HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-06, Page 5'1' 1 M S, J U L 1 (►t 11 140:)
Cedar Posts
A large quantity ..t Cedar Poste for
sale of the best, gsahty. Must Le sold
Qt once.
1Ve would be pleased to quote you
our prices to any Building material
you may require. We can suPPly
fou with
Sash and Door Frames
\,6 Lumber, Lath & Shingles
on shortest notice
In tact we are in a better position
than ever to supply our many custom-
ers with all they may require either
trout shop or yards.
Bee kee rs su hes read for
e delivery. Tanks made to order
Wood for Sale
Call and tee the wood we have for
sale. Just the kind you require for
Stemmer cooking.
The ROSS -Td wor
G0. LtU.
4••I.4•1'3.4•++++++++++4'+++++++ le+
To Farmers and
the Public in f
As the spring is coming on
now gather up all your old
% truck such as Rags, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Old Rope, Bones, alt kinds
of old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's 4.
• where you will get the high-
est cash price for them.
We are dealers in all kinds of farm-
ing implements and below we give a
partial list of what we have in stock.
Buggies from $ti0 up, Waggons
from $44 up, Binders. Mowers,
Hay Tedder•s, Sulky Plows.
See Our Hay Loaders and
Side Rake
The Hind I ou Baro Always Bought, and which has been
ht tis' 12:r 1,1.1`1. 30 years, has borne the signature of
and huts been made under his per.
, /+- - sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
A11 t'ounterfi•its, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
I:xpct-i:cent:+ that trifle with and endanger the health of
tort its attd Children -Experience against Experiment.
Ca•-tarin.. f,; a harutless substitute for Castor 011, Pare•
fora•. Drop- and Soothing Syrups:, It is Pleasant. It
eottt:hin: twit hot- Opium, Dlorphine nor other Narcotic
sail:st:uu•c. its afro is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and al::I3:t t'a•rerislaitess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Coln'. It relieves Teething Troubles, aures Constipation
and ttuttlle'rtec. It assiuhilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach ural 'towels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
'I'lte Children's Panacea -The lflether's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TN[ CCNT.Ua COY..N7. 11 rufNAY . NEW YOaa CITY.
TORONTO 1: \1I l l:I 1 tU\ Il/i.
The Prize List for t h.
National lixl:ibilion, Totoute, u,
%%Lich this year %vitt o1` 11'•1,1 frvi i
Aue. 20th., to Sept. 9th, hath ,Lays
inclusive, has conte to knot. Every
class has been thoroughly revised
and in many cases adtlel to. The pre-
) uiiuuns I u be dist ributed amount. in-
cluding medals, pl.lte and specials,
to upwards of ti 111,000 in value. of
which $35,090 is iu actua1 cash. Field
Marshall Lord ltubcrte, V.C., is ex-
pected to officiate at the opening
1ceremonies on Tuesday. Au,tu•;t 29t h,
and to be a constant visitor sums
It he first week. The fatuous band of
the Mali Guards, considered t he He-
military musitxtl or uiiza 11011 in
the (`nit do Kin =door, and the favor-
ite household band of His tll'1jco•.y
the Kink, will aive t wo concerts on
the grounds daily. 1'ictures and art
treasures loaned by t Le Kills; (Ab-
bey's ;treat coronation picture be -
in; included) the Corporation of the
City of London, t he Republic of
France, Soujh Kensington Muaeuu,.
Right 11on. Lord Straihcon-t and
Lieut. -Governor of Ontario, lion.
Mortimer Clarke., will cont:ribu.e
to the most unagnificent end moat
historical display of art ever made
on t his continent. Entries close
Au'. 15th. Copies of the prize list
and entry blanks can bo had on ap-
plication to J. O. Orr. Secretary and
Jlana;er, Canadian National Exhibi-
tion, City Hall, Toronto.
Child not Expected to Live 1'relm
One Hour rte Another but Cured
by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy
Ruth, he titdl,e daughter of E. N.
Deeey, of A;newville, Va., was .wr-
t iously ill of cholera Infan.tum last
summer. "We cavo her up and did
not expect her to live from ono hour
to snot her," he says. "I happened
to ,think of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
tot a bottle of it from the store. in
five hours 1 Raw a chan;e for the
holler. We kept on ;ivin; it and
before she had taken the half of
one small bottle she was well. This
remedy is for sale in Exeter by W.
S. llowey.
Mr. J. A .Manson. of Blake, lost a
valuable horse lately, one for which
1.j OR SALE -Lot 8. Cott. 3, }'.{_ he was offered in the ncighbnrhood
is c>f tF20u. Much sympathy i ..felt for
Te W. BROWNING, real lg, M. D., M. C, borne, 100 acres. all ureter cul- Mr. M mass in his heavy loss.
II • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni- ovation, 2 wells. On the property
versify. office and resldenence. Dominion! is a frame house, good bank barn.
Exeter• one frame barn. For further par -
DENTAL - - ticulora apply to Jas. Esu•ry, Exeter
D. 8. D. D. D.S. Donor Graduate
pf Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fan•
son's block. Weet side of Main
tweet,' Exeter
FOR SALE. - I have 84 acres in
grass looking not too had which
I will sell on the ground not less
than 5 acre lots and upwards, .any-
one requiring such apply soon. 1
13.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. $. L D•3. also have :t quantity of brick in
t building to sell cheap, by l he lump
or hundred, also a !erre quantity of
stone at (.he barn 10 dispose of. Ap-
ply to Hay 1'. 0.. I,. 1cTAGGAIt'r.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
Ind Royd1 College of Dental Su n@ of
osegraduate of
Chicago School1 Prosthetic with honors Also1�Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work. crowns, al•
aminnm,gold and vulcanite 1pylate@ all done in
�nleessaanaestthetic used foble. A painlesa perfectly
Office one door tenth of Carling Bio a store
Exeter, Ont.
We have unlimited private-�toads for inveete
ant upon farm or village property at lower
atee of interest.
Now is the time to see boot
that f.trtu you intend buyi this
summer. You can save time and
money by consultin; us. \Ve have
hundreds of the best farm; in Ontar-
io for sale or exchange. Get our hat.
For sale: 200 acre farm in the 1 p.
of t'abornr, county of Ituron. 188
acres 12 acres timber. soil cloy loans.
3 welts. two windmills, 4 auras of
orchard. ,znod 2 slorey brick house,
9 rooms, 2 bank barns with brick
basements, stabling under both
barns, •111 buildings in loud repair.
We have a large amount of private funds to ono tnile and a half front Exeter,
oan on farm and village properties atlowratea price $13500.00.
^• Interest. No. 3078-200 acre farts ;n l he t p.
We have several Washing Machines MADMAN & STANBCRT
of Stephen, County of Ituron, 100
and Wringers that we will sell cheap. Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter acres cleared. Foil dark clay loam, 3
Incubators and Brooders.j DICKSON & CARLING, orcl ar I .nod,iling br k wellsbrick withes ver-
A*1ew second-hand Buggies and
Waggons to he sold cheap.
Largest Show Rooms,
Barristers Solicitors Notertee (:onveyanoere,
Commissioner., Solicitors ler the Motion.
Bank. Etc.
Mosey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
1. R. CARIJNO a. A. L. H. DICY7oM
C EDITONFarmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
Tne Osborne and Hibbert
an6e Gompanp
Mills Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President: -T. Ito -AN, Dl:IlL1N, P. O.
Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NORa18I
FAngt•n ABP.O.
W.11. 1'ASsMOItF:, CROMARTY 1'. O.
Wnr, Rol', 13ORNI101.M 1'. O.
We are giving excellent sa- I. L. Rt'SsELI., ItCSSELI,ALE P. O.
tisfaction in flour since 1.0- ... CARt,Ic'IIAF.L, STAFFA. ONT. North it;ittleford, Sask.
modelling our null A. DCN('.1N FARQL'FTAR, ONT. Seven years experience in We..:,•1.0
I. Wii!10\, F1•LT..\RTON, ONT. Lands
• 1. S. (+tt.F'n.i.AN, Lt•CAN, ONT /)Selected Lands Lor :;ale in block or
B. W. F. BEAVERS, single sections from `S per .acre up.
SecyTrees. Farquhar. 'Theme (ands ore situated in the
f famous 8a.ak31cite 1%^u1 \ al,. y, 1 he
zirden of 1 he C:or't•Ii•in Norl hwesi,
.IOSEI'll Wi1ITE alon z :•illi^r t lie mein lin,' of the
Canadrin Nor1h•rn !laila'y or the
survey of ,1 he Gr .11d Trunk Pacific.
1. 'twenty )•(::0.+ a c.• I) :tee . land
Upon the petition of 1'. Wood, Car_ Charges moderate. Orders left at .hold for :i an acre.
1 { ( 2. To .L) 1 h0y ars! 4:••1'01: for tl5 )
lint Ilrrxe., IL N. Rowe, Thos. ilae- his residence, Queen NO, tat. Marys,
kiss & Son, Samuel Martin and 1 hir- will be promptly attended to. Phoneto $RIG an acre.
r t hie }torts^. 3. 1'liree -vreit3 a 10 \Postern Comi-
ty other rate -payers of the villa Social attention given to live (1i u1 Iambs a0'.rl for $.1 an ncrc.
of Exeter, i do hereby proclaim +rock sales. Order- left tit The 4. '10 -sty they are sellint for :?S
Thursday, the Gth day of ,July./130" ,Limes will be promptly rtly nt to. to $2s an acre.
a day to be observe,! by the citizen1 P 1 5. in three years more Ia11:11; will
Of Exeter as a civic holiday. Lel all SIll 1t"I 1IOItNS FOR SALE -The a zein double in wnluv.
,pond Citizens lhomselves ac- undersigned has for salt on G• 1VIty invest your money nt .'i
oo ,;ly. God Save the Kin;. I,nt 10. ('nn. 2, Iiay, o number ofe. Per cent
W. G. Ih189ETT, Reeve. ftp -to -dale 1horoughtred Shorthorn 7. Don't wait settlers are rushin4
hull'. They are 0f the low set in. Buy 3 section or two now, then
blocky type, dark red in color and of You can !Ilford 10 wail while it
Mr. W. H. Butcher, of S:. 'I ' t ' choice breeding. They tire nil ell;- trews into mor 'v.
was elected for counci!'or .,. isle for registration. and will be sold! Correspondence. Invited
ntatinn in plat. -of 1)r. Moor: r - rc'iaonabty. - John Elder, Ilensall References :-I• onto itink of l':,,:, la,
\\ inni ,1`.z, and Mols0na (lank,
mire -J. P. O. 1 Exeter, Ont.
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
andel] :all across front, frame bank
barn, el:Odin; under with cement
floor. 01 her buildinzs, all in tool
repair, 3 miles from Centralia, price
For Nale, or eel's] excitants for
farm, a rood two storey brick store
in idle town of Exeter, situated on
Main street. price $1200.00.
1f you want to sell or exohan r^
your farm or oilier heal Estate
property it will pay you to commun-
icate with us or with some of our
General A rents. We advertise in
over 200 Newspapers in Canada,
United States and Great Britain. \Ve
have nearly 2i)0 Loc•o1 and General
Agents working for uv. Nothing. to
Huron's Best Breeding
Is -r bay trotting stallion, foaled
in 1900. Can trot in 2.20.
Monday, at Simon Deidrioh, Mt.
Carmel, and A. Mummer's, Corbett.
Tuesday. McCaffrey's, West Mc-
Gillivray, and hill's Hotel, Crediton.
Wednesday, Moffatt'a hotel, Cen-
tralia, and Commercial Hotel, Exe-
Thursday, his own stable, Dash-
wood. all day.
Friday, Ilannan's Ifotel and Ily.
I)ossonberry's, Grand Mend.
Saturday. Robt. Campbell, Saut,le
Line, and his own stable until fol-
lowing Monday morning.
I'athntount 3r•. is :o ocautiful dark
brown, 15 hands 1 inch high, ricin;
four years old : weight ono •thous-
and 'rounds : of splendid forst, with
the beat of action and shows great
speed, and is just the horse to sire
the class of stock that will bring
the best prices. Pathitiount Jr.
has mode trial quarters in 35 seconds
and better. '!'his )corse may be seen
at }tie barn, lot 8, •concession 3, Us -
Exeter. P. O.
Gillibrand (imp.) 426 (20512) color
buy, stripe, four white fetlocks. This
horse is a grand type of a drau;ht
horse, beautiful bad and neck. deep
well slanting shoulders, with first-
class flack and well eprung rib., ex-
tra long hind quarters, very wide
at both ends, and a very heavy clean
and flat bone, with the beat of silky
hair, and capital feat. this is what
every draught horse must have,
pay unless your property is sold, ex -f plenty of good heavy bone. When
chanted or withdrawn from s'ile• %hie horse is in good condition he
Western Real Estate I:xch•tnze. Lini- will weigh a ton or more.
it ed, London, Ont a rio. This horse ma,v b0 ween at his
stable, •on Seturdays.
T. .1. BERRY. Prop 0. ROSS, flan.
Herman, Ont.
H. Sweitzer
Proclamation for Civic Licensed Auctioneer. Counties of
Holiday. 1905. and Town of St. Marys.
Perth Middlesex, Ituron, Oxford
To Cure a Cold in One Day
•Mike Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. ,l every
o Dais.
`seyrts Nibs Ions so d i i pat la months. This signature, rroPar . . box.23c.
Lord Sharp. 11413, is a Clyde Stal-
lion four years old, brown, t.hrhe
white /tel, Mt on .L ice.
Morelia. to Sidney Andre%•,., lot 4
con. 6, 1'sborne : thence to Moffat is
Ilotel Cent rali t.
Tuesday to John llepburrt's, lot
3, eon. 4. Stephen, 1 hen to 1)eit rich's
Hotel, Mount Carmel.
Wednesday, to afcCaffrcy's Hotel
West McGillivray, and to Jas. Cowl:-
weir/4 11 con. McGillivray.
'1 hursday to Wm. Kelly's lot 13
non. 1, R;ddulph ; thence to l'it man's
Hotel, Clandeboyc.
Friday to Wm. Toohey, lot 22. con.
7. lliddulph, then to dos. Morley's
1't. 11, 8. W. 11., Whalen Corners.
Saturday morning will proceed to
his own stable, where he 14111 remain
till the follnwin;t Monday- tnornin!.
GEO. COWARD, Prop. and lien.
Lot 18, ('on. 8 ('rhornr
FARM Arlt ,11.1•:. - 1'',te
Washburn, Elvin! decided I"
rite ftp Carmine, hereby offers for
s .10 eft i.ar ;n 01 'e or in 50 'ere
1 , tols, 1 1, (i ri: low 0ceu1• I ni
1 'r, twine composed of the ootti
1111f of Lot No. 7, in 1 he 10111 ('on-
ces.ai0n and 1 he east h'ilf of l.n• \o.
6 in t he 1111i Concession, of tie:
Toe%'nship of 1'sborne. 1'o -sea •.na
after ha this year. 11 1:4.•1
3011i shy of June, 1905. Fn: terata
and particulars apply on the prem-
ises or to Dickson & Carling, Solid •
tors for Vender, Exeter, Ont.
V.'.1•IElt IN 1.01 It 111.111411
1. , f people ti ,,• • thin t. VI )
;! i:.•y ctt',plenty but ettes. di -
s%'1. , ,1i owe i011 i poor, food
1.•,'• so., a 1 ; I into nourishni(vtt-iu
e, .. •quent1) the body rapidly.
Loss :yren .t1. 'lo positively renew
hod( t4, not bin; equate Fcrrozone. it
exeites 31ri111 appetite. - makes the
stomach di;C.st, forms life rustainin.
blood. Abundant et ren 111 ie sure t o
follow. If you hued More vitality
,,y.'•1. 1`i. , a1,!'. i,:
1 t ifyin;.
A partial eclipse of t he moon
%Lich wilt be visible in C:utda, 13111
lake place on August llth, odd a
total eclipse of %.ler sun on Au gu-t
30th 11to maximum occurint at 6.34
n. un.:tnd end at 7.31 a. m. This will
%till be a grand sight should the
weather provo clear.
Sale Bills. -Those having their sale
extra crier;y. better nerves, then use bills printed at this office will re-
l'errozone the medical triumph of
rho nae. Fifty cents buys a box of
fifty chocolate coated Forrozoue l
ceive a free notice of t he sale in the
Times and thus get the benefit of
our largo circulation. This is a fact
hich should be remembered. Sale
bills are not seen by all in the dis-
trict whereas The 'limes go'•s every-
where. The notice thought ziven
free is often worth mole to the per-
son holding silos 1h in what is paid
for the posters.
u•. h:. F.. ; 1 , 'Toronto WANTED - :.len and Women in
this country:Int adjoining territories
MES. Morloek is vi -;i 12 4 r:•lut Ives to represent and establish an old ee-
Sarnia and COI 11 Ohio. 1ahii had house of solid financial
Mr. Roy, Hoard, of l.ond0d, wa.a standing. Saler) to men 521 week -
Mr. I • to women $12 to $18 weeklywith.
:runout the holiday visitor's in town. 3
Expenses advanced each Monday by
Master Douglas Godwin hasgone check direct (rout headquarters.
to St. '1•hotuas to spend the hbl;- Horse and buggy furnished when
days . necessary ; position permanent. Ad -
Master Will Smit h, of Hamilton. dress. Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. 5, Mo
is spending a vacation at the home non Bldg., Chicago, 111.
of Mr. Kunz .
Miss Livin;stole, milliner 'avith
Snell & Rowe is spending her vaca-
tion at, her home in Blyth.
Miss Flossie Taylor, of London,
spent the holiday with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taylor .
Mr. and Mrs. Chas .Iiyndman, of
Buffalo, aro spending a few days in
town avith relatives.
' Mr. John Dauncy, of London, was
the .guest of his brother, Mr. \\'m.
Dauncy, over Sunday.
Miss Blanche Sheere is visitin; her
brother, Mr. Aquilki Sheere, Sl.
The band will give ;en(l her open
air concert on. the park on Friday
Mis:ea \elle and Ann:i Lang and
Master harry Lal1g spent the holi-
day in London.
Rev. \\'ni. and Mrs. Godwin drove
to Goderich on Wednesday to spend a
few days with friends upon their for-
mer circuit .
Wanted -A furnished house for a
couple of months, family of ',two
with ono child. Apply at Times Of-
fice .
Miss V. liagshaw, who has filled
the position of milliner nt Parkhill
during the past season is holidaying
under ilio parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere, af-
ter a pleasant visit ,t their
here left for their�tome
bmo in Brant-
ford on Tuesday tnornin;.
Mrs. E. A. Follick and sou Joe
leaves to -day, (Thursday) for Grand
Rend where they will spend t he
summer in their new cot to;e.
1 his w.. IS (1 1 .0„!. .
Mrs. Aquilltt Sheere, of St. Thomas,
who has been visiting friends here
during the past two weeks, return-
ed to her home on Monday. Mr,
Shecrc also spenb...Umc holiday he¢.
Mr. W. Mitchell. hits removed his
moved his family }fere front Brant-
ford and has taken up his residedse
in 'thn'house formerly occupied by
Mr. W. Trevcthick.
Mrs. A. Q. Dottier loos sold her dwel-
ling et% Huron st. to Mrs. Hooper, of
Stephen. Mrs. Bolder is di-posinz of
her property here with the expecta-
tion of movin. 10 London in October.
r. A. C. Wood, manager of the
St. Marys' Journal, luta purchased
the 8t. M trys' Araus from Mr. it.
W. Dillon. who %rill, an a St.
Cot Irtrincs paper.
Mrs. .inhn Vale rel 'noted home
from London and Glencoz Saturday.
ltis:t 1.inklaler, of Win ;ham 1-
sp••ndinz a couple of weeks to town
1 tuesi of Mitt, Mary Murray. L _
A severe electrical atone pa --1`.1 Want your moustache cr beard F �1 t .- 0 G -•
t i� �� g,
over t his sect ion Turaday even in . ._i {
accompanied by a high wind. S'v-,4bl ntifulbrownorrichtiack?Use n�rr:s,Yasew,-tswa•.uuason.• u�
cra1 barns wer: wInoofcd :tad a 1,11 ru-
her of ore)! 1rd and tarot's trove
blown down.
The Buffald Courier says that Oli-
ver 11. Cabana, Jr., a well-known
business mon, and Thomas L31111(n.
one of Iluffalo's leading contractoro
have south% extensive intere.at- ;n
St. Joseph, Huron county.
Mr. Borten Ilooper and Miss Lor-
aine ilooper, of Iluffalo, N. Y. ac-
companied the remains of their
mot liar. the late Mrs. \V. ilooper to
Exeter on \\'ednesd,y for int er-
15ir. Miry Gidlcy li: s aCceptcd a
l�sit;on w it 11 I he (toss. 'Taylor Co.
Women's Incl itulc.-The )czul r
meeting of the Women's Institute
will bo held on Friday afternoon of
this week at 3 o'clock in the Town
11x11. -Miss Halla, Vre:•.: ,Mrs. A.
Hastings, Sec.
Compensation for all licenses for-
feited without any offence iboinz
proved azainsl the holder of such li-
cense will be 11.0 demand o ft he. On-
tario 1icenoe-he'deis in any future.
Iczi lntion dc•:1Iin1 wit It the liquor
traffic, and a vizorous campai;n for
the rec0;nit ion of this pi inciplc willbe undcrtnk0n and continued until ' Every pyj etjtmped with the trade mark-" The Two Hands ".i1 i3 ad0p:ed by the LOgislntur0. GuarsnteM fol A year and made to stand much longer service.
Died in Buffalo, -The retrains of
the late Cecilia Stell, of Buffalo,
(relict of the Ince Wm. Ilooper)
were brou.the to Exeter on Wednes-
day morning and interred ;n the
Exeter cemetery the• same afternoon
The announcement 0f her deal h
came as a surprise and shock to her
relatives and friends here as it was
not -generally known she was ser-
iously ;1J. She had not been in t he
most vi;ouroua health during i he
'past year, but •able .to attend to
her horse duties up until Saturday
Last when she was suddenly seized
with dizziness and nlmoRI romi-con-
sciousnc�,s, she became worse and
was removed to the hospital, where
in hopes of prolonging her Life, au
operation for removal of a tumor,
from which she rallied. was perform-
ed, bite afterwards ;rndunlle sank
away. Deceasell spent all )u•1 early
days in Exeter removing to Buffalo
some years ago, where, as well. as
in her native home, site %von nt:iny
friends.Slnh leaves one son Dutton,
:aid one daughter Miss Loraine, to
mourn Glut loss of a kind and of-.
feetionate mother, Ix!sidea her aced
father, beet hers and skiers. The
sy111(33thy of the community is ex-
tended lot the sorrowing 02103.
)s an irritable condit ion of the ner-
ves cauaotl by cold. Relief ..comes
quickly from Nerviline, the great
pain reliever of to -day. "I consid-
er . Nerveline n magical remedy for
neuralgia," writes Mrs. E .0. Harris
of Baltimore. "nut I never worry
er Nerviline a magical remedy for
applications never yet failed to kill
the pain. I can nlways recommend
Nerviline for etiffttese, rheumatism
and muscular pains." In use nearly
fifty years ; ry Nerviline yourself.
IIOI11EIt - In Exeter on June 23rd
to Jr and Mrs. Shirley nobler a
d•lii1)11 . •
ST. metei'-1u \%0odham, coo 'Tues-
day, July 4. 11, Elizahrl h SI. Johns
beloved wife of Mr• Joseph Steph-
ens, sr., a ze•l 511 ,..sr.„ 5 moil ns.
and 25 days.
Miss Genevive May, 1317 8. Merldlan
SL, Indianapolis, Ind., Member Second
High School Alumni Assn, writes :
“Peron is the finest regulator of a
disordered stomach 1 have ever found.
It certainly deserves high praise, for it
is skillfully prepared.
"I was iu a terrible condition from a
neglected ease of catarrh of the stomach.
My food had long ceased to be of any
good and only distressed me after eat-
ing. I was nauseated, had heartburn'
and headaches, and felt run down com-
pletely. But in two weeks after I took
Peruna I was a changed person. A few
bottles of the medicine made a great
change, and in three months my stom-
ach was cleared of catarrh, and my en-
tire system in s better condition."-
Genovivo May.
Write Dr. Hartman, President o=-
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
for free medical adrit;e. All gprre's-
pondence held etriotly confidential.
Local Agents Wanted
At once for Cin -de's GREATEST
NURSERIES" for the town of Ex-
eter and surrounding country, which
will be reserved for the right man
Start now nt the best sellin; sea -
s011, and handle our
on Liberal Terms
Write for particulars and send 25c.
for our hlndsome aluminum Pocket
Microscope, (a little zeta) useful to
Farmers in examinin; Seeds and
;rains. Orchardists in exantininz
Trees for insccie. Oardincrs in ex-
aminiuz Plants for insects. Teach-
ers and scholars in studying Botany
curd everybody in a hundre different
Font hill Nut series
Over G:lt) ac,':+. Toronto, Ont.
The dose is one, lust cne pial
at bcuii:ae. Sugar-cw.d,
mild, curtc41. .:.cy cure
Cn!1St1 safi0:` � •C•Aje`r :.
The Easiest to Put On !
The Surest to Stay On
The Best to Wear Well!
('tev;•r 8,u.lcnt. - Another Exeter
boy` has di.alingui•Iied hin13411 at (W-
ier and brnnaht haus' to his to,. ti
1 velli at to his (:nnil) and himself. $T. JOHN VANC01JVICIO TORONTO WINNIPEG MONTREAL.
We refer to our clever younz friend -`__-.___ _ _______ ___ -____ w...
Mr. licncert Cmzory, ren of lir.
'1•hou .04 Greo00...e to. who 1133 just ••••••••••••••••••••••••••i •••••••••••••••••••N••
passed hit first examir,a4 iron nt I h •
(.,w Schen', Toronto. lie succeeded •
in c'1pterinz first class honors and •
Ile• k111 cosh scholar'hip offered :0 Iho•oteorate' 1.y Act of Parliament 18:11)
the examination. 11e leo l,cen a
student in the offices of Mc•sts
Gladman R1.. Slnnhury for I h^ p
three years and has every i,'nr:1
of a brilliant ester.
Si rite :r'rry Soci..l.-A very sura - .
fol rtrauberry ,,:oi:1I 13.1.- li'l.I "n
the Manse lawn m1 \\'ednesdly even•
iso of last week. A bount find supply
fstrawl>crrica and orcnm %%-itI oil
,fit 'good things were servald in the
h,sement after which n very p1e,.s-
inx prozram was rendore:d on the
liven, rnlivent•l by slirrinz mt1.ic
brie3 hand. Solas :,y Mis•
Foe lar, or Toronto, select ions by the
711110 quartette, Mess,. )'nppleslone.
Kinsman. Senior anti Flemin 1 were
rr•nde refl. The evenin z was an en •
CAPITAL PAID UP • - S3,000,000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • $3.000'000'00
1s Braoche, in Ontario, Quebec.. Alr...rte. Brit l -h ('ohirebta and Manitoba
f'Nn every ).awful I)ny Croat 11., A. 34. to 3 r. st. except Saturday 1011. Y. to 1 P. Y.
Fortnerw' Solo Notcrs cashed or collected. Forms supplied
On application. DItAFTs en all Telma In the Dominion. (:rrat Brltate and Un
114)1 Stab •. bought and sold at lowest rates of ezchange,
Deposita of >1b1.00 an 1 upwards received. interest cont-
poundr,1 half retire -y. aIA added t', prte(pal June 30th and December 31st. i)e
yo+its no airs also toes.' east %sent•% current rates (.1 interest allowed.
Advetncow ninth, to fro -titers stock dealers and business men at
Isar -t rate, and on moo frocrabk terms. Agents at I' weer for Dom. Oorrrnment,
Dickson & Carling, Solicitor R. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••N•••••••••••.