HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-22, Page 8'A: N EX EIF;h 'TIMES. JUNE 22n -I I1W5 STEWAIRTS Gents kc for ,:dulls :tilt 40c tug child - will L•uy a ticket fur 41►' masonic u cion to Goderich July 0th. very l:Idy should call .Indr:• Vic(uria Fine Shoes. Another ewill he: in the• store this %wick. Manson. it. OVENS. London. Surgeon. E. EAIt. NOSE and TIIItOAT.Fits Glasses properly. Office; Com titer - riot Hotel. Exeter,. Next tisit Sat- urday. .lug,•• 24.1.. I)r. Butler, London. tt ill be at 1 he Central Hotel. Exeter. on Thursday Iwo lilt 11 1905. all day for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con- sultation. F..yes tested and glasses supplied. The third :Irma.) statement of the Sovereizit Bank of Canada will be found in another column. The very ;rest prozres3 t he Kink has made .ince it.4 inaugural ion will be very pleasing and .ratifying to 11.0 ba re - 1 oI de r i. Miss. Sturdy. of Godericl• : }li - •s Walker .and Peters of St. Thomas: Miss Vickers, Lcaiiiin rt on Jlarry God win. Poston, and Dirs. Chant, St. Thomas, were amore, Inose front a 4i'tance .at 1 he Currie -Godwin nu11- iJIS on Wednesday. Strawberry Festival --A strawberry festival is being arranged for in Ca - von Preshy(erian ehut•ch on Wednes- day, June 28th. A special program is tieing prepared and a gond tine is anticipated See bills for date and further particulars. Mr. John 1). Warwick, who holds Tho contract. for the construction of t lis dock at Grand )lend, ,.tied suddenly at his home at Clinton. Dfr. Sherwood, w•ho is superintending the contract. has -leen suffet-iiz from blood-poisoninz, bill is now coo. >d- erai,ly bettcr. A partial eclipse of the moon which will be visible in Canada, twill take place on August 14th, and a total eclipse of title sun on August 80th the maximum occurinz at 6.34 ft. ni. and end at 7.31 a. m. This will will be a ;rand sight should the weather prove clear. A hotly contested game of lacrosse w•as played horn on Monday night being the return match between Mensal) and Exeter. The .tame was a keenly contested one the boys handling their sticks well. The re- sult was 3-2 in favor of rho home team. The Exeter band discoursed lively music during the game. Sett (lit enol S111uin"t' Shirt , ut t,l • fre►:u .1t0•1 ica:► per- cale. All the new shades. Colors p"i fi'ctly fast, and the price only ;a Dollar. We II t%e just opened the nicest bunch of Linen Knock A1n)s't 1 fats for Hien that you'll see this season, they are cool and (•e)ntfortal►le and cost on! y Half a Dollar We are shewiig ;t swell lot. of Men's New Shape Straw and Chip Sailor and 'Tourist 1 fats They are tint and dandy and cot obl,' 6Oc, 76c and 51.00 3 Big Specials in Men's Ready -to -Wear Suits They come to us at a bi', bargain. You can share in the plunder. They are made from choice Canadian Tweeds, with best linings, while t^f 50 $u 50 $1O they last our bargain price will be ( . • 1 f Yes, we want all the Butter and Eggs we can get -w are not in the combine -Our price this week is one to tw cents .above the conlhine list. Try us and we will use you well. J. A. STIAQiTART Spoons) \Ve itive a Silver TO ADVERTISERS. The copyfor changes must be left not lar than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 'THURSDAY. JUNE 22iid, 1905 lune of Sterling ������N���N�NN���N��♦ t LOCALS Berry Spoons Salad Spoons Jelly Spoons Sugar Spoons and Cold Meat Forks Any of the above make a tasty, durable and useful Wedding Gift. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. Plenty of People Have yet to buy Suits. They have lost nothing by waiting, either. Not a thing. Suits have been going out in a regular procession, but we've been replendishing stocks right along. Its Mull here at this Minute as at the season's Betinnine Call, choose the Cloth. Learn the price, Leave the rest to us. W. W. Taman McrcHatnt Tailor. VOlt OVKIt$1XTY 1 RAltS As oto Asn \yxtr-Tttrrn itsatxnT.-Mrs Winslow'.Soot.hing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for tnelr children while teethin with perfect susses. 1t soothes the child, +often., the gums, allays all pin, cure= wind colic. and Is the bust remedy for I)larrhrsw. 1t Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. 25 cents s bottle. Its yalue Is incalculable. Re sure and take Mre Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. l.e....e ........ Don't forgot the Masonic Excur- sion to Goderich, Thursday. July 0th. Mr. and Mrs. Muir spent Sunday with friends at Sea fort h. ,Mr. E. W. Horne, of Ilio Eovereizn ank sports a fine new driver. Lawn mowers sharpened on short- st notice at D. Hartleib's. Exeter. Miss Fowler, of Toronto. is visit in er sister, Mrs. F. W. Glailmnn 'C11e,e %vet's 'three interments in the Exeter cemetery on Monday Last, Mrs. Aquilla Sheere, of St. Tho111:1s is visiting Mrs. A. Slivers, Huron at. Frank Taylor has roturned home from a visit with friends at Lon- don. The Usbornc Council will meet next Saturday, June 24th, iestead of July 1st. All present subscribers of the Tim- es may have the Family Herald and Star to Jan. 1st 1900 for 40c. Wanted - At once a house keep- er on farm. middle aged person pre- ferred. Apply at Times Office. Last. - Good axe, between Credi- ton .nlLxter : o Finder leave aider pl case . 'Imo at John Ferguson's Exeter. The Masonic Iyxcursion to Goder- ich Civic Iloliday. Thursday. July 011a will be the hes tot the season. Rev. Mr. Perkins and Mr. lfurdot lay delegates are u1tendin; the Church of Enzland Synod hi London his week - Do you suffer from tender, sore or perspiring foot? t"sc Foot Ease, it arely fails to give relief. Sold by Lutz, Exeter. r 1rs. ChaS. Itritiiconine, of London, was in t own 1 hi.; week in at te4tdnnee at lite funeral of her brother, the late John Itowctiffo. Albert fine shoes for men. Mon- ey refunded when worn out if t hey , c ,not whit we say they are. Geo. argon, )tools and Sloes. Mrs. W. J. Ilc:nn:ln and Iit•ILe son, C1.' e. left on \Wednesday for an ex- tended visit with her mother, Mrs. Skelton, at I' i i rn. N. 1). The Extort.' 11 nal will rive an open air concert in the 1'.rk on friday eveninz next. Plate s 44411 be •,4 the .rates for 1 hose wi-hin£ d0 corn rib - Mc. At Hied in Zs held on t In 214111 ins:. in Si. Andrews church. Kipp:n :1 11.1 lliliszrecto. it was decided 1c ext.nl n e 411 tot be Itev. A. -\V. l't :: w, It. A. of IMerl on. Victoria Fine Shoes for ladieie,price 2.25 $2.50 and *3.00. Money re- united to you when worn out if hey are not a hat we say they are. o. Manson, Boots and Bhoes. . C. Wru. .1. Smitsh left Monday evc'ninz for Goderioh, accompanied by his two sisters, Misses \\_ilmef and Blanch. from which place they in- tend Ieivin.r Tuesday on the excur- sion steamer, Greyhound for Detroit. TO CURT. A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on enoh box. 25c. ++d•++++4 -•:.:•+++-F++++++++++++ -7-I-4-+++++++++++++++++++++++ -+++++++++•i•+++++++++++++ -} Watch This Space Every Week WANTBD Men and Women in City. Town and Country. 4111 ower to ill En-ioy'nsl Toilet • preparations: and Purity Non-alcoholic Flavoring Extract. 'We offer liberal coin 't .. Purity Mfg. Co., Elreter,e Ont. n.l-.ion. and give .pe' lel discounts to hastier.. 1f you want a clean. easy en: ploymen : write u+. You can work "hole or part time. '4%e furntih any informa. tion we skink will enableou make a s i 'c+- of the %%ork. Follow Ing I; a 11-t or our preparations and retail price. l:n oyme Vegetable Bair Ile•:orcr for gray hair. 754 hlyoynlc Eau de quinine flair Tonic for daudruR, ;: • I:n oynto Th molemo Tooth Cream 2.,c En, °y�n* quince and Almond t'ream. ha tan. 21 F oyme Favorite Pomade for buries 2.5e Enjoyme Medicinal Jelly, skin foot..'.'.c Nameless Corn ,l- Bunion Ite•me•!y 25e Nameless Catarrh Remedy 2k Purity Flavoring Extracts tin powder form) 2 is: Lemon. Vanilla and Aintnnd A nice I i•• t.• h.%ndle...:1 fir -t clA•s good.. We dont gi%c sample- but w do kite %eine. + id•+-F::.K :.1..}-F4+;•-F+++++++++•{••I•++++:•'++++.;.,•.•F+:•++•F++++-. Hot Weather Needs Ladies' White Waists A lot of different styles trimmed • with tine insertion and tucking. spec- ial $1.00 and $1.50. Ladies' WhiteUnderskirts An ilutnense range of Styles and , qualities, all the very newest lace and embroidery tt'1lnntings with deep flounces and ruffles Price $1 25, $1.50 and 82.01). Big Clearing Lot of Ladies' White Wear. consisting of corset covers, drawers and night dresses, Must be sold. Prices away down. Ladies' Summer Vests One lot of 5 doz. without sleeves, ' clearing at 0 for 25:. Another lot of n dos. with short sleeves, trill size wotth 20c, clearing at 12e. Ladies' Summer Corsets Short styles made of fine quality percale, good fitting, special 50c. Ladies' Tan Lace Hose Fine silky quality, very scarce goods, special 25c a pair. Ladies' Black Lace Hose Color guaranteed fast, 8i, 9, 9I, special 23c a pair. Children's Tan Lace Hose Lovely anality,2Usizes 5S to 8, hard LADIES' LACE GLOVES Made of finest silk in black or white, 2 buttons; well finished, epeeist 50c. The home of Mr. A. Davis bas been saddened by the grim reaper death which has taken froth the family circle the babe, a zed 1 year 19 months and 15 days. The other members of the family who were i11 aro all recovering nicely. The sym- pathy of the community is extend- ed to the sorrowin.r parents in their sad affliction. Union Services were held in 'the Main street Methodist .and Presby- terian churches on Sunday last W. Dl. Martin 1akin r the work at bulls services. Next Sunday iter•. David Wren, of licnsall, will preach in the Main street church both ntornint and evening. it is expected hs will take the Sabbath work until the full and complete recovery to health of the pastor, Rev. Wm. Godwin. They make ono steel as though life was wort)' living. Take one of Dar- ter's Little Liver Pills after eating It will relieve dyspepsia, aid diges- tion, giro tone and vigor to the sys- t em. Mr. Thos. fellow left on Wednes- day last for a visit with friends in Enzland. Ile was ticketed Ih.rou_s,11 from hers by statagcllt J. .i. Knizht via 8. H. Bavarian from Montreal. Mr. Yellow has not been enjoying :good beak h for some months and, 0 is hoped the t rip may e s 1 help 1 e .111 111 old e o much, o f I him r t 1 m tl,•l 1 z time vizor. The places be will visit are York, Cleveland. Leeds and Kil- born, 1 be home of his hitt hplace. 51r. Thomas Cann, of 1'shorne, who was so seriously injured from :tile effects of :1 fall from :In apple tree iu October last the results of which has confined hits to bed all 1 he pas- sing Ir101)1t-s, iv 4104• able to take Short drives, having striven to Exe- ter on Monday afternoon. Ile haif also been a welcome ;nest at totopwedding during; the past month. Not wit last ambo. itis long confrnmed' and though stilt unable to stake u of 1 Inc -ower limbs he looks well at is brizlrt owl cheerful as of yore. The laxative effect of Chamber>i lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is' so agtceable and so natural that you do not realize it is the effect of •1 medicine. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. 1'he regal:Ir myelin; of the \Wo- 111ati's institute: wog held 031 friday, June 10th in lily Town 11:1l1. Some I) 11 he ladies of ) he Itayf ied j Insti- tute %were prevent and extended a cordial invitation to the. Exeter lad - lel; ns ‘t ell as of her Ins; iltoles in South Huron to unit(' '.'.illi •thein in their annual picnic to be bald next Mont h. The elect' of offices CIA Ilie cnsuinz year w•:S held and re- sulted :.s follows:-i'reside•ns. Mi9. Ilalls; Wiee-President, Mrs. F. .1. Ifni zbt : See.-Trens., Mrs .)last iti3s ; Librarians, '1rsdanles Gurney and Making: Directors, Dir•. II w•ks)e.'.%, Mrs. 3. A. Stewart, and Mrs. W .3. lieania11: Auditors, Mrs. 'treble and Nlr9. G. Manson. Lacrosse. -A well attended meet• inz of the young men of our town met in the Town 11311 on 'Thursday ('venin£ last to orz:tnize for a jun- ior I le r0.001. team. This Ix•in 1 t he popular tanto of the season, the citi- zens of Exeter should ellcOUra;c the boys as they bare the ability of be- rominz one of the st ron,iest teams around. The following officers were elected : Hon. President, W. G. fi.set l : Pre... W. \V. Taman : Vire Pres., I1. T. Itelel:er : Ser. Treas. 3. Gardiner : ('.opt sill, W. .1. Statham. Mina ler, I. IL flisscit : Mana,rin,t ;ntuuittee, Herb Ford, A. B. kins- man. i•'red (ilte9pie and Tom Carl- in:, jr. This team has .elect ell for its name the old and popular name used by our boys in previou- years, goods to get, c, 2`2c and 25c pair. Men's Fancy Summer Vests Very pretty as+••11u,ent. right up-tc- date, special 81.5o Men's Lustre Coats In black and white, narrow stripe, lovely for hot days, st•ecial 51.90. Men's Panama Hats Ext, s light weight. keep cool kind, special 75c. Men's Summer Suits 2 piece, double or sinzle breasted, stylish patterns, special $0,75. MEN'S FANCY SOCKS In tan with fancy stripe. black em- , hroidered, in dittirent colors, special Sic and al•p►ir. MEN'S WASH TIES In a splendid assortment of blues, fawns, greys, strictly in it for up -to-. d ate neckwear, special `25c. 35c and 50c MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR In plain or taucv stripe, ha:autiful tine anality, special elle. MEN'S STRAW SAILOR Hats light and cool, big seller, special $1. Ladies' Wash Collars and cuffs in hig variety of styles, up- to-date. L•adi.s string ties of dote, plaits or plain colors. special 25c. We pay Big Prices for Farm Produce S'N3+ IJZI & ROWS Mra,Williams and little daughter of Wyoming are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dauntey. UNE CLEARING i Isere are .t few prices that will interest all readers. I f your have not got your Summer Dress, now is your chance. Only a limited quantity of each. Cotton Shirt Waist Suiting 10 different colors ranging from 125,1c to 35c. your choice for 12%c. e. Officials Appointed. - Anion; 111:. new officials appointed by •11:e On- tario Government are : Alexander Deavitt, of I:xeter, to be b:lilift of Mrs. (Dr.) Bothwell and little dau- the 5th Division Court of lluron, 8114 Otter of Stratford. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oidley. All arran*.ements hpye been cont - toted for 't he grand excursion to oderich on July 0th. You cannot aftrd to miss it. Fare 80e and 40c. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Lutz and child after a pleasant visit at the home of BORN the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. ANDIIEW-In 1•:xetCr, On Saturday Lutz, left for their home in Montreal June 17th, 4e> Mr. and Mrs. Alb - on Wednesday. ert Andrews, a son. On Sunda morninglast No. 0, Co. 'ThKAL1Il LEISCII.-Ai the 14tH con Huron Regiment marched to Trivitt lid. ,Kalblon uciec1ne 3t1* sonto . and Mrs Memorial church headed bythe Exe- t HELI 1 It,h1I the Bronson Line, Itay ter Brass Band, where an appropriate on Wednesday, .lune 7t 11, to Mr sermon was preached by Rey. R. J.M. and Mrs. All. M''ick a son - Perkins. 1 JicCLINCIIE.-At 111P Goshen Line Mr. R. E. Pickard has returned gt anley-, awl:. 21:• 114111, to Mr. :u4, borne from Manitoba and the Terri- DTrs, Itobl. McChinchie n 9011. tories where he has been looking after MARRIED Ernest Elliott to Le clerk of the 5t1 Division Court of Huron. Jaa Dougherty, of Mitchell to be clerk of tho 2nd Ilivision Court of Perth Mrs. Wharton Iliad zson,of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Thos. Ilissett Jr. his large section of land, also n the POWELL - NASIi - M Sarnia on interests of the C.P.R. land agency. Mrs. Birks of Mancelona. Mich,who has spent the past year here having been called home on account of the illness and subsequent death of her mother. Mre. T, Dearing, returned to Rev. O. if .NT:I r i in, Art bur .1. her home on Thursday last. Ford, of Stephen, to Eta Ito9ina On 14ednesday Exeter contributed dauzhter .of \1 r. JointI'enhale, of one of its fair maidens to grace the Ilay. masse of Burn's Presbyterian church CP1(111E-GOD\\'IN--1n Main street Sarnia, and also gained one of Sarnia- Methodist church. Exeter, by the fair belles, Mr,SVillis Powell having Rev. Win. (,;mein, fat her of t he joined the array of benedicts in that town the same day. Wednesday. June '2Ist, 3. \\ 'illi. Powell, of Exeter, to Miss Ger- trude, dao £,sl er of Dir. and Mrs Arthur FORD-I'ENII,\LE-In (':I von chore! Exeter, en t he 79t11 inst, by the bride, Ret•- E. C. Currie, of Ilurn'a Presbyterian church, Sarrnia, to Misses AnaJohns, Jeanette Brown Miss Mildred, s) daughter r of Y Itct•, \Vid Mrs. I:oda•: t. and Mrs. Fred Collins, leave on Mon- day next for a trip to the Northwest. OKE, -11i Cent gaits on Saturday. Rev. Dr. Hannon and Mrs. Hannon, Tutee 17111, 1905, F.lizal:ct h Hicks Rev. F. E. and Mrs. Malott will join Relict of 4 Le tate ,Tames Oke, in the party at Toronto. Miss Brown her 78th- year. expects to remain a month and Mies IIBIDYDTAN.-In Zurich. on friday. Johns who may go as far west as Cal- June. 9th, 1905, Mies Ida Ileideman, gary, will return about 1st of Septeni- :It 4 ho axe of :10 years, 2 months her, and 18 (lay.. Don't pay a hi zit price for your DAVIS.-L1 Exeter on .lune 17111 05 flour and feed when you can buy Arthur Nelson, son of Mr. and Osilivies. pure Manitoba Glenort Mrs, Arthur R. Davis, axed 1 year brand, Goderich 'three Star brand, 10 11102111:41 and 15 days. or Cook's Rest Fancily flour at 52.541 ltOWCL11•'FE-in Exeter, on Sat ur- per hundred at 1 he Ilensall Flour day, June 17111, 1905. Mr. John Mille. Other dealers are sellinz just Itowcliffe (former's. of I•sh rue) the same flour a1 $2.89 per hundred, ezed O!1 years and 1 ,,bulbs• consequently we are saving you OOc IIOGAItTII.-In Stephen t p. lot 13, per barrel!. Shorts 820 and reran con .2. on Sot June 171h, IO per 1011.-11. Cook & Sons. 1905, Cat herine Coleman, relict of the late Sept imus Ilozarth, aged The independent Order of Foresters 80 years, 2 molt he null 28 days. and ladies of the Companion Court - marshalled by Bro. Geo. Anderson attended Divine service in the Trivitt CASTOR 1 A Memorial church on Sunday after- noon last and listened M a very Bought in- structive and helpful sermon deliver- ed by the Rector. Rev R. J. M. Per- 111e Kind Y(Ifl navedlAlwayskine. The order %vas out in fill strength, several members from the Bears the Centralia order being present. Mr. Perkins based hie remarks on **Love" , Signature of and impressed his hearers with the importance of love to our fellowman me - and ehristian andchristian charity to all. At the close of the service the members as- sembled in their lodge room. where a vote of thanks was tendered Rev. Mr. I Perkins for his able discourse,and also to the choir. Council suet in 11►e '1'.)w it Hall, on Friday, June 10. Ah.cut,'lteeve His. sett. Muir Levett that. `i0. 1. Arm- strong act as chairman. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Muir 1Vood--The Clerk correspond with the said merchants in Toronto, Hammon and Lentdon, to best fertilizer to use in the cemetery. --Carried. Levett - Wood -that the undermentioned gen- tlemen be n sub -committee of this Council with power re care of the cern- .tery,deetling with all matters pertain- ing thereto, other than where sums of Money, amounting to 551) end over are mention; Councillor J. Muir-, Messrs. Lutz and Senior.-- Carried. 1Vnod- Levet(, the offer of (Seo. Ford to build a wire fence across the front of the dumping ground. supplying Ideal Wire fencing for $10, 1x' accepted, the council to supply one barb wire for the Th^ 1)et•nii.." top and a gate.- Carried. Accounts t were presented and orders drawn on oASSTOA=g. Treasurer for snnisnntonntingto$111t%t.- Bun toe T111 1(31d you Nllt f11tn Bpunt ( 81: per Levet t-1\nod.-Carried. Le- Treasurer Signature yam. 3. Senior, ('leak. f c vett -Muir rid iotirn to call of Reeve. Fancy Duck & Linen Shirt Waist Suitini 5 different colors, your choice for 1_7/4c 50c All Wool Noiles Brown, Green, Blue, Grey and Black, for only 38e Walking Skirts e 3 only $3,50 Skirts for ... $2.6$ 4 only 4.25 Skirts for .... 3.0% 5 only 5.00 Skirts for .... 3.9 • We carry the very best brands of Mixed Paint and Varnishes, and a full assortment of brushes. Just what you require at house-cleaning time. CA%2L.,ING EROS. •NN••e♦eN•see♦♦♦♦••••••••••••••••N•6•••••••••••4 1 A $32 Complete Dinilfg Room Set $25 1.OR JUNE ONII4C' SIDEBOARD Large bevelled Plate Mirror, two small cutlery draw•ers,large linen drawer and extra large cnpbo jrd. EXTENSION TABLE • Heavy 4 inch fluted leg. full extension. DINING CHAIRS 1 t One arm and five small chairs, leather seats. This whole outfit in Inn..) oak and is agenuine bargain for $25.04' • W. C. HUSTON One Door South of Spackman's Store. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••• YOu'II Haus Somethino To show for your years of work if you saye a part of your earnings now -as much as you can spare. You may need it at some future time -- might as well save it anyway. Itis not h.'jtd af- ter you once make a start in the right direction. $1 Is sufficient to start an account with this Bank to which you can add to when you like in any size9 amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it without eny delay, and which earns interest at the highest current rates, which is added to the principal FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through the formality of presenting your pass book. You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until yoga have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank. We have the beat facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking husinese. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal. 47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Haron: • and Vinton Hensel! d Zurich, I . red Exeter Crediton, Dashwood, , JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter. Dashwood and Zurich Branches. --rl Reduction in Prices lSo.2. Attend Our Summer Sale OF SUMMER GOODS 75c Silk and W.1..! Crcpcline now 63c $1.00 Raw Silk Grenadines now 84c 50c Lustrine Grenadine now 40e 5oc Crepe de (hcnc now ....40c 45c Fancy Cream Lustre now 34c 5oc Cream Silk and Wool Fancies, now .... 43c 5oc Cream Fancy Stripe Lustre now 43C GR AHD TR LJNK 50 c Pale Blue Canvass Cloth a now 43c Railway System , 5oc Cream Wove Panama Single Fare for Dominion 1 )ay (food going July :loth. July 1st. 2nd and 3rd, returning until •luly Ith. Between all stations in Canada, also to Snsp. Bridge and Buffalo, N, 1'„ 1't. Huron and Detroit, Mich. $67.70 Good Going Daily Portland Exposition. -• Returning within 91) days. Special nide trips to California Pointe.. HOME SEEKERS EXCURSIONS- Rates XC1,'ItSIONSIbttes $3110) to $40.50 To pointe in Manitoba. Assinahcin, Saskatchewan and Alberts. Good going June 227111 and .luny nth. Returning within 141 days, For tickets and full infer/nation. call on 3. J. KNIGHT, Depot ticket agent, 1•:x• ter. J. I). MCDO'iAI.1) District passenger agent, Toronto. clow 13c 5oc ticrostitched Lotus Waist. illg nO'v .... ...... .... 25C 20C Whitc Mercerised now .. 16c 35c White Vesting now .... 25c 35c black and white Silver Cloth. very new and fancy I1Otw 28c 40c and 5oc l.inon Voiles in stripes and plain, now 20c 75c Ivory Plain Voil new .. 50c 5oc Ivory Plain Voil now .. 38c $t.00 Ivory Bedford Cord .. 75c t.00 Silk Warps now • 75c t oo Silk Eolienncs now ....75c Sec Albatros all shades now 43c 3 Sc black and white Waist- ings now 28C 35c Fancy White Poplin now 28c 35c Fancy white Madras now 28c, 35c Fancy Meberised Stripes now i8c 25c Plain White Poplin now 2 is 25c Fancy White Poplin now 2 IC 35c White Clover Leaf P.Ifi• lin now .... .... ...... 28c 35c White Linen Waistiftg now t 28c $1.25 Waist Ends, Champagne Linen Madras very fancy only 76c for w! SEE OUR SUMMER REDUCTIOFS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. 12ic and 1:) • Batistes, Organdy, Mnslins, reduced to 12 Yards for $i.00 Poplestone & 'Gardiner.