HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-06, Page 7t
4,k4• 44.4!•4..:.I}.•.I 4 41411
V rtic•al bands of lace, reaching
fr( tit heal to v.uistband, are the only
atonia, < t some exceedingly pretty
full or sun planted skirts in sheer,
soft material.
There I5 hotly (J[rr:ity tt hic•h has a
white grouted broken with groups of
tan ria and spriin.led with rosebud,
Can Obtain New Health and
Strength Through Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills.
Mr. Edgard Martel, 08 St. Peter
street, Quebec, is one of the thou -
sum's of workingmen throughout
Canada who cheerfully admit that
they are kept in health anti strength
The Conduct of Armies in the
Field Becomes More
Up till within the memory of teat-
earthrough the use of 1)r. Williams' fink file now living, cit-ilieed nations
Pills. '1'o a reporter who interviewed waged fear 'much as do euvage races
him, Mr. Martel said:—"The present at this presenl day.
condition of my health contrasts Now, of course, all this is altered.
strikingly with what it wait ninel' Modern scientific tvarfare is hedged
months ago. 'Then I felt. that I was around with as many rules and regu-
alrf i .4t at death's door, while now 1' lotions as is modern scientific foot -
am Strong and well. This happy; bell, and the same penalty is incur -
Change is emit -4 ly due to Dr. Wil- red for foul or unfair play—namely,
deter, (morning glory, chrysanthemutti linins' fink }'ills. I am a working-) ,
y ) the, stern disapprobation of the
or g'ai ganef design:;—all favorite pat- trtall, and it is little frontier that spcctaturs.
terns of the sea -on—in various col- after years of diligent toil my sys- '111e rmlirs of war were never played
ors. tem was gradually run down. 'Ily so scrupulously as thc'v aro now.
For short 'ourne'ys nothing Is Let- blood gut as thin as water, and I Even the slightest hint front one
ter than heavy linen, ',lots brown, ' grew so poorly that the leant exec-
belligerent that its opponent is not
dull l,irf , a even white. The suuirt_ ti(n would leave nae teak and trent- obs'trving the rules of war brings the
est linin-toat snit i rna►(le with a falg. I cumsulted a doctor, who
eyes of theft
'`Ural that 1 wast runt dorsa thr ou r J whole nit iliied world to
short, J ),fated skirt and a box cunt. r bard work, but his meclicime did not heal' on
Mane of i h., white ones have colored j help rme arty. A few weeks later I '1'111•; ALLI:(;F.D OFFENCE.
linen coital s tied cuffs. The thinnest was forced to quit work, and short- Should one belligerent have cause
Hilly Hilti e w(;, n ender the• loess ly after flint had to remain in bed to complain of the behav'ious of the
coati atnJ white Cate as (,r black or j uiof:t of the time. One day a fellow other, it makes a formal protest to Pally I lion} alt my mine_ are gone
tan !rather iii.s may l e worn. workman called to see me,, and in- the neutral nations, provided those I an,l I can erul►lov all my ues with
Net, enuus,•selir.e de soh., lace and + ducted Inc to try Dr. Williams' fink nations were signetorie:► at the the -best results. I cannot h't the
e;e-il folt tiered g;r,:-, }a1 t: as are being . J'il}s. Before tho econd box was Piece ('onveritiott at the Hague to opportunity pass of letting; the
us: c} for building alt s:ma: t hats, for finished I fain a bet er appetite and that lodf Public know the grt'nt googoodDocld's
ini(l.,ptrritrn('r wear, while tulle is tinct ' e owar alleged to be bruk- Kidney fills have done ate."
I)odd's Kidney Pills cure all rheu-
matic pains by removing the cause—
Uric acid in the blood, 'they put
vigor and energy in place of the
Worn Out With Chronic Kidney
Disease — The Great Canadian
Kidney Remedy Banished His
Acadia Siding. Kent Co., N. It.,
.lune 26—(Hpecittl).—Calixte Richard,
.1. P.. one of the most highly re
epecteed then in this purt of the coun-
try, has joined the great array of
those who pin their faith to Dodd's
Kidney Pills. As usual Mr. Richard
has good reasons for what he does
and lie stoics them as follows:
"I have been treublt•d with Kidney
Disease for forty years and the re-
sult was I found myself a worn nut
elan at seventy-two. But after
using two boxes of l)orld's Kidney
relished my meals, and +with this eft. Up to the present, however,
mo•'e tl iymg. its part in the trim- carne new strength. In a few weeks I there have been few complaints dur-
urin3 of (legant straw hats. was able to go out again, and in ing the ltusso-Japanese war, and
A barrel -shafted clothes hatnper is about six weeks front the time I be- even those have mostly been traced
et novelty et its kind and is more at- gin using the pills I was able to re- to the incicependent actions of a few
tractive ie outline and color th:In turn to work, my health Completely soldierq.
most members of its class. It is restored ante' my stretil;th as vigor- The presence of a sick or Wounded
trade of rattan, woven with braided 0415 as ever it had been. I attribute
straw strands in a mixture of green, my complete recovery entirely to 1)r•. soldier in a dwelling house pts its
strap' color and ren[, tliliianlar' fink Nils, nnc! I thin': protection upon it, and exempts its
The ser:litllilored gown is the late- every hard working 111-11-111(-
111111 would Ire other occupants from
ni having troops
est outgrowth. The skirts of these better for using a box of these pills quartered upon them. Commanders
the Pers
are forbidden to requisition the pro -
gowns are as correct in line and tin- oec;tSionallt'•
ash as the titiior's art can make Mr. Martc•1's advice should he taken pert.y of such occupants.
theta, while the jackets or coats are by every workingman. The only Wounded prisoners of war must be
exquisitely made, 0041 are more or tray to have health and strength issent hack to their own country as
• less elaborate. Worn over dainty to keep thn blood rich and pure, and soon as cured, on condition of not
lingerie or silk i,loases, they are bh the only way to get. rich, .streng,th returning to the seat of hostilities, the Japanese soldiers on
▪ conning and apprupi iate for almost I►r0ciri4 ing,• blond is through the use of or again bearing arms during the Before going to the
Ur. Williams'fink fills, because rest, of the tear. war they writo nn the postcard the
any occasion.
name and address of the person to
'lite embroidered collar and sleeve they ;ar.t unil49 3natke new blood. 1)r. POI».ON FROIilltITEI), whom they wish the information
trimming of linen or other wash 3110- Williams' 'ink ('ills make tired, Amor.g other thine's prohibited are their death to be sc'tlt. I to c of
worn out Men and women vigorous the employment of poisonor of n case o -
tenial upon frocks of wool or Dili; I I j dearth on the. field of battle the pest-
is one of the season's fads, and an- and strong. Sold by all nlr•ciicine, poisoned arms or projectiles, or of cards are stamped wi' I1 the seal of
other fad is the use of velvet collars dealer's, or sent by mail at 5o cents "arty nt'1tls. projectiles, or material the regiment certifying tho death of
upon linen and other tub materials, a box or six boxes for $2 ,O, by of a nature to cause. superfluous in- the bearer, and are scat to Japan.
lending thein '1v es to a tailor linis-li. ''t•iting The llr. Williams Medicine
Skirts grow wider and wider. Even
(�c' ' Brockville, Ont.,
the moderate ones ttre now sit least
five yards around the heal, while L1tRCI'S'I' HOSPITAL.
richt are not too many to be con-
sidered fiyr skirt s of thin material. Berlin will shortly be able to boast
Materials have to he cut into many that it contains the largest hospital
gores to make this great width pow in 1.1:e world. The new institution,
9il.le. As a con eopwnce, perhaps, or, which is t0 be called after rho fa in -
at feast, a C01111icll::at1o11. sklr•te ore
trilnini'il hardly at all except those
of elaborate co -'stamen. The hear ap-
pears on nearlyall the newsstaila:•-
meth? and denlltoilet skirts.
A not el waist of white Japanese
rri1k has a Shoulder band extending
(,ver the sleeve tops of fine tucks.
Turks tinct make a front panel. The
r+.hoirlcii'r handy are bordered with an
elaborate lare insertion which aiso
edges; the front panel of tucks and
curtest at each side in Otero effect.
A vet lien] band of the lace, ending in coinmodntiorl for 2,600 patients. The
a whimsical curl. trims each sleeve. sire of the new Berlin hospital May
Stocks; rind cults are trade of the he best shown V, '"it cumtpared with
15,000 Reward will be paid by
Leve» Brothers
iimlted, Toronto, to any person who
:an prove that this soap contains
my form of adulteration whatsoever,
sr contains any injurious chemicals.
Ask far thn eeetaree liar. ss
To California and Lewis and
Clarke Exposition, Port-
land, Oregon.
A personally conuucted excursion
to the Pacific coast via the Grand
not mixed with sweepings, dust or refuse, but the
o$oIrsPa lirov�GE- Lola .411.11723
carefully selected, manufactured and packed in lead to •
That's why you went
Statistics have recently been col-
lected of the height of 10,000 Eng-
lish boyar and mer'. At the age of
seventeen these averaged 51t. Kin.;
at the age of twenty-two, Mt. gin.
'Trunk Railway System and connect- At seventeen they weighed 142 lbs.;
ing lines lathes Quebec July 5, and at twenty' -two, 153 iba1. No nation
lfunireea! and Toronto .July tJ, 'Tito is inniensing in height and weight so
routs will be via Chicago, thence
rapidly as the British. In fifty years
t}troua.•h Council Minis to Omaha. the average has gone, up for the
Denver and Colorado Sprin_;s. Stops whole nation front Mt. 7+jir1. to ,'aft.
will be trade at Nob of these p:aces
and nide trips taken to Manitou,
Cripple Creek, Carden of the Cody,
etc. From there the party will con-
tinue through the famous scenic
route of the Denner and Ilio Grande,
through the Royal Gorge to Salt
Lake ('ity, thenar to Ieis Angeles,
San Francisco, Mt. Shasta. Port-
land, Oregon, .cattle, Spokane, and
home through St. Paul and Minnea-
polis. The trip will occupy about
thirty days, ten days being spent uu
the Pacific coast.
POSTCARDS IN BATTLE. The price for the round trip, in-
cludine; railroad faire, Pullman tour-
A►collector of postcards in St. ist sleeping cars, all meals in the
Petersburg states that all the sold- dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is "Does your wife insist on ha-: ing;
i(rinwi the
panese army aro sup- El6i 5.50 from Quebec, cr $160.50 the last word?" said the man who
pliedvery peculiar postcards. from Montreal and $150.00 trout asks impertinent questions.
'l'}tese ('11(1ls are surrounded with an 'Toronto. '['his first trip is designed "Certainly
artistic mourning border, printed as a vacation trip fur teachets,g al- Mcektonfhec�doesn't t have (l to lin-
ou a piece of white silk, and are though many who are not teachers sist."
worn byh e J will improve the (pportuttity of tak-
ing chests. in the trip pat the re,n►arkably low
price afforded.
["or full particulars address E. C.
Bowler, General Agent and (:induc-
tor, Room 308, Union Station, 'To-
Hain- The average height of the Bri-
tish upper clatsSeii at thirty years of
age is rift. R;in.; of the farm laborer,
511. ? :t -sin. The criminal class
brings down the average, as their
height i5 but 5ft. 5 4-51n,
Pleasures aro all the keener for
rare indulgence.—Juvenal.
Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. 1 Clew' sat Ca,ritassal Moves cleaner
1 t reriec►t•ed ten corns from one pair of �' am by frost. to for ea Sas bobs tplaoe V
feet °rice at all pain. What it has BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Cor
duce once it will (fu egoist.
'1'111: LAST WORh.
It is also unlawful for a comman-
der to issue an oder that no quar-
ter is to be given; nor may any
town, fortre-vs;' or other place t,e giv-
en over to pillage, even when taken
be assault.
Moreover, on enemy, having; sur-
rendered, or laid down his arms,
oils p111 sic iugist, the Rudolf Virchow must not be killed or wounded. Nor
Hospital, 11,:: he. fitted with acconn- is It. permissible to hill or wound
modati011 for 2,000 patients. When treacherously iiirlividuals belonging
fully- erluip 1rtl it. will have a stall to the host ile nation or army, even
of ti.,i► physicians, nurses, attendants although these may be underarms
and servants. In connection with b y n
the hospital there will be a pa Undo- at the time.
glee! and anatomical laboratory;
11i''king,� fm[pra[pc'r use of a Rag of
Lath house with m0dicn-1114truce, or any other ensign or banner,
institute, section for Rontg;e'n appli_' or dressing in the enemy's; uniform in
sacs-, and n s:cpurttln building
Also) order to r'ec'eive the said enemy, is
for apothecaries. Hitherto the tang;- also barred; and commanders must
est- German hospital was that et not nt tack or bombard towns, vi] -
Eppendorf, near Hamburg, with ac- `tat , 1ta11itnticate or building;• which
arc not dr-fendecl.
Tho use of email -arm projectiles,
"which expand or flatten easily in
the heini n body, such as bullets with
at hard envelope, which dues not en-
tirely cover the cure, or is pierced
with incisions," was prohibited at
the Peace Convcntron at 'I he Hague
in 1899.
lint to this the rel►ress'ntatives of
(=rent lirititirn would net agree, as-
serting that the Inc of the "dum-
dum" bullet—against which the
clause was oht•ions;ly aimed—was es-
t --canal for the safety of civilized
lroons7 waging war against. savnee'
races, such as our soldiers had fre-
quently to encounter.
Neither tt'oiihl we use, nt to the.
(lenses prohibiting the dropping of
explosives frorn balloons, and making
it unlawful to fire (1t an enemy pro-
jectiles charged with a'-J►hyxiatittg or
deleterious i_ aegis.
No exception was, however, taken
by UR, or nny other nal ion, to the
very stringent regtilatiomi adopted
asp reearels shies, Formerly (twee tin-
fortur.atei: got exceedingly short
shrift, and even among humane corft-
mndet's, t hat but little care wns
talon 1" 7.111 the (11:1(' 1'8 against volume of water horn the nostril').
the Lon(lon Ilospital, with 7S1)
One 100,8 plenty of sh;'pherd's Plaid hods, and the Marylebone Infirmary,
traveling gowns, and very cool and with 714.
appropriate they seem. Somehow ________♦
1h•s.' gowns, made with short, DANGEROUS DIARRHOEA,
plaited skirts and Quirt teolero jnc:k-
et8, 14e004 exactly the rigll'4 thins; for
the wont, n 44110 is at her best in a
Mann k.41 1inen ;shirt ttnist. 'I'It.e ttvo
types are 141i'.e 'ervie. moo. practical Children are more likely to be at.
tool c'• a:t. Wit ,h a fie -'':ed suit., tacked by diarrhoea during the sunf-
nre 41 ,e t) :•. ids Ileek belts of leather tiler mom hs than at any other :e'a-
sur•,e1•, sure..., nit') nous gilt or brass son. It iia one of the most dans'er-
ucklrs• 041.5: symptoms of illness 111 a child of
The nuc!: scarfs are both longer any nee. But it should be renieern-
and hioader than those worn last Leered that diarrhoea i:, ,a 1;v1illpt1:m,
yeur, rind Chet lncans that they will not rt disease. Neter try to Stop
be very oroncl, flicked, for last ion- ilia r►hoist, lx'calrse it 1s an effort of
Aon the nearly covered the front of nature to cleanse the bowels nrt(1 get
the waist. With the, plaited n•(tt'.t, rid of the dernycd fou(1-st4Ts in
of course, there is nothing $1:Int•te•r theta. Diarrhoea is bad—but things
that) pique or plain /inert stock or would he worse for the child if diar-
four•-in -band, nnc' the e e are too in- rlie,e a didn't (orae. While ii mother
expensive its the shops to he trottlpled tho11l(1 1)'ter try to 9t up diarrhoea,
about at horde, but it is wise to she '.hnithl stop the rause. I►iar•rhoea
look fo t he fit of thorn, for it of the iv a se n{;ton of intligestion hiving
t.trnir1let sort, that is, if not c41l'%'ed set up decay in the food that is in
to lit this neck at the lower edge, the bowels, and the wily to cure it is
they n re sure to prove misfits foul bit, to (learnse the little tender bowels
most unsatisfactory. with 11aby's onn Tablets. It wolfld
9('4.4:4 et ranee to trent diarrhoea with
n In\eitlye, if we didn't •rwm.lrlber NOW, hottev01', no spy, even al-
t h • cause of it. Both diarrhoea and thoueh t :At 0 in the net , may be rot e-
roestigatie:ll rine the results of incli- 011( 11 withot't fair and proper trial;
g;esti(n assuming di0ereet fo:atis, and and a s;►y t••hn, after rejoining the
of '1'urk(ey is n veritable furtre',s, both n re cured by }1aby's (hen Tab- ersny to which he belongs, is sluhse-
concisting; of a srettll chamber sit- leis. [rut. the Tablets
usated to the right of the gre1111)4' (n are tIlOt(, than fluently ('4)'e4 ire,1, ))c(-(►_rr('9 (l prisoner
t l(4(I and is; guarded of the
b49 barred n mere inxntite. 'Ih,;v ar' absolutely 0f aar', nntl ciennot h0 punished for
A ep(cil11' for all the 11::11)1• 1)1:; that his itrevitu's 8(•49 of espit nage.
Is intl088 and nit armor' -plated door.
• come to inf.lutti fn,! ; o:an!; children,
The ('41(14 officiate 11nrkr the ever- whether --♦
Watchful et e• ref the• lelnrdjhi baclpi, n nett born ni",ne ora boy or
one of the must a' h('y (ietetioa►lr-!Rini ten or t.wllve t,•:,r,: 1(ete'N a 'I'Itl:.1'1'Aflt\"I' OI' n:1'1'11'ia.
fes in 1'itdi� Palace at Constantino -1 hit r f ',roof. Airs. Co,• 1fe(lregor,
file, for the hln1t11 the -eery life. evert! }Ta mill on, flit., sats: —• .darn soy
of the ruler is at his iner(etr 1 •
1►abe was teethieig he had diarrhoea,
Prevalent in SU/timer Months —
What a Mother Should Do.
ST'T:l'AN'S h1'1'('![T•:.J,
The private kitchen of the Sultan
A Sour Stomau•..t and a Sour Temper
travel bawl -in -hand and are precursors;
of i, ental andphysical wreck. Nines
hundred and ninety-nine times, in a
thousand four ferment (indigestion)
the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple
Tulel,-t,: keels the stomach sweet —aid
digestion—keep the nerve centres wc11
balanced -1 hey're nature's pann('e•a—
plensai.t and harmless. :15 cents. -8b
A Forinidable List During the
Last Few Years.
What n Strange beim the man must
be who has the ambition to be a
high 1(u'=siai (Alicia'; it almost svert411
like signing{ one's own death war-
rant to accept a portfolio in present
Dropsy 1s Ono Positive Sign of Kid-
ney Diaeaso —ilave you any of these
unmistakable signs? Puffiness uncle'
the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothering
feeling? Change of the character of the
During June, July, August and
September the Chicago and North
Western lty. will sell. from Chicago.
round trip excursion tickets to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Por tland,
Ore. (kiwis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
o-attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
low rates. Correspondingly cheap
fares frorn all points in Canada.
Choice of routes, hest of train ser-
vice, fuvornl,le 5:tor►orer•s .arad liberal
urine? Exhaustion after (east cxer- return limits. hales, folders and
tion'! If you have there's dropsical full information can be obtained
tencfeucy unn you shouldn't delay an from 11. 11. Bennett., Cen4'ra1 Ag;t'nt,
hour to putting yourself under the great 2 Est King St., Toronto, Ont, 3.1
South A uterrca,► Kidney Cure. -80
"Didn't your new hart. conic home?"
"Nor The impudent milliner said
she wanted an advance on it. And I
time's 7 he. (:ove•rnor of itail:u was told her to keep her old hat.,"
recently' assassinated by n bomb; and
lltat'S right, my dear. That's
the proper spirit!"
appa•remy!y bomb-t!wow ing has be -
"What diel papa say?" "Ile draw- curve quite a usual occurrence. I
ed toe the, door." "And what (!id was looking over in a stews;ea[per a
you say?' "1 said it was certainly list of the high officials assassinated
a very handsome door, but not what during the last few years ;writes T.
I had conte to talk about. '1'itat 1'. O't'oenvr. }fore it is; it is a
made him rough, and a minute later formidable ar;d dr('aCful lig
you were mint'." AI. I'ogolieptf, %ficister of 1•:(fuca.-
ticn, by Karpovich. lifter the Univer-
Ur. .l. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial 11f, SipiagiIl, 'Minister of the In-
n, pregrureat from `'rugs known to the
J,rules.ion as thoroughly reliable for the ti•rior, spy 11a1masheefT, April 15th,
cure of cholera, dysentery, ,lutrrhoea, 1902.
gni ping; p;tiuy and Funt►ner cuu►plaintsi. e
Il pun hen used Successfully by riieilicul ('(neem) 13ogcl;tnnf•ic•h, Got ernnr of
practitioners for a number of .e:art Ufa, after a sn;issacre of strikers,
with gratifying results If suffering Aitiv I!!, If)0:1.
(rola Any sunirncr complaint it :s )est
the medicine that will cure you. '1 ►? ,t (er•ner;;lthIluhrikoiT, (:(►vcrnnr of
bottle. It It Fells for 25 cents. land, try E igen tichatILlann, dune
f-- 1711i. 14)04,
UNWIELDY HIPPOPOTAMI. Vice -Governor of Fli.al,ethpol,
'1'ras,scaclrasia, .1111y, 10(1.1.
They Thrive Mightily in Central M. 1'lehve, Minister of the Tnterio••,
African Marshes. assassinated ty n'ea1ns of a hn45!, ay
he was proreed411 ., to have all 011(li-
"In the channels which traverse (•ace n 11Jt the ('zar•, July 2Rth, 1:10.1.
the marshes of certain (115tricte in 1.1(111.-t'ol. l)0gu51ays1.;y, thief Ad -
Central Africa," writes a traveller, rninist1':1t or 0( the Surlunrin district
"hippo J.ottamrl in incredible numbers of the Caucasus, August. 11)04,
are 0i('t with—trctntetiu449 in herds Grnnd- 14tike Syrians. ltl!e•1 1.v a
of sixty and seventy. Wherever the bomb at A ascow, February 17th.
channel widens out into a reedy bike 144115.
rows of grotesque -looking }wady, Arn(nest those an 1Cliort) attempts
with ears erect, appear above the have been ulnae. in sortie epee( in-
wate'r surface, their owners studying volving Serious injury, are 1t. l'ol►ire-
the extraordinary apparition pro- Bonr,steeff. 1'rOcl reitor of the iieely
ductal by the steamer. On ap;oonch- Syr,()d. March 1901; General Wahl,
ing the Spot thew head" disappear Coverless of Vilna, May. 14)02: I'rinee
one niter the other under water, and Ol.olrnski, Gov('rr(pr of tihar!:oll,
a series of waves and large ripples August, 19112: M. 13rsseona,fl' Chief of
indicate the passage of the, r.tunster Polite. at Ebert:ten 9:1010 thee; Prince
formai below the sur/acs'. After a Ger}it'In, (;ove000r-(4rne'rn1 (1 the
few tuinut4sl' timme the same hug ('a114115us, October, 1911:3; M. Metleen-
heeads appear, generally dont-stream k0, Chief of Poiice at Gr•o:lno, No -
of the heat. They have another vemiscr, 1 4103; Chief of Warsaw Po -
titer(' and again disappear, with a lice, March, 14)05; Governor of War-
saw, May, 11105.
Things Happen.
snort and the oxpulsion of a small
suspected in ht lihreiss.
Not infrequently a severe birnp is
felt in the steamer, Snaking the %%hole
brit) quiver, as the bark of a hippo-
p(taittllA seeking to escape 1)419 touch-
ed it.
.'11 the water r.hould happen to be
shallow the attempts of these nni-
male to hide thurnsc'1.es are luelicrons►
as their movements are clumsy and
their anger rind fear are evident. In
such cases their Beasts: and the fore -
from the hohu' of the famous
"Keyhtl(dI Keeeyartah of Cartersville,"
away flown South, (41)('9 an enthu-
eilt'.tie letter about 1'ostum,
44((8 in very delicate health, suf-
fering from indigestion and n ner'v-
ouS t rouhle fro severe t hnt I could
hardly sleep. The dotter or(ler(,l
parts of f h••ir bodies are ostler wafer. 1110 10 discontinue the use of the old
New Zeai0nd has given n l.' —.oil to End nothing is se(n but the huge t►irik kind of eufTu',•, nhiclt was) Jt.' k7(►'C
t pa worPl irl ;iti treat n to of thje hints quarters, strunnliitg;, kicking to tae, producing such extreme dis;-
%tor i. The t: v '
r churning in the effort
r Wns very cross nod dirt not 51-01) (p (111.111 nt lifter •10 shut tin up fee
tinter t} ff trlrhalnc(? that I could not control
11 hen cooked, each dish is fuste:t(vl;ibuno-W.1e 'ear,• hurt b,ern cuncbtde(1, to gent. out of siLht. Allllou'h Iheit
ttitll rrd star, hraring th0 ultiei:tl well. 1 este hirci I{ah}'s (tuft 'i'n'n 1 myself. Blit such woe my love for Pleasant ay rr;rul nothing equals it
preeerted th(e hind.; to hi?1 looked une'olith s'.ttttr' Inrtr 110 '.441.19, watch -as n IPorrr1 rncotctne; 14ee nnrnl'1is Mo
real 4,f th0 k.•Inr(lihf, nrid remains ' 1'•1`'• 'Ind, !her' wit', ro rnor'e t ,;tubi e. !niter hiim, edur•itretl harm, hone►r•ed ed from sitr;lnur if it �t f hat 1 co+rid not Vet tnv graft c(tn-
refit •t teeny (•1091(1 1111) 41 the :.,vols 1 11044• aways g:it', bite the l atitil s a a vr;-v dif- .,.nt to give 't ; f • . they (:rias'- float l:ttcnnittwtor. The
4 a respect. c i worm (cs, roger ofthe age.
heraro ►'., 1'11 In the It tail 1 111t'n one 11 ter► 4t' lrrly arty little � and eared (?:"1'rtt mat if the (,boe'1'ter is 111 t� It T
! illi Il nt, (111,1
A Pill for Generous Paters.—There aro
many persons of healthy appetite ant'
poor digestion who, after a hearty renal
are subject to much suffering. '1'1ie
food of which they have partaken lies
like lead in their stomachs. Headache,
depression. a smothering leeltrig f(rrow.
One so afflicted t': unfit for business err
wof k of any 1,144 4. In this condition
1'arinelee's \'eg,•talai: filly Will bring
relief. They will assist the assiuiilatior.
of the ailment, and used according to
direction will restore healthy digestion.
"Is this the best claret, Murphy?"
asked the Irishman of his butler.
"It is not, sort," was the answer,
"but it's the best ye've got."
Havo You a Skin Dreeoaset--Tetter,
Ault Rheum, Scald tread, Ringworm,
Eczema, Itch, Barber's Itch, Ulcers,
Blotches, Chronic Erysipelas, Liver
soots, l'rur•igo, 1'sorrasir, or other tleorge I.etcis, Shamokin, Pu. 11., says:—
eruptions of the skin—what Dr. Ag- "I look upon my cure as a miracle."
nen' s (401lnent has done for e,therx it
IL relieves In ten minutes.—at/
"What I admire about. Itojes;tyen-
sky," said one Itaissialt officer, "is
his reckless bravery." "Iteckless
bravery?" "Yes; in short ing; him-
self to get into the satne ocean with
the Japa1l1('S ."
(good Digestion Should Wait on Appe-
tite.—To have the stouln.,1 welI is to
have the nervous system well. ♦ cry
delicate are the digestive organs. in
some Oto s('n1itil(' are they that 14111 0s-
phei is chitngcs ufrec1, them. 1Che:e they
tern a disarranged '10 1.0:'11. ►e'r;•r•ate r
is pi ()curable tli,u, 1'armelee's Vc,;_li„tsar
Pills. They will assist the ciige.i.,..,• ..►
that the hearty eater will suffer no In-
convetuenc'e and will derive all the bene-
Lls c11 his food.
Joh:inle—-"Mauttma, this book says
knowledge is power." 1.latnnfa—
"And it is, my child.” Johnnlie—
''tio, 1511 111111a, it isn't. 1 know
there is pie in the pantry, but I
rant get it.'
Eighty Yoars O!d -. Catarrh
Years. Ur. Agncw's Catarrhal Powder
cores hire. Want any stronger evidence
of the power of this wonderful remedy
over this universal disease? Want the
truth of the case confirmed? Write
can do for you—cure you. One applica-
Oen gives reliei. 35 cents. -87
A elisions direction was left in the
will of the. late Mr. ti,. 1'f. AfiiiItWar-
ing, of Carlton. in the Colony of Vic-
toria. '1 he property is to he divided
into six equal parte and numbered. 4180 'e111 to build a stable ur
Niel:her'e corresponding to the }tor- thing.,•
tions are to be !tarred in envelopes,
which are to be drawn from a box
by the t• stator's six children. Each
one will retain the portion of the
estate corresponding with the num-
ber (keen in the envelope.
"The ancient. Chaldeans," observed
the. professor, "used to write their
letters on bricks." "And a gond
idea, too," chimed in practical Mr.
(:ral►ull. "'Phan, wit. n a girl anent a
fellow's letters back to him he could
501110 -
Lever'• Y-1. (Wine Head) Tl{sir►frct-
ant soap Powder dusted in th•
bath, softens the water and disin-
Outside Portland Prison. England,
is St. Peter's Church, which is listed
by the public arta' fete constructed by
convicts, it is the only edifice in
Greet Britain that cuts lay claim to
this dist inet ion. 1t is attended
mainly by the ollicere of the prison
and the military Stat1'en 111 the
feighhnrhood at Verne ('itadel, the.
highest. point in the isela11[, although
those who live near may go there if
they wish.
t) 1 1 J 11,'1 accorded him r[ t 1 1 f !ti c i u p o1 1.01140 tl►nee 1(1441 grctt4 t w� f t
r It k .
BMA it I'll'I;�,
1.+1 his 11 •11th In tl1 New
'/. 1(4)1(1 a crinnee eon tau, ( o stir 01, till int• f(4411111 one
sencr nig \lnj0s;ty•ti lift 19 p.,Fs:.,t h( is tittuit 1►c(tct. 11t (hist s. astir, a u, n smell boat. Tin his day lerotff•1h4 home a J•a('1•:ate 0f 1'09-
frl n lent; r-orlli of elaborate parliament there are several Maori position is eine of consid„able tutu food l'o:lac.
pre- 1111 nulthe's' Sho'dB be ttithe,►at. I{nbv's:
p J ,• V
cant►e ns. rl pt, ever, in spite of the en%n 7 ai.lets in Ilio... rnlrcr. , in f he New /4 alnn4! Cabin- dattg;cr, ns he fitters n f ery good
homes VolYo('• • et there is n hati-c,t'to, tt•hile the' thane( 4,f 1ir11tg7 up:•et.
,' dealers c, 1
erre' be takes ef his health. A1,,111 1 therm at n,rdfc-i .1 i
• .. 10Water ofn11these chan-
n 1 '1 \Tnori king hen n seal
in 0 nl`o in "Asa t1 1
ilnfttid, eller n reign (f ttcenty ti,e r nil nal -, cents+ n hos by aver'' - deee
}carts:, looks {prenuatittof . ti rind the 11r•. N\ Mimes' Medicine y ( f the rBOcat• d Maori is nnvwh�elee nets ewarmsl with cr•oc•utlib s s:feh a
eonting�•encv is not phea':Trrt fo con -I e e rgtil til
The natives are fully alive Britt',. I To my taste the‘ addition of
rmount eiesi of Corsica. FnOish brae of the creat rnnmmuls. Tho
(s 1 tr d finding I
their dugrnft cr►n4;CR ill,0 fire t road •.lit• h-altIt I e ••,•; t i seems to wear well.
9rr•: al►.sa in estrrl with hif�[tn[v''n•ftiT 90(14 al the Brag{ 01i0rt of th old hrnyerrt 90ttfetthsit difficult for the
broken. Itis weakness: Is extreme and, 11:o.kti::,', (pit t)•e 1114(1 eIe'(I,e byres re,;ard.B ns the.
.412 botlty so thin Gott it is little
equal of file l'rtr elrt.
more than n skeleton.
♦ '1•1!e' ' 1asi! son of a el;•re3 mail who
11)11 WOT1'1'I4 •fill' GETTING. ten» noted for his: ti eagle. -l' I)ic►ns
overheard two friends of his fur her
The Speakership of the ilrit1-14 saying how dry they were nael how
House of Commons is n good jute. hard it was to keep awake dttriin
With his salary of $25,000 a year, them. The fallowing,• Su11!r%, while
it carries the 11Se of a magnificent re- the minister twee preaching, he was
t,idence in the Palace of Westminster,, nst(unde4I to 5484 his sun throwing
nverloeking the Thames, and t'arione pebbles at the congregati(1n. The
niloeances, pergtlisitON, nn(1 prer'gn 4-legvnrai frotcned Angrily nt hint,
tiv4•5. Anil when the holder retires, 1 when the boy piped (til 111 o clear
or is retired, he drops 1040 a corn- + tre!de voice:
forttiblo pension 0f $20,000 a year "it's all right . pop. Von go ou
for the ri-mnlnder e•i his hie And a preaching; 111 keep thein nwitke "
peerage 11 in. C idly, the S1',.nker l
' u110 linq just retired—at grandson, byf He (after the ceremony) --"[to y01l
%the Any. (f n boxing; a8prrt. book -i really think 1 shall make n good
ppinker. null 1)ertiy winner ce•tebrntle4l mate, derling'1'' Sh(--"(►h, you're
in his day' --now enters uplift the rn- all right! Ilow do you like your
jnymeent of these pleasant *•ltinbs, captain?"
A us1:1•'1'1. Nil 11111:It.
.. r nr+ en -called briar pipe iv not
i hail the new food drink careful- ninny of hrinr at all, tint trout the
nt(ec). '1'hisl 49 onto (f tl,e c•h1n'ch09
Retrieves all hard soft or calloused
Jumps and blemishes from horses, blood
eparin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, rsliflles, sprains, sora and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Savo ISO
by use of one hottle. Warranted lhs
most wonderful Dlemif h Cures etre
"I feel very ill this morning, main -
ma." "111 enough to go to bed?'s
"•1u -o. mamma." "1%'('11, how ill do
yon feel." "About queer cito'tgh
to stay away from school!"
Pains, Like the Torr, Are Always
With ,Us —'Treat portion of ruan'y 11fs
which is not meds up of pleasure is
largely curnpot,ed of pe.30, and to be
free from pain i, a pleasure. Simple
remedies are always then hest In treat-
ing bodily Lenin, and a safe, sure and
simple remedy 1r Dr. 'i'honins' 1•:rlertric
Oil. You cannot du wrong in giving tt
as trial w:►e0 required.
01•" W'I 1 A 1.1 •:11 O N [ :,
A curious memento of (he %%lolling
i1411180y of Monterey, le Mloxiro, re-
mains in the }►avetncnt lending up
from the street to the meet door of
the chore)) of aan Unl'los 11e i)orro-
ly preJ►ar('41 according to direr'tionsre root (f n particular kine[ of heather, fouftded spy the Spanish fnissioftnr
11(1 t;aye It a fair trial. It proved y
to have called 111 French br11Vel,', which fathers(, find 18 still 111 excelle it re-
n rich flavor and trade a grow - (II the hill -Ades of the Tuscan pair. 'Hie round, mushroom -like ob.
heal( h;• wholesome and delightful f Alps in North itnly and on the )sets in the pavement, are the ;'erre.
to thio risk nisi never Ceeter'e in scream great i•mprot es 't.
n esmtcn, ins ing 1 he correct word lineament is in good condition and
f /, n o improve 59
but invariably keep t0 flu' shallow ! e (t cot- }•'nglrsh tongue to pronounce, ry duc-
fee Wrto reins ed nn'l the Haunts. ed it to hrinr net in .this way the
end ntrroty itrnnch.es on either side • ('0114.., hn(1 time to 111014(' 119 intlupnr0
of the n;rtin rit0r " corruption crept in, and was eslnb-
felt. My nervone t roehles were
L �I1LJ11tA111.1„ t ate from my pillow this wood, Iwhen
nlwr►.vs crate to 8etoth0 nrtt strcn *- n g
tt1►0(7(3114• r.' 1' f (d 811(1 1114• rt'n�u by {'(i 11114r ti'ny;r. Oi igin8114'
sleep which 5trik5 p1 ncnnta tend,. $null-i;oee9 of
the old
cu ee Ir t •,
t 1 hr n 111,' 111t (•r 1 1180 (lrrlr►k 1'(191 nnr–
An Tang;lisp tourist, a►hlie real jag aa4 ;11
w,ll'Sfdel inn (n n 81101t0•'r day in a %e•t v steal five 4 tu•g,•en to sleep
in (;nlway, sate nn 1t•:shmt:ln (living; bet 1, than 1 had for ccnrs before, i
n horse so thin that it staggered its }Ta' a 1)0'f' 11F, (1 1.0,1112:1 ('than, for
it walked. isevernl pelts and like it better and
"Why dont you put more flesh on roll it more i0l 4•:'cin' Phan win n 1
t!►, t nae?" the tourist ex( 1113171'd iii; first 14184.11 it is nn rfn4p►eakal►!e
;Bolant ly }Joe to he reheated of the o'(I di.t rise
-Mere, is it?" ties 1'rishrnn1) nn-' and sir! il(tsr,'' Marne given t,v 1'o:t-
911('le(l. "11hy, by the powers' (tun'( 1unn ('olmptine•, flat lit t'reek 11
Uo yolt catch cold easily t
Does the cold hang on ? Try
our , and s tit; -t lin hr►- •1 — L 9
canes unfashionable the peasntit si
turns (1 their nr to making Consumption
pipes from 1110 root, a fad found A
ready afar i,et for therm. ���� The Lung
"My dear fricn(l, 1 must ask yon Toni*
to lend me nt once $5; I have left It cvrc4 tho most stttbtorn kind
11149 geatrse nt home and haven't a of coughs and colds. It it
cent in my pocket'" "I can't lents doesn't care you, your moneyyou $5 just now. but can put 3/0,,1 will bo refunded.
irh. to 'the way of getting the money tit Prins: E. C. Warne Sc Co. 303
you see thnt the poor rreatery crtn "There's n reaec.fl. ()prey" "1nu nre extremely kind:* /Se. See. $1 LeRoy, N.Y.,Terento.Csa.
tinnily rerry a' hat l;ttle there 13 on' trend the little, hook. "The Road "I fern's fivr' cents; ride home and --
him non?'' ' to ti'elivfll.. ,k in cath
' { g. fetch your purse•",
ISSUE NO. 118--052