Exeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 2ABSOLUTE
Little Liver Pills.
Boar Slgnaturo of
Corruption Shown in High Places
Shocks the Nation.
A despatch from Brooklyn, N. Y., TRAITORS TO GOD ANI) MAN.
The serpent leaves a little trail of
slime un e%•ery threshold over Which
it cra"1,. an.I these wren, now that
they have come or are coining to the
end of their greedy lives, have left a
tortuous. sinuous, w•riggring track of
infamy. 'they have taught our
youth to take unfair advantage of
their competitors, to get rich quick-
ly, to brine city councils by gifts of
stock --It is one long, black story of
setting the worst possible exannple
for yours; teen, and those who adopt
their methods must surely cone to
embezzlement, secret thefts, flight to
foreign countries, imprisonment, and
even suicide. Nor can these men
escape their responsibility. 'this
harvest of crime is theirs and theirs
alone. 1'elhaps the healthiest sign
of the times is that these reports.
these revelation; in newspapers and
ala+ az(nes, these sermons in innum-
erable Pulpits, thew editorials Sit the
press, these speeches in the forum,
are all bringing responsibility home
to these sten thio represent wicked-
ness in high place,; and, better still,
to the great intelligent public itself.
Once 1110re the divine decree, "God
shall bring every work into 1 idg-
says: ]Rev. lir. Newell 11w-ight lfillis
preached from the following text:
hos shalt not -steal." -1 he Eighth
Dorms these last few days the
whole city has been shaken by the
revelations of corruption in high
Places. The one great theme of con-
versation on the street cars, in
homes, in places where men asr,ruthle,
is the newly discovered crimes of
Sae Fac.Si iite %%Tarps' Delow, some of our "leading citizens." (:one
forever the goat% name of certain
bunkers, merchants, even senators!
How are the mighty fallen!
Some amen are pl'iuged from this
hour into an abyss of Infamy, One
report follows swiftly upon the heels
of other :sports. One by one great
figures in the field of business are
being unfrocked, exposed. It is a
long. sickening tale of grutt, corrup-
tion, betrayal of excret trust.
A few men- whose sense of honor
has been atrophied, are trying to
excuse the actions of these thieves
an:1 glossing over their thefts; but.
fortunately for our city, the over-
whelming majority are sound in stor-
ms and their settee of honesty
is fresh and ulfadcd. hien now re- tllc•nt," i icing exemplified.Evenvolt from t he very names that. hitt- (1111 strongest and richest of 111(1) have
Erin have been clothed with honor. not been able to escape retribution.
Rich nen whose presence has been No trntsgressor con estate. 'J'hesu
sought on public occasions are now grant ones of earth" have deceived
molten of in terms of conteulnt' In th' ntseIves. llut the stroke has fal-
muethod has been ant{ -toyed 111 roligh a thousand homes parents are read- len, diseuis:s have been torn to
weather, and now a new device has ing to their children the names of shreds; laoriety beholds these men as
been invented for the purpose of these olTen:lees, rehearsing the story they are: no one is deceived; thouch
scattering the oil over a tinder area. 01 these grafters andusing them for these men live a thouiewel years they
Vice -Admiral Guimares, of the lirazi- warning and alarm- it is a terrible cannot recover politic confidence; they
lion Navy, has brought forward a thing for a public ratan to have his tato bru'an the commandment,
"bottle gun." The gun is made of name held up for "Thou shalt not steal." 'thane ,
bronze, but the chamber at the
breech Which contains the propelling
c•hurge is of steel. The projectile,
which is loaded nt the breech, is an.
ordinary wine bottle. filled with saw
dust steeped in oil. When the gun have been guilty of wickedness in
is discharged the bottle is broken, hipli places.
• and its contents scattered over the There astounding events emphasize
water for at considerable distance. Ity anew the peril of high position and
discharging the gun every five min- the certain retribution that over-
utes a smoother pathway is made tvheluts public transgressors. 'Treason
Very small matt an easy
tte take as se=•. -r.
Q•lit'ft,7j71ir YY.T 11.11 YATV.
CURB. %Irte u* -A r.Ar-t•t
f111111111\ sw
A "110'1`1'LE Gi•N' FOR SAFETY.
('aught in a very severe gale in
arid -Atlantic recently the German
retail -boat Pretoria found the value
of pouring oil on the troubled waters
to prevent the heavy seas breaking
over the vessel with disa,%trous ef-
fects. 'Times without number this
in the presence of children and
youth. The world will never again
he the same for these sten who
for the advancing vessel.
Young Wife -"Ch, mamma, put my
curling -irons on the fire, quick! Char-
lie has been bitten by a mad (log!" clod name into the remotest corners
Mother -"Are you going to canter- g
ise (ho wound?" Young Wife -"No; of the land. (in es the nnnn has be
but I want to curl my hair, so that come had his 'Jett office but serves
1 can run far the doctor. Do he to publish his infamy.
quick!" in the olden time King Ahaz stole
- - _.-_-- - n field, Kin; David slew ilrinh and
Can Eat.. �% Achim hid the wedges of silver. Their
Anything Now. % h pewit th ser them in tYhe I:inert',
nnd thenceforth all the generations
of men have scoffed. The than in a
high place has the influence of a
thousand men. It is given to a
HOW many Dyspeptics can s:llgIe leading citizen by example to
Say that ? .!ebnach the youth of an entire city.
Or perhaps you are dyspeptic 1, deed. there nre four men who be
long to the pest generation who were
and don't know it. men of great industrial genius, and
who could, by productive industry,
have achieved by creat nen millions of
dollars each. Ono of these men, as n
side piny. cornered the produce mar-
ket of the %Vest and taught the young
is baa In the private soldier, but is
doubly black in the general. The
higher the limn hitt climbed the
harder the full when retribution
comes. Office nnd honors send a
Have you any of these
symptoms ?
Variable appetite, a faint gnawing feel-
ing at the pit of the stomach, ups ;tLficd
hutger, a loathing of food, rising and
Pouring of food, a painful load at the
pit of the stomach, constipation, or are
you gloomy and miserable? Then you
are a dyspeptic. The cure is careful diet;
avoid stitnulants and narcotics, do not
drink at meals, keep regular habits, rind
regulate the stomach and bowels with
Natnre's specific for Dyspepsia.
' Miss Laura Chicoine, Belle Anse, Que.,
says of its wonderful curative powers :-
"Last winter I was very thin, and wail
fast losing flesh owing to the run-down
state of my system. I suffered from
Dyspepsia, loss of appetite and bad blood. INTERNATIONAL L1:S$,ON,
1 tried everything I could get, but to JULY 1G.
no purpose; then finally started to use
Lesson III. The Suffering Saviour.
Burdock Mod Bitters. From the first Golden Text Ise. 53.0.
day I felt the good effect of the medicine,
ind atu now feeling strong anI well again.
I can eat anything now without any ill Note -These Word Studies for this
after-effects. It given me great pleasure lesson are based on the text of the
to recommend Burdock Blond Bitters, for Version.
anal careers has been graft, bribery,
corruption -luxury s'apl•o•tcd by coal-
men (We% in;. 'The it riches are
cankered, their purple is moth-eaten,
What pure and poor Loy would
give up his poverty and his purity in
exchange for the prevent position of
one rich youth tvitlt his violets and
his reputation, plus his wealth? Or
exchange his chane cunt, enruttl by 10. When thou -Jehovah. and su;;ar. 7hcn stir in the well-
indus(ry, for the spotted toga of a Ile shall see his seed -In the giving beaten whites of the eggs and a ten -
discredited senator? 'the life of :hese of his life easy shall be brought to spoonful of vanilla. Bake in small
Wren who are exitos:d in officialre- life. rias in a steady oven. When nrnrly
ports has been a living lie and the 11. By the knowledge of himself-' cold spread with pineapple marina -
working of the country whose earn- Apparently rete: ring to the prophetic lade and place two together with the
Ings and ratings for wife anti chin- activity of Christ in which he taught rounded sides) nut; cover with a pink
dean have been s•.piandercd abhor the men concerning himself and his itis- icing flavored with pineapele.
very name of these directors and si0ln. Frozen pineapple is made with a
managers who have betrayed their 12. Therefore --Because of all that syrup of sugar and water in the pro -
solo': t (rust. ho has suffered and done. Portion of a pint of syrup to a pint
And the end has not yet come. The Will I -.Jehovah. in whose name the of grated pineapple, the juice of two
work of purgation has just begun. prophet is speaking. lemons and the grated rind of one.
The whole republic is waiting. The Divide him a portion with the Strain tht•ough a flannel hag and
heart of the American pee{au is great -Exaltation, and glory shall freeze. When half frozen stir in
sound. Only a few leaders who have follow his suffering and h 'kation. slices of pineapple cut into the form
made too great haste to be rich have Out of trihulntion, suliering, and of stars anti stir until the ice is
become rotten at hort. The toil- combnt the Messiah is to. come forth frozen solid. Place in fancy moulds
Bolts are honest, and the millions victorious. The purpose of his life of and pack in ,co and salt.
are going to clean.e themselves from humiliation among men is to be Jamaica Jelly. -Jamaica jelly is
the tn'tut ace of these vicious officials. gloriously neconplished, for since he made of good. canned pineapple.
Ret ihut:on in these nitn's lives Is bare the sin of many, and made in- First, soak one ounce of gelatine in
like the decay in the heart of a great tercession for the trnnsgrussore, half a pint of cold water for a cou-
ple of hours, and if not properly dis-
solved stand the basin containing it
over a sacepan of boiling water, then
add all the 11qui(1 from the tin of
we have heard. Tho things now
spoken by the prophet, who, es one
among his people, steaks of himself
us receiving 0.11t1 them this message
or report. A negative answer stress
to Le implied by the question. Too
Mullen' awl wonderful to be believed
has teen the message concerning the
humriliatien anti subsequent glory of
the Messiule It is not believed be-
cause to none has the arm of .le-
hovah (his power) term revealtsl.
2. 11e grew -The Servant, the Mes-
Vetere him -Jehovah.
Thi Home
Pineapples are plentiful and cheap
As a lender pl:oat-"I e.111 the true at this season of the }'cur and may
vine. my father is the husbandman" be used in a variety ot ways to ca-
jole the capricious hot -weather ap-
petite. A pineapple omelet is deli-
cious and may be mane to advantage
in a chafing dish. Beat four eggs
with au teaspoonful of lemon juice
and a heaping tablespoonful of but-
ter. %%licit it begins to bubble pour
in the eggs. When they are firm and
nicely browned on one side place in
tense use.% throughout by tho prophet, the ' Idle two heaping tabletip,uun-
whu setts all this suffering and hu- (Nis of pineapple grated fine and
nnitiation of the Christ as already sweetened with sucar. fold tate
accomplished. omelet, turn on to a hot dish, dna
11ejec(e(l-natter, forsaken. some powdered sugar over it and
(:erne( -Literally, sickness.
As one from whom turn hide their
fact -Or, "he hid as it were his face
from us." The reading of the Revi-
sion in this case seems to give the
better sense.
Esteemed hint not -Literally, held
hint 4)1 no account.
5. The chastisement of our peace -
The pain inflicted for moral ends
with remedial intent and needful to
procure for us peace and pardon
(comp. Prov. 3, 11, f.): "My son, de-
spise not the chastening of Jehovah
for whom Jehovah loveth he re-
provet h."
(1. Every one to hjei own way -Fol-
lowing individual selfish impulses and
7. Opened not his mouth -Did not serve on a napkin with powdered
murmur nor complain. sugar.
ti. fly oppression and judgment he Pineapple shortcake makes a fine
was taken away -The Hebrew of this desert. Prepare a rich crust as for
clause is a little ambiguous -proba-
bly the sense is that oppression nnd
judicial procedure brought about his
death. '1'he rendering of this entire
verse in the Revision gives the Pro-
bable sense of the original and is a
great improvement over the render-
ing of the Authorized Version.
9. They made his grave -The sense
is that of the passive construction.
"lli's grave Was nada," the pronoun
"they" being indefinite.
Wicked . . . rich Winn-Appently as-
sociated in thought since the rich are
frequently arraigned by the Old 'l'es-
(.lohn 15. 1). in obedience to the
Father's will the Word became flesh,
at first a helpless child attaining
gradually unto strength uud man-
As a root out of dry ground -A
precious plant in unpropitious soil
and surroundings.
3. Ile was despised -Note the past
scn-e at once.
Pineapple fritters are mane by stir-
ring thin slices of the fruit, which
has previously been pared and soaked
in lepton juice and sugar, into a bat-
ter prepared as follows: Pleat the
tthites and yolks of four eggs separ-
ately. Stir with the yolks a cupful
of flour and a little salt; beat the
mixture well, nod add two table-
spoonfuls of creast, and last, stir in
the well -beaten whites. The hatter
should be thick enough to drop from
a spoon. tiring a quantity of lard
to the boiling point, and fry therein
the slices of pineapple dipped in bat-
ter. When they are of a delicate
brown drain on blotting paper and
strawberry shortcake and spread the
layers with Very thin sliees of rich
juicy piucapple that for several hours
previously have been closely covered
in a dish with powdered sugar and
the jeice of two lemons. Place the
fruit between the layers and on top
of the crust, and serve with sweeten-
ed Whipped cream.
Pineapple eclairs are a pretty and
delicate dish for hot weather. Take
the %%eight of four eggs in sugar and
half their weight in flout. Add a
pinch of salt nnd a teaspoonful of
lament prophets as especially guilty baking powder to the flo'ar and sift
of violence and deceit, neither of it. heat the yolks of four eggs until
which were found in his mouth. thick, adding alternately the flour
oak; at lad. the storm conies, nnd
then the great tree, that is rotten
within, goes crashing (!own.
The lesson of the hour for young
men of his section to speculate and men is: Accept no wealth that you
steal. 'the other bought special leg- have not fairly and squarely wo-
i•iation from political machines; a dared. Avoid all jugglery and re -
third dealt largely and scandalously fluent cr that the world is ngainst
in writ. led stocks and lying enter- secrecy. Before eml:nrking on any
tees. ;Ind the fourth compelled re- fnnncinl enterpriser ask yourself one
hales for himself and drawbacks from question: Are you perfectly w'ill:ng
his cotn{etitors. 'I h.ir influence for to spread out in the eyes of the pub -
bad, by reason of their position, has lie every essential ('('tail of your
lowered the standard of righteous- plan? if not, avoid it. Court silli-
ness in the entire nation. With the Hefty. Above all else, build in the
tuft hand each one of these oxen has open it con Would keep your gond
tried to do some good as eompcnsa- name. See to it that your children
tion for the enormous es 11 wrought shall never find your In thy• pillory,
be his right linnet; but, in the lung he'd up to public s••o••n. Itementaer
tem, thea have betrayed the people of there is no happiness for the man
the land. played false to the public who hes broken this commandment,
and been "'Ilion shalt not steel."
The Servant of .Jehovah. -Our les -
many Who Were 1rangressors through
hint shall be saved.
INVISIi11.1': UNIFORMS. !pineapple, the juice ot two leptons
Experiments have been conducted rind the thinly peeled rind of one,
recently by the Danish Army to dis-four ounces of loaf sugar, and half
cover the form and color of ail ideal a pint of boiling water. Strain
•foray for soldiers on active ser through a jelly hag, and if necessary,
vice. Frequent marches have been c•icar with the whipped whites and
undertaken, the soldiers being cloth -i the shells of two eggs. Have a
ed in various descriptions of blouse.; quart 11101(1 tilled with cold water,
tunic, jacket, and honk, nnd' turn this out, pour in a little jelly,
on each occasion the bluese has lay on it a tow slices of fruit, cut.
given the befit results. A grey tenter-'. smell. Allow this to set. then add
proof material was found the I•t'st) more jelly and pineapple till the
us head covering, nnd those sol'liers! 1110141 is filled. Stant, for six hours
equipped With laced boots made of btforc' terming it. out un n dish.
cloth with raw hide soles nchieve(fl '1'o can pens, pick as fresh as Non
the longest marches With the least; sihlo, and then add 1 tablespoon salt
fatigue. As to color, the most a'1 to each quart can to le tilled. Put
vnntageous shade depends lamely in the pens and slinks down as close
upon the conditions. Under part 1 ti {•v as 1 oss flits. Put on the rubbers
lar circumstances the garments which,
were found most difficult to distill- nnd til lo; s 11 an ccssnry. put in
of the servant passages Is 'cold enter to 1111 all spnceA between
indorsed in the New Testament gutah were, in the order given, ,1,1ui'
blouse, dark grey cloak, bright bine the peas. `drew the tops on just
(comp. Acts 8 2t; a:1), nnd cannot cloak, (lark blue tunic, dark go ern enough t0 hold, and set. in u boiler
therefore have been incorrect. And blouse, and light blue blouse; whilst of void water. Use hay or a can
certain it is Glut all Messianic pro I 1 f 1 I
pht'cy of the Old Testament reachesthe color most suuitah a for rack to prevent breaking. Put cover
its eahlduution in this fifty-third general use is considered to he it me- on the 114111er to keep the steam in a very good Imitation of ground
chapter of Isiah. Written centuries (hum shade of gray With n slight ad_ and boil two hours. Th n remove, glass.
before the advent of the Messiah screw
of gre''n' cans, fill full with boiling water nnd Copper Sanecpane shoal! be cleaned
mcrew• on the tots tight. Return to en the outside with salt nnd vinegar
Whom it as certainly portrays, vet ♦ the boiler and hof) one hour. then and on the inside with soap and
reading in every line as if %vrfltmt API'itECiATiON. set in waren place to cool gradual- water,' after Kh(y ha'e been tilled
under the very shadow of Calvary,
't PSYCHINE " differs radically from
the old fogey medicines. It is com-
pounded on new and advanced
methods of curing disease, otherwise
it would be just like scores of others,
without any exceptional merits.
But 15\cIttNF possesses virtues
of healing, no other preparation in the world does.
There never has been in the history of medicine, such
a truly remarkable remedy, for the prompt and complete
cure of obstinate coughs and lung trouble. • There is
nothing else just like it, or nothing else one half
so good. Thousands of men and woolen readily and
enthusiastically give testimony to prove the statement.
Linden, N. S., June 7th, Igoe.
"I cannot speak too highly for your excellent -1 may say invaluable -remedy
for weakness of throat, lungs or declining conditions, My brother, mother, and
sister died of consumption, and I suppose 1 inherited a tendency in this direction,
but, thank God, through the use of PSYCHINE 1 to -day enjoy good health. I
suffered for some two years from a distressing, obstinate cough and weak lungs.
1 used PSYCHINE and OXOMULSION, and they built me right up. My lungs
are now strung and 1 enjoy splendid health. yours truly,
The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, - 179 King Street West, Toronto
take them to a gilder and have then(
New shoes are often difficult to
clean. 'Take a cut lemon, rub it
over the leather, and then leave the
shoes to dry, when they will be
found to take the polish beautifully.
Moths in Carpet. -If the moths aro
in a carpet turn it back and iron
on the wrong side 'with a hot flat-
iron. 'then sprinkle the floor under-
neath liberally with turpentine, pour-
ing it into the cracks in the floor, if
there are any. Rub the turpentine
in, and then you can turn back your
carpet. Repeat this treatment two
or three days. Some people sponge
the right side of the carpet with
spirits of ttn•pentine before ironing.
The spirits must not be used near a
light or lire.
Before putting away steel knives
which are not to be used, clip then(
in a solution of three parts of sola
to one of water. Wipe thoroughly,
roll in flannel, and keep in ti dry
'1•o Keep Cut Flowers Fresh. -There
nre several ways of keeping cut flow-
ers fresh in their vases. 11 you put
a piece of charcoal in the water, or
a few grains of sul ammoniac, the
effect will be very beneficial. Also
cut the stalks at the ends every day,
and remember that flowers with
stents full of sap, such as daffodils
and narcissi, will last longer if the
stalks are slightly slit before being
Placed in water. Some flowers have
very hardy stalks and last touch
longer (hal) others; the pink ane-
mone, for instance, will keep fresh,
will' care, for quite a week.
When gas gloees have become very
flirty with smoke they should he first
soaked in warm soda -water. Add to
the water a few dr(); s of ammonia
nn 1 wash with a well -soaped flannel.
Rinse in clean cold water and dry
with a linen glass -clout.
'1'o prevent made mustard from dry-
ing and canting in the mustard -pot
mix a little salt when snaking it,
awl it should always be made with
boiling water.
11 it is desired to shut off the view
of any window it can be done very
ch: reply by .11 =sols ing in a little hot
water as nines Epson salts ns the
water will absorb. faint over the
window while 11otand you will have
it must ever stand as t he most Sir, -Your wife is held by 118 for
wonderful instance of divincl% in- ran . She will be detained until
spired prophecy of n personal Mss- you deposit ten them:end dollars hoo-
f feel it saved ney life." son passage for to -day is the last sigh who was to be the Snviom• of der the oak tree nt the top of the
nnd greatest nt four so-called "Ser- sinful men.hill. The BlackHand.
vent passages" (comp. 42. 1, IT.;y 49. Verse 13. Shall dent wisely -Liter- Dear Sirs, --Your favor of rt:••eut
1-0; 50. 4-9). The reference tothe • 81l', shill! prosper. 11is caner shall date received. I have deposited un -
Servant of Jehovah in these pas - 'he crowned with complete Succuss. der the oak tree it trunk containing
sages, aril more espc•t•ially the refer -I Exalted . . . Iifte(1 up . . . very the rest of any Wife's wardrobe.
once to the suffering servant in our i high -The coining exultation of the Y •s truly, .1. I). iitewecko.
lesson for to -(lay, has nBrays hen Servant in contrast to his past
regnrdetl by the Christian church .ns ' abasement is sat forth in this and
n direct conscious prophecy of the. the t WI) succeeding v('1'see 03-15),
Christ. Agciinst this prevnlcnt view witch verses are introductory in "Ily the way," said the talkative
„1ne have argued, explaining the character, briefly stating the import barber to the bald-headed man in
FIXING '1'11E 111,A51 E.
eervnnt ns a collective Idea repre-
scuting either the nation of Israel or
some smaller community Within the
nation, as for example. the prophetic
order, the faithful remnant, or the
ideal Israel. Since in many portions
of the entire pasenge. the chair, "did you ever try my hair
14, 15. 'These verses nre to bo tonic?"
taken ns a single compound *entenc•e, "No," answered the victim, "that
as the punctuation of the Revision wasn't what caused my hnir to fall
shows. out. I'm a married man.•'
As many were nstonlshcd-Aniared
of this same prophecy Is1nc1 Is re- nnd horrified tit tic; Spec( 1101e 4)1 nn-
ferred to ns the Servant. it is argued paralleled suffering. Tho pnrenthc-
thnt consistency of interpretation re- tient clause which follows explains
quires that the term -servant shall store in detail t he 1epugnance . felt
in every cnse be tnken let have t he • by those who behold the Servant in
sane meaning. Others think that his former abject comfit ten.
the conception in the prophet's mind reprinklt--The verb rendered "to
becomes mora nncl nonce clear and sprinkle" means literally "to scatter
definite as the prephIry nchnnces (a liquid) in small drops," am in
(rem one singe to the next. be im(- ceremonial act of cleansing (comp.
Dysentery, Dlarrhooa, Cramps, Cully , , with the thought of the Servant 1.4.5. 1. 6). 'Titus (.11811 the iervnnt,
Pains lntheStomach,Cholera, Cholera station. ndveinting Io the conception once shamed ns uncl.ail , make clean
j�Crbl13, Cholera Intantum, Sea Sick. ( of the ideal personal, representative many nations. .
of that nelson, nnd culmirlating in n 1. Verses 1-9 of chnptcr 53 present
Doss, Summtr COnlniAillt, and all clear and conscious conception of a n view of the Mes'siah's career as he
personal Meredith. Possibly the Int- tlpp('nre(1 to his cnntempornrics at
Picots of the Bowels. ter view may not Ie tar from repro- the time of his great h 'lintion-
Has betan In use for nearly160year$ senting Ito actual facts. We know that is, the period of his life nin.'ng
and has neveY faller to give relief+that the prevalent view of the ('hris- sten. I h. re Is smart !vine vt re old nl.oul
I thin church regarding this last and Ula. message- Lilcrnlly, that which pow much youth thine,s it knows.
".t limn shoed(' be slot: to anger.'•
"\'es," answered the Woman with
n look of pat ient forbearance. "only
he shouldn't invariably postpone
getting angry at the annoyances of
the tiny until he sits down 1•t the
supper tables."
THE 1111 1 L.1t1N('1:.
The foul doesn't know n good
thing when he sets it; the Jany man
docetm't melte n good thing when he
knows it.
ly. Store in a cool, dark place. with water containing a small lump
Ilnr,nlin Jelly Cale-ilere is some- of soda, which mast conte to the
thing rr.•w in cake tilling, nml delight- boil. New tins s'houl:l be set over
fully dainty as will. Mash 2 bananas the firs' with boiling water in thein
fine with n potato tnnsher, and over for several hours before anything is
then( s;,riik14. the juice of n small cooked in them.
lemon. '1'o this ark, the white of Gold Jewellery, sacs an authority,
1 egg and hent until White nnd may be perfectly cleansed be being
fonmy. IInt•e ready 1 coffee cup plare(1 for half an hour in n bowl of
white sugar boiled with a gill of warns tenter, to which n generous
water until it forms a soft 11111 when quantity of ammonia has been added.
dropped in water; pour this over the Stir the Jove litre- arouunl in tit.,
egg and banana fluff, beating briskly.
Into th's slit 1 large teaspoon grnn-
u}altsl ielntine %chieh hn4 been dis-
solvetl in 1 Uhl 'spoon warm Winter.
beating all the time. t%h •n enol and
beelenin; to thicken, Put between
layers of cake made after any goo:(
re. i; e.
liOi1S1•:lt(1i.11 iii\ 1'S,
In" Spot'; .11 llahtigetne.--11.
s;'t.t.s on 1n11110,.1111 tuns be ,.•snot,
by being touched with o '•. '; • We-
lted in nil of vitro) d.1 ite..t with
twice its quantity of water. '1 It •
spot should be well awl quickly
( Lan int (lel 1 frame:;. -To tl.'an
gold pique,' -frames beat the white
of nn egg; add to it one pint et cold
water; nu,istin your fronits with this
mixt ore, merle a sf go. '1h:n vnth
n sold Ilnnn •I c.irefully wipe. Take
n sexy. 11 1 (Pett), I e1 feetly (fry, an 1
give the Iran,,' a light rubt.h, g If
the francs nre not clear nn %,rich'
after this treatment you 11.1 1 Iatl,
water for a moment, cover the bowl,
and let stand.
Silk stockings, colored or black.
should never be washed with soap.
Warne water should be need, and the
stockings should be squeezed, not
wrung, and driest in the shade.
Are no
People in every walk of life are troubled.
Have you a Backache? If you have it
is the first sign that the kidneys are not
working properly.
A neglected Backache leads to serious
Kidney Trouble.
Check it in time by taking
They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubles.
froze Backache to Bright's Disease. 4
50c. a box or 3 for SI.25
all dealers or
Toronto, Ont.
'theseills ears all 4i.eaa.e and dle-
orders arising from weak heart, worn out
nerves or watery blood, such as Palpita-
tion, Skip Beats, Tbrohbing, Smothering,
Disslnes., Weak or Faint Spells An:.emis,
Nervousness, Slc•plessness, brain Fag,
General Debility and Lack of Vitality.
They are a true heart tnnle, r,er,o toed
and blood enricher, building up and
renewing .11 the worn out and wasted
tissue., of the body and restoring perfect
heal:" Price GOe. a box, or 8 for 41.0,
et all druggists.
tt-K&K.'`K•& K K
4K-lre"µK-&' K sK<& K`
K'& K K 8a f't`.,K 1 K
THE RESULT of leeeranr• and (oily 1n youth. overexert'.�n of mind and t•cdy
i.t.tuce4 by lust and csp.,sure are c,rst (sly wrecking the 1.7rs
and future Eap7inessof thousands re promising yoa1C rr.'t. Some face and wither
at an early age, at the blossnrrt of manhood, while others are forced la dre.t out a
Rears fruitless awl melao,ltnl existence. 011ie:• reach matri-
mony l)1lt find no solaceor comfort Ihere. TM', victim' are found
in ail station et life -the farm the (erre. the w,-rksltnn, (211
p•tlpit, the trades and the professions. Nervous 0•11111y •td ats!esl
West/lets are gaarantecdmum' byorr Naw elstlad Trestneet •r to
Pse. You tan a) risk Ii years to Detrat. Haul(sccutoy,
CURE') Winn Alt ELSE FIRM Ni wales este retheal writtta taetett.
'I am I years of age ani married. When young 1104 a Cay
life. Early Indiscretion and laterexcei.sc. made tri:ublefor ere.
I !teame weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected nod I
feared Bright's fieease. Narned 1.1f, Sas u-lsatistaciory and
my home anhapp v. 1 tried everything all felled tilt 1 took
t cat from Drs. 1{enne1y dt )(ergan. Their ?Zee o
Fuilt rte up mentally, physically and 11 I feel anIttde,hac4t
like a man In every respect. They treated m. six years agoTheyT are honest.
akil(nl and resp..nsihte aiaudalt7, eo why patr mire (Quacks ed i'aklr• when you
can be mace by relish%.. decors.' -W. A. Belton.
CRIES GOARYTIED CR 10 PAY. Ma?l & 'rat MA B:T Frei Ci Bice Tats,
bDrs. Kennedy & Kergan, 'asDd 0bt. k '.
K & K