Exeter Times, 1905-07-13, Page 1• • 'W • niter THIRTY-SECOND YEAR—NO 1662 HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT E EXETER, JNT., CANADA, _ THURSDAY MORNING JULY lath 1905, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• . T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star LRV [TROUOIIINO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a Machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON 1 1 Explosion in Coal Mine Midsummer Exams Locals - \I r. ItussMl Fr is ttlendin3 :► Itescurcrs Work Desperately After' F.\E'1'FIt j foto d yrs at. Grand Mend. '1'errilic Firedamp Explosion :to!111011 SCHOOL 1)EI'3R'f�lE\'l' Relcasr 51.1"4:1.1 Caught lu Tr;,'1'0:5111 l Gradu:ttins Commercial Chis: to I .. ►:5n► Dipiornes will h. �Cardiff, Wales, July 11. -At lead !!coots, !cook !lardy, 96 per reit! ; j.6 !tree have been lost to -day oBertha \Willsall, 88; .Maude Taylor, e all xplosion of fire damp in Pit No. ., 8.1; Al !Anal Met ter, 83. Pass (;corse of the National Cul]icry Coulp:uty'i \1'autbold, 6:3 !toy Parson-, 59: Gar• IC N1 he town, in the Rhondda \'al field lind3ert, 51. Oliver GrayIwil, ley, the centre of the ;teat Weis' 1. t0 becure(] a position ion ul the )( coal fields. 1 1 l �: t;;• Altogether 68 Lodics already have been u recovered. heroic efforts have Leen made to ;ranted a diploma. 'I'Ir• gradua1inz reach and liberate the c►►tombcd Commercial class t nok Shorthand as miners, but late 1 o -day the absence the rata of 1O(\ !fords per minute. of all sound told (lot tale of the , Seconal from rat:;i attended the worst disaster \Pales bas sufferedr \ValJuly Howard, 70 teat. 1':ts. from since 189x. per while others went 1,: eoo.1, nine, of the examination and who was on •the honor roll every month throat shout they e•+r 1% 1 also o be Mr. W, 3. Carlin; and on Thomad spent the tWel fill in London. Miss I{uttie White of iiL-uuours is visions with Mr. and Mrs. !lick,. alisa Edon Follick is spending a few days of thi., week at Grand Bend . Master Willie :\u►oa is (pendia; the holidays with his one's in Mc- Gillivray. Mrs.J.Senior and family returned r ed home the forepart of the week ar- ter a pleasant) holiday at the Bend. Thousands throne the mouth of the pit. As each successive body is ♦ brought to the surface. the :great •crowd surges forward in breathless suspense . • CARE OP COUNTY ROADS iThere is a high kick in country parts against 4 he statute which re- Iquires farmers to cut the weeds of the side of the public road in front of thein lots, in addition to the per- formance of statute labor. A cor- respondent of the Farmer's Advocate points out tthe large amount of work • that 'thiel involves. "For instance,one mean ownts two hundred acres, a mile • tons, and from one road to the oth- er. He has ewe hundred rods of road •tel see to. The next man has a corner farm, awl peahaps bast not over a hundred acres, and in all pro- Nbability hats more road to kook after � .................0..........••••••••••••.....•.than rho larger farmer. I know At Exeter and Centralia Storehouses Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime 1111105 Mr. J. F. L. Killoran, of Seaford), has passed his final examination be- fore the Ontario Medical Counsel ni Toronto, and is now a full ftedxed medico. IRev. Mr. Cranston, of Cromarty, wag.recently somewhat bruised and disfigured by n brace fallen; and striking him in the face while he was naistinz et m barn raising. Clinton is i italing for nn all n6ght electric light service. The electric light company offer to give such a service if the 'town 1r•i1L in- stall Aix more lirhks at .a cost of of several fifty -acre farms with -twice as much road to see to as, some wire as large, .and of one -hundred -acre farms with nearly two miles of the worst road in 1 he country." Wheth- er the individual or the public mu - 'I horities should uttend to the des- truction of weeds in county roads is a moot puestion. It probably figures out that the work is not done as efficiently at private hands That money can buy also Coal for Everybody at lowest prices J. GOBBUDIGK WE'RE SUIT SELLERS as it. would be under direction of the +township council. The elan .who neglects d0 is not pursued and forced or fined and his neglect is a discour- escment •te the whole neighborhood; whereas, it tthe work were done and paid fon by council out of the gener- al 'rates welt one would sec to it 1460.00 each 'per year, that it was done properly. Certainly the weed growths on road and farm Must not bo confounded with cems are a great nuisance, which aught to mon cathartic or purgative pills. Banque Nationale 902 50,000 55.13 Carter's Little Liver Pills are eatir- hn rob rid of e 1 ely unlike them in every respect. _____•„.._____•„..One trial wil 1 prove their super-� 1 uBANK STOCK HOLDINGS You aro Suit buyers. We make the wits -you wear them out. We make them as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, you'll ilikely go somewhere else for your -next Suit. And no ono could blame iority. The chartered banks of Canada Mr. H. L. Strang 11. A.. who has }told a splendid record for the wide been principal of the Goderich Col- distribution of their shares. 1)ur- le.;iate Institute for the past 31 ill; •the past few years special effort years, was on Tuesday of last heck has been made by the board of direc- tors of many of the oinks to in- crease alio number of, the sharchold• ers :ta much as possible, the fcelinz being that a %rider distribution eat• urally means more satisfactory se- curity to the public. A unification of Ilia number of shares, number of shareholders and average holding of Canadian banks with 10,000 or more shares, shows that the Sovereign Bank of Canackt holds the record for the lowest :n•era 3e holding, 1►av- ins 873 eliareholdera for 13,000 shores making a splendid average boldin; of 14.89. The b True l rx Bank of Can- ada also have a rood showing, hav- ing 1,120 shareholders for • Q5,936 shares an nvera;e of 23.15. The Bank of Commerce hats 1 be largest number of shareholder-. of any Canadian (tank, havin.z 3,151 shareholders ;Iv c.;ainst 2,518 share- lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costa but a few cents, and a bottler of it in .111e house often saves a doctor's bill of several dol- lars. par sak in I:xctor by W. 5. I l owes . presented with a handsome set of Dickens' works and a fountain pen by the pupils and ex -pupils of the school. Lot 25, concessions 6 and 7, Grey. has been sold to Thomas Vodden, of the same township, for the sum of you. 8o much money ought to buy, f$7,100. Lot 26, concessions six and -so much Suit, worth. And Suit worth seven has also been sold to Chas. is fashionableness of fahrie-style in .and George Kerr, of IIenfryn, the Cut-tit-finish-looks--dressyness - figure being $7,300. This will give .and length of service. Kerr Bros. 400 acres of land . i13ve no equal as a prompt and As good a place as there is within positive euro for nick headache, bit- , too e alt this and not t it sto t m e Rpay lsousneas, consti(t,•Ition, pain in the side, and all liver troubles. Carter's Sup gm: aq 1 uo ;xl(J10 x,111010 Little Liver fills, Try them. Conductor Quirk, of the L. H. Jr. 11. railway 'oetween \Vinzhant :tnd London, passed bis 72nd birthday on Saturday. ile has been in the em• ploy of +the G. T. 11 for over 39 years, he is n most popular and valu- ed man. and his host of friends trust that he may be ns active for 20 years to come. Much is N. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOHN'S Merchant Tailor 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRAM Nlals S COPYRIGHTS &C. ] e ue Neetns a swat ,m6ell 1ptionwhethdY tlsventoon tt•t on Panto ants Vierinficams tOil re0,1,. A baedsomely tlfnstrated weekly. any /Argon U ilenation of entree t�,,ttUrns►. 'l ems. $1 a t/ OIL nolatry*11new arglia0 SetheMrnr, Newco Ci tt� F 8t.. Washinston, D. 0. THE CROPS pROM151NG The continued heavy rains during thc past: week have made it almoet iutpos+iblc to earner in the very heavy hay crop, too much rain 1►av- in; Callen for the successful curia.: of the crop. The rain has, however. had a beneficial! effect on felt wheat Eastern Tow•nshiIt reports now cominz itt from :111 di'- itattk 1 triols that the y'ie'ld will be about••• ••.1,:38 Bank of 10 bushels 10 the :fere. Barley ;and felon oats aro extra fine 0ith the pronli,e 1f-ilifax ... .. 7811 of a heavy crop. 1400! •().1 111 kind( Ontario (tank 512 t t912 It,n N l ( �:1 'lr 1: (' are excellent, ematoes being a soot yl cr.teniv Itanklo[ 898 crop w•it lf, treat prospect'. I'aol ores (%.orad l ! are the test ever ecru, with lots of "' ••• 1,838 cattle doing troll. Sugar beets me Banque I'rovinciale promising an abundant yield. Fruit du Canada 80'2 prospects are not so good a scarcely of apple's boner noticeable. l':_dnt i1isseit, t9 per cent ; 11e.�ie Welsh. 54; Edit h \IcKrly, 53: jIa Johnson, 52 ; .A1La11 McCurdy. 52: Chesley Evans, 52. Ite3ular class. form 1 to Porto 11. Honors, Edn•t Taylor. 74 per cent.; Hu 11 ,1rbay, 71. leis. Thomas Sanders- 67 Ter cent.; Monate SI►eerc, (i3 ; Maud Johns, 62: Mae Hawkins. ti1 ; Maurice Bottler, 60; Lea14 Hemmer, 59; Lulu Martin, 59; Edward Willis, 56; Mitchell Wil- lis 56; John 'Walker, 51 ; Ida Rowe, 51. Itecommen led on , rill, Beat tie Martin. CItED11.OX 1CIi(J t. PROMOTIONS The followin pupils were success- ful at that promotion examinations held in June. Nantes in order of merit. I't. 11 to Jr. V. M-xiiuunl 395; required to pas t00: -Lulu Redden. 315; Evelyn I1leott, 211: Eulanuel Beaver, 238 ; ,Lel )3 Dautnt, 210. Jr. 11 to Sr. sill. \laximuut 491; required to pass'2t7:-Quecnia Hod- gins, 406; Lydia Oestreicher 39.2: Iflorica 11111, 347; Francis Hill, 337; Martha Welsh, 317; Melvin+ Urowtt, 301: Sam Wein, 282 ;Edith Anderson, 272 ; Roland Mot z. 255: Ire taw rl Haist. 249. Earl Geiser, 218. Sr. II to Jr. I11. Maximum 582; required to pass 291: -Lulu Gaiser, 542; Mabel Wenzel, 172:ida Brown, Mrs. Alex Gould and little dauzh- 463; Lloyd I)an►tn, 312; Sam Prink- ter, of London, .•tad• Miss Grace. Vi- ` �. 1,eiucr, 822i j'(1;t1'I 1':a)Incr, 321; Ezra trine, 04 �litcltcll, ar^ tieitinz \T r, Now is the Time to PURCHASE Ewald, 310; \V�btinxion Rau, :30ti. Gcor.3e Brooks. Jr. III Ito Intermediate III. Max- Miss Dense Hill, of Exeter, has :te- Prices are Bound to Adva inturn 565 :.required to pass, 283:- cepted a position in the office of Pearl Treitz, 441; Nelson HAL 372; the Empire Produce Co. -Dort Hu- We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay lot lands. Roy Red,ten, 354 ; Beatrice Ife.ddcn, rot Herald. give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands, :351: Harrison Holtzmann 337; Fera Mrs. Georgo Iloaman and son .Nfr. Holtzinenn. 334, Charlie Gower. 302; Hermon /Iceman. of London, :ire $427 00 down secures 3: acres, (half section) of choice wheat 282. harry \tan;nus, 298; Alice \Iain, 8peluiins the week at Grand Bend. •V'! • This would be a great investment for YOU, Pend. Int. aril to Sr. 3rd. Maximow Tull; The above investment is without any settlement ditties tvhate required t opera. Sill: -Elsie Gainer, Mrs. (Dr.) E. R. I'ottick, of Grand 607; Lillian 1inYbiincr, .501 ; wane Forks. It. C., wlip has spent the past $383 40 Secures � acres (half section) choice wheat land to an Ocstreicher, 480; Matilda bestrcich- month here, i iftr on .Monday for • settler. No other payment required for two years, er, 480: Matilda Oestrelcher, 474; ) siladelp her Iemt., 11 icre 4he trill Ernest Appleton, 411!) ; ,Alnneda Fink- visit alt bcr former home. Pink - twiner, 382, Marry Trick, 379; Clara Mr. Thos. Handford shipped 1110 Iloltzuvann, 356. car loads of very fins horses• to Win - Jr. 1V to Sr. IV. \I:txintunt 700; nipt'; this week. These horses are required to pass 351):-Iloward lleadd for exhibition alt the \Vestrrn Pair 500 ; Pearl Gaiser. 477. Edit it 11111, there end were t aken in chi rzc"lie 419; Pearl I3issett, 438; Ervin Pah- Mr. Gilbert Dow. nor, 421 : Sylvester \Vuertle 119 ; lieu. \Vallee Ri3shy, who has been Clarissa (fill, 396; Ch•trlic 1'inkbc+i- so seriously ill for the past year, tic r, 365. haviuz td remiss' his charge al Park- hill, has now been placed by the ONE DOLLAR SAVED 1(EI'ItPi- Conference on the Indian Reserve BENTS TEN DOLLARS EARNED near Sarnia. The ,•Ivera3a man does not save to Mrs. Thornton and family, 11h° exceed ten per cent. of his earninxa, have seen spendin; a few day., with Ile musC spend nice dollars in livi!►z Mrs. Powell al Grand Bend Isere nest:+ z of \ Stewart saved..tr. end ( expenses for every dollar That 11 htr St.ltart on belts +t1►o case he cannot i,C too care- Monday eveninz, leaving for their ful about unnecesaaryexpenQes. Very home in Listottel on Tnesd:ly morn - often a few cents properly inveetc(1. 111;• 1)1.. L. L. Follick .and Miss Mabel rollick, of Si, Malys, =pent Sunday under ttlio parental roof. Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum of Crestline Ohio., is visiting her :.term, Mrs. 1i. I3uckin3h3nt Miss Aunt. Martin and grandfath- er, Mr. Jameson, are visiting frPends inlfount Forest. .Ir. Barton Ilooper, who has '3pent the past; week here has returned to his home at Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Nash, of Sarnia, vis- ited their (bushier. Mrs. Willis Powell +hik week. Miss Marion Elston, milliner a1 Parkhill, Ilan returned in herr home hero for the holidays . Case Howard, while cutting clown burdocks, had the misfortune de in- flict :t tasty .33811 across his hand. with the sickle. Messrs. Bruce Dixnan of Toronto, and Will Dixnan, of Lu(xut, spent Sunday under the parental roof, Mr. A. Wood of the staff of the Sovereign. Bank, London. is spendin; a vacation at his home here. Mrs. A. E. 13ennet•t and dau-ghter et London, have been visitins relat- ives here durinz the vast woek. POH)1 WHITE & SOUS This Will Interest Yo ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North V Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm at We hero made a number of splendid ittvestnvente fur cru clients. w' -placed orders with us for selections of Canadian Pacific and ot11 North West lands. In a number of instances valttes have increased - rapidly that our patrons could readily realize double the amount of money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented num' 'of settler's coming into the west, prices of lands of good quality situated convenient to a railway are bound to make a Mill fart largo advance. - History Repeats Itself Success often breeds jealousy, and some people who protest to 1; the land business, but who are not doing sufficient, businese to keep t employed, have made the statement that a certain gentleman who recently visited the Moat, reported that tho land which we have so various individuals in this vicinity is rough and unsuitable for w raisin;. The following latter speaks for itself. UsnoRerx, ONT., JUNE 2 Eu. 1005 RomERT E. PICKARD, E8q , Exeter, Ont.' Dear Sir. -It has come to my knowledge, that some remarks wh made, on my return home, after niy recent visit to the Northwest Terri have been misconstrued by certain individuals, who, apparently from s motives have reported, that I asserted that the land which you have s and around Fxeter, for the Canada Pacific Railway Co. is rough land, u able for wheat raising. Now in justice to yourself and myself, I woul. to state that the only land I saw which you sold is atract which you dis of to Dr.tHyndman of Exeter. and I may say that this i; a very d piece of property and splendidly adapted for wheat raising. As fo other properties you may have sold, 1 had no knowledge of them w the west. But since I have returned hotne I have learned that I w: within twenty -Rye miles of any of them, and therefore could not pt dive an opinion on then. Regretting very much that anything I may said has been used to your detriment and wishing you every •►wccessl i remain, Sincerely yours, (Signed) TEEOAtiA`? 1'Q WAR like haying r+eede for his garden, will Thu irlcerio• of 1 he rust(►Ificc hoe wive several dollar; outlay Liter of neon touch improved in appearance, the walk have been kat.soutin0d, the inner office brine, done in a pale shade of green, and the ceiling in white. Messrs Dinney and llowcliffc were I h_s decorators, 1t is 1 he aan►c in basin; Chamber - holders in t he Bank of Montreal. A compilation of the number of share- holders, number. of aharee, and ar•er- a;e holding of the powerful Can:ld- ian banks, the shares of which :Ile principally held in Canada, 15 :,s lows: Bl'LLE'f1Nti ISSUED 111"I' No. of No. Aver- Share- of are holders .Shares. Holtlins I Lulk u( Molt reel 2,.1r 18 140,000 55.59 Quebec Dank ...1,104 25.000 22.61 Bank of N. Scotia 722 20,000 27.70 Dank of Toronto... 019 :10,00:) 18.16 Molsonv (lank 9111 60,000 66.5!) THE Merchants Bank of Canada HEAD OFF iCE. MONTREAL. CAPITAL +,all paid up) RESERVE . • .. SURPLIS PROFITS...• Tiros. :PYMK, (levers) Manager 95 Branches In Canada People's Ilan kof Halifax .........534 50,1100 t'nint' Ilan kof Cana dl 9111 25,11110 Canadian Rank of Commerce .. ...3,481 171,000 iloyal Rank of C made da ... ... ... 608 :30,000 Dominion 11:1nk ... 678 010,000 \lerchants' Bank of 1 P. E. 1. ... ... ... 162 10,601 Bank of ilatnilton 653 22,365 $6,0oo,000 Standard flank of Cana(le . .. .. 153 20,000 $3,200,000 !tangos do 141. ily- .... .... 1ii,�s,1 :Ictalhe ... ...... 3116 ---- liank et 0,1 awe 165 25,000 K. F. iIERDSN. rn►peri'1 hank of 'Superintendent of Branches (:made ... .. ...1,129 '2.,,936 Snvercizn (tank of Canada . 873 13,000 Met ropolit in (tank 200 10,000 21,977 26,72:1 15,000 50,100 60,000 67,723 SAVINGS BANK 1'OI'L7'Itl' DIVISION, OTTAWA Three bulletins cont main z 11.+cful information for 1 he poultryman are heir; ieslued by the Poultry Divi- sion of the Live Stock Manch at Ottawa . Bulletin No. 7 is a rewritten owl revised addition of "Profitable Paul - 20.17 try (arrninz", (No. 0,1 amt cenl:tin.' chapters on 1, 1,cubatiou. 2, Ilrool- :41.2fi inz. :3, The Chicken 'trade. 4, Sele- 27,0►7 dila of suii,hle breed. Fr, Crate• rr oa.t.If:lt. ►nn1 chickens. ,1 rut; Chickens for Jlarket. 7, Markel inz. 32.1:1 8, Some StationWork. 11 Tis' Ezs Trade. 10, The flock. 11, feeds for 8t.11 Poultry. 112, Trap 508144. itullelin No. F, "F'armer's Poultry es.63 house", :1 pamphlet of 15 pares, treats of. the 110(4(1, location end 44- 27.71 eat ials of a poultry house for the farm and 'gives plans of seven good 13.91 poultry housoa Wed in+ Canada. Sta- tistics 1:t- 1istics of she value of poultry .in 19.31 Canada, divided into provinces, with 88.19 quantities exported, etc., err in. eluded. 65.161 Bulletin No. !1, ' Dive s"ee rind I'as_, :31.21 nsite'a of Poultry," ran •a p:' 1 9111' 1 of 15 pa 304 dcs(t ilk's the v • 64411- 11.15 (Iieease•R affect in poultry, with t1+• 1mat mein adopted I v' I+ucee.-I ill 16.1!) Poultry mea. 53.11 Any er all of 11a -se bull. tin+ top's to bad on application to 1'. ('. Elford, 21.15 Chief of Poultry division, 011.twa, Ont. 11.59 .._--....-_-- 13.60 ' - 13.66' GOOD FOil. STOMACH TH01'111,1.: E8TAi3LiSitl:l► ANI) CONSTIPATION Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings "leo you allude t o 1 h'• at►ton1o,1ik 1 "Chamberlain's 8tom (ch and Liver ns 'he' or 'she'?" Tablets have done me n trial deal Batik Accounts and Deposit Receipts. -lie,' of course." of ,good," Mays C. Towns, of itat I'or- Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- i -why of rourset•• (a;0, Ontario, Canada. "ikin z :1 Omen, to whom loans arc made on approved names, "Because tow (.f them rill sway mild physic the after effects are not Letters of Credit issued to travellers,payable in allparts of the 11Th a lx r,? h"r l wnenan in Nc1t I lar in 10:uI t and 1 cape reconm('n11 p S 1"ark the ether day." - Cee. Ni,, 1 theta to alt whn suffer froth s onrarh world. i 3'1 sin 18.i r • disord,•i." Far „1,1 in 1•:xoter toy \W. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED cirTOAss. 8 When wort a pleasant lax.-; Bearsty _Aplecool, hews QG�'f1 live tl id is easy to lake and Corr mil CREDITON :BRANCH ei t et F. B. HOLTBY, Manager. :o act, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liven Tablets. Fnr +•slat i11 1?!M'• tor ly W. S. ilooey. Mr. Will \luir of i h^ NIolson4 Bank, Waterloo, I►as Icon 4pondia; ;1 (41.0 41(•('k9 Wlealinn al his 110111e here. On tia111idtty Iasi ht' received word that he had hese transferred to a ora of the hank al 111.1-4e. tow 1i.1 tt- tow n. Iic .arcs o hitter lc th 1. t .1 part, of i he week for his new pn:•i1 ton. The zal•dt(11 party 111 rnn•Ipcl inn with the Trivit1 Memorial church on 'I'u08d,y sr•enine. L•1.: eat %tell attended not wit list attain z the t••.1her wet and cloudy heal her. The eteh- in.t tees pleasantly spent do- t hn+.e in atteorlance, Exeter lir s -s Heal! r.:1- de1.inz several selections during 1/I e1'1'11111.r. Proceeds anen In 1 1 iw • , to over $10. \i.\ItltlED AT \ very pretty w•eddins teas per- formed iit Bl. Paul's cbu10h, Resits', by the Her. Geo. C. 11111, rector, on June the 27th, at 2 o'clock. tt 1, n Misr \Villa Iiod;ins, second .11:12lit; r of Mrs. T. C. llodsin', of L'tc-n, 0111., bccanto the bride of Mi. John Hunter, of Moose Jaw, :\•-.t. Tho 1111110 w•:14 prettily nutted in 4,1100 silk, with trinunints of (Litton and ribbon, and was unattended. After the ceremony w•;11 performed the happy couple look the t•tenin.' 1fain for their house in Morose J.%. The groom iv a son of Mr. Sinton Hunter near Exeter, and is •1100,; those of our youn3 teen who have prosper(' 1 in !bat rapidly zrowin4 country. Be noir holds :t t(•ty lucrative petition in Mous, Jae. Both Mi. and Mrs Hunter have many friends in this locality who still join in wishing hem 1 still 11101e prnellerous and jnvone journey t hrou;h life. CASTORIA For Infants sad Children. Tb. KM Yoe Han Always hued Bears the Signature of It. E. Pickard has just la—turned from a ten %reeks trip flit• the West, and is prepared to make careful rotectiona of land, for t wishing to make investments. Any orders left at his residence have his best attention. See us Is•fore 1t•o leave ante fir i he \Vest. R. E. PICKARD, Frobisher, Assa. - Exeter, SOMETHING OF INTEREST JUNE BRIDES Fcr the benefit of those a to go housekeeping we placed on sale a cargo of F tore of every hind and qu- which we purpose selling special reduced prices du June month. We carry the largest stock Furniture in the cooly and quote you prices tfia cannot beaten in Ontario ROWE & ATKINSON • Furniture dealers and Funeral direct(,. t+ Heaman's Hardware ane Stove Store We sell Plymouth Binder''t'wine. Plymouth SI)ecilal feet, Silver Sheaf 600 feet and Gold Medn1 651) ft. to pot You get satisfaction and good value for your money w you LISP Plymouth Twine. Preserving Kettles Aluminum Kettles from 85e up New Blue Granite Kettles .... from .155 up A full stock of Aluminum and Granite Ware ;tlw.i); stook.