en and sent out coolies to
fiend P. '1110 animal's trail was easy
to follow. for the bushes were
s:•lashed with blood. but the under-
growth was 5o thick that in some
(places it. was necessary to crawl on
hands and knees. In this position I
suddenly heard a roar from t he right
of these line -1 was at the centre -anti
a howl from on: of the men.
Pushing through as fast as I could
I found an unfortunate beater had
literally stumbled on tho tiger it,t:l
got badly mauled. his heel and the
solo of his foot being half torn off.
I directed two men to carry him out,
an:I wits just about to follow whi n I
saw through the foliage the yellow
and black stripes of the tiger stattd-
ittR; a few (JS oil d rfectly ilto-
tionless,, evit•ardently ar:listepen:ng to t!tie
baegins.* acrd the how lint; of the beertt-
..1'S, title 11110 closeirt;� round. 1 took
a steady shot at what I imagine to
have been his ribs, and the brute
went clown with a roans at which
firm at 53 to 51e, ('hathctm. Macri- field. 1'. insisted on cooking the
Mail No. `2 yellow. 64c, and No. 3 dinner, also there was troublo about
yellow, 634c. lake and rail, Toronto• the hair, so that it was half past
Rye -Prices nominal at 60c outside ,) and pitch dark when we sallied
for No. 2. forth to the t ret we had chosen for
Buckwheat -Prices nominal at d0 our watch. We had decided on a pig
to Glc outside. for bait, as he was likely to make
Flour -Ninety per cent. patents the most noise, 'the grateful 1•il-
aro quoted at $4.25 to 54.30 in buy -
lagers whom we had corns out to rid
ers' sacks, east or west; straight rel- of the bloodthirsty animals that
(ers of special brands, for domestic -
1 trete devouring their cattle, required
trade, in bbls., 5.1.60 to 54.75. Man-
itoba flours are firmer. No. 1 pa-
tents, 55.14. to 53.60; No. 2 pa-
tents, $3.15 to 55.30; strong bak-
ers', tis to 55.10 on track, Toronto.
Millfeed-At outside points bran its
quoted at 512 to 512.50. a11(1 shorts
at 517 to 517.50. Manitoba bran,
in sacks, 517 and shorts at 519.
'I'I II: 1):11I{Y MA 1(KE: f13.
Butter -Pound rolls are jobbing at
16 to 17c, and large dairy r11:) at
15 to 16c; medium grates, 12 to
13c; tubs, good to choice, 13 to 16c;
creamery prints sell at 19 to 20c;
arr(1 solids at 184c.
Eggs -The market is steady, with
sales at 101 to 174c per dozen, the
that the initiative has been taken in
the garrison at St. Petersburg."
Bonds Will be Floated in London,
Berlin and New York.
equal pints, London, Berlin and
New York each taking $50,000,0000.
The subscription mi •e probably will
be the same as the previous loon,
which was 87 5-8. An interesting
feature is Germany's direct partici-
pation in the loan. The Japanese
Government practically pledges itself to 64c. Provisions-lleavy Canadian
not. to cheats upon the sul►sr•riptiuta short eta pork, 520 to 521; light
received here before October 31. • short cert, $18 to $19; .lmerican cut
In the event of peace resulting clear fat backs, $18 to $18.50; coin -
from the coating negotiations l;o- pound lar((, 7 to 71c; Canadian bard,
tween Russia and .Japan, the pre 94 to 104c; kettle rendered, 104 to
ceeds of this loan will he applied to- 11c; harms, 12 to 14c; bacon, 12 to
ward the refunding of Japan's in- 1.1e: fresh killed abattoir hogs, 89. -
tenni! debt. 1f not it will go into 23 to 59.541; alive, 56.51) to 56.73
the country's war credit..
Men Who Saved Comrades in"Sar-
nia Tunnel Get Medals.
for mixed lots; select, 57 t0 $7.13.
Eggs -Straight stock, 113 to 164c; who strolled nonrhantly across the
No. 2, 14e. Butter -Choice cream- glade and dieuppcared into the .►I,-
ery, oft to 201c; u11dergrat!es, 191 to posit,* cover. Again %t,• puled feri-
20c; dairy, 131 to 113c. Cheese --On- ously at the bait. Not a soun(1 fot-
((trio, 9; to 10c; Quebec, O.', to 9;c. flowed. awl after Foam hourwait
the ilmkret:le:l, to 1'ltd Icor Nanny --
A despatch from Sarnia, Ont., 1'N1'1'1:1) 8'I'ATI•:S MARK1(:•I'8. whether of pure (11etit, or because sho
St. Louis, July 11._Wheat-('ash was pes,rl:ly in extremis when pur-
Sento threo times its value before
they would part with it. '1'no late
we discovered the deceitfulne ea 'of
that pig.
In tho temple it had protested 90
loudly as t o drown all negotiations,
but when at last tied up on the field
of action it was the most contented
pig I have ever known, and frantic
bulls at the string attached to his
leg were utterly useless to stir him.
At length. bitten all over by mossqui-
toes and covered with ants, tree
frogs, and that. delightful beetle
known to the ('hineese WI the "wester
buffalo," I climbed down and charged
out on the %%retched animal and by
the light of the rising moon chased
hint round and round his tether till
his r4r;ueals anel the
from my companion in the tree aright
have been heard for miler). HIardily
had I regained the foot of the tree
when P. ease a shout of warning and
commenced tiring rapidly over my
head. An instant Inter one short
wail front piggy announced that his
duty was done, and I turtt.xi in time
to see the tiger -a dark, formless
tease: -disappear into the cover with
six dollars' worth of pork belonging
to 115.
Fatly next morning the heart titian
of the village was summoned, and
after much argument some twenty
men were produced to beat the cover
for us. We started across the paddy
like the chorus of a comic opera. -
with lioes, pitchforks, executioners'
swords end halberds. One man pre-
ro-ceded the aptly with a huge gong
which he smote lustily, to the great
delight of scores of children who
fere cn, oying holiday by 'reason of
our occupying the tillage st•huulrtum►i
an.l the rear was liroi4.ht up by half
a dozen kerosene.tins and the village
flautist. It was as impossible to
keep til 'nt quiet till we should reach
the ground and take tip 905ili0119 as
it was' to get them to stay there
when we had lona so. Gradually
and i)1►p.'reeptibly the beaters -who
commenced by prodding gingerly nt
he ext reale edges of the jrangle-
tn.11ecd awes}', and P. and I cow -hided
that, :,'ace beating; 11';15 impossible,
arc ntuet, watch over bait again.
lids thee we were ensconced in our
tree long before sunscet, with a goat.
for bait. Ifardly had the moon risen
wksi out ,(talked, at about 100
yards' range,
says: -Mayor David Barr at n pub-
lic meeting of the 'I'owtt Council 011 i►:41c; duly. 81;,c; September, 84;c; cha.s.•d-n as trail,
Wednesday night, lmn':ented Royal December. 86r. fetter a lona whispered conrer9a-
ilulnane Society medals for heroism!' llilwnuk.•c•, .1 „iv 11. -Wheat -No. 1. lion ne to whether tigers took rar-
tu the following men for bravery in ! , . t .
to tIi ion with the disaster in the' Northern, 51.111; No. 2 Northere , tion or no►, Ile asadn 1rr.dgeeel sadly
81.417 to $1.10; September, 87fe 1•itl. hurre. Terminally, 1 11rline to th
8l. Clair 'funnel last Oclul►er: 11u1-� 1{we-- Nu. 1. 82e. 14arlry-Sample, oeinion that we did not talk an I
(4.r 1Jat134, .10111, Blake, .lanes 11,;111- •13 to ."►ic. ('ore -•lube, 33;c :aske.i. laugh e11a'igh, taleo that n cigar
ilt0n, Alexander 1'.rlmes, William ad01h, .Ir11v 11 .-1l beat -N o. 1 wet 1.1 have much improved our
Cameron, .1 ohm Arbaugh. Frederick Nort herrn, S 1 . 1 1 1 2 ►
Forrester, Charles Fisher. Ari�;11S 81 .0:3 : .11 1 : , S1 : September, r,•t new, rli rd s:. Ie Ise that trade as
nuts', our
rim -
',Macdonald. I'runklin .l. \Icl�ee. '1 he s September,from e111, 931,c. than. 1'. anal I btri:t it next tnorn-
men displayed( eoisj►icuotialbra1e•r Ili 11i1111eupoli,, Bina., .tuts 11.- Ing. evil nn interestr.l nndictt (' of
the time six mets .were fatally 01er•- Wheat -No 1 hard, 51.13:; No. 1 some i ft old women and children
conte by gas in the tunnel. ' Northern, 81.111• N"o. 2 Northern, n 1
• 'sat ru nil end commented. 15'e hot- in�1h a trees of the Vi'•.n►a juogle. A t
ALL 1. MEN NEAR 711 .ILN A .A1{ lfE i'LCD,
"There were ninny trees around
rte, and I hurriedly selected one, for
trees under certain circumstances
were meant for climbing. liefo•o
however, 1 had got us high a9 1
wished a 1 ranch broke and I carne
down sono fifteen feet to the ground.
'('hero was, however, no sign of tho
tieer, and I returned to the open.
whe-re I found P. had arrived. Be-
tween its we bound up the mauled
beater -who had actually been drop-
ped by his carriers, and had crawled
out alone --and sent hint into the
Guided by the beaters, who were
note all up trees, and gave one the
impression of s itilirs clinging to the
roasts of ,sunken ships, 1'. and I
made another assault on the cover.
The tiger was snarling 831(1 tearing
up the grass within rt f.ew yards of
the edge. It was in►Ipossible to aim
at a vital spot owing to the foliage,
so we each gave him a bullet, and
again the brute went down with a
roar, evidently (by the suhs(e:luent
gasping and "thunsleerinrg") shot
through the lungs. Here we left hint
to Millen or dine, while we poured
buckets of water over each other
rt11d cool45l down. 11'i0:itt an Aour
the panting► sounds had ceased, and
soon the treed beaters called out that
the brute was dead, but not a roan
1t•ot:ld accompany u•► even those few
yards to find the carcass. It was
now ),rotting late, and as it was im-
perative that we should secure our
bag and Induce the frightened vil-
lagers to come down from their tries
before it grew (lark 1 started into the
cover alone. AR 1 crawled cautious-
ly In a man called out. sc►•mething I
could not catch, but 11hich was a
warning; that
Teleg rr.phicAlriefs From Ow 0v.D Consists of a Heatproof Box and
and Other Countries of Ro-
The Guelph City Council his decid-
ed to purchase an electric light plant world has had rho wood ago, aha
is Galt. coal ago, the gas age, and itis enttr-
Itnutigrurtts to Canada for the Mg the electric age, perhaps. But
eleven months modus; May 31st, total in tho near future there may conte
10101,8092, the tireless age, for meals aro Low
Prot•Incial G
o i rttu:ent has beim(; prepared for American soldiers
in %thick fire plays a very enroll
It is a fact that the tireless cook
stove, as it is called, has collie into
ditiun case to the, Privy Council.tho service in the West. and
Of twenty -right samples of milk
supplied ny dealers to citizens of St.
Thomas, five acre found to contain
Hamilton City Improvement So-
ciety suggest that dogs be not allow-
ed to run at large from May 1 • till
November 1.
1%innipeg building permits for tho
year to date total 56,422,650, an in-
crease of $12'.:,000 over the same
period Inst year.
John A. Bangs, the Calgary law-
yer, convicted ut receiving stolen
money last. June, has been released
front prison on condition that he
leave Canada immediately.
May Ilope Young, charged with
the murder of hoc infant child at
Digby, N. S., has made a confession
to Detective Potter of Halifax,
The London Times' financial sup-
plement says that trade in (treat
Britain (luring the past six months
wile not up to expectations.
The Canadian Government's agri-
cultural exhibition car is one of the
features of the Park Royal Show in
Needs No Gas, Wood or
Other Fuel.
In the mat 1er of cooking, tho
received 532.2,803.66 trent Sttcccseivrt
duties this year.
Gaynor and Green. the Anheric•an
fiigit i1 es, have appealed their extra-
UNI'I'ED) 8'1'ATr'S.
Buffalo's population, as indicated
by a census just talc n, is 378,500.
A 'Toledo inventor travelled tjtreo
- +4 in his
miles xw • t • liw tau tat
nu c 9 in twenty-five � c n
Several Republican election officials
in Philadelphia have been sentenced
to imprisonment for making false
Basis of Peace Proposals Must
_First Be Accepted.
A St. Petersburg despatch says: -
It is ascertained from official sources
that an armistice cannot be arrang-
ed. Japan has made it. known that
she wilt not consent to an armistice
drat meat, vegetables and other
foods are actually cooked by it, and
cooked so thoroughly and I►latal,
that the soldiers enjoy a rural Tc►
cooked better than one lu•rpard in
the usual way.
Out West they call the tireless; cook
stovo the hay Sox. here is the for-
mula for making one of these stoves.
You lir•st get a wooden box, t ho
boards of which are tightly jelned.
Any old box will do, provided it is
tight enough and large enough.
Next you lino it with two or three
thicknesses of felt, or, what is bet-
ter, asbestos paper. The lining can
be fastened to the wood with glue,
so that it is not necessary to ruako
any holes tvith nails or tacks.
Next you get n few armfuls of thor-
oughly dried hay, stuff it into the
box, then get a piece of cotton bat-
ting of the exact length and width of
tho inside, and you have your fito-
less cook stove ready far business.
TIUa{E AM*: NO MATC111•:S,
no gas jet, no coal blaze, no flatting
fagots. You could set the stove in
tho middle of n pile of gunpowder
and cook the meal without the
slightest danger, for on the outside
it is no warmer than the ordinary
air. The element that sloes the work
Is held prisoner within,
1'es, the term fireless cook stove is
appropriate, but a little heat is re-
quired, just enough to get the thing
started properly, just as you use
kindling to light the fire for break-
fast in the 'morning. This kindling
can be clone over a gas stove, an oil
stove or a bonfire if you wish.
Suppose, for instance, you want to
make an Irish stew. The potatoes,
onions and any other vegetables aro
chopped up with the meat and put
into the kettle, and enough water is
added. The cook places the fettle
over the lire just lot•(; enough for the
water to begin to bubble, showing
that it has reached the boiling point.
'faking the kettle off the fire, ho
slips it into a hole in the hay Lox.
tucks the hay snugly around thio
until the Russian peace and top, parts the cotton Irat-
pcace mission has ting or other cover over all, their
formally accepted the I+alis of her claps dowel the covering and latches_
proposals, which will not be Corn- or Locks it. 'That's all. '1'h(' box
nlunicnteci till the peace conference (foes the rest., and he can turn off
the gas cock or dash a pail of water
over the embers. Ile has no further
ally signified to President Roosevelt use for the fire.
Suppose the stew is being made
her desire for a lasting peace, taut for the noon dinner. The cook puts
Only by the appointment of 91011190- it into the box anywhere between 9
tent iaries who will bo accompanied and 10 o'clock. Just before he 0n -
by experts fully empowered to con- itounces (hat dinner is served he
elude a treaty subject only to the takes the kettle out of the box,
ratification of the respective Govern- pours the stew into the tureen. tool
meals, but as n final stet) has u11 1- when (he head of the family 18(11129 it
('1110(1 her readiness to suspend hosout the odor which arises from ;t is
Unties. 8110 11:15 avoided formally' as appetizing as that of any Irish for an nrmist ic•e as a matter, stew ever made on the most modern
of pride, lint under the c irc•1►mstnnct s ; hotel range. The meal and vegeta-
1{ussia could hardly go further than (.►les are thoroughly done. steaming
5110 has. hot :131(1 of
In diplomatic circles the most ear •1.111•. GENUINE FLAVOR.nest hope; is expressed that .Jnpnn� They are not 01113' cooking Irish
will change her decision not to con- I stews for the soldiers out West, but
sent, both for the sake of avoiding. boiling pork and hat), roasting tiny
further bloodshed in Manchuria, and kind of meat provided by the t'oin-
perhnp, in order to prevent a caters mientsses, turning out Ruston batted
tl'uphe in Russia, which may shake bs:; in short, providing a menu
the itcmanoRs throne and appal the! which is n9 curled as the fare fe,r-
1%orl(1 by its huI•n•o•s. An eminent nished from the post kitchens, yet
Ambassador ofn great. Europeanit aclonrhe. usy c►x. Su
powerer said tri the Associated I'res9::suciticessfulll huge f}iceithr tthe bcookibe(; that
"If Japan declines it may prove t u the War
1>epart nlettt has ordered a
1u' n misfortune for the whole tworlrl.
An instant later the brushes t0 my
thorough investigation of the t:ys-
front w(rc. shaken 1•iol�ntl�•, nn,l
The position of ({ussia is critical. tenr), with the idea of 0(1014111); it
with n terrifying roar a smaller The Emperor. crushed by the defeats fogeneral use and equipping fi.•it
tiger. ru.'►l.l
it• the 1.111(tIe )1'tttl 111 the Tate i:1151•
and with almost.�en('anlp31hent5, as well 118 lusts, v.ith
. , e , sal l;
out at nae. knocking me dour Luck- civil tent at horn,, has bon�'(1 his, the hay box, o• some %a -introit of
has assembled.
The situation regarding the armis-
tice is as follows: Russia has form -
head to the inevitable. Ile wants
ward. With the brute st,inrdi)13 right peace, and Japan has the proofo In 1 it. ,
over me 1 doubled myself u1►, cover- A dinner which any healthy ;tura
in r my body with my arms 111111 !egg hey poss;e5scion. .Japan has 1indieltt will enjoy can be I►rrpnred in ttwo
t'1~. ( het pulcet• 1►efore the lcorld. and' hours. ul lhr cost of a cupful of 0(1311
an 1 after biting roe several nurses. be- hns; wan tltr rt•hniration of the w•orlct. oil, st at ales c feel, of Ens, or ttwo
low the knees thio offload sheered O!1 Nothi11 • becomes a victor so much as
(+ or three shovelfuls of c0n1, jutit
ar.(11 03nwliyl back to the 09011• a brand spirit of rnagmlaimittitY. 11 ei,ongh fuel to generate heat. '1'hn
'1h, tiger heed won the second point, delete st ill insists in humbling the hue box can well be called n fir•lesst
.111.1 the rubber, for t his en•1.•.1 our Emperor's head into the dust and 1(14k ..tove►, since it will du its t. of k
,1111eteur tiger hunt. For some lass furring a useless battle wide!' will almost without any other rid.
after bringing are back 1'. was laid result in the loss of tense of 1110rt-f The sec: ret of it !s that the belt
119 with sunstroke, while the %tling• ••81111119 of lives. she Wray produce a t generated 1114140 th(e vessel h•,1.1i11g
('est refused to go meet the cover. For cataclysm' of anarchy greater than! the food, arid in the food itself i5
all 1 ktro:' the mouldering sslo.1e•t ►ns that of the french Revolution, which ; enough to cook the (.,.,•I if prevented
of twenty-nine beaters; tun} yet hang' will leave Russia ito (1overnn►ent. to' from esrapimg. While the I►roce:,s is
♦ 51 1)7; l0 51.404. .20; -first zea- lowed r,tit. a Targe bush and built. the least somewhere hidden in the one
!tents, 8(i.11) 10 56...x► second ldr-
9:1- 1 1.11f.,rm1 up inside; on the top We growth 113.9 a tiger, whose skin Is
tent,, 53.90 to 56; first clears. 5-1 t put ac•unnxn• roof of plaited leaves. • t rest in, t never to grace the hearth h v
Probably Sixty Killed by n Fierce t o 1.10; s'enn.i clears, S2-75 to ,► ` ! c i d len cs I I
fret. 11t acquaintances who hod his cn •rails. 5311110 day. 1t hen I
Stortil in Tezns. - 52.85. 1!rnn-I44 I,:.Ik, 512.75 to; n4eter ever seen a titer running wild have 1ecower,el fr•on1 for rRee•t• est
► he
A (1 . I ,11 ch font \0c•1tno, I c xnst, I t•o(!r out fr.rml tsettlement nlrtlt And big game shooting, 1 stn going to
sub sr:' .t, t urna(lu �tnd 1hwlderrtiturm , CA1`I'LE 111A 11Kh:'i'. ae1ced if it. wnS a rac•o meeting or a take pus.tesesic•ri of 1' hat isa left.
passed a few tail, twist and emit h I mn:•It and .1 Lely show. lint we were
Toronto, .luly 11.-.(. very heavy • 4
of here on We(l31esdity morning, kill- run of .stock tory uttering at the 15'(ese- sat lined. at least it was bet tog than
ing f0tn•tel't► persons+ and injuring.' tern ('tole Market this tlturnr ig, rierst leg in tress with all manner of COSSACKS STILL AT WORK
ninny others and destroying n tuna and Wit 11 much larger offerings. of the no:turn.11 inse•cly, .1nd we made it szituntion, inflict n11uther d('frrat, ttith
ger of houses. llany farm hulieess % or ;v c o'rfort Il l 1 et i t h 1t mut t rivet! �-
its nrcont9anyins; slaughter? Nothing
sere swe ►t rmtdrel owns. Tile school poorer (Ido l,ty of t•nttl(' than could Brutcl.•V Attsck' Odessa Crowd, would bt, gained by it, and much
i y well be taken care of, nand. wens dull, .and cushion,. 11. re twee 11.111• h ed
house, three miles wrest of hire, %yas( prices co..tr 1'1 'Killing Many of Thetis.
4111110 o.' 1. 1:ep 0124 of the work of 111th 0011111113' (aster in most ;ir.v Il. fur three nights with- might be leen.'
t hr t ur11a(iu ore sa iti cor11in'; in. "I'he
casco. oett result. tin flit fourth we tried A despatch to the• London titan 4 room or by passing tip the chitrrne;y,
x11. 1u of killed and• injx11•111 w111 Export cattle, rhofcr..$I.80 (0 5.201 to trnrll. the tiger %'i1h a ring. Which lard from Odessn says:-Ottessu's MANY BAD ACCIDENTS. and that, ,
probably reach sixty. 1l.► gond to nu•dium.. 4.60 4.80 apparently, however, gnawed through cotnntu►eir,mtiun with AiculaicR and I.i:8M3 f1T 1N 1'i 11. 1'1•:It CENT'.
tills :x.50 4.23 its rope and 35cnl+ec!. the tne15t seri- Klee -son is only tentatively reopen- Two Lives Lost on C.N.R. Bridges 1 is stctunlly titilire.I (.•r roo1eiig i l,r-
-- ♦-- 'owes .UO 4.25' nus pert of the inri.l. n: being that ed. Communication with the Cauca-
Near North Battleford. luxes. b(•t,luse it cuxlnut b(' keit to
Butchers', picked •4.Kt► 5.1u) nigher my co11►panioe nor 1 w•ero 1111`' is s,+I►r11rle(i. 'There tt119 n crowd the right place.
good to choico - at l''i' 1'omtainr Tuesday night 1 1�'in11iprst despatch says: -A The percentage of waste %% 11..1.0 oil,
negotiate with, besides threatening tilow 'r, it 114 touch more thor eigh
the peace of Europe. The usual pre -1 than the usual mode. The hent unity
cedc11l9 for the conclusion ret rt war have time to go through the sub -
are reversed in this case. Al) carmis- stance.
tice generally iu•ecdslem nn ngreemment. Most. of the staid,. vi.111i are fly
on the time and place for n meeting, for the tnl)le niter being placed fr..in
of 11egotialors. Now 1hnt the steps too to three hours in the hay •'o\,
which tissually follow a s►lspt•t►sion ( f but when the cooking process is los-
hostilities have been arranged, why (shed the box retains the heat ,.o
should '.Japan. simply bemuse she 1401'► t hitt they 1)1111' be kept mann
enjoys the advantage of the military for several hours niter.
15'hen the cook gi•ts dinner en the
ordinary range the scientist s,,V
that about 95 per cetst . of the heat
generated is either wavted in the
fair to good
Rur.,ian Rttilw;►y Employes Have de common
All Quit Work.
gifti d.. COWS
The St. I'etershurg corrc.,I•uttd:'nt Te4',
3.80 4.21) Alas! at the
such n trivial incident, wat.ehi11g fur the expected reappear- North linttleford correspondent or even gas is used is ei'0711uus.. ler
:3Morr 3.30! ntu►tel(1 cause. even trmporltry e9- atter of the I%niaz Potemkin 'Inv- states that mnnv accidents have tak- electric cooking the current is c,11.-
2 503.75
,.r•2.50:1.7', trnngc•n►en(_ between two fast fi•n41a• rdtchessky. Cossacks attacked the en piece in the construction of tho ried directly beneath the Tisk hol(1:r►)
:1.',0 s Even if 0 %vasa my watch. there were 11eople and brutally dispersed them, ('.5.11. hridges, seven 1111104 at,ove the food by mcnn5 of wires, its beat
1.;5 plenty more (;ogy to be hn(f; besides. lolling and %`oul(ling 30. here has North liattletord. ane man was kill- being ap1►tied to pieces of metal om
4.25 the dog had been stuping co:nfol-tab- been more shouting in the 1'errssyp oil by n pulley falling. from 1 b steam which the dish rest s. Even here
3.50 Iv %then 1 last remembered. How -
district. It is stated that 26 per- pit.• -driver nm(19!riking hire on the from ten to twenty per cent. of the
killed. herd, and nnuther lost hiss life by electricity Is sheer1tns•te.
:x.80 ever. P. cathcrted up his textbook *30119 %were.
:1.00 and his i►•s11':ah coolie -whom he now I'kly rumors nrr current ri-carding fulling from t h.e bridge arsi drown- Consequently the hay box lends
2•t,0 t•nll••r1 n shitkari-rtttd pomzgcecl out a 1hce future, nrr of nn impen.li,ig anti- ing. Another 1184 his jaw bone every other appliance when it. conaria
bO.UO c1;lirtt „t the other rend of the ur lr; .Jewish outbreak. The chief of police broken. whilst still nnuther had his to pr`paring a rural. (letting c:.►wrt
3,RO j ►E; .,rtes there are grave reasons to fear finger smashed by being caught be- to 1ho 1'irewpnint of dollars x11(1 cents,
:1.`25 wh,L• i clecidecl. Vince unr quarry that such an outbreak is being or- tween the hammer and the head of n the experiments which have been
8.r►0 vt""141 not. follow the rules as laid g;tnizc••I. pile. Ile hurl to have his finger aril- made at the Western array posse, (es.
ri.2 i doth in the boots, to art' to de- ♦ planted. No renntces are given. T►et•inlly at Fort 1111ev, shun that,
ceil•e hint with
54 .1ohn t'. Wallace, thief Engineer of +
where a (killer's Worth of wand rr
10.00 A SIMPLE PI.AN (1F 11\' ()WN. Ihr fattens ('anal, and member of 'l'he (:rand .1ury has ret'trned in- coal may be required to get, dinner
0.00 At .inset, then, wflh s..veral Ila- the commission. has resigned Loth dict men, s c•hitrging that the Chicago 4►r n certain Dumber ( 1 mon. act un1-
0.00 ti 't's. 1 proceeded to tree smile 1(>r) these positions to accept a $110,900 81 rike Was abetted by labor leaders Iv the stmt. work can be done fur
0.00 yards from the one 1 intended to oc- otlfce with a new York corporation.' for their own gain. 1 (cess than a nickel with the hey box.
of the London Titres ascribes the Feeders, short -keep ... 4.50
more threatening turn the xlril.cr do meedium . ...... 3.911
movement has taken to the fact t h it do I►ullsss ... 8.110
rrlubillzt►1 int, is still procec•dieg. 'The Stock, r9, good ... 3.50
workmen have 1 tc•utne niarmd t1 rand (11) rough t o cont.,,, 2.34►
rest leis Their mood thus far has , 11,slt,; . 1.75
not been ugly, hut they nrr notor- hitch cults, each :!ono
Jousts- under the control of the re-, 1'xpui( ewes, per cwt. :3.15
vwlut zonary crgonizntions, a hith• do bucks, per cwt, 3.00
inns or 11may not (1e' 1:de upon extreme do culls. each 2.50
n ,► ur1q. Spring Iambs .., ... 3.50
'1 he con ....v., 1,:1e711 nd. t hot Pa- ('n Ives, per ib. ... 31
holm Is cut off from the world, rill (1u each 2.(11)
steamers ha% ing 7+14)1,1.441. '('lee reit- i legsr, selects, per cwt. 0.40
way employ. s 1:1 t:'.e ('.t' c,t•.us nta e1.► lights 0.15
►'rilurg do fats 6.15