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Exeter Times, 1905-06-22, Page 6
41-1-4-1-4-1-14 -k1 •i .i..l..t-,i-I"i-1-1 +1. 4-1-1-1-1-1••i•'i• 4'+ } •:--1-1-1r1-1-1. 1-1-1: N N V 4•- • i EL Is Favoritc Niccc • J. .... :r tee V 171. ale ._ __--tpK- -------- w is .. .y c:-.i..i..t_t..i-lel-t..t. ;..1. ;..H•.1 -1.1.-t• S-1'44 4-1-M-1-14 4-.14' •: t -•t -i- f -I „1.1.1..1..1. CIIAP1I 1t )0X(\•!!. Lente --i( ever, as, they passed we Fo the wedding -day was fixed, an•1 should have little qua mete. little in Leah's future there did not seem coulneescS. es other pe cede (10. to ho one cloud. Any un.•. on hear- "Never rely love -net e . she said. in;; of what awaited her. would have "May will must alwa3 s submit to P runoence d tier to be one of the hap- yours,.. tae the I,icst Oilson whunl the sun f;ho:►<•. `•1 w•cndet•1•tl if we, should t Beauty. rich's. honor, love -every samepct:.le, make the same friends, gift ttith t'.hich.lite aidaidfortune can :har'e• the same tastes. A whole life crown their tax orates was burs. seemed to prase in review before m`• '!'here were titneS when she, forgot Then 1 wt n<Icred if either one or the a!1 her troubles. both past and pre- , other m moth be stricken down by sent, when the faint shadows dict, I dangerous I1'ntss, and whi•.•h would and the sun of h••r love amt happi- dio first." nes sltiite out in full and perfect, "1 Have c;ftcn wondered which of dav• then again the• clout!, of doubt uy wnuld Ilio first, Basil," she. said. _; A SECRET REVEALED Z• 1' - ' c* to hitt As though not oven gathered, andlicedisturbing fanciescl tt -ul., took tangible shape. death should take him away. ,baso Its in April, dt ith the 9no:tdrops "Leah," he said suddenly' ,ens But I and violets, with the springing ieaves you seen a beautiful litlpoem is and tlio song of the bird', would culled 'An Untimely 1 bought?'t,tiIt. s come her wedding -day, she maid to sup osed to be written by a f► he'rse'lf. Sir Basil roust love her, or wait'ng at. the font of the stairs he would not ask her to be, his wife. while his v ife puts the Inst i:nishin g lie was rot marrying her for beauty; stroke to her toilet. Ile WunliU 0 tthce and where he shall die. he had seen fairer wont n. It as not for her wealth: he was rich enougle himeelf. It could be for no- thing but love. '1'o her own heart she sa:d that she would be hap1'y; *...he would trample under foot all her fancies and thoughts. "vague ideas that knew no (urea" zoo! give 'her - re 1I up to happiness; which should have In it no alloy. A week later Sir Basil drove over to Brentwood to commit Leah about the colors and decorations for her boudoir. In every detail ho showed the strongest desire to please her. 11.hat he did not give her in devoted or passionate love, he gave her in unremitting at teat ion. Glen was in the hands of the decor- ators. 1t was many years since the interior had been renov'ate'd, and Sir Basil had determined that it. should be a fitting shrine for the beautiful Worrtftn Who 'vas to be its inistresr). 'lhe room that was to be so essenti- ally her own, her boudoir. ho way interested in above a'.1. Be had laughed when the manager from the well-known firth of ('lough & Hew- son had waited upon hint, and, after some little preliminaries had said that he should be grateful if he could see the portrait. or have some slight description of the lady who was to preside over the room. "No matter how beautiful tho col- oring of a roots may be." he said, "if it sloes nut harmonizo with the lady for whose use it is, all the beauty is in vnln. With walls of the most (1e•'i+ a;ts amber, a 1 bade lady would be: out of h ::•mon+• alto- gether." Tr Basil sailed nod nodtt, :l ap- provingly. "The lady who is to inhabit this Particular room is n brunette," he sail. 'I he manager bowed with a grati- fied air.much, Basil. If memory' ofwhom it the "You see, sir," he seta. "the color -'the persons In n has been erected; I remember only the subject -a young and beautiful wife clasped in her husliand's arms, and 1 euti, in terrible guis_', trying to '-nntch herr from hint anti drag he•r into h'ss hideous dt n. 1 was greatly lime—eaglet witti it. child els I was, 1 tho:ight how horrt'.d.e flow strung* death must be, when even the ori a birds , love of her bestial(' could not keep hued plutnaee. Iie was a lover of a wife srttf0 in his arses. I think beauty. nota he felt that it woul►l that w'a9 1 he first tirme i ever felt afraid of death. Oh, Basil, now tied( 1 ant so happy, I do not want to die!" "My dearest Leah. 1 hope there is very difficult piece of needlework to ? H'1-14-1-1 1 4}4•H -$-.I i'�('+ ti' lile aI'm tie. 1 must fallow her exnfthple 111 sante problems in Euclid to silt e:3 eouwe chapters of history to st tidy - anything to clear these cobwebs front your brain." •'7 h_re is one thing that I would much rather} oft gac e' ma," she said, shyly. "What is it, Leah?" Ito asked. There was no answer. "Leah, what is itY" he repeated. Anti she looked til+ at him with a bca':tiful flush oil 1►- r face. " 1 he newt Iv Uel awe you wean this:." 11.4 replied, bending over her, and kissing her lips. "Did you gtwnn that, dear?" day %% id probably ne''e•1' cones when Black, mixed or Green. Lay all Oroc yrs. "It is better than history or 1=:u- ere tt'i 1 he al+lo to do r,u. 'fliereforc d 001 la sealed lead pA ci►O s t11UliBSi' AWARD ST. L.UUIS• 1904. cl:d," she replied, laugitingly. let us turn our attention to those £ql Y ___-- And theft the bright -hued birds and factor's Chet govern the cost of pro- `— --- - the fragrant blossoms were tvilne•`neS duction, and with this end in view - this respect. Leah. I roust gi+•ee you I wander what day of the week? I, 1[ wond_•r what month of the year? \Wi:) it be midnight or t;ornino? And who will bend over my bier? 'What a hideous fancy to conte ,• As I wait at the foot of the stair, While Lilian gives the last touch 'l'o her robe or the. rose in her hair! " '1`o I like your new dress`--Pumpa- dour? And do I like you? On my life, You are eighteen, and not a day more. And have not been six years my wife! I'ASTI.:It1: 1•'(.)1t Ileduchig the cost of production of any of o.ir faun 1►rodect( is some- thing shut every farmer should con - eider with the most closeness. We have no invitee of controlling tato market price of any product and the TEA? sold in native purity and r dellcloUenes9 Artificially colored and adulterated teas of China and Japan or IP " `Those two rosy boys in tho crib Upstairs are not ours to he sure! You aro just a sweet t;ciao in her bloom, All sunshine and snowy and pure. " 'As the carriage rolls down dark street, The little wife laughs and snakes Omer: But . I wonder what d:'y of tho week? I wonder what menthe of the year?' .. Leah listened attentively. "It is very sad and very sweet, MIMi t "t le thing tho I 1 of rho fact that the East rather that ANIMALS AS DETECTIVES of a pretty little scene In which reducing the coat cf production -tie the West Is now the teal! of promise. sweet Funny laughter and tettdt'r1y- may be stele- to lnere•:;ae our profits lure Aro the best hitt-gains in farms. wh'srered %%teas were in'ertnins;le:l. While the market price rrnmtlne the lite hest thebAnd at least e•cmua1 1t was 0• es of t ho happiest hour's sae:o or oven decreases. chance for markets, enterprise anti progre•,r• in Leah's lite. lh•r proud hl•+tory. It is ttith rcfercncu to rho pruduc- sive icdethe►ds. The boy who stays her i icturegput• surroundings, the tion of pw'k that runny fernier East, but hustles like the Westerner, love tig`.t in her dark eyes, the sub- might take up the question of cheap will tinea it pays to grow up with ti.' fragrance. the devotion to him- production. '1 he writer has observed the country. r+elf with each word of hers was in- that mans farmers feed expensive 1_Ime corrects the acidity of old, stinet, all charred Sir ltasil for a grain foods Wit 14-iet•oducts of the long u�e•d soils; it acidic flocculates clay few pt1st-ing irineites. The intentote dairy nlnioet. exclusively from the that tends to be tau plastic; it rets •-it the +111• face and time of «cauiud to butche•rincs of the certain lint foods: it is itself a plant food; it is an e;sent ial for the growth of the bacteria that con- vert decaying organic nlgteri:tls into forth, available in uruttine crops; of his lot e 1 s freep the golden hair was forgotten; he hogs. lu some ear's a small yard was carried away by Leah '» pas:�:on- ate devotion. lie 1. ft leg stainling there amidst the bir(1n and the blossom», her eyes full of love. her face all tenderness; and as he. rata• her in that moment he never sats her a _;ale. ('I'o be Continued.) • BITS OF INFORMATION. Interesting Paragraphs About pasture t:t':.o the place of the Benin that part of the soil which. though 'Most Everything, as far as I=ossil;le? not itself a plant food, is of the to run in is [►rotid.•d with no pro- vision for green feed other than the sootil at.:ount of grass that. grows 10 the ' urd and this during the dry heather becomes a vee•\• small humi- lity. Where a good ration of grain feed and skim tr eil% or whey i; fed hots; thrive solea do well under this sterna. In fact as far as appearance lows it would seem that there could be nothing more desirable. but is the system the liiiggest ttl0n-'y maker? Would it not. be cheaper to snake SOMETIMES DISPLAY ALMOST HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Dogs and Monkeys Have Often Been Useful in Discover- ing Criminals. The excise officials at Vos.•n, in eastern Germany, have a dog trained to detect illicit distilleries, which flourish in many tillages, sa3 s Pear - son's Weekly. A nil\ture of ether, forbidden by law, is (Irene by weans l,c•rsons itt- and finally it is nl�o essential for the stead of brandy, and the 1'ose•n dog's well being of the bacteria in the acute sense of smell enables it to d- nodules on the roots of legumes. toed tect the cottages where the volatile to aid in making the results of their liquid is being prepared. letsa's, the wort:, v nlual►le' to those legumes :trri dog in question. has several puppies, to thieve .aunts. Unfortunately, also, all of tthich aro being tatieltt their the continued use of lime without dee parent's profcsFion. regard to other elements of fertility lrogs are use:! ift inany countries to N1 snake the Bend poorer. It aids detect s:luuggliig. (`n the Austrian in the rapid destruction of the humus shores of the Adriatic a considerable t h� (-conornt of feeding green feed most. notable Importance in that It Mutton can frequently he purchased egg cieereasing t le amount of meal the water huldit •; capacity been proved at several exprt•i- t statiurea. At. t,►selpli the best . fattening in Australia at 2 cents per poun:l.increases u V terryof the skit And makes it able to with - weight Greenland whale is equal in mien :;land drouttis. weight to eighty-eight elephants or t.eSt.lts were oT,ta.tt_d in a __ ._._♦--- 41U bears. , hogs with a tree third tueal ration NEW (SAME PRESERVE. Tho cotton fuctoric:y in i.unear.tlire and all the rape thee' could eat. In spin enough thread in six seconds to feeding; grain foul! the hogs may flu Planned For Canadian Wilds by go round the world. I +tl'owed to pasture on it or it may Quebec Government. A passenger lucon:ut►ve needs' be carried to the hogs. In citficr about 120 gallons of oil each year�ipurtsneen will he interested in the tel keep it in running order. else it. is necessary to have the hog ' pa• tare convenient to the hens. r'ece'nt action of the Quebec Govern - The cost of the war to Russia has s great fish • practically $? h00.000 per weep Pare is one of the most valuable sent in setting apart a g . been [ a y :l,roon foods for s;tcetm. matured and sante preserve in (he Gaspe actually since hostilities began. Peninsula. It occupies the entire CAPTURED A MURDI•:TIER. breeding n.►ws Will live on it with ' { A lighthouse of btuubuo, which i grow - contains Isttrt of this 1►enirlsula, and A traveler on the famous pars was in use in Japan, is said to have little. ot her food, hut. you're !• contains a million Anda halt acres. ;lt; hies s re wire a fair meal ration murdered in the snore by an Italian great power of re.;iylinl; the waves, qOf the whole of that large tract of and does not our like ordinary wood. • with it. Rye sown in the tall pro- navvy, One of the dogs sent out for Belgian Parliament, wine a vides one of the etatliest, pastures for country included between the; flail: the purpose of succoring snowbound for In the 1 c h hogs. hell clover is 1 robably the des t'haleurs and the (:elf of St.wayfarers cams upon the corpse. In - brandy -and -water -is making a long speech, bLawrence. Scarcely anything is knownsstead of returning to the hospice, he brandy -And -outer is supplied him at most ioly le crop for hog ptt.;tuto. beyond a tees tnil_3 from the. u I h several miles the expense of the Government.. 4 A v'ariet, of green crops always The setta f eats are All the shore. 'Che giraffe is the only animal which I prove more satisfactory as hogs re-- side and the is Arles are platers Is unable to serine. This is on ac- fish a eh'inge and no one crop pro- wholly - in to ;habi s; ft8 r}•. count of its long ne'c'k, Every other. vides pes•turage throughout the Sum- interior is without either made kteii 11 can, if pelt to it, manage to alter and fall, or r,-e'ttlenient s. It is about to be keep tafloltt.• opened u(+, however, by a railway, Mr. Thomas Moore, Croft Hall, S1II EP NOTES, Shel•tiahed, Leicestershire. T•'ngllrnd, and this fact has aroused the Gov- t is ever ; a n - death is res torted, regularly With good 1►asture, little or no eminent to the necessity of taking death! eadAh; a atter t rein need he given to the ewe's. steps to prevent the destruction of death! '1 o think that nothing- in attended Sunday school ns scholar f; world can save one (tont it, nen if an oversupply e;f mil'c results the forests. Were those to disappear the c (tad teacher f eighty v'e'ers tT wealth, 1 r KAID IIARRY MACLEAN t RF.TIBES AFTER AN ADVFN. TUROUS CAI(EE& Romantic Life of the Alan wie Iias Made Morocco What It Is. Sir alarm• Aubrey de \'ere Slaclt'an, to };ire hint his full Engliett title, who, after serving as a Itr•itish sol- dier. reeigned from the British afros in 18711 to be a Mier. is now Lav- ing his beautiful palace in Morocco and returning to England. sa)_si the London Express. A keen. clever Seotuinan, in Moor- ish dress; a matt rather short of stature. gift al with commanding abil- ity and greut courage; a s*r ii.ing figure, clothed in loose trousers; tuck - /1 into tall riling boots, an em- broidered coat of zouave s,tylc, a soft white 1%.rl►r:u, and a loose robe fall- ing from his shoulders --such is Kid Slacken, late commander-in-chief of the grand array of the Sultan of Morocco. The tight. of one eye has gone, but Use other is good enough for two. " Something over a quarter of a cen-- tury ago the young Scotsman, bring on duty in (:iheal t;tr. took a junta acroso to Venice°. At the instated of the late Sir John Drummond. 1her>t British Minister at the court of the sepals, he was uttered the post of tnus!.otry inetrnctor to the Moorish army. Being a Scotsman. and there- fore far-seeing. h:' "grasped thea skirts of happy chance" and took the post. TEACHING THIS IS t10011R. IIe taught the Moor hots to shoot, and as a 'easter of military things in a country where the problem of defence is of immense importance, a very fete year» found him st ening contraband trade is being done in cto,,e to the throne itself. 'rhea, as Italian and Levantine goods, and a high honor, and as a fitting r:cog- enan• sirnlggling expeditious are foil- notion of the great s;rrt'iceS he had eel I,y canine virilurlce. At intetrtalse rendered to the nation, the `ieltan of a mile, or su felons the t utast aro made him a Kidd. When Abdul A: is kennels, which have dogs taught to canis to the throne of Morocco, Mak bark Iuudfy on the appearance of lean became his friend and c ulttll'u>i- boats at night.. When the wind is lor. 1 I:lowing on shote It is said that these ('f all the things the Kaid liar animal custom officers can detect a achieved, he has done nothing better boat a mile frunr land, however dark than his great fiat of becoming a the night. Moor without. ceasing to be a Scot. The monks of the Creat. St. Bern - heti has roamed the wild regions of and had some time ago a dog which Morocco with the nomadic court, and how often been the only connecting link between the Sultan and the Ministers of the powers who remain- ed, more or less patiently, at 't'ang- ie'r. A soldier, , royal adviser, an army administrator, he soon becalm© a diplomat. And now nn(l then ho would Put on, with a growing; feeling i 1 eae` lel' it l•i,g . • r. tit Ire de- wen t t, nor love, no Lake Moret, in Sw'itt•rland, has f•:otu the fresh pasture, dig it would mean the ruin and destruc- 1e inn gement:s trio appear in the lambs.the g "Are you afraid of death?" he in- the curious property. every tenth b y Pl•" tion of most of rerl;ainin sal - ,ted. year, of turning red, owing to the '!'hen the ewes should be returned to mon rivers of the Provin'e of Quebec tcrrul .•1'es, I ant -perhaps more t han presence of certain water plants, t he pen=. or yards, for n few tours on the• south shore of the St. LAw•- nto't p(o:►le. When 1 was a lit tlee which are not found in any other' each day, and some dry feed given to rew'e. As a matter of fact. between w taken to Westminster lake in the world. current disorder. it clo:cen And twenty of thew rivers his throat. The thief shrieked with I tan's disposer'." But all the movee child. 1 was • - left lune amid the !What. is hrliev�it to be the oldest.: With short pasture, latr,b creeps t ake their rise in the high lands of terror, and the householder, opening on the cuniinental chessboard tailed • uv, monumentsnti was le a a til m • friend came European painting in existence has Should be provided. They- are small the new preserve. her window•, slur a monkey, the pro- to break the confidence his i:ul+eriitl hack n 5 bac k for me. On struck me so been found in ('rete by the Italian enclos.tu•cs, wi'1► creeps, through aim stlrveturs3 who pushed their pert y of her neighqur, in the act of master had In him. Archaeological Mission. it is on a which the, lambs. but not the ewes way through this country for thepropooed railway describe it as simp- . rlranglir►g ham. The anin►nl• wan 1'p and down the load the 1�ltid driven fel and the thief, Mechem jourue; ell with the ante tier tan. ti ISI wnr: with lout during; 1i11�6 last. dramatic IrrareIt front �'� •ra- keslt to ttuhat. In the Iasi joillne•y the "Fon of :luhomet ," then become alt's suslpicious� character who ap- a w cagy old 111110. I►raker► iti t peered ncur• Ile•: house tatter dark. It ;rough tree}s of a curious cuuulr}; had once. it appeared. attacked an died amid the stir of rebel n and It was on tai s: march overzealous policeman who entered � bloodshed. pursued the assassin se ► a along the rout! anal, biting his leg, of strange:), ss, nen' hap, an English lrin ed hint so badly that he was un- suit of clothes, nncf would come over and 'rake a stay at Brighton, and visit. the oflieials of Downing st reset. Then buck nernso the , a, once 11:4ra Morocco bound. Tail; 1)l:AD SULTAN. Cf course. like most. successful men. he was a constant victim. of jeal- ousy. There were those who watched with the "green eve" his influence with the Sultan and his sauccessfut handling of the army, and, in the course of time. a "military miesion" front France was "placed at the Su! - able to proceed. The St. Bernard mounted guard over !tint anal waited until the villagers came up noel ar- rested the assassin, tate cori-se leav- ing tmcentiase been discovered. The Faris correspondent. of a Lon- don newspaper recently torei the story of a monkey that acted as a police- man. A thief named Lehallet enter- ed by night the fowlhouse of Mine. 1louditt of ('lichy, and was about to retire With a windier of dead t;irdss when n huge black form i*pt'attg at flag of a room is like the background of a ! ic•tsirc." And Sir Basil had been so struck, with the words that he had driven over to see Leah upon the point. it was a tine morning. and he found his fiancee in the large con- servatory, to whi<-h an aviary was nttachrd. She was f,•relin:- some fav- i 1 i I of hers -1 irde of bright - scarcer• be i+o`;rable to find a fairer picture than this peerless girl in her simple lemming /frogs of white. Tho background ofrich lowers ando - r.eu a "t'""b...., supposed back 2,500 years B.C. ! can he given in the trough --ground The city of Lemberg has won the oats, shorts, bran. cornmeal, oil first prize of $(14),000 in the lottery rural, ere. of the city of Vienna this year. Tho; I.ntnbs should take to grain in Lemberg Corporation had decided to tt+:out too weeks. 8011 the tickets it held, but an ofth- ,Beep require from one to six cial had forgotten to do so. quarts of water dui'•t' according' to Preserved in the cathedral of Ilan- the feed nr.d the weather. gor, Wales. is a pair of old "dog i See to it that there is lure. clean tongs," which wer0 used for ejecting water in the pastime being carefully preserved for fat ure quarrelsome dogs from church during beep the springs c!eaned out. generations, i net to be 1,v any service. A similar pr.ir is preserved Keep the sheet) supplied with means closed to present day hunters at Llaynynyss, Wales, and sc'at's num- salt, or anglers. But nobody, whether eronss teeth marks. Slorirs toill take more out of ► Every Japanese barrack has a native or i - i or. will be permitted gymnasium', and the .1apanese sold_ your flock, if you perneit, the sheep to fish or shout within its borders;. t; to he out in t hem. than you can w11 haul n t►roprr permit, for which there will be n small charge; and at the bailie time it is the intention to tenet) fishing and hunting terril °rivet within the limits of the preserve to American send Cnn.ithan sportsmen or clubs who will undertake, to see to c► 1111 it proper [rreser•. at ion. inn which is partly in England and coot, clean pen. cave hien doge' it will probably 1..' some time ba - partly in \Vales. Thus one-half of hay, bran ntr:l oats. If not content- fore the railway will be constructed the 1►uilding is stthjert to the Welsh t•+i in the barn, turn hint in a smell over the mountain. of the interior Sunday Closing Act, while the other pasture by himself; or tether hint of they penin u:n, but in the 'mein - half is amenable to English late. near the buildings where he can be time the 1'•s;h and game district. of _� _� looked after et ery day. See that he the interior may be. renehetil by fo1- 9CO'I`1'':-( I11:aT COM1'Lllrl•:X'I', has plenty of pare, clean water heel leafing the courses of the rivers from salt. 1'on't� let hire run clown in 1 ho coast to the heart of the comp While the authorship of the Waver- comfit ion. try, by canoe in summer and by ley Novels was still a question of Pi(IN. snowshoe in winter. great literary curiosity. `air Walter !'ill: Scott was one eight dining in cuur- pany with a number of other gentle- When the pigs are weaned thw men. Before long the talk turned sheul.l he out of the hearing of the ly alive with large game, (moose he- gored, ct:nte,'ed tun hospital. inc( so al:unrlant that they had no .l he owner of the monkey aft erward difficulty in killing all the game they (1c•clarrd to an interviewer that the could use for food. Caribou and ted animal had been trained to fly nt (1:'('r ore also numerous, while the lakes and the headwaters and smaller tt i!,'stnries of the :salmon rivers were swarming with speckled trout. This sportsman's earaciise', while flowers f li iers rank (meal; the best. gytttttnsts no question of it. What makes you in the world. in half a minute they ever put. back 1,y feeding or care. ac;e threw into hold relief the fault- t 'I he males lnrr:l:y should be castra- to: lin s of the gritrefel f,Kitre, even think and speak of death. when I can scale n four! een-foot wall by ted a mae theyaare theta' be cs lra- to: the' white hands looked like snow hast' come purposely to tell you slimily bounding 00 each other's All lambs should be clocked: the a'►tell, out• Ronde?" shoulders, one man supporting* two earlier the eho ('1e (lecke should or three' others. � be considered. t'he little village cf Llnnymynech n the borders of Wales. boasts an Keep the ram in the barn in a .• awing the bra z,ht-co'oe'd huee. Ile could not help admiring her and tell - Me himself that this peerleot woman wile his. 'There woe more tenderness in the kin, he gale than there' hall ever been in any caress of his before. At Lily sign of love from hint Leith's heart thrilled with happin+- s: and now her trice brightened sudden - 1y, as a gray landscape becomes gold - En under the light of the sun. "1 have ridden over this morning." he Rittci, "on very important 1►usin"ss. The decorators are awaiting insstruc- t ion9 concerning 3 our boudoir. I want you to cheese the colors your- s.'•t: i will have no other tnsle con- sulted bet your own." ••1 Raw a very irretty boudoir at 1.ctely alar, ntry'ss last year." she nntw•ereci. "It was all white, and ',envied in gold. The hangings w• -re of white satin with heavy gold trims., end tit ' '1s; the carpet was of thick white velvet. and the coilehes and theirs were covered with white satin. If you wish the to consult my own taste, Basil, 1 should like the snow." "Nothing could be snore beautiful," he said. "mote rooms) utter a time. seem to partake of the characters of those mho live in theta! 1 erns; look - hie round Glen title morning. and tr' nig to picture suet na you will be ah. -ti sort are mistress there. I could fancy you sweeping thro'tgh the broad corridors and up the marble staircase-thnt stniirase, 1,' the way, is the moat precious thing we have nt (:1. n. d fancied you standing in the (Tracing -roost, receiving vialtore with the game grace' ns here. 1 trent rtirpc+5ely int o the breakfast -room taint. I might. try to imagine what it would ht' like war n your dear face shone there. whet, morning otter morning, i should s a you there np- endte lo n,e'. r thought of the rne�ntlis end years that would pass bile 1 w - _hl+lhld he together. 1 won - "It is your fault.." she replied, half laughingly. "You would recite those lines. fool you wondered which would dao tarsi." "Well, if I ata to blalvr', I will 50011 n►nke amends by changing the convcrsat ion." "he wee looking at hien with grave sweet eves. "Basil." ehe Salva, "Volt tell me that ill dour fancy \'nil saw i:1e' rnov- int about tite rooms at Glen, and tal. ine tet y 1 Ince in 1h,ent. One strange thins; with tae is that 1 can never do that -1 ran 11-1 er imagine myself nt Glen. 1 never go be•vond my wedding -day; the life that lies be- yond it is all dnrk toot blank. I but I see no further. I never behold but Ince. no further. 1 never behold a future in which we ere both here nt Brent wood or nt (.le n. iso yore not t hitlk it strange?" "Yoe are fanciful, Leah," lie re- plied. Yet her word» touched hint. "Is that it. 1 hnve often wondered in illy own mind how it Was. '* 0'1 are sure it is fancy, Basil --not pre - :sentiment?" Ile laughed at the idea that pos- sessed her. "I do not het ieve in preeetlt 1 - melds, Leah," he said; "Lowy fled presentiment are to my mind the same thing." "1 do rot think so," she replied. "i have heard of so many forebod- ings that have been rcali.'ed." "dint+ one of your own ever been real l 'ed?" he Raked. And she tray compelled to answer "No." "Before 1 met you, Ilasil," ''he cold, "1 dill dream at limes of the fut►ire: now 1 have a weird sensation that the end of everything conies with the evening of the day. and the Morning 1 eginM R new lifts." tt tt a "I wag leeech neifie•d," remarked dered what life wn' IiI tiring to lis. Sir !!sell, silt hearing thnt Lady 1.enh. 'There is no limit to thought.'" l'r'srcenlo:id had curet her youngest he eon, fated. "( tried to foresee ei tighter of a terrible lot's• -fever by %het the corning :Vies :t•ostlel be like'. t:t • feint le expedhrit al giving her a the yard to look tut* burglars. The (:er'tsan Volkszeittitt recently published a still more remarkable in- stance of animal srttart ne -ss. A Dres- den doctor named \Verner erns stltnrt- rd and bound by burglars when asleep his keys taken and his safe tansaeke d. As the attack u a that Sir Ifenty Maclean hail the toes of travelling by the bier of the dead king, kept gorgeous with the ('.ct.iun of life. "We must not let it he known that. the Sultan Muliti el Basalt is de•nd until we cern safely proclaim his sec- • was do ee '-or," tlt�t' said; fie they bore the in the dark he failed, of confer. to body on a state litter, anti the describe hie assailants. The dog sheikhs and kh1111(e paid homage to chained in the Ward Mist not e'en the poor cl,tV' meter its trappings of rage barked, ansa the victim of the (ut- green and gold, ju+t as though it \\'n5 80 di:..•.Iated that he pro- were. their royal limiter still alive d t ►gave it away. A few days an_i powerful r tw'e' own were till -.W 1{ULlat l'ILOCi.A!Mt' I). Alt12l:�'1'i:it ON SiJMI'i(•1ON. 'taut 3iului Ahd-et-Axi'r. refs tela '!'hey tinea been ex'e'rt Its the neighbor- i;tthal in s+nfetV, 1)111 the' tte'w'9 0( 1h.t hood of the doctor s house. but as dcetth o1 the 4)14) Sultan war► i,rt►- rlon- of the stolen goods were tract'A claimed, nrr.i the• body was laid be - the case 800100(1 weak. slue the grave of hitt nncesctor, Si.li 'I he police suggest ed that the dog �Tahoniet, Sn ne'e'essiat;v hail it h••ed might recogi,ize them. The sesgeets to ttiitintoin the den th secret . that were mixed tip milli a crowd of the Lally hall been carried into. Itn- othet• prisoners. and on • by one Olio hat through a hole in the scall at 1 of nI lit porn late ♦ men defiled through a room in '•'+•' h,N(11,ANh'S U1.11r?ST INN. which the dog waited in charge of n This ghastly trucker's ryas feller+^fl '!'here is a discusseion in the Eng- detective. The first three Ween the l'y a period of added influence for the Keri til acadi1 . '1 he uneasy on t hi:'+r. novels, ns it ems apt to how, so that retie, will not w urrt lisp paper') ns to which is t he 01(1- dog sniffed at but. otherwise i _ nered• i throne• of t the ebe n • :+alt nn served up du then amen[; cultivated people, reef, 'To prevent thturl,s;, put this plisT9 eat inn fu l:tit;lalnd. .\ writer in '!'het Nhen the fourllt prisurnr rtl'i'''ei:eel to ` h ►o polarity of the series was into in a yard ur pasture, and make them hOstrich,t 1 1 li Iv mill ttt erupted to a to gi`e �lncl'ean still greater oppor- t e 1 i nrc'ttse. After a great many incidents, exercise) 1►y soattering oats on the and characters had been discussed, 1 ground so that they will hunt for sono' one at length proposed that !them. each gentletnnn present should write( When whole r+at a are fed on a on a slip of paper hiss favorite vol -1 platform, it should be swept occas - Mme of the set, and throw it into a ionntlly, as the pigs reject all the hat, that it might be seen where husks. the vote of the company lay. The , 1iogs should be fled three time's hat was passed, the slips read, and ' each day; young pigs, four or live it was found that every man present had erode a different choice. Sir Walter always declared that this was the greatest 01)1111)1iment 110 ever re- ceived. 44...•••••••••••••••4f -♦ REALISM IN ART. Little Visitor ti•oiuting to a large oil port reit )-"\\hose piet tiro in that'?" Little llosteen-"She u'ne inti• niain- tna's great -aunt. 1 never h••urd much about her, but guce,j she was a school teacher." Little Visitor --"Why?" Little 1loste'sss---"Sec how her e`r'rs folios, un about " bus de Smythe' -"Those new boots of years egtteak awfully; perhaps they're not paid for yet?" .lohnny-- "'1'hat's all ncnsenee. If there is anything in that, why don't my coat and vest and my trousers and my bat squeak too?" times a day. Charcoal, sulphur meed salt should be kept in .t box in every pen and yard, as they are a good corrective and aro relished by the howl. We knots one farmer who cleans his pig Pens every dav or two. and wash- es them out with good clean water. Ills pens look ns neat as pin all the time, and the pigs do splendidly. Stop and scrat e•h the backs of your porkers. They will appreciate it and grow all the feaster for it. Even a pig knows oh. n he is treated like a gentleman. )'igs; do not need hard corn; leave that till later. Softer feed is !tetter till Inti 1n the full. if feeding separator milk, odd a lathe grain to ninke tip 101 whet ha* be' -n taken from the milk. F'A i; if NO'I 1S Voting men should not love' s+ivht Estates Jingnzine thinks the gra c of erre attempted at Colnbrook. Middlesex, is one of ,seize hien by the trousers. 1 be wase i trinities for wise counsel. mads ro- source, and prompt notion in crib. 'fall•: S'i'ILON(: SIAN. lb • '1"T:e young Sultan came. to tho li burned down t v f 11 f tt t I fait f throne with no knuwl.'dt;e 4 the th 1 ! lief 1 world 00181(10 the walls of the ar- deeds of the tenant. The story of i In 18111) tt mnti.'lu'ts; tdaitur ;;ate �:m. 7`u his credit he tt scaiel ,het the the Seven 14(ars, in Jfanchester. can hoisnnsd nests; to two r.tcrn):l�t's in the had the tett lu recos;ttire in \flee! un be 11.1)00(1 clearly hock to 1:156. Its tit. 1'etershi:ig %oologleal Gardens+. the strong mien fn le art upe.n. existence, its a l rnd house, (10(05 h'ht' etr.nered 1►00015) emrlo:isely 111. AK inose rat ions of leis endurance down to that year. AIm,ng the ra but recovered. A pulice•tnun w'ay pat ansa res+r►nrrr, it tans 1►t: nu•ntionecty,•, lira 01 the Seven Stars is nn old on flogs nt, the enc.., to prevent fur- down that he has ohtsn been to Ur�irl that )41111(110 clock which has stood at the top of 11)er outrages and each th culprit 11) heirs o it of the 2Nat the s,talrcase for rnico than two i n caw he renewed hiss nttempt. A when h.' lost the use of his right eye hundred years. nrtnlg! t anter his appoint merit ho he male hin;s;eti a deed shot from _.. _-- --------es- 0„ticed filet on nn innoet•rit !o.►r.inr the left thouldrr. )le h.tv tun; had A+........o.s......+..... +.1 1 genu :r,nn ttt►l;rraching the cage the title. of "the best interpreter in 11� two r,eovcvtet 1, crake's grimaced Morocco," nail he leges fav "toasty he- at (tett at the burse. The pressed the Sultan «•ith English ' 1,1 Jean tens id+ ntdl'gd u8 0 supliosl•11 id Det noel flit losuncy. b 1,11114...s tenet lc n'etr.ed Plasdkin, So he h.ts gone on, fight ire the It Boge' bete noire wee Prirelnis;nv and Silltan'e chinning enemies+, fielding the oldest . '!'here is every reason to; ono of the suspects. '1 he other was believe it Itas been in existence TOO ! recogttiie( in the statue way. '1*lte tears nmrl even then tusk the place' then were retained It) custody. and of an earlier inn turned 1 own 1, ,n"e y tug ler evidence Was o) teed Ilemret 1., in consequence ofe toss- ` whirr to their conviction. CONTI'JE 'fhoso who aro g81010' flesh and strength by regular treat- ment with Scott's Emulsion • should cottttntie tho trent/of It I In hot weather; 4,-0' -•r (lose and a little cool mll'< with 1t will do away wIth tow objection i 1 which Is Attache() 1afatty ure- 1 Aelelr-"\i!:. 1 1'r+ v,,,t tlinie 1, 111)- ducts during tho hoatcd . season. 1 1. ,ei• • •1 , t•••,,,1•.'. 1.•!'.►1--• ir► i.ot SCOFT & l:OwN1•;, Cremiit.. Send for free tynnie. ' ), r , r 1.: ,t r L ('11.') Toronto, tl,'seta. 1 i. ;i.•1 1h►,+r••; hill her teethe. .c elny sec. and II on; all dr'legeses. i red (r,'' fi t:te i leer the rest •.f her ...... 1 1 ' cunt'it.tt the cll''rrd rclntionsh1p ref at:nti to the !weer nnin'nls. ile n1111111(0(1 h'1'• ti" 1 o'vo ,e) the tro?ilee't•c. the cholera scourge. fighting the w'flcs of 1•'t.t•o(►rltn die lot0try, fight- ing the Mlle:s1ties of a eemi-snenen country, for the sake of progre es and liberty. SEI...t1S 1.(1`(:1:1:. 1;e• n the 1. ,e.r of advert)* wily stet: : ain's :ca.