HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-06, Page 6i
•+iii-o+st 4-144-1414 14-11-1 ft 4 HI s44-sta-witilitii
11 His Favorite Niece ;
4444-1-1-1-1-14-14-14-14-1-11-1-1.4. 4-144-1-1-144-!14-1-1-14,44147-1.
CiIAPTI•:dt XXXIX —(Continued•) assured himself that it was better
father and daughter had nut stet.
'!'hero could have been nothing plea-
sant in the words they would havo
exchanged; there would have been no
real affection. Yet he had a linger-
ing, half-t)ttperstiliou9 wish that the
terrible curse Martin Hay had hurled
at Leah when they parted heed been
taken back.
"I um too late!" sobbed Leah.
"Oh, Bettie, if 1 had but srpo!ecn to
The dull, laden hours passed on.
Ile had no strength; for many hours
he had taken no iii irtsluuent. Hu
called Bettie to hint.
"Does o righteous man's blessing
ever do any good?" he asked, in a
thick, hoarse whisper.
"Yea," she answered.
<There was no time to atop and
think, with those dying eyes fixed ori
her face.
"Then a bud roan's curse must do him once? I have often thought of
' learn,!" he - Wed; and Nettie had him, often been sorry; and now 1 ata
no unewer for him. too late! '!'ell ate if ho spoke about
'1 he evening deepened, silence crept me. if he said anything, it ho wished
over the land,- and the shadow of to r.ee lire'? Ile was my own father.
death grew darker over the cottage. . after all.
The grin( king had drawn ono step Sir Arthur withdrew, signing to
nearer. and Martin Ray had gather- the women to follow him. It was
ed n!l his energies) together to do butter to leave the sisters alone with
battle with hire. Ile spoke to hien'- their dead.
self, not to 'fettle. An hour afterward, when he went
"I will not die until I have seen back, ho found them locked in each
Leah. What is it I Have laid upon other's amts, end he vowed to him -
her? Something heavy, and black, self that they should not be parted
and Litter. I must take it off. I again. ])cath had softened his heart
will out die until sho comes." and had inclined it to the fair and
In this the hour of her distress, devoted child of his dead sister. 110
friends and neighbors were good to resolved that, if she would, she
Bettie. She n•as never left alone. should come away with him, and
But Martin Ray would havo no leave him no more.
strange women in his room -no nurs-
es, no friendly helpers for him; and CHAPTER XL.
he gave no thought to the terror Tenth )ins a majesty of its own;
this world f
that his lonely child must feel.l from him and nal General Sir Arthur Hatton, who
the light of another grew clearer to had shown scant courtesy to Martin
hien, ho saw more distinctly the face Ray when alive, who had indeed de -
of his lost daughter. tested him, now that he was dead,
"Leah," he cried, incessantly. showed duo honor and respect to his
"Leah, I want you Leah, coma to memory. Ho remained at the cot -
me! Leuh, I cannot die! 0, Heaven tage with Leah and Bettie, ho nt-
I cannot die!" tended the funeral, and then the
Bettie had borne so much thatshe little council was held which decided
did not even cry out when he turned the fate of so many. ing the sisters to finish the debate -^
his c.n ry despairing. dying '!'here was no sensation when the alone. When he heti gear-. golden -
I reg, taco to quiet funeral procession wouml its � haired Nettie went u , to her stately Ellllcl'P NOTES.
hers and said,- p 1
"Whydiel way clown tho green hill to the pretty sister. Shoop greatly improve land when
you not go? Since one
must leave -me, why did gochurchyard. Few knew that th3 " Oh, Leah." she cried!. "is tL^re too many are not kept on an acro.
and leave her with me?•'lou not once popular "Voice of the People" no other wig- in whi:li we could be The best wry to get rid of old
They were cruel words that her was laid to rest here. that the man together? After all he eaid to our sheep is to fatten and sell to the
tender heart did not resent even who had taught sedition and treason, poor fattier 1 fee•! that. T shall !tate butchers.
then. She excused hien even to her- whose: voice had been as a flame of to live under his roof cut•l eat his Very few. if any, sheep should be
self, saying that he did not know fire, slept his last long sleep In the bread. 1f yo'► would rouse and live kept after they are six years old.
what he was uttering, he did not quiet churchyard. The waves sang with me. I would work so herd to As a rule, the hotter the climate,
keep von, and you should never work the thinner the fleece of sheep.
urxlerstntxf. Tho cold hand of Death his requiem.
pressed him more closely. There Martin 'fay had left nothing but at all." ?t requires regular feeding and
was something of dignity in the way his name. In one stns,) his dough- Lenh laughed. How little this steady growth to retake good wool
in which Martin Hay threw out his tees were pleased that itwas so. It good sister of hers knew to whet or good lathne
arms in despair. disproved, they thought. most con- luxury she was ne-custo:ned! She Sheep havo excellent digestion and
"I will not die until I have seen elusively many of the charges brought kissed the sweet (nee. hence they utilize iced to the fullest
Leah!" he cried. "I know -I have against him. Be had not made (To be ('untimed,) degree.
rend --what tho cense of a father stoney out of his starving admirers. The best wool and the hest mut-
brings to a child. She did not iner- The funeral was over, and the ____a tau are obtained from sheep that
it it. 1 must take it away-. If I geuernl and his two nieces sat in A LEADING BANK'S SUCCESS- havo been (;rowing all their lives).
the little parlor, where the blinds 1( the Is's!. profit is realized, not
do not, her life will be spoiled. Bet- P I'UL YEAR. only the wool hut the mutton and
tie,give me sotuething that I may were still drawn and the gloom of
live until she comes. I can hear death still lingered. Now that the In another part of this pacer will the lnlino must contribute their purl.
horses galloping up the hill -I hear last solemn rites had been perfortned, be found the report of the directors While sheep half fed and half cured
earria e-wheelst 1 hoar the rush of the general was anxious to return of the Sovereign l!nnk of Canada, for may produce a profit, all of the
S profit the could produce and du not
the wind, the roar of the sea; I can home; it was of no use spending; even which was adopted at the third an
D Y 1
another hour in Southwood. But he nual meeting of the. shareholders, la a loss
hear -oh, Leah, maks haste!" wanted to take Bettie back with held in Toronto on (he 13th of this The best way to clean a wood pits -
Rut 'fettleknewthat no carriage him• month. The mofifit. important an_ ture where the young sprouts are
could drive up to their cottage, and becoming troublesome is to turn in
At thefirst interview he had uuuucement cuutctiritrd in this report
hle tried is cries grerw feebler;
ttortrart.ptlncessien. been so entirely captivated by Leah was that pertaining to the dieidend, the sheep.
grew fee ►le the incessant w that he had not, taken much notice which has been raised front 5 per A short legged, short bodied sheep
eating) of his hand on the pillow o[ Iieltir. iso remembered only that cent., As a result of n very success -
often heavier and will produco
stopped; there was a curious look on fol year's work. Ln the course ri an
n►oro than one that looks consi•ler-
hie face, gray, livid. end startles. she Was fair, street, and wirtcome•abl ,than
and that although ho was angry and interesting address, it was panted Y g
She knelt down by his slide and b out by the Genet al Manager, Mr l). In growing the finest quality of
took one of the nunsbed hands in irritated with her, he could not help M. Stewart, thAt. too total asst: caul, tiro grass, hay or the wat.•r
hero• tend lnld it u on her head. admiring frr faithful love and de- vent elf
will in u measure effect the quality.
P Showed an increase for fhr
"I have lot ed you and served you ration to one of the most. umprepos- $li,(►(;5,000, which brings the total Look out in good season for the
seeming of men. He had taken her breeding ram this tall; be sure that
faithfully, father," she sale!; "havo sister away, and had forbidden all figure up to $11.670,000. Over forty he u,sseram individual merit and
you no bletaclay for lino?" per cent. of these assets are bnmexl- 1
Tho hand lay there like lead; the mention of her nater; but his anger iateIy available, while over a million that he will improve your flock.
dying eyes looked into hers, and in had been against the girl's father, dollars of (ho amount is in actual In neatly all cases when necosary
them stie read a terrible craving. and not against. herself. Now that wit and clearing horse exchnnge,s• to wean the tangs, it is first to d(1
"I want Leah!" ho nuittered.
her father was dead, it s•nnfd to An especially valuable feature of
so gradually rather than ell nt. once.
Suddenly tho gray shades ehangrel him the most natural thing in the the business of the Suvcrel ;n hunk On Account of their being so tout'
into darkness; and 'fettle, seeing a
world he should adopt her. is the Inrge number of its depositors, timid, sheep oug ht not to he pnslur-
new and terribly retrnngo expression llo asked her to return with him, in cont.rndisthretion to those bank- rel in the sane field along with otter
on the- worn face, rose from herto live With him as his daughter, Ing Institutions which nre so largely st of k•
we put a hell on at least err
knees with a startled cry. The wo- and oat to leave thein again. Ile dependent upon a few large deposi-
liked her all the bet ter because she tors, This is evidenced by the fact shed' out of hall a dozen, we tray
turn waiting below carne running) up;
was in no hurry to accept the Invi- that the average deposit amounts to be rcnsouubly sure that dogs will
and A9 they did so the sound of soma p Ke f not attack them. Tho tinkling wound
-.tousled atir !,clow told that Sir teflon. The pin's heart was still only $:311 per capita. g
Arthur and Leah had arrived. At sore with the old pain. She could Equally satisfactory Is the exc:•p- seems to make the dogs suspect dant-
the same moment something like n not forget all at once that this man tiunally large distribution of lonns, ger.
shudder passed over the dying mon. alto was willing now to make her the bunk having no less than 6,18.1
'I he next instant a soul had gone his adopted daughter had denounced borrowing customers -representing an DAiRY NOTES.
forth to meet its .lodge, and the her father in most unmeasured average loan of $1,440 per head.
Angel of Death sheathed his sword. terms; she could not forget the scene This avoidance of the tendency to Butter that is coated with a Layer
liartin Ray was dead. in the gloomy little house in Matt- depend upon n few large aceounts re- of salt crystals in not. wanted.
It ens little wonder that nettle, cheater, In death, as in life, her tluct:v the possibility of loss to a The deeper milk is set the less
dared and stunned. tell forward upon heart' was faithful to her father. Had minium. Hiring the cream gets tthfle rising.
the quiet heart that was to love and hs lived, she would have refused The shareholders expressed them- Heavy selling (1cbtroys tho flavor
to hate nn more. every over•turo front Sir Arthur; e.9 selves as greatly plensea with the of good butter.
KIt, n she opened her eyes again, it war. sho was with difficulty per- tc`"tc1L of thio leer's 1/1114111t -s,, anti, Kicking cows are generally educat-
it env Leah who held herr in her minded even to lieten to him. indeed, they inny well congratulate cd to it by abuse.
arms. One minute had pnxsed, yet On the tidy of fhr funeral he askedlltetnselves upon t he really wonderful The whole of the cream should be
progress that has been made by tho stirred every time fresh cream is add•
to Bettie It seemed ninny hours.
her whet she intended to do. She Sovereign Banc under Mr. Stewart's ed.
"Too late!" she heard sumo one told him that. site should live on careful utatingetnent of its affairs. Nothing will atone for poor pro-
se)'. Thor Leah placed her gently there at the cottage and continuo cess.es and lack of care in butter
in the chair, and went, over to her her tearhing. She could always nukin.
ter be churned until com-
hitt) r. She knelt dews by his sidle. earn enmesh money for her menden-
next n bitter cry came from her lips. alive-
nce. Sir Arthur looked at her, so parted. no amount of washing will
"1 am too lute," sho mid -"too young, so fair, so refined, and hn Wealthy English Lady Gives Pe- entirely rid it of milk.
Isle' tth, Itettie, he has never taken vowed to himyelf that it should culiar Directions. Working out the buttermilk and
that cruel curse from -e! I ant too !toter be. Then he talked to Leah. working in the salt, is where the
late!" Ile would do nothing without con- A remarkable codicil, giving three- over-working Is done.
She look the cold, motionless hand suiting: her. Her eyes filled with (huts for the Presert'ateon of her hitter is often hitter because of
in hers. and the silence in the room tear's when she heard of his generous body. appears in the will, of Mrs, impure foods, or from holding the
Will broken only by her :lobe. All proPoet►1. Sarah Charlotte Elizabeth 1':ggtnton creast 111(1 lottg,
fhr pnst , with its great (I. -end. ate'it is fhr only thing; wanting; to Ernie -Erle Drax, of Wareham, Dor- The value of the dairy cow de -
her greet horror of it, pewee('over make my life pe.rfeetly happy," she s•
et, who digiti in illnrrh Inst at the pends upon lite amount. d;f milk or
her Ile she looked at his face -the' said. "h loge 1ie((ie so dearly! No age of seventy-six, leaving property butter she will produce.
free t het world never smile or frown one will ever know what it cost me of the vague of S 1:35,78. This co- '1'o A considerable extent. the
111 nn her again. to leave her. licit stoles: flavor (1f the butter depends 1111011 the
•'1 direct that some preservative
''I he,ge•n"enl, watching__
tho scene. Yet it dt, li
ld not seem cure that (laid shall be injected into the blood flavor of the (nod gideu rte the cow.Vlhile weighing n cow's milk will
tie would consent. '1'o live in grand vessels of my body. 50 as to pre- not cense her to give any mere milk,
houses, to wear costly jewels and vent nnturn' decoy as fnr ns possi- it any enable you to substitute a
rich dresses, to have every luxury ole, and that my body shall he em- better one.
that the world can gitel was not baluu•d and placed In a coffin with a
. much to Bettie. The world could glnss panel to be let into the lid. THE 110T FLY.really give her nothing, for she knew "it is any desire that n circular
It had nothing to give. The getter- mausoleum shell be built on the. The insect Iny their eggs 110 the
wins offer ttonld have been no temp- elope of the 11111 on the northwest 1 hair of the animals. and in doing
tatlon to her but for her greet lore side on the Canso Clump in the par � hthmof reQti)y naselect are easily lrreaehcl
for Leah. Sir Arthur was perfectly lit ('hnrhorunch for the reception of
frank. t he enflln. The dimensions of the! by the horse wit h its tongue. The
"Leah," he said. "1 lock upon rnnutsol,enu shall be sixty feet in Cit' -i lhgshnns andosited in linenp nl'sl glg
cuniference with n dnune arising nine t t t n h causes the animal
as my Adopted child, ns my own
daughter. Front the moment. she
loomed to ane, acknowledging her
mother's wish• -front that moment
she has been to me my own. You,
Hcttie. Can never take her place,
aoreven aloud •eearher Inmyalteo { {{ •
Lions!" « Purity Is Goodness, BRITISH ARMY MAKE-UP
To which 'fettle, with a slight
had not tho least witd2 to rival I.eah, rT F-arni Arness !tai�.e.�..A.h.
flush on her fair face, said that she
(hut she had clung to her father, ~
olid th<et, if lho choice were offered
Host the Itjsh, Scotch and Eng-
tu her ucaiu, site should do tho soma
thirro. lisp Cotte}>::r cd During the
Sir Arthur was not in the least Last Ce fury.
offended at her wurdie.be seemed to LA III
In the year 1N14 he number oft
like her all the better for them. Ile Sl'1tA1'1N(l POT:1'I'O1l.S,
volunteers from the to ilia into the
kineed her, and her face flushed a For several lino was c..utposed e( s' " l:nt;lishIS
years considerable lass teen, 820 Scetehun'n tau '66 irish-
1111le at. his mares:' hus been sulleted by many farmers Wren. The 41=t Regiment is stet -t
"Come with fur, 1kttle," ho add. in Canada on account of the destruc- posed in lslu of 5;i7 1:ng;li. nen, 80
"You shall be my daughter. Leah tion of potato elites by fungous dis- them
Scotchunen, 110 Irishmen alit 211 Lor-
is my heirex-e but 1 will give J u eases and insects. Numerous experi- Tea Combinesth e h ■ 1• eiguers. In the case of a curets twut-
a fortune•" mutts have been conducted over the Wally Scotch, rho 1st Bat1af'ua of
"1 do not wish any fortune," she North American contiuett tend thou- sold only In sealed tear packets. By all Grocers.
the 9.2nd, the inspection repoet of r
answered. simply: "1 have no use for scuds of potato {{totters have curate- Slack, mixed or Freon. Highest Award St. Louis 181:1 shows that it was Sciptch,
money. Hut 1 du want Leah. I hilted their experience, with rho re- 1904 both in reality and in name. On iht:
would be Leah's maid in order (hut suit that has been severally proven -.•-- --• 15th of October of that year it wnt�i
1 might be near her.•' that spraying from two to three which the egos are attached to the chickens. Jt is claimed that the composed of 8'_3 Scotehnt •n, 34
And Fir Arthur thought, ns ho tinter; during the season nu•ans net in- hair, with the result that the ova labor and bother is much reduced Englishmen, 62 lrishtuen and t for -
saw the two sisters embrace each crease in yield of from 75 bushels to are borne t►ttay 011 the tongue, anti and the thickets grow better and eiguer. It is to be presumed, and (he
other, that It would be a thousand 130 bushels per acre over potatoes transferred to the mouth, whence rho death rata is entailer.
presumption is borne out l y tel the
pities eter to pert. them again. They
not sprayed and subject to f.hu same they tied their way down the uliur Some growers feed only once a facts ascertainable, t hat the troop.
were in perfect contrast, yet there conditions of climate and tillage. enterer canal, and into the stomach defy with the grain and treat unix- with which Great Britain encu:ntttr-
wt+s something similar in 1he two Spraying is not nn expensive opera_ in duo course. Horses which are kept tore, but the more common teethed' ed French or American ambition, in
faces. l.calt's was proud. Nettle's i tion; It takes a little time, but it conlined to their stables from one is to feed several time:, daily. 'lite, Spain, France, Flanders turd Canada
was lender. Leah trey brilliant with pays. It will add :20 to $25 to the end of the year to the other rarely mixture of line grain and meat (at te period when British • (•so'tre•es
the dark beauty of her (ace, tho profits of the crop per acro. The suffer from these pests. It is among scraps can bo bought already pry were strained to the utmost, and
statutesque grace of her magnificent spreyiii operations should commence horses that have a rut on grass that pared for use at meet poultry supply men for the army were nought with
neck and shoulders; ltMlie rusts all when the plants are six or eight they ary most troublesome. Thu stores. It is fed prised with chaff great eagerness in all parts of the
that watt attest sw•ec•t and win Amine •inches high, and the trentmont reasons (hr this is that the animals and gravel, to which the chickons British Islunds) were made up of
would proLul.ly admire lruh should be repeated at intervals of which are kept confined to their have access at all times and look Englishmen, Irishmen and Scotch-
Menteu or fourteen duya, in order to stables are regularly groomed, and after their own feed and exercise for 1non, in due proportion to relative
more, but loco Hct(30 best, keep the plants well coveted with that any eggs which may be laic! ,
Sir Arthur wished with all ids the most part. population.
l.urde:tux mixture tlu•uughuut;, the are thus removed before they can '
heart that his sister tend lived. that growing season. During epidemics of effect a transference into the stout -
she might have seen these two fair blight it may be necessary to spray
women. flow sli, would Bove loved as often as once a Week. The furntu-
them! And now they ivt're both to for Bordeaux mixture is: Six
alone in the world and quite de- pounds of copper sulphate, four
pendent on him. In her %vnv, Nettle pounds of quicklime xutl fifty gallons
wars as deserving ns Leah. Ile would of water. Dissolve the sulphat0 in
give her a handsome fortune; he some warns water, and also slake tlto
could do that without injury to lime In a separate vessel. When-
Lcah's int crests. She might marry ever beetles am plentiful amid one
well: or, when Leah t►:rd married Sir pound of Paris green to the Isor-
13asil, this girl, Who had been so true
deaux mixture required to spray an
and so losing to her father, Wright acre•
prove a comfort to him. llnti it Canadine farmers should not be
been the general's wish alone to satisfied wilts their present yield of
stake her home at Brent wood. Diet- Potatoes. 'rte.() to four hundred
tie would have refused; bet. she could bushels per acre should Le our aver- The third Annual hTeeting of Shareholders of trio Sovereign Bank.
refuse nothing to the beloved sister
ago crop. ')'tt'o hnneired bushels is of Canada was held at the !lead Orlice, Toronto, on 13th last, and Was
whom she had laurel so well and had
too small a yield on at well cilli- largely attended.
lost so long. vetrd faint. Three hundred to five
'1 he general said all he had to spy, lit/mired would be a better average.
and then went out to smote a cigar Potatoes nerd attention and careful
by the sea wall Where Martin Ray cultivation as hell as thorough
and Sir Basil had often stood, tear- spraying to produce the host to-
".lest. from Ireland, are you?"
achs of their intended hosts. as'red Mrs. Snapper of the applicant.
"Anil were you trained across the
'Pill•: DRY I'F:f?D SYSTEM'. water?" "Shupe, yo uu►st know bet -
The dry feed system is becoming floe nor that, ma'am," replied the
more and more popular for raising girl; "1 cane across in a ship."
Sovereign dank of Canada
Mother's Ear
A WORD seipregre• 1111•1
MI1. r,Y1 AM rHAr * 4 altee to VIA?
800T?'6 IMULS1•N
•v • sxrtt� •r
wvJ•r Mnr/At •• A101��
err cert �v ••rw Y �
!lege) brine etre'..
SCOTT 11 $OWN$, Cb.aiata
T.nr to, tr►.i..
pc, sapeat .0 emotes
feet above the side walls, which are, irritation, 'uu, a tit
to bo ten feet high.to lick 1 he part of the body with
the object of relieving itself of the
♦- cause of t he nnnoyence. The heat
Too ninny people have mere roll- of the uniatnl's tongue tit once dis-
gion outside than they have inside. salves the glutinous solution by
The Directors beg to present to the Shareholders the Third Annual
'Report, showing the result of the business of the Hank for the year ended
29th Apra, 1905. •
Balance. at credit of Profit and Loss Acco•:nt on Seth April,
1904 $ 6,1t2.65
Net profile for the year ended 29th April, 1905, rafter deduct -
int Charges of Manag�,nent, Prov in "al Government and
,Municipal Taxes, all Advertising l':xpen=es ane accrued
Interest on 1)eporitat, raid after making full prosis:on for
all Bad and Doubtful Dcbta 183,97 ,.67
This has been appropriated as follows:
Quarterly 1 ividcolds ..,. $65,000.00
Transferred to Reserve bund 50,000.00
Written o:'1 Battle l'remives ,.. 10,000.00
Reatenea l for Rebate of Discount on Bills not yet due 5,000.00
----5130,000.00 i the artillery and the sappers and
miners. In the combination of these
Balance carried forward$ 10,088.32 two corps there were in 1840. 4,-
1135 Englishmen, 1,851 Scotchmen,