HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-07-06, Page 1t 1 x _ o !trier - HURON & M1DDL ES E X GAZETTEt QIRr1'Y-SECOND YEAR --NO 1661 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY I;th 190.5, 4.144++ iN••g••e♦Ng•••**este**g •••e••••NNHe••HgN•••••• FOR To wear there aro 1 tPecve. it' 'I hey hay . feethy p1. Itemise net or t cut' ft murk is and the tiurl. Travels. aro nitwit rtravelling is a Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. mohair is goods white prices have Unordinary, Satin is t cloth. Skit- are kitaro worn w: saute shade, the costutne, of the satin 1 Glass memo. pretty novel tl origin in .1. Kingdom!, ti. betrothed is consists of t of glass, to We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as that the cot bo a relr,int 7C have a machine to make all our own Troughs Comment-- Sod can give you firstclass material. Try us and t "t ti: on will be conuinced. 1101 ell wh. , flowered nwylins, n dunce, wh. Mikity cu' C'heckec! in fact, r, T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star UIV [TROUGIII NO T. HAWKINS & SON 1 1 • litserll,tionr••NN.•NN•••••••ON•N•NNN••N••NNN••••N•• wh,t:rs of �s thin wot checked si iitoba & Northwest There e. • color to • Lands for Sale S YM especially of bins stiles--katchewan Valle & through the e a y stitched stray _,oba Land Co. Ltd. The new t as the untie. st Land Company on the You are Suit buyers. We make the 80 prevale, ' with ,,trent, controlling entire Can- Suite—you wear them out. We make WE'RE SUIT SELLERS ly the'•n Northern Railway land them as well as we can, 80 that they nStlltiles 1 will not wear out sooner than they from st• ought. Because. if they do, you'll It t� 'Two Million Acres likely go somewhere else for your 11 t next Suit. And no one could blame !sena he cream of the wheat lands of You. So much money ought to buy so much Suit worth. And Suit worth nisl'i Western Canada ,41e i is fashionableness of fabric—style in cut—fit—finish—looks — dressyness — pussi Parties purchasing now are and length of service. Thr given until 1st of June to select g Orr their land. As goodgga place as there is within glo` much miles to et Johnnall ie and not pay too of h• For Terme etc. apply to tnin,r• ELLIOT & GARDINER are f.and'Agente Office Mal. St. Exeter. taut . mer ' -- — tmlIN it Exeter and Centralia W. JOHNS skirts . waists nt '' Storehouses Merchant Tailor He11St - EXETER COUNCIL 11i Council met per call of Reeve in thin Town Hall 011 Thursday, June :3Jth, all t he members present. The minutes of nrcetin held June 16th I 'TL • follow'tn,c :u the eesuti s „1 - read and approved the Exeter Public School nlid.um- Communications from Darch & i 1101' examinetions Hunter. Steele Ilriegs Co'y Ltd. Wnr• If. 8. Department.—For•lit 11 to Form Rennie and J. Bruce. seed merchants� III re fertilizer were read. No action !toners. Eno McPherson, 76 i.<•r t !ken. \Isa from Patterson. Ellice cent. 1.'ass. Olin MoPhereon, 65 per Co. Si. \Lerys, re tile, and the were- cent : May Jowls, 64; Ma;xie caw - la ry-t reasurer of the Union of Can- 1 :trd, 61: 1Iny \Vood. 61: Willie adian Municipeliiies re fift h annual Ktti zht, 61 ; \Villie' 'Triehner, 61 ; convention gat \Vinnii.cz. The clerk 11 try Murray ,60; Nellie Rus -ell. to write Patterson, Ellis, Co. that 59; Milton I'lnff, 59 Elmore Senior, t he Council n ro not in need of rile 56; Isla ;position; 55 ; Mary Kni;hl, fori this year. 55; 'foss Carling, 51. Recommended Per W. II. Lovett, seconded by e• on trial, llarv►'y Gardi,ar itoy e'er- eluir, the Reeve and Dr. Ilyndmait nrt•r, Herbert Workman. secure a nurse for Mrs .Ik'lback, Form i I1. S. Department nal sick of fever.—Carried Golnmt'rci i] Poem resut,(s w ill ap- 1'er. J. Muir, seconded by J. Wood pear in next issue'. t he Council undertake to put down Promotion front Jr. 1\' to Sr. iV, a concrete walk from station roan! Gladys Tliesot,f•Viula Welsh, Lillian north to the brid;c on Main st. figs Stile!!„ 1{ultt !!toper, Clif- [cet in 5yidth.—Carried. ford Mc.\voy, Clarence 1'icl:ard. Altars Pickard, Willie Antos, Al - Ina, McPherson. Clarence 11 obier, Jessie Manson, Owen Atkinson, Louis Day, Venetta Lan r. Roland Iiriutnell Lela Gould; Clara Dales, Elle O'Brien Edwin Barrows. From Sr. 111 to .Ir. I\•, honors, Loney Heywood, Victor Sweet, Wit - he Bradt, Garvey Acheson, Herbert Gardiner, Willie Armslronr, Aggie Barkner, Harry Carlin?, Gladys Ford, Catherine, . Makins, Edith Heideman, Annie Ilissett, Willie Bir- ney, Olive Wood. Pass, Jack Buck - in ha r 3 m, fly Ue Dauncey, Birdie Boy- le, Frank Johns. Netts Tohnston, Tom Haltran, Ella \Vood, \Libel Tay- lor, Annie Jackson, Alma Roye, Ches- ter Harvey-. From .Tr. 111 to Sr. III, honors, Lily Rowe, Ida Welsh, Harry Sweet, Percy Godwin. Latimer Grieve, Lau- ra McFille, Peer! Godwin, :Minnie Jewell. r - Ila r Fuke. Pass, \\• , Wallace Sc Fuke, Bl•Inclw Atkinson, Paul }. hIp- pen, Bert \Vestcott, Ma zzie \Vend- 1.'tnd, Edith Brock. Elalo Howey, Goorze Burden, Melinda \Wendland. From room V to room V, t• • 3 Ray Marina., 81 per met. Wood, 80 ;Clareneel 1k woe •Lil- lian Boyle, 77; Bella Mel.- 76; El- more Harness, 74: Willie Davis ".4: toeetlter with about 320,000 bushels of wheat; in store. The elevator Wail valued at $130,000, and insured for $95,000. There wan also $5,000 insur- ance on the power house adjoining, which was saved sltzhtly damaged. The wine! hapl►ended to be blowing across 1 he harbor, or t he Goderich Millin; Company's elevator would :deo likely have been destroyed. Midsummer Exams 'Grain Elevator Per. W. 11. Levet t, secondtsl by I. Armstronz, tho Reeve and treasurer he authorized to borrow one thous- and dollars for current expenses.— Carried , Geo. Excret t and W. C. Welsh on behalf of the hand ask for a ;rant of one hundred dollars, also Mr. Henry Huston ask for a errant of one hundred dollars for the Mechan- ics Institute. Per J. Muir, seconded by .T. \Wood that a :rant of $100, e50.00 payable during July, balance 1st of October be ;r:ur,ted the band. The band to give open air concerts every week, the last. portion of the grant to be given subject to the approval of the Council.—Ca rried . I'er \tV . 11. Levet t seconded by 1. Armstronz, :t grant, of $100 he giv- en the Mechanics Institute, payable in December.—Carried. The following accounts were pre- sented and orders drawn on the treasurer for same :—Frank lent ahs supplies to Mrs. I3rimacombe, $2.39: Saxon Fitton, care of Town clock, one year to lune 21st, 1905. $25.00; Miss Mabel Kemp, pt. Salary to July 1st, $25.00; - Richard Quance, labor, $11.35 ;Thos. Webstendo.,$6.75 Thos. Creech, labor teaming, $6.75 ;. 'Phos. }latter, labor, 63c; Wm. Davie, sr, labor, $3;Jerry .Knott, labor, 83; ltd. Davis, tcaminz, $3; \V, J. Bissett, pt. eatery to June ,22nd, $31.25; W. .1. Bissett, blind n►an'e It. R. Lire to London, 115c; W. J. Bissett, meals. 40c ; Samuel Sanders, tele;rain to Hcnsall, 15c. I'ttesed on notion of W. 11. Level 1, seconded by J. Wood, and carried. I'er J. \Vood, seconded by 1. Arm- -trona., adjourn to call of Reeve. .T. SENiOi{, Clerk. Elegant Black and Blue ONE DOLLAR SAVED REPi(E- SENTS TEN DOLLARS EARNED Suitings for $15.00 The .avera;q moan dors not cavo to exceed ten per cent of his earning.. and $18.00. Ile cruse spend nine dolhtrs in livin; expenses for every dollar saved. That twine rho ease he cannot be too oare- ful about unnecessary expenses. Very often a few; rents properly ince.+led, like buying *iced.; tor his ,garden, will save several dollars outlay later on It .is ;t Ito same in buying Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1t costs but a few cents, and a hotel(' of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dol- lars. For sale in Exeter by W. S. 1 Lowey, Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime til r. \V In• Sleep, Clinton, who has been in faihinailin '1iLoaHh for about. That moneycan buya year passed away het week at his residence, Hied 71 years. Ile wag a nro • also native of Tipperary, Ireland, and a trite.'� resident of Goderich township for oal for Everybody over fifty years. at lowest prices row tont: prett' • - Stn.. embro • neck. 7 side, nr GOBBI2DIGK Burs ilia ,.1h1 Kind YN Ham BOO 8i8aatszs of n nnrrt, � li el•. ct i instance the desil ]Pct wee bile not coat of 1 • We offer for two weeks only the following Crockery nodint• skirt a, teed prices.. crushing - • they, nrt 4. One 97 piece Printed Dinner Set, regular price ntttplt} in $1O now $9.•t25. the increa extensive tlr i One 97 Printed Dinner Set,regular price The drnpt piece � 1 • cottage use $7.00 now $6.25. their beauty pensiyenes• One Toilet Set regular price .$4.00 now $:3.50 parrhn• .. - Ing any One 1 oilet Set regular price $2.00 now $1.75 +y 'n"'4t • We keep a full line of Boots and Shoes, both fine and do not hut, curtains ns for Men Women and Children. Out SilOCs give do terinls, and LIOu. or barred ., do ,. fisur atentedre lire' 3EAVERS BROS., Farquhar. .) zr of course, ►oe Price. Highest Price for Produce su rcplaccd. r , fro l ter than the 4,fin 1•ods the . is vier on 1�•c•k-n-bit argains in Crockery �1118 DEATH OF M. 1 )•Olt \VEST LA M HTON 171'. Johnston, M. 1'. for West Lambton, clic(' on Tuesday ni:zht af- ter an illness of t wo weeks front erysipelas. i1e was firs) elected to ,e !louse of Commons in 1898 and as <' , been in s' the house o sc cv< r since. e. nc r. Johnston was born in Sarnia in 19 and w•as,thus fifty-six years of ge. at CUT THE WEEDS 1':ir'iners and of hers interested should bear in mind that by a re• cent •amendutent• t ethic Ontario Mu- nicipal Act, pat hmasters are no Ion ;cc required to look after cut - t.inz t noxious weeds on the legit - ways •of •thcer division. Every ow- ner or occupant of land ie PLOW re- quired tel cut the weeds ,_zrowPiie on the highway adjacent to his land. Section 2 of Chapter 27, of 4 Ed. VII., of thr statutes of 1901 iro- vides as follee : it al►all ne I lit• duty of every oe n- ot land in a municipality to cut en rind destroy, or came, to he cut w•n and destroyed at the proper nes I o prevent the ripenin; of sit• seed, all the noxious weed. 0" in; 011 any highway. adjoiniu ch land not twine a toll road, m the boundary of such land to centre line of such road, and in o of default after notice from inspector or overseer of hi;h- 's Ot' w' ie r 9 y whete no inspector or over- t' ie appointed, from the clerk of municipality, the council of h municipality may do the work 1 may add the cost thereof to the e9 n riittsil, t he land in the collect - roll, and collect such. met in the r a e � i m nn , Ili other to ,... x y 1)o amcndine act it i9 still the y n[ the pathmasters and over- rs of highways 10 see that the. vale owners observe and comply 1► the law catir, harry ('arsons. Sr. 111. lie auiendtnenl does 11(11 rffect Sherman Willis. Gladys I)eetin:, Ed- rizht conferred by 1 he tnunici- 11111 Triehner, E irl l':u .on•, May act upon municipal councils to Sanders. .1r .111.—Florence Ileaman, Preston Dearinr. f.eorte 11icks,Ear) 8h 'won, ,Tolutny Willis. Fred i're.s- eater. 8r. 11.—Gorden Handers, Atte Willis, Florence 1 saline'', Alyint r \Willis, Kira llox, Chester Persons. 81m') I St rodlike. .Jr. 11. Wilfrid Share on, Olive I'reszcator, Cords. Penhsle. (Promoted from Part 11, Martha Ilirsliew.) fart 1i. — l;ar- ff�e111 Stinlnke. Sr. 1.—\lerle Ile zinll.l 1'iraon+, ('ha rii' Triebncr. Irl.—Lel a Sanders, Gorden Heiman, Verna )'reszeilor, Johnny 13<t ;sham, Verdi Box. No. an roll 311; tvera;e attendance for May 35, for June 31. erne 8. HANES, Teaeber. THE Cas Ithe �nhn,* the tr Bank CanadaI1rrs ft.nlwen chanlsof e is nook. be 8impl0 desig ' HEAD OFF ICH, MONTREAL. sue low tippet s . ant ing. The sl 1I. (all paid up) • ... $6,Ooc,000 ore heels, np(1 1, or s color and `e V $3,200,000 gam it i'�INt'tl' ' S j'ROFITS • • • • • •.... II li 1 1 ,-Oiyt:•• • 1 • $ 18,959 dot �„ ,•. • t..l d>v K. F. 111{RDIt. , pri t,l,,,,• I t t , lieoerr►I Msaeser 8utwrfntendenl of Urnnchse white ,tri' feet t 'i 95 Branches In Canada t` t1 laced is ith ribby T worn with silk a the SAVINGS BANK pal cut openings dainty ""0(1) -est at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings color. .— 'ounts and Deposit Receipts. - g In 8(•1,10 Ge. ;a1 attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle - allowed to t» hom loans are made on approved names, `\"` `'n18 if `' es of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the he fight, whir of the vchi ( • 1ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Mistress rest et h, ncx u:!1Mte a ►k•. lctnlly?" Coo did that I WO ting the bast t CREDITON ;BRANCH F, B. HULTBY, Manager. 221,009 BUSHELS OF \1'I 4iearly tt quarter ,cilli of wheat, a serokitez ,blac and he immense elct•a1 Goderich Elevator & T,•.• patty reduced to twisted ashes ,tell the story of o otos( disastrous fires that occurred in• Goderich. All mains o fthe .;rex' plant company is the engine tool !rouse, with machinery in.ac The tiro broke out a- noon day. It originated in the towel of the elevator, and before being covered hied practicaly control the ;rain s:orchouse. A -tiff front the lake ensured c 11)- '• e session for he fire fiend. The elevator bad a capacity nearly three-quarters of a mil bushels or ;rain, and Mana;or ton states contained 221,000 ous It was all of the No. 1 Montt hard variety, sand was rated at $ per bushel in elevator. The los grain will' be $210,890. Five years a;o the elevator constructed anti to a "ere_tt extei met the needs of \\•eeteru Out millers. The burned ,;rain Wes p tically all consigned to millers w in a hundred miles of Goderich, it is feared that some of them 5 be seriously inconvenienced, The buildin { was of mood, metal sheeting. Id Cost 8160,0 1 here i8 an insurance upon it $100,000. The elevator wa+ by Goderich, Toronto and L. son capitalists, and by the Grand Trunk Railway company. Last year Mr. John Hunt, of Lootsell '3 s manger. This year the Int " is masa;ed by Mr. \V. L :rton ,of Goderich, Mr. ilutre havinz retired, but retain - in; at interest Iherein. )cher prominent shareholders were Mr. Dyment and Mr. McLaughlin Tor- ento. Grain was placed in the ele- vator at sliippers' risk, and is un- derstood to be well insured. Another report says the Goderich Elevator &I Transit. Company's cleva- (or was totally destroyed by fire, Eva Shaddock, 7e `; ay Jewell. 70. Plass, Lily May Froyne, 69; Edna Brock, 68; Cecil Pickard, 67; Young Creech, 67 • Gerald Ilu•den, 67 Ree• inald Ilissett, 66; Fred Brock, 66: Gordon Taylor, 65; \\'ilii( Snell; 63; Lorne Baskerville,69 ; Mary Acheson, 61; Wilfrid. Stewart. 60: David Hall, 60 ; .Mabel Barrows, 60; ,Willie Iiat- ter, 59; Lulu Snell, 57. ltecomtnenil- cd, Trueman Elliott. From roost VII to room VI, hon- ors, Ruby \Vnc.d, 96 per cent : Flory Dinney, 79; \violet Knott, 70; Leon Treble, 75 ; and Edith Davis, 75 equal: Ernest Harvey, 70. Pass, Ernest Neil, 69: Annie Day, 58: Gladys Delve, 57: Georze Sinalla- contfit•, 51. Recommended on trial, Earl Cookson, Lulu Ilnstinz+. From room! VIII to room Vi, hou- •ors, harry Snell, 89 pee cent, Viola Rowe, 88 ; Linnie Ford, 8! ; Made- leine Carlini, 75 ; ;litter Bust 0n..73. Pass, Marion Illatchford, 66; May Hrimacombe, 65; Bruce Walker, 52; Garnet n t I• or 1, 51 '. tilts l Mack, : 0 .1 , Recommended on tri J, Eric Ilurdon, Tom llrimacombe, 111r•ey Neil. No. on roll ;1: avera_c a.tteuthence :3!►, CENTitALIA The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Stephen, for the month of June based on tool conduct and zen- eral proficency. Senior Department.—Class 4—Ver- non Wilson, 717 eSatnuel McCoy 700; Enos Windsor, 697 :Elva Windsor, 59II Sr. I\ —\1" rl[rid II t .i cl n 811, Ile r Colldass Du1—plGoinffoc 1d011loilrliaertliSm81s0; C7,::3e0r. Wilson, 880, Lily 1tohin=ott, 834: 51.1 r_ ;cry ilepbu•n, 738: .Archie Robin- son, 719; .Murray Elliott, 652; Gor- don Wilson, 560;,Glady'+ Esscry, 527: Joseph \\•hire, .191. J r. 1—Ila sol Hicks, 860; Eddie Sim, 709 ; Austin Duplin, 06!). Sr 3.—John linrarth, 823: I(o.s \Willi•, 755; ir:e Essery, 608; Maxwell Iiaymliem, 511: \lalvan Callfas, :H0 ; ,John White. MINNIE IIOTTEiIILL, Teacher Junior Dep tie mt'nt—.1r. :3— Elyuler Wilson, 1218, Elle Raker, 1186: Eerie Ca !Rae. 812: IIu1,••rt \Whit e, 802 ; Edit Divvy, 71s, I' Io-sie Davey, 681: Bessie Anderson, 656. Roy Callf:ts, 652 Harry \'indoor, 302; Willie Alexan- der •199. Sr. '_—EIv., Ilrooks, 914 • GOOD FOR STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me n zratt deal of ;ood," Faye C. Towns, of Rat I'or- taee, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild pbysiq the after effects are not unpleasant, nnd I can recommend them bo all who suffer from stomach disorder," For sale in Exeter by W. S. l lower. \V hen you meant a .pleasant lax•t- Iive shad is easy to take and certain to act, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver_, Tablets. For male in fsxe- ler by \\ . S. homey. \V TCil SIZE OF BERRY BOXES YOU IJUY Tis•• l x518 of Canada provide among other 1Linzs. what the :size of a fruit box or basket shall be. The Domin- ion Department of Agriculture has been instructed bo see that the law is carried out. in order 10 protect the public, rind those box and bask - el manufacturers who are now conr- plyin. with t he low, t he Minister of Azt•icultue directs thet steps sh:111 be taken to have the law enforced. Box or basket manufacturers will ploese accept t his w<irnin. and ) e ;tided accordingly. The Dominion fruit inspector( will be instructed to watch for vi- olations bur any per.set may lay an inform( ion a reins( I hose who fail to carry out the provisions of the Act. - These ere:— "Every sox of cherries or currani+ offered for bil', :cul every 4x5r1y box manufactured and offered for sale in Carola +hall be plainly mark- ed on 4 lie side of the box, in black letters, at Least hall nu inch ',tulle, with the word "short", unless it - contains when burl -full as weedy 5:1011y as procticable, at least four- fifths of quart, or two-fiftI:+ of Loyd 1':snood, 791); :ant bony Whit', :, "art,1 71)8; Fred I':iithal1, 525, Fred Essery Every besk(+t of fruit offc're ,Ifor :367. Jr. 2—Sle1'i Neil, 883: Murv:t(1 sae in ('mala, unless .rami ied fen Callfas, 7118 ; Everett 0111f . •, 6.111 ; the side eleinly in black let tete at Willie Bake, 298. I'1►2—Vera Mots iresl three-quarters of an inch deep 1230 ; (1 1u•1.I Mol z. 121)0; Madeleine and wide, Wit 11 the word "quart" in !!dist, 1007 alvan Eni'.rnt. 936: full, preceded 15111, )lie aninirnutn Mabel!e ileeman. 615: Hubert Neil. number of tin trrs,omit lin t fraction.% 598 ; Mabel Elliot t 31i•E(th'e• 1 Alex- which I lie basket will hold schen seder, 171: ('t. 1, sr.—Ethel Pr,w- Iev'I-full, sirill contain when level - den. 11111111\\ ❑Itis. I't. 1 jt.—Ar- full ,o11e or other t fiIle (011otsi0 1Iiur Robinson, (;eor:e ilackner, :11. q,yantitie' : Fifteen quarts, or inure herr 11 tekney, Dora Heckn••y• Ilan eleven guar is ,nnd he five ant \IA1 1) I OI(TEIt, 1'0e•h%•r, ihiee-quarter inches deep, perpendic- u1arly, inside ntca((uremenl, 15 tient-- ly exact lc as eracl icatile ; Aix :oral WWI bird quarts, and be four •int live citta+ inches deet., perpen%I'i 11 - tarty, inside measurement, ao ni .r- 1y exactly ;' pr1cticeble; or 1.% and trio -fifths quarts, av nearly ex- actly" as prlcticahL•, .'Ally poser► 51110 Ile :1 -er5 10 cont• ply Wit h any provision of this sec- tion, and any pet son 55 h0 self or 01_ fere for rale any fruit or berry box- es in contravention of this eect ion, shell be, liable on summary convic- tion. to n fine of not l'99 t hall t "en - t, -five cents for c ich basket or box en sold nr offered for 'tlr." NO. 3, STEPHEN. The fnllowini 18 a correct tepo:•1 of the standing' of the pupils of 8. S. No. 3, Stephen. for the months May and .lune. NImes appear i'1 or- der o fnrer11 :-1t'—Thomas Penhal", Cecelia ford„ Fred Heaver, Worry Triehner, Ralph Willis, Hilda Press - pass by-laws for preventrn 1 the rrowth of Canadian thistles and oth- er 5leeds detriment II to husbandry, ,Intl for comp'llin : 1 he dent rue41011 thereof BUN 1'1' NOW Now is 4 he 1im' 1p i,uy Chenlli0r- lain's Colic, •Choler; 1;(1 Diarrhoea itemedy. 1t .is ter);,in to be need- ed sooner or ia1• r and ellen t bit time comet+ you 'sill nerd it !oohs —yon 51111 Heed i1 quickly. Ilnv it now. It may Pave life. •For sale in Exeter by \V. R. ifoecte CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TIN Klwd You Han Always lou&ht Bars the Signature of o ptofes; to Le in ictent• eus"inesa to keep them cat a certain gentleman who had .,d that tho land which we have sol.] to icinity is rough and un.uitallle for wheat tter speaks for itself. Usnon ee ONT., JUNE 27Elt, 1905 ARD, Esti , Exeter, Ont. r.—It has cotue to my knowledge, that some remarks which I n my return home, after my recent visit to the Northwest Territories been misconstrued by certain individuals, who, apparently from sineter motives have reported, that I asserted that the land which you have sold in and around Fxeter, for the Canada Pacific Railway Co. is rough land, unsuit- able for wheat raising. Now in justice to yourself ani! myself, I would like to state that the only land i saw which you sold is a tract. which you disposed of to Dr.tHyndman of Exeter, and I may say that this it a very desirable piece of property and splendidly adapted for wheat raising. As for any other properties you may have sold, 1 had no knowledge) of them when in the West. But since I have returned borne I have loarnotth. t ant I was not within twenty-five utiles of any of them, and therefore could not possibly dive an opinion on thein. Regretting very much that anything I may have said has been used to your detriment and wishing you every enccess, 1 remain, Sincerely yours, (Signed) THOMAS COWARD. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. \Ve give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands. ,127.On down secures 32') acres, (half section) of choice wheat land. •pmt V Thie would be a great investment fur YOU, The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Secures 32.3 acres (half section) choice wheat l.tnd to an actual settler. No other payment required for two years, R. E. Pickard has just - ret urned from a ten weeks trip (hi ou zh the \Vest, and is prepared to make careful selections of lands for t l.oA) wishinz to make investments. Any orders left at his residence will have hie best :ittent0*). See u: Ie -fore wo leave .train for the West. R. E. PICKARD, Frobisher, Assa. Exeter, Ont. SOMETHING OF INTEREST TO DUNE DRIDES Fcr the benefit of those about to go hottsckeepinl; we have placed onsllca cargo of ,Furni- ture of every l.ir;d and quality which we purpose selling at spec re.lucc.1 prices during June month. \Vc carry tilt: largest stock. of Furniture in the county and will quote you priers that c,lrintrt be beaten in O'stat in ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral directors All Stores will be closed on Thursday, ,fitly Ott,. .••••••••-a viM• Eavetroughing W(' do all kinds of 'Troughing, Piping, ete, using nothing butthe best of material. Furnaces Gurney's New Idea has a large Feed Door itnil in in every way up-to-date. Will be pleased to give estimates for hot air heating. PLUMBING, ETC). We are not in the combine. Plumbing of :iii 1, nil • HEAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store. 1