HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-06, Page 3CREW MIIRDEIi OFFICERS. Mutiny ,dpi the Russian Battleship • "Kniaz Potemkin" • ge A de reef'fl the 1: k i tr, chip lie THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM T1U LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other miry Produce at Home ewd Abroad. '!'orc:nto, Juiy 4.--Wbeat.-No. a tthito and red ore quoted ut 9oe to $1 at of ,sale points. No. 2 goose: is purely nucuiuul. Munitoba %•brut is easier, No. 1 Northern gi.ulid ut ,atcb from Odessa says: The Wever' infantrymen were killed. The $1.08, at Georgian Bay ports; No. of revolution is heisted on mutiuc•eia do not serol t° have 2 Northern at $I.GC+, and No. :1 filmiest to the burning of part of the Northern at IIIc city and shipping. '1'16s was entirely Outs -No. white are quoted ut the ,curl: u[ ,tutors. A14uny of these 4:1 to 45e outside, according to lo - had petroleum torches and others cation. No. 2 quoted on track Toe Pocket gas -stades. 'They attacked all 'onto at 47c. the buildings, warehouses. dwellingshurley-No. 2 quoted at 46 to 47c and churches in the neighborhood, middle freights, No. 2 extra, at 44 to and the ,wooden framed elevated reel- 45c, and No. 3 at 4:lc middleroad, which served the three harbors, freestts, making it semicircle round the heads 1 is .-No, 2 quoted outside at 71 of the harbors. Tho timber work of to 72r. and milling at 71c. the railway was soon alight. it Coin -The murhet for Canadian is Wane! in all directions, and the era's limn at G:1 to :i4c, ('h:►tita,tn'. Atucri tumbled below. Among other N2yellow,-1ti.ic and No. 3 pro- perty destroyed were the offices and cern u. 11ai ) uu::es of three great Ruseiu►t yellow, 61 e, lake and rail, Toronto. transpOrt cwupuuies, cutlnining tut- Ityc 'thy' market. le dull, with pric- meuse stores. es noininal at 60c outside for No. 2. 'THE \'ICTIAIS 131t1tIh,D. ilickwheat-I'rise's nominal at 60• to 61c outside. stheads et the Kuntz 1'otea►- tus,iu's most I:owerful battle in the (Slack Sea, whish now in the harbor an the hands of into els. The cuptaln and most of the oaicers wei•o murdered and ;thrown overheard in the open sea and the ship is completely in the poescsvion of the crew and a few officers %hu have tlu•uten in their lot with the mutineers. '1h* Rotes of the Kniaz Potemkin comment the city aHyl in the streets liens. s of striking workmen who on '1•utsday fled before the volleys of tho troops are ',ow inflamed by the spee- tac•Ie of open revolt on board an hope, ia1 warship and are waking a bold front against the military. '1'1[U DlUI'INY. arose from tho shooting of it sailor Who was pre -netting, on behalf of the crew, a contpluint against bad food. According to one version, this sailor, whesu name was Ontiltehuk. objected ,to the quality of the, "borchtch ' or soup, and was immediately idiot doeti by a press officer. 'the crow then roar and seized the ship, and the otd:cere, eight r t mho were spared on condition that they would join the mutin.•ers. 1 he others wweretkillcd and their bodi:v thrown (Inert -clan!. '1 he L nnz Potemkin arrive! here on '1'ceedity night accompanied by two torpt do boats. Early the body of Oati:lchuk was brotight ashore in one of the battleshi•t's boat's, and was landed on the new mole, where it was exposed in semi -state all day. It wa:; visited by thou tads of per- sons, many of whom placed coins in a basket at the .head of the body towards n fund to defray tha cost of the funeral The authorities have made no at- tempt to remove the body, the sail- ors having served notice that the; ship woiilii open fire on anyone seek- ing to interfere with it. A police agent t'istiting the spot was killed by strikers. TI IE RED FLAG HOISTED. During the day a red flag was hoisted on the Kniaz Potemkin and members of the crew rode from ship to ship in the harbor, stopping all work thereon. The strike is now general here and the rioters are growing in llWrthers and boldness. Wedne:xtay night a bomb was thrown in Cathedral Place, killing its throw- er and a policeman. During the day one of the torpedo boats which accompanied the Enloe I'uten•kin ,eild the Russian steatuor Esperan'a, laden with two thousand tons of coal, which the battleship has taken on board. '1 he Nniaz Potemkin is also known as the Potemkin Tavritchesky. She is ene of the moat, powerful Russian vessels now nt!oat, 12.480 tons dis- placement, an 1 has a speed of seven- teen and n halt knots. oho carried 750 sten and olllcors. AUTHORITIES IN PANIC. A despatch from St. Petersburg Brays: More serious in its possible ef- fete than all the defeats in Man- churia or the dtstructioi of Itojcst- ven.'y's fleet was the news which remit d St. l'etereburg on Wednesday et'cinise that the standard of open rebellion was floating on board one of stile Emperor's batllt,liips in the }tallier of Odessa, and that with 1,11(111(1 gun; the mut items' crew, heeded by eight officers. were holding the strip agaieet all comers. The aulhnrititst fur Manic -stricken, and at tate Admiralty consternation reigns. Admiral W'ireniue, chief of the Naval Gcnerial Staff. frankly con- fcr+.ed that the situation was grave. O'I'III•:I( IVAdtSi1Il'S SEIZED, 'Ihe Odessa correspondent. of the I.or,tnn Standard sends under reserve %a reline that fu:u• other warshipq mutinied tit Selast01 al utvl are now on the sway to Odessa to join rho Itnfaz I'oternkin 'l'uvritchusky. A `1(111'1' OP` HORROR. A despatch front Odessa says: -Tho mutineers of the i(niaz Potemkin '1' vritchesky have been joined by the crew of (ho transport \'edhe, who mutate -f on Om wily Iter.• from Nieto mien. The Aselha's officers Ore now prisoners 011 the battleship. It would be most difficult to t:e• t:rrila' the exact situation here. The Kniaz Potemkin 'I'avritehisky still lies u11 rho harbor, but at the time of telegrnphing she has not nulcstel the town, nor have the met itse-rs aided the rioters to the extent of re- pulsing the troops or inducing the littler to join the revolt. Martial law has thus far lecti (electively int- ' posed. It is impossible to reach the acmes of the Iit-ltting. Any attempt to pass the soldiers who guard the approaches to the harbor involves in- stant death. The inactivity of the mutinous sail- ors Is ascribed in some quarters to Omelchuk, the sailor of the }Cola,, Flour -Ninety per cent. patents are Potemkin 'I;tvi-itehesky, w:u,se shoot- quoted at $1.:10 to $4,10 in buyers' ing by the captain of the battleship sncl:s, east or west; straight rollers for complaining ui,tut the feud led of special brands, for domestic tack, to the mutiny, was buried on Wed- fn bbls., $4.75 to $1.R.i, Manitoba evening in the city necropolis. momsare steady. No. 1 ntspate, Tho funeral .was made the occasion $5.40 to $5.50; No. 3 patents, $5. - nes, of a great popular demonstration. 15 to $3.30 strong bakers'. $5 to Neither police. nor troops showed r ,. themselves along the route. Every- $o.10 on frac.., Toronl o. thing was orderly. Tho mutineersMiilfetti-At outside points bran is had notified the commandant of the pouted at $12 to $13.:,0, and shorts port earlier in the day of their i►t- at $17 to $17.30. lfanitobu Irr:ut, in saeelcs, $17, and shorts at $19. tention to inter their comrade with hull naval honors. They added that they would land an escort and the ship's band, and that if these were interfered with the battleship would immediately open fire on the port. Tho commandant thereupon offered himself as a hostage aboard tho bnt- tly:'hip for the safe return of the es- COUNTItY PRODUCE. Appl: s-( hone sto: k, $2.50 per bbl.; cooking apples, $ 1 to $1.50 per bbl. heat's-l'rIrne quoted at $1.::5 to 51.60, and hand-picked at $1.70. cert and to ensure tie safety of the 11°Jtbr-I ht, market is unchanged at city. It cannot be learned whether 32 to 3.1c, according; to quality his offer was accepted. but in any case the mutineers' threat was re- spected. Although the day passed practical- ly without disturbance, the mob again became threatening on Thurs- day evening. Troops hold the public ntratc-Car lots quott(J at $fl on buildings and guard the approaches track, Toronto. to the harbor. (hiring the evening Potatoes -New potatoes quoted in the central railway station was set barreta at $2.25 to 52.50 in a job - on lire and is almost destroyed. bing way. Many persons have been injured, but Poultry -Chickens, 12 to 13c per details aro unobtainable. Ib.; turkeys, dry picked!, 18 to 14c. it is stated that eleven surviving officers of the Kniaz Potemkin 'I'av- ritchesky have landed. Honey -Prices farm at 71 to Re per tb. Comb honey, $1.75 to 82 per dozen. Hay -Car lots of No. 1 ti►nothy are quoted at. 5R on track here, and No. 2 at 86.50 to 57. MUTINY IIAM I. ALiiyGP I Ai;1G . A despatch from St. Petersburg says: 'jhe mutiny Iins reached tho Baltic. The sailors at the Imperial naval barracks at Libau 'revolted on Wednesday night on the pretext that th- food se•rvt•d to them was not fit to cat. I tit'., secured rifles and am- munition and wrecked and stole front houses. 'they attacked the 0:ricers' (merit rs, firing shots through the windows. A detachment of troops, including. artillery, was immediately ordeisel out, and it is reporlri that. after severe fightittc; they repulsed the mutineers, who, however, escaped with their erns. Cossacks and a regiment of infantry were sx•nt to the scone early Thursday morning. De- tails o-tails of the afrnir could not be ob- tained here. 7 h: re is an unconfirmed report that trouble similar to that nt IAhnu has broken out af. Revel. The Ministry of Marine politely refuses to give the least information concerning the troubles at those places or at. Odes- sa. but official circles, eviiectully the Department of Police, believe that the outbreaks were planted by revo- lutionists, and are manifestly alarmed. Their alarm is shared by the Inviter social circle's of the capi- tal, whore the long established faith in the unflinching loyalty of the P:un- pr'ror's meted forces is beginning to waver, bringing inevitable dread that the revollition so often declared to be inrpo5.sible may yet be accomplish- ed, perhaps has already begun. It is unquestionable that the occurrences at Odessa nod Lihnu have more deeply impressed the ruling cla.stei here than all the defeats in Man- churia and the destruction of Ilio navy combined. 4 LIGHT SENTENCE. Two Months in Jail for Bank Cashier. A Halifax despatch snys:-At noon on 'Thursday the jury in the can of the 'Vermouth Punk found (Cashier .Johns i{uilty of making false retor't's. Crown Prosecutor Armstrong asked 7:, for mixed IoIs: select, F7 to $7. - that the most lenient sentence fins- 15. E:gg.,-.Siru1,10 !neck, 15.{ to slide be imposed, and .Judge Neaghei' 1(:c; No 2, l le, Butter-('hoiee stateed that lie would do so, and for cr•t•nm'ry, 191 to 20c: undergrnrlrs, another reason, ,tamely, that the 1f. to 181c: Qdry. 101 to 101e. inet.hod of keeping the bank's ac- counts was prevalent in ether hanks. (h eft r (lntnrio, 95 to 9;r: Quebec. He sentenced Johns to two months !)' to .►jr, in jnii. The cashier was released on bail. pending argument on the legal N1:1V A'(li1iC GRAIN MARKET. case resisted for the full court. New York, July :3. -\(hent -Spot ~�- irregular: No. 2 red, $1.06 in elt•- DEPORTING IC1311GRANTS +ntor end 51.071 t. o. b. &lost; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.21 t. o. b. THP: DAIRY MARKE'T'S. Butter-Pound 11 r o aa e r. iobbi n,, at 15 to 16c, and large dairy rolls at 14 to 15c; 'tedium grades, 12 to Ide; tubs, 14 to 15c, the latter for choice. Creamery prints sill at 19 to 20c, and solids at 1yc. Eggs -Good :tual:tiea Hell at 165 to 17c par dozen in case lots, and splits at 14 to 115c, (-hecto--New cl eeso aro quoted at. 101 to 105c per lb. 110(1 I'IRODUCTS. I'acon-Long clear, sells at 10 to 105e per lb. ±n case lots; mu'va pork, 815 to $15.50; short cut, 519.50 to $20. Cured Meats -Hams, light (.o medi- um, 13 to 134e; no., heavy, 121c; ro'ls, 105e, shoulders, 95 to 10c: backs, 144 to 15e; breakfast bacon, 13e. 1 nrd-'i'ierces, 05 to 0;c.; tubs, len; rails, 101e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, .July 4. -(:rain -Thu mar- ket for tats showed no change this morning, quotation being still 4'Jc for No. 8 opts, and 50e for No. 2 in store. blow','--Manftobu Spring wheat patents, $5.10 to $5.60; strop; bakers', $5.10 to 551:10; Win- ter wheat. patents:, $5.50, and st.roight rollers, S5 to $5.15 in ,woods in bats, 82.10 to 52.50, itolied Oats -82.224 per bag. 1'440 -On- tario bran, in bulk, at $15 to $1(h, shorts. $19 to 820; Manitoba irran, in bags, $16 to $17; shorts, $20 to $21 Prang --('!toter primes $1.0d t do ntedltun ... ... 4 60 do light 4 25 du bulls .. 2 50 Stockers, choice ... 3 25 du common .., .., , 2 50 do bulls ., 2 00 Mitch cows, choice ....83 00 do common ......25 00 Sheep. export, ewes . 8 75 do Lucke 3 00 du culls ... .... 2 5(1 Lambs , 3 50 Calves ... 2 04) Hoes, re hots ... 6 65 do lights and fats 6 40 4 70 4 50 300 3 75 3 (x) 3 Olt 530:51 0 00 85 O0 a UO 25 :1 50 r� n5 10 00 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. telegraphic Briefs From Ona Own and Other Countries of Re - CANADA. The Quebec Uuverument sold 2,361 miles of timber limits, realiz- ing $396,(445. A big vein of silver has been dis- covered near Sharpe's Lake, in the Cobalt district. !:rand Lodge, Canadian Order of Oddfellows, has decided to increase its assessment rates. Alt oil well pumping 36 barrels per day has been blown at W'ikwt•eai- kung, Manitoulin Island. '1 ho lleatibier Hotel sato at Bran- don was robbed of $200 in efts!' and several checks and express orders on Saturday. Consumption caused 190 deaths in the Province during May, 65 more than all other infectious diseases combined. The War Eagle, Centro Star and St. Eugene urines have been sold to a (}tnadian l'acitic Railway syndi- cate for $825,000. Between Sept. 1st, 1904, and Tiny 81st, 1905, there was marketed at Manitoba and North-west elevators, 36,981,071 bushels of wheat. GREAT BRITAIN. Tho London Tunes' financial article reports a more cheerful tone in Urent Britain's markets. A select committee of tho British ]louse of Commons will investigate the army stores scandals. Lord Ito:elbe•y has received an ur- gent invitation to attend the Fore- fatiters' .di toner in New York in De- cember. )o-cemmber. Whitelaw Reid, o new Ambassa- dor from the Unit States to Croat Britain, was welc mrd in London, on Friday, by a not lo gathering of the Pilgrims (:lub. UNITE() *PATES. It is rumored that Yte:, Dr. Rains- ford, the New York pastor, - nity 1.o forced by ill health to give up 0!9 charge. Tho State Superintendent of insur- ance has found heads of tho Equita- ble Insurance Society guilty of im- proper use of tho society's funds. Russia corps to men. GENERAL. is mobilizing tour army provide a million mo.o THE MOROCCO QUESTION The German Note Said to Be Satisfactory. A Paris despatch snys:-Tho int - pression in diplomatic circles :eget-d- ing rho tenor of the German reply is that, while Germany is still insisting upon a conference, she no longer ignore:; the agreement as to Morocco between France. England and Spain. There is little doubt that it Ger- many shall modify further its atti- tude to a full acceptance of this DOMINION PARLIAMENT NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS 1N THE HOUSJ:: O1? co)lAioNa. COLIyS-1`01(AII F. I'IiOIt1.F:It. Mr. J. E. Armstrong called atten- tion to the cold -storage problem in Canada. Ito gave statistics showing the great importance itt the agricul- tural exports from Canada. which untountetl to 5100,000 this year and 5111,000 last year. Crent growth of fruit production made a heaty demand for careful handling and large accommodation. Our ban- ter exports had out increased as they should. flow could they increust When butter had to travel in a car in a temperature of 53 degrees to 58 degrees, and then :3 degrees in ves- sels and 90 degrees atter turlvirtg in England. and then cuurp4te Leith but- lost his lif.t, on the i!1 -fated Russian ter from Argentina and New ''/.eulund battleship aa-hic•h had been fruiet and well cared Tho Dmitri Jlonskol, one of the for all the way? Refrigerator cars four armored eruiseis sunk in the should be more thoroughly insulated engagement with Acheiral 'Pogo, was and more cure taken to keep them iced. known throushuut the Russian i:m- iced. Mr. Armstrong quoted figures piro as "/akoldovanunl Kruizir," or Em - to shote that only a sola!! percentage "l•he Haunted Cruiser." Sailors of butter, eggs, apple's, basun, eta, dreaded cervine, on her, and three went trout Canada in cold -storage. brothers flannel Varuishincun actual- ilt moved an amendment that ('an- ly committed suicide at Croustadt in arta annually exports u largo amount order to avoid being transferred to of farm products, of which a consul -her. It had long been a popular erabio portion are of a perishable superstitur ion amour; life Czar's sailors character; that depreciation of value that On tier first lung voyage the �)tnitri Donakol would go to the bot - sults in great loss to tho farmers et of such products during transit ro- to RUSSIA'S SUNKEN SHIPS FACTS ABOUT THE CREWS AND CAPTAINS. One of :he Last Cruisers Was Said to Be Haunted -Some Curious Gossip. Many curious facts havo cotne to light about the ill-fated vessels of Rojest vensky's defeated squadron, su%s the London Mirror. one odd tlrcunistnnce about the battleship Rorodinu is that. of its conte lenient of 7.10 men, no fewer than 628 horn foreign sin -atones. many of these were Germans from* ithe Baffle pt•;ovinces, but at least one 1'nelishmtturLLt'ut. Anderson. who was onto of the foreign "mercenaries" taken on at Me,da►;ascar-pr°hably Canada; that cold -storage facilities provided in contract with the Gov- ernment should be thoroughly up to date anti efficient, and should atTord though only built in 1901, was said an adequate return for subsidies to be infested with rats. Lieutenant granted. I.ebedie!l, in a letter to his parents, Ilan. Mr. Fisher, In reply, said subsequently published in a St. Pet - that, having carefully weighed the ersburg newspaper, related how one amendment, ho had failed to read Sunday evening a large rat intruded into it any censure or want of con- on the cununantler o[ tho vessel con- fidence in the Government, and, be- while be was having his bath. After lieving rho assertions contained an exciting chase the rat was do- therin were quite true, he would be watched by a sailor servant, who glad to accept it. At the same time,' was, however, bitten on the thumb while complimenting hint on tho at- and ied tention he had given to the question,' and. a few days later from blood died he pointed out that Mr. Armstrong Captain Hernatovitch, of the ro- bed unfortunately mixed up the re- pair ship Kamschatka, was known cords of temperatures in cold -storage among his nten as "Kulak Fist," on chambers and in cooled air chantaccount of his habit of boxing tho hers, apparently oblivious of the fact cars of disobedient subordinates. Ho that these desig nt methods car good linguist, and his two car- riage were designed for entirely dis_ was a timet purposes, and under both these sons wc-o educated In England. nmethods temperatures varied accord-; C'aptnin SerceycR, of rho Boro ing to the particular articles car -;,lino, was ono of tlio ®host popular ar ried. While agreeing as to theses -officers In the Russian navy, and was city of steady temperatures, ser., known to the sailors as "Kasha," or fisher pointed out that the Govern -I "Buckwheat Porridge." Ito was very meat had no control over steamship good-natured, but for all that was companies, contracts with which an excellent cam -manlier. When a havo all expired. But the contracts' boy, SergeyefT spent ono and a halt had served the purpose intended, and. years in America, and among his in - there was now better cold -storage, timates was very fond of talking facilities from Canadian ports than English with an extraordinary Yan- frotn any portion of the continent. • keo accent. lie produced statistics to show that OP ENGLiSII BLOOD. facilities for cold -storage had never Captain it ctel im an,, of the protect - been fully tutilized byC u r' - a► t Ilan ship ed cruiser Svletlnna, was, like Ad- pers. Tho department had found it niiral Starck, known as "Nietnet•r,"- necessnt;y to advise dock managers at The German -but had he, been called Liverpool that if boiler facilities - were not afforded fur handling but - have Tntcli diman It would probably ter Canadian shippers would be re- commended halo been nearer the mark, tut' the to send their butter to unfortunate officer's mother conn some other port. Mr. Fisher wont of an old Warwickshire family. with some detail into the question of Captain Eberhardt, of the Alexan- temperatures, and concluded by again der III., was ono of the best dressed accepting the motion as Quito con- officers in the Czar's navy. He was sistettt with his department's inlen- a personal friend of Nicholas II., and tions and record. !on more than one occasion the Czar Mr. Chisholm spoke of the necessity is said to havo chaffed the gallant* for a continuous chain of efficient officer about his courtly manners and cold -storage from the farmer's home dandy clothes. Eberhardt was not to the old country market. I popular among his men. to whom he Mr. Derbyshire said that butter was known as "Blue Mary." shipments are increasing, and cold - storage facilities are now provided on vessels without a dollar from the Government, ns the companies have to provide them to get business. The amendment was declared car- ried. INFESTED WITH RATS. Tho Intporator Alexander III., al- • TREASURE -HUNTING, Mr. Gissler Has Purchased Modern Tools. A treasure -hunting concession has agreement rho conference will be ens- NIGHT'S FUN IN GEORGIA• been secured from the Government of ily arranged. It would, however, be - the Republic of Costa Rica by Aug - scarcely more than a farce. and the Seven Persons Killed for Mob's ust J. Gissle•, an American. It principal object in holding it would Amusement. elves hint the right to explore Cocos bo to stave Germany's tierce. An Atlanta, (:a., despatch says:- .Island for buried treasure for a ♦ Specials front Watkinsville, (la., give period of two years. the following account of the ly!whir►g1 Tho island comprises about twenty POWER FOR PEACE ENVOYS there early on 'J'hirselay:-light iris- thousand acres, and lies offthe coast oases were taken from the jail here of Costa Rica. Tradition sage that Are Authorized to Conclude All on 'Thursday morning and seven of Henry Morgan, the buccaneer, buried Arrangements. them were shotto death by a mob' gold and silver to the value of $20,- A 1'nris despatch says: -Tho St. of masked white morn within '200 040.000 on the island and never re - Petersburg correspondent of tho yards of the centro of the town,' turned for It. The story of the One of the men, "Joe" I Ot.terlon," buried treasure has beenJapang,• nerally ' $1.41a per bushel; $1.50 to 31.55 in Japan will agree to enter upon Matta says it is believed there that colored, escaped by /efgning denth:nawn for years, and several ni- cer lute:. Hone.) --White clover, in peace negotiations if the Russian when the volley was tired. The mob tempts have been amide to locate R. comb. 125c per section In one-pomp(!plenipotentiaries shat!l b4 given full left him lying oft the (;round. Tho' lip to tliis time allettetnpts have &xtitee extract, in 10-11. tin;, 7 to power and authority to conclude a names of the leen killed were: Lewis been unsuccessful. 7tc; in 60-1b. tins, 6 to (11c.; buck- wheat, (1 to 65c. Provision+-.Ut•avy Can:Winn short cut pork, $20 to 521; light short cut, $18 to $19; Ameri- can crit clear fat bad s, $13 to 518.- 50: cn'uporntd (nrd, 7 to Tic: enn- ndi•.n I-rrd, t►; (0 1.0:c; kettle ren- dered, 104 to 11c; Iran's. 12 to 14e; barna, 12 to Ile; bosh killed hogs, $9.25 to 8'.1,5i); alive, $6.:,0 to $6. - Largo Number at Que:'.ee to De along No. 1 hard Mann/On. $1.12 Sent Back. f. o.1,. afloat. their having no ammunition. The A Quebec despatch says: -Tho need- LIVE ST(J('k MAllKl;'I', ,ulnar is nt least plausible, routs- icn1 brrtech ref the Quebec enema- of '1'ort,nte, July •1.-7 ho market at. ltlrmuch as •`(enllcctatws n'; crle•rn saiddthat one the Distugett11)9 reatnion lration ,�pwtrt- 1h• ell y yards op, bet it Iittlestrong- number of dis:•nsed irontiermes, at cr to -day, but Ih.r'• i; still talrnt,v of present undergoing trentm must for room Lir nrlcanc4 111 p vier. tra4homa at the Savor('I: Turk ifouse Pricers err its follo"it: of 1'etention. A\tslncs:l:ty niternuon xpoil c:ul 1••, choice .$1 90 to $a 30 uie immigrant, it Suet C1111410. was do lit ifs, .............3 30 :3 7.i place(' on hoard the Allan steamerrn n1er:iuu• .. ... :t 23 3 30 I'rolorinn, suilin;; for I:Inns;nw, amp do 1•141fdo tells ... .... :t 75 4 (:Il .... do Cott s1:11 0000 :31 7.i7a Dot titers' p let ed .., •1 86 5 00 do choice ... ... 4 50 -1 75 .. do trn•tli 4 00 1 5n do ma'n'na .,. :1 - -1 2.i eo cow So .. , 3 ^ 4 :in do hills so :3 50 i'crtkrs, trhort-keep ... 4 75 nnio r on to supply the Baltic fleet. Wednesday night was one of hor- ror. The rattle of ,lilt s and machine guns MOS ince:v%11111, while the glare from the burning harbor illuminated scettes of blood. The Cossacks o1 cr- ated thirty machine guns on the rutin (horoughfnrtw, and considering se:'ern1 otters nttirleil with the seine :lint these were sometimes turned out tlisensc• who ha+'e i.rei 'kilo red in. densely mit"sed mobs., the estimate's curable ,.111 1 e placed on the lir.;, sf thousands killed and thoes:u:els nonunion Lille %teenier 'too .ails. rt oenitled do not R••tnt cx,•, ssiye. The There aro nt preset!' 18'! foreign oases wuotnined lw the tio0;.• r•u4'immigrants uncle;•going tr,'.a1non1 ut tot known ac•curnfely, hit it is net- 1lt• House of 1►,'tentIon. end ,pole n nil ted that three police officers, nine ' number of lhes•e t•. ill have lo be de• tc!'.cere... •, t ,t'i'nt_ - le•ssncks, hill n p°, ted. peace. Russia has nccepted this view and in consequence the Czar has seal - Count, Cassini, tho 1(ussian Ambassador itt Washington, to come to St. Petersburg immediately. A conference in Washington is impossi- ble before 'August. MURDERER MUST HANG. Slayer of Englisha11ts4t In Wilder- ness Sentenced. A despatch from Edmonton, N.AV,- 1'.. sats: 'Ihe crena-( triol of Chas. King, to Wihiern ss m'n•derer of Ed - Robertson. Richard Rubinson, Sandy (1issler has been living on the is - Price, Claude Older, Bob Harris, land for several years past, and it Jim Pearly, all ncgroes, and Lon is said that ho trade some discover - Aycock. white. Four of the prison- les which led hint to believe that the otters were charged with being int- story of the buried riches was cor- plicatrd in the murder of Holbrook reet, ntid his wife several weeks ago, and Iio suddenly, made a trip to the one was held for an attempted critn- capital of Costa Hica, entered into negotiations with tho Govertunont authorities, rind secured (ho conces- sion by pledging the Government a third part of the treasure is the event that lis found it. Since securing tke coacelision His- sler has Made a trip to the United States, and while there pnrrhased magnetic ore finders, drills, an.l Inal assault. The ot hers were is jail on minor misdemeanor charges. • BASKETS SCATTERED. Boiler Explosion at Green River, Ontario. A despatch from Gre5j iver, ward Hayward, an Iri�{ li.shmmn, was other apparatus. ile Ilea returned concluded on Wc•rin'e:-ti}IT • afternoon. Dot large re b ;k •t • slurs wits (int.. says: 'Tho boiler Jo.a•ph } n g it c fa us to the estate, not is now renrly L) -111,1 Judge annulled tip strongly own tip with t4rr•itic force just after start wvrk. A nttmher of workmen nattiest the prisoner, nnrl atter the dinner on Thursday. '1"he boiler wan engaged by flimsier have gone to the jugs had been net for an hour end l fled up and thrown full:' 1(0 feet island (Tont Costa hien. a half they returned a verdict of to the ,west, the head being sent It is said that the treasure buried guilty. Tito judge asked of he had anything to any, wherein 11io pris- oner replied: "1'in not guilty. The Inst time i snwr t layward It. was Mile. and i hope that if he's dead the murderer will soon be found." 1 hr j'iih a sentenced him to lie bung- ed at tho Mounted Police barracks at Fort Snskntchew,n, Aug. 81. Ile h. -Id out no h 'pe of clemency. COOL MILLION FOR YALE. John D. Rockefeller's Gift to Higher Education. A despatch from New Ila •• •n. Conn . Refs: At. the Yale ale:Hint 1:1t • ng on AV,slne. 1 nt,•,n l'resid'nt Lindley announced that John D. ito •k' (ether hail promised it gift of 81,000,000 to Yale end that certain graduates of the 17niversity had pledge,, another million. about 100 yards over buildings in by Morgan was taken from Spanish the o;+posite direction. The factory treasure ships en route (runt Mexico was badly wrecked, n great portion to Se'nin, and was in bears of gold of the side and roof Ir int; Idotttt out. and silver. Mr. Rulon and his sun. who attends the engine, were standing not more than ten feet from one side of it ti he pi the nrrident occurred, and miracubnts t° say, both escaped un- injured. '1huusanls of ber•iy baskets were scattered in all directions. HUNDRED GERMANS KILLED. Report of Recent Vict•'ry of Hot- tentots is Confirmed. A despatch from ('ape Town sats: Continent ion has leen recrttotl here of Chief yfar,ngn's reported tictory ote r the Germans nt ICntasls rg, (termini South-west. Africa. .lune 22. 1t is sold 11)0 Germans were killed. AMBUSHED GERMANS. Insurgent Lender In :tooth -west Africa Scores Success. A d. -switch from ('ape 'Town. l'npe Colony, say's: A telegram from Stein- kop, German South-West Africa. says i'etrus Christian, the insurgent lend- er, reef nt1v ambushed the German force cmnnrnndcd by Miller sot Konen, itt 1Cnr;t.leerg, killing 15 am' wounding 26 fermatas. It. Is rumor- ed thitt the insiret•nts captures! six guns, hut this is not confirmed. • A man's knowledge Isn't as power. ful es a womau'a intuition. LOST THROUGH DREAMS STRANGE STORIES OF NOC- TURNAL "TIPS." Colonel Booker's Experience With Dreams Was a Distastrous One. It is well known that there is no lean more superstitious than the con- firmed gambler, and nine titnea out of ten, i( he obtains ahat he regards as a '•dirt•et tip" through the instru- mentality of a dream, be will play it. and continuo to play it, though the results are as disastrous as in the following erases says London Tit - Bits. One of the most remarkable in- stances in which a largo sunt of money was lust through putting too much faith in a dream occurred about five years ago to a Colonel Booker, who refuted tate facts himself to tho present writer. In 18919 Col- onel Booker was in Mexico City, and while there played roulette regularly in tho casino. One night, after winn- ing u Lair amount, ho retired to rest and had a curious dream. Ho thought he was coming out of the theatre with a lady on his arm, when a cabman cattle up to him and asked hint if he wanted a cab. '1'tto colonel turned to the lady and in- quired if she would ride, but sho de- clined, whereupon rho cabman took a piece (if chalk from, his pocket and marked the colonel's sleeve with THE NUMBER ELEVEN, Then Colonel (looker awoke, and was so much impressed by his dream that he believed ire had received a bona -fide "tip" to put his money on that number. That evening he followed the noc- turnnl.advico, and lost. But so great a hold had the dream taken upon hint that he continued to play the same number, and though be lost nineteen times out of twenty he persevered for several days, at the end of which time be found his losses amounted to $25,000. 'Then, like a wise non recovered from his foolishness, the colonel decided to "quit," and since then ho has put very little faith in dreams as an aid to suocessful gambling. But Colonel Booker's experience with nocturnal "tips" was ny 110 means so disastrous ns that of a certain rich young man at Monte Carlo some few years ago. This young fellow, whom we will call Snaith, was a member of a well- known and highly respected Devon- shire family; he had gono the "paco,'1 and had lost a considerable amount in horse -racing and gambling, when ono night ho had a dream which greatly impressed itself upon him, and which was the direct means of ' d for - thought t r mute this his losenf, tl c c cr o tune. IIo he was standing In it Avenue do 1'Opera, Paris, whoa w police officer canto along with a squad of gendarmes and halted with- in a hundred feet of him. HE WATCHED TiHE IDLY, and soon experienced an uncontrolla- bio desire to find out how many there were, but Just as he began to count. tho officer issued peremptory, commands, *hick were so promptly: - obeyed that the .' earner had no chance 'of satisfying his cariosity. Fatally, however, the nten stood in single Lilo facing their officer, and Mr. Smith was just able to make out that there were twenty-seven is all when ho awoke. Being superstitious, like alt gams tilers, he at once saw in his dreatn tho finger of Fate silently pointing to twenty-seven as the lucky number, and the following day he was early, at tho tables and staked a large sutn on it. Curiously enough, twee. ty-seven won 1.wice in succession. and then the luck changed and ho began to lose steadily, Most of that day he played his favorite num- ber without success, and when the casino closed that night ho bad lost a considerable amount of money. The next day ho continued to play the same number with the same re- sult, and, to cut a long story short, that fatal twenty-seven ran away with every penny he possessed, and Ito wan only prevented from shooting himself by an interested spectator. who followed hien out of tho casino, and by tact and the loan of a small sum induced him to face his misfor- tune like a man. 'Those to whom Mr. Snaith afterwards related the cir- cuntstnnces of tho dream declarer) that he had anode a inistuko in not counting tho officer as well as the gendarmes. A CURIOUS INSTANCE of how a dream lost a fortune to one mean and gained it for agother comers from the State. Two years ago a tuilliunairo of the name of John Baker died, leaving his entire fortune to pis yaunger son, cutting •IT the elder os account of his hav- ing refused to follow the same bus- iness as hie father. The will was dated the sante year that the mil- lionaire had quarrelled with his elder sun, who was muck sympathized with. This man, Robert linker, be- lieved that another and a later will existed, but as it could not be found the younger man mate into possession, and made no attempt to share his good fortune with his 'trot her. Some weeks after Robert !taker dreamed that the second will '.could be found in the pocket of en old coat. of his father's hanging up in a closet in the room he' used to occupy. So vivid was the dream that the fullow- ing day, ,when his brattier was at business, he visited the house and found the will in the place indicated in his dream. 'Through this noctur- nal "tip'' tlto younger son lust some. thing like $10,000,000 starling, for the new will divided the property equally between the two suns. I11'I'l'IN(J BACK. Mrs. Laker -"I nen a true daughtoli of Ive." Mr. 1,nkcr-"I'4 hike to know faj what way? You can neither cook nor wash dishes." Mrs. Laker -"Neither could Evo.'. +